[FEEDBACK] Notifications
This discussion is dedicated to feedback about the new notification center + settings.
Docs are available here. Your feedback is really valuable so don't hesitate to share anything about it 🤗.
+1 on having non email notifications.
It's live now @TimeRobber !
I've disabled notifications for certain orgs, but they're still showing in my inbox. Guessing this is just blocking future notifications. Would be nice if this would filter out existing notifications too (or if I had another way to do that).
Would also be nice to be able to shift+click to select multiple boxes so I can more easily bulk mark notifications as read.
Would also be nice to be able to shift+click to select multiple boxes so I can more easily bulk mark notifications as read.
Yes, that's a low priority but I agree.
I started "watching" a couple of users, and noticed I now get notifications about discussions/PRs posted to their repos by other users. This is not desirable imo. I really just want to know when these people are updating or pushing new models/spaces/datasets.
I started "watching" a couple of users, and noticed I now get notifications about discussions/PRs posted to their repos by other users. This is not desirable imo. I really just want to know when these people are updating or pushing new models/spaces/datasets.
Yes we changed the wording to “watch repos” to make it clearer that’s it is different from a classic “follow” feature. Also for now it will just notify you on new community tab activities. Thanks for your feedback btw.
I'd love to be able to archive notifications to clear up the inbox similar to 'Done' in github. This way I can easily find threads I might want to revisit but have already read.
Yep @amyeroberts this is currently in discussion (and i personally advocate for it too :) )
(or more precisely i advocate for a "Delete" button (which does the same thing))
How to Report a User
I'd love to be able to archive notifications to clear up the inbox similar to 'Done' in github. This way I can easily find threads I might want to revisit but have already read.
It's available now :)
How to Report a User
Please send an email to [email protected] . We'll add a report button in the future.
Hi, I just marked all my notifications (all 2k+ of them!) as Done, but after returning to notifications page, they're all back there
can you by any chance post a screen recording? BTW Select All only selects the current page, not sure if this is the behavior you expected?
Thanks Julien, the problem doesn't repro at the moment. One potential hypothesis would be that I could have had some temporary problems with wifi, could that have impacted the behaviour? I.e. UI looked like it was applying the Done button but the info wasn't sent to the backend?
PS for me the select all behaviour is also unintuitive, not sure how this works in github?
Thank you all for your hard work.
I'd really like to get notifications when someone uploads a new repository. Currently, doing this means using "watch repos" on their profiles, which also notifies me of every single pull request and discussion in all of their repositories. More granularity would be very much appreciated.
I'd really like to get notifications when someone uploads a new repository.
We're discussing it internally, stay tuned :) Thanks for your feedback.
I'm having 6k notifications and I can't find a way to remove all of them at once 😫 Then I have remove one site at a time and there's +300 sites 🤣 Plz help me and probably many others here 🙏
Thanks for addressing the feedback received recently. I am logging back in now to see how things are.
I am new to huggingface.co
I decided to "watch" some organizations and users of interest to me.
I don't know if my understanding is correct about "watch" notifications on HuggingFace is correct.
I expected to receive notifications from my "watch" targets when they make a new release or new repo or like a repo--similar to how I consume notifications on my "starred" orgs/users on GitHub.
Instead, I check my notifications after some time and I see 909
unread notifications.
I take a look and note that it's almost entirely spam:
I went to my notifications settings to see if I can not receive notice for anything but releases or other "official" ongoings, but there is no fine-grained control here:
As I'm new I believe I must be missing something, so I checked the docs, but I did not find what I needed.
(Taking a look at a popular space/repo, it appears that spam might be a system issue:)
I only want to receive notifications on watched orgs/users for when those orgs/users do something.
Not for community activity from org/user-unaffiliated (in many cases, actual spam) user.
How can I do this?
Is my understanding correct here for the watch/follow/like mechanics?
If I cannot do this, I will unwatch orgs/users, because I do not want the inbox spam.
This seems unproductive for building communities or a following on this platform; why would someone watch an org/user if most of the notification is unrelated/spam?
