Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 7,788 Bytes
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 💾⚙️🔮
# taken from
# modified to support batching during gpu inference
__author__ = "Daulet N."
__email__ = "[email protected]"
import time
import logging
import webvtt
import torch
from io import StringIO
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
#from langdetect import detect
from simpletransformers.ner import NERModel
class RestorePuncts:
def __init__(self, wrds_per_pred=250):
self.wrds_per_pred = wrds_per_pred
self.overlap_wrds = 30
self.valid_labels = ['OU', 'OO', '.O', '!O', ',O', '.U', '!U', ',U', ':O', ';O', ':U', "'O", '-O', '?O', '?U']
self.model = NERModel("bert", "felflare/bert-restore-punctuation", labels=self.valid_labels,
args={"silent": True, "max_seq_length": 512})
# use_cuda isnt working and this hack seems to load the model correctly to the gpu
self.model.device = torch.device("cuda:1")
# dummy punctuate to load the model onto gpu
self.punctuate("hello how are you")
def punctuate(self, text: str, batch_size:int=32, lang:str=''):
Performs punctuation restoration on arbitrarily large text.
Detects if input is not English, if non-English was detected terminates predictions.
Overrride by supplying `lang='en'`
- text (str): Text to punctuate, can be few words to as large as you want.
- lang (str): Explicit language of input text.
#if not lang and len(text) > 10:
# lang = detect(text)
#if lang != 'en':
# raise Exception(F"""Non English text detected. Restore Punctuation works only for English.
# If you are certain the input is English, pass argument lang='en' to this function.
# Punctuate received: {text}""")
def chunks(L, n):
return [L[x : x + n] for x in range(0, len(L), n)]
# plit up large text into bert digestable chunks
splits = self.split_on_toks(text, self.wrds_per_pred, self.overlap_wrds)
texts = [i["text"] for i in splits]
batches = chunks(texts, batch_size)
preds_lst = []
for batch in batches:
batch_preds, _ = self.model.predict(batch)
# predict slices
# full_preds_lst contains tuple of labels and logits
#full_preds_lst = [self.predict(i['text']) for i in splits]
# extract predictions, and discard logits
#preds_lst = [i[0][0] for i in full_preds_lst]
# join text slices
combined_preds = self.combine_results(text, preds_lst)
# create punctuated prediction
punct_text = self.punctuate_texts(combined_preds)
return punct_text
def predict(self, input_slice):
Passes the unpunctuated text to the model for punctuation.
predictions, raw_outputs = self.model.predict([input_slice])
return predictions, raw_outputs
def split_on_toks(text, length, overlap):
Splits text into predefined slices of overlapping text with indexes (offsets)
that tie-back to original text.
This is done to bypass 512 token limit on transformer models by sequentially
feeding chunks of < 512 toks.
Example output:
[{...}, {"text": "...", 'start_idx': 31354, 'end_idx': 32648}, {...}]
wrds = text.replace('\n', ' ').split(" ")
resp = []
lst_chunk_idx = 0
i = 0
while True:
# words in the chunk and the overlapping portion
wrds_len = wrds[(length * i):(length * (i + 1))]
wrds_ovlp = wrds[(length * (i + 1)):((length * (i + 1)) + overlap)]
wrds_split = wrds_len + wrds_ovlp
# Break loop if no more words
if not wrds_split:
wrds_str = " ".join(wrds_split)
nxt_chunk_start_idx = len(" ".join(wrds_len))
lst_char_idx = len(" ".join(wrds_split))
resp_obj = {
"text": wrds_str,
"start_idx": lst_chunk_idx,
"end_idx": lst_char_idx + lst_chunk_idx,
lst_chunk_idx += nxt_chunk_start_idx + 1
i += 1"Sliced transcript into {len(resp)} slices.")
return resp
def combine_results(full_text: str, text_slices):
Given a full text and predictions of each slice combines predictions into a single text again.
Performs validataion wether text was combined correctly
split_full_text = full_text.replace('\n', ' ').split(" ")
split_full_text = [i for i in split_full_text if i]
split_full_text_len = len(split_full_text)
output_text = []
index = 0
if len(text_slices[-1]) <= 3 and len(text_slices) > 1:
text_slices = text_slices[:-1]
for _slice in text_slices:
slice_wrds = len(_slice)
for ix, wrd in enumerate(_slice):
# print(index, "|", str(list(wrd.keys())[0]), "|", split_full_text[index])
if index == split_full_text_len:
if split_full_text[index] == str(list(wrd.keys())[0]) and \
ix <= slice_wrds - 3 and text_slices[-1] != _slice:
index += 1
pred_item_tuple = list(wrd.items())[0]
elif split_full_text[index] == str(list(wrd.keys())[0]) and text_slices[-1] == _slice:
index += 1
pred_item_tuple = list(wrd.items())[0]
assert [i[0] for i in output_text] == split_full_text
return output_text
def punctuate_texts(full_pred: list):
Given a list of Predictions from the model, applies the predictions to text,
thus punctuating it.
punct_resp = ""
for i in full_pred:
word, label = i
if label[-1] == "U":
punct_wrd = word.capitalize()
punct_wrd = word
if label[0] != "O":
punct_wrd += label[0]
punct_resp += punct_wrd + " "
punct_resp = punct_resp.strip()
# Append trailing period if doesnt exist.
if punct_resp[-1].isalnum():
punct_resp += "."
return punct_resp
if __name__ == "__main__":
start = time.time()
punct_model = RestorePuncts()
load_model = time.time()
print(f'Time to load model: {load_model - start}')
# read test file
# with open('en_lower.txt', 'r') as fp:
# # test_sample =
# lines = fp.readlines()
with open('sample.vtt', 'r') as fp:
source_text =
# captions = webvtt.read_buffer(StringIO(source_text))
captions ='sample.vtt')
source_sentences = [caption.text.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', ' ') for caption in captions]
# print(source_sentences)
sent = ' '.join(source_sentences)
punctuated = punct_model.punctuate(sent)
tokenised = sent_tokenize(punctuated)
# print(tokenised)
for i in range(len(tokenised)):
captions[i].text = tokenised[i]
# return captions.content'my_captions.vtt')
end = time.time()
print(f'Time for run: {end - load_model}')
print(f'Total time: {end - start}')