

diff --git a/basicsr/__init__.py b/basicsr/__init__.py
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--- a/basicsr/__init__.py
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-# https://github.com/xinntao/BasicSR
-# flake8: noqa
-from .archs import *
-from .data import *
-from .losses import *
-from .metrics import *
-from .models import *
-from .ops import *
-from .test import *
-from .train import *
-from .utils import *
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/__init__.py b/basicsr/archs/__init__.py
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index af6bcbd97bb3e4914c3c91dc53e0708bcac66075..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-import importlib
-from copy import deepcopy
-from os import path as osp
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger, scandir
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-__all__ = ['build_network']
-# automatically scan and import arch modules for registry
-# scan all the files under the 'archs' folder and collect files ending with '_arch.py'
-arch_folder = osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__))
-arch_filenames = [osp.splitext(osp.basename(v))[0] for v in scandir(arch_folder) if v.endswith('_arch.py')]
-# import all the arch modules
-_arch_modules = [importlib.import_module(f'basicsr.archs.{file_name}') for file_name in arch_filenames]
-def build_network(opt):
- opt = deepcopy(opt)
- network_type = opt.pop('type')
- net = ARCH_REGISTRY.get(network_type)(**opt)
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Network [{net.__class__.__name__}] is created.')
- return net
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/arch_util.py b/basicsr/archs/arch_util.py
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index 493e566112e85a2eb17d6b5aaf5241f4d0d882b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/arch_util.py
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-import collections.abc
-import math
-import torch
-import torchvision
-import warnings
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from itertools import repeat
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from torch.nn import init as init
-from torch.nn.modules.batchnorm import _BatchNorm
-from basicsr.ops.dcn import ModulatedDeformConvPack, modulated_deform_conv
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger
-def default_init_weights(module_list, scale=1, bias_fill=0, **kwargs):
- """Initialize network weights.
- Args:
- module_list (list[nn.Module] | nn.Module): Modules to be initialized.
- scale (float): Scale initialized weights, especially for residual
- blocks. Default: 1.
- bias_fill (float): The value to fill bias. Default: 0
- kwargs (dict): Other arguments for initialization function.
- """
- if not isinstance(module_list, list):
- module_list = [module_list]
- for module in module_list:
- for m in module.modules():
- if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
- init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, **kwargs)
- m.weight.data *= scale
- if m.bias is not None:
- m.bias.data.fill_(bias_fill)
- elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
- init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, **kwargs)
- m.weight.data *= scale
- if m.bias is not None:
- m.bias.data.fill_(bias_fill)
- elif isinstance(m, _BatchNorm):
- init.constant_(m.weight, 1)
- if m.bias is not None:
- m.bias.data.fill_(bias_fill)
-def make_layer(basic_block, num_basic_block, **kwarg):
- """Make layers by stacking the same blocks.
- Args:
- basic_block (nn.module): nn.module class for basic block.
- num_basic_block (int): number of blocks.
- Returns:
- nn.Sequential: Stacked blocks in nn.Sequential.
- """
- layers = []
- for _ in range(num_basic_block):
- layers.append(basic_block(**kwarg))
- return nn.Sequential(*layers)
-class ResidualBlockNoBN(nn.Module):
- """Residual block without BN.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- Default: 64.
- res_scale (float): Residual scale. Default: 1.
- pytorch_init (bool): If set to True, use pytorch default init,
- otherwise, use default_init_weights. Default: False.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_feat=64, res_scale=1, pytorch_init=False):
- super(ResidualBlockNoBN, self).__init__()
- self.res_scale = res_scale
- self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
- self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
- self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
- if not pytorch_init:
- default_init_weights([self.conv1, self.conv2], 0.1)
- def forward(self, x):
- identity = x
- out = self.conv2(self.relu(self.conv1(x)))
- return identity + out * self.res_scale
-class Upsample(nn.Sequential):
- """Upsample module.
- Args:
- scale (int): Scale factor. Supported scales: 2^n and 3.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- """
- def __init__(self, scale, num_feat):
- m = []
- if (scale & (scale - 1)) == 0: # scale = 2^n
- for _ in range(int(math.log(scale, 2))):
- m.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 4 * num_feat, 3, 1, 1))
- m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(2))
- elif scale == 3:
- m.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 9 * num_feat, 3, 1, 1))
- m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(3))
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'scale {scale} is not supported. Supported scales: 2^n and 3.')
- super(Upsample, self).__init__(*m)
-def flow_warp(x, flow, interp_mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', align_corners=True):
- """Warp an image or feature map with optical flow.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Tensor with size (n, c, h, w).
- flow (Tensor): Tensor with size (n, h, w, 2), normal value.
- interp_mode (str): 'nearest' or 'bilinear'. Default: 'bilinear'.
- padding_mode (str): 'zeros' or 'border' or 'reflection'.
- Default: 'zeros'.
- align_corners (bool): Before pytorch 1.3, the default value is
- align_corners=True. After pytorch 1.3, the default value is
- align_corners=False. Here, we use the True as default.
- Returns:
- Tensor: Warped image or feature map.
- """
- assert x.size()[-2:] == flow.size()[1:3]
- _, _, h, w = x.size()
- # create mesh grid
- grid_y, grid_x = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(0, h).type_as(x), torch.arange(0, w).type_as(x))
- grid = torch.stack((grid_x, grid_y), 2).float() # W(x), H(y), 2
- grid.requires_grad = False
- vgrid = grid + flow
- # scale grid to [-1,1]
- vgrid_x = 2.0 * vgrid[:, :, :, 0] / max(w - 1, 1) - 1.0
- vgrid_y = 2.0 * vgrid[:, :, :, 1] / max(h - 1, 1) - 1.0
- vgrid_scaled = torch.stack((vgrid_x, vgrid_y), dim=3)
- output = F.grid_sample(x, vgrid_scaled, mode=interp_mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, align_corners=align_corners)
- # TODO, what if align_corners=False
- return output
-def resize_flow(flow, size_type, sizes, interp_mode='bilinear', align_corners=False):
- """Resize a flow according to ratio or shape.
- Args:
- flow (Tensor): Precomputed flow. shape [N, 2, H, W].
- size_type (str): 'ratio' or 'shape'.
- sizes (list[int | float]): the ratio for resizing or the final output
- shape.
- 1) The order of ratio should be [ratio_h, ratio_w]. For
- downsampling, the ratio should be smaller than 1.0 (i.e., ratio
- < 1.0). For upsampling, the ratio should be larger than 1.0 (i.e.,
- ratio > 1.0).
- 2) The order of output_size should be [out_h, out_w].
- interp_mode (str): The mode of interpolation for resizing.
- Default: 'bilinear'.
- align_corners (bool): Whether align corners. Default: False.
- Returns:
- Tensor: Resized flow.
- """
- _, _, flow_h, flow_w = flow.size()
- if size_type == 'ratio':
- output_h, output_w = int(flow_h * sizes[0]), int(flow_w * sizes[1])
- elif size_type == 'shape':
- output_h, output_w = sizes[0], sizes[1]
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Size type should be ratio or shape, but got type {size_type}.')
- input_flow = flow.clone()
- ratio_h = output_h / flow_h
- ratio_w = output_w / flow_w
- input_flow[:, 0, :, :] *= ratio_w
- input_flow[:, 1, :, :] *= ratio_h
- resized_flow = F.interpolate(
- input=input_flow, size=(output_h, output_w), mode=interp_mode, align_corners=align_corners)
- return resized_flow
-# TODO: may write a cpp file
-def pixel_unshuffle(x, scale):
- """ Pixel unshuffle.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Input feature with shape (b, c, hh, hw).
- scale (int): Downsample ratio.
- Returns:
- Tensor: the pixel unshuffled feature.
- """
- b, c, hh, hw = x.size()
- out_channel = c * (scale**2)
- assert hh % scale == 0 and hw % scale == 0
- h = hh // scale
- w = hw // scale
- x_view = x.view(b, c, h, scale, w, scale)
- return x_view.permute(0, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4).reshape(b, out_channel, h, w)
-class DCNv2Pack(ModulatedDeformConvPack):
- """Modulated deformable conv for deformable alignment.
- Different from the official DCNv2Pack, which generates offsets and masks
- from the preceding features, this DCNv2Pack takes another different
- features to generate offsets and masks.
- ``Paper: Delving Deep into Deformable Alignment in Video Super-Resolution``
- """
- def forward(self, x, feat):
- out = self.conv_offset(feat)
- o1, o2, mask = torch.chunk(out, 3, dim=1)
- offset = torch.cat((o1, o2), dim=1)
- mask = torch.sigmoid(mask)
- offset_absmean = torch.mean(torch.abs(offset))
- if offset_absmean > 50:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.warning(f'Offset abs mean is {offset_absmean}, larger than 50.')
- if LooseVersion(torchvision.__version__) >= LooseVersion('0.9.0'):
- return torchvision.ops.deform_conv2d(x, offset, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding,
- self.dilation, mask)
- else:
- return modulated_deform_conv(x, offset, mask, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding,
- self.dilation, self.groups, self.deformable_groups)
-def _no_grad_trunc_normal_(tensor, mean, std, a, b):
- # From: https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/blob/master/timm/models/layers/weight_init.py
- # Cut & paste from PyTorch official master until it's in a few official releases - RW
- # Method based on https://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/presentations/truncated_normal.pdf
- def norm_cdf(x):
- # Computes standard normal cumulative distribution function
- return (1. + math.erf(x / math.sqrt(2.))) / 2.
- if (mean < a - 2 * std) or (mean > b + 2 * std):
- warnings.warn(
- 'mean is more than 2 std from [a, b] in nn.init.trunc_normal_. '
- 'The distribution of values may be incorrect.',
- stacklevel=2)
- with torch.no_grad():
- # Values are generated by using a truncated uniform distribution and
- # then using the inverse CDF for the normal distribution.
- # Get upper and lower cdf values
- low = norm_cdf((a - mean) / std)
- up = norm_cdf((b - mean) / std)
- # Uniformly fill tensor with values from [low, up], then translate to
- # [2l-1, 2u-1].
- tensor.uniform_(2 * low - 1, 2 * up - 1)
- # Use inverse cdf transform for normal distribution to get truncated
- # standard normal
- tensor.erfinv_()
- # Transform to proper mean, std
- tensor.mul_(std * math.sqrt(2.))
- tensor.add_(mean)
- # Clamp to ensure it's in the proper range
- tensor.clamp_(min=a, max=b)
- return tensor
-def trunc_normal_(tensor, mean=0., std=1., a=-2., b=2.):
- r"""Fills the input Tensor with values drawn from a truncated
- normal distribution.
- From: https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/blob/master/timm/models/layers/weight_init.py
- The values are effectively drawn from the
- normal distribution :math:`\mathcal{N}(\text{mean}, \text{std}^2)`
- with values outside :math:`[a, b]` redrawn until they are within
- the bounds. The method used for generating the random values works
- best when :math:`a \leq \text{mean} \leq b`.
- Args:
- tensor: an n-dimensional `torch.Tensor`
- mean: the mean of the normal distribution
- std: the standard deviation of the normal distribution
- a: the minimum cutoff value
- b: the maximum cutoff value
- Examples:
- >>> w = torch.empty(3, 5)
- >>> nn.init.trunc_normal_(w)
- """
- return _no_grad_trunc_normal_(tensor, mean, std, a, b)
-# From PyTorch
-def _ntuple(n):
- def parse(x):
- if isinstance(x, collections.abc.Iterable):
- return x
- return tuple(repeat(x, n))
- return parse
-to_1tuple = _ntuple(1)
-to_2tuple = _ntuple(2)
-to_3tuple = _ntuple(3)
-to_4tuple = _ntuple(4)
-to_ntuple = _ntuple
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/basicvsr_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/basicvsr_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ed7b824eae108a9bcca57f1c14dd0d8afafc4f58..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/basicvsr_arch.py
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@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-from .arch_util import ResidualBlockNoBN, flow_warp, make_layer
-from .edvr_arch import PCDAlignment, TSAFusion
-from .spynet_arch import SpyNet
-class BasicVSR(nn.Module):
- """A recurrent network for video SR. Now only x4 is supported.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Number of channels. Default: 64.
- num_block (int): Number of residual blocks for each branch. Default: 15
- spynet_path (str): Path to the pretrained weights of SPyNet. Default: None.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_feat=64, num_block=15, spynet_path=None):
- super().__init__()
- self.num_feat = num_feat
- # alignment
- self.spynet = SpyNet(spynet_path)
- # propagation
- self.backward_trunk = ConvResidualBlocks(num_feat + 3, num_feat, num_block)
- self.forward_trunk = ConvResidualBlocks(num_feat + 3, num_feat, num_block)
- # reconstruction
- self.fusion = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 2, num_feat, 1, 1, 0, bias=True)
- self.upconv1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat * 4, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
- self.upconv2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 64 * 4, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
- self.conv_hr = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(64, 3, 3, 1, 1)
- self.pixel_shuffle = nn.PixelShuffle(2)
- # activation functions
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)
- def get_flow(self, x):
- b, n, c, h, w = x.size()
- x_1 = x[:, :-1, :, :, :].reshape(-1, c, h, w)
- x_2 = x[:, 1:, :, :, :].reshape(-1, c, h, w)
- flows_backward = self.spynet(x_1, x_2).view(b, n - 1, 2, h, w)
- flows_forward = self.spynet(x_2, x_1).view(b, n - 1, 2, h, w)
- return flows_forward, flows_backward
- def forward(self, x):
- """Forward function of BasicVSR.
- Args:
- x: Input frames with shape (b, n, c, h, w). n is the temporal dimension / number of frames.
- """
- flows_forward, flows_backward = self.get_flow(x)
- b, n, _, h, w = x.size()
- # backward branch
- out_l = []
- feat_prop = x.new_zeros(b, self.num_feat, h, w)
- for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
- x_i = x[:, i, :, :, :]
- if i < n - 1:
- flow = flows_backward[:, i, :, :, :]
- feat_prop = flow_warp(feat_prop, flow.permute(0, 2, 3, 1))
- feat_prop = torch.cat([x_i, feat_prop], dim=1)
- feat_prop = self.backward_trunk(feat_prop)
- out_l.insert(0, feat_prop)
- # forward branch
- feat_prop = torch.zeros_like(feat_prop)
- for i in range(0, n):
- x_i = x[:, i, :, :, :]
- if i > 0:
- flow = flows_forward[:, i - 1, :, :, :]
- feat_prop = flow_warp(feat_prop, flow.permute(0, 2, 3, 1))
- feat_prop = torch.cat([x_i, feat_prop], dim=1)
- feat_prop = self.forward_trunk(feat_prop)
- # upsample
- out = torch.cat([out_l[i], feat_prop], dim=1)
- out = self.lrelu(self.fusion(out))
- out = self.lrelu(self.pixel_shuffle(self.upconv1(out)))
- out = self.lrelu(self.pixel_shuffle(self.upconv2(out)))
- out = self.lrelu(self.conv_hr(out))
- out = self.conv_last(out)
- base = F.interpolate(x_i, scale_factor=4, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- out += base
- out_l[i] = out
- return torch.stack(out_l, dim=1)
-class ConvResidualBlocks(nn.Module):
- """Conv and residual block used in BasicVSR.
- Args:
- num_in_ch (int): Number of input channels. Default: 3.
- num_out_ch (int): Number of output channels. Default: 64.
- num_block (int): Number of residual blocks. Default: 15.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=64, num_block=15):
- super().__init__()
- self.main = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1, bias=True), nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True),
- make_layer(ResidualBlockNoBN, num_block, num_feat=num_out_ch))
- def forward(self, fea):
- return self.main(fea)
-class IconVSR(nn.Module):
- """IconVSR, proposed also in the BasicVSR paper.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Number of channels. Default: 64.
- num_block (int): Number of residual blocks for each branch. Default: 15.
- keyframe_stride (int): Keyframe stride. Default: 5.
- temporal_padding (int): Temporal padding. Default: 2.
- spynet_path (str): Path to the pretrained weights of SPyNet. Default: None.
- edvr_path (str): Path to the pretrained EDVR model. Default: None.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- num_feat=64,
- num_block=15,
- keyframe_stride=5,
- temporal_padding=2,
- spynet_path=None,
- edvr_path=None):
- super().__init__()
- self.num_feat = num_feat
- self.temporal_padding = temporal_padding
- self.keyframe_stride = keyframe_stride
- # keyframe_branch
- self.edvr = EDVRFeatureExtractor(temporal_padding * 2 + 1, num_feat, edvr_path)
- # alignment
- self.spynet = SpyNet(spynet_path)
- # propagation
- self.backward_fusion = nn.Conv2d(2 * num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
- self.backward_trunk = ConvResidualBlocks(num_feat + 3, num_feat, num_block)
- self.forward_fusion = nn.Conv2d(2 * num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
- self.forward_trunk = ConvResidualBlocks(2 * num_feat + 3, num_feat, num_block)
- # reconstruction
- self.upconv1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat * 4, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
- self.upconv2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 64 * 4, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
- self.conv_hr = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(64, 3, 3, 1, 1)
- self.pixel_shuffle = nn.PixelShuffle(2)
- # activation functions
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)
- def pad_spatial(self, x):
- """Apply padding spatially.
- Since the PCD module in EDVR requires that the resolution is a multiple
- of 4, we apply padding to the input LR images if their resolution is
- not divisible by 4.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Input LR sequence with shape (n, t, c, h, w).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Padded LR sequence with shape (n, t, c, h_pad, w_pad).
- """
- n, t, c, h, w = x.size()
- pad_h = (4 - h % 4) % 4
- pad_w = (4 - w % 4) % 4
- # padding
- x = x.view(-1, c, h, w)
- x = F.pad(x, [0, pad_w, 0, pad_h], mode='reflect')
- return x.view(n, t, c, h + pad_h, w + pad_w)
- def get_flow(self, x):
- b, n, c, h, w = x.size()
- x_1 = x[:, :-1, :, :, :].reshape(-1, c, h, w)
- x_2 = x[:, 1:, :, :, :].reshape(-1, c, h, w)
- flows_backward = self.spynet(x_1, x_2).view(b, n - 1, 2, h, w)
- flows_forward = self.spynet(x_2, x_1).view(b, n - 1, 2, h, w)
- return flows_forward, flows_backward
- def get_keyframe_feature(self, x, keyframe_idx):
- if self.temporal_padding == 2:
- x = [x[:, [4, 3]], x, x[:, [-4, -5]]]
- elif self.temporal_padding == 3:
- x = [x[:, [6, 5, 4]], x, x[:, [-5, -6, -7]]]
- x = torch.cat(x, dim=1)
- num_frames = 2 * self.temporal_padding + 1
- feats_keyframe = {}
- for i in keyframe_idx:
- feats_keyframe[i] = self.edvr(x[:, i:i + num_frames].contiguous())
- return feats_keyframe
- def forward(self, x):
- b, n, _, h_input, w_input = x.size()
- x = self.pad_spatial(x)
- h, w = x.shape[3:]
- keyframe_idx = list(range(0, n, self.keyframe_stride))
- if keyframe_idx[-1] != n - 1:
- keyframe_idx.append(n - 1) # last frame is a keyframe
- # compute flow and keyframe features
- flows_forward, flows_backward = self.get_flow(x)
- feats_keyframe = self.get_keyframe_feature(x, keyframe_idx)
- # backward branch
- out_l = []
- feat_prop = x.new_zeros(b, self.num_feat, h, w)
- for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
- x_i = x[:, i, :, :, :]
- if i < n - 1:
- flow = flows_backward[:, i, :, :, :]
- feat_prop = flow_warp(feat_prop, flow.permute(0, 2, 3, 1))
- if i in keyframe_idx:
- feat_prop = torch.cat([feat_prop, feats_keyframe[i]], dim=1)
- feat_prop = self.backward_fusion(feat_prop)
- feat_prop = torch.cat([x_i, feat_prop], dim=1)
- feat_prop = self.backward_trunk(feat_prop)
- out_l.insert(0, feat_prop)
- # forward branch
- feat_prop = torch.zeros_like(feat_prop)
- for i in range(0, n):
- x_i = x[:, i, :, :, :]
- if i > 0:
- flow = flows_forward[:, i - 1, :, :, :]
- feat_prop = flow_warp(feat_prop, flow.permute(0, 2, 3, 1))
- if i in keyframe_idx:
- feat_prop = torch.cat([feat_prop, feats_keyframe[i]], dim=1)
- feat_prop = self.forward_fusion(feat_prop)
- feat_prop = torch.cat([x_i, out_l[i], feat_prop], dim=1)
- feat_prop = self.forward_trunk(feat_prop)
- # upsample
- out = self.lrelu(self.pixel_shuffle(self.upconv1(feat_prop)))
- out = self.lrelu(self.pixel_shuffle(self.upconv2(out)))
- out = self.lrelu(self.conv_hr(out))
- out = self.conv_last(out)
- base = F.interpolate(x_i, scale_factor=4, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- out += base
- out_l[i] = out
- return torch.stack(out_l, dim=1)[..., :4 * h_input, :4 * w_input]
-class EDVRFeatureExtractor(nn.Module):
- """EDVR feature extractor used in IconVSR.
- Args:
- num_input_frame (int): Number of input frames.
- num_feat (int): Number of feature channels
- load_path (str): Path to the pretrained weights of EDVR. Default: None.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_input_frame, num_feat, load_path):
- super(EDVRFeatureExtractor, self).__init__()
- self.center_frame_idx = num_input_frame // 2
- # extract pyramid features
- self.conv_first = nn.Conv2d(3, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.feature_extraction = make_layer(ResidualBlockNoBN, 5, num_feat=num_feat)
- self.conv_l2_1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 2, 1)
- self.conv_l2_2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_l3_1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 2, 1)
- self.conv_l3_2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- # pcd and tsa module
- self.pcd_align = PCDAlignment(num_feat=num_feat, deformable_groups=8)
- self.fusion = TSAFusion(num_feat=num_feat, num_frame=num_input_frame, center_frame_idx=self.center_frame_idx)
- # activation function
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)
- if load_path:
- self.load_state_dict(torch.load(load_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)['params'])
- def forward(self, x):
- b, n, c, h, w = x.size()
- # extract features for each frame
- # L1
- feat_l1 = self.lrelu(self.conv_first(x.view(-1, c, h, w)))
- feat_l1 = self.feature_extraction(feat_l1)
- # L2
- feat_l2 = self.lrelu(self.conv_l2_1(feat_l1))
- feat_l2 = self.lrelu(self.conv_l2_2(feat_l2))
- # L3
- feat_l3 = self.lrelu(self.conv_l3_1(feat_l2))
- feat_l3 = self.lrelu(self.conv_l3_2(feat_l3))
- feat_l1 = feat_l1.view(b, n, -1, h, w)
- feat_l2 = feat_l2.view(b, n, -1, h // 2, w // 2)
- feat_l3 = feat_l3.view(b, n, -1, h // 4, w // 4)
- # PCD alignment
- ref_feat_l = [ # reference feature list
- feat_l1[:, self.center_frame_idx, :, :, :].clone(), feat_l2[:, self.center_frame_idx, :, :, :].clone(),
- feat_l3[:, self.center_frame_idx, :, :, :].clone()
- ]
- aligned_feat = []
- for i in range(n):
- nbr_feat_l = [ # neighboring feature list
- feat_l1[:, i, :, :, :].clone(), feat_l2[:, i, :, :, :].clone(), feat_l3[:, i, :, :, :].clone()
- ]
- aligned_feat.append(self.pcd_align(nbr_feat_l, ref_feat_l))
- aligned_feat = torch.stack(aligned_feat, dim=1) # (b, t, c, h, w)
- # TSA fusion
- return self.fusion(aligned_feat)
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/basicvsrpp_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/basicvsrpp_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a9952e4b441de0030d665a3db141774184f332f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/basicvsrpp_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-import torch.nn.functional as F
-import torchvision
-import warnings
-from basicsr.archs.arch_util import flow_warp
-from basicsr.archs.basicvsr_arch import ConvResidualBlocks
-from basicsr.archs.spynet_arch import SpyNet
-from basicsr.ops.dcn import ModulatedDeformConvPack
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-class BasicVSRPlusPlus(nn.Module):
- """BasicVSR++ network structure.
- Support either x4 upsampling or same size output. Since DCN is used in this
- model, it can only be used with CUDA enabled. If CUDA is not enabled,
- feature alignment will be skipped. Besides, we adopt the official DCN
- implementation and the version of torch need to be higher than 1.9.
- ``Paper: BasicVSR++: Improving Video Super-Resolution with Enhanced Propagation and Alignment``
- Args:
- mid_channels (int, optional): Channel number of the intermediate
- features. Default: 64.
- num_blocks (int, optional): The number of residual blocks in each
- propagation branch. Default: 7.
- max_residue_magnitude (int): The maximum magnitude of the offset
- residue (Eq. 6 in paper). Default: 10.
- is_low_res_input (bool, optional): Whether the input is low-resolution
- or not. If False, the output resolution is equal to the input
- resolution. Default: True.
- spynet_path (str): Path to the pretrained weights of SPyNet. Default: None.
- cpu_cache_length (int, optional): When the length of sequence is larger
- than this value, the intermediate features are sent to CPU. This
- saves GPU memory, but slows down the inference speed. You can
- increase this number if you have a GPU with large memory.
- Default: 100.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- mid_channels=64,
- num_blocks=7,
- max_residue_magnitude=10,
- is_low_res_input=True,
- spynet_path=None,
- cpu_cache_length=100):
- super().__init__()
- self.mid_channels = mid_channels
- self.is_low_res_input = is_low_res_input
- self.cpu_cache_length = cpu_cache_length
- # optical flow
- self.spynet = SpyNet(spynet_path)
- # feature extraction module
- if is_low_res_input:
- self.feat_extract = ConvResidualBlocks(3, mid_channels, 5)
- else:
- self.feat_extract = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(3, mid_channels, 3, 2, 1), nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(mid_channels, mid_channels, 3, 2, 1), nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True),
- ConvResidualBlocks(mid_channels, mid_channels, 5))
- # propagation branches
- self.deform_align = nn.ModuleDict()
- self.backbone = nn.ModuleDict()
- modules = ['backward_1', 'forward_1', 'backward_2', 'forward_2']
- for i, module in enumerate(modules):
- if torch.cuda.is_available():
- self.deform_align[module] = SecondOrderDeformableAlignment(
- 2 * mid_channels,
- mid_channels,
- 3,
- padding=1,
- deformable_groups=16,
- max_residue_magnitude=max_residue_magnitude)
- self.backbone[module] = ConvResidualBlocks((2 + i) * mid_channels, mid_channels, num_blocks)
- # upsampling module
- self.reconstruction = ConvResidualBlocks(5 * mid_channels, mid_channels, 5)
- self.upconv1 = nn.Conv2d(mid_channels, mid_channels * 4, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
- self.upconv2 = nn.Conv2d(mid_channels, 64 * 4, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
- self.pixel_shuffle = nn.PixelShuffle(2)
- self.conv_hr = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(64, 3, 3, 1, 1)
- self.img_upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=4, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- # activation function
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)
- # check if the sequence is augmented by flipping
- self.is_mirror_extended = False
- if len(self.deform_align) > 0:
- self.is_with_alignment = True
- else:
- self.is_with_alignment = False
- warnings.warn('Deformable alignment module is not added. '
- 'Probably your CUDA is not configured correctly. DCN can only '
- 'be used with CUDA enabled. Alignment is skipped now.')
- def check_if_mirror_extended(self, lqs):
- """Check whether the input is a mirror-extended sequence.
- If mirror-extended, the i-th (i=0, ..., t-1) frame is equal to the (t-1-i)-th frame.
- Args:
- lqs (tensor): Input low quality (LQ) sequence with shape (n, t, c, h, w).
- """
- if lqs.size(1) % 2 == 0:
- lqs_1, lqs_2 = torch.chunk(lqs, 2, dim=1)
- if torch.norm(lqs_1 - lqs_2.flip(1)) == 0:
- self.is_mirror_extended = True
- def compute_flow(self, lqs):
- """Compute optical flow using SPyNet for feature alignment.
- Note that if the input is an mirror-extended sequence, 'flows_forward'
- is not needed, since it is equal to 'flows_backward.flip(1)'.
- Args:
- lqs (tensor): Input low quality (LQ) sequence with
- shape (n, t, c, h, w).
- Return:
- tuple(Tensor): Optical flow. 'flows_forward' corresponds to the flows used for forward-time propagation \
- (current to previous). 'flows_backward' corresponds to the flows used for backward-time \
- propagation (current to next).
- """
- n, t, c, h, w = lqs.size()
- lqs_1 = lqs[:, :-1, :, :, :].reshape(-1, c, h, w)
- lqs_2 = lqs[:, 1:, :, :, :].reshape(-1, c, h, w)
- flows_backward = self.spynet(lqs_1, lqs_2).view(n, t - 1, 2, h, w)
- if self.is_mirror_extended: # flows_forward = flows_backward.flip(1)
- flows_forward = flows_backward.flip(1)
- else:
- flows_forward = self.spynet(lqs_2, lqs_1).view(n, t - 1, 2, h, w)
- if self.cpu_cache:
- flows_backward = flows_backward.cpu()
- flows_forward = flows_forward.cpu()
- return flows_forward, flows_backward
- def propagate(self, feats, flows, module_name):
- """Propagate the latent features throughout the sequence.
- Args:
- feats dict(list[tensor]): Features from previous branches. Each
- component is a list of tensors with shape (n, c, h, w).
- flows (tensor): Optical flows with shape (n, t - 1, 2, h, w).
- module_name (str): The name of the propgation branches. Can either
- be 'backward_1', 'forward_1', 'backward_2', 'forward_2'.
- Return:
- dict(list[tensor]): A dictionary containing all the propagated \
- features. Each key in the dictionary corresponds to a \
- propagation branch, which is represented by a list of tensors.
- """
- n, t, _, h, w = flows.size()
- frame_idx = range(0, t + 1)
- flow_idx = range(-1, t)
- mapping_idx = list(range(0, len(feats['spatial'])))
- mapping_idx += mapping_idx[::-1]
- if 'backward' in module_name:
- frame_idx = frame_idx[::-1]
- flow_idx = frame_idx
- feat_prop = flows.new_zeros(n, self.mid_channels, h, w)
- for i, idx in enumerate(frame_idx):
- feat_current = feats['spatial'][mapping_idx[idx]]
- if self.cpu_cache:
- feat_current = feat_current.cuda()
- feat_prop = feat_prop.cuda()
- # second-order deformable alignment
- if i > 0 and self.is_with_alignment:
- flow_n1 = flows[:, flow_idx[i], :, :, :]
- if self.cpu_cache:
- flow_n1 = flow_n1.cuda()
- cond_n1 = flow_warp(feat_prop, flow_n1.permute(0, 2, 3, 1))
- # initialize second-order features
- feat_n2 = torch.zeros_like(feat_prop)
- flow_n2 = torch.zeros_like(flow_n1)
- cond_n2 = torch.zeros_like(cond_n1)
- if i > 1: # second-order features
- feat_n2 = feats[module_name][-2]
- if self.cpu_cache:
- feat_n2 = feat_n2.cuda()
- flow_n2 = flows[:, flow_idx[i - 1], :, :, :]
- if self.cpu_cache:
- flow_n2 = flow_n2.cuda()
- flow_n2 = flow_n1 + flow_warp(flow_n2, flow_n1.permute(0, 2, 3, 1))
- cond_n2 = flow_warp(feat_n2, flow_n2.permute(0, 2, 3, 1))
- # flow-guided deformable convolution
- cond = torch.cat([cond_n1, feat_current, cond_n2], dim=1)
- feat_prop = torch.cat([feat_prop, feat_n2], dim=1)
- feat_prop = self.deform_align[module_name](feat_prop, cond, flow_n1, flow_n2)
- # concatenate and residual blocks
- feat = [feat_current] + [feats[k][idx] for k in feats if k not in ['spatial', module_name]] + [feat_prop]
- if self.cpu_cache:
- feat = [f.cuda() for f in feat]
- feat = torch.cat(feat, dim=1)
- feat_prop = feat_prop + self.backbone[module_name](feat)
- feats[module_name].append(feat_prop)
- if self.cpu_cache:
- feats[module_name][-1] = feats[module_name][-1].cpu()
- torch.cuda.empty_cache()
- if 'backward' in module_name:
- feats[module_name] = feats[module_name][::-1]
- return feats
- def upsample(self, lqs, feats):
- """Compute the output image given the features.
- Args:
- lqs (tensor): Input low quality (LQ) sequence with
- shape (n, t, c, h, w).
- feats (dict): The features from the propagation branches.
- Returns:
- Tensor: Output HR sequence with shape (n, t, c, 4h, 4w).
- """
- outputs = []
- num_outputs = len(feats['spatial'])
- mapping_idx = list(range(0, num_outputs))
- mapping_idx += mapping_idx[::-1]
- for i in range(0, lqs.size(1)):
- hr = [feats[k].pop(0) for k in feats if k != 'spatial']
- hr.insert(0, feats['spatial'][mapping_idx[i]])
- hr = torch.cat(hr, dim=1)
- if self.cpu_cache:
- hr = hr.cuda()
- hr = self.reconstruction(hr)
- hr = self.lrelu(self.pixel_shuffle(self.upconv1(hr)))
- hr = self.lrelu(self.pixel_shuffle(self.upconv2(hr)))
- hr = self.lrelu(self.conv_hr(hr))
- hr = self.conv_last(hr)
- if self.is_low_res_input:
- hr += self.img_upsample(lqs[:, i, :, :, :])
- else:
- hr += lqs[:, i, :, :, :]
- if self.cpu_cache:
- hr = hr.cpu()
- torch.cuda.empty_cache()
- outputs.append(hr)
- return torch.stack(outputs, dim=1)
- def forward(self, lqs):
- """Forward function for BasicVSR++.
- Args:
- lqs (tensor): Input low quality (LQ) sequence with
- shape (n, t, c, h, w).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Output HR sequence with shape (n, t, c, 4h, 4w).
- """
- n, t, c, h, w = lqs.size()
- # whether to cache the features in CPU
- self.cpu_cache = True if t > self.cpu_cache_length else False
- if self.is_low_res_input:
- lqs_downsample = lqs.clone()
- else:
- lqs_downsample = F.interpolate(
- lqs.view(-1, c, h, w), scale_factor=0.25, mode='bicubic').view(n, t, c, h // 4, w // 4)
- # check whether the input is an extended sequence
- self.check_if_mirror_extended(lqs)
- feats = {}
- # compute spatial features
- if self.cpu_cache:
- feats['spatial'] = []
- for i in range(0, t):
- feat = self.feat_extract(lqs[:, i, :, :, :]).cpu()
- feats['spatial'].append(feat)
- torch.cuda.empty_cache()
- else:
- feats_ = self.feat_extract(lqs.view(-1, c, h, w))
- h, w = feats_.shape[2:]
- feats_ = feats_.view(n, t, -1, h, w)
- feats['spatial'] = [feats_[:, i, :, :, :] for i in range(0, t)]
- # compute optical flow using the low-res inputs
- assert lqs_downsample.size(3) >= 64 and lqs_downsample.size(4) >= 64, (
- 'The height and width of low-res inputs must be at least 64, '
- f'but got {h} and {w}.')
- flows_forward, flows_backward = self.compute_flow(lqs_downsample)
- # feature propgation
- for iter_ in [1, 2]:
- for direction in ['backward', 'forward']:
- module = f'{direction}_{iter_}'
- feats[module] = []
- if direction == 'backward':
- flows = flows_backward
- elif flows_forward is not None:
- flows = flows_forward
- else:
- flows = flows_backward.flip(1)
- feats = self.propagate(feats, flows, module)
- if self.cpu_cache:
- del flows
- torch.cuda.empty_cache()
- return self.upsample(lqs, feats)
-class SecondOrderDeformableAlignment(ModulatedDeformConvPack):
- """Second-order deformable alignment module.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- out_channels (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- kernel_size (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- stride (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- padding (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- dilation (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- groups (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- bias (bool or str): If specified as `auto`, it will be decided by the
- norm_cfg. Bias will be set as True if norm_cfg is None, otherwise
- False.
- max_residue_magnitude (int): The maximum magnitude of the offset
- residue (Eq. 6 in paper). Default: 10.
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.max_residue_magnitude = kwargs.pop('max_residue_magnitude', 10)
- super(SecondOrderDeformableAlignment, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.conv_offset = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(3 * self.out_channels + 4, self.out_channels, 3, 1, 1),
- nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(self.out_channels, self.out_channels, 3, 1, 1),
- nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(self.out_channels, self.out_channels, 3, 1, 1),
- nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(self.out_channels, 27 * self.deformable_groups, 3, 1, 1),
- )
- self.init_offset()
- def init_offset(self):
- def _constant_init(module, val, bias=0):
- if hasattr(module, 'weight') and module.weight is not None:
- nn.init.constant_(module.weight, val)
- if hasattr(module, 'bias') and module.bias is not None:
- nn.init.constant_(module.bias, bias)
- _constant_init(self.conv_offset[-1], val=0, bias=0)
- def forward(self, x, extra_feat, flow_1, flow_2):
- extra_feat = torch.cat([extra_feat, flow_1, flow_2], dim=1)
- out = self.conv_offset(extra_feat)
- o1, o2, mask = torch.chunk(out, 3, dim=1)
- # offset
- offset = self.max_residue_magnitude * torch.tanh(torch.cat((o1, o2), dim=1))
- offset_1, offset_2 = torch.chunk(offset, 2, dim=1)
- offset_1 = offset_1 + flow_1.flip(1).repeat(1, offset_1.size(1) // 2, 1, 1)
- offset_2 = offset_2 + flow_2.flip(1).repeat(1, offset_2.size(1) // 2, 1, 1)
- offset = torch.cat([offset_1, offset_2], dim=1)
- # mask
- mask = torch.sigmoid(mask)
- return torchvision.ops.deform_conv2d(x, offset, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding,
- self.dilation, mask)
-# if __name__ == '__main__':
-# spynet_path = 'experiments/pretrained_models/flownet/spynet_sintel_final-3d2a1287.pth'
-# model = BasicVSRPlusPlus(spynet_path=spynet_path).cuda()
-# input = torch.rand(1, 2, 3, 64, 64).cuda()
-# output = model(input)
-# print('===================')
-# print(output.shape)
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/dfdnet_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/dfdnet_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4751434c2f17efbb682d9344951604602d853aaa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/dfdnet_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-import torch.nn.functional as F
-from torch.nn.utils.spectral_norm import spectral_norm
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-from .dfdnet_util import AttentionBlock, Blur, MSDilationBlock, UpResBlock, adaptive_instance_normalization
-from .vgg_arch import VGGFeatureExtractor
-class SFTUpBlock(nn.Module):
- """Spatial feature transform (SFT) with upsampling block.
- Args:
- in_channel (int): Number of input channels.
- out_channel (int): Number of output channels.
- kernel_size (int): Kernel size in convolutions. Default: 3.
- padding (int): Padding in convolutions. Default: 1.
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel, kernel_size=3, padding=1):
- super(SFTUpBlock, self).__init__()
- self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(
- Blur(in_channel),
- spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(in_channel, out_channel, kernel_size, padding=padding)),
- nn.LeakyReLU(0.04, True),
- # The official codes use two LeakyReLU here, so 0.04 for equivalent
- )
- self.convup = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False),
- spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(out_channel, out_channel, kernel_size, padding=padding)),
- nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True),
- )
- # for SFT scale and shift
- self.scale_block = nn.Sequential(
- spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(in_channel, out_channel, 3, 1, 1)), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True),
- spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(out_channel, out_channel, 3, 1, 1)))
- self.shift_block = nn.Sequential(
- spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(in_channel, out_channel, 3, 1, 1)), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True),
- spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(out_channel, out_channel, 3, 1, 1)), nn.Sigmoid())
- # The official codes use sigmoid for shift block, do not know why
- def forward(self, x, updated_feat):
- out = self.conv1(x)
- # SFT
- scale = self.scale_block(updated_feat)
- shift = self.shift_block(updated_feat)
- out = out * scale + shift
- # upsample
- out = self.convup(out)
- return out
-class DFDNet(nn.Module):
- """DFDNet: Deep Face Dictionary Network.
- It only processes faces with 512x512 size.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Number of feature channels.
- dict_path (str): Path to the facial component dictionary.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_feat, dict_path):
- super().__init__()
- self.parts = ['left_eye', 'right_eye', 'nose', 'mouth']
- # part_sizes: [80, 80, 50, 110]
- channel_sizes = [128, 256, 512, 512]
- self.feature_sizes = np.array([256, 128, 64, 32])
- self.vgg_layers = ['relu2_2', 'relu3_4', 'relu4_4', 'conv5_4']
- self.flag_dict_device = False
- # dict
- self.dict = torch.load(dict_path)
- # vgg face extractor
- self.vgg_extractor = VGGFeatureExtractor(
- layer_name_list=self.vgg_layers,
- vgg_type='vgg19',
- use_input_norm=True,
- range_norm=True,
- requires_grad=False)
- # attention block for fusing dictionary features and input features
- self.attn_blocks = nn.ModuleDict()
- for idx, feat_size in enumerate(self.feature_sizes):
- for name in self.parts:
- self.attn_blocks[f'{name}_{feat_size}'] = AttentionBlock(channel_sizes[idx])
- # multi scale dilation block
- self.multi_scale_dilation = MSDilationBlock(num_feat * 8, dilation=[4, 3, 2, 1])
- # upsampling and reconstruction
- self.upsample0 = SFTUpBlock(num_feat * 8, num_feat * 8)
- self.upsample1 = SFTUpBlock(num_feat * 8, num_feat * 4)
- self.upsample2 = SFTUpBlock(num_feat * 4, num_feat * 2)
- self.upsample3 = SFTUpBlock(num_feat * 2, num_feat)
- self.upsample4 = nn.Sequential(
- spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True), UpResBlock(num_feat),
- UpResBlock(num_feat), nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 3, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1), nn.Tanh())
- def swap_feat(self, vgg_feat, updated_feat, dict_feat, location, part_name, f_size):
- """swap the features from the dictionary."""
- # get the original vgg features
- part_feat = vgg_feat[:, :, location[1]:location[3], location[0]:location[2]].clone()
- # resize original vgg features
- part_resize_feat = F.interpolate(part_feat, dict_feat.size()[2:4], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- # use adaptive instance normalization to adjust color and illuminations
- dict_feat = adaptive_instance_normalization(dict_feat, part_resize_feat)
- # get similarity scores
- similarity_score = F.conv2d(part_resize_feat, dict_feat)
- similarity_score = F.softmax(similarity_score.view(-1), dim=0)
- # select the most similar features in the dict (after norm)
- select_idx = torch.argmax(similarity_score)
- swap_feat = F.interpolate(dict_feat[select_idx:select_idx + 1], part_feat.size()[2:4])
- # attention
- attn = self.attn_blocks[f'{part_name}_' + str(f_size)](swap_feat - part_feat)
- attn_feat = attn * swap_feat
- # update features
- updated_feat[:, :, location[1]:location[3], location[0]:location[2]] = attn_feat + part_feat
- return updated_feat
- def put_dict_to_device(self, x):
- if self.flag_dict_device is False:
- for k, v in self.dict.items():
- for kk, vv in v.items():
- self.dict[k][kk] = vv.to(x)
- self.flag_dict_device = True
- def forward(self, x, part_locations):
- """
- Now only support testing with batch size = 0.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Input faces with shape (b, c, 512, 512).
- part_locations (list[Tensor]): Part locations.
- """
- self.put_dict_to_device(x)
- # extract vggface features
- vgg_features = self.vgg_extractor(x)
- # update vggface features using the dictionary for each part
- updated_vgg_features = []
- batch = 0 # only supports testing with batch size = 0
- for vgg_layer, f_size in zip(self.vgg_layers, self.feature_sizes):
- dict_features = self.dict[f'{f_size}']
- vgg_feat = vgg_features[vgg_layer]
- updated_feat = vgg_feat.clone()
- # swap features from dictionary
- for part_idx, part_name in enumerate(self.parts):
- location = (part_locations[part_idx][batch] // (512 / f_size)).int()
- updated_feat = self.swap_feat(vgg_feat, updated_feat, dict_features[part_name], location, part_name,
- f_size)
- updated_vgg_features.append(updated_feat)
- vgg_feat_dilation = self.multi_scale_dilation(vgg_features['conv5_4'])
- # use updated vgg features to modulate the upsampled features with
- # SFT (Spatial Feature Transform) scaling and shifting manner.
- upsampled_feat = self.upsample0(vgg_feat_dilation, updated_vgg_features[3])
- upsampled_feat = self.upsample1(upsampled_feat, updated_vgg_features[2])
- upsampled_feat = self.upsample2(upsampled_feat, updated_vgg_features[1])
- upsampled_feat = self.upsample3(upsampled_feat, updated_vgg_features[0])
- out = self.upsample4(upsampled_feat)
- return out
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/dfdnet_util.py b/basicsr/archs/dfdnet_util.py
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index b4dc0ff738c76852e830b32fffbe65bffb5ddf50..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/dfdnet_util.py
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-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-import torch.nn.functional as F
-from torch.autograd import Function
-from torch.nn.utils.spectral_norm import spectral_norm
-class BlurFunctionBackward(Function):
- @staticmethod
- def forward(ctx, grad_output, kernel, kernel_flip):
- ctx.save_for_backward(kernel, kernel_flip)
- grad_input = F.conv2d(grad_output, kernel_flip, padding=1, groups=grad_output.shape[1])
- return grad_input
- @staticmethod
- def backward(ctx, gradgrad_output):
- kernel, _ = ctx.saved_tensors
- grad_input = F.conv2d(gradgrad_output, kernel, padding=1, groups=gradgrad_output.shape[1])
- return grad_input, None, None
-class BlurFunction(Function):
- @staticmethod
- def forward(ctx, x, kernel, kernel_flip):
- ctx.save_for_backward(kernel, kernel_flip)
- output = F.conv2d(x, kernel, padding=1, groups=x.shape[1])
- return output
- @staticmethod
- def backward(ctx, grad_output):
- kernel, kernel_flip = ctx.saved_tensors
- grad_input = BlurFunctionBackward.apply(grad_output, kernel, kernel_flip)
- return grad_input, None, None
-blur = BlurFunction.apply
-class Blur(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, channel):
- super().__init__()
- kernel = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 1], [2, 4, 2], [1, 2, 1]], dtype=torch.float32)
- kernel = kernel.view(1, 1, 3, 3)
- kernel = kernel / kernel.sum()
- kernel_flip = torch.flip(kernel, [2, 3])
- self.kernel = kernel.repeat(channel, 1, 1, 1)
- self.kernel_flip = kernel_flip.repeat(channel, 1, 1, 1)
- def forward(self, x):
- return blur(x, self.kernel.type_as(x), self.kernel_flip.type_as(x))
-def calc_mean_std(feat, eps=1e-5):
- """Calculate mean and std for adaptive_instance_normalization.
- Args:
- feat (Tensor): 4D tensor.
- eps (float): A small value added to the variance to avoid
- divide-by-zero. Default: 1e-5.
- """
- size = feat.size()
- assert len(size) == 4, 'The input feature should be 4D tensor.'
- n, c = size[:2]
- feat_var = feat.view(n, c, -1).var(dim=2) + eps
- feat_std = feat_var.sqrt().view(n, c, 1, 1)
- feat_mean = feat.view(n, c, -1).mean(dim=2).view(n, c, 1, 1)
- return feat_mean, feat_std
-def adaptive_instance_normalization(content_feat, style_feat):
- """Adaptive instance normalization.
- Adjust the reference features to have the similar color and illuminations
- as those in the degradate features.
- Args:
- content_feat (Tensor): The reference feature.
- style_feat (Tensor): The degradate features.
- """
- size = content_feat.size()
- style_mean, style_std = calc_mean_std(style_feat)
- content_mean, content_std = calc_mean_std(content_feat)
- normalized_feat = (content_feat - content_mean.expand(size)) / content_std.expand(size)
- return normalized_feat * style_std.expand(size) + style_mean.expand(size)
-def AttentionBlock(in_channel):
- return nn.Sequential(
- spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(in_channel, in_channel, 3, 1, 1)), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True),
- spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(in_channel, in_channel, 3, 1, 1)))
-def conv_block(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, dilation=1, bias=True):
- """Conv block used in MSDilationBlock."""
- return nn.Sequential(
- spectral_norm(
- nn.Conv2d(
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size=kernel_size,
- stride=stride,
- dilation=dilation,
- padding=((kernel_size - 1) // 2) * dilation,
- bias=bias)),
- nn.LeakyReLU(0.2),
- spectral_norm(
- nn.Conv2d(
- out_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size=kernel_size,
- stride=stride,
- dilation=dilation,
- padding=((kernel_size - 1) // 2) * dilation,
- bias=bias)),
- )
-class MSDilationBlock(nn.Module):
- """Multi-scale dilation block."""
- def __init__(self, in_channels, kernel_size=3, dilation=(1, 1, 1, 1), bias=True):
- super(MSDilationBlock, self).__init__()
- self.conv_blocks = nn.ModuleList()
- for i in range(4):
- self.conv_blocks.append(conv_block(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, dilation=dilation[i], bias=bias))
- self.conv_fusion = spectral_norm(
- nn.Conv2d(
- in_channels * 4,
- in_channels,
- kernel_size=kernel_size,
- stride=1,
- padding=(kernel_size - 1) // 2,
- bias=bias))
- def forward(self, x):
- out = []
- for i in range(4):
- out.append(self.conv_blocks[i](x))
- out = torch.cat(out, 1)
- out = self.conv_fusion(out) + x
- return out
-class UpResBlock(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, in_channel):
- super(UpResBlock, self).__init__()
- self.body = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(in_channel, in_channel, 3, 1, 1),
- nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True),
- nn.Conv2d(in_channel, in_channel, 3, 1, 1),
- )
- def forward(self, x):
- out = x + self.body(x)
- return out
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/discriminator_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/discriminator_arch.py
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index 33f9a8f1b25c2052cd3ba801534861a425752e69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/discriminator_arch.py
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@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from torch.nn.utils import spectral_norm
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-class VGGStyleDiscriminator(nn.Module):
- """VGG style discriminator with input size 128 x 128 or 256 x 256.
- It is used to train SRGAN, ESRGAN, and VideoGAN.
- Args:
- num_in_ch (int): Channel number of inputs. Default: 3.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of base intermediate features.Default: 64.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_in_ch, num_feat, input_size=128):
- super(VGGStyleDiscriminator, self).__init__()
- self.input_size = input_size
- assert self.input_size == 128 or self.input_size == 256, (
- f'input size must be 128 or 256, but received {input_size}')
- self.conv0_0 = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
- self.conv0_1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 4, 2, 1, bias=False)
- self.bn0_1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_feat, affine=True)
- self.conv1_0 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat * 2, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)
- self.bn1_0 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_feat * 2, affine=True)
- self.conv1_1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 2, num_feat * 2, 4, 2, 1, bias=False)
- self.bn1_1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_feat * 2, affine=True)
- self.conv2_0 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 2, num_feat * 4, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)
- self.bn2_0 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_feat * 4, affine=True)
- self.conv2_1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 4, num_feat * 4, 4, 2, 1, bias=False)
- self.bn2_1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_feat * 4, affine=True)
- self.conv3_0 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 4, num_feat * 8, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)
- self.bn3_0 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_feat * 8, affine=True)
- self.conv3_1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 8, num_feat * 8, 4, 2, 1, bias=False)
- self.bn3_1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_feat * 8, affine=True)
- self.conv4_0 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 8, num_feat * 8, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)
- self.bn4_0 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_feat * 8, affine=True)
- self.conv4_1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 8, num_feat * 8, 4, 2, 1, bias=False)
- self.bn4_1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_feat * 8, affine=True)
- if self.input_size == 256:
- self.conv5_0 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 8, num_feat * 8, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)
- self.bn5_0 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_feat * 8, affine=True)
- self.conv5_1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 8, num_feat * 8, 4, 2, 1, bias=False)
- self.bn5_1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_feat * 8, affine=True)
- self.linear1 = nn.Linear(num_feat * 8 * 4 * 4, 100)
- self.linear2 = nn.Linear(100, 1)
- # activation function
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- def forward(self, x):
- assert x.size(2) == self.input_size, (f'Input size must be identical to input_size, but received {x.size()}.')
- feat = self.lrelu(self.conv0_0(x))
- feat = self.lrelu(self.bn0_1(self.conv0_1(feat))) # output spatial size: /2
- feat = self.lrelu(self.bn1_0(self.conv1_0(feat)))
- feat = self.lrelu(self.bn1_1(self.conv1_1(feat))) # output spatial size: /4
- feat = self.lrelu(self.bn2_0(self.conv2_0(feat)))
- feat = self.lrelu(self.bn2_1(self.conv2_1(feat))) # output spatial size: /8
- feat = self.lrelu(self.bn3_0(self.conv3_0(feat)))
- feat = self.lrelu(self.bn3_1(self.conv3_1(feat))) # output spatial size: /16
- feat = self.lrelu(self.bn4_0(self.conv4_0(feat)))
- feat = self.lrelu(self.bn4_1(self.conv4_1(feat))) # output spatial size: /32
- if self.input_size == 256:
- feat = self.lrelu(self.bn5_0(self.conv5_0(feat)))
- feat = self.lrelu(self.bn5_1(self.conv5_1(feat))) # output spatial size: / 64
- # spatial size: (4, 4)
- feat = feat.view(feat.size(0), -1)
- feat = self.lrelu(self.linear1(feat))
- out = self.linear2(feat)
- return out
-class UNetDiscriminatorSN(nn.Module):
- """Defines a U-Net discriminator with spectral normalization (SN)
- It is used in Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data.
- Arg:
- num_in_ch (int): Channel number of inputs. Default: 3.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of base intermediate features. Default: 64.
- skip_connection (bool): Whether to use skip connections between U-Net. Default: True.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_in_ch, num_feat=64, skip_connection=True):
- super(UNetDiscriminatorSN, self).__init__()
- self.skip_connection = skip_connection
- norm = spectral_norm
- # the first convolution
- self.conv0 = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_feat, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
- # downsample
- self.conv1 = norm(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat * 2, 4, 2, 1, bias=False))
- self.conv2 = norm(nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 2, num_feat * 4, 4, 2, 1, bias=False))
- self.conv3 = norm(nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 4, num_feat * 8, 4, 2, 1, bias=False))
- # upsample
- self.conv4 = norm(nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 8, num_feat * 4, 3, 1, 1, bias=False))
- self.conv5 = norm(nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 4, num_feat * 2, 3, 1, 1, bias=False))
- self.conv6 = norm(nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 2, num_feat, 3, 1, 1, bias=False))
- # extra convolutions
- self.conv7 = norm(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1, bias=False))
- self.conv8 = norm(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1, bias=False))
- self.conv9 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 1, 3, 1, 1)
- def forward(self, x):
- # downsample
- x0 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv0(x), negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- x1 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv1(x0), negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- x2 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv2(x1), negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- x3 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv3(x2), negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- # upsample
- x3 = F.interpolate(x3, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- x4 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv4(x3), negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- if self.skip_connection:
- x4 = x4 + x2
- x4 = F.interpolate(x4, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- x5 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv5(x4), negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- if self.skip_connection:
- x5 = x5 + x1
- x5 = F.interpolate(x5, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- x6 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv6(x5), negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- if self.skip_connection:
- x6 = x6 + x0
- # extra convolutions
- out = F.leaky_relu(self.conv7(x6), negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- out = F.leaky_relu(self.conv8(out), negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- out = self.conv9(out)
- return out
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/duf_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/duf_arch.py
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-import numpy as np
-import torch
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-class DenseBlocksTemporalReduce(nn.Module):
- """A concatenation of 3 dense blocks with reduction in temporal dimension.
- Note that the output temporal dimension is 6 fewer the input temporal dimension, since there are 3 blocks.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Number of channels in the blocks. Default: 64.
- num_grow_ch (int): Growing factor of the dense blocks. Default: 32
- adapt_official_weights (bool): Whether to adapt the weights translated from the official implementation.
- Set to false if you want to train from scratch. Default: False.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_feat=64, num_grow_ch=32, adapt_official_weights=False):
- super(DenseBlocksTemporalReduce, self).__init__()
- if adapt_official_weights:
- eps = 1e-3
- momentum = 1e-3
- else: # pytorch default values
- eps = 1e-05
- momentum = 0.1
- self.temporal_reduce1 = nn.Sequential(
- nn.BatchNorm3d(num_feat, eps=eps, momentum=momentum), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv3d(num_feat, num_feat, (1, 1, 1), stride=(1, 1, 1), padding=(0, 0, 0), bias=True),
- nn.BatchNorm3d(num_feat, eps=eps, momentum=momentum), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv3d(num_feat, num_grow_ch, (3, 3, 3), stride=(1, 1, 1), padding=(0, 1, 1), bias=True))
- self.temporal_reduce2 = nn.Sequential(
- nn.BatchNorm3d(num_feat + num_grow_ch, eps=eps, momentum=momentum), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv3d(
- num_feat + num_grow_ch,
- num_feat + num_grow_ch, (1, 1, 1),
- stride=(1, 1, 1),
- padding=(0, 0, 0),
- bias=True), nn.BatchNorm3d(num_feat + num_grow_ch, eps=eps, momentum=momentum), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv3d(num_feat + num_grow_ch, num_grow_ch, (3, 3, 3), stride=(1, 1, 1), padding=(0, 1, 1), bias=True))
- self.temporal_reduce3 = nn.Sequential(
- nn.BatchNorm3d(num_feat + 2 * num_grow_ch, eps=eps, momentum=momentum), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv3d(
- num_feat + 2 * num_grow_ch,
- num_feat + 2 * num_grow_ch, (1, 1, 1),
- stride=(1, 1, 1),
- padding=(0, 0, 0),
- bias=True), nn.BatchNorm3d(num_feat + 2 * num_grow_ch, eps=eps, momentum=momentum),
- nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv3d(
- num_feat + 2 * num_grow_ch, num_grow_ch, (3, 3, 3), stride=(1, 1, 1), padding=(0, 1, 1), bias=True))
- def forward(self, x):
- """
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Input tensor with shape (b, num_feat, t, h, w).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Output with shape (b, num_feat + num_grow_ch * 3, 1, h, w).
- """
- x1 = self.temporal_reduce1(x)
- x1 = torch.cat((x[:, :, 1:-1, :, :], x1), 1)
- x2 = self.temporal_reduce2(x1)
- x2 = torch.cat((x1[:, :, 1:-1, :, :], x2), 1)
- x3 = self.temporal_reduce3(x2)
- x3 = torch.cat((x2[:, :, 1:-1, :, :], x3), 1)
- return x3
-class DenseBlocks(nn.Module):
- """ A concatenation of N dense blocks.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Number of channels in the blocks. Default: 64.
- num_grow_ch (int): Growing factor of the dense blocks. Default: 32.
- num_block (int): Number of dense blocks. The values are:
- DUF-S (16 layers): 3
- DUF-M (18 layers): 9
- DUF-L (52 layers): 21
- adapt_official_weights (bool): Whether to adapt the weights translated from the official implementation.
- Set to false if you want to train from scratch. Default: False.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_block, num_feat=64, num_grow_ch=16, adapt_official_weights=False):
- super(DenseBlocks, self).__init__()
- if adapt_official_weights:
- eps = 1e-3
- momentum = 1e-3
- else: # pytorch default values
- eps = 1e-05
- momentum = 0.1
- self.dense_blocks = nn.ModuleList()
- for i in range(0, num_block):
- self.dense_blocks.append(
- nn.Sequential(
- nn.BatchNorm3d(num_feat + i * num_grow_ch, eps=eps, momentum=momentum), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv3d(
- num_feat + i * num_grow_ch,
- num_feat + i * num_grow_ch, (1, 1, 1),
- stride=(1, 1, 1),
- padding=(0, 0, 0),
- bias=True), nn.BatchNorm3d(num_feat + i * num_grow_ch, eps=eps, momentum=momentum),
- nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv3d(
- num_feat + i * num_grow_ch,
- num_grow_ch, (3, 3, 3),
- stride=(1, 1, 1),
- padding=(1, 1, 1),
- bias=True)))
- def forward(self, x):
- """
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Input tensor with shape (b, num_feat, t, h, w).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Output with shape (b, num_feat + num_block * num_grow_ch, t, h, w).
- """
- for i in range(0, len(self.dense_blocks)):
- y = self.dense_blocks[i](x)
- x = torch.cat((x, y), 1)
- return x
-class DynamicUpsamplingFilter(nn.Module):
- """Dynamic upsampling filter used in DUF.
- Reference: https://github.com/yhjo09/VSR-DUF
- It only supports input with 3 channels. And it applies the same filters to 3 channels.
- Args:
- filter_size (tuple): Filter size of generated filters. The shape is (kh, kw). Default: (5, 5).
- """
- def __init__(self, filter_size=(5, 5)):
- super(DynamicUpsamplingFilter, self).__init__()
- if not isinstance(filter_size, tuple):
- raise TypeError(f'The type of filter_size must be tuple, but got type{filter_size}')
- if len(filter_size) != 2:
- raise ValueError(f'The length of filter size must be 2, but got {len(filter_size)}.')
- # generate a local expansion filter, similar to im2col
- self.filter_size = filter_size
- filter_prod = np.prod(filter_size)
- expansion_filter = torch.eye(int(filter_prod)).view(filter_prod, 1, *filter_size) # (kh*kw, 1, kh, kw)
- self.expansion_filter = expansion_filter.repeat(3, 1, 1, 1) # repeat for all the 3 channels
- def forward(self, x, filters):
- """Forward function for DynamicUpsamplingFilter.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Input image with 3 channels. The shape is (n, 3, h, w).
- filters (Tensor): Generated dynamic filters. The shape is (n, filter_prod, upsampling_square, h, w).
- filter_prod: prod of filter kernel size, e.g., 1*5*5=25.
- upsampling_square: similar to pixel shuffle, upsampling_square = upsampling * upsampling.
- e.g., for x 4 upsampling, upsampling_square= 4*4 = 16
- Returns:
- Tensor: Filtered image with shape (n, 3*upsampling_square, h, w)
- """
- n, filter_prod, upsampling_square, h, w = filters.size()
- kh, kw = self.filter_size
- expanded_input = F.conv2d(
- x, self.expansion_filter.to(x), padding=(kh // 2, kw // 2), groups=3) # (n, 3*filter_prod, h, w)
- expanded_input = expanded_input.view(n, 3, filter_prod, h, w).permute(0, 3, 4, 1,
- 2) # (n, h, w, 3, filter_prod)
- filters = filters.permute(0, 3, 4, 1, 2) # (n, h, w, filter_prod, upsampling_square]
- out = torch.matmul(expanded_input, filters) # (n, h, w, 3, upsampling_square)
- return out.permute(0, 3, 4, 1, 2).view(n, 3 * upsampling_square, h, w)
-class DUF(nn.Module):
- """Network architecture for DUF
- ``Paper: Deep Video Super-Resolution Network Using Dynamic Upsampling Filters Without Explicit Motion Compensation``
- Reference: https://github.com/yhjo09/VSR-DUF
- For all the models below, 'adapt_official_weights' is only necessary when
- loading the weights converted from the official TensorFlow weights.
- Please set it to False if you are training the model from scratch.
- There are three models with different model size: DUF16Layers, DUF28Layers,
- and DUF52Layers. This class is the base class for these models.
- Args:
- scale (int): The upsampling factor. Default: 4.
- num_layer (int): The number of layers. Default: 52.
- adapt_official_weights_weights (bool): Whether to adapt the weights
- translated from the official implementation. Set to false if you
- want to train from scratch. Default: False.
- """
- def __init__(self, scale=4, num_layer=52, adapt_official_weights=False):
- super(DUF, self).__init__()
- self.scale = scale
- if adapt_official_weights:
- eps = 1e-3
- momentum = 1e-3
- else: # pytorch default values
- eps = 1e-05
- momentum = 0.1
- self.conv3d1 = nn.Conv3d(3, 64, (1, 3, 3), stride=(1, 1, 1), padding=(0, 1, 1), bias=True)
- self.dynamic_filter = DynamicUpsamplingFilter((5, 5))
- if num_layer == 16:
- num_block = 3
- num_grow_ch = 32
- elif num_layer == 28:
- num_block = 9
- num_grow_ch = 16
- elif num_layer == 52:
- num_block = 21
- num_grow_ch = 16
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Only supported (16, 28, 52) layers, but got {num_layer}.')
- self.dense_block1 = DenseBlocks(
- num_block=num_block, num_feat=64, num_grow_ch=num_grow_ch,
- adapt_official_weights=adapt_official_weights) # T = 7
- self.dense_block2 = DenseBlocksTemporalReduce(
- 64 + num_grow_ch * num_block, num_grow_ch, adapt_official_weights=adapt_official_weights) # T = 1
- channels = 64 + num_grow_ch * num_block + num_grow_ch * 3
- self.bn3d2 = nn.BatchNorm3d(channels, eps=eps, momentum=momentum)
- self.conv3d2 = nn.Conv3d(channels, 256, (1, 3, 3), stride=(1, 1, 1), padding=(0, 1, 1), bias=True)
- self.conv3d_r1 = nn.Conv3d(256, 256, (1, 1, 1), stride=(1, 1, 1), padding=(0, 0, 0), bias=True)
- self.conv3d_r2 = nn.Conv3d(256, 3 * (scale**2), (1, 1, 1), stride=(1, 1, 1), padding=(0, 0, 0), bias=True)
- self.conv3d_f1 = nn.Conv3d(256, 512, (1, 1, 1), stride=(1, 1, 1), padding=(0, 0, 0), bias=True)
- self.conv3d_f2 = nn.Conv3d(
- 512, 1 * 5 * 5 * (scale**2), (1, 1, 1), stride=(1, 1, 1), padding=(0, 0, 0), bias=True)
- def forward(self, x):
- """
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Input with shape (b, 7, c, h, w)
- Returns:
- Tensor: Output with shape (b, c, h * scale, w * scale)
- """
- num_batches, num_imgs, _, h, w = x.size()
- x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4) # (b, c, 7, h, w) for Conv3D
- x_center = x[:, :, num_imgs // 2, :, :]
- x = self.conv3d1(x)
- x = self.dense_block1(x)
- x = self.dense_block2(x)
- x = F.relu(self.bn3d2(x), inplace=True)
- x = F.relu(self.conv3d2(x), inplace=True)
- # residual image
- res = self.conv3d_r2(F.relu(self.conv3d_r1(x), inplace=True))
- # filter
- filter_ = self.conv3d_f2(F.relu(self.conv3d_f1(x), inplace=True))
- filter_ = F.softmax(filter_.view(num_batches, 25, self.scale**2, h, w), dim=1)
- # dynamic filter
- out = self.dynamic_filter(x_center, filter_)
- out += res.squeeze_(2)
- out = F.pixel_shuffle(out, self.scale)
- return out
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/ecbsr_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/ecbsr_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fe20e772587d74c67fffb40f3b4731cf4f42268b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/ecbsr_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-import torch.nn.functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-class SeqConv3x3(nn.Module):
- """The re-parameterizable block used in the ECBSR architecture.
- ``Paper: Edge-oriented Convolution Block for Real-time Super Resolution on Mobile Devices``
- Reference: https://github.com/xindongzhang/ECBSR
- Args:
- seq_type (str): Sequence type, option: conv1x1-conv3x3 | conv1x1-sobelx | conv1x1-sobely | conv1x1-laplacian.
- in_channels (int): Channel number of input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of output.
- depth_multiplier (int): Width multiplier in the expand-and-squeeze conv. Default: 1.
- """
- def __init__(self, seq_type, in_channels, out_channels, depth_multiplier=1):
- super(SeqConv3x3, self).__init__()
- self.seq_type = seq_type
- self.in_channels = in_channels
- self.out_channels = out_channels
- if self.seq_type == 'conv1x1-conv3x3':
- self.mid_planes = int(out_channels * depth_multiplier)
- conv0 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.in_channels, self.mid_planes, kernel_size=1, padding=0)
- self.k0 = conv0.weight
- self.b0 = conv0.bias
- conv1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.mid_planes, self.out_channels, kernel_size=3)
- self.k1 = conv1.weight
- self.b1 = conv1.bias
- elif self.seq_type == 'conv1x1-sobelx':
- conv0 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.in_channels, self.out_channels, kernel_size=1, padding=0)
- self.k0 = conv0.weight
- self.b0 = conv0.bias
- # init scale and bias
- scale = torch.randn(size=(self.out_channels, 1, 1, 1)) * 1e-3
- self.scale = nn.Parameter(scale)
- bias = torch.randn(self.out_channels) * 1e-3
- bias = torch.reshape(bias, (self.out_channels, ))
- self.bias = nn.Parameter(bias)
- # init mask
- self.mask = torch.zeros((self.out_channels, 1, 3, 3), dtype=torch.float32)
- for i in range(self.out_channels):
- self.mask[i, 0, 0, 0] = 1.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 1, 0] = 2.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 2, 0] = 1.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 0, 2] = -1.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 1, 2] = -2.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 2, 2] = -1.0
- self.mask = nn.Parameter(data=self.mask, requires_grad=False)
- elif self.seq_type == 'conv1x1-sobely':
- conv0 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.in_channels, self.out_channels, kernel_size=1, padding=0)
- self.k0 = conv0.weight
- self.b0 = conv0.bias
- # init scale and bias
- scale = torch.randn(size=(self.out_channels, 1, 1, 1)) * 1e-3
- self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(scale))
- bias = torch.randn(self.out_channels) * 1e-3
- bias = torch.reshape(bias, (self.out_channels, ))
- self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(bias))
- # init mask
- self.mask = torch.zeros((self.out_channels, 1, 3, 3), dtype=torch.float32)
- for i in range(self.out_channels):
- self.mask[i, 0, 0, 0] = 1.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 0, 1] = 2.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 0, 2] = 1.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 2, 0] = -1.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 2, 1] = -2.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 2, 2] = -1.0
- self.mask = nn.Parameter(data=self.mask, requires_grad=False)
- elif self.seq_type == 'conv1x1-laplacian':
- conv0 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.in_channels, self.out_channels, kernel_size=1, padding=0)
- self.k0 = conv0.weight
- self.b0 = conv0.bias
- # init scale and bias
- scale = torch.randn(size=(self.out_channels, 1, 1, 1)) * 1e-3
- self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(scale))
- bias = torch.randn(self.out_channels) * 1e-3
- bias = torch.reshape(bias, (self.out_channels, ))
- self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(bias))
- # init mask
- self.mask = torch.zeros((self.out_channels, 1, 3, 3), dtype=torch.float32)
- for i in range(self.out_channels):
- self.mask[i, 0, 0, 1] = 1.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 1, 0] = 1.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 1, 2] = 1.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 2, 1] = 1.0
- self.mask[i, 0, 1, 1] = -4.0
- self.mask = nn.Parameter(data=self.mask, requires_grad=False)
- else:
- raise ValueError('The type of seqconv is not supported!')
- def forward(self, x):
- if self.seq_type == 'conv1x1-conv3x3':
- # conv-1x1
- y0 = F.conv2d(input=x, weight=self.k0, bias=self.b0, stride=1)
- # explicitly padding with bias
- y0 = F.pad(y0, (1, 1, 1, 1), 'constant', 0)
- b0_pad = self.b0.view(1, -1, 1, 1)
- y0[:, :, 0:1, :] = b0_pad
- y0[:, :, -1:, :] = b0_pad
- y0[:, :, :, 0:1] = b0_pad
- y0[:, :, :, -1:] = b0_pad
- # conv-3x3
- y1 = F.conv2d(input=y0, weight=self.k1, bias=self.b1, stride=1)
- else:
- y0 = F.conv2d(input=x, weight=self.k0, bias=self.b0, stride=1)
- # explicitly padding with bias
- y0 = F.pad(y0, (1, 1, 1, 1), 'constant', 0)
- b0_pad = self.b0.view(1, -1, 1, 1)
- y0[:, :, 0:1, :] = b0_pad
- y0[:, :, -1:, :] = b0_pad
- y0[:, :, :, 0:1] = b0_pad
- y0[:, :, :, -1:] = b0_pad
- # conv-3x3
- y1 = F.conv2d(input=y0, weight=self.scale * self.mask, bias=self.bias, stride=1, groups=self.out_channels)
- return y1
- def rep_params(self):
- device = self.k0.get_device()
- if device < 0:
- device = None
- if self.seq_type == 'conv1x1-conv3x3':
- # re-param conv kernel
- rep_weight = F.conv2d(input=self.k1, weight=self.k0.permute(1, 0, 2, 3))
- # re-param conv bias
- rep_bias = torch.ones(1, self.mid_planes, 3, 3, device=device) * self.b0.view(1, -1, 1, 1)
- rep_bias = F.conv2d(input=rep_bias, weight=self.k1).view(-1, ) + self.b1
- else:
- tmp = self.scale * self.mask
- k1 = torch.zeros((self.out_channels, self.out_channels, 3, 3), device=device)
- for i in range(self.out_channels):
- k1[i, i, :, :] = tmp[i, 0, :, :]
- b1 = self.bias
- # re-param conv kernel
- rep_weight = F.conv2d(input=k1, weight=self.k0.permute(1, 0, 2, 3))
- # re-param conv bias
- rep_bias = torch.ones(1, self.out_channels, 3, 3, device=device) * self.b0.view(1, -1, 1, 1)
- rep_bias = F.conv2d(input=rep_bias, weight=k1).view(-1, ) + b1
- return rep_weight, rep_bias
-class ECB(nn.Module):
- """The ECB block used in the ECBSR architecture.
- Paper: Edge-oriented Convolution Block for Real-time Super Resolution on Mobile Devices
- Ref git repo: https://github.com/xindongzhang/ECBSR
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of output.
- depth_multiplier (int): Width multiplier in the expand-and-squeeze conv. Default: 1.
- act_type (str): Activation type. Option: prelu | relu | rrelu | softplus | linear. Default: prelu.
- with_idt (bool): Whether to use identity connection. Default: False.
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, depth_multiplier, act_type='prelu', with_idt=False):
- super(ECB, self).__init__()
- self.depth_multiplier = depth_multiplier
- self.in_channels = in_channels
- self.out_channels = out_channels
- self.act_type = act_type
- if with_idt and (self.in_channels == self.out_channels):
- self.with_idt = True
- else:
- self.with_idt = False
- self.conv3x3 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.in_channels, self.out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
- self.conv1x1_3x3 = SeqConv3x3('conv1x1-conv3x3', self.in_channels, self.out_channels, self.depth_multiplier)
- self.conv1x1_sbx = SeqConv3x3('conv1x1-sobelx', self.in_channels, self.out_channels)
- self.conv1x1_sby = SeqConv3x3('conv1x1-sobely', self.in_channels, self.out_channels)
- self.conv1x1_lpl = SeqConv3x3('conv1x1-laplacian', self.in_channels, self.out_channels)
- if self.act_type == 'prelu':
- self.act = nn.PReLU(num_parameters=self.out_channels)
- elif self.act_type == 'relu':
- self.act = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
- elif self.act_type == 'rrelu':
- self.act = nn.RReLU(lower=-0.05, upper=0.05)
- elif self.act_type == 'softplus':
- self.act = nn.Softplus()
- elif self.act_type == 'linear':
- pass
- else:
- raise ValueError('The type of activation if not support!')
- def forward(self, x):
- if self.training:
- y = self.conv3x3(x) + self.conv1x1_3x3(x) + self.conv1x1_sbx(x) + self.conv1x1_sby(x) + self.conv1x1_lpl(x)
- if self.with_idt:
- y += x
- else:
- rep_weight, rep_bias = self.rep_params()
- y = F.conv2d(input=x, weight=rep_weight, bias=rep_bias, stride=1, padding=1)
- if self.act_type != 'linear':
- y = self.act(y)
- return y
- def rep_params(self):
- weight0, bias0 = self.conv3x3.weight, self.conv3x3.bias
- weight1, bias1 = self.conv1x1_3x3.rep_params()
- weight2, bias2 = self.conv1x1_sbx.rep_params()
- weight3, bias3 = self.conv1x1_sby.rep_params()
- weight4, bias4 = self.conv1x1_lpl.rep_params()
- rep_weight, rep_bias = (weight0 + weight1 + weight2 + weight3 + weight4), (
- bias0 + bias1 + bias2 + bias3 + bias4)
- if self.with_idt:
- device = rep_weight.get_device()
- if device < 0:
- device = None
- weight_idt = torch.zeros(self.out_channels, self.out_channels, 3, 3, device=device)
- for i in range(self.out_channels):
- weight_idt[i, i, 1, 1] = 1.0
- bias_idt = 0.0
- rep_weight, rep_bias = rep_weight + weight_idt, rep_bias + bias_idt
- return rep_weight, rep_bias
-class ECBSR(nn.Module):
- """ECBSR architecture.
- Paper: Edge-oriented Convolution Block for Real-time Super Resolution on Mobile Devices
- Ref git repo: https://github.com/xindongzhang/ECBSR
- Args:
- num_in_ch (int): Channel number of inputs.
- num_out_ch (int): Channel number of outputs.
- num_block (int): Block number in the trunk network.
- num_channel (int): Channel number.
- with_idt (bool): Whether use identity in convolution layers.
- act_type (str): Activation type.
- scale (int): Upsampling factor.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_in_ch, num_out_ch, num_block, num_channel, with_idt, act_type, scale):
- super(ECBSR, self).__init__()
- self.num_in_ch = num_in_ch
- self.scale = scale
- backbone = []
- backbone += [ECB(num_in_ch, num_channel, depth_multiplier=2.0, act_type=act_type, with_idt=with_idt)]
- for _ in range(num_block):
- backbone += [ECB(num_channel, num_channel, depth_multiplier=2.0, act_type=act_type, with_idt=with_idt)]
- backbone += [
- ECB(num_channel, num_out_ch * scale * scale, depth_multiplier=2.0, act_type='linear', with_idt=with_idt)
- ]
- self.backbone = nn.Sequential(*backbone)
- self.upsampler = nn.PixelShuffle(scale)
- def forward(self, x):
- if self.num_in_ch > 1:
- shortcut = torch.repeat_interleave(x, self.scale * self.scale, dim=1)
- else:
- shortcut = x # will repeat the input in the channel dimension (repeat scale * scale times)
- y = self.backbone(x) + shortcut
- y = self.upsampler(y)
- return y
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/edsr_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/edsr_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b80566f11fbd4782d68eee8fbf7da686f89dc4e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/edsr_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from torch import nn as nn
-from basicsr.archs.arch_util import ResidualBlockNoBN, Upsample, make_layer
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-class EDSR(nn.Module):
- """EDSR network structure.
- Paper: Enhanced Deep Residual Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution.
- Ref git repo: https://github.com/thstkdgus35/EDSR-PyTorch
- Args:
- num_in_ch (int): Channel number of inputs.
- num_out_ch (int): Channel number of outputs.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- Default: 64.
- num_block (int): Block number in the trunk network. Default: 16.
- upscale (int): Upsampling factor. Support 2^n and 3.
- Default: 4.
- res_scale (float): Used to scale the residual in residual block.
- Default: 1.
- img_range (float): Image range. Default: 255.
- rgb_mean (tuple[float]): Image mean in RGB orders.
- Default: (0.4488, 0.4371, 0.4040), calculated from DIV2K dataset.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- num_in_ch,
- num_out_ch,
- num_feat=64,
- num_block=16,
- upscale=4,
- res_scale=1,
- img_range=255.,
- rgb_mean=(0.4488, 0.4371, 0.4040)):
- super(EDSR, self).__init__()
- self.img_range = img_range
- self.mean = torch.Tensor(rgb_mean).view(1, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_first = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.body = make_layer(ResidualBlockNoBN, num_block, num_feat=num_feat, res_scale=res_scale, pytorch_init=True)
- self.conv_after_body = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.upsample = Upsample(upscale, num_feat)
- self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
- def forward(self, x):
- self.mean = self.mean.type_as(x)
- x = (x - self.mean) * self.img_range
- x = self.conv_first(x)
- res = self.conv_after_body(self.body(x))
- res += x
- x = self.conv_last(self.upsample(res))
- x = x / self.img_range + self.mean
- return x
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/edvr_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/edvr_arch.py
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index b0c4f47deb383d4fe6108b97436c9dfb1e541583..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-from .arch_util import DCNv2Pack, ResidualBlockNoBN, make_layer
-class PCDAlignment(nn.Module):
- """Alignment module using Pyramid, Cascading and Deformable convolution
- (PCD). It is used in EDVR.
