# Huggingface Widgets Open-source version of the inference widgets from huggingface.co > Built with Svelte and SvelteKit **Demo page:** https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingfacejs/inference-widgets ## Publishing Because `@huggingface/widgets` depends on `@huggingface/tasks`, you need to publish `@huggingface/tasks` first, and then `@huggingface/widgets`. There should be a CI check to prevent publishing `@huggingface/widgets` if `@huggingface/tasks` hasn't been published yet. ## Demo You can run the demo locally: ```console pnpm install pnpm dev --open ``` If you are submitting a PR, make sure that you run `format` & `lint` before submitting the PR: ```console pnpm format pnpm lint ``` If you want to try the "Sign-in with HF" feature locally, you will need to https://huggingface.co/settings/applications/new an OAuth application with `"openid"`, `"profile"` and `"inference-api"` scopes and `http://localhost:5173/auth/callback/huggingface` as the redirect URL. Then you can create a `.env.local` file with the following content: ```env OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=... OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=... ``` If you want to try the "Sign-in with HF" feature in a Space, you can just duplicate https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingfacejs/inference-widgets, it should work out of the box thanks to the metadata in the `README.md` file. ## Testing for moon (for huggingface admins) ```console pnpm i pnpm build ``` And then inside moon, run the following command for both `server` & `front`: ```console npm i --save @huggingface/widgets@<relative path to huggingface.js/packages/widgets> ```