- title: ICRA | |
year: 2025 | |
id: icra25 | |
full_name: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-07-15 12:00:00' | |
timezone: UTC-4 | |
date: May 19-23, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
- robotics | |
city: Atlanta | |
country: USA | |
start: '2026-06-01' | |
end: '2026-06-05' | |
rankings: 'CCF: B, CORE: A*, THCPL: A' | |
venue: Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, USA | |
- title: WACV | |
year: 2025 | |
id: wacv25 | |
full_name: IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-07-15 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-7 | |
date: February 28 - March 4, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
- computer-vision | |
city: Tucson | |
country: USA | |
rankings: 'CCF: N, CORE: A, THCPL: N' | |
venue: JW Marriott Starpass in Tucson, Arizona, USA | |
- title: WSDM | |
year: 2025 | |
id: wsdm25 | |
full_name: ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining | |
note: Abstract deadline on August 7, 2024 | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-08-14 23:59:00' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
city: Hannover | |
country: Germany | |
venue: Hannover Congress Center, Hannover, Germany | |
date: March 10-14, 2025 | |
start: 2025-03-10 | |
end: 2025-03-14 | |
tags: | |
- web-search | |
- data-mining | |
abstract_deadline: '2024-08-07 23:59:00' | |
rankings: 'CCF: B, CORE: A*, THCPL: B' | |
- title: AAAI | |
year: 2025 | |
id: aaai25 | |
full_name: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-08-15 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: February 25 - March 4, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- data-mining | |
- machine-learning | |
- natural-language-processing | |
- computer-vision | |
country: PENNSYLVANIA | |
abstract_deadline: '2024-08-07 23:59:59' | |
rankings: 'CCF: A, CORE: A*, THCPL: A' | |
venue: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, USA | |
hindex: 212 | |
note: Mandatory abstract deadline on Aug 07, 2024, and supplementary material deadline on Aug 19, 2024. More info <a href=''>here</a>. | |
- title: ICASSP | |
year: 2025 | |
id: icassp25 | |
full_name: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-09-09 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
city: Hyderabad | |
country: India | |
venue: Hyderabad International Convention Center, Hyderabad, India | |
date: April 6-11, 2025 | |
start: 2025-04-06 | |
end: 2025-04-11 | |
tags: | |
- signal-processing | |
- title: CHI | |
year: 2025 | |
id: chi25 | |
full_name: The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-09-12 23:59:59' | |
abstract_deadline: '2024-09-05 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
city: Yokohama | |
country: Japan | |
venue: Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center, Yokohama, Japan | |
date: April 26 - May 01, 2025 | |
start: 2025-04-26 | |
end: 2025-05-01 | |
hindex: 122 | |
tags: | |
- human-computer-interaction | |
note: Mandatory abstract deadline on Sep 05, 2024. More info <a href=''>here</a>. | |
- title: COLING | |
year: 2025 | |
id: coling25 | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-09-16 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: Jan 19 - Jan 24, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- natural-language-processing | |
city: Abu Dhabi | |
country: UAE | |
start: '2025-01-19' | |
end: '2025-01-24' | |
rankings: 'CCF: B, CORE: B, THCPL: B' | |
venue: Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), Abu Dhabi, UAE | |
hindex: 73 | |
note: More info can be found <a href="">here</a>. | |
- title: ALT | |
year: 2025 | |
id: alt2025 | |
full_name: International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-10-01 09:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC+0 | |
date: February 24-27, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: Milan | |
country: Italy | |
rankings: 'CCF: C, CORE: B, THCPL: B' | |
venue: Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy | |
- title: ICLR | |
year: 2025 | |
id: iclr25 | |
full_name: International Conference on Learning Representations | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-10-01 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: April 24-28, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