- ``Paper: EDVR: Video Restoration with Enhanced Deformable Convolutional Networks``
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Channel number of middle features. Default: 64.
- deformable_groups (int): Deformable groups. Defaults: 8.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_feat=64, deformable_groups=8):
- super(PCDAlignment, self).__init__()
- # Pyramid has three levels:
- # L3: level 3, 1/4 spatial size
- # L2: level 2, 1/2 spatial size
- # L1: level 1, original spatial size
- self.offset_conv1 = nn.ModuleDict()
- self.offset_conv2 = nn.ModuleDict()
- self.offset_conv3 = nn.ModuleDict()
- self.dcn_pack = nn.ModuleDict()
- self.feat_conv = nn.ModuleDict()
- # Pyramids
- for i in range(3, 0, -1):
- level = f'l{i}'
- self.offset_conv1[level] = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 2, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- if i == 3:
- self.offset_conv2[level] = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- else:
- self.offset_conv2[level] = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 2, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.offset_conv3[level] = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.dcn_pack[level] = DCNv2Pack(num_feat, num_feat, 3, padding=1, deformable_groups=deformable_groups)
- if i < 3:
- self.feat_conv[level] = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 2, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- # Cascading dcn
- self.cas_offset_conv1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 2, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.cas_offset_conv2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.cas_dcnpack = DCNv2Pack(num_feat, num_feat, 3, padding=1, deformable_groups=deformable_groups)
- self.upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)
- def forward(self, nbr_feat_l, ref_feat_l):
- """Align neighboring frame features to the reference frame features.
- Args:
- nbr_feat_l (list[Tensor]): Neighboring feature list. It
- contains three pyramid levels (L1, L2, L3),
- each with shape (b, c, h, w).
- ref_feat_l (list[Tensor]): Reference feature list. It
- contains three pyramid levels (L1, L2, L3),
- each with shape (b, c, h, w).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Aligned features.
- """
- # Pyramids
- upsampled_offset, upsampled_feat = None, None
- for i in range(3, 0, -1):
- level = f'l{i}'
- offset = torch.cat([nbr_feat_l[i - 1], ref_feat_l[i - 1]], dim=1)
- offset = self.lrelu(self.offset_conv1[level](offset))
- if i == 3:
- offset = self.lrelu(self.offset_conv2[level](offset))
- else:
- offset = self.lrelu(self.offset_conv2[level](torch.cat([offset, upsampled_offset], dim=1)))
- offset = self.lrelu(self.offset_conv3[level](offset))
- feat = self.dcn_pack[level](nbr_feat_l[i - 1], offset)
- if i < 3:
- feat = self.feat_conv[level](torch.cat([feat, upsampled_feat], dim=1))
- if i > 1:
- feat = self.lrelu(feat)
- if i > 1: # upsample offset and features
- # x2: when we upsample the offset, we should also enlarge
- # the magnitude.
- upsampled_offset = self.upsample(offset) * 2
- upsampled_feat = self.upsample(feat)
- # Cascading
- offset = torch.cat([feat, ref_feat_l[0]], dim=1)
- offset = self.lrelu(self.cas_offset_conv2(self.lrelu(self.cas_offset_conv1(offset))))
- feat = self.lrelu(self.cas_dcnpack(feat, offset))
- return feat
-class TSAFusion(nn.Module):
- """Temporal Spatial Attention (TSA) fusion module.
- Temporal: Calculate the correlation between center frame and
- neighboring frames;
- Spatial: It has 3 pyramid levels, the attention is similar to SFT.
- (SFT: Recovering realistic texture in image super-resolution by deep
- spatial feature transform.)
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Channel number of middle features. Default: 64.
- num_frame (int): Number of frames. Default: 5.
- center_frame_idx (int): The index of center frame. Default: 2.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_feat=64, num_frame=5, center_frame_idx=2):
- super(TSAFusion, self).__init__()
- self.center_frame_idx = center_frame_idx
- # temporal attention (before fusion conv)
- self.temporal_attn1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.temporal_attn2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.feat_fusion = nn.Conv2d(num_frame * num_feat, num_feat, 1, 1)
- # spatial attention (after fusion conv)
- self.max_pool = nn.MaxPool2d(3, stride=2, padding=1)
- self.avg_pool = nn.AvgPool2d(3, stride=2, padding=1)
- self.spatial_attn1 = nn.Conv2d(num_frame * num_feat, num_feat, 1)
- self.spatial_attn2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 2, num_feat, 1)
- self.spatial_attn3 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.spatial_attn4 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 1)
- self.spatial_attn5 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.spatial_attn_l1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 1)
- self.spatial_attn_l2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat * 2, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.spatial_attn_l3 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.spatial_attn_add1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 1)
- self.spatial_attn_add2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 1)
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)
- self.upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- def forward(self, aligned_feat):
- """
- Args:
- aligned_feat (Tensor): Aligned features with shape (b, t, c, h, w).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Features after TSA with the shape (b, c, h, w).
- """
- b, t, c, h, w = aligned_feat.size()
- # temporal attention
- embedding_ref = self.temporal_attn1(aligned_feat[:, self.center_frame_idx, :, :, :].clone())
- embedding = self.temporal_attn2(aligned_feat.view(-1, c, h, w))
- embedding = embedding.view(b, t, -1, h, w) # (b, t, c, h, w)
- corr_l = [] # correlation list
- for i in range(t):
- emb_neighbor = embedding[:, i, :, :, :]
- corr = torch.sum(emb_neighbor * embedding_ref, 1) # (b, h, w)
- corr_l.append(corr.unsqueeze(1)) # (b, 1, h, w)
- corr_prob = torch.sigmoid(torch.cat(corr_l, dim=1)) # (b, t, h, w)
- corr_prob = corr_prob.unsqueeze(2).expand(b, t, c, h, w)
- corr_prob = corr_prob.contiguous().view(b, -1, h, w) # (b, t*c, h, w)
- aligned_feat = aligned_feat.view(b, -1, h, w) * corr_prob
- # fusion
- feat = self.lrelu(self.feat_fusion(aligned_feat))
- # spatial attention
- attn = self.lrelu(self.spatial_attn1(aligned_feat))
- attn_max = self.max_pool(attn)
- attn_avg = self.avg_pool(attn)
- attn = self.lrelu(self.spatial_attn2(torch.cat([attn_max, attn_avg], dim=1)))
- # pyramid levels
- attn_level = self.lrelu(self.spatial_attn_l1(attn))
- attn_max = self.max_pool(attn_level)
- attn_avg = self.avg_pool(attn_level)
- attn_level = self.lrelu(self.spatial_attn_l2(torch.cat([attn_max, attn_avg], dim=1)))
- attn_level = self.lrelu(self.spatial_attn_l3(attn_level))
- attn_level = self.upsample(attn_level)
- attn = self.lrelu(self.spatial_attn3(attn)) + attn_level
- attn = self.lrelu(self.spatial_attn4(attn))
- attn = self.upsample(attn)
- attn = self.spatial_attn5(attn)
- attn_add = self.spatial_attn_add2(self.lrelu(self.spatial_attn_add1(attn)))
- attn = torch.sigmoid(attn)
- # after initialization, * 2 makes (attn * 2) to be close to 1.
- feat = feat * attn * 2 + attn_add
- return feat
-class PredeblurModule(nn.Module):
- """Pre-dublur module.
- Args:
- num_in_ch (int): Channel number of input image. Default: 3.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features. Default: 64.
- hr_in (bool): Whether the input has high resolution. Default: False.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_in_ch=3, num_feat=64, hr_in=False):
- super(PredeblurModule, self).__init__()
- self.hr_in = hr_in
- self.conv_first = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- if self.hr_in:
- # downsample x4 by stride conv
- self.stride_conv_hr1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 2, 1)
- self.stride_conv_hr2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 2, 1)
- # generate feature pyramid
- self.stride_conv_l2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 2, 1)
- self.stride_conv_l3 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 2, 1)
- self.resblock_l3 = ResidualBlockNoBN(num_feat=num_feat)
- self.resblock_l2_1 = ResidualBlockNoBN(num_feat=num_feat)
- self.resblock_l2_2 = ResidualBlockNoBN(num_feat=num_feat)
- self.resblock_l1 = nn.ModuleList([ResidualBlockNoBN(num_feat=num_feat) for i in range(5)])
- self.upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)
- def forward(self, x):
- feat_l1 = self.lrelu(self.conv_first(x))
- if self.hr_in:
- feat_l1 = self.lrelu(self.stride_conv_hr1(feat_l1))
- feat_l1 = self.lrelu(self.stride_conv_hr2(feat_l1))
- # generate feature pyramid
- feat_l2 = self.lrelu(self.stride_conv_l2(feat_l1))
- feat_l3 = self.lrelu(self.stride_conv_l3(feat_l2))
- feat_l3 = self.upsample(self.resblock_l3(feat_l3))
- feat_l2 = self.resblock_l2_1(feat_l2) + feat_l3
- feat_l2 = self.upsample(self.resblock_l2_2(feat_l2))
- for i in range(2):
- feat_l1 = self.resblock_l1[i](feat_l1)
- feat_l1 = feat_l1 + feat_l2
- for i in range(2, 5):
- feat_l1 = self.resblock_l1[i](feat_l1)
- return feat_l1
-class EDVR(nn.Module):
- """EDVR network structure for video super-resolution.
- Now only support X4 upsampling factor.
- ``Paper: EDVR: Video Restoration with Enhanced Deformable Convolutional Networks``
- Args:
- num_in_ch (int): Channel number of input image. Default: 3.
- num_out_ch (int): Channel number of output image. Default: 3.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features. Default: 64.
- num_frame (int): Number of input frames. Default: 5.
- deformable_groups (int): Deformable groups. Defaults: 8.
- num_extract_block (int): Number of blocks for feature extraction.
- Default: 5.
- num_reconstruct_block (int): Number of blocks for reconstruction.
- Default: 10.
- center_frame_idx (int): The index of center frame. Frame counting from
- 0. Default: Middle of input frames.
- hr_in (bool): Whether the input has high resolution. Default: False.
- with_predeblur (bool): Whether has predeblur module.
- Default: False.
- with_tsa (bool): Whether has TSA module. Default: True.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- num_in_ch=3,
- num_out_ch=3,
- num_feat=64,
- num_frame=5,
- deformable_groups=8,
- num_extract_block=5,
- num_reconstruct_block=10,
- center_frame_idx=None,
- hr_in=False,
- with_predeblur=False,
- with_tsa=True):
- super(EDVR, self).__init__()
- if center_frame_idx is None:
- self.center_frame_idx = num_frame // 2
- else:
- self.center_frame_idx = center_frame_idx
- self.hr_in = hr_in
- self.with_predeblur = with_predeblur
- self.with_tsa = with_tsa
- # extract features for each frame
- if self.with_predeblur:
- self.predeblur = PredeblurModule(num_feat=num_feat, hr_in=self.hr_in)
- self.conv_1x1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 1, 1)
- else:
- self.conv_first = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- # extract pyramid features
- self.feature_extraction = make_layer(ResidualBlockNoBN, num_extract_block, num_feat=num_feat)
- self.conv_l2_1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 2, 1)
- self.conv_l2_2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_l3_1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 2, 1)
- self.conv_l3_2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- # pcd and tsa module
- self.pcd_align = PCDAlignment(num_feat=num_feat, deformable_groups=deformable_groups)
- if self.with_tsa:
- self.fusion = TSAFusion(num_feat=num_feat, num_frame=num_frame, center_frame_idx=self.center_frame_idx)
- else:
- self.fusion = nn.Conv2d(num_frame * num_feat, num_feat, 1, 1)
- # reconstruction
- self.reconstruction = make_layer(ResidualBlockNoBN, num_reconstruct_block, num_feat=num_feat)
- # upsample
- self.upconv1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat * 4, 3, 1, 1)
- self.upconv2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 64 * 4, 3, 1, 1)
- self.pixel_shuffle = nn.PixelShuffle(2)
- self.conv_hr = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(64, 3, 3, 1, 1)
- # activation function
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)
- def forward(self, x):
- b, t, c, h, w = x.size()
- if self.hr_in:
- assert h % 16 == 0 and w % 16 == 0, ('The height and width must be multiple of 16.')
- else:
- assert h % 4 == 0 and w % 4 == 0, ('The height and width must be multiple of 4.')
- x_center = x[:, self.center_frame_idx, :, :, :].contiguous()
- # extract features for each frame
- # L1
- if self.with_predeblur:
- feat_l1 = self.conv_1x1(self.predeblur(x.view(-1, c, h, w)))
- if self.hr_in:
- h, w = h // 4, w // 4
- else:
- feat_l1 = self.lrelu(self.conv_first(x.view(-1, c, h, w)))
- feat_l1 = self.feature_extraction(feat_l1)
- # L2
- feat_l2 = self.lrelu(self.conv_l2_1(feat_l1))
- feat_l2 = self.lrelu(self.conv_l2_2(feat_l2))
- # L3
- feat_l3 = self.lrelu(self.conv_l3_1(feat_l2))
- feat_l3 = self.lrelu(self.conv_l3_2(feat_l3))
- feat_l1 = feat_l1.view(b, t, -1, h, w)
- feat_l2 = feat_l2.view(b, t, -1, h // 2, w // 2)
- feat_l3 = feat_l3.view(b, t, -1, h // 4, w // 4)
- # PCD alignment
- ref_feat_l = [ # reference feature list
- feat_l1[:, self.center_frame_idx, :, :, :].clone(), feat_l2[:, self.center_frame_idx, :, :, :].clone(),
- feat_l3[:, self.center_frame_idx, :, :, :].clone()
- ]
- aligned_feat = []
- for i in range(t):
- nbr_feat_l = [ # neighboring feature list
- feat_l1[:, i, :, :, :].clone(), feat_l2[:, i, :, :, :].clone(), feat_l3[:, i, :, :, :].clone()
- ]
- aligned_feat.append(self.pcd_align(nbr_feat_l, ref_feat_l))
- aligned_feat = torch.stack(aligned_feat, dim=1) # (b, t, c, h, w)
- if not self.with_tsa:
- aligned_feat = aligned_feat.view(b, -1, h, w)
- feat = self.fusion(aligned_feat)
- out = self.reconstruction(feat)
- out = self.lrelu(self.pixel_shuffle(self.upconv1(out)))
- out = self.lrelu(self.pixel_shuffle(self.upconv2(out)))
- out = self.lrelu(self.conv_hr(out))
- out = self.conv_last(out)
- if self.hr_in:
- base = x_center
- else:
- base = F.interpolate(x_center, scale_factor=4, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- out += base
- return out
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/hifacegan_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/hifacegan_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 098e3ed4306eb19ae9da705c0af580a6f74c6cb9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/hifacegan_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-import torch.nn.functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-from .hifacegan_util import BaseNetwork, LIPEncoder, SPADEResnetBlock, get_nonspade_norm_layer
-class SPADEGenerator(BaseNetwork):
- """Generator with SPADEResBlock"""
- def __init__(self,
- num_in_ch=3,
- num_feat=64,
- use_vae=False,
- z_dim=256,
- crop_size=512,
- norm_g='spectralspadesyncbatch3x3',
- is_train=True,
- init_train_phase=3): # progressive training disabled
- super().__init__()
- self.nf = num_feat
- self.input_nc = num_in_ch
- self.is_train = is_train
- self.train_phase = init_train_phase
- self.scale_ratio = 5 # hardcoded now
- self.sw = crop_size // (2**self.scale_ratio)
- self.sh = self.sw # 20210519: By default use square image, aspect_ratio = 1.0
- if use_vae:
- # In case of VAE, we will sample from random z vector
- self.fc = nn.Linear(z_dim, 16 * self.nf * self.sw * self.sh)
- else:
- # Otherwise, we make the network deterministic by starting with
- # downsampled segmentation map instead of random z
- self.fc = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, 16 * self.nf, 3, padding=1)
- self.head_0 = SPADEResnetBlock(16 * self.nf, 16 * self.nf, norm_g)
- self.g_middle_0 = SPADEResnetBlock(16 * self.nf, 16 * self.nf, norm_g)
- self.g_middle_1 = SPADEResnetBlock(16 * self.nf, 16 * self.nf, norm_g)
- self.ups = nn.ModuleList([
- SPADEResnetBlock(16 * self.nf, 8 * self.nf, norm_g),
- SPADEResnetBlock(8 * self.nf, 4 * self.nf, norm_g),
- SPADEResnetBlock(4 * self.nf, 2 * self.nf, norm_g),
- SPADEResnetBlock(2 * self.nf, 1 * self.nf, norm_g)
- ])
- self.to_rgbs = nn.ModuleList([
- nn.Conv2d(8 * self.nf, 3, 3, padding=1),
- nn.Conv2d(4 * self.nf, 3, 3, padding=1),
- nn.Conv2d(2 * self.nf, 3, 3, padding=1),
- nn.Conv2d(1 * self.nf, 3, 3, padding=1)
- ])
- self.up = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2)
- def encode(self, input_tensor):
- """
- Encode input_tensor into feature maps, can be overridden in derived classes
- Default: nearest downsampling of 2**5 = 32 times
- """
- h, w = input_tensor.size()[-2:]
- sh, sw = h // 2**self.scale_ratio, w // 2**self.scale_ratio
- x = F.interpolate(input_tensor, size=(sh, sw))
- return self.fc(x)
- def forward(self, x):
- # In oroginal SPADE, seg means a segmentation map, but here we use x instead.
- seg = x
- x = self.encode(x)
- x = self.head_0(x, seg)
- x = self.up(x)
- x = self.g_middle_0(x, seg)
- x = self.g_middle_1(x, seg)
- if self.is_train:
- phase = self.train_phase + 1
- else:
- phase = len(self.to_rgbs)
- for i in range(phase):
- x = self.up(x)
- x = self.ups[i](x, seg)
- x = self.to_rgbs[phase - 1](F.leaky_relu(x, 2e-1))
- x = torch.tanh(x)
- return x
- def mixed_guidance_forward(self, input_x, seg=None, n=0, mode='progressive'):
- """
- A helper class for subspace visualization. Input and seg are different images.
- For the first n levels (including encoder) we use input, for the rest we use seg.
- If mode = 'progressive', the output's like: AAABBB
- If mode = 'one_plug', the output's like: AAABAA
- If mode = 'one_ablate', the output's like: BBBABB
- """
- if seg is None:
- return self.forward(input_x)
- if self.is_train:
- phase = self.train_phase + 1
- else:
- phase = len(self.to_rgbs)
- if mode == 'progressive':
- n = max(min(n, 4 + phase), 0)
- guide_list = [input_x] * n + [seg] * (4 + phase - n)
- elif mode == 'one_plug':
- n = max(min(n, 4 + phase - 1), 0)
- guide_list = [seg] * (4 + phase)
- guide_list[n] = input_x
- elif mode == 'one_ablate':
- if n > 3 + phase:
- return self.forward(input_x)
- guide_list = [input_x] * (4 + phase)
- guide_list[n] = seg
- x = self.encode(guide_list[0])
- x = self.head_0(x, guide_list[1])
- x = self.up(x)
- x = self.g_middle_0(x, guide_list[2])
- x = self.g_middle_1(x, guide_list[3])
- for i in range(phase):
- x = self.up(x)
- x = self.ups[i](x, guide_list[4 + i])
- x = self.to_rgbs[phase - 1](F.leaky_relu(x, 2e-1))
- x = torch.tanh(x)
- return x
-class HiFaceGAN(SPADEGenerator):
- """
- HiFaceGAN: SPADEGenerator with a learnable feature encoder
- Current encoder design: LIPEncoder
- """
- def __init__(self,
- num_in_ch=3,
- num_feat=64,
- use_vae=False,
- z_dim=256,
- crop_size=512,
- norm_g='spectralspadesyncbatch3x3',
- is_train=True,
- init_train_phase=3):
- super().__init__(num_in_ch, num_feat, use_vae, z_dim, crop_size, norm_g, is_train, init_train_phase)
- self.lip_encoder = LIPEncoder(num_in_ch, num_feat, self.sw, self.sh, self.scale_ratio)
- def encode(self, input_tensor):
- return self.lip_encoder(input_tensor)
-class HiFaceGANDiscriminator(BaseNetwork):
- """
- Inspired by pix2pixHD multiscale discriminator.
- Args:
- num_in_ch (int): Channel number of inputs. Default: 3.
- num_out_ch (int): Channel number of outputs. Default: 3.
- conditional_d (bool): Whether use conditional discriminator.
- Default: True.
- num_d (int): Number of Multiscale discriminators. Default: 3.
- n_layers_d (int): Number of downsample layers in each D. Default: 4.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of base intermediate features.
- Default: 64.
- norm_d (str): String to determine normalization layers in D.
- Choices: [spectral][instance/batch/syncbatch]
- Default: 'spectralinstance'.
- keep_features (bool): Keep intermediate features for matching loss, etc.
- Default: True.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- num_in_ch=3,
- num_out_ch=3,
- conditional_d=True,
- num_d=2,
- n_layers_d=4,
- num_feat=64,
- norm_d='spectralinstance',
- keep_features=True):
- super().__init__()
- self.num_d = num_d
- input_nc = num_in_ch
- if conditional_d:
- input_nc += num_out_ch
- for i in range(num_d):
- subnet_d = NLayerDiscriminator(input_nc, n_layers_d, num_feat, norm_d, keep_features)
- self.add_module(f'discriminator_{i}', subnet_d)
- def downsample(self, x):
- return F.avg_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=[1, 1], count_include_pad=False)
- # Returns list of lists of discriminator outputs.
- # The final result is of size opt.num_d x opt.n_layers_D
- def forward(self, x):
- result = []
- for _, _net_d in self.named_children():
- out = _net_d(x)
- result.append(out)
- x = self.downsample(x)
- return result
-class NLayerDiscriminator(BaseNetwork):
- """Defines the PatchGAN discriminator with the specified arguments."""
- def __init__(self, input_nc, n_layers_d, num_feat, norm_d, keep_features):
- super().__init__()
- kw = 4
- padw = int(np.ceil((kw - 1.0) / 2))
- nf = num_feat
- self.keep_features = keep_features
- norm_layer = get_nonspade_norm_layer(norm_d)
- sequence = [[nn.Conv2d(input_nc, nf, kernel_size=kw, stride=2, padding=padw), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, False)]]
- for n in range(1, n_layers_d):
- nf_prev = nf
- nf = min(nf * 2, 512)
- stride = 1 if n == n_layers_d - 1 else 2
- sequence += [[
- norm_layer(nn.Conv2d(nf_prev, nf, kernel_size=kw, stride=stride, padding=padw)),
- nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, False)
- ]]
- sequence += [[nn.Conv2d(nf, 1, kernel_size=kw, stride=1, padding=padw)]]
- # We divide the layers into groups to extract intermediate layer outputs
- for n in range(len(sequence)):
- self.add_module('model' + str(n), nn.Sequential(*sequence[n]))
- def forward(self, x):
- results = [x]
- for submodel in self.children():
- intermediate_output = submodel(results[-1])
- results.append(intermediate_output)
- if self.keep_features:
- return results[1:]
- else:
- return results[-1]
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deleted file mode 100644
index 35cbef3f532fcc6aab0fa57ab316a546d3a17bd5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/hifacegan_util.py
+++ /dev/null
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-import re
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-import torch.nn.functional as F
-from torch.nn import init
-# Warning: spectral norm could be buggy
-# under eval mode and multi-GPU inference
-# A workaround is sticking to single-GPU inference and train mode
-from torch.nn.utils import spectral_norm
-class SPADE(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, config_text, norm_nc, label_nc):
- super().__init__()
- assert config_text.startswith('spade')
- parsed = re.search('spade(\\D+)(\\d)x\\d', config_text)
- param_free_norm_type = str(parsed.group(1))
- ks = int(parsed.group(2))
- if param_free_norm_type == 'instance':
- self.param_free_norm = nn.InstanceNorm2d(norm_nc)
- elif param_free_norm_type == 'syncbatch':
- print('SyncBatchNorm is currently not supported under single-GPU mode, switch to "instance" instead')
- self.param_free_norm = nn.InstanceNorm2d(norm_nc)
- elif param_free_norm_type == 'batch':
- self.param_free_norm = nn.BatchNorm2d(norm_nc, affine=False)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'{param_free_norm_type} is not a recognized param-free norm type in SPADE')
- # The dimension of the intermediate embedding space. Yes, hardcoded.
- nhidden = 128 if norm_nc > 128 else norm_nc
- pw = ks // 2
- self.mlp_shared = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(label_nc, nhidden, kernel_size=ks, padding=pw), nn.ReLU())
- self.mlp_gamma = nn.Conv2d(nhidden, norm_nc, kernel_size=ks, padding=pw, bias=False)
- self.mlp_beta = nn.Conv2d(nhidden, norm_nc, kernel_size=ks, padding=pw, bias=False)
- def forward(self, x, segmap):
- # Part 1. generate parameter-free normalized activations
- normalized = self.param_free_norm(x)
- # Part 2. produce scaling and bias conditioned on semantic map
- segmap = F.interpolate(segmap, size=x.size()[2:], mode='nearest')
- actv = self.mlp_shared(segmap)
- gamma = self.mlp_gamma(actv)
- beta = self.mlp_beta(actv)
- # apply scale and bias
- out = normalized * gamma + beta
- return out
-class SPADEResnetBlock(nn.Module):
- """
- ResNet block that uses SPADE. It differs from the ResNet block of pix2pixHD in that
- it takes in the segmentation map as input, learns the skip connection if necessary,
- and applies normalization first and then convolution.
- This architecture seemed like a standard architecture for unconditional or
- class-conditional GAN architecture using residual block.
- The code was inspired from https://github.com/LMescheder/GAN_stability.
- """
- def __init__(self, fin, fout, norm_g='spectralspadesyncbatch3x3', semantic_nc=3):
- super().__init__()
- # Attributes
- self.learned_shortcut = (fin != fout)
- fmiddle = min(fin, fout)
- # create conv layers
- self.conv_0 = nn.Conv2d(fin, fmiddle, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
- self.conv_1 = nn.Conv2d(fmiddle, fout, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
- if self.learned_shortcut:
- self.conv_s = nn.Conv2d(fin, fout, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
- # apply spectral norm if specified
- if 'spectral' in norm_g:
- self.conv_0 = spectral_norm(self.conv_0)
- self.conv_1 = spectral_norm(self.conv_1)
- if self.learned_shortcut:
- self.conv_s = spectral_norm(self.conv_s)
- # define normalization layers
- spade_config_str = norm_g.replace('spectral', '')
- self.norm_0 = SPADE(spade_config_str, fin, semantic_nc)
- self.norm_1 = SPADE(spade_config_str, fmiddle, semantic_nc)
- if self.learned_shortcut:
- self.norm_s = SPADE(spade_config_str, fin, semantic_nc)
- # note the resnet block with SPADE also takes in |seg|,
- # the semantic segmentation map as input
- def forward(self, x, seg):
- x_s = self.shortcut(x, seg)
- dx = self.conv_0(self.act(self.norm_0(x, seg)))
- dx = self.conv_1(self.act(self.norm_1(dx, seg)))
- out = x_s + dx
- return out
- def shortcut(self, x, seg):
- if self.learned_shortcut:
- x_s = self.conv_s(self.norm_s(x, seg))
- else:
- x_s = x
- return x_s
- def act(self, x):
- return F.leaky_relu(x, 2e-1)
-class BaseNetwork(nn.Module):
- """ A basis for hifacegan archs with custom initialization """
- def init_weights(self, init_type='normal', gain=0.02):
- def init_func(m):
- classname = m.__class__.__name__
- if classname.find('BatchNorm2d') != -1:
- if hasattr(m, 'weight') and m.weight is not None:
- init.normal_(m.weight.data, 1.0, gain)
- if hasattr(m, 'bias') and m.bias is not None:
- init.constant_(m.bias.data, 0.0)
- elif hasattr(m, 'weight') and (classname.find('Conv') != -1 or classname.find('Linear') != -1):
- if init_type == 'normal':
- init.normal_(m.weight.data, 0.0, gain)
- elif init_type == 'xavier':
- init.xavier_normal_(m.weight.data, gain=gain)
- elif init_type == 'xavier_uniform':
- init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight.data, gain=1.0)
- elif init_type == 'kaiming':
- init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight.data, a=0, mode='fan_in')
- elif init_type == 'orthogonal':
- init.orthogonal_(m.weight.data, gain=gain)
- elif init_type == 'none': # uses pytorch's default init method
- m.reset_parameters()
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(f'initialization method [{init_type}] is not implemented')
- if hasattr(m, 'bias') and m.bias is not None:
- init.constant_(m.bias.data, 0.0)
- self.apply(init_func)
- # propagate to children
- for m in self.children():
- if hasattr(m, 'init_weights'):
- m.init_weights(init_type, gain)
- def forward(self, x):
- pass
-def lip2d(x, logit, kernel=3, stride=2, padding=1):
- weight = logit.exp()
- return F.avg_pool2d(x * weight, kernel, stride, padding) / F.avg_pool2d(weight, kernel, stride, padding)
-class SoftGate(nn.Module):
- COEFF = 12.0
- def forward(self, x):
- return torch.sigmoid(x).mul(self.COEFF)
-class SimplifiedLIP(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, channels):
- super(SimplifiedLIP, self).__init__()
- self.logit = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(channels, channels, 3, padding=1, bias=False), nn.InstanceNorm2d(channels, affine=True),
- SoftGate())
- def init_layer(self):
- self.logit[0].weight.data.fill_(0.0)
- def forward(self, x):
- frac = lip2d(x, self.logit(x))
- return frac
-class LIPEncoder(BaseNetwork):
- """Local Importance-based Pooling (Ziteng Gao et.al.,ICCV 2019)"""
- def __init__(self, input_nc, ngf, sw, sh, n_2xdown, norm_layer=nn.InstanceNorm2d):
- super().__init__()
- self.sw = sw
- self.sh = sh
- self.max_ratio = 16
- # 20200310: Several Convolution (stride 1) + LIP blocks, 4 fold
- kw = 3
- pw = (kw - 1) // 2
- model = [
- nn.Conv2d(input_nc, ngf, kw, stride=1, padding=pw, bias=False),
- norm_layer(ngf),
- nn.ReLU(),
- ]
- cur_ratio = 1
- for i in range(n_2xdown):
- next_ratio = min(cur_ratio * 2, self.max_ratio)
- model += [
- SimplifiedLIP(ngf * cur_ratio),
- nn.Conv2d(ngf * cur_ratio, ngf * next_ratio, kw, stride=1, padding=pw),
- norm_layer(ngf * next_ratio),
- ]
- cur_ratio = next_ratio
- if i < n_2xdown - 1:
- model += [nn.ReLU(inplace=True)]
- self.model = nn.Sequential(*model)
- def forward(self, x):
- return self.model(x)
-def get_nonspade_norm_layer(norm_type='instance'):
- # helper function to get # output channels of the previous layer
- def get_out_channel(layer):
- if hasattr(layer, 'out_channels'):
- return getattr(layer, 'out_channels')
- return layer.weight.size(0)
- # this function will be returned
- def add_norm_layer(layer):
- nonlocal norm_type
- if norm_type.startswith('spectral'):
- layer = spectral_norm(layer)
- subnorm_type = norm_type[len('spectral'):]
- if subnorm_type == 'none' or len(subnorm_type) == 0:
- return layer
- # remove bias in the previous layer, which is meaningless
- # since it has no effect after normalization
- if getattr(layer, 'bias', None) is not None:
- delattr(layer, 'bias')
- layer.register_parameter('bias', None)
- if subnorm_type == 'batch':
- norm_layer = nn.BatchNorm2d(get_out_channel(layer), affine=True)
- elif subnorm_type == 'sync_batch':
- print('SyncBatchNorm is currently not supported under single-GPU mode, switch to "instance" instead')
- # norm_layer = SynchronizedBatchNorm2d(
- # get_out_channel(layer), affine=True)
- norm_layer = nn.InstanceNorm2d(get_out_channel(layer), affine=False)
- elif subnorm_type == 'instance':
- norm_layer = nn.InstanceNorm2d(get_out_channel(layer), affine=False)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'normalization layer {subnorm_type} is not recognized')
- return nn.Sequential(layer, norm_layer)
- print('This is a legacy from nvlabs/SPADE, and will be removed in future versions.')
- return add_norm_layer
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/inception.py b/basicsr/archs/inception.py
deleted file mode 100644
index de1abef67270dc1aba770943b53577029141f527..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/inception.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# Modified from https://github.com/mseitzer/pytorch-fid/blob/master/pytorch_fid/inception.py # noqa: E501
-# For FID metric
-import os
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-import torch.nn.functional as F
-from torch.utils.model_zoo import load_url
-from torchvision import models
-# Inception weights ported to Pytorch from
-# http://download.tensorflow.org/models/image/imagenet/inception-2015-12-05.tgz
-FID_WEIGHTS_URL = 'https://github.com/mseitzer/pytorch-fid/releases/download/fid_weights/pt_inception-2015-12-05-6726825d.pth' # noqa: E501
-LOCAL_FID_WEIGHTS = 'experiments/pretrained_models/pt_inception-2015-12-05-6726825d.pth' # noqa: E501
-class InceptionV3(nn.Module):
- """Pretrained InceptionV3 network returning feature maps"""
- # Index of default block of inception to return,
- # corresponds to output of final average pooling
- # Maps feature dimensionality to their output blocks indices
- 64: 0, # First max pooling features
- 192: 1, # Second max pooling features
- 768: 2, # Pre-aux classifier features
- 2048: 3 # Final average pooling features
- }
- def __init__(self,
- output_blocks=(DEFAULT_BLOCK_INDEX),
- resize_input=True,
- normalize_input=True,
- requires_grad=False,
- use_fid_inception=True):
- """Build pretrained InceptionV3.
- Args:
- output_blocks (list[int]): Indices of blocks to return features of.
- Possible values are:
- - 0: corresponds to output of first max pooling
- - 1: corresponds to output of second max pooling
- - 2: corresponds to output which is fed to aux classifier
- - 3: corresponds to output of final average pooling
- resize_input (bool): If true, bilinearly resizes input to width and
- height 299 before feeding input to model. As the network
- without fully connected layers is fully convolutional, it
- should be able to handle inputs of arbitrary size, so resizing
- might not be strictly needed. Default: True.
- normalize_input (bool): If true, scales the input from range (0, 1)
- to the range the pretrained Inception network expects,
- namely (-1, 1). Default: True.
- requires_grad (bool): If true, parameters of the model require
- gradients. Possibly useful for finetuning the network.
- Default: False.
- use_fid_inception (bool): If true, uses the pretrained Inception
- model used in Tensorflow's FID implementation.
- If false, uses the pretrained Inception model available in
- torchvision. The FID Inception model has different weights
- and a slightly different structure from torchvision's
- Inception model. If you want to compute FID scores, you are
- strongly advised to set this parameter to true to get
- comparable results. Default: True.
- """
- super(InceptionV3, self).__init__()
- self.resize_input = resize_input
- self.normalize_input = normalize_input
- self.output_blocks = sorted(output_blocks)
- self.last_needed_block = max(output_blocks)
- assert self.last_needed_block <= 3, ('Last possible output block index is 3')
- self.blocks = nn.ModuleList()
- if use_fid_inception:
- inception = fid_inception_v3()
- else:
- try:
- inception = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True, init_weights=False)
- except TypeError:
- # pytorch < 1.5 does not have init_weights for inception_v3
- inception = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True)
- # Block 0: input to maxpool1
- block0 = [
- inception.Conv2d_1a_3x3, inception.Conv2d_2a_3x3, inception.Conv2d_2b_3x3,
- nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)
- ]
- self.blocks.append(nn.Sequential(*block0))
- # Block 1: maxpool1 to maxpool2
- if self.last_needed_block >= 1:
- block1 = [inception.Conv2d_3b_1x1, inception.Conv2d_4a_3x3, nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)]
- self.blocks.append(nn.Sequential(*block1))
- # Block 2: maxpool2 to aux classifier
- if self.last_needed_block >= 2:
- block2 = [
- inception.Mixed_5b,
- inception.Mixed_5c,
- inception.Mixed_5d,
- inception.Mixed_6a,
- inception.Mixed_6b,
- inception.Mixed_6c,
- inception.Mixed_6d,
- inception.Mixed_6e,
- ]
- self.blocks.append(nn.Sequential(*block2))
- # Block 3: aux classifier to final avgpool
- if self.last_needed_block >= 3:
- block3 = [
- inception.Mixed_7a, inception.Mixed_7b, inception.Mixed_7c,
- nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size=(1, 1))
- ]
- self.blocks.append(nn.Sequential(*block3))
- for param in self.parameters():
- param.requires_grad = requires_grad
- def forward(self, x):
- """Get Inception feature maps.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Input tensor of shape (b, 3, h, w).
- Values are expected to be in range (-1, 1). You can also input
- (0, 1) with setting normalize_input = True.
- Returns:
- list[Tensor]: Corresponding to the selected output block, sorted
- ascending by index.
- """
- output = []
- if self.resize_input:
- x = F.interpolate(x, size=(299, 299), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- if self.normalize_input:
- x = 2 * x - 1 # Scale from range (0, 1) to range (-1, 1)
- for idx, block in enumerate(self.blocks):
- x = block(x)
- if idx in self.output_blocks:
- output.append(x)
- if idx == self.last_needed_block:
- break
- return output
-def fid_inception_v3():
- """Build pretrained Inception model for FID computation.
- The Inception model for FID computation uses a different set of weights
- and has a slightly different structure than torchvision's Inception.
- This method first constructs torchvision's Inception and then patches the
- necessary parts that are different in the FID Inception model.
- """
- try:
- inception = models.inception_v3(num_classes=1008, aux_logits=False, pretrained=False, init_weights=False)
- except TypeError:
- # pytorch < 1.5 does not have init_weights for inception_v3
- inception = models.inception_v3(num_classes=1008, aux_logits=False, pretrained=False)
- inception.Mixed_5b = FIDInceptionA(192, pool_features=32)
- inception.Mixed_5c = FIDInceptionA(256, pool_features=64)
- inception.Mixed_5d = FIDInceptionA(288, pool_features=64)
- inception.Mixed_6b = FIDInceptionC(768, channels_7x7=128)
- inception.Mixed_6c = FIDInceptionC(768, channels_7x7=160)
- inception.Mixed_6d = FIDInceptionC(768, channels_7x7=160)
- inception.Mixed_6e = FIDInceptionC(768, channels_7x7=192)
- inception.Mixed_7b = FIDInceptionE_1(1280)
- inception.Mixed_7c = FIDInceptionE_2(2048)
- if os.path.exists(LOCAL_FID_WEIGHTS):
- state_dict = torch.load(LOCAL_FID_WEIGHTS, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
- else:
- state_dict = load_url(FID_WEIGHTS_URL, progress=True)
- inception.load_state_dict(state_dict)
- return inception
-class FIDInceptionA(models.inception.InceptionA):
- """InceptionA block patched for FID computation"""
- def __init__(self, in_channels, pool_features):
- super(FIDInceptionA, self).__init__(in_channels, pool_features)
- def forward(self, x):
- branch1x1 = self.branch1x1(x)
- branch5x5 = self.branch5x5_1(x)
- branch5x5 = self.branch5x5_2(branch5x5)
- branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_1(x)
- branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_2(branch3x3dbl)
- branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_3(branch3x3dbl)
- # Patch: Tensorflow's average pool does not use the padded zero's in
- # its average calculation
- branch_pool = F.avg_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, count_include_pad=False)
- branch_pool = self.branch_pool(branch_pool)
- outputs = [branch1x1, branch5x5, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool]
- return torch.cat(outputs, 1)
-class FIDInceptionC(models.inception.InceptionC):
- """InceptionC block patched for FID computation"""
- def __init__(self, in_channels, channels_7x7):
- super(FIDInceptionC, self).__init__(in_channels, channels_7x7)
- def forward(self, x):
- branch1x1 = self.branch1x1(x)
- branch7x7 = self.branch7x7_1(x)
- branch7x7 = self.branch7x7_2(branch7x7)
- branch7x7 = self.branch7x7_3(branch7x7)
- branch7x7dbl = self.branch7x7dbl_1(x)
- branch7x7dbl = self.branch7x7dbl_2(branch7x7dbl)
- branch7x7dbl = self.branch7x7dbl_3(branch7x7dbl)
- branch7x7dbl = self.branch7x7dbl_4(branch7x7dbl)
- branch7x7dbl = self.branch7x7dbl_5(branch7x7dbl)
- # Patch: Tensorflow's average pool does not use the padded zero's in
- # its average calculation
- branch_pool = F.avg_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, count_include_pad=False)
- branch_pool = self.branch_pool(branch_pool)
- outputs = [branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool]
- return torch.cat(outputs, 1)
-class FIDInceptionE_1(models.inception.InceptionE):
- """First InceptionE block patched for FID computation"""
- def __init__(self, in_channels):
- super(FIDInceptionE_1, self).__init__(in_channels)
- def forward(self, x):
- branch1x1 = self.branch1x1(x)
- branch3x3 = self.branch3x3_1(x)
- branch3x3 = [
- self.branch3x3_2a(branch3x3),
- self.branch3x3_2b(branch3x3),
- ]
- branch3x3 = torch.cat(branch3x3, 1)
- branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_1(x)
- branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_2(branch3x3dbl)
- branch3x3dbl = [
- self.branch3x3dbl_3a(branch3x3dbl),
- self.branch3x3dbl_3b(branch3x3dbl),
- ]
- branch3x3dbl = torch.cat(branch3x3dbl, 1)
- # Patch: Tensorflow's average pool does not use the padded zero's in
- # its average calculation
- branch_pool = F.avg_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, count_include_pad=False)
- branch_pool = self.branch_pool(branch_pool)
- outputs = [branch1x1, branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool]
- return torch.cat(outputs, 1)
-class FIDInceptionE_2(models.inception.InceptionE):
- """Second InceptionE block patched for FID computation"""
- def __init__(self, in_channels):
- super(FIDInceptionE_2, self).__init__(in_channels)
- def forward(self, x):
- branch1x1 = self.branch1x1(x)
- branch3x3 = self.branch3x3_1(x)
- branch3x3 = [
- self.branch3x3_2a(branch3x3),
- self.branch3x3_2b(branch3x3),
- ]
- branch3x3 = torch.cat(branch3x3, 1)
- branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_1(x)
- branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_2(branch3x3dbl)
- branch3x3dbl = [
- self.branch3x3dbl_3a(branch3x3dbl),
- self.branch3x3dbl_3b(branch3x3dbl),
- ]
- branch3x3dbl = torch.cat(branch3x3dbl, 1)
- # Patch: The FID Inception model uses max pooling instead of average
- # pooling. This is likely an error in this specific Inception
- # implementation, as other Inception models use average pooling here
- # (which matches the description in the paper).
- branch_pool = F.max_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
- branch_pool = self.branch_pool(branch_pool)
- outputs = [branch1x1, branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool]
- return torch.cat(outputs, 1)
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/rcan_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/rcan_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 48872e6800006d885f56f90dd2f0a2bd16e513d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/rcan_arch.py
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@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from torch import nn as nn
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-from .arch_util import Upsample, make_layer
-class ChannelAttention(nn.Module):
- """Channel attention used in RCAN.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- squeeze_factor (int): Channel squeeze factor. Default: 16.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_feat, squeeze_factor=16):
- super(ChannelAttention, self).__init__()
- self.attention = nn.Sequential(
- nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1), nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat // squeeze_factor, 1, padding=0),
- nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(num_feat // squeeze_factor, num_feat, 1, padding=0), nn.Sigmoid())
- def forward(self, x):
- y = self.attention(x)
- return x * y
-class RCAB(nn.Module):
- """Residual Channel Attention Block (RCAB) used in RCAN.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- squeeze_factor (int): Channel squeeze factor. Default: 16.
- res_scale (float): Scale the residual. Default: 1.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_feat, squeeze_factor=16, res_scale=1):
- super(RCAB, self).__init__()
- self.res_scale = res_scale
- self.rcab = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1), nn.ReLU(True), nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1),
- ChannelAttention(num_feat, squeeze_factor))
- def forward(self, x):
- res = self.rcab(x) * self.res_scale
- return res + x
-class ResidualGroup(nn.Module):
- """Residual Group of RCAB.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- num_block (int): Block number in the body network.
- squeeze_factor (int): Channel squeeze factor. Default: 16.
- res_scale (float): Scale the residual. Default: 1.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_feat, num_block, squeeze_factor=16, res_scale=1):
- super(ResidualGroup, self).__init__()
- self.residual_group = make_layer(
- RCAB, num_block, num_feat=num_feat, squeeze_factor=squeeze_factor, res_scale=res_scale)
- self.conv = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- def forward(self, x):
- res = self.conv(self.residual_group(x))
- return res + x
-class RCAN(nn.Module):
- """Residual Channel Attention Networks.
- ``Paper: Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Residual Channel Attention Networks``
- Reference: https://github.com/yulunzhang/RCAN
- Args:
- num_in_ch (int): Channel number of inputs.
- num_out_ch (int): Channel number of outputs.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- Default: 64.
- num_group (int): Number of ResidualGroup. Default: 10.
- num_block (int): Number of RCAB in ResidualGroup. Default: 16.
- squeeze_factor (int): Channel squeeze factor. Default: 16.
- upscale (int): Upsampling factor. Support 2^n and 3.
- Default: 4.
- res_scale (float): Used to scale the residual in residual block.
- Default: 1.
- img_range (float): Image range. Default: 255.
- rgb_mean (tuple[float]): Image mean in RGB orders.
- Default: (0.4488, 0.4371, 0.4040), calculated from DIV2K dataset.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- num_in_ch,
- num_out_ch,
- num_feat=64,
- num_group=10,
- num_block=16,
- squeeze_factor=16,
- upscale=4,
- res_scale=1,
- img_range=255.,
- rgb_mean=(0.4488, 0.4371, 0.4040)):
- super(RCAN, self).__init__()
- self.img_range = img_range
- self.mean = torch.Tensor(rgb_mean).view(1, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_first = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.body = make_layer(
- ResidualGroup,
- num_group,
- num_feat=num_feat,
- num_block=num_block,
- squeeze_factor=squeeze_factor,
- res_scale=res_scale)
- self.conv_after_body = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.upsample = Upsample(upscale, num_feat)
- self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
- def forward(self, x):
- self.mean = self.mean.type_as(x)
- x = (x - self.mean) * self.img_range
- x = self.conv_first(x)
- res = self.conv_after_body(self.body(x))
- res += x
- x = self.conv_last(self.upsample(res))
- x = x / self.img_range + self.mean
- return x
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/ridnet_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/ridnet_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 85bb9ae0348e27dd6c797c03f8d9ec43f8b0b829..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/ridnet_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-from .arch_util import ResidualBlockNoBN, make_layer
-class MeanShift(nn.Conv2d):
- """ Data normalization with mean and std.
- Args:
- rgb_range (int): Maximum value of RGB.
- rgb_mean (list[float]): Mean for RGB channels.
- rgb_std (list[float]): Std for RGB channels.
- sign (int): For subtraction, sign is -1, for addition, sign is 1.
- Default: -1.
- requires_grad (bool): Whether to update the self.weight and self.bias.
- Default: True.
- """
- def __init__(self, rgb_range, rgb_mean, rgb_std, sign=-1, requires_grad=True):
- super(MeanShift, self).__init__(3, 3, kernel_size=1)
- std = torch.Tensor(rgb_std)
- self.weight.data = torch.eye(3).view(3, 3, 1, 1)
- self.weight.data.div_(std.view(3, 1, 1, 1))
- self.bias.data = sign * rgb_range * torch.Tensor(rgb_mean)
- self.bias.data.div_(std)
- self.requires_grad = requires_grad
-class EResidualBlockNoBN(nn.Module):
- """Enhanced Residual block without BN.
- There are three convolution layers in residual branch.
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels):
- super(EResidualBlockNoBN, self).__init__()
- self.body = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1),
- nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1),
- nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, 1, 1, 0),
- )
- self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
- def forward(self, x):
- out = self.body(x)
- out = self.relu(out + x)
- return out
-class MergeRun(nn.Module):
- """ Merge-and-run unit.
- This unit contains two branches with different dilated convolutions,
- followed by a convolution to process the concatenated features.
- Paper: Real Image Denoising with Feature Attention
- Ref git repo: https://github.com/saeed-anwar/RIDNet
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1):
- super(MergeRun, self).__init__()
- self.dilation1 = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, 2, 2), nn.ReLU(inplace=True))
- self.dilation2 = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, 3, 3), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, 4, 4), nn.ReLU(inplace=True))
- self.aggregation = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(out_channels * 2, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding), nn.ReLU(inplace=True))
- def forward(self, x):
- dilation1 = self.dilation1(x)
- dilation2 = self.dilation2(x)
- out = torch.cat([dilation1, dilation2], dim=1)
- out = self.aggregation(out)
- out = out + x
- return out
-class ChannelAttention(nn.Module):
- """Channel attention.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- squeeze_factor (int): Channel squeeze factor. Default:
- """
- def __init__(self, mid_channels, squeeze_factor=16):
- super(ChannelAttention, self).__init__()
- self.attention = nn.Sequential(
- nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1), nn.Conv2d(mid_channels, mid_channels // squeeze_factor, 1, padding=0),
- nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(mid_channels // squeeze_factor, mid_channels, 1, padding=0), nn.Sigmoid())
- def forward(self, x):
- y = self.attention(x)
- return x * y
-class EAM(nn.Module):
- """Enhancement attention modules (EAM) in RIDNet.
- This module contains a merge-and-run unit, a residual block,
- an enhanced residual block and a feature attention unit.
- Attributes:
- merge: The merge-and-run unit.
- block1: The residual block.
- block2: The enhanced residual block.
- ca: The feature/channel attention unit.
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, mid_channels, out_channels):
- super(EAM, self).__init__()
- self.merge = MergeRun(in_channels, mid_channels)
- self.block1 = ResidualBlockNoBN(mid_channels)
- self.block2 = EResidualBlockNoBN(mid_channels, out_channels)
- self.ca = ChannelAttention(out_channels)
- # The residual block in the paper contains a relu after addition.
- self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
- def forward(self, x):
- out = self.merge(x)
- out = self.relu(self.block1(out))
- out = self.block2(out)
- out = self.ca(out)
- return out
-class RIDNet(nn.Module):
- """RIDNet: Real Image Denoising with Feature Attention.
- Ref git repo: https://github.com/saeed-anwar/RIDNet
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of inputs.
- mid_channels (int): Channel number of EAM modules.
- Default: 64.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of outputs.
- num_block (int): Number of EAM. Default: 4.
- img_range (float): Image range. Default: 255.
- rgb_mean (tuple[float]): Image mean in RGB orders.
- Default: (0.4488, 0.4371, 0.4040), calculated from DIV2K dataset.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- in_channels,
- mid_channels,
- out_channels,
- num_block=4,
- img_range=255.,
- rgb_mean=(0.4488, 0.4371, 0.4040),
- rgb_std=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)):
- super(RIDNet, self).__init__()
- self.sub_mean = MeanShift(img_range, rgb_mean, rgb_std)
- self.add_mean = MeanShift(img_range, rgb_mean, rgb_std, 1)
- self.head = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, mid_channels, 3, 1, 1)
- self.body = make_layer(
- EAM, num_block, in_channels=mid_channels, mid_channels=mid_channels, out_channels=mid_channels)
- self.tail = nn.Conv2d(mid_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1)
- self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
- def forward(self, x):
- res = self.sub_mean(x)
- res = self.tail(self.body(self.relu(self.head(res))))
- res = self.add_mean(res)
- out = x + res
- return out
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/rrdbnet_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/rrdbnet_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 63d07080c2ec1305090c59b7bfbbda2b003b18e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/rrdbnet_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-from .arch_util import default_init_weights, make_layer, pixel_unshuffle
-class ResidualDenseBlock(nn.Module):
- """Residual Dense Block.
- Used in RRDB block in ESRGAN.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- num_grow_ch (int): Channels for each growth.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_feat=64, num_grow_ch=32):
- super(ResidualDenseBlock, self).__init__()
- self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_grow_ch, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat + num_grow_ch, num_grow_ch, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat + 2 * num_grow_ch, num_grow_ch, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat + 3 * num_grow_ch, num_grow_ch, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat + 4 * num_grow_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- # initialization
- default_init_weights([self.conv1, self.conv2, self.conv3, self.conv4, self.conv5], 0.1)
- def forward(self, x):
- x1 = self.lrelu(self.conv1(x))
- x2 = self.lrelu(self.conv2(torch.cat((x, x1), 1)))
- x3 = self.lrelu(self.conv3(torch.cat((x, x1, x2), 1)))
- x4 = self.lrelu(self.conv4(torch.cat((x, x1, x2, x3), 1)))
- x5 = self.conv5(torch.cat((x, x1, x2, x3, x4), 1))
- # Empirically, we use 0.2 to scale the residual for better performance
- return x5 * 0.2 + x
-class RRDB(nn.Module):
- """Residual in Residual Dense Block.
- Used in RRDB-Net in ESRGAN.
- Args:
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- num_grow_ch (int): Channels for each growth.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_feat, num_grow_ch=32):
- super(RRDB, self).__init__()
- self.rdb1 = ResidualDenseBlock(num_feat, num_grow_ch)
- self.rdb2 = ResidualDenseBlock(num_feat, num_grow_ch)
- self.rdb3 = ResidualDenseBlock(num_feat, num_grow_ch)
- def forward(self, x):
- out = self.rdb1(x)
- out = self.rdb2(out)
- out = self.rdb3(out)
- # Empirically, we use 0.2 to scale the residual for better performance
- return out * 0.2 + x
-class RRDBNet(nn.Module):
- """Networks consisting of Residual in Residual Dense Block, which is used
- in ESRGAN.
- ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks.
- We extend ESRGAN for scale x2 and scale x1.
- Note: This is one option for scale 1, scale 2 in RRDBNet.
- We first employ the pixel-unshuffle (an inverse operation of pixelshuffle to reduce the spatial size
- and enlarge the channel size before feeding inputs into the main ESRGAN architecture.
- Args:
- num_in_ch (int): Channel number of inputs.
- num_out_ch (int): Channel number of outputs.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- Default: 64
- num_block (int): Block number in the trunk network. Defaults: 23
- num_grow_ch (int): Channels for each growth. Default: 32.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_in_ch, num_out_ch, scale=4, num_feat=64, num_block=23, num_grow_ch=32):
- super(RRDBNet, self).__init__()
- self.scale = scale
- if scale == 2:
- num_in_ch = num_in_ch * 4
- elif scale == 1:
- num_in_ch = num_in_ch * 16
- self.conv_first = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.body = make_layer(RRDB, num_block, num_feat=num_feat, num_grow_ch=num_grow_ch)
- self.conv_body = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- # upsample
- self.conv_up1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_up2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_hr = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- def forward(self, x):
- if self.scale == 2:
- feat = pixel_unshuffle(x, scale=2)
- elif self.scale == 1:
- feat = pixel_unshuffle(x, scale=4)
- else:
- feat = x
- feat = self.conv_first(feat)
- body_feat = self.conv_body(self.body(feat))
- feat = feat + body_feat
- # upsample
- feat = self.lrelu(self.conv_up1(F.interpolate(feat, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')))
- feat = self.lrelu(self.conv_up2(F.interpolate(feat, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')))
- out = self.conv_last(self.lrelu(self.conv_hr(feat)))
- return out
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/spynet_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/spynet_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c7af133daef0496b79a57517e1942d06f2d0061..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/spynet_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-import math
-import torch
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-from .arch_util import flow_warp
-class BasicModule(nn.Module):
- """Basic Module for SpyNet.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(BasicModule, self).__init__()
- self.basic_module = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels=8, out_channels=32, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3), nn.ReLU(inplace=False),
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3), nn.ReLU(inplace=False),
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=32, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3), nn.ReLU(inplace=False),
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=16, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3), nn.ReLU(inplace=False),
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels=16, out_channels=2, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3))
- def forward(self, tensor_input):
- return self.basic_module(tensor_input)
-class SpyNet(nn.Module):
- """SpyNet architecture.
- Args:
- load_path (str): path for pretrained SpyNet. Default: None.
- """
- def __init__(self, load_path=None):
- super(SpyNet, self).__init__()
- self.basic_module = nn.ModuleList([BasicModule() for _ in range(6)])
- if load_path:
- self.load_state_dict(torch.load(load_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)['params'])
- self.register_buffer('mean', torch.Tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).view(1, 3, 1, 1))
- self.register_buffer('std', torch.Tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).view(1, 3, 1, 1))
- def preprocess(self, tensor_input):
- tensor_output = (tensor_input - self.mean) / self.std
- return tensor_output
- def process(self, ref, supp):
- flow = []
- ref = [self.preprocess(ref)]
- supp = [self.preprocess(supp)]
- for level in range(5):
- ref.insert(0, F.avg_pool2d(input=ref[0], kernel_size=2, stride=2, count_include_pad=False))
- supp.insert(0, F.avg_pool2d(input=supp[0], kernel_size=2, stride=2, count_include_pad=False))
- flow = ref[0].new_zeros(
- [ref[0].size(0), 2,
- int(math.floor(ref[0].size(2) / 2.0)),
- int(math.floor(ref[0].size(3) / 2.0))])
- for level in range(len(ref)):
- upsampled_flow = F.interpolate(input=flow, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) * 2.0
- if upsampled_flow.size(2) != ref[level].size(2):
- upsampled_flow = F.pad(input=upsampled_flow, pad=[0, 0, 0, 1], mode='replicate')
- if upsampled_flow.size(3) != ref[level].size(3):
- upsampled_flow = F.pad(input=upsampled_flow, pad=[0, 1, 0, 0], mode='replicate')
- flow = self.basic_module[level](torch.cat([
- ref[level],
- flow_warp(
- supp[level], upsampled_flow.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), interp_mode='bilinear', padding_mode='border'),
- upsampled_flow
- ], 1)) + upsampled_flow
- return flow
- def forward(self, ref, supp):
- assert ref.size() == supp.size()
- h, w = ref.size(2), ref.size(3)
- w_floor = math.floor(math.ceil(w / 32.0) * 32.0)
- h_floor = math.floor(math.ceil(h / 32.0) * 32.0)
- ref = F.interpolate(input=ref, size=(h_floor, w_floor), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- supp = F.interpolate(input=supp, size=(h_floor, w_floor), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- flow = F.interpolate(input=self.process(ref, supp), size=(h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- flow[:, 0, :, :] *= float(w) / float(w_floor)
- flow[:, 1, :, :] *= float(h) / float(h_floor)
- return flow
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/srresnet_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/srresnet_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f571557cd7d9ba8791bd6462fccf648c57186d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/srresnet_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-from .arch_util import ResidualBlockNoBN, default_init_weights, make_layer
-class MSRResNet(nn.Module):
- """Modified SRResNet.
- A compacted version modified from SRResNet in
- "Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network"
- It uses residual blocks without BN, similar to EDSR.
- Currently, it supports x2, x3 and x4 upsampling scale factor.
- Args:
- num_in_ch (int): Channel number of inputs. Default: 3.
- num_out_ch (int): Channel number of outputs. Default: 3.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features. Default: 64.
- num_block (int): Block number in the body network. Default: 16.
- upscale (int): Upsampling factor. Support x2, x3 and x4. Default: 4.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, num_feat=64, num_block=16, upscale=4):
- super(MSRResNet, self).__init__()
- self.upscale = upscale
- self.conv_first = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.body = make_layer(ResidualBlockNoBN, num_block, num_feat=num_feat)
- # upsampling
- if self.upscale in [2, 3]:
- self.upconv1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat * self.upscale * self.upscale, 3, 1, 1)
- self.pixel_shuffle = nn.PixelShuffle(self.upscale)
- elif self.upscale == 4:
- self.upconv1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat * 4, 3, 1, 1)
- self.upconv2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat * 4, 3, 1, 1)
- self.pixel_shuffle = nn.PixelShuffle(2)
- self.conv_hr = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
- # activation function
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)
- # initialization
- default_init_weights([self.conv_first, self.upconv1, self.conv_hr, self.conv_last], 0.1)
- if self.upscale == 4:
- default_init_weights(self.upconv2, 0.1)
- def forward(self, x):
- feat = self.lrelu(self.conv_first(x))
- out = self.body(feat)
- if self.upscale == 4:
- out = self.lrelu(self.pixel_shuffle(self.upconv1(out)))
- out = self.lrelu(self.pixel_shuffle(self.upconv2(out)))
- elif self.upscale in [2, 3]:
- out = self.lrelu(self.pixel_shuffle(self.upconv1(out)))
- out = self.conv_last(self.lrelu(self.conv_hr(out)))
- base = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=self.upscale, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
- out += base
- return out
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/srvgg_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/srvgg_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d8fe5ceb40ed9edd35d81ee17aff86f2e3d9adb4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/srvgg_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-class SRVGGNetCompact(nn.Module):
- """A compact VGG-style network structure for super-resolution.
- It is a compact network structure, which performs upsampling in the last layer and no convolution is
- conducted on the HR feature space.
- Args:
- num_in_ch (int): Channel number of inputs. Default: 3.
- num_out_ch (int): Channel number of outputs. Default: 3.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features. Default: 64.
- num_conv (int): Number of convolution layers in the body network. Default: 16.
- upscale (int): Upsampling factor. Default: 4.
- act_type (str): Activation type, options: 'relu', 'prelu', 'leakyrelu'. Default: prelu.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, num_feat=64, num_conv=16, upscale=4, act_type='prelu'):
- super(SRVGGNetCompact, self).__init__()
- self.num_in_ch = num_in_ch
- self.num_out_ch = num_out_ch
- self.num_feat = num_feat
- self.num_conv = num_conv
- self.upscale = upscale
- self.act_type = act_type
- self.body = nn.ModuleList()
- # the first conv
- self.body.append(nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1))
- # the first activation
- if act_type == 'relu':
- activation = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
- elif act_type == 'prelu':
- activation = nn.PReLU(num_parameters=num_feat)
- elif act_type == 'leakyrelu':
- activation = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)
- self.body.append(activation)
- # the body structure
- for _ in range(num_conv):
- self.body.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1))
- # activation
- if act_type == 'relu':
- activation = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
- elif act_type == 'prelu':
- activation = nn.PReLU(num_parameters=num_feat)
- elif act_type == 'leakyrelu':
- activation = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)
- self.body.append(activation)
- # the last conv
- self.body.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch * upscale * upscale, 3, 1, 1))
- # upsample
- self.upsampler = nn.PixelShuffle(upscale)
- def forward(self, x):
- out = x
- for i in range(0, len(self.body)):
- out = self.body[i](out)
- out = self.upsampler(out)
- # add the nearest upsampled image, so that the network learns the residual
- base = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=self.upscale, mode='nearest')
- out += base
- return out
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/stylegan2_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/stylegan2_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ab37f5a33a2ef21641de35109c16b511a6df163..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/stylegan2_arch.py
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-import math
-import random
-import torch
-from torch import nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.ops.fused_act import FusedLeakyReLU, fused_leaky_relu
-from basicsr.ops.upfirdn2d import upfirdn2d
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-class NormStyleCode(nn.Module):
- def forward(self, x):
- """Normalize the style codes.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Style codes with shape (b, c).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Normalized tensor.
- """
- return x * torch.rsqrt(torch.mean(x**2, dim=1, keepdim=True) + 1e-8)
-def make_resample_kernel(k):
- """Make resampling kernel for UpFirDn.
- Args:
- k (list[int]): A list indicating the 1D resample kernel magnitude.
- Returns:
- Tensor: 2D resampled kernel.
- """
- k = torch.tensor(k, dtype=torch.float32)
- if k.ndim == 1:
- k = k[None, :] * k[:, None] # to 2D kernel, outer product
- # normalize
- k /= k.sum()
- return k
-class UpFirDnUpsample(nn.Module):
- """Upsample, FIR filter, and downsample (upsampole version).
- References:
- 1. https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.upfirdn.html # noqa: E501
- 2. http://www.ece.northwestern.edu/local-apps/matlabhelp/toolbox/signal/upfirdn.html # noqa: E501
- Args:
- resample_kernel (list[int]): A list indicating the 1D resample kernel
- magnitude.
- factor (int): Upsampling scale factor. Default: 2.
- """
- def __init__(self, resample_kernel, factor=2):
- super(UpFirDnUpsample, self).__init__()
- self.kernel = make_resample_kernel(resample_kernel) * (factor**2)
- self.factor = factor
- pad = self.kernel.shape[0] - factor
- self.pad = ((pad + 1) // 2 + factor - 1, pad // 2)
- def forward(self, x):
- out = upfirdn2d(x, self.kernel.type_as(x), up=self.factor, down=1, pad=self.pad)
- return out
- def __repr__(self):
- return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(factor={self.factor})')
-class UpFirDnDownsample(nn.Module):
- """Upsample, FIR filter, and downsample (downsampole version).
- Args:
- resample_kernel (list[int]): A list indicating the 1D resample kernel
- magnitude.
- factor (int): Downsampling scale factor. Default: 2.
- """
- def __init__(self, resample_kernel, factor=2):
- super(UpFirDnDownsample, self).__init__()
- self.kernel = make_resample_kernel(resample_kernel)
- self.factor = factor
- pad = self.kernel.shape[0] - factor
- self.pad = ((pad + 1) // 2, pad // 2)
- def forward(self, x):
- out = upfirdn2d(x, self.kernel.type_as(x), up=1, down=self.factor, pad=self.pad)
- return out
- def __repr__(self):
- return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(factor={self.factor})')
-class UpFirDnSmooth(nn.Module):
- """Upsample, FIR filter, and downsample (smooth version).
- Args:
- resample_kernel (list[int]): A list indicating the 1D resample kernel
- magnitude.
- upsample_factor (int): Upsampling scale factor. Default: 1.
- downsample_factor (int): Downsampling scale factor. Default: 1.
- kernel_size (int): Kernel size: Default: 1.
- """
- def __init__(self, resample_kernel, upsample_factor=1, downsample_factor=1, kernel_size=1):
- super(UpFirDnSmooth, self).__init__()
- self.upsample_factor = upsample_factor
- self.downsample_factor = downsample_factor
- self.kernel = make_resample_kernel(resample_kernel)
- if upsample_factor > 1:
- self.kernel = self.kernel * (upsample_factor**2)
- if upsample_factor > 1:
- pad = (self.kernel.shape[0] - upsample_factor) - (kernel_size - 1)
- self.pad = ((pad + 1) // 2 + upsample_factor - 1, pad // 2 + 1)
- elif downsample_factor > 1:
- pad = (self.kernel.shape[0] - downsample_factor) + (kernel_size - 1)
- self.pad = ((pad + 1) // 2, pad // 2)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- def forward(self, x):
- out = upfirdn2d(x, self.kernel.type_as(x), up=1, down=1, pad=self.pad)
- return out
- def __repr__(self):
- return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(upsample_factor={self.upsample_factor}'
- f', downsample_factor={self.downsample_factor})')
-class EqualLinear(nn.Module):
- """Equalized Linear as StyleGAN2.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Size of each sample.
- out_channels (int): Size of each output sample.
- bias (bool): If set to ``False``, the layer will not learn an additive
- bias. Default: ``True``.
- bias_init_val (float): Bias initialized value. Default: 0.
- lr_mul (float): Learning rate multiplier. Default: 1.
- activation (None | str): The activation after ``linear`` operation.
- Supported: 'fused_lrelu', None. Default: None.
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, bias=True, bias_init_val=0, lr_mul=1, activation=None):
- super(EqualLinear, self).__init__()
- self.in_channels = in_channels
- self.out_channels = out_channels
- self.lr_mul = lr_mul
- self.activation = activation
- if self.activation not in ['fused_lrelu', None]:
- raise ValueError(f'Wrong activation value in EqualLinear: {activation}'
- "Supported ones are: ['fused_lrelu', None].")
- self.scale = (1 / math.sqrt(in_channels)) * lr_mul
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(out_channels, in_channels).div_(lr_mul))
- if bias:
- self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_channels).fill_(bias_init_val))
- else:
- self.register_parameter('bias', None)
- def forward(self, x):
- if self.bias is None:
- bias = None
- else:
- bias = self.bias * self.lr_mul
- if self.activation == 'fused_lrelu':
- out = F.linear(x, self.weight * self.scale)
- out = fused_leaky_relu(out, bias)
- else:
- out = F.linear(x, self.weight * self.scale, bias=bias)
- return out
- def __repr__(self):
- return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(in_channels={self.in_channels}, '
- f'out_channels={self.out_channels}, bias={self.bias is not None})')
-class ModulatedConv2d(nn.Module):
- """Modulated Conv2d used in StyleGAN2.
- There is no bias in ModulatedConv2d.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of the input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of the output.
- kernel_size (int): Size of the convolving kernel.
- num_style_feat (int): Channel number of style features.
- demodulate (bool): Whether to demodulate in the conv layer.
- Default: True.
- sample_mode (str | None): Indicating 'upsample', 'downsample' or None.
- Default: None.
- resample_kernel (list[int]): A list indicating the 1D resample kernel
- magnitude. Default: (1, 3, 3, 1).
- eps (float): A value added to the denominator for numerical stability.
- Default: 1e-8.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size,
- num_style_feat,
- demodulate=True,
- sample_mode=None,
- resample_kernel=(1, 3, 3, 1),
- eps=1e-8):
- super(ModulatedConv2d, self).__init__()
- self.in_channels = in_channels
- self.out_channels = out_channels
- self.kernel_size = kernel_size
- self.demodulate = demodulate
- self.sample_mode = sample_mode
- self.eps = eps
- if self.sample_mode == 'upsample':
- self.smooth = UpFirDnSmooth(
- resample_kernel, upsample_factor=2, downsample_factor=1, kernel_size=kernel_size)
- elif self.sample_mode == 'downsample':
- self.smooth = UpFirDnSmooth(
- resample_kernel, upsample_factor=1, downsample_factor=2, kernel_size=kernel_size)
- elif self.sample_mode is None:
- pass
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Wrong sample mode {self.sample_mode}, '
- "supported ones are ['upsample', 'downsample', None].")
- self.scale = 1 / math.sqrt(in_channels * kernel_size**2)
- # modulation inside each modulated conv
- self.modulation = EqualLinear(
- num_style_feat, in_channels, bias=True, bias_init_val=1, lr_mul=1, activation=None)
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size))
- self.padding = kernel_size // 2
- def forward(self, x, style):
- """Forward function.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Tensor with shape (b, c, h, w).
- style (Tensor): Tensor with shape (b, num_style_feat).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Modulated tensor after convolution.
- """
- b, c, h, w = x.shape # c = c_in
- # weight modulation
- style = self.modulation(style).view(b, 1, c, 1, 1)
- # self.weight: (1, c_out, c_in, k, k); style: (b, 1, c, 1, 1)
- weight = self.scale * self.weight * style # (b, c_out, c_in, k, k)
- if self.demodulate:
- demod = torch.rsqrt(weight.pow(2).sum([2, 3, 4]) + self.eps)
- weight = weight * demod.view(b, self.out_channels, 1, 1, 1)
- weight = weight.view(b * self.out_channels, c, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size)
- if self.sample_mode == 'upsample':
- x = x.view(1, b * c, h, w)
- weight = weight.view(b, self.out_channels, c, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size)
- weight = weight.transpose(1, 2).reshape(b * c, self.out_channels, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size)
- out = F.conv_transpose2d(x, weight, padding=0, stride=2, groups=b)
- out = out.view(b, self.out_channels, *out.shape[2:4])
- out = self.smooth(out)
- elif self.sample_mode == 'downsample':
- x = self.smooth(x)
- x = x.view(1, b * c, *x.shape[2:4])
- out = F.conv2d(x, weight, padding=0, stride=2, groups=b)
- out = out.view(b, self.out_channels, *out.shape[2:4])
- else:
- x = x.view(1, b * c, h, w)
- # weight: (b*c_out, c_in, k, k), groups=b
- out = F.conv2d(x, weight, padding=self.padding, groups=b)
- out = out.view(b, self.out_channels, *out.shape[2:4])
- return out
- def __repr__(self):
- return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(in_channels={self.in_channels}, '
- f'out_channels={self.out_channels}, '
- f'kernel_size={self.kernel_size}, '
- f'demodulate={self.demodulate}, sample_mode={self.sample_mode})')
-class StyleConv(nn.Module):
- """Style conv.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of the input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of the output.
- kernel_size (int): Size of the convolving kernel.
- num_style_feat (int): Channel number of style features.
- demodulate (bool): Whether demodulate in the conv layer. Default: True.
- sample_mode (str | None): Indicating 'upsample', 'downsample' or None.
- Default: None.
- resample_kernel (list[int]): A list indicating the 1D resample kernel
- magnitude. Default: (1, 3, 3, 1).
- """
- def __init__(self,
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size,
- num_style_feat,
- demodulate=True,
- sample_mode=None,
- resample_kernel=(1, 3, 3, 1)):
- super(StyleConv, self).__init__()
- self.modulated_conv = ModulatedConv2d(
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size,
- num_style_feat,
- demodulate=demodulate,
- sample_mode=sample_mode,
- resample_kernel=resample_kernel)
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1)) # for noise injection
- self.activate = FusedLeakyReLU(out_channels)
- def forward(self, x, style, noise=None):
- # modulate
- out = self.modulated_conv(x, style)
- # noise injection
- if noise is None:
- b, _, h, w = out.shape
- noise = out.new_empty(b, 1, h, w).normal_()
- out = out + self.weight * noise
- # activation (with bias)
- out = self.activate(out)
- return out
-class ToRGB(nn.Module):
- """To RGB from features.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of input.
- num_style_feat (int): Channel number of style features.
- upsample (bool): Whether to upsample. Default: True.
- resample_kernel (list[int]): A list indicating the 1D resample kernel
- magnitude. Default: (1, 3, 3, 1).
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, num_style_feat, upsample=True, resample_kernel=(1, 3, 3, 1)):
- super(ToRGB, self).__init__()
- if upsample:
- self.upsample = UpFirDnUpsample(resample_kernel, factor=2)
- else:
- self.upsample = None
- self.modulated_conv = ModulatedConv2d(
- in_channels, 3, kernel_size=1, num_style_feat=num_style_feat, demodulate=False, sample_mode=None)
- self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, 3, 1, 1))
- def forward(self, x, style, skip=None):
- """Forward function.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Feature tensor with shape (b, c, h, w).
- style (Tensor): Tensor with shape (b, num_style_feat).
- skip (Tensor): Base/skip tensor. Default: None.
- Returns:
- Tensor: RGB images.
- """
- out = self.modulated_conv(x, style)
- out = out + self.bias
- if skip is not None:
- if self.upsample:
- skip = self.upsample(skip)
- out = out + skip
- return out
-class ConstantInput(nn.Module):
- """Constant input.
- Args:
- num_channel (int): Channel number of constant input.
- size (int): Spatial size of constant input.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_channel, size):
- super(ConstantInput, self).__init__()
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, num_channel, size, size))
- def forward(self, batch):
- out = self.weight.repeat(batch, 1, 1, 1)
- return out
-class StyleGAN2Generator(nn.Module):
- """StyleGAN2 Generator.
- Args:
- out_size (int): The spatial size of outputs.
- num_style_feat (int): Channel number of style features. Default: 512.
- num_mlp (int): Layer number of MLP style layers. Default: 8.
- channel_multiplier (int): Channel multiplier for large networks of
- StyleGAN2. Default: 2.
- resample_kernel (list[int]): A list indicating the 1D resample kernel
- magnitude. A cross production will be applied to extent 1D resample
- kernel to 2D resample kernel. Default: (1, 3, 3, 1).
- lr_mlp (float): Learning rate multiplier for mlp layers. Default: 0.01.
- narrow (float): Narrow ratio for channels. Default: 1.0.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- out_size,
- num_style_feat=512,
- num_mlp=8,
- channel_multiplier=2,
- resample_kernel=(1, 3, 3, 1),
- lr_mlp=0.01,
- narrow=1):
- super(StyleGAN2Generator, self).__init__()
- # Style MLP layers
- self.num_style_feat = num_style_feat
- style_mlp_layers = [NormStyleCode()]
- for i in range(num_mlp):
- style_mlp_layers.append(
- EqualLinear(
- num_style_feat, num_style_feat, bias=True, bias_init_val=0, lr_mul=lr_mlp,
- activation='fused_lrelu'))
- self.style_mlp = nn.Sequential(*style_mlp_layers)
- channels = {
- '4': int(512 * narrow),
- '8': int(512 * narrow),
- '16': int(512 * narrow),
- '32': int(512 * narrow),
- '64': int(256 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '128': int(128 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '256': int(64 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '512': int(32 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '1024': int(16 * channel_multiplier * narrow)
- }
- self.channels = channels
- self.constant_input = ConstantInput(channels['4'], size=4)
- self.style_conv1 = StyleConv(
- channels['4'],
- channels['4'],
- kernel_size=3,
- num_style_feat=num_style_feat,
- demodulate=True,
- sample_mode=None,
- resample_kernel=resample_kernel)
- self.to_rgb1 = ToRGB(channels['4'], num_style_feat, upsample=False, resample_kernel=resample_kernel)
- self.log_size = int(math.log(out_size, 2))
- self.num_layers = (self.log_size - 2) * 2 + 1
- self.num_latent = self.log_size * 2 - 2
- self.style_convs = nn.ModuleList()
- self.to_rgbs = nn.ModuleList()
- self.noises = nn.Module()
- in_channels = channels['4']
- # noise
- for layer_idx in range(self.num_layers):
- resolution = 2**((layer_idx + 5) // 2)
- shape = [1, 1, resolution, resolution]
- self.noises.register_buffer(f'noise{layer_idx}', torch.randn(*shape))
- # style convs and to_rgbs
- for i in range(3, self.log_size + 1):
- out_channels = channels[f'{2**i}']
- self.style_convs.append(
- StyleConv(
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size=3,
- num_style_feat=num_style_feat,
- demodulate=True,
- sample_mode='upsample',
- resample_kernel=resample_kernel,
- ))
- self.style_convs.append(
- StyleConv(
- out_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size=3,
- num_style_feat=num_style_feat,
- demodulate=True,
- sample_mode=None,
- resample_kernel=resample_kernel))
- self.to_rgbs.append(ToRGB(out_channels, num_style_feat, upsample=True, resample_kernel=resample_kernel))
- in_channels = out_channels
- def make_noise(self):
- """Make noise for noise injection."""
- device = self.constant_input.weight.device
- noises = [torch.randn(1, 1, 4, 4, device=device)]
- for i in range(3, self.log_size + 1):
- for _ in range(2):
- noises.append(torch.randn(1, 1, 2**i, 2**i, device=device))
- return noises
- def get_latent(self, x):
- return self.style_mlp(x)
- def mean_latent(self, num_latent):
- latent_in = torch.randn(num_latent, self.num_style_feat, device=self.constant_input.weight.device)
- latent = self.style_mlp(latent_in).mean(0, keepdim=True)
- return latent
- def forward(self,
- styles,
- input_is_latent=False,
- noise=None,
- randomize_noise=True,
- truncation=1,
- truncation_latent=None,
- inject_index=None,
- return_latents=False):
- """Forward function for StyleGAN2Generator.
- Args:
- styles (list[Tensor]): Sample codes of styles.
- input_is_latent (bool): Whether input is latent style.
- Default: False.
- noise (Tensor | None): Input noise or None. Default: None.
- randomize_noise (bool): Randomize noise, used when 'noise' is
- False. Default: True.
- truncation (float): TODO. Default: 1.
- truncation_latent (Tensor | None): TODO. Default: None.
- inject_index (int | None): The injection index for mixing noise.
- Default: None.
- return_latents (bool): Whether to return style latents.
- Default: False.