Hello @evdcush ,
The watch feature allows you to be notified of new activities in the community tab. Note that it doesn't notify you of new commits on repository.
Some repositories (like the stable-diffusion space) get a lot of activity from community members sharing the demo output. So for most organizations/users it should not be the case.
We're actually working on improving the watch feature to avoid getting irrelevant notifications, I'll come back to you when that's done.
For now, your best bet is to unfollow orgs that get too many noisy notifications.
Thank you
for clarifying what the "watch" provides!
Looking forward to trying out the improvements you described.
I think there is an issue with notifications: I am no longer notified since 6 days ago.
- There have been many new conversations/PRs in canonical datasets since then, e.g.: https://huggingface.co/datasets/openwebtext/discussions/8
It is important I receive notification from canonical datasets as a core maintainer.
It's now possible to select all your notifications to mark them as read/done:
Also, it's possible to mute watch notifications for any given repo (cc @ProducerMatt @evdcush ):
We'll also be doing some other updates to "watch" to make sure it best meets the needs of all users.
I cannot see the notifications like that.
Thank you for notifying, we are investigating to reproduce/fix this.
@alfredplpl Do you belong to an org with SSO? If so, you need to click the blue banner telling you to log in via SSO
Hi @coyotte508
Thank you for your fix. I have left the org. I could fix this problem.
Dear Hugging Face Team,
We are extending an invitation to Hugging Face to join the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Joint Doctorate Network (MSCA-JDN) as an associated partner for an upcoming MSCA-JDN proposal focused on training the next generation of European researchers. Your expertise and open-source philosophy will undoubtedly make a significant impact.
We see potential for your involvement in hosting researchers during secondments and contributing to our training program. Further details are available upon request.
If someone could direct us to the right contact person at Hugging Face, preferably in the French branch, to discuss this further, we would greatly appreciate it.
We are eagerly looking forward to the possibility of collaboration.
Best Regards,
Hi credit card accpetance does not seem to be working... how can I add a payment method?
Hi credit card accpetance does not seem to be working... how can I add a payment method?
Hi @SFJ-nathan sorry for the iconvenience, at what step does it fail? Can you please share more informations, thanks! (and cc @sbrandeis )
I noticed that I don't receive a notification on email when someone starts a new discussion on one of my repos (model uploads).
I also don't seem to have the setting to opt in for that.
Ia there something I could do myself now to receive such emails?
Hi @Mihaiii ! Is there anything unusual in your notification settings: https://huggingface.co/settings/notifications? Under "Watch settings", the first entry should be your user name, and it should be on.
@Mihaiii you need to tick Emails for "New activity on watched users" (the user being you) to get email notifications for new disucssions on your repos
@coyotte508 Ah, right, thanks. I made some wrong assumptions there, but it makes sense now that you mention it.
I ended up checking that checkbox and unchecking all the orgs/users I'm watching (except me) since I don't want to receive emails for those too. This works for me even if I won't see anywhere the new activity on watched repos/orgs. Thank you!
Someone set as private a discussion I was participating in so it now shows a 404 error:
I can't read it and it appears as unread and my icon remains yellow with Inbox (1) that I can't get rid off it.
I can select its box at the left but after doing so there's no option to do anything with it (like mark as read or something):
View invoice and payment details
Invoice number A9A376C2-0003
Payment date March 7, 2024
Payment method Visa •••• 1803
Download invoice
Download receipt
WTF please refund I agreed to a 9$ subscription and you take 1000 dollars plus out of my account today for a service that I never got to work????
Please get in touch with [email protected] for any concerns with billing on the platform, if you haven't already.
The team will be able to help you sort this out.
I am asking for a complete refund this is so unfair I had no Idea that connecting to end points by following their documentation would create such Alarming and extreme costs and I never even got them to work? They had no right to withdraw money from my account I only agreed to a subscription of 9 dollars a month not 1.3K. They wrote to me and simply stated their policy that doesn't make it fair or correct. I feel sorry for any others in the same boat be careful of the ongoing costs for end points even if you don't actually use them while trying to learn to develop.!