- computer-vision | |
- natural-language-processing | |
- signal-processing | |
country: Singapore | |
abstract_deadline: '2024-09-27 23:59:59' | |
rankings: 'CCF: N, CORE: A*, THCPL: A' | |
venue: Singapore EXPO - 1 Expo Drive, Singapore | |
hindex: 304 | |
note: Mandatory abstract deadline on September 27, 2024. More info <a href=''>here</a>. | |
city: Singapore | |
- title: Eurographics | |
year: 2025 | |
id: eurographics25 | |
full_name: The 46th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-10-03 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC+1 | |
city: London | |
country: UK | |
date: May 12 - 16, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- computer-graphics | |
venue: London | |
- title: ECIR | |
year: 2025 | |
id: ecir25 | |
full_name: European Conference on Information Retrieval | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-10-09 23:59:59' | |
abstract_deadline: '2024-10-02 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
city: Lucca | |
country: Tuscany | |
venue: IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Lucca, Italy | |
date: April 6 - April 10, 2025 | |
start: '2025-04-06' | |
end: '2025-04-10' | |
tags: | |
- data-mining | |
note: Abstract deadline on Oct 2, 2024. More info <a href=''>here</a>. | |
- title: AISTATS | |
year: 2025 | |
id: aistats25 | |
full_name: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-10-10 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: May 3-5, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: Mai Khao | |
country: Thailand | |
abstract_deadline: '2024-10-03 23:59:59' | |
start: '2025-05-03' | |
end: '2025-05-05' | |
rankings: 'CCF: C, CORE: A, THCPL: B' | |
venue: TBA | |
hindex: 100 | |
note: Abstract deadline on October 3, 2024. More info <a href=''>here</a> | |
- title: NAACL | |
year: 2025 | |
id: naacl25 | |
full_name: The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-10-15 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: April 29-May 4, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- natural-language-processing | |
city: Albuquerque | |
country: New Mexico | |
rankings: 'CCF: B, CORE: A, THCPL: B' | |
hindex: 132 | |
note: All submissions must be done through ARR. More info <a href=''>here</a>. | |
- title: AAMAS | |
year: 2025 | |
id: aamas25 | |
full_name: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-10-16 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: May 19-23, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
- robotics | |
city: Detroit | |
country: Michigan | |
abstract_deadline: '2024-10-09 23:59:59' | |
start: '2025-05-19' | |
end: '2025-05-23' | |
rankings: 'CCF: B, CORE: A*, THCPL: B' | |
note: Mandatory abstract deadline on Oct 09, 2024. More info <a href=''>here</a>. | |
- title: CVPR | |
year: 2025 | |
id: cvpr25 | |
full_name: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-11-14 23:59:00' | |
timezone: UTC-8 | |
date: June 10-17, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- computer-vision | |
city: Nashville | |
country: Tennessee | |
abstract_deadline: '2024-11-07 23:59:00' | |
rankings: 'CCF: A, CORE: A*, THCPL: A' | |
venue: Music City Center, Nashville, USA | |
hindex: 389 | |
rebuttal_period_end: '2025-01-31 07:59:59' | |
final_decision_date: '2025-02-26 07:59:59' | |
review_release_date: '2025-01-23 07:59:59' | |
note: OpenReview account creation deadline on Nov 1st, paper registration deadline on Nov 8th, supplementary materials deadline on Nov 22nd. Reviews released on Jan 23rd, rebuttal period ends Jan 31st, and final decisions on Feb 26th. | |
- title: ESANN | |
year: 2025 | |
id: esann25 | |
full_name: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-11-20 00:00:00' | |
timezone: UTC-8 | |
date: April 23 - April 25, 2025 | |
tags: [] | |
city: Bruges | |
country: Belgium | |
abstract_deadline: '2024-11-20 00:00:00' | |
rankings: 'CCF: N, CORE: B, THCPL: N' | |
- title: CPAL | |
year: 2025 | |
id: cpal25 | |
full_name: The Conference on Parsimony and Learning | |
link: | |
deadline: '2024-11-25 23:59:59' | |
timezone: AoE | |
date: March 24-27, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: California | |
country: USA | |
rankings: 'CCF: N, CORE: N, THCPL: N' | |