- """
- # style codes -> latents with Style MLP layer
- if not input_is_latent:
- styles = [self.style_mlp(s) for s in styles]
- # noises
- if noise is None:
- if randomize_noise:
- noise = [None] * self.num_layers # for each style conv layer
- else: # use the stored noise
- noise = [getattr(self.noises, f'noise{i}') for i in range(self.num_layers)]
- # style truncation
- if truncation < 1:
- style_truncation = []
- for style in styles:
- style_truncation.append(truncation_latent + truncation * (style - truncation_latent))
- styles = style_truncation
- # get style latent with injection
- if len(styles) == 1:
- inject_index = self.num_latent
- if styles[0].ndim < 3:
- # repeat latent code for all the layers
- latent = styles[0].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, inject_index, 1)
- else: # used for encoder with different latent code for each layer
- latent = styles[0]
- elif len(styles) == 2: # mixing noises
- if inject_index is None:
- inject_index = random.randint(1, self.num_latent - 1)
- latent1 = styles[0].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, inject_index, 1)
- latent2 = styles[1].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, self.num_latent - inject_index, 1)
- latent = torch.cat([latent1, latent2], 1)
- # main generation
- out = self.constant_input(latent.shape[0])
- out = self.style_conv1(out, latent[:, 0], noise=noise[0])
- skip = self.to_rgb1(out, latent[:, 1])
- i = 1
- for conv1, conv2, noise1, noise2, to_rgb in zip(self.style_convs[::2], self.style_convs[1::2], noise[1::2],
- noise[2::2], self.to_rgbs):
- out = conv1(out, latent[:, i], noise=noise1)
- out = conv2(out, latent[:, i + 1], noise=noise2)
- skip = to_rgb(out, latent[:, i + 2], skip)
- i += 2
- image = skip
- if return_latents:
- return image, latent
- else:
- return image, None
-class ScaledLeakyReLU(nn.Module):
- """Scaled LeakyReLU.
- Args:
- negative_slope (float): Negative slope. Default: 0.2.
- """
- def __init__(self, negative_slope=0.2):
- super(ScaledLeakyReLU, self).__init__()
- self.negative_slope = negative_slope
- def forward(self, x):
- out = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=self.negative_slope)
- return out * math.sqrt(2)
-class EqualConv2d(nn.Module):
- """Equalized Linear as StyleGAN2.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of the input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of the output.
- kernel_size (int): Size of the convolving kernel.
- stride (int): Stride of the convolution. Default: 1
- padding (int): Zero-padding added to both sides of the input.
- Default: 0.
- bias (bool): If ``True``, adds a learnable bias to the output.
- Default: ``True``.
- bias_init_val (float): Bias initialized value. Default: 0.
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, bias=True, bias_init_val=0):
- super(EqualConv2d, self).__init__()
- self.in_channels = in_channels
- self.out_channels = out_channels
- self.kernel_size = kernel_size
- self.stride = stride
- self.padding = padding
- self.scale = 1 / math.sqrt(in_channels * kernel_size**2)
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size))
- if bias:
- self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_channels).fill_(bias_init_val))
- else:
- self.register_parameter('bias', None)
- def forward(self, x):
- out = F.conv2d(
- x,
- self.weight * self.scale,
- bias=self.bias,
- stride=self.stride,
- padding=self.padding,
- )
- return out
- def __repr__(self):
- return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(in_channels={self.in_channels}, '
- f'out_channels={self.out_channels}, '
- f'kernel_size={self.kernel_size},'
- f' stride={self.stride}, padding={self.padding}, '
- f'bias={self.bias is not None})')
-class ConvLayer(nn.Sequential):
- """Conv Layer used in StyleGAN2 Discriminator.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of the input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of the output.
- kernel_size (int): Kernel size.
- downsample (bool): Whether downsample by a factor of 2.
- Default: False.
- resample_kernel (list[int]): A list indicating the 1D resample
- kernel magnitude. A cross production will be applied to
- extent 1D resample kernel to 2D resample kernel.
- Default: (1, 3, 3, 1).
- bias (bool): Whether with bias. Default: True.
- activate (bool): Whether use activateion. Default: True.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size,
- downsample=False,
- resample_kernel=(1, 3, 3, 1),
- bias=True,
- activate=True):
- layers = []
- # downsample
- if downsample:
- layers.append(
- UpFirDnSmooth(resample_kernel, upsample_factor=1, downsample_factor=2, kernel_size=kernel_size))
- stride = 2
- self.padding = 0
- else:
- stride = 1
- self.padding = kernel_size // 2
- # conv
- layers.append(
- EqualConv2d(
- in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=self.padding, bias=bias
- and not activate))
- # activation
- if activate:
- if bias:
- layers.append(FusedLeakyReLU(out_channels))
- else:
- layers.append(ScaledLeakyReLU(0.2))
- super(ConvLayer, self).__init__(*layers)
-class ResBlock(nn.Module):
- """Residual block used in StyleGAN2 Discriminator.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of the input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of the output.
- resample_kernel (list[int]): A list indicating the 1D resample
- kernel magnitude. A cross production will be applied to
- extent 1D resample kernel to 2D resample kernel.
- Default: (1, 3, 3, 1).
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, resample_kernel=(1, 3, 3, 1)):
- super(ResBlock, self).__init__()
- self.conv1 = ConvLayer(in_channels, in_channels, 3, bias=True, activate=True)
- self.conv2 = ConvLayer(
- in_channels, out_channels, 3, downsample=True, resample_kernel=resample_kernel, bias=True, activate=True)
- self.skip = ConvLayer(
- in_channels, out_channels, 1, downsample=True, resample_kernel=resample_kernel, bias=False, activate=False)
- def forward(self, x):
- out = self.conv1(x)
- out = self.conv2(out)
- skip = self.skip(x)
- out = (out + skip) / math.sqrt(2)
- return out
-class StyleGAN2Discriminator(nn.Module):
- """StyleGAN2 Discriminator.
- Args:
- out_size (int): The spatial size of outputs.
- channel_multiplier (int): Channel multiplier for large networks of
- StyleGAN2. Default: 2.
- resample_kernel (list[int]): A list indicating the 1D resample kernel
- magnitude. A cross production will be applied to extent 1D resample
- kernel to 2D resample kernel. Default: (1, 3, 3, 1).
- stddev_group (int): For group stddev statistics. Default: 4.
- narrow (float): Narrow ratio for channels. Default: 1.0.
- """
- def __init__(self, out_size, channel_multiplier=2, resample_kernel=(1, 3, 3, 1), stddev_group=4, narrow=1):
- super(StyleGAN2Discriminator, self).__init__()
- channels = {
- '4': int(512 * narrow),
- '8': int(512 * narrow),
- '16': int(512 * narrow),
- '32': int(512 * narrow),
- '64': int(256 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '128': int(128 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '256': int(64 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '512': int(32 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '1024': int(16 * channel_multiplier * narrow)
- }
- log_size = int(math.log(out_size, 2))
- conv_body = [ConvLayer(3, channels[f'{out_size}'], 1, bias=True, activate=True)]
- in_channels = channels[f'{out_size}']
- for i in range(log_size, 2, -1):
- out_channels = channels[f'{2**(i - 1)}']
- conv_body.append(ResBlock(in_channels, out_channels, resample_kernel))
- in_channels = out_channels
- self.conv_body = nn.Sequential(*conv_body)
- self.final_conv = ConvLayer(in_channels + 1, channels['4'], 3, bias=True, activate=True)
- self.final_linear = nn.Sequential(
- EqualLinear(
- channels['4'] * 4 * 4, channels['4'], bias=True, bias_init_val=0, lr_mul=1, activation='fused_lrelu'),
- EqualLinear(channels['4'], 1, bias=True, bias_init_val=0, lr_mul=1, activation=None),
- )
- self.stddev_group = stddev_group
- self.stddev_feat = 1
- def forward(self, x):
- out = self.conv_body(x)
- b, c, h, w = out.shape
- # concatenate a group stddev statistics to out
- group = min(b, self.stddev_group) # Minibatch must be divisible by (or smaller than) group_size
- stddev = out.view(group, -1, self.stddev_feat, c // self.stddev_feat, h, w)
- stddev = torch.sqrt(stddev.var(0, unbiased=False) + 1e-8)
- stddev = stddev.mean([2, 3, 4], keepdims=True).squeeze(2)
- stddev = stddev.repeat(group, 1, h, w)
- out = torch.cat([out, stddev], 1)
- out = self.final_conv(out)
- out = out.view(b, -1)
- out = self.final_linear(out)
- return out
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/stylegan2_bilinear_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/stylegan2_bilinear_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2395170411f9d11f2798ac03cf6ec6eb32fe5e43..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/stylegan2_bilinear_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-import math
-import random
-import torch
-from torch import nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.ops.fused_act import FusedLeakyReLU, fused_leaky_relu
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-class NormStyleCode(nn.Module):
- def forward(self, x):
- """Normalize the style codes.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Style codes with shape (b, c).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Normalized tensor.
- """
- return x * torch.rsqrt(torch.mean(x**2, dim=1, keepdim=True) + 1e-8)
-class EqualLinear(nn.Module):
- """Equalized Linear as StyleGAN2.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Size of each sample.
- out_channels (int): Size of each output sample.
- bias (bool): If set to ``False``, the layer will not learn an additive
- bias. Default: ``True``.
- bias_init_val (float): Bias initialized value. Default: 0.
- lr_mul (float): Learning rate multiplier. Default: 1.
- activation (None | str): The activation after ``linear`` operation.
- Supported: 'fused_lrelu', None. Default: None.
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, bias=True, bias_init_val=0, lr_mul=1, activation=None):
- super(EqualLinear, self).__init__()
- self.in_channels = in_channels
- self.out_channels = out_channels
- self.lr_mul = lr_mul
- self.activation = activation
- if self.activation not in ['fused_lrelu', None]:
- raise ValueError(f'Wrong activation value in EqualLinear: {activation}'
- "Supported ones are: ['fused_lrelu', None].")
- self.scale = (1 / math.sqrt(in_channels)) * lr_mul
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(out_channels, in_channels).div_(lr_mul))
- if bias:
- self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_channels).fill_(bias_init_val))
- else:
- self.register_parameter('bias', None)
- def forward(self, x):
- if self.bias is None:
- bias = None
- else:
- bias = self.bias * self.lr_mul
- if self.activation == 'fused_lrelu':
- out = F.linear(x, self.weight * self.scale)
- out = fused_leaky_relu(out, bias)
- else:
- out = F.linear(x, self.weight * self.scale, bias=bias)
- return out
- def __repr__(self):
- return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(in_channels={self.in_channels}, '
- f'out_channels={self.out_channels}, bias={self.bias is not None})')
-class ModulatedConv2d(nn.Module):
- """Modulated Conv2d used in StyleGAN2.
- There is no bias in ModulatedConv2d.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of the input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of the output.
- kernel_size (int): Size of the convolving kernel.
- num_style_feat (int): Channel number of style features.
- demodulate (bool): Whether to demodulate in the conv layer.
- Default: True.
- sample_mode (str | None): Indicating 'upsample', 'downsample' or None.
- Default: None.
- eps (float): A value added to the denominator for numerical stability.
- Default: 1e-8.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size,
- num_style_feat,
- demodulate=True,
- sample_mode=None,
- eps=1e-8,
- interpolation_mode='bilinear'):
- super(ModulatedConv2d, self).__init__()
- self.in_channels = in_channels
- self.out_channels = out_channels
- self.kernel_size = kernel_size
- self.demodulate = demodulate
- self.sample_mode = sample_mode
- self.eps = eps
- self.interpolation_mode = interpolation_mode
- if self.interpolation_mode == 'nearest':
- self.align_corners = None
- else:
- self.align_corners = False
- self.scale = 1 / math.sqrt(in_channels * kernel_size**2)
- # modulation inside each modulated conv
- self.modulation = EqualLinear(
- num_style_feat, in_channels, bias=True, bias_init_val=1, lr_mul=1, activation=None)
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size))
- self.padding = kernel_size // 2
- def forward(self, x, style):
- """Forward function.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Tensor with shape (b, c, h, w).
- style (Tensor): Tensor with shape (b, num_style_feat).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Modulated tensor after convolution.
- """
- b, c, h, w = x.shape # c = c_in
- # weight modulation
- style = self.modulation(style).view(b, 1, c, 1, 1)
- # self.weight: (1, c_out, c_in, k, k); style: (b, 1, c, 1, 1)
- weight = self.scale * self.weight * style # (b, c_out, c_in, k, k)
- if self.demodulate:
- demod = torch.rsqrt(weight.pow(2).sum([2, 3, 4]) + self.eps)
- weight = weight * demod.view(b, self.out_channels, 1, 1, 1)
- weight = weight.view(b * self.out_channels, c, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size)
- if self.sample_mode == 'upsample':
- x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode=self.interpolation_mode, align_corners=self.align_corners)
- elif self.sample_mode == 'downsample':
- x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=0.5, mode=self.interpolation_mode, align_corners=self.align_corners)
- b, c, h, w = x.shape
- x = x.view(1, b * c, h, w)
- # weight: (b*c_out, c_in, k, k), groups=b
- out = F.conv2d(x, weight, padding=self.padding, groups=b)
- out = out.view(b, self.out_channels, *out.shape[2:4])
- return out
- def __repr__(self):
- return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(in_channels={self.in_channels}, '
- f'out_channels={self.out_channels}, '
- f'kernel_size={self.kernel_size}, '
- f'demodulate={self.demodulate}, sample_mode={self.sample_mode})')
-class StyleConv(nn.Module):
- """Style conv.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of the input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of the output.
- kernel_size (int): Size of the convolving kernel.
- num_style_feat (int): Channel number of style features.
- demodulate (bool): Whether demodulate in the conv layer. Default: True.
- sample_mode (str | None): Indicating 'upsample', 'downsample' or None.
- Default: None.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size,
- num_style_feat,
- demodulate=True,
- sample_mode=None,
- interpolation_mode='bilinear'):
- super(StyleConv, self).__init__()
- self.modulated_conv = ModulatedConv2d(
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size,
- num_style_feat,
- demodulate=demodulate,
- sample_mode=sample_mode,
- interpolation_mode=interpolation_mode)
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1)) # for noise injection
- self.activate = FusedLeakyReLU(out_channels)
- def forward(self, x, style, noise=None):
- # modulate
- out = self.modulated_conv(x, style)
- # noise injection
- if noise is None:
- b, _, h, w = out.shape
- noise = out.new_empty(b, 1, h, w).normal_()
- out = out + self.weight * noise
- # activation (with bias)
- out = self.activate(out)
- return out
-class ToRGB(nn.Module):
- """To RGB from features.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of input.
- num_style_feat (int): Channel number of style features.
- upsample (bool): Whether to upsample. Default: True.
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, num_style_feat, upsample=True, interpolation_mode='bilinear'):
- super(ToRGB, self).__init__()
- self.upsample = upsample
- self.interpolation_mode = interpolation_mode
- if self.interpolation_mode == 'nearest':
- self.align_corners = None
- else:
- self.align_corners = False
- self.modulated_conv = ModulatedConv2d(
- in_channels,
- 3,
- kernel_size=1,
- num_style_feat=num_style_feat,
- demodulate=False,
- sample_mode=None,
- interpolation_mode=interpolation_mode)
- self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, 3, 1, 1))
- def forward(self, x, style, skip=None):
- """Forward function.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Feature tensor with shape (b, c, h, w).
- style (Tensor): Tensor with shape (b, num_style_feat).
- skip (Tensor): Base/skip tensor. Default: None.
- Returns:
- Tensor: RGB images.
- """
- out = self.modulated_conv(x, style)
- out = out + self.bias
- if skip is not None:
- if self.upsample:
- skip = F.interpolate(
- skip, scale_factor=2, mode=self.interpolation_mode, align_corners=self.align_corners)
- out = out + skip
- return out
-class ConstantInput(nn.Module):
- """Constant input.
- Args:
- num_channel (int): Channel number of constant input.
- size (int): Spatial size of constant input.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_channel, size):
- super(ConstantInput, self).__init__()
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, num_channel, size, size))
- def forward(self, batch):
- out = self.weight.repeat(batch, 1, 1, 1)
- return out
-class StyleGAN2GeneratorBilinear(nn.Module):
- """StyleGAN2 Generator.
- Args:
- out_size (int): The spatial size of outputs.
- num_style_feat (int): Channel number of style features. Default: 512.
- num_mlp (int): Layer number of MLP style layers. Default: 8.
- channel_multiplier (int): Channel multiplier for large networks of
- StyleGAN2. Default: 2.
- lr_mlp (float): Learning rate multiplier for mlp layers. Default: 0.01.
- narrow (float): Narrow ratio for channels. Default: 1.0.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- out_size,
- num_style_feat=512,
- num_mlp=8,
- channel_multiplier=2,
- lr_mlp=0.01,
- narrow=1,
- interpolation_mode='bilinear'):
- super(StyleGAN2GeneratorBilinear, self).__init__()
- # Style MLP layers
- self.num_style_feat = num_style_feat
- style_mlp_layers = [NormStyleCode()]
- for i in range(num_mlp):
- style_mlp_layers.append(
- EqualLinear(
- num_style_feat, num_style_feat, bias=True, bias_init_val=0, lr_mul=lr_mlp,
- activation='fused_lrelu'))
- self.style_mlp = nn.Sequential(*style_mlp_layers)
- channels = {
- '4': int(512 * narrow),
- '8': int(512 * narrow),
- '16': int(512 * narrow),
- '32': int(512 * narrow),
- '64': int(256 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '128': int(128 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '256': int(64 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '512': int(32 * channel_multiplier * narrow),
- '1024': int(16 * channel_multiplier * narrow)
- }
- self.channels = channels
- self.constant_input = ConstantInput(channels['4'], size=4)
- self.style_conv1 = StyleConv(
- channels['4'],
- channels['4'],
- kernel_size=3,
- num_style_feat=num_style_feat,
- demodulate=True,
- sample_mode=None,
- interpolation_mode=interpolation_mode)
- self.to_rgb1 = ToRGB(channels['4'], num_style_feat, upsample=False, interpolation_mode=interpolation_mode)
- self.log_size = int(math.log(out_size, 2))
- self.num_layers = (self.log_size - 2) * 2 + 1
- self.num_latent = self.log_size * 2 - 2
- self.style_convs = nn.ModuleList()
- self.to_rgbs = nn.ModuleList()
- self.noises = nn.Module()
- in_channels = channels['4']
- # noise
- for layer_idx in range(self.num_layers):
- resolution = 2**((layer_idx + 5) // 2)
- shape = [1, 1, resolution, resolution]
- self.noises.register_buffer(f'noise{layer_idx}', torch.randn(*shape))
- # style convs and to_rgbs
- for i in range(3, self.log_size + 1):
- out_channels = channels[f'{2**i}']
- self.style_convs.append(
- StyleConv(
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size=3,
- num_style_feat=num_style_feat,
- demodulate=True,
- sample_mode='upsample',
- interpolation_mode=interpolation_mode))
- self.style_convs.append(
- StyleConv(
- out_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size=3,
- num_style_feat=num_style_feat,
- demodulate=True,
- sample_mode=None,
- interpolation_mode=interpolation_mode))
- self.to_rgbs.append(
- ToRGB(out_channels, num_style_feat, upsample=True, interpolation_mode=interpolation_mode))
- in_channels = out_channels
- def make_noise(self):
- """Make noise for noise injection."""
- device = self.constant_input.weight.device
- noises = [torch.randn(1, 1, 4, 4, device=device)]
- for i in range(3, self.log_size + 1):
- for _ in range(2):
- noises.append(torch.randn(1, 1, 2**i, 2**i, device=device))
- return noises
- def get_latent(self, x):
- return self.style_mlp(x)
- def mean_latent(self, num_latent):
- latent_in = torch.randn(num_latent, self.num_style_feat, device=self.constant_input.weight.device)
- latent = self.style_mlp(latent_in).mean(0, keepdim=True)
- return latent
- def forward(self,
- styles,
- input_is_latent=False,
- noise=None,
- randomize_noise=True,
- truncation=1,
- truncation_latent=None,
- inject_index=None,
- return_latents=False):
- """Forward function for StyleGAN2Generator.
- Args:
- styles (list[Tensor]): Sample codes of styles.
- input_is_latent (bool): Whether input is latent style.
- Default: False.
- noise (Tensor | None): Input noise or None. Default: None.
- randomize_noise (bool): Randomize noise, used when 'noise' is
- False. Default: True.
- truncation (float): TODO. Default: 1.
- truncation_latent (Tensor | None): TODO. Default: None.
- inject_index (int | None): The injection index for mixing noise.
- Default: None.
- return_latents (bool): Whether to return style latents.
- Default: False.
- """
- # style codes -> latents with Style MLP layer
- if not input_is_latent:
- styles = [self.style_mlp(s) for s in styles]
- # noises
- if noise is None:
- if randomize_noise:
- noise = [None] * self.num_layers # for each style conv layer
- else: # use the stored noise
- noise = [getattr(self.noises, f'noise{i}') for i in range(self.num_layers)]
- # style truncation
- if truncation < 1:
- style_truncation = []
- for style in styles:
- style_truncation.append(truncation_latent + truncation * (style - truncation_latent))
- styles = style_truncation
- # get style latent with injection
- if len(styles) == 1:
- inject_index = self.num_latent
- if styles[0].ndim < 3:
- # repeat latent code for all the layers
- latent = styles[0].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, inject_index, 1)
- else: # used for encoder with different latent code for each layer
- latent = styles[0]
- elif len(styles) == 2: # mixing noises
- if inject_index is None:
- inject_index = random.randint(1, self.num_latent - 1)
- latent1 = styles[0].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, inject_index, 1)
- latent2 = styles[1].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, self.num_latent - inject_index, 1)
- latent = torch.cat([latent1, latent2], 1)
- # main generation
- out = self.constant_input(latent.shape[0])
- out = self.style_conv1(out, latent[:, 0], noise=noise[0])
- skip = self.to_rgb1(out, latent[:, 1])
- i = 1
- for conv1, conv2, noise1, noise2, to_rgb in zip(self.style_convs[::2], self.style_convs[1::2], noise[1::2],
- noise[2::2], self.to_rgbs):
- out = conv1(out, latent[:, i], noise=noise1)
- out = conv2(out, latent[:, i + 1], noise=noise2)
- skip = to_rgb(out, latent[:, i + 2], skip)
- i += 2
- image = skip
- if return_latents:
- return image, latent
- else:
- return image, None
-class ScaledLeakyReLU(nn.Module):
- """Scaled LeakyReLU.
- Args:
- negative_slope (float): Negative slope. Default: 0.2.
- """
- def __init__(self, negative_slope=0.2):
- super(ScaledLeakyReLU, self).__init__()
- self.negative_slope = negative_slope
- def forward(self, x):
- out = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=self.negative_slope)
- return out * math.sqrt(2)
-class EqualConv2d(nn.Module):
- """Equalized Linear as StyleGAN2.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of the input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of the output.
- kernel_size (int): Size of the convolving kernel.
- stride (int): Stride of the convolution. Default: 1
- padding (int): Zero-padding added to both sides of the input.
- Default: 0.
- bias (bool): If ``True``, adds a learnable bias to the output.
- Default: ``True``.
- bias_init_val (float): Bias initialized value. Default: 0.
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, bias=True, bias_init_val=0):
- super(EqualConv2d, self).__init__()
- self.in_channels = in_channels
- self.out_channels = out_channels
- self.kernel_size = kernel_size
- self.stride = stride
- self.padding = padding
- self.scale = 1 / math.sqrt(in_channels * kernel_size**2)
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size))
- if bias:
- self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_channels).fill_(bias_init_val))
- else:
- self.register_parameter('bias', None)
- def forward(self, x):
- out = F.conv2d(
- x,
- self.weight * self.scale,
- bias=self.bias,
- stride=self.stride,
- padding=self.padding,
- )
- return out
- def __repr__(self):
- return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(in_channels={self.in_channels}, '
- f'out_channels={self.out_channels}, '
- f'kernel_size={self.kernel_size},'
- f' stride={self.stride}, padding={self.padding}, '
- f'bias={self.bias is not None})')
-class ConvLayer(nn.Sequential):
- """Conv Layer used in StyleGAN2 Discriminator.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of the input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of the output.
- kernel_size (int): Kernel size.
- downsample (bool): Whether downsample by a factor of 2.
- Default: False.
- bias (bool): Whether with bias. Default: True.
- activate (bool): Whether use activateion. Default: True.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size,
- downsample=False,
- bias=True,
- activate=True,
- interpolation_mode='bilinear'):
- layers = []
- self.interpolation_mode = interpolation_mode
- # downsample
- if downsample:
- if self.interpolation_mode == 'nearest':
- self.align_corners = None
- else:
- self.align_corners = False
- layers.append(
- torch.nn.Upsample(scale_factor=0.5, mode=interpolation_mode, align_corners=self.align_corners))
- stride = 1
- self.padding = kernel_size // 2
- # conv
- layers.append(
- EqualConv2d(
- in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=self.padding, bias=bias
- and not activate))
- # activation
- if activate:
- if bias:
- layers.append(FusedLeakyReLU(out_channels))
- else:
- layers.append(ScaledLeakyReLU(0.2))
- super(ConvLayer, self).__init__(*layers)
-class ResBlock(nn.Module):
- """Residual block used in StyleGAN2 Discriminator.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Channel number of the input.
- out_channels (int): Channel number of the output.
- """
- def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, interpolation_mode='bilinear'):
- super(ResBlock, self).__init__()
- self.conv1 = ConvLayer(in_channels, in_channels, 3, bias=True, activate=True)
- self.conv2 = ConvLayer(
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- 3,
- downsample=True,
- interpolation_mode=interpolation_mode,
- bias=True,
- activate=True)
- self.skip = ConvLayer(
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- 1,
- downsample=True,
- interpolation_mode=interpolation_mode,
- bias=False,
- activate=False)
- def forward(self, x):
- out = self.conv1(x)
- out = self.conv2(out)
- skip = self.skip(x)
- out = (out + skip) / math.sqrt(2)
- return out
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/swinir_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/swinir_arch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3917fa2c7408e1f5b55b9930c643a9af920a4d81..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/archs/swinir_arch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,956 +0,0 @@
-# Modified from https://github.com/JingyunLiang/SwinIR
-# SwinIR: Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer, https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10257
-# Originally Written by Ze Liu, Modified by Jingyun Liang.
-import math
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-import torch.utils.checkpoint as checkpoint
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-from .arch_util import to_2tuple, trunc_normal_
-def drop_path(x, drop_prob: float = 0., training: bool = False):
- """Drop paths (Stochastic Depth) per sample (when applied in main path of residual blocks).
- From: https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/blob/master/timm/models/layers/drop.py
- """
- if drop_prob == 0. or not training:
- return x
- keep_prob = 1 - drop_prob
- shape = (x.shape[0], ) + (1, ) * (x.ndim - 1) # work with diff dim tensors, not just 2D ConvNets
- random_tensor = keep_prob + torch.rand(shape, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
- random_tensor.floor_() # binarize
- output = x.div(keep_prob) * random_tensor
- return output
-class DropPath(nn.Module):
- """Drop paths (Stochastic Depth) per sample (when applied in main path of residual blocks).
- From: https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/blob/master/timm/models/layers/drop.py
- """
- def __init__(self, drop_prob=None):
- super(DropPath, self).__init__()
- self.drop_prob = drop_prob
- def forward(self, x):
- return drop_path(x, self.drop_prob, self.training)
-class Mlp(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, in_features, hidden_features=None, out_features=None, act_layer=nn.GELU, drop=0.):
- super().__init__()
- out_features = out_features or in_features
- hidden_features = hidden_features or in_features
- self.fc1 = nn.Linear(in_features, hidden_features)
- self.act = act_layer()
- self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_features, out_features)
- self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop)
- def forward(self, x):
- x = self.fc1(x)
- x = self.act(x)
- x = self.drop(x)
- x = self.fc2(x)
- x = self.drop(x)
- return x
-def window_partition(x, window_size):
- """
- Args:
- x: (b, h, w, c)
- window_size (int): window size
- Returns:
- windows: (num_windows*b, window_size, window_size, c)
- """
- b, h, w, c = x.shape
- x = x.view(b, h // window_size, window_size, w // window_size, window_size, c)
- windows = x.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5).contiguous().view(-1, window_size, window_size, c)
- return windows
-def window_reverse(windows, window_size, h, w):
- """
- Args:
- windows: (num_windows*b, window_size, window_size, c)
- window_size (int): Window size
- h (int): Height of image
- w (int): Width of image
- Returns:
- x: (b, h, w, c)
- """
- b = int(windows.shape[0] / (h * w / window_size / window_size))
- x = windows.view(b, h // window_size, w // window_size, window_size, window_size, -1)
- x = x.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5).contiguous().view(b, h, w, -1)
- return x
-class WindowAttention(nn.Module):
- r""" Window based multi-head self attention (W-MSA) module with relative position bias.
- It supports both of shifted and non-shifted window.
- Args:
- dim (int): Number of input channels.
- window_size (tuple[int]): The height and width of the window.
- num_heads (int): Number of attention heads.
- qkv_bias (bool, optional): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True
- qk_scale (float | None, optional): Override default qk scale of head_dim ** -0.5 if set
- attn_drop (float, optional): Dropout ratio of attention weight. Default: 0.0
- proj_drop (float, optional): Dropout ratio of output. Default: 0.0
- """
- def __init__(self, dim, window_size, num_heads, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, attn_drop=0., proj_drop=0.):
- super().__init__()
- self.dim = dim
- self.window_size = window_size # Wh, Ww
- self.num_heads = num_heads
- head_dim = dim // num_heads
- self.scale = qk_scale or head_dim**-0.5
- # define a parameter table of relative position bias
- self.relative_position_bias_table = nn.Parameter(
- torch.zeros((2 * window_size[0] - 1) * (2 * window_size[1] - 1), num_heads)) # 2*Wh-1 * 2*Ww-1, nH
- # get pair-wise relative position index for each token inside the window
- coords_h = torch.arange(self.window_size[0])
- coords_w = torch.arange(self.window_size[1])
- coords = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid([coords_h, coords_w])) # 2, Wh, Ww
- coords_flatten = torch.flatten(coords, 1) # 2, Wh*Ww
- relative_coords = coords_flatten[:, :, None] - coords_flatten[:, None, :] # 2, Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww
- relative_coords = relative_coords.permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous() # Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww, 2
- relative_coords[:, :, 0] += self.window_size[0] - 1 # shift to start from 0
- relative_coords[:, :, 1] += self.window_size[1] - 1
- relative_coords[:, :, 0] *= 2 * self.window_size[1] - 1
- relative_position_index = relative_coords.sum(-1) # Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww
- self.register_buffer('relative_position_index', relative_position_index)
- self.qkv = nn.Linear(dim, dim * 3, bias=qkv_bias)
- self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(attn_drop)
- self.proj = nn.Linear(dim, dim)
- self.proj_drop = nn.Dropout(proj_drop)
- trunc_normal_(self.relative_position_bias_table, std=.02)
- self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
- def forward(self, x, mask=None):
- """
- Args:
- x: input features with shape of (num_windows*b, n, c)
- mask: (0/-inf) mask with shape of (num_windows, Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww) or None
- """
- b_, n, c = x.shape
- qkv = self.qkv(x).reshape(b_, n, 3, self.num_heads, c // self.num_heads).permute(2, 0, 3, 1, 4)
- q, k, v = qkv[0], qkv[1], qkv[2] # make torchscript happy (cannot use tensor as tuple)
- q = q * self.scale
- attn = (q @ k.transpose(-2, -1))
- relative_position_bias = self.relative_position_bias_table[self.relative_position_index.view(-1)].view(
- self.window_size[0] * self.window_size[1], self.window_size[0] * self.window_size[1], -1) # Wh*Ww,Wh*Ww,nH
- relative_position_bias = relative_position_bias.permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous() # nH, Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww
- attn = attn + relative_position_bias.unsqueeze(0)
- if mask is not None:
- nw = mask.shape[0]
- attn = attn.view(b_ // nw, nw, self.num_heads, n, n) + mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0)
- attn = attn.view(-1, self.num_heads, n, n)
- attn = self.softmax(attn)
- else:
- attn = self.softmax(attn)
- attn = self.attn_drop(attn)
- x = (attn @ v).transpose(1, 2).reshape(b_, n, c)
- x = self.proj(x)
- x = self.proj_drop(x)
- return x
- def extra_repr(self) -> str:
- return f'dim={self.dim}, window_size={self.window_size}, num_heads={self.num_heads}'
- def flops(self, n):
- # calculate flops for 1 window with token length of n
- flops = 0
- # qkv = self.qkv(x)
- flops += n * self.dim * 3 * self.dim
- # attn = (q @ k.transpose(-2, -1))
- flops += self.num_heads * n * (self.dim // self.num_heads) * n
- # x = (attn @ v)
- flops += self.num_heads * n * n * (self.dim // self.num_heads)
- # x = self.proj(x)
- flops += n * self.dim * self.dim
- return flops
-class SwinTransformerBlock(nn.Module):
- r""" Swin Transformer Block.
- Args:
- dim (int): Number of input channels.
- input_resolution (tuple[int]): Input resolution.
- num_heads (int): Number of attention heads.
- window_size (int): Window size.
- shift_size (int): Shift size for SW-MSA.
- mlp_ratio (float): Ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim.
- qkv_bias (bool, optional): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True
- qk_scale (float | None, optional): Override default qk scale of head_dim ** -0.5 if set.
- drop (float, optional): Dropout rate. Default: 0.0
- attn_drop (float, optional): Attention dropout rate. Default: 0.0
- drop_path (float, optional): Stochastic depth rate. Default: 0.0
- act_layer (nn.Module, optional): Activation layer. Default: nn.GELU
- norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm
- """
- def __init__(self,
- dim,
- input_resolution,
- num_heads,
- window_size=7,
- shift_size=0,
- mlp_ratio=4.,
- qkv_bias=True,
- qk_scale=None,
- drop=0.,
- attn_drop=0.,
- drop_path=0.,
- act_layer=nn.GELU,
- norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm):
- super().__init__()
- self.dim = dim
- self.input_resolution = input_resolution
- self.num_heads = num_heads
- self.window_size = window_size
- self.shift_size = shift_size
- self.mlp_ratio = mlp_ratio
- if min(self.input_resolution) <= self.window_size:
- # if window size is larger than input resolution, we don't partition windows
- self.shift_size = 0
- self.window_size = min(self.input_resolution)
- assert 0 <= self.shift_size < self.window_size, 'shift_size must in 0-window_size'
- self.norm1 = norm_layer(dim)
- self.attn = WindowAttention(
- dim,
- window_size=to_2tuple(self.window_size),
- num_heads=num_heads,
- qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
- qk_scale=qk_scale,
- attn_drop=attn_drop,
- proj_drop=drop)
- self.drop_path = DropPath(drop_path) if drop_path > 0. else nn.Identity()
- self.norm2 = norm_layer(dim)
- mlp_hidden_dim = int(dim * mlp_ratio)
- self.mlp = Mlp(in_features=dim, hidden_features=mlp_hidden_dim, act_layer=act_layer, drop=drop)
- if self.shift_size > 0:
- attn_mask = self.calculate_mask(self.input_resolution)
- else:
- attn_mask = None
- self.register_buffer('attn_mask', attn_mask)
- def calculate_mask(self, x_size):
- # calculate attention mask for SW-MSA
- h, w = x_size
- img_mask = torch.zeros((1, h, w, 1)) # 1 h w 1
- h_slices = (slice(0, -self.window_size), slice(-self.window_size,
- -self.shift_size), slice(-self.shift_size, None))
- w_slices = (slice(0, -self.window_size), slice(-self.window_size,
- -self.shift_size), slice(-self.shift_size, None))
- cnt = 0
- for h in h_slices:
- for w in w_slices:
- img_mask[:, h, w, :] = cnt
- cnt += 1
- mask_windows = window_partition(img_mask, self.window_size) # nw, window_size, window_size, 1
- mask_windows = mask_windows.view(-1, self.window_size * self.window_size)
- attn_mask = mask_windows.unsqueeze(1) - mask_windows.unsqueeze(2)
- attn_mask = attn_mask.masked_fill(attn_mask != 0, float(-100.0)).masked_fill(attn_mask == 0, float(0.0))
- return attn_mask
- def forward(self, x, x_size):
- h, w = x_size
- b, _, c = x.shape
- # assert seq_len == h * w, "input feature has wrong size"
- shortcut = x
- x = self.norm1(x)
- x = x.view(b, h, w, c)
- # cyclic shift
- if self.shift_size > 0:
- shifted_x = torch.roll(x, shifts=(-self.shift_size, -self.shift_size), dims=(1, 2))
- else:
- shifted_x = x
- # partition windows
- x_windows = window_partition(shifted_x, self.window_size) # nw*b, window_size, window_size, c
- x_windows = x_windows.view(-1, self.window_size * self.window_size, c) # nw*b, window_size*window_size, c
- # W-MSA/SW-MSA (to be compatible for testing on images whose shapes are the multiple of window size
- if self.input_resolution == x_size:
- attn_windows = self.attn(x_windows, mask=self.attn_mask) # nw*b, window_size*window_size, c
- else:
- attn_windows = self.attn(x_windows, mask=self.calculate_mask(x_size).to(x.device))
- # merge windows
- attn_windows = attn_windows.view(-1, self.window_size, self.window_size, c)
- shifted_x = window_reverse(attn_windows, self.window_size, h, w) # b h' w' c
- # reverse cyclic shift
- if self.shift_size > 0:
- x = torch.roll(shifted_x, shifts=(self.shift_size, self.shift_size), dims=(1, 2))
- else:
- x = shifted_x
- x = x.view(b, h * w, c)
- # FFN
- x = shortcut + self.drop_path(x)
- x = x + self.drop_path(self.mlp(self.norm2(x)))
- return x
- def extra_repr(self) -> str:
- return (f'dim={self.dim}, input_resolution={self.input_resolution}, num_heads={self.num_heads}, '
- f'window_size={self.window_size}, shift_size={self.shift_size}, mlp_ratio={self.mlp_ratio}')
- def flops(self):
- flops = 0
- h, w = self.input_resolution
- # norm1
- flops += self.dim * h * w
- nw = h * w / self.window_size / self.window_size
- flops += nw * self.attn.flops(self.window_size * self.window_size)
- # mlp
- flops += 2 * h * w * self.dim * self.dim * self.mlp_ratio
- # norm2
- flops += self.dim * h * w
- return flops
-class PatchMerging(nn.Module):
- r""" Patch Merging Layer.
- Args:
- input_resolution (tuple[int]): Resolution of input feature.
- dim (int): Number of input channels.
- norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm
- """
- def __init__(self, input_resolution, dim, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm):
- super().__init__()
- self.input_resolution = input_resolution
- self.dim = dim
- self.reduction = nn.Linear(4 * dim, 2 * dim, bias=False)
- self.norm = norm_layer(4 * dim)
- def forward(self, x):
- """
- x: b, h*w, c
- """
- h, w = self.input_resolution
- b, seq_len, c = x.shape
- assert seq_len == h * w, 'input feature has wrong size'
- assert h % 2 == 0 and w % 2 == 0, f'x size ({h}*{w}) are not even.'
- x = x.view(b, h, w, c)
- x0 = x[:, 0::2, 0::2, :] # b h/2 w/2 c
- x1 = x[:, 1::2, 0::2, :] # b h/2 w/2 c
- x2 = x[:, 0::2, 1::2, :] # b h/2 w/2 c
- x3 = x[:, 1::2, 1::2, :] # b h/2 w/2 c
- x = torch.cat([x0, x1, x2, x3], -1) # b h/2 w/2 4*c
- x = x.view(b, -1, 4 * c) # b h/2*w/2 4*c
- x = self.norm(x)
- x = self.reduction(x)
- return x
- def extra_repr(self) -> str:
- return f'input_resolution={self.input_resolution}, dim={self.dim}'
- def flops(self):
- h, w = self.input_resolution
- flops = h * w * self.dim
- flops += (h // 2) * (w // 2) * 4 * self.dim * 2 * self.dim
- return flops
-class BasicLayer(nn.Module):
- """ A basic Swin Transformer layer for one stage.
- Args:
- dim (int): Number of input channels.
- input_resolution (tuple[int]): Input resolution.
- depth (int): Number of blocks.
- num_heads (int): Number of attention heads.
- window_size (int): Local window size.
- mlp_ratio (float): Ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim.
- qkv_bias (bool, optional): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True
- qk_scale (float | None, optional): Override default qk scale of head_dim ** -0.5 if set.
- drop (float, optional): Dropout rate. Default: 0.0
- attn_drop (float, optional): Attention dropout rate. Default: 0.0
- drop_path (float | tuple[float], optional): Stochastic depth rate. Default: 0.0
- norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm
- downsample (nn.Module | None, optional): Downsample layer at the end of the layer. Default: None
- use_checkpoint (bool): Whether to use checkpointing to save memory. Default: False.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- dim,
- input_resolution,
- depth,
- num_heads,
- window_size,
- mlp_ratio=4.,
- qkv_bias=True,
- qk_scale=None,
- drop=0.,
- attn_drop=0.,
- drop_path=0.,
- norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm,
- downsample=None,
- use_checkpoint=False):
- super().__init__()
- self.dim = dim
- self.input_resolution = input_resolution
- self.depth = depth
- self.use_checkpoint = use_checkpoint
- # build blocks
- self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([
- SwinTransformerBlock(
- dim=dim,
- input_resolution=input_resolution,
- num_heads=num_heads,
- window_size=window_size,
- shift_size=0 if (i % 2 == 0) else window_size // 2,
- mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
- qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
- qk_scale=qk_scale,
- drop=drop,
- attn_drop=attn_drop,
- drop_path=drop_path[i] if isinstance(drop_path, list) else drop_path,
- norm_layer=norm_layer) for i in range(depth)
- ])
- # patch merging layer
- if downsample is not None:
- self.downsample = downsample(input_resolution, dim=dim, norm_layer=norm_layer)
- else:
- self.downsample = None
- def forward(self, x, x_size):
- for blk in self.blocks:
- if self.use_checkpoint:
- x = checkpoint.checkpoint(blk, x)
- else:
- x = blk(x, x_size)
- if self.downsample is not None:
- x = self.downsample(x)
- return x
- def extra_repr(self) -> str:
- return f'dim={self.dim}, input_resolution={self.input_resolution}, depth={self.depth}'
- def flops(self):
- flops = 0
- for blk in self.blocks:
- flops += blk.flops()
- if self.downsample is not None:
- flops += self.downsample.flops()
- return flops
-class RSTB(nn.Module):
- """Residual Swin Transformer Block (RSTB).
- Args:
- dim (int): Number of input channels.
- input_resolution (tuple[int]): Input resolution.
- depth (int): Number of blocks.
- num_heads (int): Number of attention heads.
- window_size (int): Local window size.
- mlp_ratio (float): Ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim.
- qkv_bias (bool, optional): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True
- qk_scale (float | None, optional): Override default qk scale of head_dim ** -0.5 if set.
- drop (float, optional): Dropout rate. Default: 0.0
- attn_drop (float, optional): Attention dropout rate. Default: 0.0
- drop_path (float | tuple[float], optional): Stochastic depth rate. Default: 0.0
- norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm
- downsample (nn.Module | None, optional): Downsample layer at the end of the layer. Default: None
- use_checkpoint (bool): Whether to use checkpointing to save memory. Default: False.
- img_size: Input image size.
- patch_size: Patch size.
- resi_connection: The convolutional block before residual connection.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- dim,
- input_resolution,
- depth,
- num_heads,
- window_size,
- mlp_ratio=4.,
- qkv_bias=True,
- qk_scale=None,
- drop=0.,
- attn_drop=0.,
- drop_path=0.,
- norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm,
- downsample=None,
- use_checkpoint=False,
- img_size=224,
- patch_size=4,
- resi_connection='1conv'):
- super(RSTB, self).__init__()
- self.dim = dim
- self.input_resolution = input_resolution
- self.residual_group = BasicLayer(
- dim=dim,
- input_resolution=input_resolution,
- depth=depth,
- num_heads=num_heads,
- window_size=window_size,
- mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
- qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
- qk_scale=qk_scale,
- drop=drop,
- attn_drop=attn_drop,
- drop_path=drop_path,
- norm_layer=norm_layer,
- downsample=downsample,
- use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint)
- if resi_connection == '1conv':
- self.conv = nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, 3, 1, 1)
- elif resi_connection == '3conv':
- # to save parameters and memory
- self.conv = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(dim, dim // 4, 3, 1, 1), nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(dim // 4, dim // 4, 1, 1, 0), nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(dim // 4, dim, 3, 1, 1))
- self.patch_embed = PatchEmbed(
- img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=0, embed_dim=dim, norm_layer=None)
- self.patch_unembed = PatchUnEmbed(
- img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=0, embed_dim=dim, norm_layer=None)
- def forward(self, x, x_size):
- return self.patch_embed(self.conv(self.patch_unembed(self.residual_group(x, x_size), x_size))) + x
- def flops(self):
- flops = 0
- flops += self.residual_group.flops()
- h, w = self.input_resolution
- flops += h * w * self.dim * self.dim * 9
- flops += self.patch_embed.flops()
- flops += self.patch_unembed.flops()
- return flops
-class PatchEmbed(nn.Module):
- r""" Image to Patch Embedding
- Args:
- img_size (int): Image size. Default: 224.
- patch_size (int): Patch token size. Default: 4.
- in_chans (int): Number of input image channels. Default: 3.
- embed_dim (int): Number of linear projection output channels. Default: 96.
- norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: None
- """
- def __init__(self, img_size=224, patch_size=4, in_chans=3, embed_dim=96, norm_layer=None):
- super().__init__()
- img_size = to_2tuple(img_size)
- patch_size = to_2tuple(patch_size)
- patches_resolution = [img_size[0] // patch_size[0], img_size[1] // patch_size[1]]
- self.img_size = img_size
- self.patch_size = patch_size
- self.patches_resolution = patches_resolution
- self.num_patches = patches_resolution[0] * patches_resolution[1]
- self.in_chans = in_chans
- self.embed_dim = embed_dim
- if norm_layer is not None:
- self.norm = norm_layer(embed_dim)
- else:
- self.norm = None
- def forward(self, x):
- x = x.flatten(2).transpose(1, 2) # b Ph*Pw c
- if self.norm is not None:
- x = self.norm(x)
- return x
- def flops(self):
- flops = 0
- h, w = self.img_size
- if self.norm is not None:
- flops += h * w * self.embed_dim
- return flops
-class PatchUnEmbed(nn.Module):
- r""" Image to Patch Unembedding
- Args:
- img_size (int): Image size. Default: 224.
- patch_size (int): Patch token size. Default: 4.
- in_chans (int): Number of input image channels. Default: 3.
- embed_dim (int): Number of linear projection output channels. Default: 96.
- norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: None
- """
- def __init__(self, img_size=224, patch_size=4, in_chans=3, embed_dim=96, norm_layer=None):
- super().__init__()
- img_size = to_2tuple(img_size)
- patch_size = to_2tuple(patch_size)
- patches_resolution = [img_size[0] // patch_size[0], img_size[1] // patch_size[1]]
- self.img_size = img_size
- self.patch_size = patch_size
- self.patches_resolution = patches_resolution
- self.num_patches = patches_resolution[0] * patches_resolution[1]
- self.in_chans = in_chans
- self.embed_dim = embed_dim
- def forward(self, x, x_size):
- x = x.transpose(1, 2).view(x.shape[0], self.embed_dim, x_size[0], x_size[1]) # b Ph*Pw c
- return x
- def flops(self):
- flops = 0
- return flops
-class Upsample(nn.Sequential):
- """Upsample module.
- Args:
- scale (int): Scale factor. Supported scales: 2^n and 3.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- """
- def __init__(self, scale, num_feat):
- m = []
- if (scale & (scale - 1)) == 0: # scale = 2^n
- for _ in range(int(math.log(scale, 2))):
- m.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 4 * num_feat, 3, 1, 1))
- m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(2))
- elif scale == 3:
- m.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 9 * num_feat, 3, 1, 1))
- m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(3))
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'scale {scale} is not supported. Supported scales: 2^n and 3.')
- super(Upsample, self).__init__(*m)
-class UpsampleOneStep(nn.Sequential):
- """UpsampleOneStep module (the difference with Upsample is that it always only has 1conv + 1pixelshuffle)
- Used in lightweight SR to save parameters.
- Args:
- scale (int): Scale factor. Supported scales: 2^n and 3.
- num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
- """
- def __init__(self, scale, num_feat, num_out_ch, input_resolution=None):
- self.num_feat = num_feat
- self.input_resolution = input_resolution
- m = []
- m.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, (scale**2) * num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1))
- m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(scale))
- super(UpsampleOneStep, self).__init__(*m)
- def flops(self):
- h, w = self.input_resolution
- flops = h * w * self.num_feat * 3 * 9
- return flops
-class SwinIR(nn.Module):
- r""" SwinIR
- A PyTorch impl of : `SwinIR: Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer`, based on Swin Transformer.
- Args:
- img_size (int | tuple(int)): Input image size. Default 64
- patch_size (int | tuple(int)): Patch size. Default: 1
- in_chans (int): Number of input image channels. Default: 3
- embed_dim (int): Patch embedding dimension. Default: 96
- depths (tuple(int)): Depth of each Swin Transformer layer.
- num_heads (tuple(int)): Number of attention heads in different layers.
- window_size (int): Window size. Default: 7
- mlp_ratio (float): Ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim. Default: 4
- qkv_bias (bool): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True
- qk_scale (float): Override default qk scale of head_dim ** -0.5 if set. Default: None
- drop_rate (float): Dropout rate. Default: 0
- attn_drop_rate (float): Attention dropout rate. Default: 0
- drop_path_rate (float): Stochastic depth rate. Default: 0.1
- norm_layer (nn.Module): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm.
- ape (bool): If True, add absolute position embedding to the patch embedding. Default: False
- patch_norm (bool): If True, add normalization after patch embedding. Default: True
- use_checkpoint (bool): Whether to use checkpointing to save memory. Default: False
- upscale: Upscale factor. 2/3/4/8 for image SR, 1 for denoising and compress artifact reduction
- img_range: Image range. 1. or 255.
- upsampler: The reconstruction reconstruction module. 'pixelshuffle'/'pixelshuffledirect'/'nearest+conv'/None
- resi_connection: The convolutional block before residual connection. '1conv'/'3conv'
- """
- def __init__(self,
- img_size=64,
- patch_size=1,
- in_chans=3,
- embed_dim=96,
- depths=(6, 6, 6, 6),
- num_heads=(6, 6, 6, 6),
- window_size=7,
- mlp_ratio=4.,
- qkv_bias=True,
- qk_scale=None,
- drop_rate=0.,
- attn_drop_rate=0.,
- drop_path_rate=0.1,
- norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm,
- ape=False,
- patch_norm=True,
- use_checkpoint=False,
- upscale=2,
- img_range=1.,
- upsampler='',
- resi_connection='1conv',
- **kwargs):
- super(SwinIR, self).__init__()
- num_in_ch = in_chans
- num_out_ch = in_chans
- num_feat = 64
- self.img_range = img_range
- if in_chans == 3:
- rgb_mean = (0.4488, 0.4371, 0.4040)
- self.mean = torch.Tensor(rgb_mean).view(1, 3, 1, 1)
- else:
- self.mean = torch.zeros(1, 1, 1, 1)
- self.upscale = upscale
- self.upsampler = upsampler
- # ------------------------- 1, shallow feature extraction ------------------------- #
- self.conv_first = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, embed_dim, 3, 1, 1)
- # ------------------------- 2, deep feature extraction ------------------------- #
- self.num_layers = len(depths)
- self.embed_dim = embed_dim
- self.ape = ape
- self.patch_norm = patch_norm
- self.num_features = embed_dim
- self.mlp_ratio = mlp_ratio
- # split image into non-overlapping patches
- self.patch_embed = PatchEmbed(
- img_size=img_size,
- patch_size=patch_size,
- in_chans=embed_dim,
- embed_dim=embed_dim,
- norm_layer=norm_layer if self.patch_norm else None)
- num_patches = self.patch_embed.num_patches
- patches_resolution = self.patch_embed.patches_resolution
- self.patches_resolution = patches_resolution
- # merge non-overlapping patches into image
- self.patch_unembed = PatchUnEmbed(
- img_size=img_size,
- patch_size=patch_size,
- in_chans=embed_dim,
- embed_dim=embed_dim,
- norm_layer=norm_layer if self.patch_norm else None)
- # absolute position embedding
- if self.ape:
- self.absolute_pos_embed = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, num_patches, embed_dim))
- trunc_normal_(self.absolute_pos_embed, std=.02)
- self.pos_drop = nn.Dropout(p=drop_rate)
- # stochastic depth
- dpr = [x.item() for x in torch.linspace(0, drop_path_rate, sum(depths))] # stochastic depth decay rule
- # build Residual Swin Transformer blocks (RSTB)
- self.layers = nn.ModuleList()
- for i_layer in range(self.num_layers):
- layer = RSTB(
- dim=embed_dim,
- input_resolution=(patches_resolution[0], patches_resolution[1]),
- depth=depths[i_layer],
- num_heads=num_heads[i_layer],
- window_size=window_size,
- mlp_ratio=self.mlp_ratio,
- qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
- qk_scale=qk_scale,
- drop=drop_rate,
- attn_drop=attn_drop_rate,
- drop_path=dpr[sum(depths[:i_layer]):sum(depths[:i_layer + 1])], # no impact on SR results
- norm_layer=norm_layer,
- downsample=None,
- use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
- img_size=img_size,
- patch_size=patch_size,
- resi_connection=resi_connection)
- self.layers.append(layer)
- self.norm = norm_layer(self.num_features)
- # build the last conv layer in deep feature extraction
- if resi_connection == '1conv':
- self.conv_after_body = nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, embed_dim, 3, 1, 1)
- elif resi_connection == '3conv':
- # to save parameters and memory
- self.conv_after_body = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, embed_dim // 4, 3, 1, 1), nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(embed_dim // 4, embed_dim // 4, 1, 1, 0), nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(embed_dim // 4, embed_dim, 3, 1, 1))
- # ------------------------- 3, high quality image reconstruction ------------------------- #
- if self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffle':
- # for classical SR
- self.conv_before_upsample = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, num_feat, 3, 1, 1), nn.LeakyReLU(inplace=True))
- self.upsample = Upsample(upscale, num_feat)
- self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
- elif self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffledirect':
- # for lightweight SR (to save parameters)
- self.upsample = UpsampleOneStep(upscale, embed_dim, num_out_ch,
- (patches_resolution[0], patches_resolution[1]))
- elif self.upsampler == 'nearest+conv':
- # for real-world SR (less artifacts)
- assert self.upscale == 4, 'only support x4 now.'
- self.conv_before_upsample = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, num_feat, 3, 1, 1), nn.LeakyReLU(inplace=True))
- self.conv_up1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_up2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_hr = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
- self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
- else:
- # for image denoising and JPEG compression artifact reduction
- self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
- self.apply(self._init_weights)
- def _init_weights(self, m):
- if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
- trunc_normal_(m.weight, std=.02)
- if isinstance(m, nn.Linear) and m.bias is not None:
- nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
- elif isinstance(m, nn.LayerNorm):
- nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
- nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1.0)
- @torch.jit.ignore
- def no_weight_decay(self):
- return {'absolute_pos_embed'}
- @torch.jit.ignore
- def no_weight_decay_keywords(self):
- return {'relative_position_bias_table'}
- def forward_features(self, x):
- x_size = (x.shape[2], x.shape[3])
- x = self.patch_embed(x)
- if self.ape:
- x = x + self.absolute_pos_embed
- x = self.pos_drop(x)
- for layer in self.layers:
- x = layer(x, x_size)
- x = self.norm(x) # b seq_len c
- x = self.patch_unembed(x, x_size)
- return x
- def forward(self, x):
- self.mean = self.mean.type_as(x)
- x = (x - self.mean) * self.img_range
- if self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffle':
- # for classical SR
- x = self.conv_first(x)
- x = self.conv_after_body(self.forward_features(x)) + x
- x = self.conv_before_upsample(x)
- x = self.conv_last(self.upsample(x))
- elif self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffledirect':
- # for lightweight SR
- x = self.conv_first(x)
- x = self.conv_after_body(self.forward_features(x)) + x
- x = self.upsample(x)
- elif self.upsampler == 'nearest+conv':
- # for real-world SR
- x = self.conv_first(x)
- x = self.conv_after_body(self.forward_features(x)) + x
- x = self.conv_before_upsample(x)
- x = self.lrelu(self.conv_up1(torch.nn.functional.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')))
- x = self.lrelu(self.conv_up2(torch.nn.functional.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')))
- x = self.conv_last(self.lrelu(self.conv_hr(x)))
- else:
- # for image denoising and JPEG compression artifact reduction
- x_first = self.conv_first(x)
- res = self.conv_after_body(self.forward_features(x_first)) + x_first
- x = x + self.conv_last(res)
- x = x / self.img_range + self.mean
- return x
- def flops(self):
- flops = 0
- h, w = self.patches_resolution
- flops += h * w * 3 * self.embed_dim * 9
- flops += self.patch_embed.flops()
- for layer in self.layers:
- flops += layer.flops()
- flops += h * w * 3 * self.embed_dim * self.embed_dim
- flops += self.upsample.flops()
- return flops
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- upscale = 4
- window_size = 8
- height = (1024 // upscale // window_size + 1) * window_size
- width = (720 // upscale // window_size + 1) * window_size
- model = SwinIR(
- upscale=2,
- img_size=(height, width),
- window_size=window_size,
- img_range=1.,
- depths=[6, 6, 6, 6],
- embed_dim=60,
- num_heads=[6, 6, 6, 6],
- mlp_ratio=2,
- upsampler='pixelshuffledirect')
- print(model)
- print(height, width, model.flops() / 1e9)
- x = torch.randn((1, 3, height, width))
- x = model(x)
- print(x.shape)
diff --git a/basicsr/archs/tof_arch.py b/basicsr/archs/tof_arch.py
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index a90a64d89386e19f92c987bbe2133472991d764a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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-import torch
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-from .arch_util import flow_warp
-class BasicModule(nn.Module):
- """Basic module of SPyNet.
- Note that unlike the architecture in spynet_arch.py, the basic module
- here contains batch normalization.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(BasicModule, self).__init__()
- self.basic_module = nn.Sequential(
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels=8, out_channels=32, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3, bias=False),
- nn.BatchNorm2d(32), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3, bias=False),
- nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=32, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3, bias=False),
- nn.BatchNorm2d(32), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=16, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3, bias=False),
- nn.BatchNorm2d(16), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
- nn.Conv2d(in_channels=16, out_channels=2, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3))
- def forward(self, tensor_input):
- """
- Args:
- tensor_input (Tensor): Input tensor with shape (b, 8, h, w).
- 8 channels contain:
- [reference image (3), neighbor image (3), initial flow (2)].
- Returns:
- Tensor: Estimated flow with shape (b, 2, h, w)
- """
- return self.basic_module(tensor_input)
-class SPyNetTOF(nn.Module):
- """SPyNet architecture for TOF.
- Note that this implementation is specifically for TOFlow. Please use :file:`spynet_arch.py` for general use.
- They differ in the following aspects:
- 1. The basic modules here contain BatchNorm.
- 2. Normalization and denormalization are not done here, as they are done in TOFlow.
- ``Paper: Optical Flow Estimation using a Spatial Pyramid Network``
- Reference: https://github.com/Coldog2333/pytoflow
- Args:
- load_path (str): Path for pretrained SPyNet. Default: None.
- """
- def __init__(self, load_path=None):
- super(SPyNetTOF, self).__init__()
- self.basic_module = nn.ModuleList([BasicModule() for _ in range(4)])
- if load_path:
- self.load_state_dict(torch.load(load_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)['params'])
- def forward(self, ref, supp):
- """
- Args:
- ref (Tensor): Reference image with shape of (b, 3, h, w).
- supp: The supporting image to be warped: (b, 3, h, w).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Estimated optical flow: (b, 2, h, w).
- """
- num_batches, _, h, w = ref.size()
- ref = [ref]
- supp = [supp]
- # generate downsampled frames
- for _ in range(3):
- ref.insert(0, F.avg_pool2d(input=ref[0], kernel_size=2, stride=2, count_include_pad=False))
- supp.insert(0, F.avg_pool2d(input=supp[0], kernel_size=2, stride=2, count_include_pad=False))
- # flow computation
- flow = ref[0].new_zeros(num_batches, 2, h // 16, w // 16)
- for i in range(4):
- flow_up = F.interpolate(input=flow, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) * 2.0
- flow = flow_up + self.basic_module[i](
- torch.cat([ref[i], flow_warp(supp[i], flow_up.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)), flow_up], 1))
- return flow
-class TOFlow(nn.Module):
- """PyTorch implementation of TOFlow.
- In TOFlow, the LR frames are pre-upsampled and have the same size with the GT frames.
- ``Paper: Video Enhancement with Task-Oriented Flow``
- Reference: https://github.com/anchen1011/toflow
- Reference: https://github.com/Coldog2333/pytoflow
- Args:
- adapt_official_weights (bool): Whether to adapt the weights translated
- from the official implementation. Set to false if you want to
- train from scratch. Default: False
- """
- def __init__(self, adapt_official_weights=False):
- super(TOFlow, self).__init__()
- self.adapt_official_weights = adapt_official_weights
- self.ref_idx = 0 if adapt_official_weights else 3
- self.register_buffer('mean', torch.Tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).view(1, 3, 1, 1))
- self.register_buffer('std', torch.Tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).view(1, 3, 1, 1))
- # flow estimation module
- self.spynet = SPyNetTOF()
- # reconstruction module
- self.conv_1 = nn.Conv2d(3 * 7, 64, 9, 1, 4)
- self.conv_2 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 9, 1, 4)
- self.conv_3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 1)
- self.conv_4 = nn.Conv2d(64, 3, 1)
- # activation function
- self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
- def normalize(self, img):
- return (img - self.mean) / self.std
- def denormalize(self, img):
- return img * self.std + self.mean
- def forward(self, lrs):
- """
- Args:
- lrs: Input lr frames: (b, 7, 3, h, w).
- Returns:
- Tensor: SR frame: (b, 3, h, w).
- """
- # In the official implementation, the 0-th frame is the reference frame
- if self.adapt_official_weights:
- lrs = lrs[:, [3, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6], :, :, :]
- num_batches, num_lrs, _, h, w = lrs.size()
- lrs = self.normalize(lrs.view(-1, 3, h, w))
- lrs = lrs.view(num_batches, num_lrs, 3, h, w)
- lr_ref = lrs[:, self.ref_idx, :, :, :]
- lr_aligned = []
- for i in range(7): # 7 frames
- if i == self.ref_idx:
- lr_aligned.append(lr_ref)
- else:
- lr_supp = lrs[:, i, :, :, :]
- flow = self.spynet(lr_ref, lr_supp)
- lr_aligned.append(flow_warp(lr_supp, flow.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)))
- # reconstruction
- hr = torch.stack(lr_aligned, dim=1)
- hr = hr.view(num_batches, -1, h, w)
- hr = self.relu(self.conv_1(hr))
- hr = self.relu(self.conv_2(hr))
- hr = self.relu(self.conv_3(hr))
- hr = self.conv_4(hr) + lr_ref
- return self.denormalize(hr)
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-import os
-import torch
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torchvision.models import vgg as vgg
-from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY
-VGG_PRETRAIN_PATH = 'experiments/pretrained_models/vgg19-dcbb9e9d.pth'
-NAMES = {
- 'vgg11': [
- 'conv1_1', 'relu1_1', 'pool1', 'conv2_1', 'relu2_1', 'pool2', 'conv3_1', 'relu3_1', 'conv3_2', 'relu3_2',
- 'pool3', 'conv4_1', 'relu4_1', 'conv4_2', 'relu4_2', 'pool4', 'conv5_1', 'relu5_1', 'conv5_2', 'relu5_2',
- 'pool5'
- ],
- 'vgg13': [
- 'conv1_1', 'relu1_1', 'conv1_2', 'relu1_2', 'pool1', 'conv2_1', 'relu2_1', 'conv2_2', 'relu2_2', 'pool2',
- 'conv3_1', 'relu3_1', 'conv3_2', 'relu3_2', 'pool3', 'conv4_1', 'relu4_1', 'conv4_2', 'relu4_2', 'pool4',
- 'conv5_1', 'relu5_1', 'conv5_2', 'relu5_2', 'pool5'
- ],
- 'vgg16': [
- 'conv1_1', 'relu1_1', 'conv1_2', 'relu1_2', 'pool1', 'conv2_1', 'relu2_1', 'conv2_2', 'relu2_2', 'pool2',
- 'conv3_1', 'relu3_1', 'conv3_2', 'relu3_2', 'conv3_3', 'relu3_3', 'pool3', 'conv4_1', 'relu4_1', 'conv4_2',
- 'relu4_2', 'conv4_3', 'relu4_3', 'pool4', 'conv5_1', 'relu5_1', 'conv5_2', 'relu5_2', 'conv5_3', 'relu5_3',
- 'pool5'
- ],
- 'vgg19': [
- 'conv1_1', 'relu1_1', 'conv1_2', 'relu1_2', 'pool1', 'conv2_1', 'relu2_1', 'conv2_2', 'relu2_2', 'pool2',
- 'conv3_1', 'relu3_1', 'conv3_2', 'relu3_2', 'conv3_3', 'relu3_3', 'conv3_4', 'relu3_4', 'pool3', 'conv4_1',
- 'relu4_1', 'conv4_2', 'relu4_2', 'conv4_3', 'relu4_3', 'conv4_4', 'relu4_4', 'pool4', 'conv5_1', 'relu5_1',
- 'conv5_2', 'relu5_2', 'conv5_3', 'relu5_3', 'conv5_4', 'relu5_4', 'pool5'
- ]
-def insert_bn(names):
- """Insert bn layer after each conv.
- Args:
- names (list): The list of layer names.
- Returns:
- list: The list of layer names with bn layers.
- """
- names_bn = []
- for name in names:
- names_bn.append(name)
- if 'conv' in name:
- position = name.replace('conv', '')
- names_bn.append('bn' + position)
- return names_bn
-class VGGFeatureExtractor(nn.Module):
- """VGG network for feature extraction.
- In this implementation, we allow users to choose whether use normalization
- in the input feature and the type of vgg network. Note that the pretrained
- path must fit the vgg type.
- Args:
- layer_name_list (list[str]): Forward function returns the corresponding
- features according to the layer_name_list.
- Example: {'relu1_1', 'relu2_1', 'relu3_1'}.
- vgg_type (str): Set the type of vgg network. Default: 'vgg19'.
- use_input_norm (bool): If True, normalize the input image. Importantly,
- the input feature must in the range [0, 1]. Default: True.
- range_norm (bool): If True, norm images with range [-1, 1] to [0, 1].
- Default: False.
- requires_grad (bool): If true, the parameters of VGG network will be
- optimized. Default: False.
- remove_pooling (bool): If true, the max pooling operations in VGG net
- will be removed. Default: False.
- pooling_stride (int): The stride of max pooling operation. Default: 2.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- layer_name_list,
- vgg_type='vgg19',
- use_input_norm=True,
- range_norm=False,
- requires_grad=False,
- remove_pooling=False,
- pooling_stride=2):
- super(VGGFeatureExtractor, self).__init__()
- self.layer_name_list = layer_name_list
- self.use_input_norm = use_input_norm
- self.range_norm = range_norm
- self.names = NAMES[vgg_type.replace('_bn', '')]
- if 'bn' in vgg_type:
- self.names = insert_bn(self.names)
- # only borrow layers that will be used to avoid unused params
- max_idx = 0
- for v in layer_name_list:
- idx = self.names.index(v)
- if idx > max_idx:
- max_idx = idx
- if os.path.exists(VGG_PRETRAIN_PATH):
- vgg_net = getattr(vgg, vgg_type)(pretrained=False)
- state_dict = torch.load(VGG_PRETRAIN_PATH, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
- vgg_net.load_state_dict(state_dict)
- else:
- vgg_net = getattr(vgg, vgg_type)(pretrained=True)
- features = vgg_net.features[:max_idx + 1]
- modified_net = OrderedDict()
- for k, v in zip(self.names, features):
- if 'pool' in k:
- # if remove_pooling is true, pooling operation will be removed
- if remove_pooling:
- continue
- else:
- # in some cases, we may want to change the default stride
- modified_net[k] = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=pooling_stride)
- else:
- modified_net[k] = v
- self.vgg_net = nn.Sequential(modified_net)
- if not requires_grad:
- self.vgg_net.eval()
- for param in self.parameters():
- param.requires_grad = False
- else:
- self.vgg_net.train()
- for param in self.parameters():
- param.requires_grad = True
- if self.use_input_norm:
- # the mean is for image with range [0, 1]
- self.register_buffer('mean', torch.Tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).view(1, 3, 1, 1))
- # the std is for image with range [0, 1]
- self.register_buffer('std', torch.Tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).view(1, 3, 1, 1))
- def forward(self, x):
- """Forward function.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Input tensor with shape (n, c, h, w).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Forward results.
- """
- if self.range_norm:
- x = (x + 1) / 2
- if self.use_input_norm:
- x = (x - self.mean) / self.std
- output = {}
- for key, layer in self.vgg_net._modules.items():
- x = layer(x)
- if key in self.layer_name_list:
- output[key] = x.clone()
- return output
diff --git a/basicsr/data/__init__.py b/basicsr/data/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 510df16771d153f61fbf2126baac24f69d3de7e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-import importlib
-import numpy as np
-import random
-import torch
-import torch.utils.data
-from copy import deepcopy
-from functools import partial
-from os import path as osp
-from basicsr.data.prefetch_dataloader import PrefetchDataLoader
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger, scandir
-from basicsr.utils.dist_util import get_dist_info
-from basicsr.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY
-__all__ = ['build_dataset', 'build_dataloader']
-# automatically scan and import dataset modules for registry
-# scan all the files under the data folder with '_dataset' in file names
-data_folder = osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__))
-dataset_filenames = [osp.splitext(osp.basename(v))[0] for v in scandir(data_folder) if v.endswith('_dataset.py')]
-# import all the dataset modules
-_dataset_modules = [importlib.import_module(f'basicsr.data.{file_name}') for file_name in dataset_filenames]
-def build_dataset(dataset_opt):
- """Build dataset from options.
- Args:
- dataset_opt (dict): Configuration for dataset. It must contain:
- name (str): Dataset name.
- type (str): Dataset type.
- """
- dataset_opt = deepcopy(dataset_opt)
- dataset = DATASET_REGISTRY.get(dataset_opt['type'])(dataset_opt)
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Dataset [{dataset.__class__.__name__}] - {dataset_opt["name"]} is built.')
- return dataset
-def build_dataloader(dataset, dataset_opt, num_gpu=1, dist=False, sampler=None, seed=None):
- """Build dataloader.
- Args:
- dataset (torch.utils.data.Dataset): Dataset.
- dataset_opt (dict): Dataset options. It contains the following keys:
- phase (str): 'train' or 'val'.
- num_worker_per_gpu (int): Number of workers for each GPU.
- batch_size_per_gpu (int): Training batch size for each GPU.
- num_gpu (int): Number of GPUs. Used only in the train phase.
- Default: 1.
- dist (bool): Whether in distributed training. Used only in the train
- phase. Default: False.
- sampler (torch.utils.data.sampler): Data sampler. Default: None.
- seed (int | None): Seed. Default: None
- """
- phase = dataset_opt['phase']
- rank, _ = get_dist_info()
- if phase == 'train':
- if dist: # distributed training
- batch_size = dataset_opt['batch_size_per_gpu']
- num_workers = dataset_opt['num_worker_per_gpu']
- else: # non-distributed training
- multiplier = 1 if num_gpu == 0 else num_gpu
- batch_size = dataset_opt['batch_size_per_gpu'] * multiplier
- num_workers = dataset_opt['num_worker_per_gpu'] * multiplier
- dataloader_args = dict(
- dataset=dataset,
- batch_size=batch_size,
- shuffle=False,
- num_workers=num_workers,
- sampler=sampler,
- drop_last=True)
- if sampler is None:
- dataloader_args['shuffle'] = True
- dataloader_args['worker_init_fn'] = partial(
- worker_init_fn, num_workers=num_workers, rank=rank, seed=seed) if seed is not None else None
- elif phase in ['val', 'test']: # validation
- dataloader_args = dict(dataset=dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=0)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"Wrong dataset phase: {phase}. Supported ones are 'train', 'val' and 'test'.")
- dataloader_args['pin_memory'] = dataset_opt.get('pin_memory', False)
- dataloader_args['persistent_workers'] = dataset_opt.get('persistent_workers', False)
- prefetch_mode = dataset_opt.get('prefetch_mode')
- if prefetch_mode == 'cpu': # CPUPrefetcher
- num_prefetch_queue = dataset_opt.get('num_prefetch_queue', 1)
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Use {prefetch_mode} prefetch dataloader: num_prefetch_queue = {num_prefetch_queue}')
- return PrefetchDataLoader(num_prefetch_queue=num_prefetch_queue, **dataloader_args)
- else:
- # prefetch_mode=None: Normal dataloader
- # prefetch_mode='cuda': dataloader for CUDAPrefetcher
- return torch.utils.data.DataLoader(**dataloader_args)
-def worker_init_fn(worker_id, num_workers, rank, seed):
- # Set the worker seed to num_workers * rank + worker_id + seed
- worker_seed = num_workers * rank + worker_id + seed
- np.random.seed(worker_seed)
- random.seed(worker_seed)
diff --git a/basicsr/data/data_sampler.py b/basicsr/data/data_sampler.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 575452d9f844a928f7f42296c81635cfbadec7c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/data_sampler.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-import math
-import torch
-from torch.utils.data.sampler import Sampler
-class EnlargedSampler(Sampler):
- """Sampler that restricts data loading to a subset of the dataset.
- Modified from torch.utils.data.distributed.DistributedSampler
- Support enlarging the dataset for iteration-based training, for saving
- time when restart the dataloader after each epoch
- Args:
- dataset (torch.utils.data.Dataset): Dataset used for sampling.
- num_replicas (int | None): Number of processes participating in
- the training. It is usually the world_size.
- rank (int | None): Rank of the current process within num_replicas.
- ratio (int): Enlarging ratio. Default: 1.
- """
- def __init__(self, dataset, num_replicas, rank, ratio=1):
- self.dataset = dataset
- self.num_replicas = num_replicas
- self.rank = rank
- self.epoch = 0
- self.num_samples = math.ceil(len(self.dataset) * ratio / self.num_replicas)
- self.total_size = self.num_samples * self.num_replicas
- def __iter__(self):
- # deterministically shuffle based on epoch
- g = torch.Generator()
- g.manual_seed(self.epoch)
- indices = torch.randperm(self.total_size, generator=g).tolist()
- dataset_size = len(self.dataset)
- indices = [v % dataset_size for v in indices]
- # subsample
- indices = indices[self.rank:self.total_size:self.num_replicas]
- assert len(indices) == self.num_samples
- return iter(indices)
- def __len__(self):
- return self.num_samples
- def set_epoch(self, epoch):
- self.epoch = epoch
diff --git a/basicsr/data/data_util.py b/basicsr/data/data_util.py
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index bf4c494b7715399395a7d23dd87202d09592c725..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/data_util.py
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@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-import cv2
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-from os import path as osp
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.data.transforms import mod_crop
-from basicsr.utils import img2tensor, scandir
-def read_img_seq(path, require_mod_crop=False, scale=1, return_imgname=False):
- """Read a sequence of images from a given folder path.
- Args:
- path (list[str] | str): List of image paths or image folder path.
- require_mod_crop (bool): Require mod crop for each image.
- Default: False.
- scale (int): Scale factor for mod_crop. Default: 1.
- return_imgname(bool): Whether return image names. Default False.
- Returns:
- Tensor: size (t, c, h, w), RGB, [0, 1].
- list[str]: Returned image name list.
- """
- if isinstance(path, list):
- img_paths = path
- else:
- img_paths = sorted(list(scandir(path, full_path=True)))
- imgs = [cv2.imread(v).astype(np.float32) / 255. for v in img_paths]
- if require_mod_crop:
- imgs = [mod_crop(img, scale) for img in imgs]
- imgs = img2tensor(imgs, bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)
- imgs = torch.stack(imgs, dim=0)
- if return_imgname:
- imgnames = [osp.splitext(osp.basename(path))[0] for path in img_paths]
- return imgs, imgnames
- else:
- return imgs
-def generate_frame_indices(crt_idx, max_frame_num, num_frames, padding='reflection'):
- """Generate an index list for reading `num_frames` frames from a sequence
- of images.
- Args:
- crt_idx (int): Current center index.
- max_frame_num (int): Max number of the sequence of images (from 1).
- num_frames (int): Reading num_frames frames.
- padding (str): Padding mode, one of
- 'replicate' | 'reflection' | 'reflection_circle' | 'circle'
- Examples: current_idx = 0, num_frames = 5
- The generated frame indices under different padding mode:
- replicate: [0, 0, 0, 1, 2]
- reflection: [2, 1, 0, 1, 2]
- reflection_circle: [4, 3, 0, 1, 2]
- circle: [3, 4, 0, 1, 2]
- Returns:
- list[int]: A list of indices.
- """
- assert num_frames % 2 == 1, 'num_frames should be an odd number.'
- assert padding in ('replicate', 'reflection', 'reflection_circle', 'circle'), f'Wrong padding mode: {padding}.'
- max_frame_num = max_frame_num - 1 # start from 0
- num_pad = num_frames // 2
- indices = []
- for i in range(crt_idx - num_pad, crt_idx + num_pad + 1):
- if i < 0:
- if padding == 'replicate':
- pad_idx = 0
- elif padding == 'reflection':
- pad_idx = -i
- elif padding == 'reflection_circle':
- pad_idx = crt_idx + num_pad - i
- else:
- pad_idx = num_frames + i
- elif i > max_frame_num:
- if padding == 'replicate':
- pad_idx = max_frame_num
- elif padding == 'reflection':
- pad_idx = max_frame_num * 2 - i
- elif padding == 'reflection_circle':
- pad_idx = (crt_idx - num_pad) - (i - max_frame_num)
- else:
- pad_idx = i - num_frames
- else:
- pad_idx = i
- indices.append(pad_idx)
- return indices
-def paired_paths_from_lmdb(folders, keys):
- """Generate paired paths from lmdb files.
- Contents of lmdb. Taking the `lq.lmdb` for example, the file structure is:
- ::
- lq.lmdb
- ├── data.mdb
- ├── lock.mdb
- ├── meta_info.txt
- The data.mdb and lock.mdb are standard lmdb files and you can refer to
- https://lmdb.readthedocs.io/en/release/ for more details.
- The meta_info.txt is a specified txt file to record the meta information
- of our datasets. It will be automatically created when preparing
- datasets by our provided dataset tools.
- Each line in the txt file records
- 1)image name (with extension),
- 2)image shape,
- 3)compression level, separated by a white space.
- Example: `baboon.png (120,125,3) 1`
- We use the image name without extension as the lmdb key.
- Note that we use the same key for the corresponding lq and gt images.
- Args:
- folders (list[str]): A list of folder path. The order of list should
- be [input_folder, gt_folder].
- keys (list[str]): A list of keys identifying folders. The order should
- be in consistent with folders, e.g., ['lq', 'gt'].
- Note that this key is different from lmdb keys.
- Returns:
- list[str]: Returned path list.
- """
- assert len(folders) == 2, ('The len of folders should be 2 with [input_folder, gt_folder]. '
- f'But got {len(folders)}')
- assert len(keys) == 2, f'The len of keys should be 2 with [input_key, gt_key]. But got {len(keys)}'
- input_folder, gt_folder = folders
- input_key, gt_key = keys
- if not (input_folder.endswith('.lmdb') and gt_folder.endswith('.lmdb')):
- raise ValueError(f'{input_key} folder and {gt_key} folder should both in lmdb '
- f'formats. But received {input_key}: {input_folder}; '
- f'{gt_key}: {gt_folder}')
- # ensure that the two meta_info files are the same
- with open(osp.join(input_folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin:
- input_lmdb_keys = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin]
- with open(osp.join(gt_folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin:
- gt_lmdb_keys = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin]
- if set(input_lmdb_keys) != set(gt_lmdb_keys):
- raise ValueError(f'Keys in {input_key}_folder and {gt_key}_folder are different.')