Hello @TheSoldiersDream
Please get in touch with [email protected] for any concerns with billing on the platform, if you haven't already.
The team will be able to help you sort this out.
Hugging face needs to understand that I am trying to learn to develop and for them to take over 1.3K out of my account for something I never fully understood. I assumed the costs would occur only for use not for just a endpoint connection???
PLEASE: HF doesn´t accept prepaid cards, but in this moment I have a charge of 10 USD from HF. How can we talk to receive this money back? I don´t find a way in my account. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Hi all, I just want a clarification in settings tab for why this sentence "all time, tracked internally since January 2021" is appeared beside to num of downloads of my model (https://huggingface.co/Nasserelsaman/microsoft-finetuned-personality) although I uploaded it in January 2024 not 2021.
Thanks in advance,
Nasser Elsaman.
@Nasserelsaman That appears in all uploaded models by everyone, it was the date where the feature of tracking all time number of downloads was introduced (so models from before that date could have had usage that wasn't counted.)
correct. We'll remove that mention for repos created after January 2021, where it doesn't make sense.
Since this showed up in my feed, might as well mention about notifications
I would love if I could follow organizations but filter what kind of notifications I get, I don't need to see every single comment on every one of their models, I usually only care when new ones get posted, maybe about opened PRs
as it stands, I have to unfollow many orgs that just end up flooding my inbox daily, even though I'd love to follow them, it's just not manageable
yes... better filtering will need to come in at some point. Stay tuned
Org by org (or maybe repo by repo), I'd love to be able to choose as a setting "hourly/daily/weekly digest" granularly for notifications, instead of being notified individually "for any individual event", to rebound on @bartowski comment above.
Hi I am unable to get the notification all of sudden in HuggingFace as well as in my org email through which I signed into HuggingFace. Is there any issue, I tried doing some setting by reading the notifications doc, but turns out I have deleted all the existed notifications also. Kindly help in this.
Who do I talk to about duplicate payments? I couldn't find any channel to make this complaint. Thanks
Who do I talk to about duplicate payments? I couldn't find any channel to make this complaint. Thanks
@andreilepsch you can send an email to [email protected]
Is there some way to unsubscribe from this giant thread? For the life of me I can't find an unsubscribe/leave/stop watching button.
I need a refund on the inference endpoint I had to run for 9 hours and got 0 successful test anything. I tried to click any email support and literally your site crashes.
@dsmflow sorry about it - can you try [email protected]
I was able to finish the Uni1 and got the certificate, as per the schedule Unit 2 publish date is 18th Feb - smolagents.
I havent received any notification for the same.
This site is so confusing and really needs a 'DRAW IMAGES HERE' box. I've been trying to find the place to create images with Stable Diffusion 3.5 Turbo for over five minutes now, and no matter what I click on it just leads to more confusing screens. I had that page bookmarked but every time I clean my browser cache it disappears and I have to go through this wild goose-chase all over again. I like the product, but navigation is NOT user-friendly. IMHO.
@OsakaJoe You can generate images in the model's page: https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3.5-turbo - the "Text-to-Image" box contains an Inference Providers field where you can send your prompt and see your image appear after clicking "Compute". The reason it doesn't say "DRAW IMAGES HERE" is because the Inference API can generate text and other things for other models, they have to use a general button that encompasses all possibilities of the models, so they went with "Compute".
This site is so confusing and really needs a 'DRAW IMAGES HERE' box. I've been trying to find the place to create images with Stable Diffusion 3.5 Turbo for over five minutes now, and no matter what I click on it just leads to more confusing screens. I had that page bookmarked but every time I clean my browser cache it disappears and I have to go through this wild goose-chase all over again. I like the product, but navigation is NOT user-friendly. IMHO.
Did you try Spaces? https://huggingface.co/spaces?q=stable+diffusion+turbo
we are using the hugging face pro model but all of a sudden we are getting this below error "Error: "The model meta-llama/Llama-3.2-11B-Vision-Instruct is too large to be loaded automatically (21GB > 10GB)." need help, please