- title: CEC | |
year: 2025 | |
id: cec2025 | |
full_name: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-01-15 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: June 8-12, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: Hangzhou | |
country: China | |
rankings: 'CCF: N, CORE: B, THCPL: N' | |
- title: SIGGRAPH | |
year: 2025 | |
id: siggraph25 | |
full_name: Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-01-16 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-8 | |
city: Vancouver | |
country: Canada | |
venue: Convention Centre, Vancouver, Canada | |
date: August 10-14, 2025 | |
start: '2025-08-10' | |
end: '2025-08-14' | |
tags: | |
- computer-graphics | |
- title: IJCAI | |
year: 2025 | |
id: ijcai25 | |
full_name: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-01-23 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: August 16-22, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: Montreal | |
country: Canada | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-01-16 23:59:59' | |
rankings: 'CCF: A, CORE: A*, THCPL: B' | |
- title: RSS | |
year: 2025 | |
id: rss25 | |
full_name: Robotics Science and Systems | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-01-24 23:59:00' | |
timezone: AoE | |
date: June 21-25, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: Los Angeles | |
country: USA | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-01-17 23:59:00' | |
rankings: 'CCF: N, CORE: A*, THCPL: A' | |
- title: ICML | |
year: 2025 | |
id: icml25 | |
full_name: International Conference on Machine Learning | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-01-30 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: July 11-19, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: Vancouver | |
country: Canada | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-01-23 23:59:59' | |
rankings: 'CCF: A, CORE: A*, THCPL: A' | |
venue: Vancouver Convention Center | |
submission_deadline: '2025-01-31 03:59:59' | |
timezone_submission: PST | |
- title: IJCNN | |
year: 2025 | |
id: ijcnn2025 | |
full_name: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-02-05 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: June 30 - July 5, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: Rome | |
country: Italy | |
rankings: 'CCF: C, CORE: B, THCPL: B' | |
- title: COLT | |
year: 2025 | |
id: colt25 | |
full_name: Annual Conference on Learning Theory | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-02-06 16:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-5 | |
date: June 30 - July 4, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: Lyon | |
country: France | |
rankings: 'CCF: B, CORE: A*, THCPL: A' | |
- title: SGP | |
year: 2025 | |
id: sgp25 | |
full_name: Synopsium on Geometric Processing | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-02-07 23:59:59' | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-02-04 23:59:59' | |
final_decision_date: '2025-03-15' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
city: Bilbao | |
country: Spain | |
date: June 30-July 4, 2025 | |
start: '2025-06-30' | |
end: '2025-07-04' | |
venue: Bizkaia Aretoa, Bilbao, Spain | |
note: All important dates can be found <a href=''>here</a>. | |
tags: | |
- computer-vision | |
- machine-learning | |
- title: UAI | |
year: 2025 | |
id: uai25 | |
full_name: Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-02-10 23:59:59' | |
timezone: AoE | |
date: July 21-25, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: Rio de Janeiro | |
country: Brazil | |
rankings: 'CCF: B, CORE: A, THCPL: B' | |
- title: KDD | |
year: 2025 | |
id: kdd25 | |
full_name: ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | |
deadline: '2025-02-10 23:59:59' | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-02-03 23:59:59' | |
timezone: AoE | |
city: Toronto | |
country: Canada | |
date: August 3 - August 7, 2025 | |
start: '2025-08-03' | |
end: '2025-08-07' | |
tags: | |
- data-mining | |
- machine-learning | |
note: Abstract deadline on February 3rd, 2025. Paper submission deadline February 10th, 2025 AoE. | |
rebuttal_period_start: '2025-04-04' | |
rebuttal_period_end: '2025-04-18' | |
final_decision_date: '2025-05-16' | |
- title: ACL | |
year: 2025 | |