- else:
- paths = []
- for lmdb_key in sorted(input_lmdb_keys):
- paths.append(dict([(f'{input_key}_path', lmdb_key), (f'{gt_key}_path', lmdb_key)]))
- return paths
-def paired_paths_from_meta_info_file(folders, keys, meta_info_file, filename_tmpl):
- """Generate paired paths from an meta information file.
- Each line in the meta information file contains the image names and
- image shape (usually for gt), separated by a white space.
- Example of an meta information file:
- ```
- 0001_s001.png (480,480,3)
- 0001_s002.png (480,480,3)
- ```
- Args:
- folders (list[str]): A list of folder path. The order of list should
- be [input_folder, gt_folder].
- keys (list[str]): A list of keys identifying folders. The order should
- be in consistent with folders, e.g., ['lq', 'gt'].
- meta_info_file (str): Path to the meta information file.
- filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the
- template excludes the file extension. Usually the filename_tmpl is
- for files in the input folder.
- Returns:
- list[str]: Returned path list.
- """
- assert len(folders) == 2, ('The len of folders should be 2 with [input_folder, gt_folder]. '
- f'But got {len(folders)}')
- assert len(keys) == 2, f'The len of keys should be 2 with [input_key, gt_key]. But got {len(keys)}'
- input_folder, gt_folder = folders
- input_key, gt_key = keys
- with open(meta_info_file, 'r') as fin:
- gt_names = [line.strip().split(' ')[0] for line in fin]
- paths = []
- for gt_name in gt_names:
- basename, ext = osp.splitext(osp.basename(gt_name))
- input_name = f'{filename_tmpl.format(basename)}{ext}'
- input_path = osp.join(input_folder, input_name)
- gt_path = osp.join(gt_folder, gt_name)
- paths.append(dict([(f'{input_key}_path', input_path), (f'{gt_key}_path', gt_path)]))
- return paths
-def paired_paths_from_folder(folders, keys, filename_tmpl):
- """Generate paired paths from folders.
- Args:
- folders (list[str]): A list of folder path. The order of list should
- be [input_folder, gt_folder].
- keys (list[str]): A list of keys identifying folders. The order should
- be in consistent with folders, e.g., ['lq', 'gt'].
- filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the
- template excludes the file extension. Usually the filename_tmpl is
- for files in the input folder.
- Returns:
- list[str]: Returned path list.
- """
- assert len(folders) == 2, ('The len of folders should be 2 with [input_folder, gt_folder]. '
- f'But got {len(folders)}')
- assert len(keys) == 2, f'The len of keys should be 2 with [input_key, gt_key]. But got {len(keys)}'
- input_folder, gt_folder = folders
- input_key, gt_key = keys
- input_paths = list(scandir(input_folder))
- gt_paths = list(scandir(gt_folder))
- assert len(input_paths) == len(gt_paths), (f'{input_key} and {gt_key} datasets have different number of images: '
- f'{len(input_paths)}, {len(gt_paths)}.')
- paths = []
- for gt_path in gt_paths:
- basename, ext = osp.splitext(osp.basename(gt_path))
- input_name = f'{filename_tmpl.format(basename)}{ext}'
- input_path = osp.join(input_folder, input_name)
- assert input_name in input_paths, f'{input_name} is not in {input_key}_paths.'
- gt_path = osp.join(gt_folder, gt_path)
- paths.append(dict([(f'{input_key}_path', input_path), (f'{gt_key}_path', gt_path)]))
- return paths
-def paths_from_folder(folder):
- """Generate paths from folder.
- Args:
- folder (str): Folder path.
- Returns:
- list[str]: Returned path list.
- """
- paths = list(scandir(folder))
- paths = [osp.join(folder, path) for path in paths]
- return paths
-def paths_from_lmdb(folder):
- """Generate paths from lmdb.
- Args:
- folder (str): Folder path.
- Returns:
- list[str]: Returned path list.
- """
- if not folder.endswith('.lmdb'):
- raise ValueError(f'Folder {folder}folder should in lmdb format.')
- with open(osp.join(folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin:
- paths = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin]
- return paths
-def generate_gaussian_kernel(kernel_size=13, sigma=1.6):
- """Generate Gaussian kernel used in `duf_downsample`.
- Args:
- kernel_size (int): Kernel size. Default: 13.
- sigma (float): Sigma of the Gaussian kernel. Default: 1.6.
- Returns:
- np.array: The Gaussian kernel.
- """
- from scipy.ndimage import filters as filters
- kernel = np.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size))
- # set element at the middle to one, a dirac delta
- kernel[kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2] = 1
- # gaussian-smooth the dirac, resulting in a gaussian filter
- return filters.gaussian_filter(kernel, sigma)
-def duf_downsample(x, kernel_size=13, scale=4):
- """Downsamping with Gaussian kernel used in the DUF official code.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Frames to be downsampled, with shape (b, t, c, h, w).
- kernel_size (int): Kernel size. Default: 13.
- scale (int): Downsampling factor. Supported scale: (2, 3, 4).
- Default: 4.
- Returns:
- Tensor: DUF downsampled frames.
- """
- assert scale in (2, 3, 4), f'Only support scale (2, 3, 4), but got {scale}.'
- squeeze_flag = False
- if x.ndim == 4:
- squeeze_flag = True
- x = x.unsqueeze(0)
- b, t, c, h, w = x.size()
- x = x.view(-1, 1, h, w)
- pad_w, pad_h = kernel_size // 2 + scale * 2, kernel_size // 2 + scale * 2
- x = F.pad(x, (pad_w, pad_w, pad_h, pad_h), 'reflect')
- gaussian_filter = generate_gaussian_kernel(kernel_size, 0.4 * scale)
- gaussian_filter = torch.from_numpy(gaussian_filter).type_as(x).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
- x = F.conv2d(x, gaussian_filter, stride=scale)
- x = x[:, :, 2:-2, 2:-2]
- x = x.view(b, t, c, x.size(2), x.size(3))
- if squeeze_flag:
- x = x.squeeze(0)
- return x
diff --git a/basicsr/data/degradations.py b/basicsr/data/degradations.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 14319605d73149bb0b0cfe86294a89a102a9dac2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/degradations.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
-import cv2
-import math
-import numpy as np
-import random
-import torch
-from scipy import special
-from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
-from torchvision.transforms.functional import rgb_to_grayscale
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# --------------------------- blur kernels --------------------------- #
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# --------------------------- util functions --------------------------- #
-def sigma_matrix2(sig_x, sig_y, theta):
- """Calculate the rotated sigma matrix (two dimensional matrix).
- Args:
- sig_x (float):
- sig_y (float):
- theta (float): Radian measurement.
- Returns:
- ndarray: Rotated sigma matrix.
- """
- d_matrix = np.array([[sig_x**2, 0], [0, sig_y**2]])
- u_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
- return np.dot(u_matrix, np.dot(d_matrix, u_matrix.T))
-def mesh_grid(kernel_size):
- """Generate the mesh grid, centering at zero.
- Args:
- kernel_size (int):
- Returns:
- xy (ndarray): with the shape (kernel_size, kernel_size, 2)
- xx (ndarray): with the shape (kernel_size, kernel_size)
- yy (ndarray): with the shape (kernel_size, kernel_size)
- """
- ax = np.arange(-kernel_size // 2 + 1., kernel_size // 2 + 1.)
- xx, yy = np.meshgrid(ax, ax)
- xy = np.hstack((xx.reshape((kernel_size * kernel_size, 1)), yy.reshape(kernel_size * kernel_size,
- 1))).reshape(kernel_size, kernel_size, 2)
- return xy, xx, yy
-def pdf2(sigma_matrix, grid):
- """Calculate PDF of the bivariate Gaussian distribution.
- Args:
- sigma_matrix (ndarray): with the shape (2, 2)
- grid (ndarray): generated by :func:`mesh_grid`,
- with the shape (K, K, 2), K is the kernel size.
- Returns:
- kernel (ndarrray): un-normalized kernel.
- """
- inverse_sigma = np.linalg.inv(sigma_matrix)
- kernel = np.exp(-0.5 * np.sum(np.dot(grid, inverse_sigma) * grid, 2))
- return kernel
-def cdf2(d_matrix, grid):
- """Calculate the CDF of the standard bivariate Gaussian distribution.
- Used in skewed Gaussian distribution.
- Args:
- d_matrix (ndarrasy): skew matrix.
- grid (ndarray): generated by :func:`mesh_grid`,
- with the shape (K, K, 2), K is the kernel size.
- Returns:
- cdf (ndarray): skewed cdf.
- """
- rv = multivariate_normal([0, 0], [[1, 0], [0, 1]])
- grid = np.dot(grid, d_matrix)
- cdf = rv.cdf(grid)
- return cdf
-def bivariate_Gaussian(kernel_size, sig_x, sig_y, theta, grid=None, isotropic=True):
- """Generate a bivariate isotropic or anisotropic Gaussian kernel.
- In the isotropic mode, only `sig_x` is used. `sig_y` and `theta` is ignored.
- Args:
- kernel_size (int):
- sig_x (float):
- sig_y (float):
- theta (float): Radian measurement.
- grid (ndarray, optional): generated by :func:`mesh_grid`,
- with the shape (K, K, 2), K is the kernel size. Default: None
- isotropic (bool):
- Returns:
- kernel (ndarray): normalized kernel.
- """
- if grid is None:
- grid, _, _ = mesh_grid(kernel_size)
- if isotropic:
- sigma_matrix = np.array([[sig_x**2, 0], [0, sig_x**2]])
- else:
- sigma_matrix = sigma_matrix2(sig_x, sig_y, theta)
- kernel = pdf2(sigma_matrix, grid)
- kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)
- return kernel
-def bivariate_generalized_Gaussian(kernel_size, sig_x, sig_y, theta, beta, grid=None, isotropic=True):
- """Generate a bivariate generalized Gaussian kernel.
- ``Paper: Parameter Estimation For Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distributions``
- In the isotropic mode, only `sig_x` is used. `sig_y` and `theta` is ignored.
- Args:
- kernel_size (int):
- sig_x (float):
- sig_y (float):
- theta (float): Radian measurement.
- beta (float): shape parameter, beta = 1 is the normal distribution.
- grid (ndarray, optional): generated by :func:`mesh_grid`,
- with the shape (K, K, 2), K is the kernel size. Default: None
- Returns:
- kernel (ndarray): normalized kernel.
- """
- if grid is None:
- grid, _, _ = mesh_grid(kernel_size)
- if isotropic:
- sigma_matrix = np.array([[sig_x**2, 0], [0, sig_x**2]])
- else:
- sigma_matrix = sigma_matrix2(sig_x, sig_y, theta)
- inverse_sigma = np.linalg.inv(sigma_matrix)
- kernel = np.exp(-0.5 * np.power(np.sum(np.dot(grid, inverse_sigma) * grid, 2), beta))
- kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)
- return kernel
-def bivariate_plateau(kernel_size, sig_x, sig_y, theta, beta, grid=None, isotropic=True):
- """Generate a plateau-like anisotropic kernel.
- 1 / (1+x^(beta))
- Reference: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/203629/is-there-a-plateau-shaped-distribution
- In the isotropic mode, only `sig_x` is used. `sig_y` and `theta` is ignored.
- Args:
- kernel_size (int):
- sig_x (float):
- sig_y (float):
- theta (float): Radian measurement.
- beta (float): shape parameter, beta = 1 is the normal distribution.
- grid (ndarray, optional): generated by :func:`mesh_grid`,
- with the shape (K, K, 2), K is the kernel size. Default: None
- Returns:
- kernel (ndarray): normalized kernel.
- """
- if grid is None:
- grid, _, _ = mesh_grid(kernel_size)
- if isotropic:
- sigma_matrix = np.array([[sig_x**2, 0], [0, sig_x**2]])
- else:
- sigma_matrix = sigma_matrix2(sig_x, sig_y, theta)
- inverse_sigma = np.linalg.inv(sigma_matrix)
- kernel = np.reciprocal(np.power(np.sum(np.dot(grid, inverse_sigma) * grid, 2), beta) + 1)
- kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)
- return kernel
-def random_bivariate_Gaussian(kernel_size,
- sigma_x_range,
- sigma_y_range,
- rotation_range,
- noise_range=None,
- isotropic=True):
- """Randomly generate bivariate isotropic or anisotropic Gaussian kernels.
- In the isotropic mode, only `sigma_x_range` is used. `sigma_y_range` and `rotation_range` is ignored.
- Args:
- kernel_size (int):
- sigma_x_range (tuple): [0.6, 5]
- sigma_y_range (tuple): [0.6, 5]
- rotation range (tuple): [-math.pi, math.pi]
- noise_range(tuple, optional): multiplicative kernel noise,
- [0.75, 1.25]. Default: None
- Returns:
- kernel (ndarray):
- """
- assert kernel_size % 2 == 1, 'Kernel size must be an odd number.'
- assert sigma_x_range[0] < sigma_x_range[1], 'Wrong sigma_x_range.'
- sigma_x = np.random.uniform(sigma_x_range[0], sigma_x_range[1])
- if isotropic is False:
- assert sigma_y_range[0] < sigma_y_range[1], 'Wrong sigma_y_range.'
- assert rotation_range[0] < rotation_range[1], 'Wrong rotation_range.'
- sigma_y = np.random.uniform(sigma_y_range[0], sigma_y_range[1])
- rotation = np.random.uniform(rotation_range[0], rotation_range[1])
- else:
- sigma_y = sigma_x
- rotation = 0
- kernel = bivariate_Gaussian(kernel_size, sigma_x, sigma_y, rotation, isotropic=isotropic)
- # add multiplicative noise
- if noise_range is not None:
- assert noise_range[0] < noise_range[1], 'Wrong noise range.'
- noise = np.random.uniform(noise_range[0], noise_range[1], size=kernel.shape)
- kernel = kernel * noise
- kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)
- return kernel
-def random_bivariate_generalized_Gaussian(kernel_size,
- sigma_x_range,
- sigma_y_range,
- rotation_range,
- beta_range,
- noise_range=None,
- isotropic=True):
- """Randomly generate bivariate generalized Gaussian kernels.
- In the isotropic mode, only `sigma_x_range` is used. `sigma_y_range` and `rotation_range` is ignored.
- Args:
- kernel_size (int):
- sigma_x_range (tuple): [0.6, 5]
- sigma_y_range (tuple): [0.6, 5]
- rotation range (tuple): [-math.pi, math.pi]
- beta_range (tuple): [0.5, 8]
- noise_range(tuple, optional): multiplicative kernel noise,
- [0.75, 1.25]. Default: None
- Returns:
- kernel (ndarray):
- """
- assert kernel_size % 2 == 1, 'Kernel size must be an odd number.'
- assert sigma_x_range[0] < sigma_x_range[1], 'Wrong sigma_x_range.'
- sigma_x = np.random.uniform(sigma_x_range[0], sigma_x_range[1])
- if isotropic is False:
- assert sigma_y_range[0] < sigma_y_range[1], 'Wrong sigma_y_range.'
- assert rotation_range[0] < rotation_range[1], 'Wrong rotation_range.'
- sigma_y = np.random.uniform(sigma_y_range[0], sigma_y_range[1])
- rotation = np.random.uniform(rotation_range[0], rotation_range[1])
- else:
- sigma_y = sigma_x
- rotation = 0
- # assume beta_range[0] < 1 < beta_range[1]
- if np.random.uniform() < 0.5:
- beta = np.random.uniform(beta_range[0], 1)
- else:
- beta = np.random.uniform(1, beta_range[1])
- kernel = bivariate_generalized_Gaussian(kernel_size, sigma_x, sigma_y, rotation, beta, isotropic=isotropic)
- # add multiplicative noise
- if noise_range is not None:
- assert noise_range[0] < noise_range[1], 'Wrong noise range.'
- noise = np.random.uniform(noise_range[0], noise_range[1], size=kernel.shape)
- kernel = kernel * noise
- kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)
- return kernel
-def random_bivariate_plateau(kernel_size,
- sigma_x_range,
- sigma_y_range,
- rotation_range,
- beta_range,
- noise_range=None,
- isotropic=True):
- """Randomly generate bivariate plateau kernels.
- In the isotropic mode, only `sigma_x_range` is used. `sigma_y_range` and `rotation_range` is ignored.
- Args:
- kernel_size (int):
- sigma_x_range (tuple): [0.6, 5]
- sigma_y_range (tuple): [0.6, 5]
- rotation range (tuple): [-math.pi/2, math.pi/2]
- beta_range (tuple): [1, 4]
- noise_range(tuple, optional): multiplicative kernel noise,
- [0.75, 1.25]. Default: None
- Returns:
- kernel (ndarray):
- """
- assert kernel_size % 2 == 1, 'Kernel size must be an odd number.'
- assert sigma_x_range[0] < sigma_x_range[1], 'Wrong sigma_x_range.'
- sigma_x = np.random.uniform(sigma_x_range[0], sigma_x_range[1])
- if isotropic is False:
- assert sigma_y_range[0] < sigma_y_range[1], 'Wrong sigma_y_range.'
- assert rotation_range[0] < rotation_range[1], 'Wrong rotation_range.'
- sigma_y = np.random.uniform(sigma_y_range[0], sigma_y_range[1])
- rotation = np.random.uniform(rotation_range[0], rotation_range[1])
- else:
- sigma_y = sigma_x
- rotation = 0
- # TODO: this may be not proper
- if np.random.uniform() < 0.5:
- beta = np.random.uniform(beta_range[0], 1)
- else:
- beta = np.random.uniform(1, beta_range[1])
- kernel = bivariate_plateau(kernel_size, sigma_x, sigma_y, rotation, beta, isotropic=isotropic)
- # add multiplicative noise
- if noise_range is not None:
- assert noise_range[0] < noise_range[1], 'Wrong noise range.'
- noise = np.random.uniform(noise_range[0], noise_range[1], size=kernel.shape)
- kernel = kernel * noise
- kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)
- return kernel
-def random_mixed_kernels(kernel_list,
- kernel_prob,
- kernel_size=21,
- sigma_x_range=(0.6, 5),
- sigma_y_range=(0.6, 5),
- rotation_range=(-math.pi, math.pi),
- betag_range=(0.5, 8),
- betap_range=(0.5, 8),
- noise_range=None):
- """Randomly generate mixed kernels.
- Args:
- kernel_list (tuple): a list name of kernel types,
- support ['iso', 'aniso', 'skew', 'generalized', 'plateau_iso',
- 'plateau_aniso']
- kernel_prob (tuple): corresponding kernel probability for each
- kernel type
- kernel_size (int):
- sigma_x_range (tuple): [0.6, 5]
- sigma_y_range (tuple): [0.6, 5]
- rotation range (tuple): [-math.pi, math.pi]
- beta_range (tuple): [0.5, 8]
- noise_range(tuple, optional): multiplicative kernel noise,
- [0.75, 1.25]. Default: None
- Returns:
- kernel (ndarray):
- """
- kernel_type = random.choices(kernel_list, kernel_prob)[0]
- if kernel_type == 'iso':
- kernel = random_bivariate_Gaussian(
- kernel_size, sigma_x_range, sigma_y_range, rotation_range, noise_range=noise_range, isotropic=True)
- elif kernel_type == 'aniso':
- kernel = random_bivariate_Gaussian(
- kernel_size, sigma_x_range, sigma_y_range, rotation_range, noise_range=noise_range, isotropic=False)
- elif kernel_type == 'generalized_iso':
- kernel = random_bivariate_generalized_Gaussian(
- kernel_size,
- sigma_x_range,
- sigma_y_range,
- rotation_range,
- betag_range,
- noise_range=noise_range,
- isotropic=True)
- elif kernel_type == 'generalized_aniso':
- kernel = random_bivariate_generalized_Gaussian(
- kernel_size,
- sigma_x_range,
- sigma_y_range,
- rotation_range,
- betag_range,
- noise_range=noise_range,
- isotropic=False)
- elif kernel_type == 'plateau_iso':
- kernel = random_bivariate_plateau(
- kernel_size, sigma_x_range, sigma_y_range, rotation_range, betap_range, noise_range=None, isotropic=True)
- elif kernel_type == 'plateau_aniso':
- kernel = random_bivariate_plateau(
- kernel_size, sigma_x_range, sigma_y_range, rotation_range, betap_range, noise_range=None, isotropic=False)
- return kernel
-np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
-def circular_lowpass_kernel(cutoff, kernel_size, pad_to=0):
- """2D sinc filter
- Reference: https://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/58301/2-d-circularly-symmetric-low-pass-filter
- Args:
- cutoff (float): cutoff frequency in radians (pi is max)
- kernel_size (int): horizontal and vertical size, must be odd.
- pad_to (int): pad kernel size to desired size, must be odd or zero.
- """
- assert kernel_size % 2 == 1, 'Kernel size must be an odd number.'
- kernel = np.fromfunction(
- lambda x, y: cutoff * special.j1(cutoff * np.sqrt(
- (x - (kernel_size - 1) / 2)**2 + (y - (kernel_size - 1) / 2)**2)) / (2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(
- (x - (kernel_size - 1) / 2)**2 + (y - (kernel_size - 1) / 2)**2)), [kernel_size, kernel_size])
- kernel[(kernel_size - 1) // 2, (kernel_size - 1) // 2] = cutoff**2 / (4 * np.pi)
- kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)
- if pad_to > kernel_size:
- pad_size = (pad_to - kernel_size) // 2
- kernel = np.pad(kernel, ((pad_size, pad_size), (pad_size, pad_size)))
- return kernel
-# ------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# --------------------------- noise --------------------------- #
-# ------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# ----------------------- Gaussian Noise ----------------------- #
-def generate_gaussian_noise(img, sigma=10, gray_noise=False):
- """Generate Gaussian noise.
- Args:
- img (Numpy array): Input image, shape (h, w, c), range [0, 1], float32.
- sigma (float): Noise scale (measured in range 255). Default: 10.
- Returns:
- (Numpy array): Returned noisy image, shape (h, w, c), range[0, 1],
- float32.
- """
- if gray_noise:
- noise = np.float32(np.random.randn(*(img.shape[0:2]))) * sigma / 255.
- noise = np.expand_dims(noise, axis=2).repeat(3, axis=2)
- else:
- noise = np.float32(np.random.randn(*(img.shape))) * sigma / 255.
- return noise
-def add_gaussian_noise(img, sigma=10, clip=True, rounds=False, gray_noise=False):
- """Add Gaussian noise.
- Args:
- img (Numpy array): Input image, shape (h, w, c), range [0, 1], float32.
- sigma (float): Noise scale (measured in range 255). Default: 10.
- Returns:
- (Numpy array): Returned noisy image, shape (h, w, c), range[0, 1],
- float32.
- """
- noise = generate_gaussian_noise(img, sigma, gray_noise)
- out = img + noise
- if clip and rounds:
- out = np.clip((out * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- elif clip:
- out = np.clip(out, 0, 1)
- elif rounds:
- out = (out * 255.0).round() / 255.
- return out
-def generate_gaussian_noise_pt(img, sigma=10, gray_noise=0):
- """Add Gaussian noise (PyTorch version).
- Args:
- img (Tensor): Shape (b, c, h, w), range[0, 1], float32.
- scale (float | Tensor): Noise scale. Default: 1.0.
- Returns:
- (Tensor): Returned noisy image, shape (b, c, h, w), range[0, 1],
- float32.
- """
- b, _, h, w = img.size()
- if not isinstance(sigma, (float, int)):
- sigma = sigma.view(img.size(0), 1, 1, 1)
- if isinstance(gray_noise, (float, int)):
- cal_gray_noise = gray_noise > 0
- else:
- gray_noise = gray_noise.view(b, 1, 1, 1)
- cal_gray_noise = torch.sum(gray_noise) > 0
- if cal_gray_noise:
- noise_gray = torch.randn(*img.size()[2:4], dtype=img.dtype, device=img.device) * sigma / 255.
- noise_gray = noise_gray.view(b, 1, h, w)
- # always calculate color noise
- noise = torch.randn(*img.size(), dtype=img.dtype, device=img.device) * sigma / 255.
- if cal_gray_noise:
- noise = noise * (1 - gray_noise) + noise_gray * gray_noise
- return noise
-def add_gaussian_noise_pt(img, sigma=10, gray_noise=0, clip=True, rounds=False):
- """Add Gaussian noise (PyTorch version).
- Args:
- img (Tensor): Shape (b, c, h, w), range[0, 1], float32.
- scale (float | Tensor): Noise scale. Default: 1.0.
- Returns:
- (Tensor): Returned noisy image, shape (b, c, h, w), range[0, 1],
- float32.
- """
- noise = generate_gaussian_noise_pt(img, sigma, gray_noise)
- out = img + noise
- if clip and rounds:
- out = torch.clamp((out * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- elif clip:
- out = torch.clamp(out, 0, 1)
- elif rounds:
- out = (out * 255.0).round() / 255.
- return out
-# ----------------------- Random Gaussian Noise ----------------------- #
-def random_generate_gaussian_noise(img, sigma_range=(0, 10), gray_prob=0):
- sigma = np.random.uniform(sigma_range[0], sigma_range[1])
- if np.random.uniform() < gray_prob:
- gray_noise = True
- else:
- gray_noise = False
- return generate_gaussian_noise(img, sigma, gray_noise)
-def random_add_gaussian_noise(img, sigma_range=(0, 1.0), gray_prob=0, clip=True, rounds=False):
- noise = random_generate_gaussian_noise(img, sigma_range, gray_prob)
- out = img + noise
- if clip and rounds:
- out = np.clip((out * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- elif clip:
- out = np.clip(out, 0, 1)
- elif rounds:
- out = (out * 255.0).round() / 255.
- return out
-def random_generate_gaussian_noise_pt(img, sigma_range=(0, 10), gray_prob=0):
- sigma = torch.rand(
- img.size(0), dtype=img.dtype, device=img.device) * (sigma_range[1] - sigma_range[0]) + sigma_range[0]
- gray_noise = torch.rand(img.size(0), dtype=img.dtype, device=img.device)
- gray_noise = (gray_noise < gray_prob).float()
- return generate_gaussian_noise_pt(img, sigma, gray_noise)
-def random_add_gaussian_noise_pt(img, sigma_range=(0, 1.0), gray_prob=0, clip=True, rounds=False):
- noise = random_generate_gaussian_noise_pt(img, sigma_range, gray_prob)
- out = img + noise
- if clip and rounds:
- out = torch.clamp((out * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- elif clip:
- out = torch.clamp(out, 0, 1)
- elif rounds:
- out = (out * 255.0).round() / 255.
- return out
-# ----------------------- Poisson (Shot) Noise ----------------------- #
-def generate_poisson_noise(img, scale=1.0, gray_noise=False):
- """Generate poisson noise.
- Reference: https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/blob/main/skimage/util/noise.py#L37-L219
- Args:
- img (Numpy array): Input image, shape (h, w, c), range [0, 1], float32.
- scale (float): Noise scale. Default: 1.0.
- gray_noise (bool): Whether generate gray noise. Default: False.
- Returns:
- (Numpy array): Returned noisy image, shape (h, w, c), range[0, 1],
- float32.
- """
- if gray_noise:
- img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
- # round and clip image for counting vals correctly
- img = np.clip((img * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- vals = len(np.unique(img))
- vals = 2**np.ceil(np.log2(vals))
- out = np.float32(np.random.poisson(img * vals) / float(vals))
- noise = out - img
- if gray_noise:
- noise = np.repeat(noise[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
- return noise * scale
-def add_poisson_noise(img, scale=1.0, clip=True, rounds=False, gray_noise=False):
- """Add poisson noise.
- Args:
- img (Numpy array): Input image, shape (h, w, c), range [0, 1], float32.
- scale (float): Noise scale. Default: 1.0.
- gray_noise (bool): Whether generate gray noise. Default: False.
- Returns:
- (Numpy array): Returned noisy image, shape (h, w, c), range[0, 1],
- float32.
- """
- noise = generate_poisson_noise(img, scale, gray_noise)
- out = img + noise
- if clip and rounds:
- out = np.clip((out * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- elif clip:
- out = np.clip(out, 0, 1)
- elif rounds:
- out = (out * 255.0).round() / 255.
- return out
-def generate_poisson_noise_pt(img, scale=1.0, gray_noise=0):
- """Generate a batch of poisson noise (PyTorch version)
- Args:
- img (Tensor): Input image, shape (b, c, h, w), range [0, 1], float32.
- scale (float | Tensor): Noise scale. Number or Tensor with shape (b).
- Default: 1.0.
- gray_noise (float | Tensor): 0-1 number or Tensor with shape (b).
- 0 for False, 1 for True. Default: 0.
- Returns:
- (Tensor): Returned noisy image, shape (b, c, h, w), range[0, 1],
- float32.
- """
- b, _, h, w = img.size()
- if isinstance(gray_noise, (float, int)):
- cal_gray_noise = gray_noise > 0
- else:
- gray_noise = gray_noise.view(b, 1, 1, 1)
- cal_gray_noise = torch.sum(gray_noise) > 0
- if cal_gray_noise:
- img_gray = rgb_to_grayscale(img, num_output_channels=1)
- # round and clip image for counting vals correctly
- img_gray = torch.clamp((img_gray * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- # use for-loop to get the unique values for each sample
- vals_list = [len(torch.unique(img_gray[i, :, :, :])) for i in range(b)]
- vals_list = [2**np.ceil(np.log2(vals)) for vals in vals_list]
- vals = img_gray.new_tensor(vals_list).view(b, 1, 1, 1)
- out = torch.poisson(img_gray * vals) / vals
- noise_gray = out - img_gray
- noise_gray = noise_gray.expand(b, 3, h, w)
- # always calculate color noise
- # round and clip image for counting vals correctly
- img = torch.clamp((img * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- # use for-loop to get the unique values for each sample
- vals_list = [len(torch.unique(img[i, :, :, :])) for i in range(b)]
- vals_list = [2**np.ceil(np.log2(vals)) for vals in vals_list]
- vals = img.new_tensor(vals_list).view(b, 1, 1, 1)
- out = torch.poisson(img * vals) / vals
- noise = out - img
- if cal_gray_noise:
- noise = noise * (1 - gray_noise) + noise_gray * gray_noise
- if not isinstance(scale, (float, int)):
- scale = scale.view(b, 1, 1, 1)
- return noise * scale
-def add_poisson_noise_pt(img, scale=1.0, clip=True, rounds=False, gray_noise=0):
- """Add poisson noise to a batch of images (PyTorch version).
- Args:
- img (Tensor): Input image, shape (b, c, h, w), range [0, 1], float32.
- scale (float | Tensor): Noise scale. Number or Tensor with shape (b).
- Default: 1.0.
- gray_noise (float | Tensor): 0-1 number or Tensor with shape (b).
- 0 for False, 1 for True. Default: 0.
- Returns:
- (Tensor): Returned noisy image, shape (b, c, h, w), range[0, 1],
- float32.
- """
- noise = generate_poisson_noise_pt(img, scale, gray_noise)
- out = img + noise
- if clip and rounds:
- out = torch.clamp((out * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- elif clip:
- out = torch.clamp(out, 0, 1)
- elif rounds:
- out = (out * 255.0).round() / 255.
- return out
-# ----------------------- Random Poisson (Shot) Noise ----------------------- #
-def random_generate_poisson_noise(img, scale_range=(0, 1.0), gray_prob=0):
- scale = np.random.uniform(scale_range[0], scale_range[1])
- if np.random.uniform() < gray_prob:
- gray_noise = True
- else:
- gray_noise = False
- return generate_poisson_noise(img, scale, gray_noise)
-def random_add_poisson_noise(img, scale_range=(0, 1.0), gray_prob=0, clip=True, rounds=False):
- noise = random_generate_poisson_noise(img, scale_range, gray_prob)
- out = img + noise
- if clip and rounds:
- out = np.clip((out * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- elif clip:
- out = np.clip(out, 0, 1)
- elif rounds:
- out = (out * 255.0).round() / 255.
- return out
-def random_generate_poisson_noise_pt(img, scale_range=(0, 1.0), gray_prob=0):
- scale = torch.rand(
- img.size(0), dtype=img.dtype, device=img.device) * (scale_range[1] - scale_range[0]) + scale_range[0]
- gray_noise = torch.rand(img.size(0), dtype=img.dtype, device=img.device)
- gray_noise = (gray_noise < gray_prob).float()
- return generate_poisson_noise_pt(img, scale, gray_noise)
-def random_add_poisson_noise_pt(img, scale_range=(0, 1.0), gray_prob=0, clip=True, rounds=False):
- noise = random_generate_poisson_noise_pt(img, scale_range, gray_prob)
- out = img + noise
- if clip and rounds:
- out = torch.clamp((out * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- elif clip:
- out = torch.clamp(out, 0, 1)
- elif rounds:
- out = (out * 255.0).round() / 255.
- return out
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-# --------------------------- JPEG compression --------------------------- #
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-def add_jpg_compression(img, quality=90):
- """Add JPG compression artifacts.
- Args:
- img (Numpy array): Input image, shape (h, w, c), range [0, 1], float32.
- quality (float): JPG compression quality. 0 for lowest quality, 100 for
- best quality. Default: 90.
- Returns:
- (Numpy array): Returned image after JPG, shape (h, w, c), range[0, 1],
- float32.
- """
- img = np.clip(img, 0, 1)
- encode_param = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), quality]
- _, encimg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img * 255., encode_param)
- img = np.float32(cv2.imdecode(encimg, 1)) / 255.
- return img
-def random_add_jpg_compression(img, quality_range=(90, 100)):
- """Randomly add JPG compression artifacts.
- Args:
- img (Numpy array): Input image, shape (h, w, c), range [0, 1], float32.
- quality_range (tuple[float] | list[float]): JPG compression quality
- range. 0 for lowest quality, 100 for best quality.
- Default: (90, 100).
- Returns:
- (Numpy array): Returned image after JPG, shape (h, w, c), range[0, 1],
- float32.
- """
- quality = np.random.uniform(quality_range[0], quality_range[1])
- return add_jpg_compression(img, quality)
diff --git a/basicsr/data/ffhq_dataset.py b/basicsr/data/ffhq_dataset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 23992eb877f6b7b46cf5f40ed3667fc10916269b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/ffhq_dataset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import time
-from os import path as osp
-from torch.utils import data as data
-from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize
-from basicsr.data.transforms import augment
-from basicsr.utils import FileClient, get_root_logger, imfrombytes, img2tensor
-from basicsr.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY
-class FFHQDataset(data.Dataset):
- """FFHQ dataset for StyleGAN.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
- dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
- io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
- mean (list | tuple): Image mean.
- std (list | tuple): Image std.
- use_hflip (bool): Whether to horizontally flip.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(FFHQDataset, self).__init__()
- self.opt = opt
- # file client (io backend)
- self.file_client = None
- self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
- self.gt_folder = opt['dataroot_gt']
- self.mean = opt['mean']
- self.std = opt['std']
- if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
- self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = self.gt_folder
- if not self.gt_folder.endswith('.lmdb'):
- raise ValueError("'dataroot_gt' should end with '.lmdb', but received {self.gt_folder}")
- with open(osp.join(self.gt_folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin:
- self.paths = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin]
- else:
- # FFHQ has 70000 images in total
- self.paths = [osp.join(self.gt_folder, f'{v:08d}.png') for v in range(70000)]
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- if self.file_client is None:
- self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)
- # load gt image
- gt_path = self.paths[index]
- # avoid errors caused by high latency in reading files
- retry = 3
- while retry > 0:
- try:
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path)
- except Exception as e:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.warning(f'File client error: {e}, remaining retry times: {retry - 1}')
- # change another file to read
- index = random.randint(0, self.__len__())
- gt_path = self.paths[index]
- time.sleep(1) # sleep 1s for occasional server congestion
- else:
- break
- finally:
- retry -= 1
- img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- # random horizontal flip
- img_gt = augment(img_gt, hflip=self.opt['use_hflip'], rotation=False)
- # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
- img_gt = img2tensor(img_gt, bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)
- # normalize
- normalize(img_gt, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
- return {'gt': img_gt, 'gt_path': gt_path}
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.paths)
diff --git a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_DIV2K800sub_GT.txt b/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_DIV2K800sub_GT.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 081969018371c1891961a9f7bf5f00f80c9dee9f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_DIV2K800sub_GT.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32592 +0,0 @@
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-0800_s018.png (480,480,3)
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-0800_s025.png (480,480,3)
-0800_s026.png (480,480,3)
-0800_s027.png (480,480,3)
-0800_s028.png (480,480,3)
-0800_s029.png (480,480,3)
-0800_s030.png (480,480,3)
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-0800_s033.png (480,480,3)
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-0800_s036.png (480,480,3)
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-0800_s039.png (480,480,3)
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-001 100 (720,1280,3)
-002 100 (720,1280,3)
-003 100 (720,1280,3)
-004 100 (720,1280,3)
-005 100 (720,1280,3)
-006 100 (720,1280,3)
-007 100 (720,1280,3)
-008 100 (720,1280,3)
-009 100 (720,1280,3)
-010 100 (720,1280,3)
-011 100 (720,1280,3)
-012 100 (720,1280,3)
-013 100 (720,1280,3)
-014 100 (720,1280,3)
-015 100 (720,1280,3)
-016 100 (720,1280,3)
-017 100 (720,1280,3)
-018 100 (720,1280,3)
-019 100 (720,1280,3)
-020 100 (720,1280,3)
-021 100 (720,1280,3)
-022 100 (720,1280,3)
-023 100 (720,1280,3)
-024 100 (720,1280,3)
-025 100 (720,1280,3)
-026 100 (720,1280,3)
-027 100 (720,1280,3)
-028 100 (720,1280,3)
-029 100 (720,1280,3)
-030 100 (720,1280,3)
-031 100 (720,1280,3)
-032 100 (720,1280,3)
-033 100 (720,1280,3)
-034 100 (720,1280,3)
-035 100 (720,1280,3)
-036 100 (720,1280,3)
-037 100 (720,1280,3)
-038 100 (720,1280,3)
-039 100 (720,1280,3)
-040 100 (720,1280,3)
-041 100 (720,1280,3)
-042 100 (720,1280,3)
-043 100 (720,1280,3)
-044 100 (720,1280,3)
-045 100 (720,1280,3)
-046 100 (720,1280,3)
-047 100 (720,1280,3)
-048 100 (720,1280,3)
-049 100 (720,1280,3)
-050 100 (720,1280,3)
-051 100 (720,1280,3)
-052 100 (720,1280,3)
-053 100 (720,1280,3)
-054 100 (720,1280,3)
-055 100 (720,1280,3)
-056 100 (720,1280,3)
-057 100 (720,1280,3)
-058 100 (720,1280,3)
-059 100 (720,1280,3)
-060 100 (720,1280,3)
-061 100 (720,1280,3)
-062 100 (720,1280,3)
-063 100 (720,1280,3)
-064 100 (720,1280,3)
-065 100 (720,1280,3)
-066 100 (720,1280,3)
-067 100 (720,1280,3)
-068 100 (720,1280,3)
-069 100 (720,1280,3)
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-071 100 (720,1280,3)
-072 100 (720,1280,3)
-073 100 (720,1280,3)
-074 100 (720,1280,3)
-075 100 (720,1280,3)
-076 100 (720,1280,3)
-077 100 (720,1280,3)
-078 100 (720,1280,3)
-079 100 (720,1280,3)
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-084 100 (720,1280,3)
-085 100 (720,1280,3)
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-087 100 (720,1280,3)
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-095 100 (720,1280,3)
-096 100 (720,1280,3)
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-233 100 (720,1280,3)
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-237 100 (720,1280,3)
-238 100 (720,1280,3)
-239 100 (720,1280,3)
-240 100 (720,1280,3)
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-243 100 (720,1280,3)
-244 100 (720,1280,3)
-245 100 (720,1280,3)
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-248 100 (720,1280,3)
-249 100 (720,1280,3)
-250 100 (720,1280,3)
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-252 100 (720,1280,3)
-253 100 (720,1280,3)
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-255 100 (720,1280,3)
-256 100 (720,1280,3)
-257 100 (720,1280,3)
-258 100 (720,1280,3)
-259 100 (720,1280,3)
-260 100 (720,1280,3)
-261 100 (720,1280,3)
-262 100 (720,1280,3)
-263 100 (720,1280,3)
-264 100 (720,1280,3)
-265 100 (720,1280,3)
-266 100 (720,1280,3)
-267 100 (720,1280,3)
-268 100 (720,1280,3)
-269 100 (720,1280,3)
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index b407561e6baca502c386a66b4e52b06729f88284..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_REDSofficial4_test_GT.txt
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@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
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-241 100 (720,1280,3)
-246 100 (720,1280,3)
-257 100 (720,1280,3)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 11121311d80a5c1a0c373fbbf40d322288751a7c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_REDSval_official_test_GT.txt
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-240 100 (720,1280,3)
-241 100 (720,1280,3)
-242 100 (720,1280,3)
-243 100 (720,1280,3)
-244 100 (720,1280,3)
-245 100 (720,1280,3)
-246 100 (720,1280,3)
-247 100 (720,1280,3)
-248 100 (720,1280,3)
-249 100 (720,1280,3)
-250 100 (720,1280,3)
-251 100 (720,1280,3)
-252 100 (720,1280,3)
-253 100 (720,1280,3)
-254 100 (720,1280,3)
-255 100 (720,1280,3)
-256 100 (720,1280,3)
-257 100 (720,1280,3)
-258 100 (720,1280,3)
-259 100 (720,1280,3)
-260 100 (720,1280,3)
-261 100 (720,1280,3)
-262 100 (720,1280,3)
-263 100 (720,1280,3)
-264 100 (720,1280,3)
-265 100 (720,1280,3)
-266 100 (720,1280,3)
-267 100 (720,1280,3)
-268 100 (720,1280,3)
-269 100 (720,1280,3)
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diff --git a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_test_fast_GT.txt b/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_test_fast_GT.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 79e7915d4d31b06258e02e3fb812da735de3855d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_test_fast_GT.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1225 +0,0 @@
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-00096/0865 7 (256,448,3)
diff --git a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_test_medium_GT.txt b/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_test_medium_GT.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e7e6dff35d8831eeb25e2236c533ce46f655660..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_test_medium_GT.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4977 +0,0 @@
-00001/0285 7 (256,448,3)
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diff --git a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_test_slow_GT.txt b/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_test_slow_GT.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 694ebb55c62437d1f62e66297b99182eb338fe8e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_test_slow_GT.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1613 +0,0 @@
-00001/0266 7 (256,448,3)
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diff --git a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_train_GT.txt b/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_train_GT.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d0f15a07572e8bb134e76229113a8db1fe7c849d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_train_GT.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64612 +0,0 @@
-00001/0001 7 (256,448,3)
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diff --git a/basicsr/data/paired_image_dataset.py b/basicsr/data/paired_image_dataset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f5c8c6ad975b47b125962c065794db2e071086d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/paired_image_dataset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-from torch.utils import data as data
-from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize
-from basicsr.data.data_util import paired_paths_from_folder, paired_paths_from_lmdb, paired_paths_from_meta_info_file
-from basicsr.data.transforms import augment, paired_random_crop
-from basicsr.utils import FileClient, bgr2ycbcr, imfrombytes, img2tensor
-from basicsr.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY
-class PairedImageDataset(data.Dataset):
- """Paired image dataset for image restoration.
- Read LQ (Low Quality, e.g. LR (Low Resolution), blurry, noisy, etc) and GT image pairs.
- There are three modes:
- 1. **lmdb**: Use lmdb files. If opt['io_backend'] == lmdb.
- 2. **meta_info_file**: Use meta information file to generate paths. \
- If opt['io_backend'] != lmdb and opt['meta_info_file'] is not None.
- 3. **folder**: Scan folders to generate paths. The rest.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
- dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
- dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
- meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
- io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
- filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the template excludes the file extension.
- Default: '{}'.
- gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
- use_hflip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
- use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h and w for implementation).
- scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
- phase (str): 'train' or 'val'.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(PairedImageDataset, self).__init__()
- self.opt = opt
- # file client (io backend)
- self.file_client = None
- self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
- self.mean = opt['mean'] if 'mean' in opt else None
- self.std = opt['std'] if 'std' in opt else None
- self.gt_folder, self.lq_folder = opt['dataroot_gt'], opt['dataroot_lq']
- if 'filename_tmpl' in opt:
- self.filename_tmpl = opt['filename_tmpl']
- else:
- self.filename_tmpl = '{}'
- if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
- self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder]
- self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']
- self.paths = paired_paths_from_lmdb([self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'])
- elif 'meta_info_file' in self.opt and self.opt['meta_info_file'] is not None:
- self.paths = paired_paths_from_meta_info_file([self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'],
- self.opt['meta_info_file'], self.filename_tmpl)
- else:
- self.paths = paired_paths_from_folder([self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'], self.filename_tmpl)
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- if self.file_client is None:
- self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)
- scale = self.opt['scale']
- # Load gt and lq images. Dimension order: HWC; channel order: BGR;
- # image range: [0, 1], float32.
- gt_path = self.paths[index]['gt_path']
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path, 'gt')
- img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- lq_path = self.paths[index]['lq_path']
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(lq_path, 'lq')
- img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- # augmentation for training
- if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
- gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
- # random crop
- img_gt, img_lq = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lq, gt_size, scale, gt_path)
- # flip, rotation
- img_gt, img_lq = augment([img_gt, img_lq], self.opt['use_hflip'], self.opt['use_rot'])
- # color space transform
- if 'color' in self.opt and self.opt['color'] == 'y':
- img_gt = bgr2ycbcr(img_gt, y_only=True)[..., None]
- img_lq = bgr2ycbcr(img_lq, y_only=True)[..., None]
- # crop the unmatched GT images during validation or testing, especially for SR benchmark datasets
- # TODO: It is better to update the datasets, rather than force to crop
- if self.opt['phase'] != 'train':
- img_gt = img_gt[0:img_lq.shape[0] * scale, 0:img_lq.shape[1] * scale, :]
- # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
- img_gt, img_lq = img2tensor([img_gt, img_lq], bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)
- # normalize
- if self.mean is not None or self.std is not None:
- normalize(img_lq, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
- normalize(img_gt, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
- return {'lq': img_lq, 'gt': img_gt, 'lq_path': lq_path, 'gt_path': gt_path}
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.paths)
diff --git a/basicsr/data/prefetch_dataloader.py b/basicsr/data/prefetch_dataloader.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 332abd32fcb004e6892d12dc69848a4454e3c503..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/prefetch_dataloader.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-import queue as Queue
-import threading
-import torch
-from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
-class PrefetchGenerator(threading.Thread):
- """A general prefetch generator.
- Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7323664/python-generator-pre-fetch
- Args:
- generator: Python generator.
- num_prefetch_queue (int): Number of prefetch queue.
- """
- def __init__(self, generator, num_prefetch_queue):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.queue = Queue.Queue(num_prefetch_queue)
- self.generator = generator
- self.daemon = True
- self.start()
- def run(self):
- for item in self.generator:
- self.queue.put(item)
- self.queue.put(None)
- def __next__(self):
- next_item = self.queue.get()
- if next_item is None:
- raise StopIteration
- return next_item
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
-class PrefetchDataLoader(DataLoader):
- """Prefetch version of dataloader.
- Reference: https://github.com/IgorSusmelj/pytorch-styleguide/issues/5#
- Need to test on single gpu and ddp (multi-gpu). There is a known issue in
- ddp.
- Args:
- num_prefetch_queue (int): Number of prefetch queue.
- kwargs (dict): Other arguments for dataloader.
- """
- def __init__(self, num_prefetch_queue, **kwargs):
- self.num_prefetch_queue = num_prefetch_queue
- super(PrefetchDataLoader, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- def __iter__(self):
- return PrefetchGenerator(super().__iter__(), self.num_prefetch_queue)
-class CPUPrefetcher():
- """CPU prefetcher.
- Args:
- loader: Dataloader.
- """
- def __init__(self, loader):
- self.ori_loader = loader
- self.loader = iter(loader)
- def next(self):
- try:
- return next(self.loader)
- except StopIteration:
- return None
- def reset(self):
- self.loader = iter(self.ori_loader)
-class CUDAPrefetcher():
- """CUDA prefetcher.
- Reference: https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex/issues/304#
- It may consume more GPU memory.
- Args:
- loader: Dataloader.
- opt (dict): Options.
- """
- def __init__(self, loader, opt):
- self.ori_loader = loader
- self.loader = iter(loader)
- self.opt = opt
- self.stream = torch.cuda.Stream()
- self.device = torch.device('cuda' if opt['num_gpu'] != 0 else 'cpu')
- self.preload()
- def preload(self):
- try:
- self.batch = next(self.loader) # self.batch is a dict
- except StopIteration:
- self.batch = None
- return None
- # put tensors to gpu
- with torch.cuda.stream(self.stream):
- for k, v in self.batch.items():
- if torch.is_tensor(v):
- self.batch[k] = self.batch[k].to(device=self.device, non_blocking=True)
- def next(self):
- torch.cuda.current_stream().wait_stream(self.stream)
- batch = self.batch
- self.preload()
- return batch
- def reset(self):
- self.loader = iter(self.ori_loader)
- self.preload()
diff --git a/basicsr/data/realesrgan_dataset.py b/basicsr/data/realesrgan_dataset.py
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index 1616e9b9171d63c47ee13ef82f6dea9f158bed73..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/realesrgan_dataset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-import cv2
-import math
-import numpy as np
-import os
-import os.path as osp
-import random
-import time
-import torch
-from torch.utils import data as data
-from basicsr.data.degradations import circular_lowpass_kernel, random_mixed_kernels
-from basicsr.data.transforms import augment
-from basicsr.utils import FileClient, get_root_logger, imfrombytes, img2tensor
-from basicsr.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY
-class RealESRGANDataset(data.Dataset):
- """Dataset used for Real-ESRGAN model:
- Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data.
- It loads gt (Ground-Truth) images, and augments them.
- It also generates blur kernels and sinc kernels for generating low-quality images.
- Note that the low-quality images are processed in tensors on GPUS for faster processing.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
- dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
- meta_info (str): Path for meta information file.
- io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
- use_hflip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
- use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h and w for implementation).
- Please see more options in the codes.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(RealESRGANDataset, self).__init__()
- self.opt = opt
- self.file_client = None
- self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
- self.gt_folder = opt['dataroot_gt']
- # file client (lmdb io backend)
- if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
- self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.gt_folder]
- self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['gt']
- if not self.gt_folder.endswith('.lmdb'):
- raise ValueError(f"'dataroot_gt' should end with '.lmdb', but received {self.gt_folder}")
- with open(osp.join(self.gt_folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin:
- self.paths = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin]
- else:
- # disk backend with meta_info
- # Each line in the meta_info describes the relative path to an image
- with open(self.opt['meta_info']) as fin:
- paths = [line.strip().split(' ')[0] for line in fin]
- self.paths = [os.path.join(self.gt_folder, v) for v in paths]
- # blur settings for the first degradation
- self.blur_kernel_size = opt['blur_kernel_size']
- self.kernel_list = opt['kernel_list']
- self.kernel_prob = opt['kernel_prob'] # a list for each kernel probability
- self.blur_sigma = opt['blur_sigma']
- self.betag_range = opt['betag_range'] # betag used in generalized Gaussian blur kernels
- self.betap_range = opt['betap_range'] # betap used in plateau blur kernels
- self.sinc_prob = opt['sinc_prob'] # the probability for sinc filters
- # blur settings for the second degradation
- self.blur_kernel_size2 = opt['blur_kernel_size2']
- self.kernel_list2 = opt['kernel_list2']
- self.kernel_prob2 = opt['kernel_prob2']
- self.blur_sigma2 = opt['blur_sigma2']
- self.betag_range2 = opt['betag_range2']
- self.betap_range2 = opt['betap_range2']
- self.sinc_prob2 = opt['sinc_prob2']
- # a final sinc filter
- self.final_sinc_prob = opt['final_sinc_prob']
- self.kernel_range = [2 * v + 1 for v in range(3, 11)] # kernel size ranges from 7 to 21
- # TODO: kernel range is now hard-coded, should be in the configure file
- self.pulse_tensor = torch.zeros(21, 21).float() # convolving with pulse tensor brings no blurry effect
- self.pulse_tensor[10, 10] = 1
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- if self.file_client is None:
- self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)
- # -------------------------------- Load gt images -------------------------------- #
- # Shape: (h, w, c); channel order: BGR; image range: [0, 1], float32.
- gt_path = self.paths[index]
- # avoid errors caused by high latency in reading files
- retry = 3
- while retry > 0:
- try:
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path, 'gt')
- except (IOError, OSError) as e:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.warn(f'File client error: {e}, remaining retry times: {retry - 1}')
- # change another file to read
- index = random.randint(0, self.__len__())
- gt_path = self.paths[index]
- time.sleep(1) # sleep 1s for occasional server congestion
- else:
- break
- finally:
- retry -= 1
- img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- # -------------------- Do augmentation for training: flip, rotation -------------------- #
- img_gt = augment(img_gt, self.opt['use_hflip'], self.opt['use_rot'])
- # crop or pad to 400
- # TODO: 400 is hard-coded. You may change it accordingly
- h, w = img_gt.shape[0:2]
- crop_pad_size = 400
- # pad
- if h < crop_pad_size or w < crop_pad_size:
- pad_h = max(0, crop_pad_size - h)
- pad_w = max(0, crop_pad_size - w)
- img_gt = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img_gt, 0, pad_h, 0, pad_w, cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101)
- # crop
- if img_gt.shape[0] > crop_pad_size or img_gt.shape[1] > crop_pad_size:
- h, w = img_gt.shape[0:2]
- # randomly choose top and left coordinates
- top = random.randint(0, h - crop_pad_size)
- left = random.randint(0, w - crop_pad_size)
- img_gt = img_gt[top:top + crop_pad_size, left:left + crop_pad_size, ...]
- # ------------------------ Generate kernels (used in the first degradation) ------------------------ #
- kernel_size = random.choice(self.kernel_range)
- if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['sinc_prob']:
- # this sinc filter setting is for kernels ranging from [7, 21]
- if kernel_size < 13:
- omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi)
- else:
- omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 5, np.pi)
- kernel = circular_lowpass_kernel(omega_c, kernel_size, pad_to=False)
- else:
- kernel = random_mixed_kernels(
- self.kernel_list,
- self.kernel_prob,
- kernel_size,
- self.blur_sigma,
- self.blur_sigma, [-math.pi, math.pi],
- self.betag_range,
- self.betap_range,
- noise_range=None)
- # pad kernel
- pad_size = (21 - kernel_size) // 2
- kernel = np.pad(kernel, ((pad_size, pad_size), (pad_size, pad_size)))
- # ------------------------ Generate kernels (used in the second degradation) ------------------------ #
- kernel_size = random.choice(self.kernel_range)
- if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['sinc_prob2']:
- if kernel_size < 13:
- omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi)
- else:
- omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 5, np.pi)
- kernel2 = circular_lowpass_kernel(omega_c, kernel_size, pad_to=False)
- else:
- kernel2 = random_mixed_kernels(
- self.kernel_list2,
- self.kernel_prob2,
- kernel_size,
- self.blur_sigma2,
- self.blur_sigma2, [-math.pi, math.pi],
- self.betag_range2,
- self.betap_range2,
- noise_range=None)
- # pad kernel
- pad_size = (21 - kernel_size) // 2
- kernel2 = np.pad(kernel2, ((pad_size, pad_size), (pad_size, pad_size)))
- # ------------------------------------- the final sinc kernel ------------------------------------- #
- if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['final_sinc_prob']:
- kernel_size = random.choice(self.kernel_range)
- omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi)
- sinc_kernel = circular_lowpass_kernel(omega_c, kernel_size, pad_to=21)
- sinc_kernel = torch.FloatTensor(sinc_kernel)
- else:
- sinc_kernel = self.pulse_tensor
- # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
- img_gt = img2tensor([img_gt], bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)[0]
- kernel = torch.FloatTensor(kernel)
- kernel2 = torch.FloatTensor(kernel2)
- return_d = {'gt': img_gt, 'kernel1': kernel, 'kernel2': kernel2, 'sinc_kernel': sinc_kernel, 'gt_path': gt_path}
- return return_d
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.paths)
diff --git a/basicsr/data/realesrgan_paired_dataset.py b/basicsr/data/realesrgan_paired_dataset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 604b026d590273aedd3a1b59465cbd5426962bc2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/realesrgan_paired_dataset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from torch.utils import data as data
-from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize
-from basicsr.data.data_util import paired_paths_from_folder, paired_paths_from_lmdb
-from basicsr.data.transforms import augment, paired_random_crop
-from basicsr.utils import FileClient, imfrombytes, img2tensor
-from basicsr.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY
-class RealESRGANPairedDataset(data.Dataset):
- """Paired image dataset for image restoration.
- Read LQ (Low Quality, e.g. LR (Low Resolution), blurry, noisy, etc) and GT image pairs.
- There are three modes:
- 1. **lmdb**: Use lmdb files. If opt['io_backend'] == lmdb.
- 2. **meta_info_file**: Use meta information file to generate paths. \
- If opt['io_backend'] != lmdb and opt['meta_info_file'] is not None.
- 3. **folder**: Scan folders to generate paths. The rest.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
- dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
- dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
- meta_info (str): Path for meta information file.
- io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
- filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the template excludes the file extension.
- Default: '{}'.
- gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
- use_hflip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
- use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h and w for implementation).
- scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
- phase (str): 'train' or 'val'.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(RealESRGANPairedDataset, self).__init__()
- self.opt = opt
- self.file_client = None
- self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
- # mean and std for normalizing the input images
- self.mean = opt['mean'] if 'mean' in opt else None
- self.std = opt['std'] if 'std' in opt else None
- self.gt_folder, self.lq_folder = opt['dataroot_gt'], opt['dataroot_lq']
- self.filename_tmpl = opt['filename_tmpl'] if 'filename_tmpl' in opt else '{}'
- # file client (lmdb io backend)
- if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
- self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder]
- self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']
- self.paths = paired_paths_from_lmdb([self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'])
- elif 'meta_info' in self.opt and self.opt['meta_info'] is not None:
- # disk backend with meta_info
- # Each line in the meta_info describes the relative path to an image
- with open(self.opt['meta_info']) as fin:
- paths = [line.strip() for line in fin]
- self.paths = []
- for path in paths:
- gt_path, lq_path = path.split(', ')
- gt_path = os.path.join(self.gt_folder, gt_path)
- lq_path = os.path.join(self.lq_folder, lq_path)
- self.paths.append(dict([('gt_path', gt_path), ('lq_path', lq_path)]))
- else:
- # disk backend
- # it will scan the whole folder to get meta info
- # it will be time-consuming for folders with too many files. It is recommended using an extra meta txt file
- self.paths = paired_paths_from_folder([self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'], self.filename_tmpl)
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- if self.file_client is None:
- self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)
- scale = self.opt['scale']
- # Load gt and lq images. Dimension order: HWC; channel order: BGR;
- # image range: [0, 1], float32.
- gt_path = self.paths[index]['gt_path']
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path, 'gt')
- img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- lq_path = self.paths[index]['lq_path']
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(lq_path, 'lq')
- img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- # augmentation for training
- if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
- gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
- # random crop
- img_gt, img_lq = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lq, gt_size, scale, gt_path)
- # flip, rotation
- img_gt, img_lq = augment([img_gt, img_lq], self.opt['use_hflip'], self.opt['use_rot'])
- # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
- img_gt, img_lq = img2tensor([img_gt, img_lq], bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)
- # normalize
- if self.mean is not None or self.std is not None:
- normalize(img_lq, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
- normalize(img_gt, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
- return {'lq': img_lq, 'gt': img_gt, 'lq_path': lq_path, 'gt_path': gt_path}
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.paths)
diff --git a/basicsr/data/reds_dataset.py b/basicsr/data/reds_dataset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fabef1d7e80866888f3b57ecfeb4d97c93bcb5cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/reds_dataset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import random
-import torch
-from pathlib import Path
-from torch.utils import data as data
-from basicsr.data.transforms import augment, paired_random_crop
-from basicsr.utils import FileClient, get_root_logger, imfrombytes, img2tensor
-from basicsr.utils.flow_util import dequantize_flow
-from basicsr.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY
-class REDSDataset(data.Dataset):
- """REDS dataset for training.
- The keys are generated from a meta info txt file.
- basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_REDS_GT.txt
- Each line contains:
- 1. subfolder (clip) name; 2. frame number; 3. image shape, separated by
- a white space.
- Examples:
- 000 100 (720,1280,3)
- 001 100 (720,1280,3)
- ...
- Key examples: "000/00000000"
- GT (gt): Ground-Truth;
- LQ (lq): Low-Quality, e.g., low-resolution/blurry/noisy/compressed frames.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config for train dataset. It contains the following keys:
- dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
- dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
- dataroot_flow (str, optional): Data root path for flow.
- meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
- val_partition (str): Validation partition types. 'REDS4' or 'official'.
- io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
- num_frame (int): Window size for input frames.
- gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
- interval_list (list): Interval list for temporal augmentation.
- random_reverse (bool): Random reverse input frames.
- use_hflip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
- use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h and w for implementation).
- scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(REDSDataset, self).__init__()
- self.opt = opt
- self.gt_root, self.lq_root = Path(opt['dataroot_gt']), Path(opt['dataroot_lq'])
- self.flow_root = Path(opt['dataroot_flow']) if opt['dataroot_flow'] is not None else None
- assert opt['num_frame'] % 2 == 1, (f'num_frame should be odd number, but got {opt["num_frame"]}')
- self.num_frame = opt['num_frame']
- self.num_half_frames = opt['num_frame'] // 2
- self.keys = []
- with open(opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
- for line in fin:
- folder, frame_num, _ = line.split(' ')
- self.keys.extend([f'{folder}/{i:08d}' for i in range(int(frame_num))])
- # remove the video clips used in validation
- if opt['val_partition'] == 'REDS4':
- val_partition = ['000', '011', '015', '020']
- elif opt['val_partition'] == 'official':
- val_partition = [f'{v:03d}' for v in range(240, 270)]
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Wrong validation partition {opt["val_partition"]}.'
- f"Supported ones are ['official', 'REDS4'].")
- self.keys = [v for v in self.keys if v.split('/')[0] not in val_partition]
- # file client (io backend)
- self.file_client = None
- self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
- self.is_lmdb = False
- if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
- self.is_lmdb = True
- if self.flow_root is not None:
- self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_root, self.gt_root, self.flow_root]
- self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt', 'flow']
- else:
- self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_root, self.gt_root]
- self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']
- # temporal augmentation configs
- self.interval_list = opt['interval_list']
- self.random_reverse = opt['random_reverse']
- interval_str = ','.join(str(x) for x in opt['interval_list'])
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Temporal augmentation interval list: [{interval_str}]; '
- f'random reverse is {self.random_reverse}.')
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- if self.file_client is None:
- self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)
- scale = self.opt['scale']
- gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
- key = self.keys[index]
- clip_name, frame_name = key.split('/') # key example: 000/00000000
- center_frame_idx = int(frame_name)
- # determine the neighboring frames
- interval = random.choice(self.interval_list)
- # ensure not exceeding the borders
- start_frame_idx = center_frame_idx - self.num_half_frames * interval
- end_frame_idx = center_frame_idx + self.num_half_frames * interval
- # each clip has 100 frames starting from 0 to 99
- while (start_frame_idx < 0) or (end_frame_idx > 99):
- center_frame_idx = random.randint(0, 99)
- start_frame_idx = (center_frame_idx - self.num_half_frames * interval)
- end_frame_idx = center_frame_idx + self.num_half_frames * interval
- frame_name = f'{center_frame_idx:08d}'
- neighbor_list = list(range(start_frame_idx, end_frame_idx + 1, interval))
- # random reverse
- if self.random_reverse and random.random() < 0.5:
- neighbor_list.reverse()
- assert len(neighbor_list) == self.num_frame, (f'Wrong length of neighbor list: {len(neighbor_list)}')
- # get the GT frame (as the center frame)
- if self.is_lmdb:
- img_gt_path = f'{clip_name}/{frame_name}'
- else:
- img_gt_path = self.gt_root / clip_name / f'{frame_name}.png'
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_gt_path, 'gt')
- img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- # get the neighboring LQ frames
- img_lqs = []
- for neighbor in neighbor_list:
- if self.is_lmdb:
- img_lq_path = f'{clip_name}/{neighbor:08d}'
- else:
- img_lq_path = self.lq_root / clip_name / f'{neighbor:08d}.png'
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_lq_path, 'lq')
- img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- img_lqs.append(img_lq)
- # get flows
- if self.flow_root is not None:
- img_flows = []
- # read previous flows
- for i in range(self.num_half_frames, 0, -1):
- if self.is_lmdb:
- flow_path = f'{clip_name}/{frame_name}_p{i}'
- else:
- flow_path = (self.flow_root / clip_name / f'{frame_name}_p{i}.png')
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(flow_path, 'flow')
- cat_flow = imfrombytes(img_bytes, flag='grayscale', float32=False) # uint8, [0, 255]
- dx, dy = np.split(cat_flow, 2, axis=0)
- flow = dequantize_flow(dx, dy, max_val=20, denorm=False) # we use max_val 20 here.
- img_flows.append(flow)
- # read next flows
- for i in range(1, self.num_half_frames + 1):
- if self.is_lmdb:
- flow_path = f'{clip_name}/{frame_name}_n{i}'
- else:
- flow_path = (self.flow_root / clip_name / f'{frame_name}_n{i}.png')
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(flow_path, 'flow')
- cat_flow = imfrombytes(img_bytes, flag='grayscale', float32=False) # uint8, [0, 255]
- dx, dy = np.split(cat_flow, 2, axis=0)
- flow = dequantize_flow(dx, dy, max_val=20, denorm=False) # we use max_val 20 here.
- img_flows.append(flow)
- # for random crop, here, img_flows and img_lqs have the same
- # spatial size
- img_lqs.extend(img_flows)
- # randomly crop
- img_gt, img_lqs = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lqs, gt_size, scale, img_gt_path)
- if self.flow_root is not None:
- img_lqs, img_flows = img_lqs[:self.num_frame], img_lqs[self.num_frame:]
- # augmentation - flip, rotate
- img_lqs.append(img_gt)
- if self.flow_root is not None:
- img_results, img_flows = augment(img_lqs, self.opt['use_hflip'], self.opt['use_rot'], img_flows)
- else:
- img_results = augment(img_lqs, self.opt['use_hflip'], self.opt['use_rot'])
- img_results = img2tensor(img_results)
- img_lqs = torch.stack(img_results[0:-1], dim=0)
- img_gt = img_results[-1]
- if self.flow_root is not None:
- img_flows = img2tensor(img_flows)
- # add the zero center flow
- img_flows.insert(self.num_half_frames, torch.zeros_like(img_flows[0]))
- img_flows = torch.stack(img_flows, dim=0)
- # img_lqs: (t, c, h, w)
- # img_flows: (t, 2, h, w)
- # img_gt: (c, h, w)
- # key: str
- if self.flow_root is not None:
- return {'lq': img_lqs, 'flow': img_flows, 'gt': img_gt, 'key': key}
- else:
- return {'lq': img_lqs, 'gt': img_gt, 'key': key}
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.keys)
-class REDSRecurrentDataset(data.Dataset):
- """REDS dataset for training recurrent networks.
- The keys are generated from a meta info txt file.
- basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_REDS_GT.txt
- Each line contains:
- 1. subfolder (clip) name; 2. frame number; 3. image shape, separated by
- a white space.
- Examples:
- 000 100 (720,1280,3)
- 001 100 (720,1280,3)
- ...
- Key examples: "000/00000000"
- GT (gt): Ground-Truth;
- LQ (lq): Low-Quality, e.g., low-resolution/blurry/noisy/compressed frames.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config for train dataset. It contains the following keys:
- dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
- dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
- dataroot_flow (str, optional): Data root path for flow.
- meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
- val_partition (str): Validation partition types. 'REDS4' or 'official'.
- io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
- num_frame (int): Window size for input frames.
- gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
- interval_list (list): Interval list for temporal augmentation.
- random_reverse (bool): Random reverse input frames.
- use_hflip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
- use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h and w for implementation).
- scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(REDSRecurrentDataset, self).__init__()
- self.opt = opt
- self.gt_root, self.lq_root = Path(opt['dataroot_gt']), Path(opt['dataroot_lq'])
- self.num_frame = opt['num_frame']
- self.keys = []
- with open(opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
- for line in fin:
- folder, frame_num, _ = line.split(' ')
- self.keys.extend([f'{folder}/{i:08d}' for i in range(int(frame_num))])
- # remove the video clips used in validation
- if opt['val_partition'] == 'REDS4':
- val_partition = ['000', '011', '015', '020']
- elif opt['val_partition'] == 'official':
- val_partition = [f'{v:03d}' for v in range(240, 270)]
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Wrong validation partition {opt["val_partition"]}.'
- f"Supported ones are ['official', 'REDS4'].")
- if opt['test_mode']:
- self.keys = [v for v in self.keys if v.split('/')[0] in val_partition]
- else:
- self.keys = [v for v in self.keys if v.split('/')[0] not in val_partition]
- # file client (io backend)
- self.file_client = None
- self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
- self.is_lmdb = False
- if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
- self.is_lmdb = True
- if hasattr(self, 'flow_root') and self.flow_root is not None:
- self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_root, self.gt_root, self.flow_root]
- self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt', 'flow']
- else:
- self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_root, self.gt_root]
- self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']
- # temporal augmentation configs
- self.interval_list = opt.get('interval_list', [1])
- self.random_reverse = opt.get('random_reverse', False)
- interval_str = ','.join(str(x) for x in self.interval_list)
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Temporal augmentation interval list: [{interval_str}]; '
- f'random reverse is {self.random_reverse}.')
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- if self.file_client is None:
- self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)
- scale = self.opt['scale']
- gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
- key = self.keys[index]
- clip_name, frame_name = key.split('/') # key example: 000/00000000
- # determine the neighboring frames
- interval = random.choice(self.interval_list)
- # ensure not exceeding the borders
- start_frame_idx = int(frame_name)
- if start_frame_idx > 100 - self.num_frame * interval:
- start_frame_idx = random.randint(0, 100 - self.num_frame * interval)
- end_frame_idx = start_frame_idx + self.num_frame * interval
- neighbor_list = list(range(start_frame_idx, end_frame_idx, interval))
- # random reverse
- if self.random_reverse and random.random() < 0.5:
- neighbor_list.reverse()
- # get the neighboring LQ and GT frames
- img_lqs = []
- img_gts = []
- for neighbor in neighbor_list:
- if self.is_lmdb:
- img_lq_path = f'{clip_name}/{neighbor:08d}'
- img_gt_path = f'{clip_name}/{neighbor:08d}'
- else:
- img_lq_path = self.lq_root / clip_name / f'{neighbor:08d}.png'
- img_gt_path = self.gt_root / clip_name / f'{neighbor:08d}.png'
- # get LQ
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_lq_path, 'lq')
- img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- img_lqs.append(img_lq)
- # get GT
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_gt_path, 'gt')
- img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- img_gts.append(img_gt)
- # randomly crop
- img_gts, img_lqs = paired_random_crop(img_gts, img_lqs, gt_size, scale, img_gt_path)
- # augmentation - flip, rotate
- img_lqs.extend(img_gts)
- img_results = augment(img_lqs, self.opt['use_hflip'], self.opt['use_rot'])
- img_results = img2tensor(img_results)
- img_gts = torch.stack(img_results[len(img_lqs) // 2:], dim=0)
- img_lqs = torch.stack(img_results[:len(img_lqs) // 2], dim=0)
- # img_lqs: (t, c, h, w)
- # img_gts: (t, c, h, w)
- # key: str
- return {'lq': img_lqs, 'gt': img_gts, 'key': key}
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.keys)
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--- a/basicsr/data/single_image_dataset.py
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-from os import path as osp
-from torch.utils import data as data
-from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize
-from basicsr.data.data_util import paths_from_lmdb
-from basicsr.utils import FileClient, imfrombytes, img2tensor, rgb2ycbcr, scandir
-from basicsr.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY
-class SingleImageDataset(data.Dataset):
- """Read only lq images in the test phase.
- Read LQ (Low Quality, e.g. LR (Low Resolution), blurry, noisy, etc).
- There are two modes:
- 1. 'meta_info_file': Use meta information file to generate paths.
- 2. 'folder': Scan folders to generate paths.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
- dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
- meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
- io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(SingleImageDataset, self).__init__()
- self.opt = opt
- # file client (io backend)
- self.file_client = None
- self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
- self.mean = opt['mean'] if 'mean' in opt else None
- self.std = opt['std'] if 'std' in opt else None
- self.lq_folder = opt['dataroot_lq']
- if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
- self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_folder]
- self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq']
- self.paths = paths_from_lmdb(self.lq_folder)
- elif 'meta_info_file' in self.opt:
- with open(self.opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
- self.paths = [osp.join(self.lq_folder, line.rstrip().split(' ')[0]) for line in fin]
- else:
- self.paths = sorted(list(scandir(self.lq_folder, full_path=True)))
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- if self.file_client is None:
- self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)
- # load lq image
- lq_path = self.paths[index]
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(lq_path, 'lq')
- img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- # color space transform
- if 'color' in self.opt and self.opt['color'] == 'y':
- img_lq = rgb2ycbcr(img_lq, y_only=True)[..., None]
- # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
- img_lq = img2tensor(img_lq, bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)
- # normalize
- if self.mean is not None or self.std is not None:
- normalize(img_lq, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
- return {'lq': img_lq, 'lq_path': lq_path}
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.paths)
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-import cv2
-import random
-import torch
-def mod_crop(img, scale):
- """Mod crop images, used during testing.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): Input image.
- scale (int): Scale factor.
- Returns:
- ndarray: Result image.
- """
- img = img.copy()
- if img.ndim in (2, 3):
- h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
- h_remainder, w_remainder = h % scale, w % scale
- img = img[:h - h_remainder, :w - w_remainder, ...]
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Wrong img ndim: {img.ndim}.')
- return img
-def paired_random_crop(img_gts, img_lqs, gt_patch_size, scale, gt_path=None):
- """Paired random crop. Support Numpy array and Tensor inputs.
- It crops lists of lq and gt images with corresponding locations.
- Args:
- img_gts (list[ndarray] | ndarray | list[Tensor] | Tensor): GT images. Note that all images
- should have the same shape. If the input is an ndarray, it will
- be transformed to a list containing itself.
- img_lqs (list[ndarray] | ndarray): LQ images. Note that all images
- should have the same shape. If the input is an ndarray, it will
- be transformed to a list containing itself.
- gt_patch_size (int): GT patch size.
- scale (int): Scale factor.
- gt_path (str): Path to ground-truth. Default: None.
- Returns:
- list[ndarray] | ndarray: GT images and LQ images. If returned results
- only have one element, just return ndarray.
- """
- if not isinstance(img_gts, list):
- img_gts = [img_gts]
- if not isinstance(img_lqs, list):
- img_lqs = [img_lqs]
- # determine input type: Numpy array or Tensor
- input_type = 'Tensor' if torch.is_tensor(img_gts[0]) else 'Numpy'
- if input_type == 'Tensor':
- h_lq, w_lq = img_lqs[0].size()[-2:]
- h_gt, w_gt = img_gts[0].size()[-2:]
- else:
- h_lq, w_lq = img_lqs[0].shape[0:2]
- h_gt, w_gt = img_gts[0].shape[0:2]
- lq_patch_size = gt_patch_size // scale
- if h_gt != h_lq * scale or w_gt != w_lq * scale:
- raise ValueError(f'Scale mismatches. GT ({h_gt}, {w_gt}) is not {scale}x ',
- f'multiplication of LQ ({h_lq}, {w_lq}).')
- if h_lq < lq_patch_size or w_lq < lq_patch_size:
- raise ValueError(f'LQ ({h_lq}, {w_lq}) is smaller than patch size '
- f'({lq_patch_size}, {lq_patch_size}). '
- f'Please remove {gt_path}.')
- # randomly choose top and left coordinates for lq patch
- top = random.randint(0, h_lq - lq_patch_size)
- left = random.randint(0, w_lq - lq_patch_size)
- # crop lq patch
- if input_type == 'Tensor':
- img_lqs = [v[:, :, top:top + lq_patch_size, left:left + lq_patch_size] for v in img_lqs]
- else:
- img_lqs = [v[top:top + lq_patch_size, left:left + lq_patch_size, ...] for v in img_lqs]
- # crop corresponding gt patch
- top_gt, left_gt = int(top * scale), int(left * scale)
- if input_type == 'Tensor':
- img_gts = [v[:, :, top_gt:top_gt + gt_patch_size, left_gt:left_gt + gt_patch_size] for v in img_gts]
- else:
- img_gts = [v[top_gt:top_gt + gt_patch_size, left_gt:left_gt + gt_patch_size, ...] for v in img_gts]
- if len(img_gts) == 1:
- img_gts = img_gts[0]
- if len(img_lqs) == 1:
- img_lqs = img_lqs[0]
- return img_gts, img_lqs
-def augment(imgs, hflip=True, rotation=True, flows=None, return_status=False):
- """Augment: horizontal flips OR rotate (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees).
- We use vertical flip and transpose for rotation implementation.
- All the images in the list use the same augmentation.
- Args:
- imgs (list[ndarray] | ndarray): Images to be augmented. If the input
- is an ndarray, it will be transformed to a list.
- hflip (bool): Horizontal flip. Default: True.
- rotation (bool): Ratotation. Default: True.
- flows (list[ndarray]: Flows to be augmented. If the input is an
- ndarray, it will be transformed to a list.
- Dimension is (h, w, 2). Default: None.
- return_status (bool): Return the status of flip and rotation.
- Default: False.
- Returns:
- list[ndarray] | ndarray: Augmented images and flows. If returned
- results only have one element, just return ndarray.
- """
- hflip = hflip and random.random() < 0.5
- vflip = rotation and random.random() < 0.5
- rot90 = rotation and random.random() < 0.5
- def _augment(img):
- if hflip: # horizontal
- cv2.flip(img, 1, img)
- if vflip: # vertical
- cv2.flip(img, 0, img)
- if rot90:
- img = img.transpose(1, 0, 2)
- return img
- def _augment_flow(flow):
- if hflip: # horizontal
- cv2.flip(flow, 1, flow)
- flow[:, :, 0] *= -1
- if vflip: # vertical
- cv2.flip(flow, 0, flow)
- flow[:, :, 1] *= -1
- if rot90:
- flow = flow.transpose(1, 0, 2)
- flow = flow[:, :, [1, 0]]
- return flow
- if not isinstance(imgs, list):
- imgs = [imgs]
- imgs = [_augment(img) for img in imgs]
- if len(imgs) == 1:
- imgs = imgs[0]
- if flows is not None:
- if not isinstance(flows, list):
- flows = [flows]
- flows = [_augment_flow(flow) for flow in flows]
- if len(flows) == 1:
- flows = flows[0]
- return imgs, flows
- else:
- if return_status:
- return imgs, (hflip, vflip, rot90)
- else:
- return imgs
-def img_rotate(img, angle, center=None, scale=1.0):
- """Rotate image.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): Image to be rotated.
- angle (float): Rotation angle in degrees. Positive values mean
- counter-clockwise rotation.
- center (tuple[int]): Rotation center. If the center is None,
- initialize it as the center of the image. Default: None.
- scale (float): Isotropic scale factor. Default: 1.0.
- """
- (h, w) = img.shape[:2]
- if center is None:
- center = (w // 2, h // 2)
- matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale)
- rotated_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, matrix, (w, h))
- return rotated_img
diff --git a/basicsr/data/video_test_dataset.py b/basicsr/data/video_test_dataset.py
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index 929f7d97472a0eb810e33e694d5362a6749ab4b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/video_test_dataset.py
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-import glob
-import torch
-from os import path as osp
-from torch.utils import data as data
-from basicsr.data.data_util import duf_downsample, generate_frame_indices, read_img_seq
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger, scandir
-from basicsr.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY
-class VideoTestDataset(data.Dataset):
- """Video test dataset.
