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import type { TextGenerationInput, TextGenerationOutput } from "@huggingface/tasks";
import { InferenceOutputError } from "../../lib/InferenceOutputError";
import type { BaseArgs, Options } from "../../types";
import { request } from "../custom/request";
export type { TextGenerationInput, TextGenerationOutput };
* Use to continue text from a prompt. This is a very generic task. Recommended model: gpt2 (it’s a simple model, but fun to play with).
export async function textGeneration(
args: BaseArgs & TextGenerationInput,
options?: Options
): Promise<TextGenerationOutput> {
const res = await request<TextGenerationOutput[]>(args, {
taskHint: "text-generation",
const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every((x) => typeof x?.generated_text === "string");
if (!isValidOutput) {
throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Array<{generated_text: string}>");
return res?.[0];