id: acl25 | |
full_name: Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-02-15 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: July 27 - August 1, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- natural-language-processing | |
city: Vienna | |
country: Austria | |
rankings: 'CCF: A, CORE: A*, THCPL: A' | |
final_decision_date: '2025-05-15 23:59:59' | |
commitment_deadline: '2025-04-10 23:59:59' | |
note: ARR commitment deadline on April 10th, 2025. | |
- title: MathAI 2025 | |
year: 2025 | |
id: MathAI2025 | |
full_name: The International Conference dedicated to mathematics in artificial intelligence | |
link: | |
deadline: 2025-02-20 23:59 | |
abstract_deadline: 2025-02-01 23:59 | |
timezone: Russia/Moscow | |
city: Sochi | |
country: Russia | |
date: March, 24-28, 2025 | |
start: 2025-03-24 | |
end: 2025-03-28 | |
paperslink: | |
pwclink: | |
hindex: 100.0 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
- mathematics | |
note: Abstract deadline on February 1, 2025. More info <a href=''>here</a> | |
- title: RLC | |
year: 2025 | |
id: rlc25 | |
full_name: Reinforcement Learning Conference | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-02-28 23:59:59' | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-02-21 23:59:59' | |
final_decision_date: '2025-05-09' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
city: Edmonton | |
country: Canada | |
date: August 5 - August 8, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
- reinforcement-learning | |
note: Mandatory abstract deadline on Feb 21, 2025. | |
- title: IROS | |
year: 2025 | |
id: iros25 | |
full_name: IEEE\RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-03-01 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-8 | |
date: October 19-25, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- robotics | |
city: Hangzhou | |
country: China | |
rankings: 'CCF: C, CORE: A, THCPL: B' | |
- title: CoLLAs | |
year: 2025 | |
id: collas25 | |
full_name: Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-03-03 23:59:59' | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-02-26 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
city: Philadelphia | |
country: USA | |
date: August 11-14, 2025 | |
start: 2025-08-11 | |
end: 2025-08-14 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
- lifelong-learning | |
note: Abstract deadline on February 26, 2025. More info <a href=''>here</a> | |
- title: ICDAR | |
year: 2025 | |
id: icdar2025 | |
full_name: International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-03-07 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC+0 | |
date: September 17-21, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- computer-vision | |
city: Wuhan | |
country: China | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-02-28 23:59:59' | |
rankings: 'CCF: C, CORE: A, THCPL: B' | |
- title: ICCV | |
year: 2025 | |
id: iccv25 | |
full_name: IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-03-08 09:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC+0 | |
date: October 19-25, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
- computer-vision | |
city: Honolulu | |
country: Hawaii | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-03-04 09:59:59' | |
rankings: 'CCF: A, CORE: A*, THCPL: A' | |
rebuttal_period_start: '2025-05-10' | |
rebuttal_period_end: '2025-05-16' | |
final_decision_date: '2025-06-20' | |
review_release_date: '2025-05-09' | |
note: All info can be found <a href=''>here</a>. | |
- title: CoNLL | |
year: 2025 | |
id: conll25 | |
full_name: The SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning | |
link: | |
deadline: 2025-03-15 12:00 | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
city: Vienna | |
country: Austria | |
date: July 31 - August 1, 2025 | |
start: '2025-07-31' | |
end: '2025-08-01' | |
tags: | |
- natural-language-processing | |
rankings: 'CCF: B, CORE: A, THCPL: B' | |
venue: Vienna, Austria | |
- title: KSEM | |
year: 2025 | |
id: ksem25 | |
full_name: International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-03-20 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC+0 | |
date: August 4-6, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: Macao | |
country: China | |