- Supported datasets: Vid4, REDS4, REDSofficial.
- More generally, it supports testing dataset with following structures:
- ::
- dataroot
- ├── subfolder1
- ├── frame000
- ├── frame001
- ├── ...
- ├── subfolder2
- ├── frame000
- ├── frame001
- ├── ...
- ├── ...
- For testing datasets, there is no need to prepare LMDB files.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config for train dataset. It contains the following keys:
- dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
- dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
- io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
- cache_data (bool): Whether to cache testing datasets.
- name (str): Dataset name.
- meta_info_file (str): The path to the file storing the list of test folders. If not provided, all the folders
- in the dataroot will be used.
- num_frame (int): Window size for input frames.
- padding (str): Padding mode.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(VideoTestDataset, self).__init__()
- self.opt = opt
- self.cache_data = opt['cache_data']
- self.gt_root, self.lq_root = opt['dataroot_gt'], opt['dataroot_lq']
- self.data_info = {'lq_path': [], 'gt_path': [], 'folder': [], 'idx': [], 'border': []}
- # file client (io backend)
- self.file_client = None
- self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
- assert self.io_backend_opt['type'] != 'lmdb', 'No need to use lmdb during validation/test.'
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Generate data info for VideoTestDataset - {opt["name"]}')
- self.imgs_lq, self.imgs_gt = {}, {}
- if 'meta_info_file' in opt:
- with open(opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
- subfolders = [line.split(' ')[0] for line in fin]
- subfolders_lq = [osp.join(self.lq_root, key) for key in subfolders]
- subfolders_gt = [osp.join(self.gt_root, key) for key in subfolders]
- else:
- subfolders_lq = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(self.lq_root, '*')))
- subfolders_gt = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(self.gt_root, '*')))
- if opt['name'].lower() in ['vid4', 'reds4', 'redsofficial']:
- for subfolder_lq, subfolder_gt in zip(subfolders_lq, subfolders_gt):
- # get frame list for lq and gt
- subfolder_name = osp.basename(subfolder_lq)
- img_paths_lq = sorted(list(scandir(subfolder_lq, full_path=True)))
- img_paths_gt = sorted(list(scandir(subfolder_gt, full_path=True)))
- max_idx = len(img_paths_lq)
- assert max_idx == len(img_paths_gt), (f'Different number of images in lq ({max_idx})'
- f' and gt folders ({len(img_paths_gt)})')
- self.data_info['lq_path'].extend(img_paths_lq)
- self.data_info['gt_path'].extend(img_paths_gt)
- self.data_info['folder'].extend([subfolder_name] * max_idx)
- for i in range(max_idx):
- self.data_info['idx'].append(f'{i}/{max_idx}')
- border_l = [0] * max_idx
- for i in range(self.opt['num_frame'] // 2):
- border_l[i] = 1
- border_l[max_idx - i - 1] = 1
- self.data_info['border'].extend(border_l)
- # cache data or save the frame list
- if self.cache_data:
- logger.info(f'Cache {subfolder_name} for VideoTestDataset...')
- self.imgs_lq[subfolder_name] = read_img_seq(img_paths_lq)
- self.imgs_gt[subfolder_name] = read_img_seq(img_paths_gt)
- else:
- self.imgs_lq[subfolder_name] = img_paths_lq
- self.imgs_gt[subfolder_name] = img_paths_gt
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Non-supported video test dataset: {type(opt["name"])}')
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- folder = self.data_info['folder'][index]
- idx, max_idx = self.data_info['idx'][index].split('/')
- idx, max_idx = int(idx), int(max_idx)
- border = self.data_info['border'][index]
- lq_path = self.data_info['lq_path'][index]
- select_idx = generate_frame_indices(idx, max_idx, self.opt['num_frame'], padding=self.opt['padding'])
- if self.cache_data:
- imgs_lq = self.imgs_lq[folder].index_select(0, torch.LongTensor(select_idx))
- img_gt = self.imgs_gt[folder][idx]
- else:
- img_paths_lq = [self.imgs_lq[folder][i] for i in select_idx]
- imgs_lq = read_img_seq(img_paths_lq)
- img_gt = read_img_seq([self.imgs_gt[folder][idx]])
- img_gt.squeeze_(0)
- return {
- 'lq': imgs_lq, # (t, c, h, w)
- 'gt': img_gt, # (c, h, w)
- 'folder': folder, # folder name
- 'idx': self.data_info['idx'][index], # e.g., 0/99
- 'border': border, # 1 for border, 0 for non-border
- 'lq_path': lq_path # center frame
- }
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.data_info['gt_path'])
-class VideoTestVimeo90KDataset(data.Dataset):
- """Video test dataset for Vimeo90k-Test dataset.
- It only keeps the center frame for testing.
- For testing datasets, there is no need to prepare LMDB files.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config for train dataset. It contains the following keys:
- dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
- dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
- io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
- cache_data (bool): Whether to cache testing datasets.
- name (str): Dataset name.
- meta_info_file (str): The path to the file storing the list of test folders. If not provided, all the folders
- in the dataroot will be used.
- num_frame (int): Window size for input frames.
- padding (str): Padding mode.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(VideoTestVimeo90KDataset, self).__init__()
- self.opt = opt
- self.cache_data = opt['cache_data']
- if self.cache_data:
- raise NotImplementedError('cache_data in Vimeo90K-Test dataset is not implemented.')
- self.gt_root, self.lq_root = opt['dataroot_gt'], opt['dataroot_lq']
- self.data_info = {'lq_path': [], 'gt_path': [], 'folder': [], 'idx': [], 'border': []}
- neighbor_list = [i + (9 - opt['num_frame']) // 2 for i in range(opt['num_frame'])]
- # file client (io backend)
- self.file_client = None
- self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
- assert self.io_backend_opt['type'] != 'lmdb', 'No need to use lmdb during validation/test.'
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Generate data info for VideoTestDataset - {opt["name"]}')
- with open(opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
- subfolders = [line.split(' ')[0] for line in fin]
- for idx, subfolder in enumerate(subfolders):
- gt_path = osp.join(self.gt_root, subfolder, 'im4.png')
- self.data_info['gt_path'].append(gt_path)
- lq_paths = [osp.join(self.lq_root, subfolder, f'im{i}.png') for i in neighbor_list]
- self.data_info['lq_path'].append(lq_paths)
- self.data_info['folder'].append('vimeo90k')
- self.data_info['idx'].append(f'{idx}/{len(subfolders)}')
- self.data_info['border'].append(0)
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- lq_path = self.data_info['lq_path'][index]
- gt_path = self.data_info['gt_path'][index]
- imgs_lq = read_img_seq(lq_path)
- img_gt = read_img_seq([gt_path])
- img_gt.squeeze_(0)
- return {
- 'lq': imgs_lq, # (t, c, h, w)
- 'gt': img_gt, # (c, h, w)
- 'folder': self.data_info['folder'][index], # folder name
- 'idx': self.data_info['idx'][index], # e.g., 0/843
- 'border': self.data_info['border'][index], # 0 for non-border
- 'lq_path': lq_path[self.opt['num_frame'] // 2] # center frame
- }
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.data_info['gt_path'])
-class VideoTestDUFDataset(VideoTestDataset):
- """ Video test dataset for DUF dataset.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config for train dataset. Most of keys are the same as VideoTestDataset.
- It has the following extra keys:
- use_duf_downsampling (bool): Whether to use duf downsampling to generate low-resolution frames.
- scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
- """
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- folder = self.data_info['folder'][index]
- idx, max_idx = self.data_info['idx'][index].split('/')
- idx, max_idx = int(idx), int(max_idx)
- border = self.data_info['border'][index]
- lq_path = self.data_info['lq_path'][index]
- select_idx = generate_frame_indices(idx, max_idx, self.opt['num_frame'], padding=self.opt['padding'])
- if self.cache_data:
- if self.opt['use_duf_downsampling']:
- # read imgs_gt to generate low-resolution frames
- imgs_lq = self.imgs_gt[folder].index_select(0, torch.LongTensor(select_idx))
- imgs_lq = duf_downsample(imgs_lq, kernel_size=13, scale=self.opt['scale'])
- else:
- imgs_lq = self.imgs_lq[folder].index_select(0, torch.LongTensor(select_idx))
- img_gt = self.imgs_gt[folder][idx]
- else:
- if self.opt['use_duf_downsampling']:
- img_paths_lq = [self.imgs_gt[folder][i] for i in select_idx]
- # read imgs_gt to generate low-resolution frames
- imgs_lq = read_img_seq(img_paths_lq, require_mod_crop=True, scale=self.opt['scale'])
- imgs_lq = duf_downsample(imgs_lq, kernel_size=13, scale=self.opt['scale'])
- else:
- img_paths_lq = [self.imgs_lq[folder][i] for i in select_idx]
- imgs_lq = read_img_seq(img_paths_lq)
- img_gt = read_img_seq([self.imgs_gt[folder][idx]], require_mod_crop=True, scale=self.opt['scale'])
- img_gt.squeeze_(0)
- return {
- 'lq': imgs_lq, # (t, c, h, w)
- 'gt': img_gt, # (c, h, w)
- 'folder': folder, # folder name
- 'idx': self.data_info['idx'][index], # e.g., 0/99
- 'border': border, # 1 for border, 0 for non-border
- 'lq_path': lq_path # center frame
- }
-class VideoRecurrentTestDataset(VideoTestDataset):
- """Video test dataset for recurrent architectures, which takes LR video
- frames as input and output corresponding HR video frames.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Same as VideoTestDataset. Unused opt:
- padding (str): Padding mode.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(VideoRecurrentTestDataset, self).__init__(opt)
- # Find unique folder strings
- self.folders = sorted(list(set(self.data_info['folder'])))
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- folder = self.folders[index]
- if self.cache_data:
- imgs_lq = self.imgs_lq[folder]
- imgs_gt = self.imgs_gt[folder]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError('Without cache_data is not implemented.')
- return {
- 'lq': imgs_lq,
- 'gt': imgs_gt,
- 'folder': folder,
- }
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.folders)
diff --git a/basicsr/data/vimeo90k_dataset.py b/basicsr/data/vimeo90k_dataset.py
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index e5e33e1082667aeee61fecf2436fb287e82e0936..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/data/vimeo90k_dataset.py
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@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import torch
-from pathlib import Path
-from torch.utils import data as data
-from basicsr.data.transforms import augment, paired_random_crop
-from basicsr.utils import FileClient, get_root_logger, imfrombytes, img2tensor
-from basicsr.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY
-class Vimeo90KDataset(data.Dataset):
- """Vimeo90K dataset for training.
- The keys are generated from a meta info txt file.
- basicsr/data/meta_info/meta_info_Vimeo90K_train_GT.txt
- Each line contains the following items, separated by a white space.
- 1. clip name;
- 2. frame number;
- 3. image shape
- Examples:
- ::
- 00001/0001 7 (256,448,3)
- 00001/0002 7 (256,448,3)
- - Key examples: "00001/0001"
- - GT (gt): Ground-Truth;
- - LQ (lq): Low-Quality, e.g., low-resolution/blurry/noisy/compressed frames.
- The neighboring frame list for different num_frame:
- ::
- num_frame | frame list
- 1 | 4
- 3 | 3,4,5
- 5 | 2,3,4,5,6
- 7 | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config for train dataset. It contains the following keys:
- dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
- dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
- meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
- io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
- num_frame (int): Window size for input frames.
- gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
- random_reverse (bool): Random reverse input frames.
- use_hflip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
- use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h and w for implementation).
- scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(Vimeo90KDataset, self).__init__()
- self.opt = opt
- self.gt_root, self.lq_root = Path(opt['dataroot_gt']), Path(opt['dataroot_lq'])
- with open(opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
- self.keys = [line.split(' ')[0] for line in fin]
- # file client (io backend)
- self.file_client = None
- self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
- self.is_lmdb = False
- if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
- self.is_lmdb = True
- self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_root, self.gt_root]
- self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']
- # indices of input images
- self.neighbor_list = [i + (9 - opt['num_frame']) // 2 for i in range(opt['num_frame'])]
- # temporal augmentation configs
- self.random_reverse = opt['random_reverse']
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Random reverse is {self.random_reverse}.')
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- if self.file_client is None:
- self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)
- # random reverse
- if self.random_reverse and random.random() < 0.5:
- self.neighbor_list.reverse()
- scale = self.opt['scale']
- gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
- key = self.keys[index]
- clip, seq = key.split('/') # key example: 00001/0001
- # get the GT frame (im4.png)
- if self.is_lmdb:
- img_gt_path = f'{key}/im4'
- else:
- img_gt_path = self.gt_root / clip / seq / 'im4.png'
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_gt_path, 'gt')
- img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- # get the neighboring LQ frames
- img_lqs = []
- for neighbor in self.neighbor_list:
- if self.is_lmdb:
- img_lq_path = f'{clip}/{seq}/im{neighbor}'
- else:
- img_lq_path = self.lq_root / clip / seq / f'im{neighbor}.png'
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_lq_path, 'lq')
- img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- img_lqs.append(img_lq)
- # randomly crop
- img_gt, img_lqs = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lqs, gt_size, scale, img_gt_path)
- # augmentation - flip, rotate
- img_lqs.append(img_gt)
- img_results = augment(img_lqs, self.opt['use_hflip'], self.opt['use_rot'])
- img_results = img2tensor(img_results)
- img_lqs = torch.stack(img_results[0:-1], dim=0)
- img_gt = img_results[-1]
- # img_lqs: (t, c, h, w)
- # img_gt: (c, h, w)
- # key: str
- return {'lq': img_lqs, 'gt': img_gt, 'key': key}
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.keys)
-class Vimeo90KRecurrentDataset(Vimeo90KDataset):
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(Vimeo90KRecurrentDataset, self).__init__(opt)
- self.flip_sequence = opt['flip_sequence']
- self.neighbor_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- if self.file_client is None:
- self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)
- # random reverse
- if self.random_reverse and random.random() < 0.5:
- self.neighbor_list.reverse()
- scale = self.opt['scale']
- gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
- key = self.keys[index]
- clip, seq = key.split('/') # key example: 00001/0001
- # get the neighboring LQ and GT frames
- img_lqs = []
- img_gts = []
- for neighbor in self.neighbor_list:
- if self.is_lmdb:
- img_lq_path = f'{clip}/{seq}/im{neighbor}'
- img_gt_path = f'{clip}/{seq}/im{neighbor}'
- else:
- img_lq_path = self.lq_root / clip / seq / f'im{neighbor}.png'
- img_gt_path = self.gt_root / clip / seq / f'im{neighbor}.png'
- # LQ
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_lq_path, 'lq')
- img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- # GT
- img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_gt_path, 'gt')
- img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
- img_lqs.append(img_lq)
- img_gts.append(img_gt)
- # randomly crop
- img_gts, img_lqs = paired_random_crop(img_gts, img_lqs, gt_size, scale, img_gt_path)
- # augmentation - flip, rotate
- img_lqs.extend(img_gts)
- img_results = augment(img_lqs, self.opt['use_hflip'], self.opt['use_rot'])
- img_results = img2tensor(img_results)
- img_lqs = torch.stack(img_results[:7], dim=0)
- img_gts = torch.stack(img_results[7:], dim=0)
- if self.flip_sequence: # flip the sequence: 7 frames to 14 frames
- img_lqs = torch.cat([img_lqs, img_lqs.flip(0)], dim=0)
- img_gts = torch.cat([img_gts, img_gts.flip(0)], dim=0)
- # img_lqs: (t, c, h, w)
- # img_gt: (c, h, w)
- # key: str
- return {'lq': img_lqs, 'gt': img_gts, 'key': key}
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.keys)
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index 70a172aeed5b388ae102466eb1f02d40ba30e9b4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/losses/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-import importlib
-from copy import deepcopy
-from os import path as osp
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger, scandir
-from basicsr.utils.registry import LOSS_REGISTRY
-from .gan_loss import g_path_regularize, gradient_penalty_loss, r1_penalty
-__all__ = ['build_loss', 'gradient_penalty_loss', 'r1_penalty', 'g_path_regularize']
-# automatically scan and import loss modules for registry
-# scan all the files under the 'losses' folder and collect files ending with '_loss.py'
-loss_folder = osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__))
-loss_filenames = [osp.splitext(osp.basename(v))[0] for v in scandir(loss_folder) if v.endswith('_loss.py')]
-# import all the loss modules
-_model_modules = [importlib.import_module(f'basicsr.losses.{file_name}') for file_name in loss_filenames]
-def build_loss(opt):
- """Build loss from options.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Configuration. It must contain:
- type (str): Model type.
- """
- opt = deepcopy(opt)
- loss_type = opt.pop('type')
- loss = LOSS_REGISTRY.get(loss_type)(**opt)
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Loss [{loss.__class__.__name__}] is created.')
- return loss
diff --git a/basicsr/losses/basic_loss.py b/basicsr/losses/basic_loss.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c95b2b77c9145aa94d40a7e6cc59d29b3c49c3e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/losses/basic_loss.py
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@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.archs.vgg_arch import VGGFeatureExtractor
-from basicsr.utils.registry import LOSS_REGISTRY
-from .loss_util import weighted_loss
-_reduction_modes = ['none', 'mean', 'sum']
-def l1_loss(pred, target):
- return F.l1_loss(pred, target, reduction='none')
-def mse_loss(pred, target):
- return F.mse_loss(pred, target, reduction='none')
-def charbonnier_loss(pred, target, eps=1e-12):
- return torch.sqrt((pred - target)**2 + eps)
-class L1Loss(nn.Module):
- """L1 (mean absolute error, MAE) loss.
- Args:
- loss_weight (float): Loss weight for L1 loss. Default: 1.0.
- reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output.
- Supported choices are 'none' | 'mean' | 'sum'. Default: 'mean'.
- """
- def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, reduction='mean'):
- super(L1Loss, self).__init__()
- if reduction not in ['none', 'mean', 'sum']:
- raise ValueError(f'Unsupported reduction mode: {reduction}. Supported ones are: {_reduction_modes}')
- self.loss_weight = loss_weight
- self.reduction = reduction
- def forward(self, pred, target, weight=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Args:
- pred (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Predicted tensor.
- target (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Ground truth tensor.
- weight (Tensor, optional): of shape (N, C, H, W). Element-wise weights. Default: None.
- """
- return self.loss_weight * l1_loss(pred, target, weight, reduction=self.reduction)
-class MSELoss(nn.Module):
- """MSE (L2) loss.
- Args:
- loss_weight (float): Loss weight for MSE loss. Default: 1.0.
- reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output.
- Supported choices are 'none' | 'mean' | 'sum'. Default: 'mean'.
- """
- def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, reduction='mean'):
- super(MSELoss, self).__init__()
- if reduction not in ['none', 'mean', 'sum']:
- raise ValueError(f'Unsupported reduction mode: {reduction}. Supported ones are: {_reduction_modes}')
- self.loss_weight = loss_weight
- self.reduction = reduction
- def forward(self, pred, target, weight=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Args:
- pred (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Predicted tensor.
- target (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Ground truth tensor.
- weight (Tensor, optional): of shape (N, C, H, W). Element-wise weights. Default: None.
- """
- return self.loss_weight * mse_loss(pred, target, weight, reduction=self.reduction)
-class CharbonnierLoss(nn.Module):
- """Charbonnier loss (one variant of Robust L1Loss, a differentiable
- variant of L1Loss).
- Described in "Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks for Fast and Accurate
- Super-Resolution".
- Args:
- loss_weight (float): Loss weight for L1 loss. Default: 1.0.
- reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output.
- Supported choices are 'none' | 'mean' | 'sum'. Default: 'mean'.
- eps (float): A value used to control the curvature near zero. Default: 1e-12.
- """
- def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, reduction='mean', eps=1e-12):
- super(CharbonnierLoss, self).__init__()
- if reduction not in ['none', 'mean', 'sum']:
- raise ValueError(f'Unsupported reduction mode: {reduction}. Supported ones are: {_reduction_modes}')
- self.loss_weight = loss_weight
- self.reduction = reduction
- self.eps = eps
- def forward(self, pred, target, weight=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Args:
- pred (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Predicted tensor.
- target (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Ground truth tensor.
- weight (Tensor, optional): of shape (N, C, H, W). Element-wise weights. Default: None.
- """
- return self.loss_weight * charbonnier_loss(pred, target, weight, eps=self.eps, reduction=self.reduction)
-class WeightedTVLoss(L1Loss):
- """Weighted TV loss.
- Args:
- loss_weight (float): Loss weight. Default: 1.0.
- """
- def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, reduction='mean'):
- if reduction not in ['mean', 'sum']:
- raise ValueError(f'Unsupported reduction mode: {reduction}. Supported ones are: mean | sum')
- super(WeightedTVLoss, self).__init__(loss_weight=loss_weight, reduction=reduction)
- def forward(self, pred, weight=None):
- if weight is None:
- y_weight = None
- x_weight = None
- else:
- y_weight = weight[:, :, :-1, :]
- x_weight = weight[:, :, :, :-1]
- y_diff = super().forward(pred[:, :, :-1, :], pred[:, :, 1:, :], weight=y_weight)
- x_diff = super().forward(pred[:, :, :, :-1], pred[:, :, :, 1:], weight=x_weight)
- loss = x_diff + y_diff
- return loss
-class PerceptualLoss(nn.Module):
- """Perceptual loss with commonly used style loss.
- Args:
- layer_weights (dict): The weight for each layer of vgg feature.
- Here is an example: {'conv5_4': 1.}, which means the conv5_4
- feature layer (before relu5_4) will be extracted with weight
- 1.0 in calculating losses.
- vgg_type (str): The type of vgg network used as feature extractor.
- Default: 'vgg19'.
- use_input_norm (bool): If True, normalize the input image in vgg.
- Default: True.
- range_norm (bool): If True, norm images with range [-1, 1] to [0, 1].
- Default: False.
- perceptual_weight (float): If `perceptual_weight > 0`, the perceptual
- loss will be calculated and the loss will multiplied by the
- weight. Default: 1.0.
- style_weight (float): If `style_weight > 0`, the style loss will be
- calculated and the loss will multiplied by the weight.
- Default: 0.
- criterion (str): Criterion used for perceptual loss. Default: 'l1'.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- layer_weights,
- vgg_type='vgg19',
- use_input_norm=True,
- range_norm=False,
- perceptual_weight=1.0,
- style_weight=0.,
- criterion='l1'):
- super(PerceptualLoss, self).__init__()
- self.perceptual_weight = perceptual_weight
- self.style_weight = style_weight
- self.layer_weights = layer_weights
- self.vgg = VGGFeatureExtractor(
- layer_name_list=list(layer_weights.keys()),
- vgg_type=vgg_type,
- use_input_norm=use_input_norm,
- range_norm=range_norm)
- self.criterion_type = criterion
- if self.criterion_type == 'l1':
- self.criterion = torch.nn.L1Loss()
- elif self.criterion_type == 'l2':
- self.criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
- elif self.criterion_type == 'fro':
- self.criterion = None
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(f'{criterion} criterion has not been supported.')
- def forward(self, x, gt):
- """Forward function.
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Input tensor with shape (n, c, h, w).
- gt (Tensor): Ground-truth tensor with shape (n, c, h, w).
- Returns:
- Tensor: Forward results.
- """
- # extract vgg features
- x_features = self.vgg(x)
- gt_features = self.vgg(gt.detach())
- # calculate perceptual loss
- if self.perceptual_weight > 0:
- percep_loss = 0
- for k in x_features.keys():
- if self.criterion_type == 'fro':
- percep_loss += torch.norm(x_features[k] - gt_features[k], p='fro') * self.layer_weights[k]
- else:
- percep_loss += self.criterion(x_features[k], gt_features[k]) * self.layer_weights[k]
- percep_loss *= self.perceptual_weight
- else:
- percep_loss = None
- # calculate style loss
- if self.style_weight > 0:
- style_loss = 0
- for k in x_features.keys():
- if self.criterion_type == 'fro':
- style_loss += torch.norm(
- self._gram_mat(x_features[k]) - self._gram_mat(gt_features[k]), p='fro') * self.layer_weights[k]
- else:
- style_loss += self.criterion(self._gram_mat(x_features[k]), self._gram_mat(
- gt_features[k])) * self.layer_weights[k]
- style_loss *= self.style_weight
- else:
- style_loss = None
- return percep_loss, style_loss
- def _gram_mat(self, x):
- """Calculate Gram matrix.
- Args:
- x (torch.Tensor): Tensor with shape of (n, c, h, w).
- Returns:
- torch.Tensor: Gram matrix.
- """
- n, c, h, w = x.size()
- features = x.view(n, c, w * h)
- features_t = features.transpose(1, 2)
- gram = features.bmm(features_t) / (c * h * w)
- return gram
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-import math
-import torch
-from torch import autograd as autograd
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import LOSS_REGISTRY
-class GANLoss(nn.Module):
- """Define GAN loss.
- Args:
- gan_type (str): Support 'vanilla', 'lsgan', 'wgan', 'hinge'.
- real_label_val (float): The value for real label. Default: 1.0.
- fake_label_val (float): The value for fake label. Default: 0.0.
- loss_weight (float): Loss weight. Default: 1.0.
- Note that loss_weight is only for generators; and it is always 1.0
- for discriminators.
- """
- def __init__(self, gan_type, real_label_val=1.0, fake_label_val=0.0, loss_weight=1.0):
- super(GANLoss, self).__init__()
- self.gan_type = gan_type
- self.loss_weight = loss_weight
- self.real_label_val = real_label_val
- self.fake_label_val = fake_label_val
- if self.gan_type == 'vanilla':
- self.loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
- elif self.gan_type == 'lsgan':
- self.loss = nn.MSELoss()
- elif self.gan_type == 'wgan':
- self.loss = self._wgan_loss
- elif self.gan_type == 'wgan_softplus':
- self.loss = self._wgan_softplus_loss
- elif self.gan_type == 'hinge':
- self.loss = nn.ReLU()
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(f'GAN type {self.gan_type} is not implemented.')
- def _wgan_loss(self, input, target):
- """wgan loss.
- Args:
- input (Tensor): Input tensor.
- target (bool): Target label.
- Returns:
- Tensor: wgan loss.
- """
- return -input.mean() if target else input.mean()
- def _wgan_softplus_loss(self, input, target):
- """wgan loss with soft plus. softplus is a smooth approximation to the
- ReLU function.
- In StyleGAN2, it is called:
- Logistic loss for discriminator;
- Non-saturating loss for generator.
- Args:
- input (Tensor): Input tensor.
- target (bool): Target label.
- Returns:
- Tensor: wgan loss.
- """
- return F.softplus(-input).mean() if target else F.softplus(input).mean()
- def get_target_label(self, input, target_is_real):
- """Get target label.
- Args:
- input (Tensor): Input tensor.
- target_is_real (bool): Whether the target is real or fake.
- Returns:
- (bool | Tensor): Target tensor. Return bool for wgan, otherwise,
- return Tensor.
- """
- if self.gan_type in ['wgan', 'wgan_softplus']:
- return target_is_real
- target_val = (self.real_label_val if target_is_real else self.fake_label_val)
- return input.new_ones(input.size()) * target_val
- def forward(self, input, target_is_real, is_disc=False):
- """
- Args:
- input (Tensor): The input for the loss module, i.e., the network
- prediction.
- target_is_real (bool): Whether the targe is real or fake.
- is_disc (bool): Whether the loss for discriminators or not.
- Default: False.
- Returns:
- Tensor: GAN loss value.
- """
- target_label = self.get_target_label(input, target_is_real)
- if self.gan_type == 'hinge':
- if is_disc: # for discriminators in hinge-gan
- input = -input if target_is_real else input
- loss = self.loss(1 + input).mean()
- else: # for generators in hinge-gan
- loss = -input.mean()
- else: # other gan types
- loss = self.loss(input, target_label)
- # loss_weight is always 1.0 for discriminators
- return loss if is_disc else loss * self.loss_weight
-class MultiScaleGANLoss(GANLoss):
- """
- MultiScaleGANLoss accepts a list of predictions
- """
- def __init__(self, gan_type, real_label_val=1.0, fake_label_val=0.0, loss_weight=1.0):
- super(MultiScaleGANLoss, self).__init__(gan_type, real_label_val, fake_label_val, loss_weight)
- def forward(self, input, target_is_real, is_disc=False):
- """
- The input is a list of tensors, or a list of (a list of tensors)
- """
- if isinstance(input, list):
- loss = 0
- for pred_i in input:
- if isinstance(pred_i, list):
- # Only compute GAN loss for the last layer
- # in case of multiscale feature matching
- pred_i = pred_i[-1]
- # Safe operation: 0-dim tensor calling self.mean() does nothing
- loss_tensor = super().forward(pred_i, target_is_real, is_disc).mean()
- loss += loss_tensor
- return loss / len(input)
- else:
- return super().forward(input, target_is_real, is_disc)
-def r1_penalty(real_pred, real_img):
- """R1 regularization for discriminator. The core idea is to
- penalize the gradient on real data alone: when the
- generator distribution produces the true data distribution
- and the discriminator is equal to 0 on the data manifold, the
- gradient penalty ensures that the discriminator cannot create
- a non-zero gradient orthogonal to the data manifold without
- suffering a loss in the GAN game.
- Reference: Eq. 9 in Which training methods for GANs do actually converge.
- """
- grad_real = autograd.grad(outputs=real_pred.sum(), inputs=real_img, create_graph=True)[0]
- grad_penalty = grad_real.pow(2).view(grad_real.shape[0], -1).sum(1).mean()
- return grad_penalty
-def g_path_regularize(fake_img, latents, mean_path_length, decay=0.01):
- noise = torch.randn_like(fake_img) / math.sqrt(fake_img.shape[2] * fake_img.shape[3])
- grad = autograd.grad(outputs=(fake_img * noise).sum(), inputs=latents, create_graph=True)[0]
- path_lengths = torch.sqrt(grad.pow(2).sum(2).mean(1))
- path_mean = mean_path_length + decay * (path_lengths.mean() - mean_path_length)
- path_penalty = (path_lengths - path_mean).pow(2).mean()
- return path_penalty, path_lengths.detach().mean(), path_mean.detach()
-def gradient_penalty_loss(discriminator, real_data, fake_data, weight=None):
- """Calculate gradient penalty for wgan-gp.
- Args:
- discriminator (nn.Module): Network for the discriminator.
- real_data (Tensor): Real input data.
- fake_data (Tensor): Fake input data.
- weight (Tensor): Weight tensor. Default: None.
- Returns:
- Tensor: A tensor for gradient penalty.
- """
- batch_size = real_data.size(0)
- alpha = real_data.new_tensor(torch.rand(batch_size, 1, 1, 1))
- # interpolate between real_data and fake_data
- interpolates = alpha * real_data + (1. - alpha) * fake_data
- interpolates = autograd.Variable(interpolates, requires_grad=True)
- disc_interpolates = discriminator(interpolates)
- gradients = autograd.grad(
- outputs=disc_interpolates,
- inputs=interpolates,
- grad_outputs=torch.ones_like(disc_interpolates),
- create_graph=True,
- retain_graph=True,
- only_inputs=True)[0]
- if weight is not None:
- gradients = gradients * weight
- gradients_penalty = ((gradients.norm(2, dim=1) - 1)**2).mean()
- if weight is not None:
- gradients_penalty /= torch.mean(weight)
- return gradients_penalty
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-import functools
-import torch
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-def reduce_loss(loss, reduction):
- """Reduce loss as specified.
- Args:
- loss (Tensor): Elementwise loss tensor.
- reduction (str): Options are 'none', 'mean' and 'sum'.
- Returns:
- Tensor: Reduced loss tensor.
- """
- reduction_enum = F._Reduction.get_enum(reduction)
- # none: 0, elementwise_mean:1, sum: 2
- if reduction_enum == 0:
- return loss
- elif reduction_enum == 1:
- return loss.mean()
- else:
- return loss.sum()
-def weight_reduce_loss(loss, weight=None, reduction='mean'):
- """Apply element-wise weight and reduce loss.
- Args:
- loss (Tensor): Element-wise loss.
- weight (Tensor): Element-wise weights. Default: None.
- reduction (str): Same as built-in losses of PyTorch. Options are
- 'none', 'mean' and 'sum'. Default: 'mean'.
- Returns:
- Tensor: Loss values.
- """
- # if weight is specified, apply element-wise weight
- if weight is not None:
- assert weight.dim() == loss.dim()
- assert weight.size(1) == 1 or weight.size(1) == loss.size(1)
- loss = loss * weight
- # if weight is not specified or reduction is sum, just reduce the loss
- if weight is None or reduction == 'sum':
- loss = reduce_loss(loss, reduction)
- # if reduction is mean, then compute mean over weight region
- elif reduction == 'mean':
- if weight.size(1) > 1:
- weight = weight.sum()
- else:
- weight = weight.sum() * loss.size(1)
- loss = loss.sum() / weight
- return loss
-def weighted_loss(loss_func):
- """Create a weighted version of a given loss function.
- To use this decorator, the loss function must have the signature like
- `loss_func(pred, target, **kwargs)`. The function only needs to compute
- element-wise loss without any reduction. This decorator will add weight
- and reduction arguments to the function. The decorated function will have
- the signature like `loss_func(pred, target, weight=None, reduction='mean',
- **kwargs)`.
- :Example:
- >>> import torch
- >>> @weighted_loss
- >>> def l1_loss(pred, target):
- >>> return (pred - target).abs()
- >>> pred = torch.Tensor([0, 2, 3])
- >>> target = torch.Tensor([1, 1, 1])
- >>> weight = torch.Tensor([1, 0, 1])
- >>> l1_loss(pred, target)
- tensor(1.3333)
- >>> l1_loss(pred, target, weight)
- tensor(1.5000)
- >>> l1_loss(pred, target, reduction='none')
- tensor([1., 1., 2.])
- >>> l1_loss(pred, target, weight, reduction='sum')
- tensor(3.)
- """
- @functools.wraps(loss_func)
- def wrapper(pred, target, weight=None, reduction='mean', **kwargs):
- # get element-wise loss
- loss = loss_func(pred, target, **kwargs)
- loss = weight_reduce_loss(loss, weight, reduction)
- return loss
- return wrapper
-def get_local_weights(residual, ksize):
- """Get local weights for generating the artifact map of LDL.
- It is only called by the `get_refined_artifact_map` function.
- Args:
- residual (Tensor): Residual between predicted and ground truth images.
- ksize (Int): size of the local window.
- Returns:
- Tensor: weight for each pixel to be discriminated as an artifact pixel
- """
- pad = (ksize - 1) // 2
- residual_pad = F.pad(residual, pad=[pad, pad, pad, pad], mode='reflect')
- unfolded_residual = residual_pad.unfold(2, ksize, 1).unfold(3, ksize, 1)
- pixel_level_weight = torch.var(unfolded_residual, dim=(-1, -2), unbiased=True, keepdim=True).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1)
- return pixel_level_weight
-def get_refined_artifact_map(img_gt, img_output, img_ema, ksize):
- """Calculate the artifact map of LDL
- (Details or Artifacts: A Locally Discriminative Learning Approach to Realistic Image Super-Resolution. In CVPR 2022)
- Args:
- img_gt (Tensor): ground truth images.
- img_output (Tensor): output images given by the optimizing model.
- img_ema (Tensor): output images given by the ema model.
- ksize (Int): size of the local window.
- Returns:
- overall_weight: weight for each pixel to be discriminated as an artifact pixel
- (calculated based on both local and global observations).
- """
- residual_ema = torch.sum(torch.abs(img_gt - img_ema), 1, keepdim=True)
- residual_sr = torch.sum(torch.abs(img_gt - img_output), 1, keepdim=True)
- patch_level_weight = torch.var(residual_sr.clone(), dim=(-1, -2, -3), keepdim=True)**(1 / 5)
- pixel_level_weight = get_local_weights(residual_sr.clone(), ksize)
- overall_weight = patch_level_weight * pixel_level_weight
- overall_weight[residual_sr < residual_ema] = 0
- return overall_weight
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-# Metrics
-[English](README.md) **|** [简体中文](README_CN.md)
-- [约定](#约定)
-- [PSNR 和 SSIM](#psnr-和-ssim)
-## 约定
-- Numpy 类型 (一般是 cv2 的结果)
- - UINT8: BGR, [0, 255], (h, w, c)
- - float: BGR, [0, 1], (h, w, c). 一般作为中间结果
-- Tensor 类型
- - float: RGB, [0, 1], (n, c, h, w)
-- 以 `_pt` 结尾的是 PyTorch 结果
-- PyTorch version 支持 batch 计算
-- 颜色转换在 float32 上做;metric计算在 float64 上做
-PSNR 和 SSIM 的结果趋势是一致的,即一般 PSNR 高,则 SSIM 也高。
-在实现上, PSNR 的各种实现都很一致。SSIM 有各种各样的实现,我们这里和 MATLAB 最原始版本保持 (参考 [NTIRE17比赛](https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/16306#participate) 的 [evaluation代码](https://competitions.codalab.org/my/datasets/download/ebe960d8-0ec8-4846-a1a2-7c4a586a7378))
-总结:PyTorch 实现和 MATLAB 实现基本一致,在 GPU 运行上会有稍许差异
-- PSNR 比对
-|Image | Color Space | MATLAB | Numpy | PyTorch CPU | PyTorch GPU |
-|:---| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
-|baboon| RGB | 20.419710 | 20.419710 | 20.419710 |20.419710 |
-|baboon| Y | - |22.441898 | 22.441899 | 22.444916|
-|comic | RGB | 20.239912 | 20.239912 | 20.239912 | 20.239912 |
-|comic | Y | - | 21.720398 | 21.720398 | 21.721663|
-- SSIM 比对
-|Image | Color Space | MATLAB | Numpy | PyTorch CPU | PyTorch GPU |
-|:---| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
-|baboon| RGB | 0.391853 | 0.391853 | 0.391853|0.391853 |
-|baboon| Y | - |0.453097| 0.453097 | 0.453171|
-|comic | RGB | 0.567738 | 0.567738 | 0.567738 | 0.567738|
-|comic | Y | - | 0.585511 | 0.585511 | 0.585522 |
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-# Metrics
-[English](README.md) **|** [简体中文](README_CN.md)
-- [约定](#约定)
-- [PSNR 和 SSIM](#psnr-和-ssim)
-## 约定
-- Numpy 类型 (一般是 cv2 的结果)
- - UINT8: BGR, [0, 255], (h, w, c)
- - float: BGR, [0, 1], (h, w, c). 一般作为中间结果
-- Tensor 类型
- - float: RGB, [0, 1], (n, c, h, w)
-- 以 `_pt` 结尾的是 PyTorch 结果
-- PyTorch version 支持 batch 计算
-- 颜色转换在 float32 上做;metric计算在 float64 上做
-PSNR 和 SSIM 的结果趋势是一致的,即一般 PSNR 高,则 SSIM 也高。
-在实现上, PSNR 的各种实现都很一致。SSIM 有各种各样的实现,我们这里和 MATLAB 最原始版本保持 (参考 [NTIRE17比赛](https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/16306#participate) 的 [evaluation代码](https://competitions.codalab.org/my/datasets/download/ebe960d8-0ec8-4846-a1a2-7c4a586a7378))
-总结:PyTorch 实现和 MATLAB 实现基本一致,在 GPU 运行上会有稍许差异
-- PSNR 比对
-|Image | Color Space | MATLAB | Numpy | PyTorch CPU | PyTorch GPU |
-|:---| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
-|baboon| RGB | 20.419710 | 20.419710 | 20.419710 |20.419710 |
-|baboon| Y | - |22.441898 | 22.441899 | 22.444916|
-|comic | RGB | 20.239912 | 20.239912 | 20.239912 | 20.239912 |
-|comic | Y | - | 21.720398 | 21.720398 | 21.721663|
-- SSIM 比对
-|Image | Color Space | MATLAB | Numpy | PyTorch CPU | PyTorch GPU |
-|:---| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
-|baboon| RGB | 0.391853 | 0.391853 | 0.391853|0.391853 |
-|baboon| Y | - |0.453097| 0.453097 | 0.453171|
-|comic | RGB | 0.567738 | 0.567738 | 0.567738 | 0.567738|
-|comic | Y | - | 0.585511 | 0.585511 | 0.585522 |
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-from copy import deepcopy
-from basicsr.utils.registry import METRIC_REGISTRY
-from .niqe import calculate_niqe
-from .psnr_ssim import calculate_psnr, calculate_ssim
-__all__ = ['calculate_psnr', 'calculate_ssim', 'calculate_niqe']
-def calculate_metric(data, opt):
- """Calculate metric from data and options.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Configuration. It must contain:
- type (str): Model type.
- """
- opt = deepcopy(opt)
- metric_type = opt.pop('type')
- metric = METRIC_REGISTRY.get(metric_type)(**data, **opt)
- return metric
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-import numpy as np
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-from scipy import linalg
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from basicsr.archs.inception import InceptionV3
-def load_patched_inception_v3(device='cuda', resize_input=True, normalize_input=False):
- # we may not resize the input, but in [rosinality/stylegan2-pytorch] it
- # does resize the input.
- inception = InceptionV3([3], resize_input=resize_input, normalize_input=normalize_input)
- inception = nn.DataParallel(inception).eval().to(device)
- return inception
-def extract_inception_features(data_generator, inception, len_generator=None, device='cuda'):
- """Extract inception features.
- Args:
- data_generator (generator): A data generator.
- inception (nn.Module): Inception model.
- len_generator (int): Length of the data_generator to show the
- progressbar. Default: None.
- device (str): Device. Default: cuda.
- Returns:
- Tensor: Extracted features.
- """
- if len_generator is not None:
- pbar = tqdm(total=len_generator, unit='batch', desc='Extract')
- else:
- pbar = None
- features = []
- for data in data_generator:
- if pbar:
- pbar.update(1)
- data = data.to(device)
- feature = inception(data)[0].view(data.shape[0], -1)
- features.append(feature.to('cpu'))
- if pbar:
- pbar.close()
- features = torch.cat(features, 0)
- return features
-def calculate_fid(mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2, eps=1e-6):
- """Numpy implementation of the Frechet Distance.
- The Frechet distance between two multivariate Gaussians X_1 ~ N(mu_1, C_1) and X_2 ~ N(mu_2, C_2) is:
- d^2 = ||mu_1 - mu_2||^2 + Tr(C_1 + C_2 - 2*sqrt(C_1*C_2)).
- Stable version by Dougal J. Sutherland.
- Args:
- mu1 (np.array): The sample mean over activations.
- sigma1 (np.array): The covariance matrix over activations for generated samples.
- mu2 (np.array): The sample mean over activations, precalculated on an representative data set.
- sigma2 (np.array): The covariance matrix over activations, precalculated on an representative data set.
- Returns:
- float: The Frechet Distance.
- """
- assert mu1.shape == mu2.shape, 'Two mean vectors have different lengths'
- assert sigma1.shape == sigma2.shape, ('Two covariances have different dimensions')
- cov_sqrt, _ = linalg.sqrtm(sigma1 @ sigma2, disp=False)
- # Product might be almost singular
- if not np.isfinite(cov_sqrt).all():
- print('Product of cov matrices is singular. Adding {eps} to diagonal of cov estimates')
- offset = np.eye(sigma1.shape[0]) * eps
- cov_sqrt = linalg.sqrtm((sigma1 + offset) @ (sigma2 + offset))
- # Numerical error might give slight imaginary component
- if np.iscomplexobj(cov_sqrt):
- if not np.allclose(np.diagonal(cov_sqrt).imag, 0, atol=1e-3):
- m = np.max(np.abs(cov_sqrt.imag))
- raise ValueError(f'Imaginary component {m}')
- cov_sqrt = cov_sqrt.real
- mean_diff = mu1 - mu2
- mean_norm = mean_diff @ mean_diff
- trace = np.trace(sigma1) + np.trace(sigma2) - 2 * np.trace(cov_sqrt)
- fid = mean_norm + trace
- return fid
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-import numpy as np
-from basicsr.utils import bgr2ycbcr
-def reorder_image(img, input_order='HWC'):
- """Reorder images to 'HWC' order.
- If the input_order is (h, w), return (h, w, 1);
- If the input_order is (c, h, w), return (h, w, c);
- If the input_order is (h, w, c), return as it is.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): Input image.
- input_order (str): Whether the input order is 'HWC' or 'CHW'.
- If the input image shape is (h, w), input_order will not have
- effects. Default: 'HWC'.
- Returns:
- ndarray: reordered image.
- """
- if input_order not in ['HWC', 'CHW']:
- raise ValueError(f"Wrong input_order {input_order}. Supported input_orders are 'HWC' and 'CHW'")
- if len(img.shape) == 2:
- img = img[..., None]
- if input_order == 'CHW':
- img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0)
- return img
-def to_y_channel(img):
- """Change to Y channel of YCbCr.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): Images with range [0, 255].
- Returns:
- (ndarray): Images with range [0, 255] (float type) without round.
- """
- img = img.astype(np.float32) / 255.
- if img.ndim == 3 and img.shape[2] == 3:
- img = bgr2ycbcr(img, y_only=True)
- img = img[..., None]
- return img * 255.
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-import cv2
-import math
-import numpy as np
-import os
-from scipy.ndimage import convolve
-from scipy.special import gamma
-from basicsr.metrics.metric_util import reorder_image, to_y_channel
-from basicsr.utils.matlab_functions import imresize
-from basicsr.utils.registry import METRIC_REGISTRY
-def estimate_aggd_param(block):
- """Estimate AGGD (Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian Distribution) parameters.
- Args:
- block (ndarray): 2D Image block.
- Returns:
- tuple: alpha (float), beta_l (float) and beta_r (float) for the AGGD
- distribution (Estimating the parames in Equation 7 in the paper).
- """
- block = block.flatten()
- gam = np.arange(0.2, 10.001, 0.001) # len = 9801
- gam_reciprocal = np.reciprocal(gam)
- r_gam = np.square(gamma(gam_reciprocal * 2)) / (gamma(gam_reciprocal) * gamma(gam_reciprocal * 3))
- left_std = np.sqrt(np.mean(block[block < 0]**2))
- right_std = np.sqrt(np.mean(block[block > 0]**2))
- gammahat = left_std / right_std
- rhat = (np.mean(np.abs(block)))**2 / np.mean(block**2)
- rhatnorm = (rhat * (gammahat**3 + 1) * (gammahat + 1)) / ((gammahat**2 + 1)**2)
- array_position = np.argmin((r_gam - rhatnorm)**2)
- alpha = gam[array_position]
- beta_l = left_std * np.sqrt(gamma(1 / alpha) / gamma(3 / alpha))
- beta_r = right_std * np.sqrt(gamma(1 / alpha) / gamma(3 / alpha))
- return (alpha, beta_l, beta_r)
-def compute_feature(block):
- """Compute features.
- Args:
- block (ndarray): 2D Image block.
- Returns:
- list: Features with length of 18.
- """
- feat = []
- alpha, beta_l, beta_r = estimate_aggd_param(block)
- feat.extend([alpha, (beta_l + beta_r) / 2])
- # distortions disturb the fairly regular structure of natural images.
- # This deviation can be captured by analyzing the sample distribution of
- # the products of pairs of adjacent coefficients computed along
- # horizontal, vertical and diagonal orientations.
- shifts = [[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, -1]]
- for i in range(len(shifts)):
- shifted_block = np.roll(block, shifts[i], axis=(0, 1))
- alpha, beta_l, beta_r = estimate_aggd_param(block * shifted_block)
- # Eq. 8
- mean = (beta_r - beta_l) * (gamma(2 / alpha) / gamma(1 / alpha))
- feat.extend([alpha, mean, beta_l, beta_r])
- return feat
-def niqe(img, mu_pris_param, cov_pris_param, gaussian_window, block_size_h=96, block_size_w=96):
- """Calculate NIQE (Natural Image Quality Evaluator) metric.
- ``Paper: Making a "Completely Blind" Image Quality Analyzer``
- This implementation could produce almost the same results as the official
- MATLAB codes: http://live.ece.utexas.edu/research/quality/niqe_release.zip
- Note that we do not include block overlap height and width, since they are
- always 0 in the official implementation.
- For good performance, it is advisable by the official implementation to
- divide the distorted image in to the same size patched as used for the
- construction of multivariate Gaussian model.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): Input image whose quality needs to be computed. The
- image must be a gray or Y (of YCbCr) image with shape (h, w).
- Range [0, 255] with float type.
- mu_pris_param (ndarray): Mean of a pre-defined multivariate Gaussian
- model calculated on the pristine dataset.
- cov_pris_param (ndarray): Covariance of a pre-defined multivariate
- Gaussian model calculated on the pristine dataset.
- gaussian_window (ndarray): A 7x7 Gaussian window used for smoothing the
- image.
- block_size_h (int): Height of the blocks in to which image is divided.
- Default: 96 (the official recommended value).
- block_size_w (int): Width of the blocks in to which image is divided.
- Default: 96 (the official recommended value).
- """
- assert img.ndim == 2, ('Input image must be a gray or Y (of YCbCr) image with shape (h, w).')
- # crop image
- h, w = img.shape
- num_block_h = math.floor(h / block_size_h)
- num_block_w = math.floor(w / block_size_w)
- img = img[0:num_block_h * block_size_h, 0:num_block_w * block_size_w]
- distparam = [] # dist param is actually the multiscale features
- for scale in (1, 2): # perform on two scales (1, 2)
- mu = convolve(img, gaussian_window, mode='nearest')
- sigma = np.sqrt(np.abs(convolve(np.square(img), gaussian_window, mode='nearest') - np.square(mu)))
- # normalize, as in Eq. 1 in the paper
- img_nomalized = (img - mu) / (sigma + 1)
- feat = []
- for idx_w in range(num_block_w):
- for idx_h in range(num_block_h):
- # process ecah block
- block = img_nomalized[idx_h * block_size_h // scale:(idx_h + 1) * block_size_h // scale,
- idx_w * block_size_w // scale:(idx_w + 1) * block_size_w // scale]
- feat.append(compute_feature(block))
- distparam.append(np.array(feat))
- if scale == 1:
- img = imresize(img / 255., scale=0.5, antialiasing=True)
- img = img * 255.
- distparam = np.concatenate(distparam, axis=1)
- # fit a MVG (multivariate Gaussian) model to distorted patch features
- mu_distparam = np.nanmean(distparam, axis=0)
- # use nancov. ref: https://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/stats/nancov.html
- distparam_no_nan = distparam[~np.isnan(distparam).any(axis=1)]
- cov_distparam = np.cov(distparam_no_nan, rowvar=False)
- # compute niqe quality, Eq. 10 in the paper
- invcov_param = np.linalg.pinv((cov_pris_param + cov_distparam) / 2)
- quality = np.matmul(
- np.matmul((mu_pris_param - mu_distparam), invcov_param), np.transpose((mu_pris_param - mu_distparam)))
- quality = np.sqrt(quality)
- quality = float(np.squeeze(quality))
- return quality
-def calculate_niqe(img, crop_border, input_order='HWC', convert_to='y', **kwargs):
- """Calculate NIQE (Natural Image Quality Evaluator) metric.
- ``Paper: Making a "Completely Blind" Image Quality Analyzer``
- This implementation could produce almost the same results as the official
- MATLAB codes: http://live.ece.utexas.edu/research/quality/niqe_release.zip
- > MATLAB R2021a result for tests/data/baboon.png: 5.72957338 (5.7296)
- > Our re-implementation result for tests/data/baboon.png: 5.7295763 (5.7296)
- We use the official params estimated from the pristine dataset.
- We use the recommended block size (96, 96) without overlaps.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): Input image whose quality needs to be computed.
- The input image must be in range [0, 255] with float/int type.
- The input_order of image can be 'HW' or 'HWC' or 'CHW'. (BGR order)
- If the input order is 'HWC' or 'CHW', it will be converted to gray
- or Y (of YCbCr) image according to the ``convert_to`` argument.
- crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These
- pixels are not involved in the metric calculation.
- input_order (str): Whether the input order is 'HW', 'HWC' or 'CHW'.
- Default: 'HWC'.
- convert_to (str): Whether converted to 'y' (of MATLAB YCbCr) or 'gray'.
- Default: 'y'.
- Returns:
- float: NIQE result.
- """
- ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- # we use the official params estimated from the pristine dataset.
- niqe_pris_params = np.load(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'niqe_pris_params.npz'))
- mu_pris_param = niqe_pris_params['mu_pris_param']
- cov_pris_param = niqe_pris_params['cov_pris_param']
- gaussian_window = niqe_pris_params['gaussian_window']
- img = img.astype(np.float32)
- if input_order != 'HW':
- img = reorder_image(img, input_order=input_order)
- if convert_to == 'y':
- img = to_y_channel(img)
- elif convert_to == 'gray':
- img = cv2.cvtColor(img / 255., cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) * 255.
- img = np.squeeze(img)
- if crop_border != 0:
- img = img[crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border]
- # round is necessary for being consistent with MATLAB's result
- img = img.round()
- niqe_result = niqe(img, mu_pris_param, cov_pris_param, gaussian_window)
- return niqe_result
diff --git a/basicsr/metrics/niqe_pris_params.npz b/basicsr/metrics/niqe_pris_params.npz
deleted file mode 100644
index 42f06a9a18e6ed8bbf7933bec1477b189ef798de..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/metrics/niqe_pris_params.npz
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:2a7c182a68c9e7f1b2e2e5ec723279d6f65d912b6fcaf37eb2bf03d7367c4296
-size 11850
diff --git a/basicsr/metrics/psnr_ssim.py b/basicsr/metrics/psnr_ssim.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ab03113f89805c990ff22795601274bf45db23a1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/metrics/psnr_ssim.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-import cv2
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-import torch.nn.functional as F
-from basicsr.metrics.metric_util import reorder_image, to_y_channel
-from basicsr.utils.color_util import rgb2ycbcr_pt
-from basicsr.utils.registry import METRIC_REGISTRY
-def calculate_psnr(img, img2, crop_border, input_order='HWC', test_y_channel=False, **kwargs):
- """Calculate PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio).
- Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_signal-to-noise_ratio
- Args:
- img (ndarray): Images with range [0, 255].
- img2 (ndarray): Images with range [0, 255].
- crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the calculation.
- input_order (str): Whether the input order is 'HWC' or 'CHW'. Default: 'HWC'.
- test_y_channel (bool): Test on Y channel of YCbCr. Default: False.
- Returns:
- float: PSNR result.
- """
- assert img.shape == img2.shape, (f'Image shapes are different: {img.shape}, {img2.shape}.')
- if input_order not in ['HWC', 'CHW']:
- raise ValueError(f'Wrong input_order {input_order}. Supported input_orders are "HWC" and "CHW"')
- img = reorder_image(img, input_order=input_order)
- img2 = reorder_image(img2, input_order=input_order)
- if crop_border != 0:
- img = img[crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border, ...]
- img2 = img2[crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border, ...]
- if test_y_channel:
- img = to_y_channel(img)
- img2 = to_y_channel(img2)
- img = img.astype(np.float64)
- img2 = img2.astype(np.float64)
- mse = np.mean((img - img2)**2)
- if mse == 0:
- return float('inf')
- return 10. * np.log10(255. * 255. / mse)
-def calculate_psnr_pt(img, img2, crop_border, test_y_channel=False, **kwargs):
- """Calculate PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) (PyTorch version).
- Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_signal-to-noise_ratio
- Args:
- img (Tensor): Images with range [0, 1], shape (n, 3/1, h, w).
- img2 (Tensor): Images with range [0, 1], shape (n, 3/1, h, w).
- crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the calculation.
- test_y_channel (bool): Test on Y channel of YCbCr. Default: False.
- Returns:
- float: PSNR result.
- """
- assert img.shape == img2.shape, (f'Image shapes are different: {img.shape}, {img2.shape}.')
- if crop_border != 0:
- img = img[:, :, crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border]
- img2 = img2[:, :, crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border]
- if test_y_channel:
- img = rgb2ycbcr_pt(img, y_only=True)
- img2 = rgb2ycbcr_pt(img2, y_only=True)
- img = img.to(torch.float64)
- img2 = img2.to(torch.float64)
- mse = torch.mean((img - img2)**2, dim=[1, 2, 3])
- return 10. * torch.log10(1. / (mse + 1e-8))
-def calculate_ssim(img, img2, crop_border, input_order='HWC', test_y_channel=False, **kwargs):
- """Calculate SSIM (structural similarity).
- ``Paper: Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity``
- The results are the same as that of the official released MATLAB code in
- https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~z70wang/research/ssim/.
- For three-channel images, SSIM is calculated for each channel and then
- averaged.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): Images with range [0, 255].
- img2 (ndarray): Images with range [0, 255].
- crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the calculation.
- input_order (str): Whether the input order is 'HWC' or 'CHW'.
- Default: 'HWC'.
- test_y_channel (bool): Test on Y channel of YCbCr. Default: False.
- Returns:
- float: SSIM result.
- """
- assert img.shape == img2.shape, (f'Image shapes are different: {img.shape}, {img2.shape}.')
- if input_order not in ['HWC', 'CHW']:
- raise ValueError(f'Wrong input_order {input_order}. Supported input_orders are "HWC" and "CHW"')
- img = reorder_image(img, input_order=input_order)
- img2 = reorder_image(img2, input_order=input_order)
- if crop_border != 0:
- img = img[crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border, ...]
- img2 = img2[crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border, ...]
- if test_y_channel:
- img = to_y_channel(img)
- img2 = to_y_channel(img2)
- img = img.astype(np.float64)
- img2 = img2.astype(np.float64)
- ssims = []
- for i in range(img.shape[2]):
- ssims.append(_ssim(img[..., i], img2[..., i]))
- return np.array(ssims).mean()
-def calculate_ssim_pt(img, img2, crop_border, test_y_channel=False, **kwargs):
- """Calculate SSIM (structural similarity) (PyTorch version).
- ``Paper: Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity``
- The results are the same as that of the official released MATLAB code in
- https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~z70wang/research/ssim/.
- For three-channel images, SSIM is calculated for each channel and then
- averaged.
- Args:
- img (Tensor): Images with range [0, 1], shape (n, 3/1, h, w).
- img2 (Tensor): Images with range [0, 1], shape (n, 3/1, h, w).
- crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the calculation.
- test_y_channel (bool): Test on Y channel of YCbCr. Default: False.
- Returns:
- float: SSIM result.
- """
- assert img.shape == img2.shape, (f'Image shapes are different: {img.shape}, {img2.shape}.')
- if crop_border != 0:
- img = img[:, :, crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border]
- img2 = img2[:, :, crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border]
- if test_y_channel:
- img = rgb2ycbcr_pt(img, y_only=True)
- img2 = rgb2ycbcr_pt(img2, y_only=True)
- img = img.to(torch.float64)
- img2 = img2.to(torch.float64)
- ssim = _ssim_pth(img * 255., img2 * 255.)
- return ssim
-def _ssim(img, img2):
- """Calculate SSIM (structural similarity) for one channel images.
- It is called by func:`calculate_ssim`.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): Images with range [0, 255] with order 'HWC'.
- img2 (ndarray): Images with range [0, 255] with order 'HWC'.
- Returns:
- float: SSIM result.
- """
- c1 = (0.01 * 255)**2
- c2 = (0.03 * 255)**2
- kernel = cv2.getGaussianKernel(11, 1.5)
- window = np.outer(kernel, kernel.transpose())
- mu1 = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, window)[5:-5, 5:-5] # valid mode for window size 11
- mu2 = cv2.filter2D(img2, -1, window)[5:-5, 5:-5]
- mu1_sq = mu1**2
- mu2_sq = mu2**2
- mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2
- sigma1_sq = cv2.filter2D(img**2, -1, window)[5:-5, 5:-5] - mu1_sq
- sigma2_sq = cv2.filter2D(img2**2, -1, window)[5:-5, 5:-5] - mu2_sq
- sigma12 = cv2.filter2D(img * img2, -1, window)[5:-5, 5:-5] - mu1_mu2
- ssim_map = ((2 * mu1_mu2 + c1) * (2 * sigma12 + c2)) / ((mu1_sq + mu2_sq + c1) * (sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq + c2))
- return ssim_map.mean()
-def _ssim_pth(img, img2):
- """Calculate SSIM (structural similarity) (PyTorch version).
- It is called by func:`calculate_ssim_pt`.
- Args:
- img (Tensor): Images with range [0, 1], shape (n, 3/1, h, w).
- img2 (Tensor): Images with range [0, 1], shape (n, 3/1, h, w).
- Returns:
- float: SSIM result.
- """
- c1 = (0.01 * 255)**2
- c2 = (0.03 * 255)**2
- kernel = cv2.getGaussianKernel(11, 1.5)
- window = np.outer(kernel, kernel.transpose())
- window = torch.from_numpy(window).view(1, 1, 11, 11).expand(img.size(1), 1, 11, 11).to(img.dtype).to(img.device)
- mu1 = F.conv2d(img, window, stride=1, padding=0, groups=img.shape[1]) # valid mode
- mu2 = F.conv2d(img2, window, stride=1, padding=0, groups=img2.shape[1]) # valid mode
- mu1_sq = mu1.pow(2)
- mu2_sq = mu2.pow(2)
- mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2
- sigma1_sq = F.conv2d(img * img, window, stride=1, padding=0, groups=img.shape[1]) - mu1_sq
- sigma2_sq = F.conv2d(img2 * img2, window, stride=1, padding=0, groups=img.shape[1]) - mu2_sq
- sigma12 = F.conv2d(img * img2, window, stride=1, padding=0, groups=img.shape[1]) - mu1_mu2
- cs_map = (2 * sigma12 + c2) / (sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq + c2)
- ssim_map = ((2 * mu1_mu2 + c1) / (mu1_sq + mu2_sq + c1)) * cs_map
- return ssim_map.mean([1, 2, 3])
diff --git a/basicsr/metrics/test_metrics/test_psnr_ssim.py b/basicsr/metrics/test_metrics/test_psnr_ssim.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 18b05a73a0e38e89b2321ddc9415123a92f5c5a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/metrics/test_metrics/test_psnr_ssim.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-import cv2
-import torch
-from basicsr.metrics import calculate_psnr, calculate_ssim
-from basicsr.metrics.psnr_ssim import calculate_psnr_pt, calculate_ssim_pt
-from basicsr.utils import img2tensor
-def test(img_path, img_path2, crop_border, test_y_channel=False):
- img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
- img2 = cv2.imread(img_path2, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
- # --------------------- Numpy ---------------------
- psnr = calculate_psnr(img, img2, crop_border=crop_border, input_order='HWC', test_y_channel=test_y_channel)
- ssim = calculate_ssim(img, img2, crop_border=crop_border, input_order='HWC', test_y_channel=test_y_channel)
- print(f'\tNumpy\tPSNR: {psnr:.6f} dB, \tSSIM: {ssim:.6f}')
- # --------------------- PyTorch (CPU) ---------------------
- img = img2tensor(img / 255., bgr2rgb=True, float32=True).unsqueeze_(0)
- img2 = img2tensor(img2 / 255., bgr2rgb=True, float32=True).unsqueeze_(0)
- psnr_pth = calculate_psnr_pt(img, img2, crop_border=crop_border, test_y_channel=test_y_channel)
- ssim_pth = calculate_ssim_pt(img, img2, crop_border=crop_border, test_y_channel=test_y_channel)
- print(f'\tTensor (CPU) \tPSNR: {psnr_pth[0]:.6f} dB, \tSSIM: {ssim_pth[0]:.6f}')
- # --------------------- PyTorch (GPU) ---------------------
- img = img.cuda()
- img2 = img2.cuda()
- psnr_pth = calculate_psnr_pt(img, img2, crop_border=crop_border, test_y_channel=test_y_channel)
- ssim_pth = calculate_ssim_pt(img, img2, crop_border=crop_border, test_y_channel=test_y_channel)
- print(f'\tTensor (GPU) \tPSNR: {psnr_pth[0]:.6f} dB, \tSSIM: {ssim_pth[0]:.6f}')
- psnr_pth = calculate_psnr_pt(
- torch.repeat_interleave(img, 2, dim=0),
- torch.repeat_interleave(img2, 2, dim=0),
- crop_border=crop_border,
- test_y_channel=test_y_channel)
- ssim_pth = calculate_ssim_pt(
- torch.repeat_interleave(img, 2, dim=0),
- torch.repeat_interleave(img2, 2, dim=0),
- crop_border=crop_border,
- test_y_channel=test_y_channel)
- print(f'\tTensor (GPU batch) \tPSNR: {psnr_pth[0]:.6f}, {psnr_pth[1]:.6f} dB,'
- f'\tSSIM: {ssim_pth[0]:.6f}, {ssim_pth[1]:.6f}')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test('tests/data/bic/baboon.png', 'tests/data/gt/baboon.png', crop_border=4, test_y_channel=False)
- test('tests/data/bic/baboon.png', 'tests/data/gt/baboon.png', crop_border=4, test_y_channel=True)
- test('tests/data/bic/comic.png', 'tests/data/gt/comic.png', crop_border=4, test_y_channel=False)
- test('tests/data/bic/comic.png', 'tests/data/gt/comic.png', crop_border=4, test_y_channel=True)
diff --git a/basicsr/models/__init__.py b/basicsr/models/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 85796deae014c20a9aa600133468d04900c4fb89..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-import importlib
-from copy import deepcopy
-from os import path as osp
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger, scandir
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-__all__ = ['build_model']
-# automatically scan and import model modules for registry
-# scan all the files under the 'models' folder and collect files ending with '_model.py'
-model_folder = osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__))
-model_filenames = [osp.splitext(osp.basename(v))[0] for v in scandir(model_folder) if v.endswith('_model.py')]
-# import all the model modules
-_model_modules = [importlib.import_module(f'basicsr.models.{file_name}') for file_name in model_filenames]
-def build_model(opt):
- """Build model from options.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Configuration. It must contain:
- model_type (str): Model type.
- """
- opt = deepcopy(opt)
- model = MODEL_REGISTRY.get(opt['model_type'])(opt)
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Model [{model.__class__.__name__}] is created.')
- return model
diff --git a/basicsr/models/base_model.py b/basicsr/models/base_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fbf8229f59dee86a7f9f95c1d07da785fb5f15b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/base_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import time
-import torch
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from copy import deepcopy
-from torch.nn.parallel import DataParallel, DistributedDataParallel
-from basicsr.models import lr_scheduler as lr_scheduler
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger
-from basicsr.utils.dist_util import master_only
-class BaseModel():
- """Base model."""
- def __init__(self, opt):
- self.opt = opt
- self.device = torch.device('cuda' if opt['num_gpu'] != 0 else 'cpu')
- self.is_train = opt['is_train']
- self.schedulers = []
- self.optimizers = []
- def feed_data(self, data):
- pass
- def optimize_parameters(self):
- pass
- def get_current_visuals(self):
- pass
- def save(self, epoch, current_iter):
- """Save networks and training state."""
- pass
- def validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img=False):
- """Validation function.
- Args:
- dataloader (torch.utils.data.DataLoader): Validation dataloader.
- current_iter (int): Current iteration.
- tb_logger (tensorboard logger): Tensorboard logger.
- save_img (bool): Whether to save images. Default: False.
- """
- if self.opt['dist']:
- self.dist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img)
- else:
- self.nondist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img)
- def _initialize_best_metric_results(self, dataset_name):
- """Initialize the best metric results dict for recording the best metric value and iteration."""
- if hasattr(self, 'best_metric_results') and dataset_name in self.best_metric_results:
- return
- elif not hasattr(self, 'best_metric_results'):
- self.best_metric_results = dict()
- # add a dataset record
- record = dict()
- for metric, content in self.opt['val']['metrics'].items():
- better = content.get('better', 'higher')
- init_val = float('-inf') if better == 'higher' else float('inf')
- record[metric] = dict(better=better, val=init_val, iter=-1)
- self.best_metric_results[dataset_name] = record
- def _update_best_metric_result(self, dataset_name, metric, val, current_iter):
- if self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]['better'] == 'higher':
- if val >= self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]['val']:
- self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]['val'] = val
- self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]['iter'] = current_iter
- else:
- if val <= self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]['val']:
- self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]['val'] = val
- self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]['iter'] = current_iter
- def model_ema(self, decay=0.999):
- net_g = self.get_bare_model(self.net_g)
- net_g_params = dict(net_g.named_parameters())
- net_g_ema_params = dict(self.net_g_ema.named_parameters())
- for k in net_g_ema_params.keys():
- net_g_ema_params[k].data.mul_(decay).add_(net_g_params[k].data, alpha=1 - decay)
- def get_current_log(self):
- return self.log_dict
- def model_to_device(self, net):
- """Model to device. It also warps models with DistributedDataParallel
- or DataParallel.
- Args:
- net (nn.Module)
- """
- net = net.to(self.device)
- if self.opt['dist']:
- find_unused_parameters = self.opt.get('find_unused_parameters', False)
- net = DistributedDataParallel(
- net, device_ids=[torch.cuda.current_device()], find_unused_parameters=find_unused_parameters)
- elif self.opt['num_gpu'] > 1:
- net = DataParallel(net)
- return net
- def get_optimizer(self, optim_type, params, lr, **kwargs):
- if optim_type == 'Adam':
- optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params, lr, **kwargs)
- elif optim_type == 'AdamW':
- optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(params, lr, **kwargs)
- elif optim_type == 'Adamax':
- optimizer = torch.optim.Adamax(params, lr, **kwargs)
- elif optim_type == 'SGD':
- optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params, lr, **kwargs)
- elif optim_type == 'ASGD':
- optimizer = torch.optim.ASGD(params, lr, **kwargs)
- elif optim_type == 'RMSprop':
- optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(params, lr, **kwargs)
- elif optim_type == 'Rprop':
- optimizer = torch.optim.Rprop(params, lr, **kwargs)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(f'optimizer {optim_type} is not supported yet.')
- return optimizer
- def setup_schedulers(self):
- """Set up schedulers."""
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- scheduler_type = train_opt['scheduler'].pop('type')
- if scheduler_type in ['MultiStepLR', 'MultiStepRestartLR']:
- for optimizer in self.optimizers:
- self.schedulers.append(lr_scheduler.MultiStepRestartLR(optimizer, **train_opt['scheduler']))
- elif scheduler_type == 'CosineAnnealingRestartLR':
- for optimizer in self.optimizers:
- self.schedulers.append(lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingRestartLR(optimizer, **train_opt['scheduler']))
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(f'Scheduler {scheduler_type} is not implemented yet.')
- def get_bare_model(self, net):
- """Get bare model, especially under wrapping with
- DistributedDataParallel or DataParallel.
- """
- if isinstance(net, (DataParallel, DistributedDataParallel)):
- net = net.module
- return net
- @master_only
- def print_network(self, net):
- """Print the str and parameter number of a network.
- Args:
- net (nn.Module)
- """
- if isinstance(net, (DataParallel, DistributedDataParallel)):
- net_cls_str = f'{net.__class__.__name__} - {net.module.__class__.__name__}'
- else:
- net_cls_str = f'{net.__class__.__name__}'
- net = self.get_bare_model(net)
- net_str = str(net)
- net_params = sum(map(lambda x: x.numel(), net.parameters()))
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Network: {net_cls_str}, with parameters: {net_params:,d}')
- logger.info(net_str)
- def _set_lr(self, lr_groups_l):
- """Set learning rate for warm-up.
- Args:
- lr_groups_l (list): List for lr_groups, each for an optimizer.
- """
- for optimizer, lr_groups in zip(self.optimizers, lr_groups_l):
- for param_group, lr in zip(optimizer.param_groups, lr_groups):
- param_group['lr'] = lr
- def _get_init_lr(self):
- """Get the initial lr, which is set by the scheduler.
- """
- init_lr_groups_l = []
- for optimizer in self.optimizers:
- init_lr_groups_l.append([v['initial_lr'] for v in optimizer.param_groups])
- return init_lr_groups_l
- def update_learning_rate(self, current_iter, warmup_iter=-1):
- """Update learning rate.
- Args:
- current_iter (int): Current iteration.
- warmup_iter (int): Warm-up iter numbers. -1 for no warm-up.
- Default: -1.
- """
- if current_iter > 1:
- for scheduler in self.schedulers:
- scheduler.step()
- # set up warm-up learning rate
- if current_iter < warmup_iter:
- # get initial lr for each group
- init_lr_g_l = self._get_init_lr()
- # modify warming-up learning rates
- # currently only support linearly warm up
- warm_up_lr_l = []
- for init_lr_g in init_lr_g_l:
- warm_up_lr_l.append([v / warmup_iter * current_iter for v in init_lr_g])
- # set learning rate
- self._set_lr(warm_up_lr_l)
- def get_current_learning_rate(self):
- return [param_group['lr'] for param_group in self.optimizers[0].param_groups]
- @master_only
- def save_network(self, net, net_label, current_iter, param_key='params'):
- """Save networks.
- Args:
- net (nn.Module | list[nn.Module]): Network(s) to be saved.
- net_label (str): Network label.
- current_iter (int): Current iter number.
- param_key (str | list[str]): The parameter key(s) to save network.
- Default: 'params'.
- """
- if current_iter == -1:
- current_iter = 'latest'
- save_filename = f'{net_label}_{current_iter}.pth'
- save_path = os.path.join(self.opt['path']['models'], save_filename)
- net = net if isinstance(net, list) else [net]
- param_key = param_key if isinstance(param_key, list) else [param_key]
- assert len(net) == len(param_key), 'The lengths of net and param_key should be the same.'
- save_dict = {}
- for net_, param_key_ in zip(net, param_key):
- net_ = self.get_bare_model(net_)
- state_dict = net_.state_dict()
- for key, param in state_dict.items():
- if key.startswith('module.'): # remove unnecessary 'module.'
- key = key[7:]
- state_dict[key] = param.cpu()
- save_dict[param_key_] = state_dict
- # avoid occasional writing errors
- retry = 3
- while retry > 0:
- try:
- torch.save(save_dict, save_path)
- except Exception as e:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.warning(f'Save model error: {e}, remaining retry times: {retry - 1}')
- time.sleep(1)
- else:
- break
- finally:
- retry -= 1
- if retry == 0:
- logger.warning(f'Still cannot save {save_path}. Just ignore it.')
- # raise IOError(f'Cannot save {save_path}.')
- def _print_different_keys_loading(self, crt_net, load_net, strict=True):
- """Print keys with different name or different size when loading models.
- 1. Print keys with different names.
- 2. If strict=False, print the same key but with different tensor size.
- It also ignore these keys with different sizes (not load).
- Args:
- crt_net (torch model): Current network.
- load_net (dict): Loaded network.
- strict (bool): Whether strictly loaded. Default: True.
- """
- crt_net = self.get_bare_model(crt_net)
- crt_net = crt_net.state_dict()
- crt_net_keys = set(crt_net.keys())
- load_net_keys = set(load_net.keys())
- logger = get_root_logger()
- if crt_net_keys != load_net_keys:
- logger.warning('Current net - loaded net:')
- for v in sorted(list(crt_net_keys - load_net_keys)):
- logger.warning(f' {v}')
- logger.warning('Loaded net - current net:')
- for v in sorted(list(load_net_keys - crt_net_keys)):
- logger.warning(f' {v}')
- # check the size for the same keys
- if not strict:
- common_keys = crt_net_keys & load_net_keys
- for k in common_keys:
- if crt_net[k].size() != load_net[k].size():
- logger.warning(f'Size different, ignore [{k}]: crt_net: '
- f'{crt_net[k].shape}; load_net: {load_net[k].shape}')
- load_net[k + '.ignore'] = load_net.pop(k)
- def load_network(self, net, load_path, strict=True, param_key='params'):
- """Load network.
- Args:
- load_path (str): The path of networks to be loaded.
- net (nn.Module): Network.
- strict (bool): Whether strictly loaded.
- param_key (str): The parameter key of loaded network. If set to
- None, use the root 'path'.
- Default: 'params'.
- """
- logger = get_root_logger()
- net = self.get_bare_model(net)
- load_net = torch.load(load_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
- if param_key is not None:
- if param_key not in load_net and 'params' in load_net:
- param_key = 'params'
- logger.info('Loading: params_ema does not exist, use params.')
- load_net = load_net[param_key]
- logger.info(f'Loading {net.__class__.__name__} model from {load_path}, with param key: [{param_key}].')
- # remove unnecessary 'module.'
- for k, v in deepcopy(load_net).items():
- if k.startswith('module.'):
- load_net[k[7:]] = v
- load_net.pop(k)
- self._print_different_keys_loading(net, load_net, strict)
- net.load_state_dict(load_net, strict=strict)
- @master_only
- def save_training_state(self, epoch, current_iter):
- """Save training states during training, which will be used for
- resuming.
- Args:
- epoch (int): Current epoch.
- current_iter (int): Current iteration.
- """
- if current_iter != -1:
- state = {'epoch': epoch, 'iter': current_iter, 'optimizers': [], 'schedulers': []}
- for o in self.optimizers:
- state['optimizers'].append(o.state_dict())
- for s in self.schedulers:
- state['schedulers'].append(s.state_dict())
- save_filename = f'{current_iter}.state'
- save_path = os.path.join(self.opt['path']['training_states'], save_filename)
- # avoid occasional writing errors
- retry = 3
- while retry > 0:
- try:
- torch.save(state, save_path)
- except Exception as e:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.warning(f'Save training state error: {e}, remaining retry times: {retry - 1}')
- time.sleep(1)
- else:
- break
- finally:
- retry -= 1
- if retry == 0:
- logger.warning(f'Still cannot save {save_path}. Just ignore it.')
- # raise IOError(f'Cannot save {save_path}.')
- def resume_training(self, resume_state):
- """Reload the optimizers and schedulers for resumed training.
- Args:
- resume_state (dict): Resume state.
- """
- resume_optimizers = resume_state['optimizers']
- resume_schedulers = resume_state['schedulers']
- assert len(resume_optimizers) == len(self.optimizers), 'Wrong lengths of optimizers'
- assert len(resume_schedulers) == len(self.schedulers), 'Wrong lengths of schedulers'
- for i, o in enumerate(resume_optimizers):
- self.optimizers[i].load_state_dict(o)
- for i, s in enumerate(resume_schedulers):
- self.schedulers[i].load_state_dict(s)
- def reduce_loss_dict(self, loss_dict):
- """reduce loss dict.
- In distributed training, it averages the losses among different GPUs .
- Args:
- loss_dict (OrderedDict): Loss dict.
- """
- with torch.no_grad():
- if self.opt['dist']:
- keys = []
- losses = []
- for name, value in loss_dict.items():
- keys.append(name)
- losses.append(value)
- losses = torch.stack(losses, 0)
- torch.distributed.reduce(losses, dst=0)
- if self.opt['rank'] == 0:
- losses /= self.opt['world_size']
- loss_dict = {key: loss for key, loss in zip(keys, losses)}
- log_dict = OrderedDict()
- for name, value in loss_dict.items():
- log_dict[name] = value.mean().item()
- return log_dict
diff --git a/basicsr/models/edvr_model.py b/basicsr/models/edvr_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bdbf7b94fe3f06c76fbf2a4941621f64e0003e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/edvr_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-from .video_base_model import VideoBaseModel
-class EDVRModel(VideoBaseModel):
- """EDVR Model.
- Paper: EDVR: Video Restoration with Enhanced Deformable Convolutional Networks. # noqa: E501
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(EDVRModel, self).__init__(opt)
- if self.is_train:
- self.train_tsa_iter = opt['train'].get('tsa_iter')
- def setup_optimizers(self):
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- dcn_lr_mul = train_opt.get('dcn_lr_mul', 1)
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Multiple the learning rate for dcn with {dcn_lr_mul}.')
- if dcn_lr_mul == 1:
- optim_params = self.net_g.parameters()
- else: # separate dcn params and normal params for different lr
- normal_params = []
- dcn_params = []
- for name, param in self.net_g.named_parameters():
- if 'dcn' in name:
- dcn_params.append(param)
- else:
- normal_params.append(param)
- optim_params = [
- { # add normal params first
- 'params': normal_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_g']['lr']
- },
- {
- 'params': dcn_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_g']['lr'] * dcn_lr_mul
- },
- ]
- optim_type = train_opt['optim_g'].pop('type')
- self.optimizer_g = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, optim_params, **train_opt['optim_g'])
- self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_g)
- def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter):
- if self.train_tsa_iter:
- if current_iter == 1:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Only train TSA module for {self.train_tsa_iter} iters.')
- for name, param in self.net_g.named_parameters():
- if 'fusion' not in name:
- param.requires_grad = False
- elif current_iter == self.train_tsa_iter:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.warning('Train all the parameters.')
- for param in self.net_g.parameters():
- param.requires_grad = True
- super(EDVRModel, self).optimize_parameters(current_iter)
diff --git a/basicsr/models/esrgan_model.py b/basicsr/models/esrgan_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d746d0e29418d9e8f35fa9c1e3a315d694075be..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/esrgan_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-from .srgan_model import SRGANModel
-class ESRGANModel(SRGANModel):
- """ESRGAN model for single image super-resolution."""
- def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter):
- # optimize net_g
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = False
- self.optimizer_g.zero_grad()
- self.output = self.net_g(self.lq)
- l_g_total = 0
- loss_dict = OrderedDict()
- if (current_iter % self.net_d_iters == 0 and current_iter > self.net_d_init_iters):
- # pixel loss
- if self.cri_pix:
- l_g_pix = self.cri_pix(self.output, self.gt)
- l_g_total += l_g_pix
- loss_dict['l_g_pix'] = l_g_pix
- # perceptual loss
- if self.cri_perceptual:
- l_g_percep, l_g_style = self.cri_perceptual(self.output, self.gt)
- if l_g_percep is not None:
- l_g_total += l_g_percep
- loss_dict['l_g_percep'] = l_g_percep
- if l_g_style is not None:
- l_g_total += l_g_style
- loss_dict['l_g_style'] = l_g_style
- # gan loss (relativistic gan)
- real_d_pred = self.net_d(self.gt).detach()
- fake_g_pred = self.net_d(self.output)
- l_g_real = self.cri_gan(real_d_pred - torch.mean(fake_g_pred), False, is_disc=False)
- l_g_fake = self.cri_gan(fake_g_pred - torch.mean(real_d_pred), True, is_disc=False)
- l_g_gan = (l_g_real + l_g_fake) / 2
- l_g_total += l_g_gan
- loss_dict['l_g_gan'] = l_g_gan
- l_g_total.backward()
- self.optimizer_g.step()
- # optimize net_d
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = True
- self.optimizer_d.zero_grad()
- # gan loss (relativistic gan)
- # In order to avoid the error in distributed training:
- # "Error detected in CudnnBatchNormBackward: RuntimeError: one of
- # the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by
- # an inplace operation",
- # we separate the backwards for real and fake, and also detach the
- # tensor for calculating mean.
- # real
- fake_d_pred = self.net_d(self.output).detach()
- real_d_pred = self.net_d(self.gt)
- l_d_real = self.cri_gan(real_d_pred - torch.mean(fake_d_pred), True, is_disc=True) * 0.5
- l_d_real.backward()
- # fake
- fake_d_pred = self.net_d(self.output.detach())
- l_d_fake = self.cri_gan(fake_d_pred - torch.mean(real_d_pred.detach()), False, is_disc=True) * 0.5
- l_d_fake.backward()
- self.optimizer_d.step()
- loss_dict['l_d_real'] = l_d_real
- loss_dict['l_d_fake'] = l_d_fake
- loss_dict['out_d_real'] = torch.mean(real_d_pred.detach())
- loss_dict['out_d_fake'] = torch.mean(fake_d_pred.detach())
- self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict)
- if self.ema_decay > 0:
- self.model_ema(decay=self.ema_decay)
diff --git a/basicsr/models/hifacegan_model.py b/basicsr/models/hifacegan_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 435a2b179d6b7c670fe96a83ce45b461300b2c89..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/hifacegan_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from os import path as osp
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from basicsr.archs import build_network
-from basicsr.losses import build_loss
-from basicsr.metrics import calculate_metric
-from basicsr.utils import imwrite, tensor2img
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-from .sr_model import SRModel
-class HiFaceGANModel(SRModel):
- """HiFaceGAN model for generic-purpose face restoration.
- No prior modeling required, works for any degradations.
- Currently doesn't support EMA for inference.
- """
- def init_training_settings(self):
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- self.ema_decay = train_opt.get('ema_decay', 0)
- if self.ema_decay > 0:
- raise (NotImplementedError('HiFaceGAN does not support EMA now. Pass'))
- self.net_g.train()
- self.net_d = build_network(self.opt['network_d'])
- self.net_d = self.model_to_device(self.net_d)
- self.print_network(self.net_d)
- # define losses
- # HiFaceGAN does not use pixel loss by default
- if train_opt.get('pixel_opt'):
- self.cri_pix = build_loss(train_opt['pixel_opt']).to(self.device)
- else:
- self.cri_pix = None
- if train_opt.get('perceptual_opt'):
- self.cri_perceptual = build_loss(train_opt['perceptual_opt']).to(self.device)
- else:
- self.cri_perceptual = None
- if train_opt.get('feature_matching_opt'):
- self.cri_feat = build_loss(train_opt['feature_matching_opt']).to(self.device)
- else:
- self.cri_feat = None
- if self.cri_pix is None and self.cri_perceptual is None:
- raise ValueError('Both pixel and perceptual losses are None.')
- if train_opt.get('gan_opt'):
- self.cri_gan = build_loss(train_opt['gan_opt']).to(self.device)
- self.net_d_iters = train_opt.get('net_d_iters', 1)
- self.net_d_init_iters = train_opt.get('net_d_init_iters', 0)
- # set up optimizers and schedulers
- self.setup_optimizers()
- self.setup_schedulers()
- def setup_optimizers(self):
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- # optimizer g
- optim_type = train_opt['optim_g'].pop('type')
- self.optimizer_g = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, self.net_g.parameters(), **train_opt['optim_g'])
- self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_g)
- # optimizer d
- optim_type = train_opt['optim_d'].pop('type')
- self.optimizer_d = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, self.net_d.parameters(), **train_opt['optim_d'])
- self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_d)
- def discriminate(self, input_lq, output, ground_truth):
- """
- This is a conditional (on the input) discriminator
- In Batch Normalization, the fake and real images are
- recommended to be in the same batch to avoid disparate
- statistics in fake and real images.
- So both fake and real images are fed to D all at once.
- """
- h, w = output.shape[-2:]
- if output.shape[-2:] != input_lq.shape[-2:]:
- lq = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(input_lq, (h, w))
- real = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(ground_truth, (h, w))
- fake_concat = torch.cat([lq, output], dim=1)
- real_concat = torch.cat([lq, real], dim=1)
- else:
- fake_concat = torch.cat([input_lq, output], dim=1)
- real_concat = torch.cat([input_lq, ground_truth], dim=1)
- fake_and_real = torch.cat([fake_concat, real_concat], dim=0)
- discriminator_out = self.net_d(fake_and_real)
- pred_fake, pred_real = self._divide_pred(discriminator_out)
- return pred_fake, pred_real
- @staticmethod
- def _divide_pred(pred):
- """
- Take the prediction of fake and real images from the combined batch.
- The prediction contains the intermediate outputs of multiscale GAN,
- so it's usually a list
- """
- if type(pred) == list:
- fake = []
- real = []
- for p in pred:
- fake.append([tensor[:tensor.size(0) // 2] for tensor in p])
- real.append([tensor[tensor.size(0) // 2:] for tensor in p])
- else:
- fake = pred[:pred.size(0) // 2]
- real = pred[pred.size(0) // 2:]
- return fake, real
- def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter):
- # optimize net_g
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = False
- self.optimizer_g.zero_grad()
- self.output = self.net_g(self.lq)
- l_g_total = 0
- loss_dict = OrderedDict()
- if (current_iter % self.net_d_iters == 0 and current_iter > self.net_d_init_iters):
- # pixel loss
- if self.cri_pix:
- l_g_pix = self.cri_pix(self.output, self.gt)
- l_g_total += l_g_pix
- loss_dict['l_g_pix'] = l_g_pix
- # perceptual loss
- if self.cri_perceptual:
- l_g_percep, l_g_style = self.cri_perceptual(self.output, self.gt)
- if l_g_percep is not None:
- l_g_total += l_g_percep
- loss_dict['l_g_percep'] = l_g_percep
- if l_g_style is not None:
- l_g_total += l_g_style
- loss_dict['l_g_style'] = l_g_style
- # Requires real prediction for feature matching loss
- pred_fake, pred_real = self.discriminate(self.lq, self.output, self.gt)
- l_g_gan = self.cri_gan(pred_fake, True, is_disc=False)
- l_g_total += l_g_gan
- loss_dict['l_g_gan'] = l_g_gan
- # feature matching loss
- if self.cri_feat:
- l_g_feat = self.cri_feat(pred_fake, pred_real)
- l_g_total += l_g_feat
- loss_dict['l_g_feat'] = l_g_feat
- l_g_total.backward()
- self.optimizer_g.step()
- # optimize net_d
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = True
- self.optimizer_d.zero_grad()
- # TODO: Benchmark test between HiFaceGAN and SRGAN implementation:
- # SRGAN use the same fake output for discriminator update
- # while HiFaceGAN regenerate a new output using updated net_g
- # This should not make too much difference though. Stick to SRGAN now.
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ---------- Below are original HiFaceGAN code snippet --------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # with torch.no_grad():
- # fake_image = self.net_g(self.lq)
- # fake_image = fake_image.detach()
- # fake_image.requires_grad_()
- # pred_fake, pred_real = self.discriminate(self.lq, fake_image, self.gt)
- # real
- pred_fake, pred_real = self.discriminate(self.lq, self.output.detach(), self.gt)
- l_d_real = self.cri_gan(pred_real, True, is_disc=True)
- loss_dict['l_d_real'] = l_d_real
- # fake
- l_d_fake = self.cri_gan(pred_fake, False, is_disc=True)
- loss_dict['l_d_fake'] = l_d_fake
- l_d_total = (l_d_real + l_d_fake) / 2
- l_d_total.backward()
- self.optimizer_d.step()
- self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict)
- if self.ema_decay > 0:
- print('HiFaceGAN does not support EMA now. pass')
- def validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img=False):
- """
- Warning: HiFaceGAN requires train() mode even for validation
- For more info, see https://github.com/Lotayou/Face-Renovation/issues/31
- Args:
- dataloader (torch.utils.data.DataLoader): Validation dataloader.
- current_iter (int): Current iteration.
- tb_logger (tensorboard logger): Tensorboard logger.
- save_img (bool): Whether to save images. Default: False.
- """
- if self.opt['network_g']['type'] in ('HiFaceGAN', 'SPADEGenerator'):
- self.net_g.train()
- if self.opt['dist']:
- self.dist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img)
- else:
- print('In HiFaceGANModel: The new metrics package is under development.' +
- 'Using super method now (Only PSNR & SSIM are supported)')
- super().nondist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img)
- def nondist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img):
- """
- TODO: Validation using updated metric system
- The metrics are now evaluated after all images have been tested
- This allows batch processing, and also allows evaluation of
- distributional metrics, such as:
- @ Frechet Inception Distance: FID
- @ Maximum Mean Discrepancy: MMD
- Warning:
- Need careful batch management for different inference settings.
- """
- dataset_name = dataloader.dataset.opt['name']
- with_metrics = self.opt['val'].get('metrics') is not None
- if with_metrics:
- self.metric_results = dict() # {metric: 0 for metric in self.opt['val']['metrics'].keys()}
- sr_tensors = []
- gt_tensors = []
- pbar = tqdm(total=len(dataloader), unit='image')
- for val_data in dataloader:
- img_name = osp.splitext(osp.basename(val_data['lq_path'][0]))[0]
- self.feed_data(val_data)
- self.test()
- visuals = self.get_current_visuals() # detached cpu tensor, non-squeeze
- sr_tensors.append(visuals['result'])
- if 'gt' in visuals:
- gt_tensors.append(visuals['gt'])
- del self.gt
- # tentative for out of GPU memory
- del self.lq
- del self.output
- torch.cuda.empty_cache()
- if save_img:
- if self.opt['is_train']:
- save_img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], img_name,
- f'{img_name}_{current_iter}.png')
- else:
- if self.opt['val']['suffix']:
- save_img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], dataset_name,
- f'{img_name}_{self.opt["val"]["suffix"]}.png')
- else:
- save_img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], dataset_name,
- f'{img_name}_{self.opt["name"]}.png')
- imwrite(tensor2img(visuals['result']), save_img_path)
- pbar.update(1)
- pbar.set_description(f'Test {img_name}')
- pbar.close()
- if with_metrics:
- sr_pack = torch.cat(sr_tensors, dim=0)
- gt_pack = torch.cat(gt_tensors, dim=0)
- # calculate metrics
- for name, opt_ in self.opt['val']['metrics'].items():
- # The new metric caller automatically returns mean value
- # FIXME: ERROR: calculate_metric only supports two arguments. Now the codes cannot be successfully run
- self.metric_results[name] = calculate_metric(dict(sr_pack=sr_pack, gt_pack=gt_pack), opt_)
- self._log_validation_metric_values(current_iter, dataset_name, tb_logger)
- def save(self, epoch, current_iter):
- if hasattr(self, 'net_g_ema'):
- print('HiFaceGAN does not support EMA now. Fallback to normal mode.')
- self.save_network(self.net_g, 'net_g', current_iter)
- self.save_network(self.net_d, 'net_d', current_iter)
- self.save_training_state(epoch, current_iter)
diff --git a/basicsr/models/lr_scheduler.py b/basicsr/models/lr_scheduler.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 11e1c6c7a74f5233accda52370f92681d3d3cecf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/lr_scheduler.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-import math
-from collections import Counter
-from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler
-class MultiStepRestartLR(_LRScheduler):
- """ MultiStep with restarts learning rate scheme.
- Args:
- optimizer (torch.nn.optimizer): Torch optimizer.
- milestones (list): Iterations that will decrease learning rate.
- gamma (float): Decrease ratio. Default: 0.1.
- restarts (list): Restart iterations. Default: [0].
- restart_weights (list): Restart weights at each restart iteration.
- Default: [1].
- last_epoch (int): Used in _LRScheduler. Default: -1.
- """
- def __init__(self, optimizer, milestones, gamma=0.1, restarts=(0, ), restart_weights=(1, ), last_epoch=-1):
- self.milestones = Counter(milestones)
- self.gamma = gamma
- self.restarts = restarts
- self.restart_weights = restart_weights
- assert len(self.restarts) == len(self.restart_weights), 'restarts and their weights do not match.'
- super(MultiStepRestartLR, self).__init__(optimizer, last_epoch)
- def get_lr(self):
- if self.last_epoch in self.restarts:
- weight = self.restart_weights[self.restarts.index(self.last_epoch)]
- return [group['initial_lr'] * weight for group in self.optimizer.param_groups]
- if self.last_epoch not in self.milestones:
- return [group['lr'] for group in self.optimizer.param_groups]
- return [group['lr'] * self.gamma**self.milestones[self.last_epoch] for group in self.optimizer.param_groups]
-def get_position_from_periods(iteration, cumulative_period):
- """Get the position from a period list.
- It will return the index of the right-closest number in the period list.
- For example, the cumulative_period = [100, 200, 300, 400],
- if iteration == 50, return 0;
- if iteration == 210, return 2;
- if iteration == 300, return 2.
- Args:
- iteration (int): Current iteration.
- cumulative_period (list[int]): Cumulative period list.
- Returns:
- int: The position of the right-closest number in the period list.
- """
- for i, period in enumerate(cumulative_period):
- if iteration <= period:
- return i
-class CosineAnnealingRestartLR(_LRScheduler):
- """ Cosine annealing with restarts learning rate scheme.
- An example of config:
- periods = [10, 10, 10, 10]
- restart_weights = [1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
- eta_min=1e-7
- It has four cycles, each has 10 iterations. At 10th, 20th, 30th, the
- scheduler will restart with the weights in restart_weights.
- Args:
- optimizer (torch.nn.optimizer): Torch optimizer.
- periods (list): Period for each cosine anneling cycle.
- restart_weights (list): Restart weights at each restart iteration.
- Default: [1].
- eta_min (float): The minimum lr. Default: 0.
- last_epoch (int): Used in _LRScheduler. Default: -1.
- """
- def __init__(self, optimizer, periods, restart_weights=(1, ), eta_min=0, last_epoch=-1):
- self.periods = periods
- self.restart_weights = restart_weights
- self.eta_min = eta_min
- assert (len(self.periods) == len(
- self.restart_weights)), 'periods and restart_weights should have the same length.'
- self.cumulative_period = [sum(self.periods[0:i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(self.periods))]
- super(CosineAnnealingRestartLR, self).__init__(optimizer, last_epoch)
- def get_lr(self):
- idx = get_position_from_periods(self.last_epoch, self.cumulative_period)
- current_weight = self.restart_weights[idx]
- nearest_restart = 0 if idx == 0 else self.cumulative_period[idx - 1]
- current_period = self.periods[idx]
- return [
- self.eta_min + current_weight * 0.5 * (base_lr - self.eta_min) *
- (1 + math.cos(math.pi * ((self.last_epoch - nearest_restart) / current_period)))
- for base_lr in self.base_lrs
- ]
diff --git a/basicsr/models/realesrgan_model.py b/basicsr/models/realesrgan_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c74b28fb1dc6a7f5c5ad3f7d8bb96c19c52ee92b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/realesrgan_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import random
-import torch
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.data.degradations import random_add_gaussian_noise_pt, random_add_poisson_noise_pt
-from basicsr.data.transforms import paired_random_crop
-from basicsr.losses.loss_util import get_refined_artifact_map
-from basicsr.models.srgan_model import SRGANModel
-from basicsr.utils import DiffJPEG, USMSharp
-from basicsr.utils.img_process_util import filter2D
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-class RealESRGANModel(SRGANModel):
- """RealESRGAN Model for Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data.
- It mainly performs:
- 1. randomly synthesize LQ images in GPU tensors
- 2. optimize the networks with GAN training.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(RealESRGANModel, self).__init__(opt)
- self.jpeger = DiffJPEG(differentiable=False).cuda() # simulate JPEG compression artifacts
- self.usm_sharpener = USMSharp().cuda() # do usm sharpening
- self.queue_size = opt.get('queue_size', 180)
- @torch.no_grad()
- def _dequeue_and_enqueue(self):
- """It is the training pair pool for increasing the diversity in a batch.
- Batch processing limits the diversity of synthetic degradations in a batch. For example, samples in a
- batch could not have different resize scaling factors. Therefore, we employ this training pair pool
- to increase the degradation diversity in a batch.
- """
- # initialize
- b, c, h, w = self.lq.size()
- if not hasattr(self, 'queue_lr'):
- assert self.queue_size % b == 0, f'queue size {self.queue_size} should be divisible by batch size {b}'
- self.queue_lr = torch.zeros(self.queue_size, c, h, w).cuda()
- _, c, h, w = self.gt.size()
- self.queue_gt = torch.zeros(self.queue_size, c, h, w).cuda()
- self.queue_ptr = 0
- if self.queue_ptr == self.queue_size: # the pool is full
- # do dequeue and enqueue
- # shuffle
- idx = torch.randperm(self.queue_size)
- self.queue_lr = self.queue_lr[idx]
- self.queue_gt = self.queue_gt[idx]
- # get first b samples
- lq_dequeue = self.queue_lr[0:b, :, :, :].clone()
- gt_dequeue = self.queue_gt[0:b, :, :, :].clone()
- # update the queue
- self.queue_lr[0:b, :, :, :] = self.lq.clone()
- self.queue_gt[0:b, :, :, :] = self.gt.clone()
- self.lq = lq_dequeue
- self.gt = gt_dequeue
- else:
- # only do enqueue
- self.queue_lr[self.queue_ptr:self.queue_ptr + b, :, :, :] = self.lq.clone()
- self.queue_gt[self.queue_ptr:self.queue_ptr + b, :, :, :] = self.gt.clone()
- self.queue_ptr = self.queue_ptr + b
- @torch.no_grad()
- def feed_data(self, data):
- """Accept data from dataloader, and then add two-order degradations to obtain LQ images.
- """
- if self.is_train and self.opt.get('high_order_degradation', True):
- # training data synthesis
- self.gt = data['gt'].to(self.device)
- self.gt_usm = self.usm_sharpener(self.gt)
- self.kernel1 = data['kernel1'].to(self.device)
- self.kernel2 = data['kernel2'].to(self.device)
- self.sinc_kernel = data['sinc_kernel'].to(self.device)
- ori_h, ori_w = self.gt.size()[2:4]
- # ----------------------- The first degradation process ----------------------- #
- # blur
- out = filter2D(self.gt_usm, self.kernel1)
- # random resize
- updown_type = random.choices(['up', 'down', 'keep'], self.opt['resize_prob'])[0]
- if updown_type == 'up':
- scale = np.random.uniform(1, self.opt['resize_range'][1])
- elif updown_type == 'down':
- scale = np.random.uniform(self.opt['resize_range'][0], 1)
- else:
- scale = 1
- mode = random.choice(['area', 'bilinear', 'bicubic'])
- out = F.interpolate(out, scale_factor=scale, mode=mode)
- # add noise
- gray_noise_prob = self.opt['gray_noise_prob']
- if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['gaussian_noise_prob']:
- out = random_add_gaussian_noise_pt(
- out, sigma_range=self.opt['noise_range'], clip=True, rounds=False, gray_prob=gray_noise_prob)
- else:
- out = random_add_poisson_noise_pt(
- out,
- scale_range=self.opt['poisson_scale_range'],
- gray_prob=gray_noise_prob,
- clip=True,
- rounds=False)
- # JPEG compression
- jpeg_p = out.new_zeros(out.size(0)).uniform_(*self.opt['jpeg_range'])
- out = torch.clamp(out, 0, 1) # clamp to [0, 1], otherwise JPEGer will result in unpleasant artifacts
- out = self.jpeger(out, quality=jpeg_p)
- # ----------------------- The second degradation process ----------------------- #
- # blur
- if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['second_blur_prob']:
- out = filter2D(out, self.kernel2)
- # random resize
- updown_type = random.choices(['up', 'down', 'keep'], self.opt['resize_prob2'])[0]
- if updown_type == 'up':
- scale = np.random.uniform(1, self.opt['resize_range2'][1])
- elif updown_type == 'down':
- scale = np.random.uniform(self.opt['resize_range2'][0], 1)
- else:
- scale = 1
- mode = random.choice(['area', 'bilinear', 'bicubic'])
- out = F.interpolate(
- out, size=(int(ori_h / self.opt['scale'] * scale), int(ori_w / self.opt['scale'] * scale)), mode=mode)
- # add noise
- gray_noise_prob = self.opt['gray_noise_prob2']
- if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['gaussian_noise_prob2']:
- out = random_add_gaussian_noise_pt(
- out, sigma_range=self.opt['noise_range2'], clip=True, rounds=False, gray_prob=gray_noise_prob)
- else:
- out = random_add_poisson_noise_pt(
- out,
- scale_range=self.opt['poisson_scale_range2'],
- gray_prob=gray_noise_prob,
- clip=True,
- rounds=False)
- # JPEG compression + the final sinc filter
- # We also need to resize images to desired sizes. We group [resize back + sinc filter] together
- # as one operation.
- # We consider two orders:
- # 1. [resize back + sinc filter] + JPEG compression
- # 2. JPEG compression + [resize back + sinc filter]
- # Empirically, we find other combinations (sinc + JPEG + Resize) will introduce twisted lines.
- if np.random.uniform() < 0.5:
- # resize back + the final sinc filter
- mode = random.choice(['area', 'bilinear', 'bicubic'])
- out = F.interpolate(out, size=(ori_h // self.opt['scale'], ori_w // self.opt['scale']), mode=mode)
- out = filter2D(out, self.sinc_kernel)
- # JPEG compression
- jpeg_p = out.new_zeros(out.size(0)).uniform_(*self.opt['jpeg_range2'])
- out = torch.clamp(out, 0, 1)
- out = self.jpeger(out, quality=jpeg_p)
- else:
- # JPEG compression
- jpeg_p = out.new_zeros(out.size(0)).uniform_(*self.opt['jpeg_range2'])
- out = torch.clamp(out, 0, 1)
- out = self.jpeger(out, quality=jpeg_p)
- # resize back + the final sinc filter
- mode = random.choice(['area', 'bilinear', 'bicubic'])
- out = F.interpolate(out, size=(ori_h // self.opt['scale'], ori_w // self.opt['scale']), mode=mode)
- out = filter2D(out, self.sinc_kernel)
- # clamp and round
- self.lq = torch.clamp((out * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- # random crop
- gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
- (self.gt, self.gt_usm), self.lq = paired_random_crop([self.gt, self.gt_usm], self.lq, gt_size,
- self.opt['scale'])
- # training pair pool
- self._dequeue_and_enqueue()
- # sharpen self.gt again, as we have changed the self.gt with self._dequeue_and_enqueue
- self.gt_usm = self.usm_sharpener(self.gt)
- self.lq = self.lq.contiguous() # for the warning: grad and param do not obey the gradient layout contract
- else:
- # for paired training or validation
- self.lq = data['lq'].to(self.device)
- if 'gt' in data:
- self.gt = data['gt'].to(self.device)
- self.gt_usm = self.usm_sharpener(self.gt)
- def nondist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img):
- # do not use the synthetic process during validation
- self.is_train = False
- super(RealESRGANModel, self).nondist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img)
- self.is_train = True
- def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter):
- # usm sharpening
- l1_gt = self.gt_usm
- percep_gt = self.gt_usm
- gan_gt = self.gt_usm
- if self.opt['l1_gt_usm'] is False:
- l1_gt = self.gt
- if self.opt['percep_gt_usm'] is False:
- percep_gt = self.gt
- if self.opt['gan_gt_usm'] is False:
- gan_gt = self.gt
- # optimize net_g
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = False
- self.optimizer_g.zero_grad()
- self.output = self.net_g(self.lq)
- if self.cri_ldl:
- self.output_ema = self.net_g_ema(self.lq)
- l_g_total = 0
- loss_dict = OrderedDict()
- if (current_iter % self.net_d_iters == 0 and current_iter > self.net_d_init_iters):
- # pixel loss
- if self.cri_pix:
- l_g_pix = self.cri_pix(self.output, l1_gt)
- l_g_total += l_g_pix
- loss_dict['l_g_pix'] = l_g_pix
- if self.cri_ldl:
- pixel_weight = get_refined_artifact_map(self.gt, self.output, self.output_ema, 7)
- l_g_ldl = self.cri_ldl(torch.mul(pixel_weight, self.output), torch.mul(pixel_weight, self.gt))
- l_g_total += l_g_ldl
- loss_dict['l_g_ldl'] = l_g_ldl
- # perceptual loss
- if self.cri_perceptual:
- l_g_percep, l_g_style = self.cri_perceptual(self.output, percep_gt)
- if l_g_percep is not None:
- l_g_total += l_g_percep
- loss_dict['l_g_percep'] = l_g_percep
- if l_g_style is not None:
- l_g_total += l_g_style
- loss_dict['l_g_style'] = l_g_style
- # gan loss
- fake_g_pred = self.net_d(self.output)
- l_g_gan = self.cri_gan(fake_g_pred, True, is_disc=False)
- l_g_total += l_g_gan
- loss_dict['l_g_gan'] = l_g_gan
- l_g_total.backward()
- self.optimizer_g.step()
- # optimize net_d
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = True
- self.optimizer_d.zero_grad()
- # real
- real_d_pred = self.net_d(gan_gt)
- l_d_real = self.cri_gan(real_d_pred, True, is_disc=True)
- loss_dict['l_d_real'] = l_d_real
- loss_dict['out_d_real'] = torch.mean(real_d_pred.detach())
- l_d_real.backward()
- # fake
- fake_d_pred = self.net_d(self.output.detach().clone()) # clone for pt1.9
- l_d_fake = self.cri_gan(fake_d_pred, False, is_disc=True)
- loss_dict['l_d_fake'] = l_d_fake
- loss_dict['out_d_fake'] = torch.mean(fake_d_pred.detach())
- l_d_fake.backward()
- self.optimizer_d.step()
- if self.ema_decay > 0:
- self.model_ema(decay=self.ema_decay)
- self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict)
diff --git a/basicsr/models/realesrnet_model.py b/basicsr/models/realesrnet_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f5790918b969682a0db0e2ed9236b7046d627b90..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/realesrnet_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import random
-import torch
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.data.degradations import random_add_gaussian_noise_pt, random_add_poisson_noise_pt
-from basicsr.data.transforms import paired_random_crop
-from basicsr.models.sr_model import SRModel
-from basicsr.utils import DiffJPEG, USMSharp
-from basicsr.utils.img_process_util import filter2D
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-class RealESRNetModel(SRModel):
- """RealESRNet Model for Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data.
- It is trained without GAN losses.
- It mainly performs:
- 1. randomly synthesize LQ images in GPU tensors
- 2. optimize the networks with GAN training.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(RealESRNetModel, self).__init__(opt)
- self.jpeger = DiffJPEG(differentiable=False).cuda() # simulate JPEG compression artifacts
- self.usm_sharpener = USMSharp().cuda() # do usm sharpening
- self.queue_size = opt.get('queue_size', 180)
- @torch.no_grad()
- def _dequeue_and_enqueue(self):
- """It is the training pair pool for increasing the diversity in a batch.
- Batch processing limits the diversity of synthetic degradations in a batch. For example, samples in a
- batch could not have different resize scaling factors. Therefore, we employ this training pair pool
- to increase the degradation diversity in a batch.
- """
- # initialize
- b, c, h, w = self.lq.size()
- if not hasattr(self, 'queue_lr'):
- assert self.queue_size % b == 0, f'queue size {self.queue_size} should be divisible by batch size {b}'
- self.queue_lr = torch.zeros(self.queue_size, c, h, w).cuda()
- _, c, h, w = self.gt.size()
- self.queue_gt = torch.zeros(self.queue_size, c, h, w).cuda()
- self.queue_ptr = 0
- if self.queue_ptr == self.queue_size: # the pool is full
- # do dequeue and enqueue
- # shuffle
- idx = torch.randperm(self.queue_size)
- self.queue_lr = self.queue_lr[idx]
- self.queue_gt = self.queue_gt[idx]
- # get first b samples
- lq_dequeue = self.queue_lr[0:b, :, :, :].clone()
- gt_dequeue = self.queue_gt[0:b, :, :, :].clone()
- # update the queue
- self.queue_lr[0:b, :, :, :] = self.lq.clone()
- self.queue_gt[0:b, :, :, :] = self.gt.clone()
- self.lq = lq_dequeue
- self.gt = gt_dequeue
- else:
- # only do enqueue
- self.queue_lr[self.queue_ptr:self.queue_ptr + b, :, :, :] = self.lq.clone()
- self.queue_gt[self.queue_ptr:self.queue_ptr + b, :, :, :] = self.gt.clone()
- self.queue_ptr = self.queue_ptr + b
- @torch.no_grad()
- def feed_data(self, data):
- """Accept data from dataloader, and then add two-order degradations to obtain LQ images.
- """
- if self.is_train and self.opt.get('high_order_degradation', True):
- # training data synthesis
- self.gt = data['gt'].to(self.device)
- # USM sharpen the GT images
- if self.opt['gt_usm'] is True:
- self.gt = self.usm_sharpener(self.gt)
- self.kernel1 = data['kernel1'].to(self.device)
- self.kernel2 = data['kernel2'].to(self.device)
- self.sinc_kernel = data['sinc_kernel'].to(self.device)
- ori_h, ori_w = self.gt.size()[2:4]
- # ----------------------- The first degradation process ----------------------- #
- # blur
- out = filter2D(self.gt, self.kernel1)
- # random resize
- updown_type = random.choices(['up', 'down', 'keep'], self.opt['resize_prob'])[0]
- if updown_type == 'up':
- scale = np.random.uniform(1, self.opt['resize_range'][1])
- elif updown_type == 'down':
- scale = np.random.uniform(self.opt['resize_range'][0], 1)
- else:
- scale = 1
- mode = random.choice(['area', 'bilinear', 'bicubic'])
- out = F.interpolate(out, scale_factor=scale, mode=mode)
- # add noise
- gray_noise_prob = self.opt['gray_noise_prob']
- if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['gaussian_noise_prob']:
- out = random_add_gaussian_noise_pt(
- out, sigma_range=self.opt['noise_range'], clip=True, rounds=False, gray_prob=gray_noise_prob)
- else:
- out = random_add_poisson_noise_pt(
- out,
- scale_range=self.opt['poisson_scale_range'],
- gray_prob=gray_noise_prob,
- clip=True,
- rounds=False)
- # JPEG compression
- jpeg_p = out.new_zeros(out.size(0)).uniform_(*self.opt['jpeg_range'])
- out = torch.clamp(out, 0, 1) # clamp to [0, 1], otherwise JPEGer will result in unpleasant artifacts
- out = self.jpeger(out, quality=jpeg_p)
- # ----------------------- The second degradation process ----------------------- #
- # blur
- if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['second_blur_prob']:
- out = filter2D(out, self.kernel2)
- # random resize
- updown_type = random.choices(['up', 'down', 'keep'], self.opt['resize_prob2'])[0]
- if updown_type == 'up':
- scale = np.random.uniform(1, self.opt['resize_range2'][1])
- elif updown_type == 'down':
- scale = np.random.uniform(self.opt['resize_range2'][0], 1)
- else:
- scale = 1
- mode = random.choice(['area', 'bilinear', 'bicubic'])
- out = F.interpolate(
- out, size=(int(ori_h / self.opt['scale'] * scale), int(ori_w / self.opt['scale'] * scale)), mode=mode)
- # add noise
- gray_noise_prob = self.opt['gray_noise_prob2']
- if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['gaussian_noise_prob2']:
- out = random_add_gaussian_noise_pt(
- out, sigma_range=self.opt['noise_range2'], clip=True, rounds=False, gray_prob=gray_noise_prob)
- else:
- out = random_add_poisson_noise_pt(
- out,
- scale_range=self.opt['poisson_scale_range2'],
- gray_prob=gray_noise_prob,
- clip=True,
- rounds=False)
- # JPEG compression + the final sinc filter
- # We also need to resize images to desired sizes. We group [resize back + sinc filter] together
- # as one operation.
- # We consider two orders:
- # 1. [resize back + sinc filter] + JPEG compression
- # 2. JPEG compression + [resize back + sinc filter]
- # Empirically, we find other combinations (sinc + JPEG + Resize) will introduce twisted lines.
- if np.random.uniform() < 0.5:
- # resize back + the final sinc filter
- mode = random.choice(['area', 'bilinear', 'bicubic'])
- out = F.interpolate(out, size=(ori_h // self.opt['scale'], ori_w // self.opt['scale']), mode=mode)
- out = filter2D(out, self.sinc_kernel)
- # JPEG compression
- jpeg_p = out.new_zeros(out.size(0)).uniform_(*self.opt['jpeg_range2'])
- out = torch.clamp(out, 0, 1)
- out = self.jpeger(out, quality=jpeg_p)
- else:
- # JPEG compression
- jpeg_p = out.new_zeros(out.size(0)).uniform_(*self.opt['jpeg_range2'])
- out = torch.clamp(out, 0, 1)
- out = self.jpeger(out, quality=jpeg_p)
- # resize back + the final sinc filter
- mode = random.choice(['area', 'bilinear', 'bicubic'])
- out = F.interpolate(out, size=(ori_h // self.opt['scale'], ori_w // self.opt['scale']), mode=mode)
- out = filter2D(out, self.sinc_kernel)
- # clamp and round
- self.lq = torch.clamp((out * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
- # random crop
- gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
- self.gt, self.lq = paired_random_crop(self.gt, self.lq, gt_size, self.opt['scale'])
- # training pair pool
- self._dequeue_and_enqueue()
- self.lq = self.lq.contiguous() # for the warning: grad and param do not obey the gradient layout contract
- else:
- # for paired training or validation
- self.lq = data['lq'].to(self.device)
- if 'gt' in data:
- self.gt = data['gt'].to(self.device)
- self.gt_usm = self.usm_sharpener(self.gt)
- def nondist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img):
- # do not use the synthetic process during validation
- self.is_train = False
- super(RealESRNetModel, self).nondist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img)
- self.is_train = True
diff --git a/basicsr/models/sr_model.py b/basicsr/models/sr_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 787f1fd2eab5963579c764c1bfb87199b7dd196f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/sr_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from os import path as osp
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from basicsr.archs import build_network
-from basicsr.losses import build_loss
-from basicsr.metrics import calculate_metric
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger, imwrite, tensor2img
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-from .base_model import BaseModel
-class SRModel(BaseModel):
- """Base SR model for single image super-resolution."""
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(SRModel, self).__init__(opt)
- # define network
- self.net_g = build_network(opt['network_g'])
- self.net_g = self.model_to_device(self.net_g)
- self.print_network(self.net_g)
- # load pretrained models
- load_path = self.opt['path'].get('pretrain_network_g', None)
- if load_path is not None:
- param_key = self.opt['path'].get('param_key_g', 'params')
- self.load_network(self.net_g, load_path, self.opt['path'].get('strict_load_g', True), param_key)
- if self.is_train:
- self.init_training_settings()
- def init_training_settings(self):
- self.net_g.train()
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- self.ema_decay = train_opt.get('ema_decay', 0)
- if self.ema_decay > 0:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Use Exponential Moving Average with decay: {self.ema_decay}')
- # define network net_g with Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
- # net_g_ema is used only for testing on one GPU and saving
- # There is no need to wrap with DistributedDataParallel
- self.net_g_ema = build_network(self.opt['network_g']).to(self.device)
- # load pretrained model
- load_path = self.opt['path'].get('pretrain_network_g', None)
- if load_path is not None:
- self.load_network(self.net_g_ema, load_path, self.opt['path'].get('strict_load_g', True), 'params_ema')
- else:
- self.model_ema(0) # copy net_g weight
- self.net_g_ema.eval()
- # define losses
- if train_opt.get('pixel_opt'):
- self.cri_pix = build_loss(train_opt['pixel_opt']).to(self.device)
- else:
- self.cri_pix = None
- if train_opt.get('perceptual_opt'):
- self.cri_perceptual = build_loss(train_opt['perceptual_opt']).to(self.device)
- else:
- self.cri_perceptual = None
- if self.cri_pix is None and self.cri_perceptual is None:
- raise ValueError('Both pixel and perceptual losses are None.')
- # set up optimizers and schedulers
- self.setup_optimizers()
- self.setup_schedulers()
- def setup_optimizers(self):
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- optim_params = []
- for k, v in self.net_g.named_parameters():
- if v.requires_grad:
- optim_params.append(v)
- else:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.warning(f'Params {k} will not be optimized.')
- optim_type = train_opt['optim_g'].pop('type')
- self.optimizer_g = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, optim_params, **train_opt['optim_g'])
- self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_g)
- def feed_data(self, data):
- self.lq = data['lq'].to(self.device)
- if 'gt' in data:
- self.gt = data['gt'].to(self.device)
- def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter):
- self.optimizer_g.zero_grad()
- self.output = self.net_g(self.lq)
- l_total = 0
- loss_dict = OrderedDict()
- # pixel loss
- if self.cri_pix:
- l_pix = self.cri_pix(self.output, self.gt)
- l_total += l_pix
- loss_dict['l_pix'] = l_pix
- # perceptual loss
- if self.cri_perceptual:
- l_percep, l_style = self.cri_perceptual(self.output, self.gt)
- if l_percep is not None:
- l_total += l_percep
- loss_dict['l_percep'] = l_percep
- if l_style is not None:
- l_total += l_style
- loss_dict['l_style'] = l_style
- l_total.backward()
- self.optimizer_g.step()
- self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict)
- if self.ema_decay > 0:
- self.model_ema(decay=self.ema_decay)
- def test(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'net_g_ema'):
- self.net_g_ema.eval()
- with torch.no_grad():
- self.output = self.net_g_ema(self.lq)
- else:
- self.net_g.eval()
- with torch.no_grad():
- self.output = self.net_g(self.lq)
- self.net_g.train()
- def test_selfensemble(self):
- # TODO: to be tested
- # 8 augmentations
- # modified from https://github.com/thstkdgus35/EDSR-PyTorch
- def _transform(v, op):
- # if self.precision != 'single': v = v.float()
- v2np = v.data.cpu().numpy()
- if op == 'v':
- tfnp = v2np[:, :, :, ::-1].copy()
- elif op == 'h':
- tfnp = v2np[:, :, ::-1, :].copy()
- elif op == 't':
- tfnp = v2np.transpose((0, 1, 3, 2)).copy()
- ret = torch.Tensor(tfnp).to(self.device)
- # if self.precision == 'half': ret = ret.half()
- return ret
- # prepare augmented data
- lq_list = [self.lq]
- for tf in 'v', 'h', 't':
- lq_list.extend([_transform(t, tf) for t in lq_list])
- # inference
- if hasattr(self, 'net_g_ema'):
- self.net_g_ema.eval()
- with torch.no_grad():
- out_list = [self.net_g_ema(aug) for aug in lq_list]
- else:
- self.net_g.eval()
- with torch.no_grad():
- out_list = [self.net_g_ema(aug) for aug in lq_list]
- self.net_g.train()
- # merge results
- for i in range(len(out_list)):
- if i > 3:
- out_list[i] = _transform(out_list[i], 't')
- if i % 4 > 1:
- out_list[i] = _transform(out_list[i], 'h')
- if (i % 4) % 2 == 1:
- out_list[i] = _transform(out_list[i], 'v')
- output = torch.cat(out_list, dim=0)
- self.output = output.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
- def dist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img):
- if self.opt['rank'] == 0:
- self.nondist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img)
- def nondist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img):
- dataset_name = dataloader.dataset.opt['name']
- with_metrics = self.opt['val'].get('metrics') is not None
- use_pbar = self.opt['val'].get('pbar', False)
- if with_metrics:
- if not hasattr(self, 'metric_results'): # only execute in the first run
- self.metric_results = {metric: 0 for metric in self.opt['val']['metrics'].keys()}
- # initialize the best metric results for each dataset_name (supporting multiple validation datasets)
- self._initialize_best_metric_results(dataset_name)
- # zero self.metric_results
- if with_metrics:
- self.metric_results = {metric: 0 for metric in self.metric_results}
- metric_data = dict()
- if use_pbar:
- pbar = tqdm(total=len(dataloader), unit='image')
- for idx, val_data in enumerate(dataloader):
- img_name = osp.splitext(osp.basename(val_data['lq_path'][0]))[0]
- self.feed_data(val_data)
- self.test()
- visuals = self.get_current_visuals()
- sr_img = tensor2img([visuals['result']])
- metric_data['img'] = sr_img
- if 'gt' in visuals:
- gt_img = tensor2img([visuals['gt']])
- metric_data['img2'] = gt_img
- del self.gt
- # tentative for out of GPU memory
- del self.lq
- del self.output
- torch.cuda.empty_cache()
- if save_img:
- if self.opt['is_train']:
- save_img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], img_name,
- f'{img_name}_{current_iter}.png')
- else:
- if self.opt['val']['suffix']:
- save_img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], dataset_name,
- f'{img_name}_{self.opt["val"]["suffix"]}.png')
- else:
- save_img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], dataset_name,
- f'{img_name}_{self.opt["name"]}.png')
- imwrite(sr_img, save_img_path)
- if with_metrics:
- # calculate metrics
- for name, opt_ in self.opt['val']['metrics'].items():
- self.metric_results[name] += calculate_metric(metric_data, opt_)
- if use_pbar:
- pbar.update(1)
- pbar.set_description(f'Test {img_name}')
- if use_pbar:
- pbar.close()
- if with_metrics:
- for metric in self.metric_results.keys():
- self.metric_results[metric] /= (idx + 1)
- # update the best metric result
- self._update_best_metric_result(dataset_name, metric, self.metric_results[metric], current_iter)
- self._log_validation_metric_values(current_iter, dataset_name, tb_logger)
- def _log_validation_metric_values(self, current_iter, dataset_name, tb_logger):
- log_str = f'Validation {dataset_name}\n'
- for metric, value in self.metric_results.items():
- log_str += f'\t # {metric}: {value:.4f}'
- if hasattr(self, 'best_metric_results'):
- log_str += (f'\tBest: {self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["val"]:.4f} @ '
- f'{self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["iter"]} iter')
- log_str += '\n'
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(log_str)
- if tb_logger:
- for metric, value in self.metric_results.items():
- tb_logger.add_scalar(f'metrics/{dataset_name}/{metric}', value, current_iter)
- def get_current_visuals(self):
- out_dict = OrderedDict()
- out_dict['lq'] = self.lq.detach().cpu()
- out_dict['result'] = self.output.detach().cpu()
- if hasattr(self, 'gt'):
- out_dict['gt'] = self.gt.detach().cpu()
- return out_dict
- def save(self, epoch, current_iter):
- if hasattr(self, 'net_g_ema'):
- self.save_network([self.net_g, self.net_g_ema], 'net_g', current_iter, param_key=['params', 'params_ema'])
- else:
- self.save_network(self.net_g, 'net_g', current_iter)
- self.save_training_state(epoch, current_iter)
diff --git a/basicsr/models/srgan_model.py b/basicsr/models/srgan_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 45387ca7908e3f38f59a605adb8242ad12fcf1a1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/srgan_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from basicsr.archs import build_network
-from basicsr.losses import build_loss
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-from .sr_model import SRModel
-class SRGANModel(SRModel):
- """SRGAN model for single image super-resolution."""
- def init_training_settings(self):
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- self.ema_decay = train_opt.get('ema_decay', 0)
- if self.ema_decay > 0:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Use Exponential Moving Average with decay: {self.ema_decay}')
- # define network net_g with Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
- # net_g_ema is used only for testing on one GPU and saving
- # There is no need to wrap with DistributedDataParallel
- self.net_g_ema = build_network(self.opt['network_g']).to(self.device)
- # load pretrained model
- load_path = self.opt['path'].get('pretrain_network_g', None)
- if load_path is not None:
- self.load_network(self.net_g_ema, load_path, self.opt['path'].get('strict_load_g', True), 'params_ema')
- else:
- self.model_ema(0) # copy net_g weight
- self.net_g_ema.eval()
- # define network net_d
- self.net_d = build_network(self.opt['network_d'])
- self.net_d = self.model_to_device(self.net_d)
- self.print_network(self.net_d)
- # load pretrained models
- load_path = self.opt['path'].get('pretrain_network_d', None)
- if load_path is not None:
- param_key = self.opt['path'].get('param_key_d', 'params')
- self.load_network(self.net_d, load_path, self.opt['path'].get('strict_load_d', True), param_key)
- self.net_g.train()
- self.net_d.train()
- # define losses
- if train_opt.get('pixel_opt'):
- self.cri_pix = build_loss(train_opt['pixel_opt']).to(self.device)
- else:
- self.cri_pix = None
- if train_opt.get('ldl_opt'):
- self.cri_ldl = build_loss(train_opt['ldl_opt']).to(self.device)
- else:
- self.cri_ldl = None
- if train_opt.get('perceptual_opt'):
- self.cri_perceptual = build_loss(train_opt['perceptual_opt']).to(self.device)
- else:
- self.cri_perceptual = None
- if train_opt.get('gan_opt'):
- self.cri_gan = build_loss(train_opt['gan_opt']).to(self.device)
- self.net_d_iters = train_opt.get('net_d_iters', 1)
- self.net_d_init_iters = train_opt.get('net_d_init_iters', 0)
- # set up optimizers and schedulers
- self.setup_optimizers()
- self.setup_schedulers()
- def setup_optimizers(self):
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- # optimizer g
- optim_type = train_opt['optim_g'].pop('type')
- self.optimizer_g = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, self.net_g.parameters(), **train_opt['optim_g'])
- self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_g)
- # optimizer d
- optim_type = train_opt['optim_d'].pop('type')
- self.optimizer_d = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, self.net_d.parameters(), **train_opt['optim_d'])
- self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_d)
- def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter):
- # optimize net_g
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = False
- self.optimizer_g.zero_grad()
- self.output = self.net_g(self.lq)
- l_g_total = 0
- loss_dict = OrderedDict()
- if (current_iter % self.net_d_iters == 0 and current_iter > self.net_d_init_iters):
- # pixel loss
- if self.cri_pix:
- l_g_pix = self.cri_pix(self.output, self.gt)
- l_g_total += l_g_pix
- loss_dict['l_g_pix'] = l_g_pix
- # perceptual loss
- if self.cri_perceptual:
- l_g_percep, l_g_style = self.cri_perceptual(self.output, self.gt)
- if l_g_percep is not None:
- l_g_total += l_g_percep
- loss_dict['l_g_percep'] = l_g_percep
- if l_g_style is not None:
- l_g_total += l_g_style
- loss_dict['l_g_style'] = l_g_style
- # gan loss
- fake_g_pred = self.net_d(self.output)
- l_g_gan = self.cri_gan(fake_g_pred, True, is_disc=False)
- l_g_total += l_g_gan
- loss_dict['l_g_gan'] = l_g_gan
- l_g_total.backward()
- self.optimizer_g.step()
- # optimize net_d
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = True
- self.optimizer_d.zero_grad()
- # real
- real_d_pred = self.net_d(self.gt)
- l_d_real = self.cri_gan(real_d_pred, True, is_disc=True)
- loss_dict['l_d_real'] = l_d_real
- loss_dict['out_d_real'] = torch.mean(real_d_pred.detach())
- l_d_real.backward()
- # fake
- fake_d_pred = self.net_d(self.output.detach())
- l_d_fake = self.cri_gan(fake_d_pred, False, is_disc=True)
- loss_dict['l_d_fake'] = l_d_fake
- loss_dict['out_d_fake'] = torch.mean(fake_d_pred.detach())
- l_d_fake.backward()
- self.optimizer_d.step()
- self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict)
- if self.ema_decay > 0:
- self.model_ema(decay=self.ema_decay)
- def save(self, epoch, current_iter):
- if hasattr(self, 'net_g_ema'):
- self.save_network([self.net_g, self.net_g_ema], 'net_g', current_iter, param_key=['params', 'params_ema'])
- else:
- self.save_network(self.net_g, 'net_g', current_iter)
- self.save_network(self.net_d, 'net_d', current_iter)
- self.save_training_state(epoch, current_iter)
diff --git a/basicsr/models/stylegan2_model.py b/basicsr/models/stylegan2_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d7da708122160f2be51a98a6a635349f34ee042e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/stylegan2_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-import cv2
-import math
-import numpy as np
-import random
-import torch
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from os import path as osp
-from basicsr.archs import build_network
-from basicsr.losses import build_loss
-from basicsr.losses.gan_loss import g_path_regularize, r1_penalty
-from basicsr.utils import imwrite, tensor2img
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-from .base_model import BaseModel
-class StyleGAN2Model(BaseModel):
- """StyleGAN2 model."""
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(StyleGAN2Model, self).__init__(opt)
- # define network net_g
- self.net_g = build_network(opt['network_g'])
- self.net_g = self.model_to_device(self.net_g)
- self.print_network(self.net_g)
- # load pretrained model
- load_path = self.opt['path'].get('pretrain_network_g', None)
- if load_path is not None:
- param_key = self.opt['path'].get('param_key_g', 'params')
- self.load_network(self.net_g, load_path, self.opt['path'].get('strict_load_g', True), param_key)
- # latent dimension: self.num_style_feat
- self.num_style_feat = opt['network_g']['num_style_feat']
- num_val_samples = self.opt['val'].get('num_val_samples', 16)
- self.fixed_sample = torch.randn(num_val_samples, self.num_style_feat, device=self.device)
- if self.is_train:
- self.init_training_settings()
- def init_training_settings(self):
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- # define network net_d
- self.net_d = build_network(self.opt['network_d'])
- self.net_d = self.model_to_device(self.net_d)
- self.print_network(self.net_d)
- # load pretrained model
- load_path = self.opt['path'].get('pretrain_network_d', None)
- if load_path is not None:
- param_key = self.opt['path'].get('param_key_d', 'params')
- self.load_network(self.net_d, load_path, self.opt['path'].get('strict_load_d', True), param_key)
- # define network net_g with Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
- # net_g_ema only used for testing on one GPU and saving, do not need to
- # wrap with DistributedDataParallel
- self.net_g_ema = build_network(self.opt['network_g']).to(self.device)
- # load pretrained model
- load_path = self.opt['path'].get('pretrain_network_g', None)
- if load_path is not None:
- self.load_network(self.net_g_ema, load_path, self.opt['path'].get('strict_load_g', True), 'params_ema')
- else:
- self.model_ema(0) # copy net_g weight
- self.net_g.train()
- self.net_d.train()
- self.net_g_ema.eval()
- # define losses
- # gan loss (wgan)
- self.cri_gan = build_loss(train_opt['gan_opt']).to(self.device)
- # regularization weights
- self.r1_reg_weight = train_opt['r1_reg_weight'] # for discriminator
- self.path_reg_weight = train_opt['path_reg_weight'] # for generator
- self.net_g_reg_every = train_opt['net_g_reg_every']
- self.net_d_reg_every = train_opt['net_d_reg_every']
- self.mixing_prob = train_opt['mixing_prob']
- self.mean_path_length = 0
- # set up optimizers and schedulers
- self.setup_optimizers()
- self.setup_schedulers()
- def setup_optimizers(self):
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- # optimizer g
- net_g_reg_ratio = self.net_g_reg_every / (self.net_g_reg_every + 1)
- if self.opt['network_g']['type'] == 'StyleGAN2GeneratorC':
- normal_params = []
- style_mlp_params = []
- modulation_conv_params = []
- for name, param in self.net_g.named_parameters():
- if 'modulation' in name:
- normal_params.append(param)
- elif 'style_mlp' in name:
- style_mlp_params.append(param)
- elif 'modulated_conv' in name:
- modulation_conv_params.append(param)
- else:
- normal_params.append(param)
- optim_params_g = [
- { # add normal params first
- 'params': normal_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_g']['lr']
- },
- {
- 'params': style_mlp_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_g']['lr'] * 0.01
- },
- {
- 'params': modulation_conv_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_g']['lr'] / 3
- }
- ]
- else:
- normal_params = []
- for name, param in self.net_g.named_parameters():
- normal_params.append(param)
- optim_params_g = [{ # add normal params first
- 'params': normal_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_g']['lr']
- }]
- optim_type = train_opt['optim_g'].pop('type')
- lr = train_opt['optim_g']['lr'] * net_g_reg_ratio
- betas = (0**net_g_reg_ratio, 0.99**net_g_reg_ratio)
- self.optimizer_g = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, optim_params_g, lr, betas=betas)
- self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_g)
- # optimizer d
- net_d_reg_ratio = self.net_d_reg_every / (self.net_d_reg_every + 1)
- if self.opt['network_d']['type'] == 'StyleGAN2DiscriminatorC':
- normal_params = []
- linear_params = []
- for name, param in self.net_d.named_parameters():
- if 'final_linear' in name:
- linear_params.append(param)
- else:
- normal_params.append(param)
- optim_params_d = [
- { # add normal params first
- 'params': normal_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_d']['lr']
- },
- {
- 'params': linear_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_d']['lr'] * (1 / math.sqrt(512))
- }
- ]
- else:
- normal_params = []
- for name, param in self.net_d.named_parameters():
- normal_params.append(param)
- optim_params_d = [{ # add normal params first
- 'params': normal_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_d']['lr']
- }]
- optim_type = train_opt['optim_d'].pop('type')
- lr = train_opt['optim_d']['lr'] * net_d_reg_ratio
- betas = (0**net_d_reg_ratio, 0.99**net_d_reg_ratio)
- self.optimizer_d = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, optim_params_d, lr, betas=betas)
- self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_d)
- def feed_data(self, data):
- self.real_img = data['gt'].to(self.device)
- def make_noise(self, batch, num_noise):
- if num_noise == 1:
- noises = torch.randn(batch, self.num_style_feat, device=self.device)
- else:
- noises = torch.randn(num_noise, batch, self.num_style_feat, device=self.device).unbind(0)
- return noises
- def mixing_noise(self, batch, prob):
- if random.random() < prob:
- return self.make_noise(batch, 2)
- else:
- return [self.make_noise(batch, 1)]
- def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter):
- loss_dict = OrderedDict()
- # optimize net_d
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = True
- self.optimizer_d.zero_grad()
- batch = self.real_img.size(0)
- noise = self.mixing_noise(batch, self.mixing_prob)
- fake_img, _ = self.net_g(noise)
- fake_pred = self.net_d(fake_img.detach())
- real_pred = self.net_d(self.real_img)
- # wgan loss with softplus (logistic loss) for discriminator
- l_d = self.cri_gan(real_pred, True, is_disc=True) + self.cri_gan(fake_pred, False, is_disc=True)
- loss_dict['l_d'] = l_d
- # In wgan, real_score should be positive and fake_score should be
- # negative
- loss_dict['real_score'] = real_pred.detach().mean()
- loss_dict['fake_score'] = fake_pred.detach().mean()
- l_d.backward()
- if current_iter % self.net_d_reg_every == 0:
- self.real_img.requires_grad = True
- real_pred = self.net_d(self.real_img)
- l_d_r1 = r1_penalty(real_pred, self.real_img)
- l_d_r1 = (self.r1_reg_weight / 2 * l_d_r1 * self.net_d_reg_every + 0 * real_pred[0])
- # TODO: why do we need to add 0 * real_pred, otherwise, a runtime
- # error will arise: RuntimeError: Expected to have finished
- # reduction in the prior iteration before starting a new one.
- # This error indicates that your module has parameters that were
- # not used in producing loss.
- loss_dict['l_d_r1'] = l_d_r1.detach().mean()
- l_d_r1.backward()
- self.optimizer_d.step()
- # optimize net_g
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = False
- self.optimizer_g.zero_grad()
- noise = self.mixing_noise(batch, self.mixing_prob)
- fake_img, _ = self.net_g(noise)
- fake_pred = self.net_d(fake_img)
- # wgan loss with softplus (non-saturating loss) for generator
- l_g = self.cri_gan(fake_pred, True, is_disc=False)
- loss_dict['l_g'] = l_g
- l_g.backward()
- if current_iter % self.net_g_reg_every == 0:
- path_batch_size = max(1, batch // self.opt['train']['path_batch_shrink'])
- noise = self.mixing_noise(path_batch_size, self.mixing_prob)
- fake_img, latents = self.net_g(noise, return_latents=True)
- l_g_path, path_lengths, self.mean_path_length = g_path_regularize(fake_img, latents, self.mean_path_length)
- l_g_path = (self.path_reg_weight * self.net_g_reg_every * l_g_path + 0 * fake_img[0, 0, 0, 0])
- # TODO: why do we need to add 0 * fake_img[0, 0, 0, 0]
- l_g_path.backward()
- loss_dict['l_g_path'] = l_g_path.detach().mean()
- loss_dict['path_length'] = path_lengths
- self.optimizer_g.step()
- self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict)
- # EMA
- self.model_ema(decay=0.5**(32 / (10 * 1000)))
- def test(self):
- with torch.no_grad():
- self.net_g_ema.eval()
- self.output, _ = self.net_g_ema([self.fixed_sample])
- def dist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img):
- if self.opt['rank'] == 0:
- self.nondist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img)
- def nondist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img):
- assert dataloader is None, 'Validation dataloader should be None.'
- self.test()
- result = tensor2img(self.output, min_max=(-1, 1))
- if self.opt['is_train']:
- save_img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], 'train', f'train_{current_iter}.png')
- else:
- save_img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], 'test', f'test_{self.opt["name"]}.png')
- imwrite(result, save_img_path)
- # add sample images to tb_logger
- result = (result / 255.).astype(np.float32)
- result = cv2.cvtColor(result, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
- if tb_logger is not None:
- tb_logger.add_image('samples', result, global_step=current_iter, dataformats='HWC')
- def save(self, epoch, current_iter):
- self.save_network([self.net_g, self.net_g_ema], 'net_g', current_iter, param_key=['params', 'params_ema'])
- self.save_network(self.net_d, 'net_d', current_iter)
- self.save_training_state(epoch, current_iter)
diff --git a/basicsr/models/swinir_model.py b/basicsr/models/swinir_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ac182f23b4a300aff14b2b45fcdca8c00da90c1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/swinir_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-from .sr_model import SRModel
-class SwinIRModel(SRModel):
- def test(self):
- # pad to multiplication of window_size
- window_size = self.opt['network_g']['window_size']
- scale = self.opt.get('scale', 1)
- mod_pad_h, mod_pad_w = 0, 0
- _, _, h, w = self.lq.size()
- if h % window_size != 0:
- mod_pad_h = window_size - h % window_size
- if w % window_size != 0:
- mod_pad_w = window_size - w % window_size
- img = F.pad(self.lq, (0, mod_pad_w, 0, mod_pad_h), 'reflect')
- if hasattr(self, 'net_g_ema'):
- self.net_g_ema.eval()
- with torch.no_grad():
- self.output = self.net_g_ema(img)
- else:
- self.net_g.eval()
- with torch.no_grad():
- self.output = self.net_g(img)
- self.net_g.train()
- _, _, h, w = self.output.size()
- self.output = self.output[:, :, 0:h - mod_pad_h * scale, 0:w - mod_pad_w * scale]
diff --git a/basicsr/models/video_base_model.py b/basicsr/models/video_base_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f7993a15e585526135d1ede094f4dcff47f64db..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/video_base_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from collections import Counter
-from os import path as osp
-from torch import distributed as dist
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from basicsr.metrics import calculate_metric
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger, imwrite, tensor2img
-from basicsr.utils.dist_util import get_dist_info
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-from .sr_model import SRModel
-class VideoBaseModel(SRModel):
- """Base video SR model."""
- def dist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img):
- dataset = dataloader.dataset
- dataset_name = dataset.opt['name']
- with_metrics = self.opt['val']['metrics'] is not None
- # initialize self.metric_results
- # It is a dict: {
- # 'folder1': tensor (num_frame x len(metrics)),
- # 'folder2': tensor (num_frame x len(metrics))
- # }
- if with_metrics:
- if not hasattr(self, 'metric_results'): # only execute in the first run
- self.metric_results = {}
- num_frame_each_folder = Counter(dataset.data_info['folder'])
- for folder, num_frame in num_frame_each_folder.items():
- self.metric_results[folder] = torch.zeros(
- num_frame, len(self.opt['val']['metrics']), dtype=torch.float32, device='cuda')
- # initialize the best metric results
- self._initialize_best_metric_results(dataset_name)
- # zero self.metric_results
- rank, world_size = get_dist_info()
- if with_metrics:
- for _, tensor in self.metric_results.items():
- tensor.zero_()
- metric_data = dict()
- # record all frames (border and center frames)
- if rank == 0:
- pbar = tqdm(total=len(dataset), unit='frame')
- for idx in range(rank, len(dataset), world_size):
- val_data = dataset[idx]
- val_data['lq'].unsqueeze_(0)
- val_data['gt'].unsqueeze_(0)
- folder = val_data['folder']
- frame_idx, max_idx = val_data['idx'].split('/')
- lq_path = val_data['lq_path']
- self.feed_data(val_data)
- self.test()
- visuals = self.get_current_visuals()
- result_img = tensor2img([visuals['result']])
- metric_data['img'] = result_img
- if 'gt' in visuals:
- gt_img = tensor2img([visuals['gt']])
- metric_data['img2'] = gt_img
- del self.gt
- # tentative for out of GPU memory
- del self.lq
- del self.output
- torch.cuda.empty_cache()
- if save_img:
- if self.opt['is_train']:
- raise NotImplementedError('saving image is not supported during training.')
- else:
- if 'vimeo' in dataset_name.lower(): # vimeo90k dataset
- split_result = lq_path.split('/')
- img_name = f'{split_result[-3]}_{split_result[-2]}_{split_result[-1].split(".")[0]}'
- else: # other datasets, e.g., REDS, Vid4
- img_name = osp.splitext(osp.basename(lq_path))[0]
- if self.opt['val']['suffix']:
- save_img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], dataset_name, folder,
- f'{img_name}_{self.opt["val"]["suffix"]}.png')
- else:
- save_img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], dataset_name, folder,
- f'{img_name}_{self.opt["name"]}.png')
- imwrite(result_img, save_img_path)
- if with_metrics:
- # calculate metrics
- for metric_idx, opt_ in enumerate(self.opt['val']['metrics'].values()):
- result = calculate_metric(metric_data, opt_)
- self.metric_results[folder][int(frame_idx), metric_idx] += result
- # progress bar
- if rank == 0:
- for _ in range(world_size):
- pbar.update(1)
- pbar.set_description(f'Test {folder}: {int(frame_idx) + world_size}/{max_idx}')
- if rank == 0:
- pbar.close()
- if with_metrics:
- if self.opt['dist']:
- # collect data among GPUs
- for _, tensor in self.metric_results.items():
- dist.reduce(tensor, 0)
- dist.barrier()
- else:
- pass # assume use one gpu in non-dist testing
- if rank == 0:
- self._log_validation_metric_values(current_iter, dataset_name, tb_logger)
- def nondist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img):
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.warning('nondist_validation is not implemented. Run dist_validation.')
- self.dist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img)
- def _log_validation_metric_values(self, current_iter, dataset_name, tb_logger):
- # ----------------- calculate the average values for each folder, and for each metric ----------------- #
- # average all frames for each sub-folder
- # metric_results_avg is a dict:{
- # 'folder1': tensor (len(metrics)),
- # 'folder2': tensor (len(metrics))
- # }
- metric_results_avg = {
- folder: torch.mean(tensor, dim=0).cpu()
- for (folder, tensor) in self.metric_results.items()
- }
- # total_avg_results is a dict: {
- # 'metric1': float,
- # 'metric2': float
- # }
- total_avg_results = {metric: 0 for metric in self.opt['val']['metrics'].keys()}
- for folder, tensor in metric_results_avg.items():
- for idx, metric in enumerate(total_avg_results.keys()):
- total_avg_results[metric] += metric_results_avg[folder][idx].item()
- # average among folders
- for metric in total_avg_results.keys():
- total_avg_results[metric] /= len(metric_results_avg)
- # update the best metric result
- self._update_best_metric_result(dataset_name, metric, total_avg_results[metric], current_iter)
- # ------------------------------------------ log the metric ------------------------------------------ #
- log_str = f'Validation {dataset_name}\n'
- for metric_idx, (metric, value) in enumerate(total_avg_results.items()):
- log_str += f'\t # {metric}: {value:.4f}'
- for folder, tensor in metric_results_avg.items():
- log_str += f'\t # {folder}: {tensor[metric_idx].item():.4f}'
- if hasattr(self, 'best_metric_results'):
- log_str += (f'\n\t Best: {self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["val"]:.4f} @ '
- f'{self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["iter"]} iter')
- log_str += '\n'
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(log_str)
- if tb_logger:
- for metric_idx, (metric, value) in enumerate(total_avg_results.items()):
- tb_logger.add_scalar(f'metrics/{metric}', value, current_iter)
- for folder, tensor in metric_results_avg.items():
- tb_logger.add_scalar(f'metrics/{metric}/{folder}', tensor[metric_idx].item(), current_iter)
diff --git a/basicsr/models/video_gan_model.py b/basicsr/models/video_gan_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a2adcdeee59e494dd7d1c285919fac5c99cd9efb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/video_gan_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-from .srgan_model import SRGANModel
-from .video_base_model import VideoBaseModel
-class VideoGANModel(SRGANModel, VideoBaseModel):
- """Video GAN model.
- Use multiple inheritance.
- It will first use the functions of :class:`SRGANModel`:
- - :func:`init_training_settings`
- - :func:`setup_optimizers`
- - :func:`optimize_parameters`
- - :func:`save`
- Then find functions in :class:`VideoBaseModel`.
- """
diff --git a/basicsr/models/video_recurrent_gan_model.py b/basicsr/models/video_recurrent_gan_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 74cf81145c50ffafb220d22b51e56746dee5ba41..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/video_recurrent_gan_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from basicsr.archs import build_network
-from basicsr.losses import build_loss
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-from .video_recurrent_model import VideoRecurrentModel
-class VideoRecurrentGANModel(VideoRecurrentModel):
- def init_training_settings(self):
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- self.ema_decay = train_opt.get('ema_decay', 0)
- if self.ema_decay > 0:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Use Exponential Moving Average with decay: {self.ema_decay}')
- # build network net_g with Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
- # net_g_ema only used for testing on one GPU and saving.
- # There is no need to wrap with DistributedDataParallel
- self.net_g_ema = build_network(self.opt['network_g']).to(self.device)
- # load pretrained model
- load_path = self.opt['path'].get('pretrain_network_g', None)
- if load_path is not None:
- self.load_network(self.net_g_ema, load_path, self.opt['path'].get('strict_load_g', True), 'params_ema')
- else:
- self.model_ema(0) # copy net_g weight
- self.net_g_ema.eval()
- # define network net_d
- self.net_d = build_network(self.opt['network_d'])
- self.net_d = self.model_to_device(self.net_d)
- self.print_network(self.net_d)
- # load pretrained models
- load_path = self.opt['path'].get('pretrain_network_d', None)
- if load_path is not None:
- param_key = self.opt['path'].get('param_key_d', 'params')
- self.load_network(self.net_d, load_path, self.opt['path'].get('strict_load_d', True), param_key)
- self.net_g.train()
- self.net_d.train()
- # define losses
- if train_opt.get('pixel_opt'):
- self.cri_pix = build_loss(train_opt['pixel_opt']).to(self.device)
- else:
- self.cri_pix = None
- if train_opt.get('perceptual_opt'):
- self.cri_perceptual = build_loss(train_opt['perceptual_opt']).to(self.device)
- else:
- self.cri_perceptual = None
- if train_opt.get('gan_opt'):
- self.cri_gan = build_loss(train_opt['gan_opt']).to(self.device)
- self.net_d_iters = train_opt.get('net_d_iters', 1)
- self.net_d_init_iters = train_opt.get('net_d_init_iters', 0)
- # set up optimizers and schedulers
- self.setup_optimizers()
- self.setup_schedulers()
- def setup_optimizers(self):
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- if train_opt['fix_flow']:
- normal_params = []
- flow_params = []
- for name, param in self.net_g.named_parameters():
- if 'spynet' in name: # The fix_flow now only works for spynet.
- flow_params.append(param)
- else:
- normal_params.append(param)
- optim_params = [
- { # add flow params first
- 'params': flow_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['lr_flow']
- },
- {
- 'params': normal_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_g']['lr']
- },
- ]
- else:
- optim_params = self.net_g.parameters()
- # optimizer g
- optim_type = train_opt['optim_g'].pop('type')
- self.optimizer_g = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, optim_params, **train_opt['optim_g'])
- self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_g)
- # optimizer d
- optim_type = train_opt['optim_d'].pop('type')
- self.optimizer_d = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, self.net_d.parameters(), **train_opt['optim_d'])
- self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_d)
- def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter):
- logger = get_root_logger()
- # optimize net_g
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = False
- if self.fix_flow_iter:
- if current_iter == 1:
- logger.info(f'Fix flow network and feature extractor for {self.fix_flow_iter} iters.')
- for name, param in self.net_g.named_parameters():
- if 'spynet' in name or 'edvr' in name:
- param.requires_grad_(False)
- elif current_iter == self.fix_flow_iter:
- logger.warning('Train all the parameters.')
- self.net_g.requires_grad_(True)
- self.optimizer_g.zero_grad()
- self.output = self.net_g(self.lq)
- _, _, c, h, w = self.output.size()
- l_g_total = 0
- loss_dict = OrderedDict()
- if (current_iter % self.net_d_iters == 0 and current_iter > self.net_d_init_iters):
- # pixel loss
- if self.cri_pix:
- l_g_pix = self.cri_pix(self.output, self.gt)
- l_g_total += l_g_pix
- loss_dict['l_g_pix'] = l_g_pix
- # perceptual loss
- if self.cri_perceptual:
- l_g_percep, l_g_style = self.cri_perceptual(self.output.view(-1, c, h, w), self.gt.view(-1, c, h, w))
- if l_g_percep is not None:
- l_g_total += l_g_percep
- loss_dict['l_g_percep'] = l_g_percep
- if l_g_style is not None:
- l_g_total += l_g_style
- loss_dict['l_g_style'] = l_g_style
- # gan loss
- fake_g_pred = self.net_d(self.output.view(-1, c, h, w))
- l_g_gan = self.cri_gan(fake_g_pred, True, is_disc=False)
- l_g_total += l_g_gan
- loss_dict['l_g_gan'] = l_g_gan
- l_g_total.backward()
- self.optimizer_g.step()
- # optimize net_d
- for p in self.net_d.parameters():
- p.requires_grad = True
- self.optimizer_d.zero_grad()
- # real
- # reshape to (b*n, c, h, w)
- real_d_pred = self.net_d(self.gt.view(-1, c, h, w))
- l_d_real = self.cri_gan(real_d_pred, True, is_disc=True)
- loss_dict['l_d_real'] = l_d_real
- loss_dict['out_d_real'] = torch.mean(real_d_pred.detach())
- l_d_real.backward()
- # fake
- # reshape to (b*n, c, h, w)
- fake_d_pred = self.net_d(self.output.view(-1, c, h, w).detach())
- l_d_fake = self.cri_gan(fake_d_pred, False, is_disc=True)
- loss_dict['l_d_fake'] = l_d_fake
- loss_dict['out_d_fake'] = torch.mean(fake_d_pred.detach())
- l_d_fake.backward()
- self.optimizer_d.step()
- self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict)
- if self.ema_decay > 0:
- self.model_ema(decay=self.ema_decay)
- def save(self, epoch, current_iter):
- if self.ema_decay > 0:
- self.save_network([self.net_g, self.net_g_ema], 'net_g', current_iter, param_key=['params', 'params_ema'])
- else:
- self.save_network(self.net_g, 'net_g', current_iter)
- self.save_network(self.net_d, 'net_d', current_iter)
- self.save_training_state(epoch, current_iter)
diff --git a/basicsr/models/video_recurrent_model.py b/basicsr/models/video_recurrent_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 796ee57d5aeb84e81fe8dc769facc8339798cc3e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/models/video_recurrent_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-from collections import Counter
-from os import path as osp
-from torch import distributed as dist
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from basicsr.metrics import calculate_metric
-from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger, imwrite, tensor2img
-from basicsr.utils.dist_util import get_dist_info
-from basicsr.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY
-from .video_base_model import VideoBaseModel
-class VideoRecurrentModel(VideoBaseModel):
- def __init__(self, opt):
- super(VideoRecurrentModel, self).__init__(opt)
- if self.is_train:
- self.fix_flow_iter = opt['train'].get('fix_flow')
- def setup_optimizers(self):
- train_opt = self.opt['train']
- flow_lr_mul = train_opt.get('flow_lr_mul', 1)
- logger = get_root_logger()
- logger.info(f'Multiple the learning rate for flow network with {flow_lr_mul}.')
- if flow_lr_mul == 1:
- optim_params = self.net_g.parameters()
- else: # separate flow params and normal params for different lr
- normal_params = []
- flow_params = []
- for name, param in self.net_g.named_parameters():
- if 'spynet' in name:
- flow_params.append(param)
- else:
- normal_params.append(param)
- optim_params = [
- { # add normal params first
- 'params': normal_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_g']['lr']
- },
- {
- 'params': flow_params,
- 'lr': train_opt['optim_g']['lr'] * flow_lr_mul
- },
- ]
- optim_type = train_opt['optim_g'].pop('type')
- self.optimizer_g = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, optim_params, **train_opt['optim_g'])
- self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_g)
- def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter):
- if self.fix_flow_iter:
- logger = get_root_logger()
- if current_iter == 1:
- logger.info(f'Fix flow network and feature extractor for {self.fix_flow_iter} iters.')
- for name, param in self.net_g.named_parameters():
- if 'spynet' in name or 'edvr' in name:
- param.requires_grad_(False)
- elif current_iter == self.fix_flow_iter:
- logger.warning('Train all the parameters.')
- self.net_g.requires_grad_(True)
- super(VideoRecurrentModel, self).optimize_parameters(current_iter)
- def dist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img):
- dataset = dataloader.dataset
- dataset_name = dataset.opt['name']
- with_metrics = self.opt['val']['metrics'] is not None
- # initialize self.metric_results
- # It is a dict: {
- # 'folder1': tensor (num_frame x len(metrics)),
- # 'folder2': tensor (num_frame x len(metrics))
- # }
- if with_metrics:
- if not hasattr(self, 'metric_results'): # only execute in the first run
- self.metric_results = {}
- num_frame_each_folder = Counter(dataset.data_info['folder'])
- for folder, num_frame in num_frame_each_folder.items():
- self.metric_results[folder] = torch.zeros(
- num_frame, len(self.opt['val']['metrics']), dtype=torch.float32, device='cuda')
- # initialize the best metric results
- self._initialize_best_metric_results(dataset_name)
- # zero self.metric_results
- rank, world_size = get_dist_info()
- if with_metrics:
- for _, tensor in self.metric_results.items():
- tensor.zero_()
- metric_data = dict()
- num_folders = len(dataset)
- num_pad = (world_size - (num_folders % world_size)) % world_size
- if rank == 0:
- pbar = tqdm(total=len(dataset), unit='folder')
- # Will evaluate (num_folders + num_pad) times, but only the first num_folders results will be recorded.
- # (To avoid wait-dead)
- for i in range(rank, num_folders + num_pad, world_size):
- idx = min(i, num_folders - 1)
- val_data = dataset[idx]
- folder = val_data['folder']
- # compute outputs
- val_data['lq'].unsqueeze_(0)
- val_data['gt'].unsqueeze_(0)
- self.feed_data(val_data)
- val_data['lq'].squeeze_(0)
- val_data['gt'].squeeze_(0)
- self.test()
- visuals = self.get_current_visuals()
- # tentative for out of GPU memory
- del self.lq
- del self.output
- if 'gt' in visuals:
- del self.gt
- torch.cuda.empty_cache()
- if self.center_frame_only:
- visuals['result'] = visuals['result'].unsqueeze(1)
- if 'gt' in visuals:
- visuals['gt'] = visuals['gt'].unsqueeze(1)
- # evaluate
- if i < num_folders:
- for idx in range(visuals['result'].size(1)):
- result = visuals['result'][0, idx, :, :, :]
- result_img = tensor2img([result]) # uint8, bgr
- metric_data['img'] = result_img
- if 'gt' in visuals:
- gt = visuals['gt'][0, idx, :, :, :]
- gt_img = tensor2img([gt]) # uint8, bgr
- metric_data['img2'] = gt_img
- if save_img:
- if self.opt['is_train']:
- raise NotImplementedError('saving image is not supported during training.')