rankings: 'CCF: C, CORE: C, THCPL: N' | |
- title: COLM | |
year: 2025 | |
id: colm25 | |
full_name: Conference on Language Modeling | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-03-27 23:59:59' | |
timezone: AoE | |
date: October 7-9, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- natural-language-processing | |
city: Montreal | |
country: Canada | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-03-20 23:59:59' | |
rankings: 'CCF: N, CORE: N, THCPL: N' | |
venue: Palais des Congrès Montreal, Canada | |
- title: ICANN | |
year: 2025 | |
id: icann25 | |
full_name: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks | |
link: | |
deadline: 2025-03-29 23:59 | |
abstract_deadline: 2025-03-29 23:59 | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
city: Kaunas | |
country: Lithuania | |
date: September, 9-12, 2025 | |
start: 2025-09-09 | |
end: 2025-09-12 | |
paperslink: | |
hindex: 32.0 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
note: Deadline for full paper submission extended to 29th March 2025. More info <a href=''>here</a>. | |
- title: ACM MM | |
year: 2025 | |
id: acm25 | |
full_name: ACM Multimedia | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-04-11 23:59:59' | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-04-04 23:59:59' | |
rebuttal_period_start: '2025-06-22' | |
rebuttal_period_end: '2025-06-09' | |
final_decision_date: '2025-07-04' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
city: Dublin | |
country: Ireland | |
date: October 27-31, 2025 | |
start: '2025-10-27' | |
end: '2025-10-31' | |
venue: Dublin Royal Convention Center, Dublin, Ireland | |
note: All important dates can be found <a href=''>here</a>. | |
tags: | |
- computer-vision | |
- machine-learning | |
- human-computer-interaction | |
- title: CoRL | |
year: 2025 | |
id: corl25 | |
full_name: The Conference on Robot Learning | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-04-30 23:59:59' | |
timezone: AoE | |
date: September 27-30, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
- robotics | |
city: Seoul | |
country: South Korea | |
rankings: 'CCF: N, CORE: N, THCPL: N' | |
venue: COEX Convention & Exhibition Center, Seoul, South Korea | |
start: '2025-09-27' | |
end: '2025-09-30' | |
- title: ECAI | |
year: 2025 | |
id: ecai25 | |
full_name: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-05-06 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: October 25-30, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
city: Bologna | |
country: Italy | |
abstract_deadline: '2025-04-29 23:59:59' | |
rankings: 'CCF: B, CORE: A, THCPL: N' | |
venue: Bologna Congress Center and The Engineering School (University of Bologna) | |
rebuttal_period_start: '2025-06-23' | |
rebuttal_period_end: '2025-06-25' | |
final_decision_date: '2025-07-10' | |
note: All important dates can be found <a href=''>here</a>. | |
- title: NeurIPS | |
year: 2025 | |
id: neurips25 | |
full_name: Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-05-16 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-8 | |
city: San Diego | |
country: USA | |
venue: San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, USA | |
date: December 9-15, 2025 | |
start: '2025-12-09' | |
end: '2025-12-15' | |
tags: | |
- machine-learning | |
- title: EMNLP | |
year: 2025 | |
id: emnlp25 | |
full_name: The annual Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-05-19 23:59:59' | |
timezone: UTC-12 | |
date: November 5 - 9, 2025 | |
tags: | |
- natural-language-processing | |
city: Suzhou | |
country: China | |
rankings: 'CCF: B, CORE: A*, THCPL: A' | |
venue: Suzhou, China | |
start: '2025-11-05' | |
end: '2025-11-09' | |
- title: ICDM | |
year: 2025 | |
id: icdm25 | |
full_name: International Conference on Data Mining | |
link: | |
deadline: '2025-06-06 23:59:59' | |
timezone: AoE | |
city: Washington DC | |
country: USA | |
date: November 12 - November 15, 2025 | |
start: '2025-11-12' | |
end: '2025-11-15' | |
tags: | |
- data-mining | |
- title: ECCV | |
year: 2026 | |
id: eecv26 | |
full_name: European Conference on Computer Vision | |
link: | |
deadline: '2026-03-06 11:00:00' | |
timezone: UTC+0 | |
city: Malmö | |
country: Sweden | |
date: September 8 - September 13, 2026 | |
tags: | |
- computer-vision | |