- else:
- if self.center_frame_only: # vimeo-90k
- clip_ = val_data['lq_path'].split('/')[-3]
- seq_ = val_data['lq_path'].split('/')[-2]
- name_ = f'{clip_}_{seq_}'
- img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], dataset_name, folder,
- f"{name_}_{self.opt['name']}.png")
- else: # others
- img_path = osp.join(self.opt['path']['visualization'], dataset_name, folder,
- f"{idx:08d}_{self.opt['name']}.png")
- # image name only for REDS dataset
- imwrite(result_img, img_path)
- # calculate metrics
- if with_metrics:
- for metric_idx, opt_ in enumerate(self.opt['val']['metrics'].values()):
- result = calculate_metric(metric_data, opt_)
- self.metric_results[folder][idx, metric_idx] += result
- # progress bar
- if rank == 0:
- for _ in range(world_size):
- pbar.update(1)
- pbar.set_description(f'Folder: {folder}')
- if rank == 0:
- pbar.close()
- if with_metrics:
- if self.opt['dist']:
- # collect data among GPUs
- for _, tensor in self.metric_results.items():
- dist.reduce(tensor, 0)
- dist.barrier()
- if rank == 0:
- self._log_validation_metric_values(current_iter, dataset_name, tb_logger)
- def test(self):
- n = self.lq.size(1)
- self.net_g.eval()
- flip_seq = self.opt['val'].get('flip_seq', False)
- self.center_frame_only = self.opt['val'].get('center_frame_only', False)
- if flip_seq:
- self.lq = torch.cat([self.lq, self.lq.flip(1)], dim=1)
- with torch.no_grad():
- self.output = self.net_g(self.lq)
- if flip_seq:
- output_1 = self.output[:, :n, :, :, :]
- output_2 = self.output[:, n:, :, :, :].flip(1)
- self.output = 0.5 * (output_1 + output_2)
- if self.center_frame_only:
- self.output = self.output[:, n // 2, :, :, :]
- self.net_g.train()
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/__init__.py b/basicsr/ops/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/dcn/__init__.py b/basicsr/ops/dcn/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 32e3592f896d61b4127e09d0476381b9d55e32ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/dcn/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-from .deform_conv import (DeformConv, DeformConvPack, ModulatedDeformConv, ModulatedDeformConvPack, deform_conv,
- modulated_deform_conv)
-__all__ = [
- 'DeformConv', 'DeformConvPack', 'ModulatedDeformConv', 'ModulatedDeformConvPack', 'deform_conv',
- 'modulated_deform_conv'
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/dcn/deform_conv.py b/basicsr/ops/dcn/deform_conv.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6268ca825d59ef4a30d4d2156c4438cbbe9b3c1e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/dcn/deform_conv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-import math
-import os
-import torch
-from torch import nn as nn
-from torch.autograd import Function
-from torch.autograd.function import once_differentiable
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-from torch.nn.modules.utils import _pair, _single
-if BASICSR_JIT == 'True':
- from torch.utils.cpp_extension import load
- module_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- deform_conv_ext = load(
- 'deform_conv',
- sources=[
- os.path.join(module_path, 'src', 'deform_conv_ext.cpp'),
- os.path.join(module_path, 'src', 'deform_conv_cuda.cpp'),
- os.path.join(module_path, 'src', 'deform_conv_cuda_kernel.cu'),
- ],
- )
- try:
- from . import deform_conv_ext
- except ImportError:
- pass
- # avoid annoying print output
- # print(f'Cannot import deform_conv_ext. Error: {error}. You may need to: \n '
- # '1. compile with BASICSR_EXT=True. or\n '
- # '2. set BASICSR_JIT=True during running')
-class DeformConvFunction(Function):
- @staticmethod
- def forward(ctx,
- input,
- offset,
- weight,
- stride=1,
- padding=0,
- dilation=1,
- groups=1,
- deformable_groups=1,
- im2col_step=64):
- if input is not None and input.dim() != 4:
- raise ValueError(f'Expected 4D tensor as input, got {input.dim()}D tensor instead.')
- ctx.stride = _pair(stride)
- ctx.padding = _pair(padding)
- ctx.dilation = _pair(dilation)
- ctx.groups = groups
- ctx.deformable_groups = deformable_groups
- ctx.im2col_step = im2col_step
- ctx.save_for_backward(input, offset, weight)
- output = input.new_empty(DeformConvFunction._output_size(input, weight, ctx.padding, ctx.dilation, ctx.stride))
- ctx.bufs_ = [input.new_empty(0), input.new_empty(0)] # columns, ones
- if not input.is_cuda:
- raise NotImplementedError
- else:
- cur_im2col_step = min(ctx.im2col_step, input.shape[0])
- assert (input.shape[0] % cur_im2col_step) == 0, 'im2col step must divide batchsize'
- deform_conv_ext.deform_conv_forward(input, weight,
- offset, output, ctx.bufs_[0], ctx.bufs_[1], weight.size(3),
- weight.size(2), ctx.stride[1], ctx.stride[0], ctx.padding[1],
- ctx.padding[0], ctx.dilation[1], ctx.dilation[0], ctx.groups,
- ctx.deformable_groups, cur_im2col_step)
- return output
- @staticmethod
- @once_differentiable
- def backward(ctx, grad_output):
- input, offset, weight = ctx.saved_tensors
- grad_input = grad_offset = grad_weight = None
- if not grad_output.is_cuda:
- raise NotImplementedError
- else:
- cur_im2col_step = min(ctx.im2col_step, input.shape[0])
- assert (input.shape[0] % cur_im2col_step) == 0, 'im2col step must divide batchsize'
- if ctx.needs_input_grad[0] or ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
- grad_input = torch.zeros_like(input)
- grad_offset = torch.zeros_like(offset)
- deform_conv_ext.deform_conv_backward_input(input, offset, grad_output, grad_input,
- grad_offset, weight, ctx.bufs_[0], weight.size(3),
- weight.size(2), ctx.stride[1], ctx.stride[0], ctx.padding[1],
- ctx.padding[0], ctx.dilation[1], ctx.dilation[0], ctx.groups,
- ctx.deformable_groups, cur_im2col_step)
- if ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
- grad_weight = torch.zeros_like(weight)
- deform_conv_ext.deform_conv_backward_parameters(input, offset, grad_output, grad_weight,
- ctx.bufs_[0], ctx.bufs_[1], weight.size(3),
- weight.size(2), ctx.stride[1], ctx.stride[0],
- ctx.padding[1], ctx.padding[0], ctx.dilation[1],
- ctx.dilation[0], ctx.groups, ctx.deformable_groups, 1,
- cur_im2col_step)
- return (grad_input, grad_offset, grad_weight, None, None, None, None, None)
- @staticmethod
- def _output_size(input, weight, padding, dilation, stride):
- channels = weight.size(0)
- output_size = (input.size(0), channels)
- for d in range(input.dim() - 2):
- in_size = input.size(d + 2)
- pad = padding[d]
- kernel = dilation[d] * (weight.size(d + 2) - 1) + 1
- stride_ = stride[d]
- output_size += ((in_size + (2 * pad) - kernel) // stride_ + 1, )
- if not all(map(lambda s: s > 0, output_size)):
- raise ValueError(f'convolution input is too small (output would be {"x".join(map(str, output_size))})')
- return output_size
-class ModulatedDeformConvFunction(Function):
- @staticmethod
- def forward(ctx,
- input,
- offset,
- mask,
- weight,
- bias=None,
- stride=1,
- padding=0,
- dilation=1,
- groups=1,
- deformable_groups=1):
- ctx.stride = stride
- ctx.padding = padding
- ctx.dilation = dilation
- ctx.groups = groups
- ctx.deformable_groups = deformable_groups
- ctx.with_bias = bias is not None
- if not ctx.with_bias:
- bias = input.new_empty(1) # fake tensor
- if not input.is_cuda:
- raise NotImplementedError
- if weight.requires_grad or mask.requires_grad or offset.requires_grad or input.requires_grad:
- ctx.save_for_backward(input, offset, mask, weight, bias)
- output = input.new_empty(ModulatedDeformConvFunction._infer_shape(ctx, input, weight))
- ctx._bufs = [input.new_empty(0), input.new_empty(0)]
- deform_conv_ext.modulated_deform_conv_forward(input, weight, bias, ctx._bufs[0], offset, mask, output,
- ctx._bufs[1], weight.shape[2], weight.shape[3], ctx.stride,
- ctx.stride, ctx.padding, ctx.padding, ctx.dilation, ctx.dilation,
- ctx.groups, ctx.deformable_groups, ctx.with_bias)
- return output
- @staticmethod
- @once_differentiable
- def backward(ctx, grad_output):
- if not grad_output.is_cuda:
- raise NotImplementedError
- input, offset, mask, weight, bias = ctx.saved_tensors
- grad_input = torch.zeros_like(input)
- grad_offset = torch.zeros_like(offset)
- grad_mask = torch.zeros_like(mask)
- grad_weight = torch.zeros_like(weight)
- grad_bias = torch.zeros_like(bias)
- deform_conv_ext.modulated_deform_conv_backward(input, weight, bias, ctx._bufs[0], offset, mask, ctx._bufs[1],
- grad_input, grad_weight, grad_bias, grad_offset, grad_mask,
- grad_output, weight.shape[2], weight.shape[3], ctx.stride,
- ctx.stride, ctx.padding, ctx.padding, ctx.dilation, ctx.dilation,
- ctx.groups, ctx.deformable_groups, ctx.with_bias)
- if not ctx.with_bias:
- grad_bias = None
- return (grad_input, grad_offset, grad_mask, grad_weight, grad_bias, None, None, None, None, None)
- @staticmethod
- def _infer_shape(ctx, input, weight):
- n = input.size(0)
- channels_out = weight.size(0)
- height, width = input.shape[2:4]
- kernel_h, kernel_w = weight.shape[2:4]
- height_out = (height + 2 * ctx.padding - (ctx.dilation * (kernel_h - 1) + 1)) // ctx.stride + 1
- width_out = (width + 2 * ctx.padding - (ctx.dilation * (kernel_w - 1) + 1)) // ctx.stride + 1
- return n, channels_out, height_out, width_out
-deform_conv = DeformConvFunction.apply
-modulated_deform_conv = ModulatedDeformConvFunction.apply
-class DeformConv(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self,
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size,
- stride=1,
- padding=0,
- dilation=1,
- groups=1,
- deformable_groups=1,
- bias=False):
- super(DeformConv, self).__init__()
- assert not bias
- assert in_channels % groups == 0, f'in_channels {in_channels} is not divisible by groups {groups}'
- assert out_channels % groups == 0, f'out_channels {out_channels} is not divisible by groups {groups}'
- self.in_channels = in_channels
- self.out_channels = out_channels
- self.kernel_size = _pair(kernel_size)
- self.stride = _pair(stride)
- self.padding = _pair(padding)
- self.dilation = _pair(dilation)
- self.groups = groups
- self.deformable_groups = deformable_groups
- # enable compatibility with nn.Conv2d
- self.transposed = False
- self.output_padding = _single(0)
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // self.groups, *self.kernel_size))
- self.reset_parameters()
- def reset_parameters(self):
- n = self.in_channels
- for k in self.kernel_size:
- n *= k
- stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(n)
- self.weight.data.uniform_(-stdv, stdv)
- def forward(self, x, offset):
- # To fix an assert error in deform_conv_cuda.cpp:128
- # input image is smaller than kernel
- input_pad = (x.size(2) < self.kernel_size[0] or x.size(3) < self.kernel_size[1])
- if input_pad:
- pad_h = max(self.kernel_size[0] - x.size(2), 0)
- pad_w = max(self.kernel_size[1] - x.size(3), 0)
- x = F.pad(x, (0, pad_w, 0, pad_h), 'constant', 0).contiguous()
- offset = F.pad(offset, (0, pad_w, 0, pad_h), 'constant', 0).contiguous()
- out = deform_conv(x, offset, self.weight, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups,
- self.deformable_groups)
- if input_pad:
- out = out[:, :, :out.size(2) - pad_h, :out.size(3) - pad_w].contiguous()
- return out
-class DeformConvPack(DeformConv):
- """A Deformable Conv Encapsulation that acts as normal Conv layers.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- out_channels (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- kernel_size (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- stride (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- padding (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- dilation (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- groups (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- bias (bool or str): If specified as `auto`, it will be decided by the
- norm_cfg. Bias will be set as True if norm_cfg is None, otherwise
- False.
- """
- _version = 2
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(DeformConvPack, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.conv_offset = nn.Conv2d(
- self.in_channels,
- self.deformable_groups * 2 * self.kernel_size[0] * self.kernel_size[1],
- kernel_size=self.kernel_size,
- stride=_pair(self.stride),
- padding=_pair(self.padding),
- dilation=_pair(self.dilation),
- bias=True)
- self.init_offset()
- def init_offset(self):
- self.conv_offset.weight.data.zero_()
- self.conv_offset.bias.data.zero_()
- def forward(self, x):
- offset = self.conv_offset(x)
- return deform_conv(x, offset, self.weight, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups,
- self.deformable_groups)
-class ModulatedDeformConv(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self,
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- kernel_size,
- stride=1,
- padding=0,
- dilation=1,
- groups=1,
- deformable_groups=1,
- bias=True):
- super(ModulatedDeformConv, self).__init__()
- self.in_channels = in_channels
- self.out_channels = out_channels
- self.kernel_size = _pair(kernel_size)
- self.stride = stride
- self.padding = padding
- self.dilation = dilation
- self.groups = groups
- self.deformable_groups = deformable_groups
- self.with_bias = bias
- # enable compatibility with nn.Conv2d
- self.transposed = False
- self.output_padding = _single(0)
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, *self.kernel_size))
- if bias:
- self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(out_channels))
- else:
- self.register_parameter('bias', None)
- self.init_weights()
- def init_weights(self):
- n = self.in_channels
- for k in self.kernel_size:
- n *= k
- stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(n)
- self.weight.data.uniform_(-stdv, stdv)
- if self.bias is not None:
- self.bias.data.zero_()
- def forward(self, x, offset, mask):
- return modulated_deform_conv(x, offset, mask, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation,
- self.groups, self.deformable_groups)
-class ModulatedDeformConvPack(ModulatedDeformConv):
- """A ModulatedDeformable Conv Encapsulation that acts as normal Conv layers.
- Args:
- in_channels (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- out_channels (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- kernel_size (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- stride (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- padding (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- dilation (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- groups (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
- bias (bool or str): If specified as `auto`, it will be decided by the
- norm_cfg. Bias will be set as True if norm_cfg is None, otherwise
- False.
- """
- _version = 2
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(ModulatedDeformConvPack, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.conv_offset = nn.Conv2d(
- self.in_channels,
- self.deformable_groups * 3 * self.kernel_size[0] * self.kernel_size[1],
- kernel_size=self.kernel_size,
- stride=_pair(self.stride),
- padding=_pair(self.padding),
- dilation=_pair(self.dilation),
- bias=True)
- self.init_weights()
- def init_weights(self):
- super(ModulatedDeformConvPack, self).init_weights()
- if hasattr(self, 'conv_offset'):
- self.conv_offset.weight.data.zero_()
- self.conv_offset.bias.data.zero_()
- def forward(self, x):
- out = self.conv_offset(x)
- o1, o2, mask = torch.chunk(out, 3, dim=1)
- offset = torch.cat((o1, o2), dim=1)
- mask = torch.sigmoid(mask)
- return modulated_deform_conv(x, offset, mask, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation,
- self.groups, self.deformable_groups)
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp b/basicsr/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b465c493a3dd67d320b7a8997fbd501d2f89c807..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,685 +0,0 @@
-// modify from
-// https://github.com/chengdazhi/Deformable-Convolution-V2-PyTorch/blob/mmdetection/mmdet/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.c
-void deformable_im2col(const at::Tensor data_im, const at::Tensor data_offset,
- const int channels, const int height, const int width,
- const int ksize_h, const int ksize_w, const int pad_h,
- const int pad_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int parallel_imgs, const int deformable_group,
- at::Tensor data_col);
-void deformable_col2im(const at::Tensor data_col, const at::Tensor data_offset,
- const int channels, const int height, const int width,
- const int ksize_h, const int ksize_w, const int pad_h,
- const int pad_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int parallel_imgs, const int deformable_group,
- at::Tensor grad_im);
-void deformable_col2im_coord(
- const at::Tensor data_col, const at::Tensor data_im,
- const at::Tensor data_offset, const int channels, const int height,
- const int width, const int ksize_h, const int ksize_w, const int pad_h,
- const int pad_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w, const int parallel_imgs,
- const int deformable_group, at::Tensor grad_offset);
-void modulated_deformable_im2col_cuda(
- const at::Tensor data_im, const at::Tensor data_offset,
- const at::Tensor data_mask, const int batch_size, const int channels,
- const int height_im, const int width_im, const int height_col,
- const int width_col, const int kernel_h, const int kenerl_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w, const int deformable_group,
- at::Tensor data_col);
-void modulated_deformable_col2im_cuda(
- const at::Tensor data_col, const at::Tensor data_offset,
- const at::Tensor data_mask, const int batch_size, const int channels,
- const int height_im, const int width_im, const int height_col,
- const int width_col, const int kernel_h, const int kenerl_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w, const int deformable_group,
- at::Tensor grad_im);
-void modulated_deformable_col2im_coord_cuda(
- const at::Tensor data_col, const at::Tensor data_im,
- const at::Tensor data_offset, const at::Tensor data_mask,
- const int batch_size, const int channels, const int height_im,
- const int width_im, const int height_col, const int width_col,
- const int kernel_h, const int kenerl_w, const int pad_h, const int pad_w,
- const int stride_h, const int stride_w, const int dilation_h,
- const int dilation_w, const int deformable_group, at::Tensor grad_offset,
- at::Tensor grad_mask);
-void shape_check(at::Tensor input, at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor *gradOutput,
- at::Tensor weight, int kH, int kW, int dH, int dW, int padH,
- int padW, int dilationH, int dilationW, int group,
- int deformable_group) {
- TORCH_CHECK(weight.ndimension() == 4,
- "4D weight tensor (nOutputPlane,nInputPlane,kH,kW) expected, "
- "but got: %s",
- weight.ndimension());
- TORCH_CHECK(weight.is_contiguous(), "weight tensor has to be contiguous");
- TORCH_CHECK(kW > 0 && kH > 0,
- "kernel size should be greater than zero, but got kH: %d kW: %d", kH,
- kW);
- TORCH_CHECK((weight.size(2) == kH && weight.size(3) == kW),
- "kernel size should be consistent with weight, ",
- "but got kH: %d kW: %d weight.size(2): %d, weight.size(3): %d", kH,
- kW, weight.size(2), weight.size(3));
- TORCH_CHECK(dW > 0 && dH > 0,
- "stride should be greater than zero, but got dH: %d dW: %d", dH, dW);
- dilationW > 0 && dilationH > 0,
- "dilation should be greater than 0, but got dilationH: %d dilationW: %d",
- dilationH, dilationW);
- int ndim = input.ndimension();
- int dimf = 0;
- int dimh = 1;
- int dimw = 2;
- if (ndim == 4) {
- dimf++;
- dimh++;
- dimw++;
- }
- TORCH_CHECK(ndim == 3 || ndim == 4, "3D or 4D input tensor expected but got: %s",
- ndim);
- long nInputPlane = weight.size(1) * group;
- long inputHeight = input.size(dimh);
- long inputWidth = input.size(dimw);
- long nOutputPlane = weight.size(0);
- long outputHeight =
- (inputHeight + 2 * padH - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1)) / dH + 1;
- long outputWidth =
- (inputWidth + 2 * padW - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1)) / dW + 1;
- TORCH_CHECK(nInputPlane % deformable_group == 0,
- "input channels must divide deformable group size");
- if (outputWidth < 1 || outputHeight < 1)
- "Given input size: (%ld x %ld x %ld). "
- "Calculated output size: (%ld x %ld x %ld). Output size is too small",
- nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth, nOutputPlane, outputHeight,
- outputWidth);
- TORCH_CHECK(input.size(1) == nInputPlane,
- "invalid number of input planes, expected: %d, but got: %d",
- nInputPlane, input.size(1));
- TORCH_CHECK((inputHeight >= kH && inputWidth >= kW),
- "input image is smaller than kernel");
- TORCH_CHECK((offset.size(2) == outputHeight && offset.size(3) == outputWidth),
- "invalid spatial size of offset, expected height: %d width: %d, but "
- "got height: %d width: %d",
- outputHeight, outputWidth, offset.size(2), offset.size(3));
- TORCH_CHECK((offset.size(1) == deformable_group * 2 * kH * kW),
- "invalid number of channels of offset");
- if (gradOutput != NULL) {
- TORCH_CHECK(gradOutput->size(dimf) == nOutputPlane,
- "invalid number of gradOutput planes, expected: %d, but got: %d",
- nOutputPlane, gradOutput->size(dimf));
- TORCH_CHECK((gradOutput->size(dimh) == outputHeight &&
- gradOutput->size(dimw) == outputWidth),
- "invalid size of gradOutput, expected height: %d width: %d , but "
- "got height: %d width: %d",
- outputHeight, outputWidth, gradOutput->size(dimh),
- gradOutput->size(dimw));
- }
-int deform_conv_forward_cuda(at::Tensor input, at::Tensor weight,
- at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor output,
- at::Tensor columns, at::Tensor ones, int kW,
- int kH, int dW, int dH, int padW, int padH,
- int dilationW, int dilationH, int group,
- int deformable_group, int im2col_step) {
- // todo: resize columns to include im2col: done
- // todo: add im2col_step as input
- // todo: add new output buffer and transpose it to output (or directly
- // transpose output) todo: possibly change data indexing because of
- // parallel_imgs
- shape_check(input, offset, NULL, weight, kH, kW, dH, dW, padH, padW,
- dilationH, dilationW, group, deformable_group);
- at::DeviceGuard guard(input.device());
- input = input.contiguous();
- offset = offset.contiguous();
- weight = weight.contiguous();
- int batch = 1;
- if (input.ndimension() == 3) {
- // Force batch
- batch = 0;
- input.unsqueeze_(0);
- offset.unsqueeze_(0);
- }
- // todo: assert batchsize dividable by im2col_step
- long batchSize = input.size(0);
- long nInputPlane = input.size(1);
- long inputHeight = input.size(2);
- long inputWidth = input.size(3);
- long nOutputPlane = weight.size(0);
- long outputWidth =
- (inputWidth + 2 * padW - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1)) / dW + 1;
- long outputHeight =
- (inputHeight + 2 * padH - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1)) / dH + 1;
- TORCH_CHECK((offset.size(0) == batchSize), "invalid batch size of offset");
- output = output.view({batchSize / im2col_step, im2col_step, nOutputPlane,
- outputHeight, outputWidth});
- columns = at::zeros(
- {nInputPlane * kW * kH, im2col_step * outputHeight * outputWidth},
- input.options());
- if (ones.ndimension() != 2 ||
- ones.size(0) * ones.size(1) < outputHeight * outputWidth) {
- ones = at::ones({outputHeight, outputWidth}, input.options());
- }
- input = input.view({batchSize / im2col_step, im2col_step, nInputPlane,
- inputHeight, inputWidth});
- offset =
- offset.view({batchSize / im2col_step, im2col_step,
- deformable_group * 2 * kH * kW, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- at::Tensor output_buffer =
- at::zeros({batchSize / im2col_step, nOutputPlane,
- im2col_step * outputHeight, outputWidth},
- output.options());
- output_buffer = output_buffer.view(
- {output_buffer.size(0), group, output_buffer.size(1) / group,
- output_buffer.size(2), output_buffer.size(3)});
- for (int elt = 0; elt < batchSize / im2col_step; elt++) {
- deformable_im2col(input[elt], offset[elt], nInputPlane, inputHeight,
- inputWidth, kH, kW, padH, padW, dH, dW, dilationH,
- dilationW, im2col_step, deformable_group, columns);
- columns = columns.view({group, columns.size(0) / group, columns.size(1)});
- weight = weight.view({group, weight.size(0) / group, weight.size(1),
- weight.size(2), weight.size(3)});
- for (int g = 0; g < group; g++) {
- output_buffer[elt][g] = output_buffer[elt][g]
- .flatten(1)
- .addmm_(weight[g].flatten(1), columns[g])
- .view_as(output_buffer[elt][g]);
- }
- }
- output_buffer = output_buffer.view(
- {output_buffer.size(0), output_buffer.size(1) * output_buffer.size(2),
- output_buffer.size(3), output_buffer.size(4)});
- output_buffer = output_buffer.view({batchSize / im2col_step, nOutputPlane,
- im2col_step, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- output_buffer.transpose_(1, 2);
- output.copy_(output_buffer);
- output = output.view({batchSize, nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- input = input.view({batchSize, nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth});
- offset = offset.view(
- {batchSize, deformable_group * 2 * kH * kW, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- if (batch == 0) {
- output = output.view({nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- input = input.view({nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth});
- offset = offset.view({offset.size(1), offset.size(2), offset.size(3)});
- }
- return 1;
-int deform_conv_backward_input_cuda(at::Tensor input, at::Tensor offset,
- at::Tensor gradOutput, at::Tensor gradInput,
- at::Tensor gradOffset, at::Tensor weight,
- at::Tensor columns, int kW, int kH, int dW,
- int dH, int padW, int padH, int dilationW,
- int dilationH, int group,
- int deformable_group, int im2col_step) {
- shape_check(input, offset, &gradOutput, weight, kH, kW, dH, dW, padH, padW,
- dilationH, dilationW, group, deformable_group);
- at::DeviceGuard guard(input.device());
- input = input.contiguous();
- offset = offset.contiguous();
- gradOutput = gradOutput.contiguous();
- weight = weight.contiguous();
- int batch = 1;
- if (input.ndimension() == 3) {
- // Force batch
- batch = 0;
- input = input.view({1, input.size(0), input.size(1), input.size(2)});
- offset = offset.view({1, offset.size(0), offset.size(1), offset.size(2)});
- gradOutput = gradOutput.view(
- {1, gradOutput.size(0), gradOutput.size(1), gradOutput.size(2)});
- }
- long batchSize = input.size(0);
- long nInputPlane = input.size(1);
- long inputHeight = input.size(2);
- long inputWidth = input.size(3);
- long nOutputPlane = weight.size(0);
- long outputWidth =
- (inputWidth + 2 * padW - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1)) / dW + 1;
- long outputHeight =
- (inputHeight + 2 * padH - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1)) / dH + 1;
- TORCH_CHECK((offset.size(0) == batchSize), 3, "invalid batch size of offset");
- gradInput = gradInput.view({batchSize, nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth});
- columns = at::zeros(
- {nInputPlane * kW * kH, im2col_step * outputHeight * outputWidth},
- input.options());
- // change order of grad output
- gradOutput = gradOutput.view({batchSize / im2col_step, im2col_step,
- nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- gradOutput.transpose_(1, 2);
- gradInput = gradInput.view({batchSize / im2col_step, im2col_step, nInputPlane,
- inputHeight, inputWidth});
- input = input.view({batchSize / im2col_step, im2col_step, nInputPlane,
- inputHeight, inputWidth});
- gradOffset = gradOffset.view({batchSize / im2col_step, im2col_step,
- deformable_group * 2 * kH * kW, outputHeight,
- outputWidth});
- offset =
- offset.view({batchSize / im2col_step, im2col_step,
- deformable_group * 2 * kH * kW, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- for (int elt = 0; elt < batchSize / im2col_step; elt++) {
- // divide into groups
- columns = columns.view({group, columns.size(0) / group, columns.size(1)});
- weight = weight.view({group, weight.size(0) / group, weight.size(1),
- weight.size(2), weight.size(3)});
- gradOutput = gradOutput.view(
- {gradOutput.size(0), group, gradOutput.size(1) / group,
- gradOutput.size(2), gradOutput.size(3), gradOutput.size(4)});
- for (int g = 0; g < group; g++) {
- columns[g] = columns[g].addmm_(weight[g].flatten(1).transpose(0, 1),
- gradOutput[elt][g].flatten(1), 0.0f, 1.0f);
- }
- columns =
- columns.view({columns.size(0) * columns.size(1), columns.size(2)});
- gradOutput = gradOutput.view(
- {gradOutput.size(0), gradOutput.size(1) * gradOutput.size(2),
- gradOutput.size(3), gradOutput.size(4), gradOutput.size(5)});
- deformable_col2im_coord(columns, input[elt], offset[elt], nInputPlane,
- inputHeight, inputWidth, kH, kW, padH, padW, dH, dW,
- dilationH, dilationW, im2col_step, deformable_group,
- gradOffset[elt]);
- deformable_col2im(columns, offset[elt], nInputPlane, inputHeight,
- inputWidth, kH, kW, padH, padW, dH, dW, dilationH,
- dilationW, im2col_step, deformable_group, gradInput[elt]);
- }
- gradOutput.transpose_(1, 2);
- gradOutput =
- gradOutput.view({batchSize, nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- gradInput = gradInput.view({batchSize, nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth});
- input = input.view({batchSize, nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth});
- gradOffset = gradOffset.view(
- {batchSize, deformable_group * 2 * kH * kW, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- offset = offset.view(
- {batchSize, deformable_group * 2 * kH * kW, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- if (batch == 0) {
- gradOutput = gradOutput.view({nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- input = input.view({nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth});
- gradInput = gradInput.view({nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth});
- offset = offset.view({offset.size(1), offset.size(2), offset.size(3)});
- gradOffset =
- gradOffset.view({offset.size(1), offset.size(2), offset.size(3)});
- }
- return 1;
-int deform_conv_backward_parameters_cuda(
- at::Tensor input, at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor gradOutput,
- at::Tensor gradWeight, // at::Tensor gradBias,
- at::Tensor columns, at::Tensor ones, int kW, int kH, int dW, int dH,
- int padW, int padH, int dilationW, int dilationH, int group,
- int deformable_group, float scale, int im2col_step) {
- // todo: transpose and reshape outGrad
- // todo: reshape columns
- // todo: add im2col_step as input
- shape_check(input, offset, &gradOutput, gradWeight, kH, kW, dH, dW, padH,
- padW, dilationH, dilationW, group, deformable_group);
- at::DeviceGuard guard(input.device());
- input = input.contiguous();
- offset = offset.contiguous();
- gradOutput = gradOutput.contiguous();
- int batch = 1;
- if (input.ndimension() == 3) {
- // Force batch
- batch = 0;
- input = input.view(
- at::IntList({1, input.size(0), input.size(1), input.size(2)}));
- gradOutput = gradOutput.view(
- {1, gradOutput.size(0), gradOutput.size(1), gradOutput.size(2)});
- }
- long batchSize = input.size(0);
- long nInputPlane = input.size(1);
- long inputHeight = input.size(2);
- long inputWidth = input.size(3);
- long nOutputPlane = gradWeight.size(0);
- long outputWidth =
- (inputWidth + 2 * padW - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1)) / dW + 1;
- long outputHeight =
- (inputHeight + 2 * padH - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1)) / dH + 1;
- TORCH_CHECK((offset.size(0) == batchSize), "invalid batch size of offset");
- columns = at::zeros(
- {nInputPlane * kW * kH, im2col_step * outputHeight * outputWidth},
- input.options());
- gradOutput = gradOutput.view({batchSize / im2col_step, im2col_step,
- nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- gradOutput.transpose_(1, 2);
- at::Tensor gradOutputBuffer = at::zeros_like(gradOutput);
- gradOutputBuffer =
- gradOutputBuffer.view({batchSize / im2col_step, nOutputPlane, im2col_step,
- outputHeight, outputWidth});
- gradOutputBuffer.copy_(gradOutput);
- gradOutputBuffer =
- gradOutputBuffer.view({batchSize / im2col_step, nOutputPlane,
- im2col_step * outputHeight, outputWidth});
- gradOutput.transpose_(1, 2);
- gradOutput =
- gradOutput.view({batchSize, nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- input = input.view({batchSize / im2col_step, im2col_step, nInputPlane,
- inputHeight, inputWidth});
- offset =
- offset.view({batchSize / im2col_step, im2col_step,
- deformable_group * 2 * kH * kW, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- for (int elt = 0; elt < batchSize / im2col_step; elt++) {
- deformable_im2col(input[elt], offset[elt], nInputPlane, inputHeight,
- inputWidth, kH, kW, padH, padW, dH, dW, dilationH,
- dilationW, im2col_step, deformable_group, columns);
- // divide into group
- gradOutputBuffer = gradOutputBuffer.view(
- {gradOutputBuffer.size(0), group, gradOutputBuffer.size(1) / group,
- gradOutputBuffer.size(2), gradOutputBuffer.size(3)});
- columns = columns.view({group, columns.size(0) / group, columns.size(1)});
- gradWeight =
- gradWeight.view({group, gradWeight.size(0) / group, gradWeight.size(1),
- gradWeight.size(2), gradWeight.size(3)});
- for (int g = 0; g < group; g++) {
- gradWeight[g] = gradWeight[g]
- .flatten(1)
- .addmm_(gradOutputBuffer[elt][g].flatten(1),
- columns[g].transpose(1, 0), 1.0, scale)
- .view_as(gradWeight[g]);
- }
- gradOutputBuffer = gradOutputBuffer.view(
- {gradOutputBuffer.size(0),
- gradOutputBuffer.size(1) * gradOutputBuffer.size(2),
- gradOutputBuffer.size(3), gradOutputBuffer.size(4)});
- columns =
- columns.view({columns.size(0) * columns.size(1), columns.size(2)});
- gradWeight = gradWeight.view({gradWeight.size(0) * gradWeight.size(1),
- gradWeight.size(2), gradWeight.size(3),
- gradWeight.size(4)});
- }
- input = input.view({batchSize, nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth});
- offset = offset.view(
- {batchSize, deformable_group * 2 * kH * kW, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- if (batch == 0) {
- gradOutput = gradOutput.view({nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth});
- input = input.view({nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth});
- }
- return 1;
-void modulated_deform_conv_cuda_forward(
- at::Tensor input, at::Tensor weight, at::Tensor bias, at::Tensor ones,
- at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor mask, at::Tensor output, at::Tensor columns,
- int kernel_h, int kernel_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int dilation_h,
- const int dilation_w, const int group, const int deformable_group,
- const bool with_bias) {
- TORCH_CHECK(input.is_contiguous(), "input tensor has to be contiguous");
- TORCH_CHECK(weight.is_contiguous(), "weight tensor has to be contiguous");
- at::DeviceGuard guard(input.device());
- const int batch = input.size(0);
- const int channels = input.size(1);
- const int height = input.size(2);
- const int width = input.size(3);
- const int channels_out = weight.size(0);
- const int channels_kernel = weight.size(1);
- const int kernel_h_ = weight.size(2);
- const int kernel_w_ = weight.size(3);
- if (kernel_h_ != kernel_h || kernel_w_ != kernel_w)
- AT_ERROR("Input shape and kernel shape won't match: (%d x %d vs %d x %d).",
- kernel_h_, kernel_w, kernel_h_, kernel_w_);
- if (channels != channels_kernel * group)
- AT_ERROR("Input shape and kernel channels won't match: (%d vs %d).",
- channels, channels_kernel * group);
- const int height_out =
- (height + 2 * pad_h - (dilation_h * (kernel_h - 1) + 1)) / stride_h + 1;
- const int width_out =
- (width + 2 * pad_w - (dilation_w * (kernel_w - 1) + 1)) / stride_w + 1;
- if (ones.ndimension() != 2 ||
- ones.size(0) * ones.size(1) < height_out * width_out) {
- // Resize plane and fill with ones...
- ones = at::ones({height_out, width_out}, input.options());
- }
- // resize output
- output = output.view({batch, channels_out, height_out, width_out}).zero_();
- // resize temporary columns
- columns =
- at::zeros({channels * kernel_h * kernel_w, 1 * height_out * width_out},
- input.options());
- output = output.view({output.size(0), group, output.size(1) / group,
- output.size(2), output.size(3)});
- for (int b = 0; b < batch; b++) {
- modulated_deformable_im2col_cuda(
- input[b], offset[b], mask[b], 1, channels, height, width, height_out,
- width_out, kernel_h, kernel_w, pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w,
- dilation_h, dilation_w, deformable_group, columns);
- // divide into group
- weight = weight.view({group, weight.size(0) / group, weight.size(1),
- weight.size(2), weight.size(3)});
- columns = columns.view({group, columns.size(0) / group, columns.size(1)});
- for (int g = 0; g < group; g++) {
- output[b][g] = output[b][g]
- .flatten(1)
- .addmm_(weight[g].flatten(1), columns[g])
- .view_as(output[b][g]);
- }
- weight = weight.view({weight.size(0) * weight.size(1), weight.size(2),
- weight.size(3), weight.size(4)});
- columns =
- columns.view({columns.size(0) * columns.size(1), columns.size(2)});
- }
- output = output.view({output.size(0), output.size(1) * output.size(2),
- output.size(3), output.size(4)});
- if (with_bias) {
- output += bias.view({1, bias.size(0), 1, 1});
- }
-void modulated_deform_conv_cuda_backward(
- at::Tensor input, at::Tensor weight, at::Tensor bias, at::Tensor ones,
- at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor mask, at::Tensor columns,
- at::Tensor grad_input, at::Tensor grad_weight, at::Tensor grad_bias,
- at::Tensor grad_offset, at::Tensor grad_mask, at::Tensor grad_output,
- int kernel_h, int kernel_w, int stride_h, int stride_w, int pad_h,
- int pad_w, int dilation_h, int dilation_w, int group, int deformable_group,
- const bool with_bias) {
- TORCH_CHECK(input.is_contiguous(), "input tensor has to be contiguous");
- TORCH_CHECK(weight.is_contiguous(), "weight tensor has to be contiguous");
- at::DeviceGuard guard(input.device());
- const int batch = input.size(0);
- const int channels = input.size(1);
- const int height = input.size(2);
- const int width = input.size(3);
- const int channels_kernel = weight.size(1);
- const int kernel_h_ = weight.size(2);
- const int kernel_w_ = weight.size(3);
- if (kernel_h_ != kernel_h || kernel_w_ != kernel_w)
- AT_ERROR("Input shape and kernel shape won't match: (%d x %d vs %d x %d).",
- kernel_h_, kernel_w, kernel_h_, kernel_w_);
- if (channels != channels_kernel * group)
- AT_ERROR("Input shape and kernel channels won't match: (%d vs %d).",
- channels, channels_kernel * group);
- const int height_out =
- (height + 2 * pad_h - (dilation_h * (kernel_h - 1) + 1)) / stride_h + 1;
- const int width_out =
- (width + 2 * pad_w - (dilation_w * (kernel_w - 1) + 1)) / stride_w + 1;
- if (ones.ndimension() != 2 ||
- ones.size(0) * ones.size(1) < height_out * width_out) {
- // Resize plane and fill with ones...
- ones = at::ones({height_out, width_out}, input.options());
- }
- grad_input = grad_input.view({batch, channels, height, width});
- columns = at::zeros({channels * kernel_h * kernel_w, height_out * width_out},
- input.options());
- grad_output =
- grad_output.view({grad_output.size(0), group, grad_output.size(1) / group,
- grad_output.size(2), grad_output.size(3)});
- for (int b = 0; b < batch; b++) {
- // divide int group
- columns = columns.view({group, columns.size(0) / group, columns.size(1)});
- weight = weight.view({group, weight.size(0) / group, weight.size(1),
- weight.size(2), weight.size(3)});
- for (int g = 0; g < group; g++) {
- columns[g].addmm_(weight[g].flatten(1).transpose(0, 1),
- grad_output[b][g].flatten(1), 0.0f, 1.0f);
- }
- columns =
- columns.view({columns.size(0) * columns.size(1), columns.size(2)});
- weight = weight.view({weight.size(0) * weight.size(1), weight.size(2),
- weight.size(3), weight.size(4)});
- // gradient w.r.t. input coordinate data
- modulated_deformable_col2im_coord_cuda(
- columns, input[b], offset[b], mask[b], 1, channels, height, width,
- height_out, width_out, kernel_h, kernel_w, pad_h, pad_w, stride_h,
- stride_w, dilation_h, dilation_w, deformable_group, grad_offset[b],
- grad_mask[b]);
- // gradient w.r.t. input data
- modulated_deformable_col2im_cuda(
- columns, offset[b], mask[b], 1, channels, height, width, height_out,
- width_out, kernel_h, kernel_w, pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w,
- dilation_h, dilation_w, deformable_group, grad_input[b]);
- // gradient w.r.t. weight, dWeight should accumulate across the batch and
- // group
- modulated_deformable_im2col_cuda(
- input[b], offset[b], mask[b], 1, channels, height, width, height_out,
- width_out, kernel_h, kernel_w, pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w,
- dilation_h, dilation_w, deformable_group, columns);
- columns = columns.view({group, columns.size(0) / group, columns.size(1)});
- grad_weight = grad_weight.view({group, grad_weight.size(0) / group,
- grad_weight.size(1), grad_weight.size(2),
- grad_weight.size(3)});
- if (with_bias)
- grad_bias = grad_bias.view({group, grad_bias.size(0) / group});
- for (int g = 0; g < group; g++) {
- grad_weight[g] =
- grad_weight[g]
- .flatten(1)
- .addmm_(grad_output[b][g].flatten(1), columns[g].transpose(0, 1))
- .view_as(grad_weight[g]);
- if (with_bias) {
- grad_bias[g] =
- grad_bias[g]
- .view({-1, 1})
- .addmm_(grad_output[b][g].flatten(1), ones.view({-1, 1}))
- .view(-1);
- }
- }
- columns =
- columns.view({columns.size(0) * columns.size(1), columns.size(2)});
- grad_weight = grad_weight.view({grad_weight.size(0) * grad_weight.size(1),
- grad_weight.size(2), grad_weight.size(3),
- grad_weight.size(4)});
- if (with_bias)
- grad_bias = grad_bias.view({grad_bias.size(0) * grad_bias.size(1)});
- }
- grad_output = grad_output.view({grad_output.size(0) * grad_output.size(1),
- grad_output.size(2), grad_output.size(3),
- grad_output.size(4)});
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda_kernel.cu b/basicsr/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda_kernel.cu
deleted file mode 100644
index 98752dccf8c58817ca1a952554dd3f33188a2d34..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda_kernel.cu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,867 +0,0 @@
- ******************* BEGIN Caffe Copyright Notice and Disclaimer ****************
- *
- *
- * All contributions by the University of California:
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 The Regents of the University of California (Regents)
- * All rights reserved.
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- * All other contributions:
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- * All rights reserved.
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- * Caffe uses a shared copyright model: each contributor holds copyright over
- * their contributions to Caffe. The project versioning records all such
- * contribution and copyright details. If a contributor wants to further mark
- * their specific copyright on a particular contribution, they should indicate
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- * Copyright (c) 2018 Microsoft
- * Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details]
- * \file modulated_deformable_im2col.cuh
- * \brief Function definitions of converting an image to
- * column matrix based on kernel, padding, dilation, and offset.
- * These functions are mainly used in deformable convolution operators.
- * \ref: https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.06211
- * \author Yuwen Xiong, Haozhi Qi, Jifeng Dai, Xizhou Zhu, Han Hu, Dazhi Cheng
- */
-// modified from https://github.com/chengdazhi/Deformable-Convolution-V2-PyTorch/blob/mmdetection/mmdet/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda_kernel.cu
-using namespace at;
-#define CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(i, n) \
- for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < (n); \
- i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x)
-const int CUDA_NUM_THREADS = 1024;
-const int kMaxGridNum = 65535;
-inline int GET_BLOCKS(const int N)
- return std::min(kMaxGridNum, (N + CUDA_NUM_THREADS - 1) / CUDA_NUM_THREADS);
-__device__ scalar_t deformable_im2col_bilinear(const scalar_t *bottom_data, const int data_width,
- const int height, const int width, scalar_t h, scalar_t w)
- int h_low = floor(h);
- int w_low = floor(w);
- int h_high = h_low + 1;
- int w_high = w_low + 1;
- scalar_t lh = h - h_low;
- scalar_t lw = w - w_low;
- scalar_t hh = 1 - lh, hw = 1 - lw;
- scalar_t v1 = 0;
- if (h_low >= 0 && w_low >= 0)
- v1 = bottom_data[h_low * data_width + w_low];
- scalar_t v2 = 0;
- if (h_low >= 0 && w_high <= width - 1)
- v2 = bottom_data[h_low * data_width + w_high];
- scalar_t v3 = 0;
- if (h_high <= height - 1 && w_low >= 0)
- v3 = bottom_data[h_high * data_width + w_low];
- scalar_t v4 = 0;
- if (h_high <= height - 1 && w_high <= width - 1)
- v4 = bottom_data[h_high * data_width + w_high];
- scalar_t w1 = hh * hw, w2 = hh * lw, w3 = lh * hw, w4 = lh * lw;
- scalar_t val = (w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4);
- return val;
-__device__ scalar_t get_gradient_weight(scalar_t argmax_h, scalar_t argmax_w,
- const int h, const int w, const int height, const int width)
- if (argmax_h <= -1 || argmax_h >= height || argmax_w <= -1 || argmax_w >= width)
- {
- //empty
- return 0;
- }
- int argmax_h_low = floor(argmax_h);
- int argmax_w_low = floor(argmax_w);
- int argmax_h_high = argmax_h_low + 1;
- int argmax_w_high = argmax_w_low + 1;
- scalar_t weight = 0;
- if (h == argmax_h_low && w == argmax_w_low)
- weight = (h + 1 - argmax_h) * (w + 1 - argmax_w);
- if (h == argmax_h_low && w == argmax_w_high)
- weight = (h + 1 - argmax_h) * (argmax_w + 1 - w);
- if (h == argmax_h_high && w == argmax_w_low)
- weight = (argmax_h + 1 - h) * (w + 1 - argmax_w);
- if (h == argmax_h_high && w == argmax_w_high)
- weight = (argmax_h + 1 - h) * (argmax_w + 1 - w);
- return weight;
-__device__ scalar_t get_coordinate_weight(scalar_t argmax_h, scalar_t argmax_w,
- const int height, const int width, const scalar_t *im_data,
- const int data_width, const int bp_dir)
- if (argmax_h <= -1 || argmax_h >= height || argmax_w <= -1 || argmax_w >= width)
- {
- //empty
- return 0;
- }
- int argmax_h_low = floor(argmax_h);
- int argmax_w_low = floor(argmax_w);
- int argmax_h_high = argmax_h_low + 1;
- int argmax_w_high = argmax_w_low + 1;
- scalar_t weight = 0;
- if (bp_dir == 0)
- {
- if (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
- weight += -1 * (argmax_w_low + 1 - argmax_w) * im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_low];
- if (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
- weight += -1 * (argmax_w - argmax_w_low) * im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_high];
- if (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
- weight += (argmax_w_low + 1 - argmax_w) * im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_low];
- if (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
- weight += (argmax_w - argmax_w_low) * im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_high];
- }
- else if (bp_dir == 1)
- {
- if (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
- weight += -1 * (argmax_h_low + 1 - argmax_h) * im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_low];
- if (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
- weight += (argmax_h_low + 1 - argmax_h) * im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_high];
- if (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
- weight += -1 * (argmax_h - argmax_h_low) * im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_low];
- if (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
- weight += (argmax_h - argmax_h_low) * im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_high];
- }
- return weight;
-__global__ void deformable_im2col_gpu_kernel(const int n, const scalar_t *data_im, const scalar_t *data_offset,
- const int height, const int width, const int kernel_h, const int kernel_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w, const int channel_per_deformable_group,
- const int batch_size, const int num_channels, const int deformable_group,
- const int height_col, const int width_col,
- scalar_t *data_col)
- CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, n)
- {
- // index index of output matrix
- const int w_col = index % width_col;
- const int h_col = (index / width_col) % height_col;
- const int b_col = (index / width_col / height_col) % batch_size;
- const int c_im = (index / width_col / height_col) / batch_size;
- const int c_col = c_im * kernel_h * kernel_w;
- // compute deformable group index
- const int deformable_group_index = c_im / channel_per_deformable_group;
- const int h_in = h_col * stride_h - pad_h;
- const int w_in = w_col * stride_w - pad_w;
- scalar_t *data_col_ptr = data_col + ((c_col * batch_size + b_col) * height_col + h_col) * width_col + w_col;
- //const scalar_t* data_im_ptr = data_im + ((b_col * num_channels + c_im) * height + h_in) * width + w_in;
- const scalar_t *data_im_ptr = data_im + (b_col * num_channels + c_im) * height * width;
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ptr = data_offset + (b_col * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * 2 * kernel_h * kernel_w * height_col * width_col;
- for (int i = 0; i < kernel_h; ++i)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < kernel_w; ++j)
- {
- const int data_offset_h_ptr = ((2 * (i * kernel_w + j)) * height_col + h_col) * width_col + w_col;
- const int data_offset_w_ptr = ((2 * (i * kernel_w + j) + 1) * height_col + h_col) * width_col + w_col;
- const scalar_t offset_h = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_h_ptr];
- const scalar_t offset_w = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_w_ptr];
- scalar_t val = static_cast(0);
- const scalar_t h_im = h_in + i * dilation_h + offset_h;
- const scalar_t w_im = w_in + j * dilation_w + offset_w;
- if (h_im > -1 && w_im > -1 && h_im < height && w_im < width)
- {
- //const scalar_t map_h = i * dilation_h + offset_h;
- //const scalar_t map_w = j * dilation_w + offset_w;
- //const int cur_height = height - h_in;
- //const int cur_width = width - w_in;
- //val = deformable_im2col_bilinear(data_im_ptr, width, cur_height, cur_width, map_h, map_w);
- val = deformable_im2col_bilinear(data_im_ptr, width, height, width, h_im, w_im);
- }
- *data_col_ptr = val;
- data_col_ptr += batch_size * height_col * width_col;
- }
- }
- }
-void deformable_im2col(
- const at::Tensor data_im, const at::Tensor data_offset, const int channels,
- const int height, const int width, const int ksize_h, const int ksize_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w, const int parallel_imgs,
- const int deformable_group, at::Tensor data_col)
- // num_axes should be smaller than block size
- // todo: check parallel_imgs is correctly passed in
- int height_col = (height + 2 * pad_h - (dilation_h * (ksize_h - 1) + 1)) / stride_h + 1;
- int width_col = (width + 2 * pad_w - (dilation_w * (ksize_w - 1) + 1)) / stride_w + 1;
- int num_kernels = channels * height_col * width_col * parallel_imgs;
- int channel_per_deformable_group = channels / deformable_group;
- data_im.scalar_type(), "deformable_im2col_gpu", ([&] {
- const scalar_t *data_im_ = data_im.data_ptr();
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ = data_offset.data_ptr();
- scalar_t *data_col_ = data_col.data_ptr();
- deformable_im2col_gpu_kernel<<>>(
- num_kernels, data_im_, data_offset_, height, width, ksize_h, ksize_w,
- pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w, dilation_h, dilation_w,
- channel_per_deformable_group, parallel_imgs, channels, deformable_group,
- height_col, width_col, data_col_);
- }));
- cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
- if (err != cudaSuccess)
- {
- printf("error in deformable_im2col: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
- }
-__global__ void deformable_col2im_gpu_kernel(
- const int n, const scalar_t *data_col, const scalar_t *data_offset,
- const int channels, const int height, const int width,
- const int kernel_h, const int kernel_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w,
- const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int channel_per_deformable_group,
- const int batch_size, const int deformable_group,
- const int height_col, const int width_col,
- scalar_t *grad_im)
- CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, n)
- {
- const int j = (index / width_col / height_col / batch_size) % kernel_w;
- const int i = (index / width_col / height_col / batch_size / kernel_w) % kernel_h;
- const int c = index / width_col / height_col / batch_size / kernel_w / kernel_h;
- // compute the start and end of the output
- const int deformable_group_index = c / channel_per_deformable_group;
- int w_out = index % width_col;
- int h_out = (index / width_col) % height_col;
- int b = (index / width_col / height_col) % batch_size;
- int w_in = w_out * stride_w - pad_w;
- int h_in = h_out * stride_h - pad_h;
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ptr = data_offset + (b * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) *
- 2 * kernel_h * kernel_w * height_col * width_col;
- const int data_offset_h_ptr = ((2 * (i * kernel_w + j)) * height_col + h_out) * width_col + w_out;
- const int data_offset_w_ptr = ((2 * (i * kernel_w + j) + 1) * height_col + h_out) * width_col + w_out;
- const scalar_t offset_h = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_h_ptr];
- const scalar_t offset_w = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_w_ptr];
- const scalar_t cur_inv_h_data = h_in + i * dilation_h + offset_h;
- const scalar_t cur_inv_w_data = w_in + j * dilation_w + offset_w;
- const scalar_t cur_top_grad = data_col[index];
- const int cur_h = (int)cur_inv_h_data;
- const int cur_w = (int)cur_inv_w_data;
- for (int dy = -2; dy <= 2; dy++)
- {
- for (int dx = -2; dx <= 2; dx++)
- {
- if (cur_h + dy >= 0 && cur_h + dy < height &&
- cur_w + dx >= 0 && cur_w + dx < width &&
- abs(cur_inv_h_data - (cur_h + dy)) < 1 &&
- abs(cur_inv_w_data - (cur_w + dx)) < 1)
- {
- int cur_bottom_grad_pos = ((b * channels + c) * height + cur_h + dy) * width + cur_w + dx;
- scalar_t weight = get_gradient_weight(cur_inv_h_data, cur_inv_w_data, cur_h + dy, cur_w + dx, height, width);
- atomicAdd(grad_im + cur_bottom_grad_pos, weight * cur_top_grad);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void deformable_col2im(
- const at::Tensor data_col, const at::Tensor data_offset, const int channels,
- const int height, const int width, const int ksize_h,
- const int ksize_w, const int pad_h, const int pad_w,
- const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int parallel_imgs, const int deformable_group,
- at::Tensor grad_im)
- // todo: make sure parallel_imgs is passed in correctly
- int height_col = (height + 2 * pad_h - (dilation_h * (ksize_h - 1) + 1)) / stride_h + 1;
- int width_col = (width + 2 * pad_w - (dilation_w * (ksize_w - 1) + 1)) / stride_w + 1;
- int num_kernels = channels * ksize_h * ksize_w * height_col * width_col * parallel_imgs;
- int channel_per_deformable_group = channels / deformable_group;
- data_col.scalar_type(), "deformable_col2im_gpu", ([&] {
- const scalar_t *data_col_ = data_col.data_ptr();
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ = data_offset.data_ptr();
- scalar_t *grad_im_ = grad_im.data_ptr();
- deformable_col2im_gpu_kernel<<>>(
- num_kernels, data_col_, data_offset_, channels, height, width, ksize_h,
- ksize_w, pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w,
- dilation_h, dilation_w, channel_per_deformable_group,
- parallel_imgs, deformable_group, height_col, width_col, grad_im_);
- }));
- cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
- if (err != cudaSuccess)
- {
- printf("error in deformable_col2im: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
- }
-__global__ void deformable_col2im_coord_gpu_kernel(const int n, const scalar_t *data_col,
- const scalar_t *data_im, const scalar_t *data_offset,
- const int channels, const int height, const int width,
- const int kernel_h, const int kernel_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w,
- const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int channel_per_deformable_group,
- const int batch_size, const int offset_channels, const int deformable_group,
- const int height_col, const int width_col, scalar_t *grad_offset)
- CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, n)
- {
- scalar_t val = 0;
- int w = index % width_col;
- int h = (index / width_col) % height_col;
- int c = (index / width_col / height_col) % offset_channels;
- int b = (index / width_col / height_col) / offset_channels;
- // compute the start and end of the output
- const int deformable_group_index = c / (2 * kernel_h * kernel_w);
- const int col_step = kernel_h * kernel_w;
- int cnt = 0;
- const scalar_t *data_col_ptr = data_col + deformable_group_index * channel_per_deformable_group *
- batch_size * width_col * height_col;
- const scalar_t *data_im_ptr = data_im + (b * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) *
- channel_per_deformable_group / kernel_h / kernel_w * height * width;
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ptr = data_offset + (b * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * 2 *
- kernel_h * kernel_w * height_col * width_col;
- const int offset_c = c - deformable_group_index * 2 * kernel_h * kernel_w;
- for (int col_c = (offset_c / 2); col_c < channel_per_deformable_group; col_c += col_step)
- {
- const int col_pos = (((col_c * batch_size + b) * height_col) + h) * width_col + w;
- const int bp_dir = offset_c % 2;
- int j = (col_pos / width_col / height_col / batch_size) % kernel_w;
- int i = (col_pos / width_col / height_col / batch_size / kernel_w) % kernel_h;
- int w_out = col_pos % width_col;
- int h_out = (col_pos / width_col) % height_col;
- int w_in = w_out * stride_w - pad_w;
- int h_in = h_out * stride_h - pad_h;
- const int data_offset_h_ptr = (((2 * (i * kernel_w + j)) * height_col + h_out) * width_col + w_out);
- const int data_offset_w_ptr = (((2 * (i * kernel_w + j) + 1) * height_col + h_out) * width_col + w_out);
- const scalar_t offset_h = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_h_ptr];
- const scalar_t offset_w = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_w_ptr];
- scalar_t inv_h = h_in + i * dilation_h + offset_h;
- scalar_t inv_w = w_in + j * dilation_w + offset_w;
- if (inv_h <= -1 || inv_w <= -1 || inv_h >= height || inv_w >= width)
- {
- inv_h = inv_w = -2;
- }
- const scalar_t weight = get_coordinate_weight(
- inv_h, inv_w,
- height, width, data_im_ptr + cnt * height * width, width, bp_dir);
- val += weight * data_col_ptr[col_pos];
- cnt += 1;
- }
- grad_offset[index] = val;
- }
-void deformable_col2im_coord(
- const at::Tensor data_col, const at::Tensor data_im, const at::Tensor data_offset,
- const int channels, const int height, const int width, const int ksize_h,
- const int ksize_w, const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int stride_h,
- const int stride_w, const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int parallel_imgs, const int deformable_group, at::Tensor grad_offset)
- int height_col = (height + 2 * pad_h - (dilation_h * (ksize_h - 1) + 1)) / stride_h + 1;
- int width_col = (width + 2 * pad_w - (dilation_w * (ksize_w - 1) + 1)) / stride_w + 1;
- int num_kernels = height_col * width_col * 2 * ksize_h * ksize_w * deformable_group * parallel_imgs;
- int channel_per_deformable_group = channels * ksize_h * ksize_w / deformable_group;
- data_col.scalar_type(), "deformable_col2im_coord_gpu", ([&] {
- const scalar_t *data_col_ = data_col.data_ptr();
- const scalar_t *data_im_ = data_im.data_ptr();
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ = data_offset.data_ptr();
- scalar_t *grad_offset_ = grad_offset.data_ptr();
- deformable_col2im_coord_gpu_kernel<<>>(
- num_kernels, data_col_, data_im_, data_offset_, channels, height, width,
- ksize_h, ksize_w, pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w,
- dilation_h, dilation_w, channel_per_deformable_group,
- parallel_imgs, 2 * ksize_h * ksize_w * deformable_group, deformable_group,
- height_col, width_col, grad_offset_);
- }));
-__device__ scalar_t dmcn_im2col_bilinear(const scalar_t *bottom_data, const int data_width,
- const int height, const int width, scalar_t h, scalar_t w)
- int h_low = floor(h);
- int w_low = floor(w);
- int h_high = h_low + 1;
- int w_high = w_low + 1;
- scalar_t lh = h - h_low;
- scalar_t lw = w - w_low;
- scalar_t hh = 1 - lh, hw = 1 - lw;
- scalar_t v1 = 0;
- if (h_low >= 0 && w_low >= 0)
- v1 = bottom_data[h_low * data_width + w_low];
- scalar_t v2 = 0;
- if (h_low >= 0 && w_high <= width - 1)
- v2 = bottom_data[h_low * data_width + w_high];
- scalar_t v3 = 0;
- if (h_high <= height - 1 && w_low >= 0)
- v3 = bottom_data[h_high * data_width + w_low];
- scalar_t v4 = 0;
- if (h_high <= height - 1 && w_high <= width - 1)
- v4 = bottom_data[h_high * data_width + w_high];
- scalar_t w1 = hh * hw, w2 = hh * lw, w3 = lh * hw, w4 = lh * lw;
- scalar_t val = (w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4);
- return val;
-__device__ scalar_t dmcn_get_gradient_weight(scalar_t argmax_h, scalar_t argmax_w,
- const int h, const int w, const int height, const int width)
- if (argmax_h <= -1 || argmax_h >= height || argmax_w <= -1 || argmax_w >= width)
- {
- //empty
- return 0;
- }
- int argmax_h_low = floor(argmax_h);
- int argmax_w_low = floor(argmax_w);
- int argmax_h_high = argmax_h_low + 1;
- int argmax_w_high = argmax_w_low + 1;
- scalar_t weight = 0;
- if (h == argmax_h_low && w == argmax_w_low)
- weight = (h + 1 - argmax_h) * (w + 1 - argmax_w);
- if (h == argmax_h_low && w == argmax_w_high)
- weight = (h + 1 - argmax_h) * (argmax_w + 1 - w);
- if (h == argmax_h_high && w == argmax_w_low)
- weight = (argmax_h + 1 - h) * (w + 1 - argmax_w);
- if (h == argmax_h_high && w == argmax_w_high)
- weight = (argmax_h + 1 - h) * (argmax_w + 1 - w);
- return weight;
-__device__ scalar_t dmcn_get_coordinate_weight(scalar_t argmax_h, scalar_t argmax_w,
- const int height, const int width, const scalar_t *im_data,
- const int data_width, const int bp_dir)
- if (argmax_h <= -1 || argmax_h >= height || argmax_w <= -1 || argmax_w >= width)
- {
- //empty
- return 0;
- }
- int argmax_h_low = floor(argmax_h);
- int argmax_w_low = floor(argmax_w);
- int argmax_h_high = argmax_h_low + 1;
- int argmax_w_high = argmax_w_low + 1;
- scalar_t weight = 0;
- if (bp_dir == 0)
- {
- if (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
- weight += -1 * (argmax_w_low + 1 - argmax_w) * im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_low];
- if (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
- weight += -1 * (argmax_w - argmax_w_low) * im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_high];
- if (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
- weight += (argmax_w_low + 1 - argmax_w) * im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_low];
- if (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
- weight += (argmax_w - argmax_w_low) * im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_high];
- }
- else if (bp_dir == 1)
- {
- if (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
- weight += -1 * (argmax_h_low + 1 - argmax_h) * im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_low];
- if (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
- weight += (argmax_h_low + 1 - argmax_h) * im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_high];
- if (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
- weight += -1 * (argmax_h - argmax_h_low) * im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_low];
- if (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
- weight += (argmax_h - argmax_h_low) * im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_high];
- }
- return weight;
-__global__ void modulated_deformable_im2col_gpu_kernel(const int n,
- const scalar_t *data_im, const scalar_t *data_offset, const scalar_t *data_mask,
- const int height, const int width, const int kernel_h, const int kernel_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w,
- const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int channel_per_deformable_group,
- const int batch_size, const int num_channels, const int deformable_group,
- const int height_col, const int width_col,
- scalar_t *data_col)
- CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, n)
- {
- // index index of output matrix
- const int w_col = index % width_col;
- const int h_col = (index / width_col) % height_col;
- const int b_col = (index / width_col / height_col) % batch_size;
- const int c_im = (index / width_col / height_col) / batch_size;
- const int c_col = c_im * kernel_h * kernel_w;
- // compute deformable group index
- const int deformable_group_index = c_im / channel_per_deformable_group;
- const int h_in = h_col * stride_h - pad_h;
- const int w_in = w_col * stride_w - pad_w;
- scalar_t *data_col_ptr = data_col + ((c_col * batch_size + b_col) * height_col + h_col) * width_col + w_col;
- //const float* data_im_ptr = data_im + ((b_col * num_channels + c_im) * height + h_in) * width + w_in;
- const scalar_t *data_im_ptr = data_im + (b_col * num_channels + c_im) * height * width;
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ptr = data_offset + (b_col * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * 2 * kernel_h * kernel_w * height_col * width_col;
- const scalar_t *data_mask_ptr = data_mask + (b_col * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * kernel_h * kernel_w * height_col * width_col;
- for (int i = 0; i < kernel_h; ++i)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < kernel_w; ++j)
- {
- const int data_offset_h_ptr = ((2 * (i * kernel_w + j)) * height_col + h_col) * width_col + w_col;
- const int data_offset_w_ptr = ((2 * (i * kernel_w + j) + 1) * height_col + h_col) * width_col + w_col;
- const int data_mask_hw_ptr = ((i * kernel_w + j) * height_col + h_col) * width_col + w_col;
- const scalar_t offset_h = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_h_ptr];
- const scalar_t offset_w = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_w_ptr];
- const scalar_t mask = data_mask_ptr[data_mask_hw_ptr];
- scalar_t val = static_cast(0);
- const scalar_t h_im = h_in + i * dilation_h + offset_h;
- const scalar_t w_im = w_in + j * dilation_w + offset_w;
- //if (h_im >= 0 && w_im >= 0 && h_im < height && w_im < width) {
- if (h_im > -1 && w_im > -1 && h_im < height && w_im < width)
- {
- //const float map_h = i * dilation_h + offset_h;
- //const float map_w = j * dilation_w + offset_w;
- //const int cur_height = height - h_in;
- //const int cur_width = width - w_in;
- //val = dmcn_im2col_bilinear(data_im_ptr, width, cur_height, cur_width, map_h, map_w);
- val = dmcn_im2col_bilinear(data_im_ptr, width, height, width, h_im, w_im);
- }
- *data_col_ptr = val * mask;
- data_col_ptr += batch_size * height_col * width_col;
- //data_col_ptr += height_col * width_col;
- }
- }
- }
-__global__ void modulated_deformable_col2im_gpu_kernel(const int n,
- const scalar_t *data_col, const scalar_t *data_offset, const scalar_t *data_mask,
- const int channels, const int height, const int width,
- const int kernel_h, const int kernel_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w,
- const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int channel_per_deformable_group,
- const int batch_size, const int deformable_group,
- const int height_col, const int width_col,
- scalar_t *grad_im)
- CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, n)
- {
- const int j = (index / width_col / height_col / batch_size) % kernel_w;
- const int i = (index / width_col / height_col / batch_size / kernel_w) % kernel_h;
- const int c = index / width_col / height_col / batch_size / kernel_w / kernel_h;
- // compute the start and end of the output
- const int deformable_group_index = c / channel_per_deformable_group;
- int w_out = index % width_col;
- int h_out = (index / width_col) % height_col;
- int b = (index / width_col / height_col) % batch_size;
- int w_in = w_out * stride_w - pad_w;
- int h_in = h_out * stride_h - pad_h;
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ptr = data_offset + (b * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * 2 * kernel_h * kernel_w * height_col * width_col;
- const scalar_t *data_mask_ptr = data_mask + (b * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * kernel_h * kernel_w * height_col * width_col;
- const int data_offset_h_ptr = ((2 * (i * kernel_w + j)) * height_col + h_out) * width_col + w_out;
- const int data_offset_w_ptr = ((2 * (i * kernel_w + j) + 1) * height_col + h_out) * width_col + w_out;
- const int data_mask_hw_ptr = ((i * kernel_w + j) * height_col + h_out) * width_col + w_out;
- const scalar_t offset_h = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_h_ptr];
- const scalar_t offset_w = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_w_ptr];
- const scalar_t mask = data_mask_ptr[data_mask_hw_ptr];
- const scalar_t cur_inv_h_data = h_in + i * dilation_h + offset_h;
- const scalar_t cur_inv_w_data = w_in + j * dilation_w + offset_w;
- const scalar_t cur_top_grad = data_col[index] * mask;
- const int cur_h = (int)cur_inv_h_data;
- const int cur_w = (int)cur_inv_w_data;
- for (int dy = -2; dy <= 2; dy++)
- {
- for (int dx = -2; dx <= 2; dx++)
- {
- if (cur_h + dy >= 0 && cur_h + dy < height &&
- cur_w + dx >= 0 && cur_w + dx < width &&
- abs(cur_inv_h_data - (cur_h + dy)) < 1 &&
- abs(cur_inv_w_data - (cur_w + dx)) < 1)
- {
- int cur_bottom_grad_pos = ((b * channels + c) * height + cur_h + dy) * width + cur_w + dx;
- scalar_t weight = dmcn_get_gradient_weight(cur_inv_h_data, cur_inv_w_data, cur_h + dy, cur_w + dx, height, width);
- atomicAdd(grad_im + cur_bottom_grad_pos, weight * cur_top_grad);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-__global__ void modulated_deformable_col2im_coord_gpu_kernel(const int n,
- const scalar_t *data_col, const scalar_t *data_im,
- const scalar_t *data_offset, const scalar_t *data_mask,
- const int channels, const int height, const int width,
- const int kernel_h, const int kernel_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w,
- const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int channel_per_deformable_group,
- const int batch_size, const int offset_channels, const int deformable_group,
- const int height_col, const int width_col,
- scalar_t *grad_offset, scalar_t *grad_mask)
- CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, n)
- {
- scalar_t val = 0, mval = 0;
- int w = index % width_col;
- int h = (index / width_col) % height_col;
- int c = (index / width_col / height_col) % offset_channels;
- int b = (index / width_col / height_col) / offset_channels;
- // compute the start and end of the output
- const int deformable_group_index = c / (2 * kernel_h * kernel_w);
- const int col_step = kernel_h * kernel_w;
- int cnt = 0;
- const scalar_t *data_col_ptr = data_col + deformable_group_index * channel_per_deformable_group * batch_size * width_col * height_col;
- const scalar_t *data_im_ptr = data_im + (b * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * channel_per_deformable_group / kernel_h / kernel_w * height * width;
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ptr = data_offset + (b * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * 2 * kernel_h * kernel_w * height_col * width_col;
- const scalar_t *data_mask_ptr = data_mask + (b * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * kernel_h * kernel_w * height_col * width_col;
- const int offset_c = c - deformable_group_index * 2 * kernel_h * kernel_w;
- for (int col_c = (offset_c / 2); col_c < channel_per_deformable_group; col_c += col_step)
- {
- const int col_pos = (((col_c * batch_size + b) * height_col) + h) * width_col + w;
- const int bp_dir = offset_c % 2;
- int j = (col_pos / width_col / height_col / batch_size) % kernel_w;
- int i = (col_pos / width_col / height_col / batch_size / kernel_w) % kernel_h;
- int w_out = col_pos % width_col;
- int h_out = (col_pos / width_col) % height_col;
- int w_in = w_out * stride_w - pad_w;
- int h_in = h_out * stride_h - pad_h;
- const int data_offset_h_ptr = (((2 * (i * kernel_w + j)) * height_col + h_out) * width_col + w_out);
- const int data_offset_w_ptr = (((2 * (i * kernel_w + j) + 1) * height_col + h_out) * width_col + w_out);
- const int data_mask_hw_ptr = (((i * kernel_w + j) * height_col + h_out) * width_col + w_out);
- const scalar_t offset_h = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_h_ptr];
- const scalar_t offset_w = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_w_ptr];
- const scalar_t mask = data_mask_ptr[data_mask_hw_ptr];
- scalar_t inv_h = h_in + i * dilation_h + offset_h;
- scalar_t inv_w = w_in + j * dilation_w + offset_w;
- if (inv_h <= -1 || inv_w <= -1 || inv_h >= height || inv_w >= width)
- {
- inv_h = inv_w = -2;
- }
- else
- {
- mval += data_col_ptr[col_pos] * dmcn_im2col_bilinear(data_im_ptr + cnt * height * width, width, height, width, inv_h, inv_w);
- }
- const scalar_t weight = dmcn_get_coordinate_weight(
- inv_h, inv_w,
- height, width, data_im_ptr + cnt * height * width, width, bp_dir);
- val += weight * data_col_ptr[col_pos] * mask;
- cnt += 1;
- }
- // KERNEL_ASSIGN(grad_offset[index], offset_req, val);
- grad_offset[index] = val;
- if (offset_c % 2 == 0)
- // KERNEL_ASSIGN(grad_mask[(((b * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * kernel_h * kernel_w + offset_c / 2) * height_col + h) * width_col + w], mask_req, mval);
- grad_mask[(((b * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * kernel_h * kernel_w + offset_c / 2) * height_col + h) * width_col + w] = mval;
- }
-void modulated_deformable_im2col_cuda(
- const at::Tensor data_im, const at::Tensor data_offset, const at::Tensor data_mask,
- const int batch_size, const int channels, const int height_im, const int width_im,
- const int height_col, const int width_col, const int kernel_h, const int kenerl_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int deformable_group, at::Tensor data_col)
- // num_axes should be smaller than block size
- const int channel_per_deformable_group = channels / deformable_group;
- const int num_kernels = channels * batch_size * height_col * width_col;
- data_im.scalar_type(), "modulated_deformable_im2col_gpu", ([&] {
- const scalar_t *data_im_ = data_im.data_ptr();
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ = data_offset.data_ptr();
- const scalar_t *data_mask_ = data_mask.data_ptr();
- scalar_t *data_col_ = data_col.data_ptr();
- modulated_deformable_im2col_gpu_kernel<<>>(
- num_kernels, data_im_, data_offset_, data_mask_, height_im, width_im, kernel_h, kenerl_w,
- pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w, dilation_h, dilation_w, channel_per_deformable_group,
- batch_size, channels, deformable_group, height_col, width_col, data_col_);
- }));
- cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
- if (err != cudaSuccess)
- {
- printf("error in modulated_deformable_im2col_cuda: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
- }
-void modulated_deformable_col2im_cuda(
- const at::Tensor data_col, const at::Tensor data_offset, const at::Tensor data_mask,
- const int batch_size, const int channels, const int height_im, const int width_im,
- const int height_col, const int width_col, const int kernel_h, const int kernel_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int deformable_group, at::Tensor grad_im)
- const int channel_per_deformable_group = channels / deformable_group;
- const int num_kernels = channels * kernel_h * kernel_w * batch_size * height_col * width_col;
- data_col.scalar_type(), "modulated_deformable_col2im_gpu", ([&] {
- const scalar_t *data_col_ = data_col.data_ptr();
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ = data_offset.data_ptr();
- const scalar_t *data_mask_ = data_mask.data_ptr();
- scalar_t *grad_im_ = grad_im.data_ptr();
- modulated_deformable_col2im_gpu_kernel<<>>(
- num_kernels, data_col_, data_offset_, data_mask_, channels, height_im, width_im,
- kernel_h, kernel_w, pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w,
- dilation_h, dilation_w, channel_per_deformable_group,
- batch_size, deformable_group, height_col, width_col, grad_im_);
- }));
- cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
- if (err != cudaSuccess)
- {
- printf("error in modulated_deformable_col2im_cuda: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
- }
-void modulated_deformable_col2im_coord_cuda(
- const at::Tensor data_col, const at::Tensor data_im, const at::Tensor data_offset, const at::Tensor data_mask,
- const int batch_size, const int channels, const int height_im, const int width_im,
- const int height_col, const int width_col, const int kernel_h, const int kernel_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
- const int deformable_group,
- at::Tensor grad_offset, at::Tensor grad_mask)
- const int num_kernels = batch_size * height_col * width_col * 2 * kernel_h * kernel_w * deformable_group;
- const int channel_per_deformable_group = channels * kernel_h * kernel_w / deformable_group;
- data_col.scalar_type(), "modulated_deformable_col2im_coord_gpu", ([&] {
- const scalar_t *data_col_ = data_col.data_ptr();
- const scalar_t *data_im_ = data_im.data_ptr();
- const scalar_t *data_offset_ = data_offset.data_ptr();
- const scalar_t *data_mask_ = data_mask.data_ptr();
- scalar_t *grad_offset_ = grad_offset.data_ptr();
- scalar_t *grad_mask_ = grad_mask.data_ptr();
- modulated_deformable_col2im_coord_gpu_kernel<<>>(
- num_kernels, data_col_, data_im_, data_offset_, data_mask_, channels, height_im, width_im,
- kernel_h, kernel_w, pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w,
- dilation_h, dilation_w, channel_per_deformable_group,
- batch_size, 2 * kernel_h * kernel_w * deformable_group, deformable_group, height_col, width_col,
- grad_offset_, grad_mask_);
- }));
- cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
- if (err != cudaSuccess)
- {
- printf("error in modulated_deformable_col2im_coord_cuda: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
- }
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_ext.cpp b/basicsr/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_ext.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 41c6df6f721bd95a525fd6a03dd9882e863de042..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_ext.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// modify from
-// https://github.com/chengdazhi/Deformable-Convolution-V2-PyTorch/blob/mmdetection/mmdet/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.c
-#define WITH_CUDA // always use cuda
-#ifdef WITH_CUDA
-int deform_conv_forward_cuda(at::Tensor input, at::Tensor weight,
- at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor output,
- at::Tensor columns, at::Tensor ones, int kW,
- int kH, int dW, int dH, int padW, int padH,
- int dilationW, int dilationH, int group,
- int deformable_group, int im2col_step);
-int deform_conv_backward_input_cuda(at::Tensor input, at::Tensor offset,
- at::Tensor gradOutput, at::Tensor gradInput,
- at::Tensor gradOffset, at::Tensor weight,
- at::Tensor columns, int kW, int kH, int dW,
- int dH, int padW, int padH, int dilationW,
- int dilationH, int group,
- int deformable_group, int im2col_step);
-int deform_conv_backward_parameters_cuda(
- at::Tensor input, at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor gradOutput,
- at::Tensor gradWeight, // at::Tensor gradBias,
- at::Tensor columns, at::Tensor ones, int kW, int kH, int dW, int dH,
- int padW, int padH, int dilationW, int dilationH, int group,
- int deformable_group, float scale, int im2col_step);
-void modulated_deform_conv_cuda_forward(
- at::Tensor input, at::Tensor weight, at::Tensor bias, at::Tensor ones,
- at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor mask, at::Tensor output, at::Tensor columns,
- int kernel_h, int kernel_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int dilation_h,
- const int dilation_w, const int group, const int deformable_group,
- const bool with_bias);
-void modulated_deform_conv_cuda_backward(
- at::Tensor input, at::Tensor weight, at::Tensor bias, at::Tensor ones,
- at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor mask, at::Tensor columns,
- at::Tensor grad_input, at::Tensor grad_weight, at::Tensor grad_bias,
- at::Tensor grad_offset, at::Tensor grad_mask, at::Tensor grad_output,
- int kernel_h, int kernel_w, int stride_h, int stride_w, int pad_h,
- int pad_w, int dilation_h, int dilation_w, int group, int deformable_group,
- const bool with_bias);
-int deform_conv_forward(at::Tensor input, at::Tensor weight,
- at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor output,
- at::Tensor columns, at::Tensor ones, int kW,
- int kH, int dW, int dH, int padW, int padH,
- int dilationW, int dilationH, int group,
- int deformable_group, int im2col_step) {
- if (input.device().is_cuda()) {
-#ifdef WITH_CUDA
- return deform_conv_forward_cuda(input, weight, offset, output, columns,
- ones, kW, kH, dW, dH, padW, padH, dilationW, dilationH, group,
- deformable_group, im2col_step);
- AT_ERROR("deform conv is not compiled with GPU support");
- }
- AT_ERROR("deform conv is not implemented on CPU");
-int deform_conv_backward_input(at::Tensor input, at::Tensor offset,
- at::Tensor gradOutput, at::Tensor gradInput,
- at::Tensor gradOffset, at::Tensor weight,
- at::Tensor columns, int kW, int kH, int dW,
- int dH, int padW, int padH, int dilationW,
- int dilationH, int group,
- int deformable_group, int im2col_step) {
- if (input.device().is_cuda()) {
-#ifdef WITH_CUDA
- return deform_conv_backward_input_cuda(input, offset, gradOutput,
- gradInput, gradOffset, weight, columns, kW, kH, dW, dH, padW, padH,
- dilationW, dilationH, group, deformable_group, im2col_step);
- AT_ERROR("deform conv is not compiled with GPU support");
- }
- AT_ERROR("deform conv is not implemented on CPU");
-int deform_conv_backward_parameters(
- at::Tensor input, at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor gradOutput,
- at::Tensor gradWeight, // at::Tensor gradBias,
- at::Tensor columns, at::Tensor ones, int kW, int kH, int dW, int dH,
- int padW, int padH, int dilationW, int dilationH, int group,
- int deformable_group, float scale, int im2col_step) {
- if (input.device().is_cuda()) {
-#ifdef WITH_CUDA
- return deform_conv_backward_parameters_cuda(input, offset, gradOutput,
- gradWeight, columns, ones, kW, kH, dW, dH, padW, padH, dilationW,
- dilationH, group, deformable_group, scale, im2col_step);
- AT_ERROR("deform conv is not compiled with GPU support");
- }
- AT_ERROR("deform conv is not implemented on CPU");
-void modulated_deform_conv_forward(
- at::Tensor input, at::Tensor weight, at::Tensor bias, at::Tensor ones,
- at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor mask, at::Tensor output, at::Tensor columns,
- int kernel_h, int kernel_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
- const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int dilation_h,
- const int dilation_w, const int group, const int deformable_group,
- const bool with_bias) {
- if (input.device().is_cuda()) {
-#ifdef WITH_CUDA
- return modulated_deform_conv_cuda_forward(input, weight, bias, ones,
- offset, mask, output, columns, kernel_h, kernel_w, stride_h,
- stride_w, pad_h, pad_w, dilation_h, dilation_w, group,
- deformable_group, with_bias);
- AT_ERROR("modulated deform conv is not compiled with GPU support");
- }
- AT_ERROR("modulated deform conv is not implemented on CPU");
-void modulated_deform_conv_backward(
- at::Tensor input, at::Tensor weight, at::Tensor bias, at::Tensor ones,
- at::Tensor offset, at::Tensor mask, at::Tensor columns,
- at::Tensor grad_input, at::Tensor grad_weight, at::Tensor grad_bias,
- at::Tensor grad_offset, at::Tensor grad_mask, at::Tensor grad_output,
- int kernel_h, int kernel_w, int stride_h, int stride_w, int pad_h,
- int pad_w, int dilation_h, int dilation_w, int group, int deformable_group,
- const bool with_bias) {
- if (input.device().is_cuda()) {
-#ifdef WITH_CUDA
- return modulated_deform_conv_cuda_backward(input, weight, bias, ones,
- offset, mask, columns, grad_input, grad_weight, grad_bias, grad_offset,
- grad_mask, grad_output, kernel_h, kernel_w, stride_h, stride_w,
- pad_h, pad_w, dilation_h, dilation_w, group, deformable_group,
- with_bias);
- AT_ERROR("modulated deform conv is not compiled with GPU support");
- }
- AT_ERROR("modulated deform conv is not implemented on CPU");
- m.def("deform_conv_forward", &deform_conv_forward,
- "deform forward");
- m.def("deform_conv_backward_input", &deform_conv_backward_input,
- "deform_conv_backward_input");
- m.def("deform_conv_backward_parameters",
- &deform_conv_backward_parameters,
- "deform_conv_backward_parameters");
- m.def("modulated_deform_conv_forward",
- &modulated_deform_conv_forward,
- "modulated deform conv forward");
- m.def("modulated_deform_conv_backward",
- &modulated_deform_conv_backward,
- "modulated deform conv backward");
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/fused_act/__init__.py b/basicsr/ops/fused_act/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 241dc0754fae7d88dbbd9a02e665ca30a73c7422..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/fused_act/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from .fused_act import FusedLeakyReLU, fused_leaky_relu
-__all__ = ['FusedLeakyReLU', 'fused_leaky_relu']
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/fused_act/fused_act.py b/basicsr/ops/fused_act/fused_act.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 88edc445484b71119dc22a258e83aef49ce39b07..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/fused_act/fused_act.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# modify from https://github.com/rosinality/stylegan2-pytorch/blob/master/op/fused_act.py # noqa:E501
-import os
-import torch
-from torch import nn
-from torch.autograd import Function
-if BASICSR_JIT == 'True':
- from torch.utils.cpp_extension import load
- module_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- fused_act_ext = load(
- 'fused',
- sources=[
- os.path.join(module_path, 'src', 'fused_bias_act.cpp'),
- os.path.join(module_path, 'src', 'fused_bias_act_kernel.cu'),
- ],
- )
- try:
- from . import fused_act_ext
- except ImportError:
- pass
- # avoid annoying print output
- # print(f'Cannot import deform_conv_ext. Error: {error}. You may need to: \n '
- # '1. compile with BASICSR_EXT=True. or\n '
- # '2. set BASICSR_JIT=True during running')
-class FusedLeakyReLUFunctionBackward(Function):
- @staticmethod
- def forward(ctx, grad_output, out, negative_slope, scale):
- ctx.save_for_backward(out)
- ctx.negative_slope = negative_slope
- ctx.scale = scale
- empty = grad_output.new_empty(0)
- grad_input = fused_act_ext.fused_bias_act(grad_output, empty, out, 3, 1, negative_slope, scale)
- dim = [0]
- if grad_input.ndim > 2:
- dim += list(range(2, grad_input.ndim))
- grad_bias = grad_input.sum(dim).detach()
- return grad_input, grad_bias
- @staticmethod
- def backward(ctx, gradgrad_input, gradgrad_bias):
- out, = ctx.saved_tensors
- gradgrad_out = fused_act_ext.fused_bias_act(gradgrad_input, gradgrad_bias, out, 3, 1, ctx.negative_slope,
- ctx.scale)
- return gradgrad_out, None, None, None
-class FusedLeakyReLUFunction(Function):
- @staticmethod
- def forward(ctx, input, bias, negative_slope, scale):
- empty = input.new_empty(0)
- out = fused_act_ext.fused_bias_act(input, bias, empty, 3, 0, negative_slope, scale)
- ctx.save_for_backward(out)
- ctx.negative_slope = negative_slope
- ctx.scale = scale
- return out
- @staticmethod
- def backward(ctx, grad_output):
- out, = ctx.saved_tensors
- grad_input, grad_bias = FusedLeakyReLUFunctionBackward.apply(grad_output, out, ctx.negative_slope, ctx.scale)
- return grad_input, grad_bias, None, None
-class FusedLeakyReLU(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, channel, negative_slope=0.2, scale=2**0.5):
- super().__init__()
- self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(channel))
- self.negative_slope = negative_slope
- self.scale = scale
- def forward(self, input):
- return fused_leaky_relu(input, self.bias, self.negative_slope, self.scale)
-def fused_leaky_relu(input, bias, negative_slope=0.2, scale=2**0.5):
- return FusedLeakyReLUFunction.apply(input, bias, negative_slope, scale)
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/fused_act/src/fused_bias_act.cpp b/basicsr/ops/fused_act/src/fused_bias_act.cpp
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index 85ed0a79fb9c75f83470ac834090f03608d998ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/fused_act/src/fused_bias_act.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// from https://github.com/rosinality/stylegan2-pytorch/blob/master/op/fused_bias_act.cpp
-torch::Tensor fused_bias_act_op(const torch::Tensor& input,
- const torch::Tensor& bias,
- const torch::Tensor& refer,
- int act, int grad, float alpha, float scale);
-#define CHECK_CUDA(x) TORCH_CHECK(x.type().is_cuda(), #x " must be a CUDA tensor")
-#define CHECK_CONTIGUOUS(x) TORCH_CHECK(x.is_contiguous(), #x " must be contiguous")
-torch::Tensor fused_bias_act(const torch::Tensor& input,
- const torch::Tensor& bias,
- const torch::Tensor& refer,
- int act, int grad, float alpha, float scale) {
- CHECK_CUDA(input);
- CHECK_CUDA(bias);
- return fused_bias_act_op(input, bias, refer, act, grad, alpha, scale);
- m.def("fused_bias_act", &fused_bias_act, "fused bias act (CUDA)");
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/fused_act/src/fused_bias_act_kernel.cu b/basicsr/ops/fused_act/src/fused_bias_act_kernel.cu
deleted file mode 100644
index 54c7ff53ce8306db2b3c582ec7fa6696a38b4df0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/fused_act/src/fused_bias_act_kernel.cu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// from https://github.com/rosinality/stylegan2-pytorch/blob/master/op/fused_bias_act_kernel.cu
-// Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// This work is made available under the Nvidia Source Code License-NC.
-// To view a copy of this license, visit
-// https://nvlabs.github.io/stylegan2/license.html
-static __global__ void fused_bias_act_kernel(scalar_t* out, const scalar_t* p_x, const scalar_t* p_b, const scalar_t* p_ref,
- int act, int grad, scalar_t alpha, scalar_t scale, int loop_x, int size_x, int step_b, int size_b, int use_bias, int use_ref) {
- int xi = blockIdx.x * loop_x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
- scalar_t zero = 0.0;
- for (int loop_idx = 0; loop_idx < loop_x && xi < size_x; loop_idx++, xi += blockDim.x) {
- scalar_t x = p_x[xi];
- if (use_bias) {
- x += p_b[(xi / step_b) % size_b];
- }
- scalar_t ref = use_ref ? p_ref[xi] : zero;
- scalar_t y;
- switch (act * 10 + grad) {
- default:
- case 10: y = x; break;
- case 11: y = x; break;
- case 12: y = 0.0; break;
- case 30: y = (x > 0.0) ? x : x * alpha; break;
- case 31: y = (ref > 0.0) ? x : x * alpha; break;
- case 32: y = 0.0; break;
- }
- out[xi] = y * scale;
- }
-torch::Tensor fused_bias_act_op(const torch::Tensor& input, const torch::Tensor& bias, const torch::Tensor& refer,
- int act, int grad, float alpha, float scale) {
- int curDevice = -1;
- cudaGetDevice(&curDevice);
- cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(curDevice);
- auto x = input.contiguous();
- auto b = bias.contiguous();
- auto ref = refer.contiguous();
- int use_bias = b.numel() ? 1 : 0;
- int use_ref = ref.numel() ? 1 : 0;
- int size_x = x.numel();
- int size_b = b.numel();
- int step_b = 1;
- for (int i = 1 + 1; i < x.dim(); i++) {
- step_b *= x.size(i);
- }
- int loop_x = 4;
- int block_size = 4 * 32;
- int grid_size = (size_x - 1) / (loop_x * block_size) + 1;
- auto y = torch::empty_like(x);
- AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF(x.scalar_type(), "fused_bias_act_kernel", [&] {
- fused_bias_act_kernel<<>>(
- y.data_ptr(),
- x.data_ptr(),
- b.data_ptr(),
- ref.data_ptr(),
- act,
- grad,
- alpha,
- scale,
- loop_x,
- size_x,
- step_b,
- size_b,
- use_bias,
- use_ref
- );
- });
- return y;
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/__init__.py b/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 397e85bea063e97fc4c12ad4d3e15669b69290bd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from .upfirdn2d import upfirdn2d
-__all__ = ['upfirdn2d']
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/src/upfirdn2d.cpp b/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/src/upfirdn2d.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 43d0b6783a5b512b55815a291fcac2bebeea31e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/src/upfirdn2d.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// from https://github.com/rosinality/stylegan2-pytorch/blob/master/op/upfirdn2d.cpp
-torch::Tensor upfirdn2d_op(const torch::Tensor& input, const torch::Tensor& kernel,
- int up_x, int up_y, int down_x, int down_y,
- int pad_x0, int pad_x1, int pad_y0, int pad_y1);
-#define CHECK_CUDA(x) TORCH_CHECK(x.type().is_cuda(), #x " must be a CUDA tensor")
-#define CHECK_CONTIGUOUS(x) TORCH_CHECK(x.is_contiguous(), #x " must be contiguous")
-torch::Tensor upfirdn2d(const torch::Tensor& input, const torch::Tensor& kernel,
- int up_x, int up_y, int down_x, int down_y,
- int pad_x0, int pad_x1, int pad_y0, int pad_y1) {
- CHECK_CUDA(input);
- CHECK_CUDA(kernel);
- return upfirdn2d_op(input, kernel, up_x, up_y, down_x, down_y, pad_x0, pad_x1, pad_y0, pad_y1);
- m.def("upfirdn2d", &upfirdn2d, "upfirdn2d (CUDA)");
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/src/upfirdn2d_kernel.cu b/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/src/upfirdn2d_kernel.cu
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index 8870063bae4468deab2e721f0978fe9facfb01b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/src/upfirdn2d_kernel.cu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-// from https://github.com/rosinality/stylegan2-pytorch/blob/master/op/upfirdn2d_kernel.cu
-// Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// This work is made available under the Nvidia Source Code License-NC.
-// To view a copy of this license, visit
-// https://nvlabs.github.io/stylegan2/license.html
-static __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ int floor_div(int a, int b) {
- int c = a / b;
- if (c * b > a) {
- c--;
- }
- return c;
-struct UpFirDn2DKernelParams {
- int up_x;
- int up_y;
- int down_x;
- int down_y;
- int pad_x0;
- int pad_x1;
- int pad_y0;
- int pad_y1;
- int major_dim;
- int in_h;
- int in_w;
- int minor_dim;
- int kernel_h;
- int kernel_w;
- int out_h;
- int out_w;
- int loop_major;
- int loop_x;
-__global__ void upfirdn2d_kernel_large(scalar_t *out, const scalar_t *input,
- const scalar_t *kernel,
- const UpFirDn2DKernelParams p) {
- int minor_idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
- int out_y = minor_idx / p.minor_dim;
- minor_idx -= out_y * p.minor_dim;
- int out_x_base = blockIdx.y * p.loop_x * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
- int major_idx_base = blockIdx.z * p.loop_major;
- if (out_x_base >= p.out_w || out_y >= p.out_h ||
- major_idx_base >= p.major_dim) {
- return;
- }
- int mid_y = out_y * p.down_y + p.up_y - 1 - p.pad_y0;
- int in_y = min(max(floor_div(mid_y, p.up_y), 0), p.in_h);
- int h = min(max(floor_div(mid_y + p.kernel_h, p.up_y), 0), p.in_h) - in_y;
- int kernel_y = mid_y + p.kernel_h - (in_y + 1) * p.up_y;
- for (int loop_major = 0, major_idx = major_idx_base;
- loop_major < p.loop_major && major_idx < p.major_dim;
- loop_major++, major_idx++) {
- for (int loop_x = 0, out_x = out_x_base;
- loop_x < p.loop_x && out_x < p.out_w; loop_x++, out_x += blockDim.y) {
- int mid_x = out_x * p.down_x + p.up_x - 1 - p.pad_x0;
- int in_x = min(max(floor_div(mid_x, p.up_x), 0), p.in_w);
- int w = min(max(floor_div(mid_x + p.kernel_w, p.up_x), 0), p.in_w) - in_x;
- int kernel_x = mid_x + p.kernel_w - (in_x + 1) * p.up_x;
- const scalar_t *x_p =
- &input[((major_idx * p.in_h + in_y) * p.in_w + in_x) * p.minor_dim +
- minor_idx];
- const scalar_t *k_p = &kernel[kernel_y * p.kernel_w + kernel_x];
- int x_px = p.minor_dim;
- int k_px = -p.up_x;
- int x_py = p.in_w * p.minor_dim;
- int k_py = -p.up_y * p.kernel_w;
- scalar_t v = 0.0f;
- for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- v += static_cast(*x_p) * static_cast(*k_p);
- x_p += x_px;
- k_p += k_px;
- }
- x_p += x_py - w * x_px;
- k_p += k_py - w * k_px;
- }
- out[((major_idx * p.out_h + out_y) * p.out_w + out_x) * p.minor_dim +
- minor_idx] = v;
- }
- }
-__global__ void upfirdn2d_kernel(scalar_t *out, const scalar_t *input,
- const scalar_t *kernel,
- const UpFirDn2DKernelParams p) {
- const int tile_in_h = ((tile_out_h - 1) * down_y + kernel_h - 1) / up_y + 1;
- const int tile_in_w = ((tile_out_w - 1) * down_x + kernel_w - 1) / up_x + 1;
- __shared__ volatile float sk[kernel_h][kernel_w];
- __shared__ volatile float sx[tile_in_h][tile_in_w];
- int minor_idx = blockIdx.x;
- int tile_out_y = minor_idx / p.minor_dim;
- minor_idx -= tile_out_y * p.minor_dim;
- tile_out_y *= tile_out_h;
- int tile_out_x_base = blockIdx.y * p.loop_x * tile_out_w;
- int major_idx_base = blockIdx.z * p.loop_major;
- if (tile_out_x_base >= p.out_w | tile_out_y >= p.out_h |
- major_idx_base >= p.major_dim) {
- return;
- }
- for (int tap_idx = threadIdx.x; tap_idx < kernel_h * kernel_w;
- tap_idx += blockDim.x) {
- int ky = tap_idx / kernel_w;
- int kx = tap_idx - ky * kernel_w;
- scalar_t v = 0.0;
- if (kx < p.kernel_w & ky < p.kernel_h) {
- v = kernel[(p.kernel_h - 1 - ky) * p.kernel_w + (p.kernel_w - 1 - kx)];
- }
- sk[ky][kx] = v;
- }
- for (int loop_major = 0, major_idx = major_idx_base;
- loop_major < p.loop_major & major_idx < p.major_dim;
- loop_major++, major_idx++) {
- for (int loop_x = 0, tile_out_x = tile_out_x_base;
- loop_x < p.loop_x & tile_out_x < p.out_w;
- loop_x++, tile_out_x += tile_out_w) {
- int tile_mid_x = tile_out_x * down_x + up_x - 1 - p.pad_x0;
- int tile_mid_y = tile_out_y * down_y + up_y - 1 - p.pad_y0;
- int tile_in_x = floor_div(tile_mid_x, up_x);
- int tile_in_y = floor_div(tile_mid_y, up_y);
- __syncthreads();
- for (int in_idx = threadIdx.x; in_idx < tile_in_h * tile_in_w;
- in_idx += blockDim.x) {
- int rel_in_y = in_idx / tile_in_w;
- int rel_in_x = in_idx - rel_in_y * tile_in_w;
- int in_x = rel_in_x + tile_in_x;
- int in_y = rel_in_y + tile_in_y;
- scalar_t v = 0.0;
- if (in_x >= 0 & in_y >= 0 & in_x < p.in_w & in_y < p.in_h) {
- v = input[((major_idx * p.in_h + in_y) * p.in_w + in_x) *
- p.minor_dim +
- minor_idx];
- }
- sx[rel_in_y][rel_in_x] = v;
- }
- __syncthreads();
- for (int out_idx = threadIdx.x; out_idx < tile_out_h * tile_out_w;
- out_idx += blockDim.x) {
- int rel_out_y = out_idx / tile_out_w;
- int rel_out_x = out_idx - rel_out_y * tile_out_w;
- int out_x = rel_out_x + tile_out_x;
- int out_y = rel_out_y + tile_out_y;
- int mid_x = tile_mid_x + rel_out_x * down_x;
- int mid_y = tile_mid_y + rel_out_y * down_y;
- int in_x = floor_div(mid_x, up_x);
- int in_y = floor_div(mid_y, up_y);
- int rel_in_x = in_x - tile_in_x;
- int rel_in_y = in_y - tile_in_y;
- int kernel_x = (in_x + 1) * up_x - mid_x - 1;
- int kernel_y = (in_y + 1) * up_y - mid_y - 1;
- scalar_t v = 0.0;
-#pragma unroll
- for (int y = 0; y < kernel_h / up_y; y++)
-#pragma unroll
- for (int x = 0; x < kernel_w / up_x; x++)
- v += sx[rel_in_y + y][rel_in_x + x] *
- sk[kernel_y + y * up_y][kernel_x + x * up_x];
- if (out_x < p.out_w & out_y < p.out_h) {
- out[((major_idx * p.out_h + out_y) * p.out_w + out_x) * p.minor_dim +
- minor_idx] = v;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-torch::Tensor upfirdn2d_op(const torch::Tensor &input,
- const torch::Tensor &kernel, int up_x, int up_y,
- int down_x, int down_y, int pad_x0, int pad_x1,
- int pad_y0, int pad_y1) {
- int curDevice = -1;
- cudaGetDevice(&curDevice);
- cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(curDevice);
- UpFirDn2DKernelParams p;
- auto x = input.contiguous();
- auto k = kernel.contiguous();
- p.major_dim = x.size(0);
- p.in_h = x.size(1);
- p.in_w = x.size(2);
- p.minor_dim = x.size(3);
- p.kernel_h = k.size(0);
- p.kernel_w = k.size(1);
- p.up_x = up_x;
- p.up_y = up_y;
- p.down_x = down_x;
- p.down_y = down_y;
- p.pad_x0 = pad_x0;
- p.pad_x1 = pad_x1;
- p.pad_y0 = pad_y0;
- p.pad_y1 = pad_y1;
- p.out_h = (p.in_h * p.up_y + p.pad_y0 + p.pad_y1 - p.kernel_h + p.down_y) /
- p.down_y;
- p.out_w = (p.in_w * p.up_x + p.pad_x0 + p.pad_x1 - p.kernel_w + p.down_x) /
- p.down_x;
- auto out =
- at::empty({p.major_dim, p.out_h, p.out_w, p.minor_dim}, x.options());
- int mode = -1;
- int tile_out_h = -1;
- int tile_out_w = -1;
- if (p.up_x == 1 && p.up_y == 1 && p.down_x == 1 && p.down_y == 1 &&
- p.kernel_h <= 4 && p.kernel_w <= 4) {
- mode = 1;
- tile_out_h = 16;
- tile_out_w = 64;
- }
- if (p.up_x == 1 && p.up_y == 1 && p.down_x == 1 && p.down_y == 1 &&
- p.kernel_h <= 3 && p.kernel_w <= 3) {
- mode = 2;
- tile_out_h = 16;
- tile_out_w = 64;
- }
- if (p.up_x == 2 && p.up_y == 2 && p.down_x == 1 && p.down_y == 1 &&
- p.kernel_h <= 4 && p.kernel_w <= 4) {
- mode = 3;
- tile_out_h = 16;
- tile_out_w = 64;
- }
- if (p.up_x == 2 && p.up_y == 2 && p.down_x == 1 && p.down_y == 1 &&
- p.kernel_h <= 2 && p.kernel_w <= 2) {
- mode = 4;
- tile_out_h = 16;
- tile_out_w = 64;
- }
- if (p.up_x == 1 && p.up_y == 1 && p.down_x == 2 && p.down_y == 2 &&
- p.kernel_h <= 4 && p.kernel_w <= 4) {
- mode = 5;
- tile_out_h = 8;
- tile_out_w = 32;
- }
- if (p.up_x == 1 && p.up_y == 1 && p.down_x == 2 && p.down_y == 2 &&
- p.kernel_h <= 2 && p.kernel_w <= 2) {
- mode = 6;
- tile_out_h = 8;
- tile_out_w = 32;
- }
- dim3 block_size;
- dim3 grid_size;
- if (tile_out_h > 0 && tile_out_w > 0) {
- p.loop_major = (p.major_dim - 1) / 16384 + 1;
- p.loop_x = 1;
- block_size = dim3(32 * 8, 1, 1);
- grid_size = dim3(((p.out_h - 1) / tile_out_h + 1) * p.minor_dim,
- (p.out_w - 1) / (p.loop_x * tile_out_w) + 1,
- (p.major_dim - 1) / p.loop_major + 1);
- } else {
- p.loop_major = (p.major_dim - 1) / 16384 + 1;
- p.loop_x = 4;
- block_size = dim3(4, 32, 1);
- grid_size = dim3((p.out_h * p.minor_dim - 1) / block_size.x + 1,
- (p.out_w - 1) / (p.loop_x * block_size.y) + 1,
- (p.major_dim - 1) / p.loop_major + 1);
- }
- AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF(x.scalar_type(), "upfirdn2d_cuda", [&] {
- switch (mode) {
- case 1:
- upfirdn2d_kernel
- <<>>(out.data_ptr(),
- x.data_ptr(),
- k.data_ptr(), p);
- break;
- case 2:
- upfirdn2d_kernel
- <<>>(out.data_ptr(),
- x.data_ptr(),
- k.data_ptr(), p);
- break;
- case 3:
- upfirdn2d_kernel
- <<>>(out.data_ptr(),
- x.data_ptr(),
- k.data_ptr(), p);
- break;
- case 4:
- upfirdn2d_kernel
- <<>>(out.data_ptr(),
- x.data_ptr(),
- k.data_ptr(), p);
- break;
- case 5:
- upfirdn2d_kernel
- <<>>(out.data_ptr(),
- x.data_ptr(),
- k.data_ptr(), p);
- break;
- case 6:
- upfirdn2d_kernel
- <<>>(out.data_ptr(),
- x.data_ptr(),
- k.data_ptr(), p);
- break;
- default:
- upfirdn2d_kernel_large<<>>(
- out.data_ptr(), x.data_ptr(),
- k.data_ptr(), p);
- }
- });
- return out;
diff --git a/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/upfirdn2d.py b/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/upfirdn2d.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d6122d59aa32fd52e956bd36200ba79af4a17b17..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/ops/upfirdn2d/upfirdn2d.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# modify from https://github.com/rosinality/stylegan2-pytorch/blob/master/op/upfirdn2d.py # noqa:E501
-import os
-import torch
-from torch.autograd import Function
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-if BASICSR_JIT == 'True':
- from torch.utils.cpp_extension import load
- module_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- upfirdn2d_ext = load(
- 'upfirdn2d',
- sources=[
- os.path.join(module_path, 'src', 'upfirdn2d.cpp'),
- os.path.join(module_path, 'src', 'upfirdn2d_kernel.cu'),
- ],
- )
- try:
- from . import upfirdn2d_ext
- except ImportError:
- pass
- # avoid annoying print output
- # print(f'Cannot import deform_conv_ext. Error: {error}. You may need to: \n '
- # '1. compile with BASICSR_EXT=True. or\n '
- # '2. set BASICSR_JIT=True during running')
-class UpFirDn2dBackward(Function):
- @staticmethod
- def forward(ctx, grad_output, kernel, grad_kernel, up, down, pad, g_pad, in_size, out_size):
- up_x, up_y = up
- down_x, down_y = down
- g_pad_x0, g_pad_x1, g_pad_y0, g_pad_y1 = g_pad
- grad_output = grad_output.reshape(-1, out_size[0], out_size[1], 1)
- grad_input = upfirdn2d_ext.upfirdn2d(
- grad_output,
- grad_kernel,
- down_x,
- down_y,
- up_x,
- up_y,
- g_pad_x0,
- g_pad_x1,
- g_pad_y0,
- g_pad_y1,
- )
- grad_input = grad_input.view(in_size[0], in_size[1], in_size[2], in_size[3])
- ctx.save_for_backward(kernel)
- pad_x0, pad_x1, pad_y0, pad_y1 = pad
- ctx.up_x = up_x
- ctx.up_y = up_y
- ctx.down_x = down_x
- ctx.down_y = down_y
- ctx.pad_x0 = pad_x0
- ctx.pad_x1 = pad_x1
- ctx.pad_y0 = pad_y0
- ctx.pad_y1 = pad_y1
- ctx.in_size = in_size
- ctx.out_size = out_size
- return grad_input
- @staticmethod
- def backward(ctx, gradgrad_input):
- kernel, = ctx.saved_tensors
- gradgrad_input = gradgrad_input.reshape(-1, ctx.in_size[2], ctx.in_size[3], 1)
- gradgrad_out = upfirdn2d_ext.upfirdn2d(
- gradgrad_input,
- kernel,
- ctx.up_x,
- ctx.up_y,
- ctx.down_x,
- ctx.down_y,
- ctx.pad_x0,
- ctx.pad_x1,
- ctx.pad_y0,
- ctx.pad_y1,
- )
- # gradgrad_out = gradgrad_out.view(ctx.in_size[0], ctx.out_size[0],
- # ctx.out_size[1], ctx.in_size[3])
- gradgrad_out = gradgrad_out.view(ctx.in_size[0], ctx.in_size[1], ctx.out_size[0], ctx.out_size[1])
- return gradgrad_out, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
-class UpFirDn2d(Function):
- @staticmethod
- def forward(ctx, input, kernel, up, down, pad):
- up_x, up_y = up
- down_x, down_y = down
- pad_x0, pad_x1, pad_y0, pad_y1 = pad
- kernel_h, kernel_w = kernel.shape
- _, channel, in_h, in_w = input.shape
- ctx.in_size = input.shape
- input = input.reshape(-1, in_h, in_w, 1)
- ctx.save_for_backward(kernel, torch.flip(kernel, [0, 1]))
- out_h = (in_h * up_y + pad_y0 + pad_y1 - kernel_h) // down_y + 1
- out_w = (in_w * up_x + pad_x0 + pad_x1 - kernel_w) // down_x + 1
- ctx.out_size = (out_h, out_w)
- ctx.up = (up_x, up_y)
- ctx.down = (down_x, down_y)
- ctx.pad = (pad_x0, pad_x1, pad_y0, pad_y1)
- g_pad_x0 = kernel_w - pad_x0 - 1
- g_pad_y0 = kernel_h - pad_y0 - 1
- g_pad_x1 = in_w * up_x - out_w * down_x + pad_x0 - up_x + 1
- g_pad_y1 = in_h * up_y - out_h * down_y + pad_y0 - up_y + 1
- ctx.g_pad = (g_pad_x0, g_pad_x1, g_pad_y0, g_pad_y1)
- out = upfirdn2d_ext.upfirdn2d(input, kernel, up_x, up_y, down_x, down_y, pad_x0, pad_x1, pad_y0, pad_y1)
- # out = out.view(major, out_h, out_w, minor)
- out = out.view(-1, channel, out_h, out_w)
- return out
- @staticmethod
- def backward(ctx, grad_output):
- kernel, grad_kernel = ctx.saved_tensors
- grad_input = UpFirDn2dBackward.apply(
- grad_output,
- kernel,
- grad_kernel,
- ctx.up,
- ctx.down,
- ctx.pad,
- ctx.g_pad,
- ctx.in_size,
- ctx.out_size,
- )
- return grad_input, None, None, None, None
-def upfirdn2d(input, kernel, up=1, down=1, pad=(0, 0)):
- if input.device.type == 'cpu':
- out = upfirdn2d_native(input, kernel, up, up, down, down, pad[0], pad[1], pad[0], pad[1])
- else:
- out = UpFirDn2d.apply(input, kernel, (up, up), (down, down), (pad[0], pad[1], pad[0], pad[1]))
- return out
-def upfirdn2d_native(input, kernel, up_x, up_y, down_x, down_y, pad_x0, pad_x1, pad_y0, pad_y1):
- _, channel, in_h, in_w = input.shape
- input = input.reshape(-1, in_h, in_w, 1)
- _, in_h, in_w, minor = input.shape
- kernel_h, kernel_w = kernel.shape
- out = input.view(-1, in_h, 1, in_w, 1, minor)
- out = F.pad(out, [0, 0, 0, up_x - 1, 0, 0, 0, up_y - 1])
- out = out.view(-1, in_h * up_y, in_w * up_x, minor)
- out = F.pad(out, [0, 0, max(pad_x0, 0), max(pad_x1, 0), max(pad_y0, 0), max(pad_y1, 0)])
- out = out[:, max(-pad_y0, 0):out.shape[1] - max(-pad_y1, 0), max(-pad_x0, 0):out.shape[2] - max(-pad_x1, 0), :, ]
- out = out.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
- out = out.reshape([-1, 1, in_h * up_y + pad_y0 + pad_y1, in_w * up_x + pad_x0 + pad_x1])
- w = torch.flip(kernel, [0, 1]).view(1, 1, kernel_h, kernel_w)
- out = F.conv2d(out, w)
- out = out.reshape(
- -1,
- minor,
- in_h * up_y + pad_y0 + pad_y1 - kernel_h + 1,
- in_w * up_x + pad_x0 + pad_x1 - kernel_w + 1,
- )
- out = out.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
- out = out[:, ::down_y, ::down_x, :]
- out_h = (in_h * up_y + pad_y0 + pad_y1 - kernel_h) // down_y + 1
- out_w = (in_w * up_x + pad_x0 + pad_x1 - kernel_w) // down_x + 1
- return out.view(-1, channel, out_h, out_w)
diff --git a/basicsr/test.py b/basicsr/test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 53cb3b7aa860c90518e15ba76e1a55fdf404bcc2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import torch
-from os import path as osp
-from basicsr.data import build_dataloader, build_dataset
-from basicsr.models import build_model
-from basicsr.utils import get_env_info, get_root_logger, get_time_str, make_exp_dirs
-from basicsr.utils.options import dict2str, parse_options
-def test_pipeline(root_path):
- # parse options, set distributed setting, set ramdom seed
- opt, _ = parse_options(root_path, is_train=False)
- torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
- # torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
- # mkdir and initialize loggers
- make_exp_dirs(opt)
- log_file = osp.join(opt['path']['log'], f"test_{opt['name']}_{get_time_str()}.log")
- logger = get_root_logger(logger_name='basicsr', log_level=logging.INFO, log_file=log_file)
- logger.info(get_env_info())
- logger.info(dict2str(opt))
- # create test dataset and dataloader
- test_loaders = []
- for _, dataset_opt in sorted(opt['datasets'].items()):
- test_set = build_dataset(dataset_opt)
- test_loader = build_dataloader(
- test_set, dataset_opt, num_gpu=opt['num_gpu'], dist=opt['dist'], sampler=None, seed=opt['manual_seed'])
- logger.info(f"Number of test images in {dataset_opt['name']}: {len(test_set)}")
- test_loaders.append(test_loader)
- # create model
- model = build_model(opt)
- for test_loader in test_loaders:
- test_set_name = test_loader.dataset.opt['name']
- logger.info(f'Testing {test_set_name}...')
- model.validation(test_loader, current_iter=opt['name'], tb_logger=None, save_img=opt['val']['save_img'])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- root_path = osp.abspath(osp.join(__file__, osp.pardir, osp.pardir))
- test_pipeline(root_path)
diff --git a/basicsr/train.py b/basicsr/train.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e02d98fe07f8c2924dda5b49f95adfa21990fa91..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/train.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-import datetime
-import logging
-import math
-import time
-import torch
-from os import path as osp
-from basicsr.data import build_dataloader, build_dataset
-from basicsr.data.data_sampler import EnlargedSampler
-from basicsr.data.prefetch_dataloader import CPUPrefetcher, CUDAPrefetcher
-from basicsr.models import build_model
-from basicsr.utils import (AvgTimer, MessageLogger, check_resume, get_env_info, get_root_logger, get_time_str,
- init_tb_logger, init_wandb_logger, make_exp_dirs, mkdir_and_rename, scandir)
-from basicsr.utils.options import copy_opt_file, dict2str, parse_options
-def init_tb_loggers(opt):
- # initialize wandb logger before tensorboard logger to allow proper sync
- if (opt['logger'].get('wandb') is not None) and (opt['logger']['wandb'].get('project')
- is not None) and ('debug' not in opt['name']):
- assert opt['logger'].get('use_tb_logger') is True, ('should turn on tensorboard when using wandb')
- init_wandb_logger(opt)
- tb_logger = None
- if opt['logger'].get('use_tb_logger') and 'debug' not in opt['name']:
- tb_logger = init_tb_logger(log_dir=osp.join(opt['root_path'], 'tb_logger', opt['name']))
- return tb_logger
-def create_train_val_dataloader(opt, logger):
- # create train and val dataloaders
- train_loader, val_loaders = None, []
- for phase, dataset_opt in opt['datasets'].items():
- if phase == 'train':
- dataset_enlarge_ratio = dataset_opt.get('dataset_enlarge_ratio', 1)
- train_set = build_dataset(dataset_opt)
- train_sampler = EnlargedSampler(train_set, opt['world_size'], opt['rank'], dataset_enlarge_ratio)
- train_loader = build_dataloader(
- train_set,
- dataset_opt,
- num_gpu=opt['num_gpu'],
- dist=opt['dist'],
- sampler=train_sampler,
- seed=opt['manual_seed'])
- num_iter_per_epoch = math.ceil(
- len(train_set) * dataset_enlarge_ratio / (dataset_opt['batch_size_per_gpu'] * opt['world_size']))
- total_iters = int(opt['train']['total_iter'])
- total_epochs = math.ceil(total_iters / (num_iter_per_epoch))
- logger.info('Training statistics:'
- f'\n\tNumber of train images: {len(train_set)}'
- f'\n\tDataset enlarge ratio: {dataset_enlarge_ratio}'
- f'\n\tBatch size per gpu: {dataset_opt["batch_size_per_gpu"]}'
- f'\n\tWorld size (gpu number): {opt["world_size"]}'
- f'\n\tRequire iter number per epoch: {num_iter_per_epoch}'
- f'\n\tTotal epochs: {total_epochs}; iters: {total_iters}.')
- elif phase.split('_')[0] == 'val':
- val_set = build_dataset(dataset_opt)
- val_loader = build_dataloader(
- val_set, dataset_opt, num_gpu=opt['num_gpu'], dist=opt['dist'], sampler=None, seed=opt['manual_seed'])
- logger.info(f'Number of val images/folders in {dataset_opt["name"]}: {len(val_set)}')
- val_loaders.append(val_loader)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Dataset phase {phase} is not recognized.')
- return train_loader, train_sampler, val_loaders, total_epochs, total_iters
-def load_resume_state(opt):
- resume_state_path = None
- if opt['auto_resume']:
- state_path = osp.join('experiments', opt['name'], 'training_states')
- if osp.isdir(state_path):
- states = list(scandir(state_path, suffix='state', recursive=False, full_path=False))
- if len(states) != 0:
- states = [float(v.split('.state')[0]) for v in states]
- resume_state_path = osp.join(state_path, f'{max(states):.0f}.state')
- opt['path']['resume_state'] = resume_state_path
- else:
- if opt['path'].get('resume_state'):
- resume_state_path = opt['path']['resume_state']
- if resume_state_path is None:
- resume_state = None
- else:
- device_id = torch.cuda.current_device()
- resume_state = torch.load(resume_state_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage.cuda(device_id))
- check_resume(opt, resume_state['iter'])
- return resume_state
-def train_pipeline(root_path):
- # parse options, set distributed setting, set random seed
- opt, args = parse_options(root_path, is_train=True)
- opt['root_path'] = root_path
- torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
- # torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
- # load resume states if necessary
- resume_state = load_resume_state(opt)
- # mkdir for experiments and logger
- if resume_state is None:
- make_exp_dirs(opt)
- if opt['logger'].get('use_tb_logger') and 'debug' not in opt['name'] and opt['rank'] == 0:
- mkdir_and_rename(osp.join(opt['root_path'], 'tb_logger', opt['name']))
- # copy the yml file to the experiment root
- copy_opt_file(args.opt, opt['path']['experiments_root'])
- # WARNING: should not use get_root_logger in the above codes, including the called functions
- # Otherwise the logger will not be properly initialized
- log_file = osp.join(opt['path']['log'], f"train_{opt['name']}_{get_time_str()}.log")
- logger = get_root_logger(logger_name='basicsr', log_level=logging.INFO, log_file=log_file)
- logger.info(get_env_info())
- logger.info(dict2str(opt))
- # initialize wandb and tb loggers
- tb_logger = init_tb_loggers(opt)
- # create train and validation dataloaders
- result = create_train_val_dataloader(opt, logger)
- train_loader, train_sampler, val_loaders, total_epochs, total_iters = result
- # create model
- model = build_model(opt)
- if resume_state: # resume training
- model.resume_training(resume_state) # handle optimizers and schedulers
- logger.info(f"Resuming training from epoch: {resume_state['epoch']}, iter: {resume_state['iter']}.")
- start_epoch = resume_state['epoch']
- current_iter = resume_state['iter']
- else:
- start_epoch = 0
- current_iter = 0
- # create message logger (formatted outputs)
- msg_logger = MessageLogger(opt, current_iter, tb_logger)
- # dataloader prefetcher
- prefetch_mode = opt['datasets']['train'].get('prefetch_mode')
- if prefetch_mode is None or prefetch_mode == 'cpu':
- prefetcher = CPUPrefetcher(train_loader)
- elif prefetch_mode == 'cuda':
- prefetcher = CUDAPrefetcher(train_loader, opt)
- logger.info(f'Use {prefetch_mode} prefetch dataloader')
- if opt['datasets']['train'].get('pin_memory') is not True:
- raise ValueError('Please set pin_memory=True for CUDAPrefetcher.')
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"Wrong prefetch_mode {prefetch_mode}. Supported ones are: None, 'cuda', 'cpu'.")
- # training
- logger.info(f'Start training from epoch: {start_epoch}, iter: {current_iter}')
- data_timer, iter_timer = AvgTimer(), AvgTimer()
- start_time = time.time()
- for epoch in range(start_epoch, total_epochs + 1):
- train_sampler.set_epoch(epoch)
- prefetcher.reset()
- train_data = prefetcher.next()
- while train_data is not None:
- data_timer.record()
- current_iter += 1
- if current_iter > total_iters:
- break
- # update learning rate
- model.update_learning_rate(current_iter, warmup_iter=opt['train'].get('warmup_iter', -1))
- # training
- model.feed_data(train_data)
- model.optimize_parameters(current_iter)
- iter_timer.record()
- if current_iter == 1:
- # reset start time in msg_logger for more accurate eta_time
- # not work in resume mode
- msg_logger.reset_start_time()
- # log
- if current_iter % opt['logger']['print_freq'] == 0:
- log_vars = {'epoch': epoch, 'iter': current_iter}
- log_vars.update({'lrs': model.get_current_learning_rate()})
- log_vars.update({'time': iter_timer.get_avg_time(), 'data_time': data_timer.get_avg_time()})
- log_vars.update(model.get_current_log())
- msg_logger(log_vars)
- # save models and training states
- if current_iter % opt['logger']['save_checkpoint_freq'] == 0:
- logger.info('Saving models and training states.')
- model.save(epoch, current_iter)
- # validation
- if opt.get('val') is not None and (current_iter % opt['val']['val_freq'] == 0):
- if len(val_loaders) > 1:
- logger.warning('Multiple validation datasets are *only* supported by SRModel.')
- for val_loader in val_loaders:
- model.validation(val_loader, current_iter, tb_logger, opt['val']['save_img'])
- data_timer.start()
- iter_timer.start()
- train_data = prefetcher.next()
- # end of iter
- # end of epoch
- consumed_time = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(time.time() - start_time)))
- logger.info(f'End of training. Time consumed: {consumed_time}')
- logger.info('Save the latest model.')
- model.save(epoch=-1, current_iter=-1) # -1 stands for the latest
- if opt.get('val') is not None:
- for val_loader in val_loaders:
- model.validation(val_loader, current_iter, tb_logger, opt['val']['save_img'])
- if tb_logger:
- tb_logger.close()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- root_path = osp.abspath(osp.join(__file__, osp.pardir, osp.pardir))
- train_pipeline(root_path)
diff --git a/basicsr/utils/__init__.py b/basicsr/utils/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9569c50780415b356c8e06edac5d960cf1fe1e91..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/utils/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-from .color_util import bgr2ycbcr, rgb2ycbcr, rgb2ycbcr_pt, ycbcr2bgr, ycbcr2rgb
-from .diffjpeg import DiffJPEG
-from .file_client import FileClient
-from .img_process_util import USMSharp, usm_sharp
-from .img_util import crop_border, imfrombytes, img2tensor, imwrite, tensor2img
-from .logger import AvgTimer, MessageLogger, get_env_info, get_root_logger, init_tb_logger, init_wandb_logger
-from .misc import check_resume, get_time_str, make_exp_dirs, mkdir_and_rename, scandir, set_random_seed, sizeof_fmt
-from .options import yaml_load
-__all__ = [
- # color_util.py
- 'bgr2ycbcr',
- 'rgb2ycbcr',
- 'rgb2ycbcr_pt',
- 'ycbcr2bgr',
- 'ycbcr2rgb',
- # file_client.py
- 'FileClient',
- # img_util.py
- 'img2tensor',
- 'tensor2img',
- 'imfrombytes',
- 'imwrite',
- 'crop_border',
- # logger.py
- 'MessageLogger',
- 'AvgTimer',
- 'init_tb_logger',
- 'init_wandb_logger',
- 'get_root_logger',
- 'get_env_info',
- # misc.py
- 'set_random_seed',
- 'get_time_str',
- 'mkdir_and_rename',
- 'make_exp_dirs',
- 'scandir',
- 'check_resume',
- 'sizeof_fmt',
- # diffjpeg
- 'DiffJPEG',
- # img_process_util
- 'USMSharp',
- 'usm_sharp',
- # options
- 'yaml_load'
diff --git a/basicsr/utils/color_util.py b/basicsr/utils/color_util.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4740d5c98dd0680654e20d46b81ab30dfe936d6e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/utils/color_util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-def rgb2ycbcr(img, y_only=False):
- """Convert a RGB image to YCbCr image.
- This function produces the same results as Matlab's `rgb2ycbcr` function.
- It implements the ITU-R BT.601 conversion for standard-definition
- television. See more details in
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#ITU-R_BT.601_conversion.
- It differs from a similar function in cv2.cvtColor: `RGB <-> YCrCb`.
- In OpenCV, it implements a JPEG conversion. See more details in
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#JPEG_conversion.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): The input image. It accepts:
- 1. np.uint8 type with range [0, 255];
- 2. np.float32 type with range [0, 1].
- y_only (bool): Whether to only return Y channel. Default: False.
- Returns:
- ndarray: The converted YCbCr image. The output image has the same type
- and range as input image.
- """
- img_type = img.dtype
- img = _convert_input_type_range(img)
- if y_only:
- out_img = np.dot(img, [65.481, 128.553, 24.966]) + 16.0
- else:
- out_img = np.matmul(
- img, [[65.481, -37.797, 112.0], [128.553, -74.203, -93.786], [24.966, 112.0, -18.214]]) + [16, 128, 128]
- out_img = _convert_output_type_range(out_img, img_type)
- return out_img
-def bgr2ycbcr(img, y_only=False):
- """Convert a BGR image to YCbCr image.
- The bgr version of rgb2ycbcr.
- It implements the ITU-R BT.601 conversion for standard-definition
- television. See more details in
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#ITU-R_BT.601_conversion.
- It differs from a similar function in cv2.cvtColor: `BGR <-> YCrCb`.
- In OpenCV, it implements a JPEG conversion. See more details in
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#JPEG_conversion.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): The input image. It accepts:
- 1. np.uint8 type with range [0, 255];
- 2. np.float32 type with range [0, 1].
- y_only (bool): Whether to only return Y channel. Default: False.
- Returns:
- ndarray: The converted YCbCr image. The output image has the same type
- and range as input image.
- """
- img_type = img.dtype
- img = _convert_input_type_range(img)
- if y_only:
- out_img = np.dot(img, [24.966, 128.553, 65.481]) + 16.0
- else:
- out_img = np.matmul(
- img, [[24.966, 112.0, -18.214], [128.553, -74.203, -93.786], [65.481, -37.797, 112.0]]) + [16, 128, 128]
- out_img = _convert_output_type_range(out_img, img_type)
- return out_img
-def ycbcr2rgb(img):
- """Convert a YCbCr image to RGB image.
- This function produces the same results as Matlab's ycbcr2rgb function.
- It implements the ITU-R BT.601 conversion for standard-definition
- television. See more details in
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#ITU-R_BT.601_conversion.
- It differs from a similar function in cv2.cvtColor: `YCrCb <-> RGB`.
- In OpenCV, it implements a JPEG conversion. See more details in
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#JPEG_conversion.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): The input image. It accepts:
- 1. np.uint8 type with range [0, 255];
- 2. np.float32 type with range [0, 1].
- Returns:
- ndarray: The converted RGB image. The output image has the same type
- and range as input image.
- """
- img_type = img.dtype
- img = _convert_input_type_range(img) * 255
- out_img = np.matmul(img, [[0.00456621, 0.00456621, 0.00456621], [0, -0.00153632, 0.00791071],
- [0.00625893, -0.00318811, 0]]) * 255.0 + [-222.921, 135.576, -276.836] # noqa: E126
- out_img = _convert_output_type_range(out_img, img_type)
- return out_img
-def ycbcr2bgr(img):
- """Convert a YCbCr image to BGR image.
- The bgr version of ycbcr2rgb.
- It implements the ITU-R BT.601 conversion for standard-definition
- television. See more details in
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#ITU-R_BT.601_conversion.
- It differs from a similar function in cv2.cvtColor: `YCrCb <-> BGR`.
- In OpenCV, it implements a JPEG conversion. See more details in
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#JPEG_conversion.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): The input image. It accepts:
- 1. np.uint8 type with range [0, 255];
- 2. np.float32 type with range [0, 1].
- Returns:
- ndarray: The converted BGR image. The output image has the same type
- and range as input image.
- """
- img_type = img.dtype
- img = _convert_input_type_range(img) * 255
- out_img = np.matmul(img, [[0.00456621, 0.00456621, 0.00456621], [0.00791071, -0.00153632, 0],
- [0, -0.00318811, 0.00625893]]) * 255.0 + [-276.836, 135.576, -222.921] # noqa: E126
- out_img = _convert_output_type_range(out_img, img_type)
- return out_img
-def _convert_input_type_range(img):
- """Convert the type and range of the input image.
- It converts the input image to np.float32 type and range of [0, 1].
- It is mainly used for pre-processing the input image in colorspace
- conversion functions such as rgb2ycbcr and ycbcr2rgb.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): The input image. It accepts:
- 1. np.uint8 type with range [0, 255];
- 2. np.float32 type with range [0, 1].
- Returns:
- (ndarray): The converted image with type of np.float32 and range of
- [0, 1].
- """
- img_type = img.dtype
- img = img.astype(np.float32)
- if img_type == np.float32:
- pass
- elif img_type == np.uint8:
- img /= 255.
- else:
- raise TypeError(f'The img type should be np.float32 or np.uint8, but got {img_type}')
- return img
-def _convert_output_type_range(img, dst_type):
- """Convert the type and range of the image according to dst_type.
- It converts the image to desired type and range. If `dst_type` is np.uint8,
- images will be converted to np.uint8 type with range [0, 255]. If
- `dst_type` is np.float32, it converts the image to np.float32 type with
- range [0, 1].
- It is mainly used for post-processing images in colorspace conversion
- functions such as rgb2ycbcr and ycbcr2rgb.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): The image to be converted with np.float32 type and
- range [0, 255].
- dst_type (np.uint8 | np.float32): If dst_type is np.uint8, it
- converts the image to np.uint8 type with range [0, 255]. If
- dst_type is np.float32, it converts the image to np.float32 type
- with range [0, 1].
- Returns:
- (ndarray): The converted image with desired type and range.
- """
- if dst_type not in (np.uint8, np.float32):
- raise TypeError(f'The dst_type should be np.float32 or np.uint8, but got {dst_type}')
- if dst_type == np.uint8:
- img = img.round()
- else:
- img /= 255.
- return img.astype(dst_type)
-def rgb2ycbcr_pt(img, y_only=False):
- """Convert RGB images to YCbCr images (PyTorch version).
- It implements the ITU-R BT.601 conversion for standard-definition television. See more details in
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#ITU-R_BT.601_conversion.
- Args:
- img (Tensor): Images with shape (n, 3, h, w), the range [0, 1], float, RGB format.
- y_only (bool): Whether to only return Y channel. Default: False.
- Returns:
- (Tensor): converted images with the shape (n, 3/1, h, w), the range [0, 1], float.
- """
- if y_only:
- weight = torch.tensor([[65.481], [128.553], [24.966]]).to(img)
- out_img = torch.matmul(img.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), weight).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) + 16.0
- else:
- weight = torch.tensor([[65.481, -37.797, 112.0], [128.553, -74.203, -93.786], [24.966, 112.0, -18.214]]).to(img)
- bias = torch.tensor([16, 128, 128]).view(1, 3, 1, 1).to(img)
- out_img = torch.matmul(img.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), weight).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) + bias
- out_img = out_img / 255.
- return out_img
diff --git a/basicsr/utils/diffjpeg.py b/basicsr/utils/diffjpeg.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 65f96b44f9e7f3f8a589668f0003adf328cc5742..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/utils/diffjpeg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-Modified from https://github.com/mlomnitz/DiffJPEG
-For images not divisible by 8
-import itertools
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-# ------------------------ utils ------------------------#
-y_table = np.array(
- [[16, 11, 10, 16, 24, 40, 51, 61], [12, 12, 14, 19, 26, 58, 60, 55], [14, 13, 16, 24, 40, 57, 69, 56],
- [14, 17, 22, 29, 51, 87, 80, 62], [18, 22, 37, 56, 68, 109, 103, 77], [24, 35, 55, 64, 81, 104, 113, 92],
- [49, 64, 78, 87, 103, 121, 120, 101], [72, 92, 95, 98, 112, 100, 103, 99]],
- dtype=np.float32).T
-y_table = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(y_table))
-c_table = np.empty((8, 8), dtype=np.float32)
-c_table[:4, :4] = np.array([[17, 18, 24, 47], [18, 21, 26, 66], [24, 26, 56, 99], [47, 66, 99, 99]]).T
-c_table = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(c_table))
-def diff_round(x):
- """ Differentiable rounding function
- """
- return torch.round(x) + (x - torch.round(x))**3
-def quality_to_factor(quality):
- """ Calculate factor corresponding to quality
- Args:
- quality(float): Quality for jpeg compression.
- Returns:
- float: Compression factor.
- """
- if quality < 50:
- quality = 5000. / quality
- else:
- quality = 200. - quality * 2
- return quality / 100.
-# ------------------------ compression ------------------------#
-class RGB2YCbCrJpeg(nn.Module):
- """ Converts RGB image to YCbCr
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(RGB2YCbCrJpeg, self).__init__()
- matrix = np.array([[0.299, 0.587, 0.114], [-0.168736, -0.331264, 0.5], [0.5, -0.418688, -0.081312]],
- dtype=np.float32).T
- self.shift = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([0., 128., 128.]))
- self.matrix = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(matrix))
- def forward(self, image):
- """
- Args:
- image(Tensor): batch x 3 x height x width
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x height x width x 3
- """
- image = image.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
- result = torch.tensordot(image, self.matrix, dims=1) + self.shift
- return result.view(image.shape)
-class ChromaSubsampling(nn.Module):
- """ Chroma subsampling on CbCr channels
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(ChromaSubsampling, self).__init__()
- def forward(self, image):
- """
- Args:
- image(tensor): batch x height x width x 3
- Returns:
- y(tensor): batch x height x width
- cb(tensor): batch x height/2 x width/2
- cr(tensor): batch x height/2 x width/2
- """
- image_2 = image.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).clone()
- cb = F.avg_pool2d(image_2[:, 1, :, :].unsqueeze(1), kernel_size=2, stride=(2, 2), count_include_pad=False)
- cr = F.avg_pool2d(image_2[:, 2, :, :].unsqueeze(1), kernel_size=2, stride=(2, 2), count_include_pad=False)
- cb = cb.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
- cr = cr.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
- return image[:, :, :, 0], cb.squeeze(3), cr.squeeze(3)
-class BlockSplitting(nn.Module):
- """ Splitting image into patches
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(BlockSplitting, self).__init__()
- self.k = 8
- def forward(self, image):
- """
- Args:
- image(tensor): batch x height x width
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x h*w/64 x h x w
- """
- height, _ = image.shape[1:3]
- batch_size = image.shape[0]
- image_reshaped = image.view(batch_size, height // self.k, self.k, -1, self.k)
- image_transposed = image_reshaped.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)
- return image_transposed.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1, self.k, self.k)
-class DCT8x8(nn.Module):
- """ Discrete Cosine Transformation
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(DCT8x8, self).__init__()
- tensor = np.zeros((8, 8, 8, 8), dtype=np.float32)
- for x, y, u, v in itertools.product(range(8), repeat=4):
- tensor[x, y, u, v] = np.cos((2 * x + 1) * u * np.pi / 16) * np.cos((2 * y + 1) * v * np.pi / 16)
- alpha = np.array([1. / np.sqrt(2)] + [1] * 7)
- self.tensor = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(tensor).float())
- self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(np.outer(alpha, alpha) * 0.25).float())
- def forward(self, image):
- """
- Args:
- image(tensor): batch x height x width
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x height x width
- """
- image = image - 128
- result = self.scale * torch.tensordot(image, self.tensor, dims=2)
- result.view(image.shape)
- return result
-class YQuantize(nn.Module):
- """ JPEG Quantization for Y channel
- Args:
- rounding(function): rounding function to use
- """
- def __init__(self, rounding):
- super(YQuantize, self).__init__()
- self.rounding = rounding
- self.y_table = y_table
- def forward(self, image, factor=1):
- """
- Args:
- image(tensor): batch x height x width
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x height x width
- """
- if isinstance(factor, (int, float)):
- image = image.float() / (self.y_table * factor)
- else:
- b = factor.size(0)
- table = self.y_table.expand(b, 1, 8, 8) * factor.view(b, 1, 1, 1)
- image = image.float() / table
- image = self.rounding(image)
- return image
-class CQuantize(nn.Module):
- """ JPEG Quantization for CbCr channels
- Args:
- rounding(function): rounding function to use
- """
- def __init__(self, rounding):
- super(CQuantize, self).__init__()
- self.rounding = rounding
- self.c_table = c_table
- def forward(self, image, factor=1):
- """
- Args:
- image(tensor): batch x height x width
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x height x width
- """
- if isinstance(factor, (int, float)):
- image = image.float() / (self.c_table * factor)
- else:
- b = factor.size(0)
- table = self.c_table.expand(b, 1, 8, 8) * factor.view(b, 1, 1, 1)
- image = image.float() / table
- image = self.rounding(image)
- return image
-class CompressJpeg(nn.Module):
- """Full JPEG compression algorithm
- Args:
- rounding(function): rounding function to use
- """
- def __init__(self, rounding=torch.round):
- super(CompressJpeg, self).__init__()
- self.l1 = nn.Sequential(RGB2YCbCrJpeg(), ChromaSubsampling())
- self.l2 = nn.Sequential(BlockSplitting(), DCT8x8())
- self.c_quantize = CQuantize(rounding=rounding)
- self.y_quantize = YQuantize(rounding=rounding)
- def forward(self, image, factor=1):
- """
- Args:
- image(tensor): batch x 3 x height x width
- Returns:
- dict(tensor): Compressed tensor with batch x h*w/64 x 8 x 8.
- """
- y, cb, cr = self.l1(image * 255)
- components = {'y': y, 'cb': cb, 'cr': cr}
- for k in components.keys():
- comp = self.l2(components[k])
- if k in ('cb', 'cr'):
- comp = self.c_quantize(comp, factor=factor)
- else:
- comp = self.y_quantize(comp, factor=factor)
- components[k] = comp
- return components['y'], components['cb'], components['cr']
-# ------------------------ decompression ------------------------#
-class YDequantize(nn.Module):
- """Dequantize Y channel
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(YDequantize, self).__init__()
- self.y_table = y_table
- def forward(self, image, factor=1):
- """
- Args:
- image(tensor): batch x height x width
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x height x width
- """
- if isinstance(factor, (int, float)):
- out = image * (self.y_table * factor)
- else:
- b = factor.size(0)
- table = self.y_table.expand(b, 1, 8, 8) * factor.view(b, 1, 1, 1)
- out = image * table
- return out
-class CDequantize(nn.Module):
- """Dequantize CbCr channel
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(CDequantize, self).__init__()
- self.c_table = c_table
- def forward(self, image, factor=1):
- """
- Args:
- image(tensor): batch x height x width
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x height x width
- """
- if isinstance(factor, (int, float)):
- out = image * (self.c_table * factor)
- else:
- b = factor.size(0)
- table = self.c_table.expand(b, 1, 8, 8) * factor.view(b, 1, 1, 1)
- out = image * table
- return out
-class iDCT8x8(nn.Module):
- """Inverse discrete Cosine Transformation
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(iDCT8x8, self).__init__()
- alpha = np.array([1. / np.sqrt(2)] + [1] * 7)
- self.alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(np.outer(alpha, alpha)).float())
- tensor = np.zeros((8, 8, 8, 8), dtype=np.float32)
- for x, y, u, v in itertools.product(range(8), repeat=4):
- tensor[x, y, u, v] = np.cos((2 * u + 1) * x * np.pi / 16) * np.cos((2 * v + 1) * y * np.pi / 16)
- self.tensor = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(tensor).float())
- def forward(self, image):
- """
- Args:
- image(tensor): batch x height x width
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x height x width
- """
- image = image * self.alpha
- result = 0.25 * torch.tensordot(image, self.tensor, dims=2) + 128
- result.view(image.shape)
- return result
-class BlockMerging(nn.Module):
- """Merge patches into image
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(BlockMerging, self).__init__()
- def forward(self, patches, height, width):
- """
- Args:
- patches(tensor) batch x height*width/64, height x width
- height(int)
- width(int)
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x height x width
- """
- k = 8
- batch_size = patches.shape[0]
- image_reshaped = patches.view(batch_size, height // k, width // k, k, k)
- image_transposed = image_reshaped.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)
- return image_transposed.contiguous().view(batch_size, height, width)
-class ChromaUpsampling(nn.Module):
- """Upsample chroma layers
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(ChromaUpsampling, self).__init__()
- def forward(self, y, cb, cr):
- """
- Args:
- y(tensor): y channel image
- cb(tensor): cb channel
- cr(tensor): cr channel
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x height x width x 3
- """
- def repeat(x, k=2):
- height, width = x.shape[1:3]
- x = x.unsqueeze(-1)
- x = x.repeat(1, 1, k, k)
- x = x.view(-1, height * k, width * k)
- return x
- cb = repeat(cb)
- cr = repeat(cr)
- return torch.cat([y.unsqueeze(3), cb.unsqueeze(3), cr.unsqueeze(3)], dim=3)
-class YCbCr2RGBJpeg(nn.Module):
- """Converts YCbCr image to RGB JPEG
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(YCbCr2RGBJpeg, self).__init__()
- matrix = np.array([[1., 0., 1.402], [1, -0.344136, -0.714136], [1, 1.772, 0]], dtype=np.float32).T
- self.shift = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([0, -128., -128.]))
- self.matrix = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(matrix))
- def forward(self, image):
- """
- Args:
- image(tensor): batch x height x width x 3
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x 3 x height x width
- """
- result = torch.tensordot(image + self.shift, self.matrix, dims=1)
- return result.view(image.shape).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
-class DeCompressJpeg(nn.Module):
- """Full JPEG decompression algorithm
- Args:
- rounding(function): rounding function to use
- """
- def __init__(self, rounding=torch.round):
- super(DeCompressJpeg, self).__init__()
- self.c_dequantize = CDequantize()
- self.y_dequantize = YDequantize()
- self.idct = iDCT8x8()
- self.merging = BlockMerging()
- self.chroma = ChromaUpsampling()
- self.colors = YCbCr2RGBJpeg()
- def forward(self, y, cb, cr, imgh, imgw, factor=1):
- """
- Args:
- compressed(dict(tensor)): batch x h*w/64 x 8 x 8
- imgh(int)
- imgw(int)
- factor(float)
- Returns:
- Tensor: batch x 3 x height x width
- """
- components = {'y': y, 'cb': cb, 'cr': cr}
- for k in components.keys():
- if k in ('cb', 'cr'):
- comp = self.c_dequantize(components[k], factor=factor)
- height, width = int(imgh / 2), int(imgw / 2)
- else:
- comp = self.y_dequantize(components[k], factor=factor)
- height, width = imgh, imgw
- comp = self.idct(comp)
- components[k] = self.merging(comp, height, width)
- #
- image = self.chroma(components['y'], components['cb'], components['cr'])
- image = self.colors(image)
- image = torch.min(255 * torch.ones_like(image), torch.max(torch.zeros_like(image), image))
- return image / 255
-# ------------------------ main DiffJPEG ------------------------ #
-class DiffJPEG(nn.Module):
- """This JPEG algorithm result is slightly different from cv2.
- DiffJPEG supports batch processing.
- Args:
- differentiable(bool): If True, uses custom differentiable rounding function, if False, uses standard torch.round
- """
- def __init__(self, differentiable=True):
- super(DiffJPEG, self).__init__()
- if differentiable:
- rounding = diff_round
- else:
- rounding = torch.round
- self.compress = CompressJpeg(rounding=rounding)
- self.decompress = DeCompressJpeg(rounding=rounding)
- def forward(self, x, quality):
- """
- Args:
- x (Tensor): Input image, bchw, rgb, [0, 1]
- quality(float): Quality factor for jpeg compression scheme.
- """
- factor = quality
- if isinstance(factor, (int, float)):
- factor = quality_to_factor(factor)
- else:
- for i in range(factor.size(0)):
- factor[i] = quality_to_factor(factor[i])
- h, w = x.size()[-2:]
- h_pad, w_pad = 0, 0
- # why should use 16
- if h % 16 != 0:
- h_pad = 16 - h % 16
- if w % 16 != 0:
- w_pad = 16 - w % 16
- x = F.pad(x, (0, w_pad, 0, h_pad), mode='constant', value=0)
- y, cb, cr = self.compress(x, factor=factor)
- recovered = self.decompress(y, cb, cr, (h + h_pad), (w + w_pad), factor=factor)
- recovered = recovered[:, :, 0:h, 0:w]
- return recovered
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import cv2
- from basicsr.utils import img2tensor, tensor2img
- img_gt = cv2.imread('test.png') / 255.
- # -------------- cv2 -------------- #
- encode_param = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 20]
- _, encimg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img_gt * 255., encode_param)
- img_lq = np.float32(cv2.imdecode(encimg, 1))
- cv2.imwrite('cv2_JPEG_20.png', img_lq)
- # -------------- DiffJPEG -------------- #
- jpeger = DiffJPEG(differentiable=False).cuda()
- img_gt = img2tensor(img_gt)
- img_gt = torch.stack([img_gt, img_gt]).cuda()
- quality = img_gt.new_tensor([20, 40])
- out = jpeger(img_gt, quality=quality)
- cv2.imwrite('pt_JPEG_20.png', tensor2img(out[0]))
- cv2.imwrite('pt_JPEG_40.png', tensor2img(out[1]))
diff --git a/basicsr/utils/dist_util.py b/basicsr/utils/dist_util.py
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index 0fab887b2cb1ce8533d2e8fdee72ae0c24f68fd0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/utils/dist_util.py
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-# Modified from https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/mmcv/runner/dist_utils.py # noqa: E501
-import functools
-import os
-import subprocess
-import torch
-import torch.distributed as dist
-import torch.multiprocessing as mp
-def init_dist(launcher, backend='nccl', **kwargs):
- if mp.get_start_method(allow_none=True) is None:
- mp.set_start_method('spawn')
- if launcher == 'pytorch':
- _init_dist_pytorch(backend, **kwargs)
- elif launcher == 'slurm':
- _init_dist_slurm(backend, **kwargs)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Invalid launcher type: {launcher}')
-def _init_dist_pytorch(backend, **kwargs):
- rank = int(os.environ['RANK'])
- num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count()
- torch.cuda.set_device(rank % num_gpus)
- dist.init_process_group(backend=backend, **kwargs)
-def _init_dist_slurm(backend, port=None):
- """Initialize slurm distributed training environment.
- If argument ``port`` is not specified, then the master port will be system
- environment variable ``MASTER_PORT``. If ``MASTER_PORT`` is not in system
- environment variable, then a default port ``29500`` will be used.
- Args:
- backend (str): Backend of torch.distributed.
- port (int, optional): Master port. Defaults to None.
- """
- proc_id = int(os.environ['SLURM_PROCID'])
- ntasks = int(os.environ['SLURM_NTASKS'])
- node_list = os.environ['SLURM_NODELIST']
- num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count()
- torch.cuda.set_device(proc_id % num_gpus)
- addr = subprocess.getoutput(f'scontrol show hostname {node_list} | head -n1')
- # specify master port
- if port is not None:
- os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = str(port)
- elif 'MASTER_PORT' in os.environ:
- pass # use MASTER_PORT in the environment variable
- else:
- # 29500 is torch.distributed default port
- os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '29500'
- os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = addr
- os.environ['WORLD_SIZE'] = str(ntasks)
- os.environ['LOCAL_RANK'] = str(proc_id % num_gpus)
- os.environ['RANK'] = str(proc_id)
- dist.init_process_group(backend=backend)
-def get_dist_info():
- if dist.is_available():
- initialized = dist.is_initialized()
- else:
- initialized = False
- if initialized:
- rank = dist.get_rank()
- world_size = dist.get_world_size()
- else:
- rank = 0
- world_size = 1
- return rank, world_size
-def master_only(func):
- @functools.wraps(func)
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- rank, _ = get_dist_info()
- if rank == 0:
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
diff --git a/basicsr/utils/download_util.py b/basicsr/utils/download_util.py
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--- a/basicsr/utils/download_util.py
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-import math
-import os
-import requests
-from torch.hub import download_url_to_file, get_dir
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from .misc import sizeof_fmt
-def download_file_from_google_drive(file_id, save_path):
- """Download files from google drive.
- Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25010369/wget-curl-large-file-from-google-drive
- Args:
- file_id (str): File id.
- save_path (str): Save path.
- """
- session = requests.Session()
- URL = 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download'
- params = {'id': file_id}
- response = session.get(URL, params=params, stream=True)
- token = get_confirm_token(response)
- if token:
- params['confirm'] = token
- response = session.get(URL, params=params, stream=True)
- # get file size
- response_file_size = session.get(URL, params=params, stream=True, headers={'Range': 'bytes=0-2'})
- if 'Content-Range' in response_file_size.headers:
- file_size = int(response_file_size.headers['Content-Range'].split('/')[1])
- else:
- file_size = None
- save_response_content(response, save_path, file_size)
-def get_confirm_token(response):
- for key, value in response.cookies.items():
- if key.startswith('download_warning'):
- return value
- return None
-def save_response_content(response, destination, file_size=None, chunk_size=32768):
- if file_size is not None:
- pbar = tqdm(total=math.ceil(file_size / chunk_size), unit='chunk')
- readable_file_size = sizeof_fmt(file_size)
- else:
- pbar = None
- with open(destination, 'wb') as f:
- downloaded_size = 0
- for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size):
- downloaded_size += chunk_size
- if pbar is not None:
- pbar.update(1)
- pbar.set_description(f'Download {sizeof_fmt(downloaded_size)} / {readable_file_size}')
- if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
- f.write(chunk)
- if pbar is not None:
- pbar.close()
-def load_file_from_url(url, model_dir=None, progress=True, file_name=None):
- """Load file form http url, will download models if necessary.
- Reference: https://github.com/1adrianb/face-alignment/blob/master/face_alignment/utils.py
- Args:
- url (str): URL to be downloaded.
- model_dir (str): The path to save the downloaded model. Should be a full path. If None, use pytorch hub_dir.
- Default: None.
- progress (bool): Whether to show the download progress. Default: True.
- file_name (str): The downloaded file name. If None, use the file name in the url. Default: None.
- Returns:
- str: The path to the downloaded file.
- """
- if model_dir is None: # use the pytorch hub_dir
- hub_dir = get_dir()
- model_dir = os.path.join(hub_dir, 'checkpoints')
- os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True)
- parts = urlparse(url)
- filename = os.path.basename(parts.path)
- if file_name is not None:
- filename = file_name
- cached_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(model_dir, filename))
- if not os.path.exists(cached_file):
- print(f'Downloading: "{url}" to {cached_file}\n')
- download_url_to_file(url, cached_file, hash_prefix=None, progress=progress)
- return cached_file
diff --git a/basicsr/utils/file_client.py b/basicsr/utils/file_client.py
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-# Modified from https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/mmcv/fileio/file_client.py # noqa: E501
-from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
-class BaseStorageBackend(metaclass=ABCMeta):
- """Abstract class of storage backends.
- All backends need to implement two apis: ``get()`` and ``get_text()``.
- ``get()`` reads the file as a byte stream and ``get_text()`` reads the file
- as texts.
- """
- @abstractmethod
- def get(self, filepath):
- pass
- @abstractmethod
- def get_text(self, filepath):
- pass
-class MemcachedBackend(BaseStorageBackend):
- """Memcached storage backend.
- Attributes:
- server_list_cfg (str): Config file for memcached server list.
- client_cfg (str): Config file for memcached client.
- sys_path (str | None): Additional path to be appended to `sys.path`.
- Default: None.
- """
- def __init__(self, server_list_cfg, client_cfg, sys_path=None):
- if sys_path is not None:
- import sys
- sys.path.append(sys_path)
- try:
- import mc
- except ImportError:
- raise ImportError('Please install memcached to enable MemcachedBackend.')
- self.server_list_cfg = server_list_cfg
- self.client_cfg = client_cfg
- self._client = mc.MemcachedClient.GetInstance(self.server_list_cfg, self.client_cfg)
- # mc.pyvector servers as a point which points to a memory cache
- self._mc_buffer = mc.pyvector()
- def get(self, filepath):
- filepath = str(filepath)
- import mc
- self._client.Get(filepath, self._mc_buffer)
- value_buf = mc.ConvertBuffer(self._mc_buffer)
- return value_buf
- def get_text(self, filepath):
- raise NotImplementedError
-class HardDiskBackend(BaseStorageBackend):
- """Raw hard disks storage backend."""
- def get(self, filepath):
- filepath = str(filepath)
- with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
- value_buf = f.read()
- return value_buf
- def get_text(self, filepath):
- filepath = str(filepath)
- with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
- value_buf = f.read()
- return value_buf
-class LmdbBackend(BaseStorageBackend):
- """Lmdb storage backend.
- Args:
- db_paths (str | list[str]): Lmdb database paths.
- client_keys (str | list[str]): Lmdb client keys. Default: 'default'.
- readonly (bool, optional): Lmdb environment parameter. If True,
- disallow any write operations. Default: True.
- lock (bool, optional): Lmdb environment parameter. If False, when
- concurrent access occurs, do not lock the database. Default: False.
- readahead (bool, optional): Lmdb environment parameter. If False,
- disable the OS filesystem readahead mechanism, which may improve
- random read performance when a database is larger than RAM.
- Default: False.
- Attributes:
- db_paths (list): Lmdb database path.
- _client (list): A list of several lmdb envs.
- """
- def __init__(self, db_paths, client_keys='default', readonly=True, lock=False, readahead=False, **kwargs):
- try:
- import lmdb
- except ImportError:
- raise ImportError('Please install lmdb to enable LmdbBackend.')
- if isinstance(client_keys, str):
- client_keys = [client_keys]
- if isinstance(db_paths, list):
- self.db_paths = [str(v) for v in db_paths]
- elif isinstance(db_paths, str):
- self.db_paths = [str(db_paths)]
- assert len(client_keys) == len(self.db_paths), ('client_keys and db_paths should have the same length, '
- f'but received {len(client_keys)} and {len(self.db_paths)}.')
- self._client = {}
- for client, path in zip(client_keys, self.db_paths):
- self._client[client] = lmdb.open(path, readonly=readonly, lock=lock, readahead=readahead, **kwargs)
- def get(self, filepath, client_key):
- """Get values according to the filepath from one lmdb named client_key.
- Args:
- filepath (str | obj:`Path`): Here, filepath is the lmdb key.
- client_key (str): Used for distinguishing different lmdb envs.
- """
- filepath = str(filepath)
- assert client_key in self._client, (f'client_key {client_key} is not in lmdb clients.')
- client = self._client[client_key]
- with client.begin(write=False) as txn:
- value_buf = txn.get(filepath.encode('ascii'))
- return value_buf
- def get_text(self, filepath):
- raise NotImplementedError
-class FileClient(object):
- """A general file client to access files in different backend.
- The client loads a file or text in a specified backend from its path
- and return it as a binary file. it can also register other backend
- accessor with a given name and backend class.
- Attributes:
- backend (str): The storage backend type. Options are "disk",
- "memcached" and "lmdb".
- client (:obj:`BaseStorageBackend`): The backend object.
- """
- _backends = {
- 'disk': HardDiskBackend,
- 'memcached': MemcachedBackend,
- 'lmdb': LmdbBackend,
- }
- def __init__(self, backend='disk', **kwargs):
- if backend not in self._backends:
- raise ValueError(f'Backend {backend} is not supported. Currently supported ones'
- f' are {list(self._backends.keys())}')
- self.backend = backend
- self.client = self._backends[backend](**kwargs)
- def get(self, filepath, client_key='default'):
- # client_key is used only for lmdb, where different fileclients have
- # different lmdb environments.
- if self.backend == 'lmdb':
- return self.client.get(filepath, client_key)
- else:
- return self.client.get(filepath)
- def get_text(self, filepath):
- return self.client.get_text(filepath)
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index 3d7180b4e9b5c8f2eb36a9a0e4ff6affdaae84b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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-# Modified from https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/mmcv/video/optflow.py # noqa: E501
-import cv2
-import numpy as np
-import os
-def flowread(flow_path, quantize=False, concat_axis=0, *args, **kwargs):
- """Read an optical flow map.
- Args:
- flow_path (ndarray or str): Flow path.
- quantize (bool): whether to read quantized pair, if set to True,
- remaining args will be passed to :func:`dequantize_flow`.
- concat_axis (int): The axis that dx and dy are concatenated,
- can be either 0 or 1. Ignored if quantize is False.
- Returns:
- ndarray: Optical flow represented as a (h, w, 2) numpy array
- """
- if quantize:
- assert concat_axis in [0, 1]
- cat_flow = cv2.imread(flow_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
- if cat_flow.ndim != 2:
- raise IOError(f'{flow_path} is not a valid quantized flow file, its dimension is {cat_flow.ndim}.')
- assert cat_flow.shape[concat_axis] % 2 == 0
- dx, dy = np.split(cat_flow, 2, axis=concat_axis)
- flow = dequantize_flow(dx, dy, *args, **kwargs)
- else:
- with open(flow_path, 'rb') as f:
- try:
- header = f.read(4).decode('utf-8')
- except Exception:
- raise IOError(f'Invalid flow file: {flow_path}')
- else:
- if header != 'PIEH':
- raise IOError(f'Invalid flow file: {flow_path}, header does not contain PIEH')
- w = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, 1).squeeze()
- h = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, 1).squeeze()
- flow = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, w * h * 2).reshape((h, w, 2))
- return flow.astype(np.float32)
-def flowwrite(flow, filename, quantize=False, concat_axis=0, *args, **kwargs):
- """Write optical flow to file.
- If the flow is not quantized, it will be saved as a .flo file losslessly,
- otherwise a jpeg image which is lossy but of much smaller size. (dx and dy
- will be concatenated horizontally into a single image if quantize is True.)
- Args:
- flow (ndarray): (h, w, 2) array of optical flow.
- filename (str): Output filepath.
- quantize (bool): Whether to quantize the flow and save it to 2 jpeg
- images. If set to True, remaining args will be passed to
- :func:`quantize_flow`.
- concat_axis (int): The axis that dx and dy are concatenated,
- can be either 0 or 1. Ignored if quantize is False.
- """
- if not quantize:
- with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
- f.write('PIEH'.encode('utf-8'))
- np.array([flow.shape[1], flow.shape[0]], dtype=np.int32).tofile(f)
- flow = flow.astype(np.float32)
- flow.tofile(f)
- f.flush()
- else:
- assert concat_axis in [0, 1]
- dx, dy = quantize_flow(flow, *args, **kwargs)
- dxdy = np.concatenate((dx, dy), axis=concat_axis)
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True)
- cv2.imwrite(filename, dxdy)
-def quantize_flow(flow, max_val=0.02, norm=True):
- """Quantize flow to [0, 255].
- After this step, the size of flow will be much smaller, and can be
- dumped as jpeg images.
- Args:
- flow (ndarray): (h, w, 2) array of optical flow.
- max_val (float): Maximum value of flow, values beyond
- [-max_val, max_val] will be truncated.
- norm (bool): Whether to divide flow values by image width/height.
- Returns:
- tuple[ndarray]: Quantized dx and dy.
- """
- h, w, _ = flow.shape
- dx = flow[..., 0]
- dy = flow[..., 1]
- if norm:
- dx = dx / w # avoid inplace operations
- dy = dy / h
- # use 255 levels instead of 256 to make sure 0 is 0 after dequantization.
- flow_comps = [quantize(d, -max_val, max_val, 255, np.uint8) for d in [dx, dy]]
- return tuple(flow_comps)
-def dequantize_flow(dx, dy, max_val=0.02, denorm=True):
- """Recover from quantized flow.
- Args:
- dx (ndarray): Quantized dx.
- dy (ndarray): Quantized dy.
- max_val (float): Maximum value used when quantizing.
- denorm (bool): Whether to multiply flow values with width/height.
- Returns:
- ndarray: Dequantized flow.
- """
- assert dx.shape == dy.shape
- assert dx.ndim == 2 or (dx.ndim == 3 and dx.shape[-1] == 1)
- dx, dy = [dequantize(d, -max_val, max_val, 255) for d in [dx, dy]]
- if denorm:
- dx *= dx.shape[1]
- dy *= dx.shape[0]
- flow = np.dstack((dx, dy))
- return flow
-def quantize(arr, min_val, max_val, levels, dtype=np.int64):
- """Quantize an array of (-inf, inf) to [0, levels-1].
- Args:
- arr (ndarray): Input array.
- min_val (scalar): Minimum value to be clipped.
- max_val (scalar): Maximum value to be clipped.
- levels (int): Quantization levels.
- dtype (np.type): The type of the quantized array.
- Returns:
- tuple: Quantized array.
- """
- if not (isinstance(levels, int) and levels > 1):
- raise ValueError(f'levels must be a positive integer, but got {levels}')
- if min_val >= max_val:
- raise ValueError(f'min_val ({min_val}) must be smaller than max_val ({max_val})')
- arr = np.clip(arr, min_val, max_val) - min_val
- quantized_arr = np.minimum(np.floor(levels * arr / (max_val - min_val)).astype(dtype), levels - 1)
- return quantized_arr
-def dequantize(arr, min_val, max_val, levels, dtype=np.float64):
- """Dequantize an array.
- Args:
- arr (ndarray): Input array.
- min_val (scalar): Minimum value to be clipped.
- max_val (scalar): Maximum value to be clipped.
- levels (int): Quantization levels.
- dtype (np.type): The type of the dequantized array.
- Returns:
- tuple: Dequantized array.
- """
- if not (isinstance(levels, int) and levels > 1):
- raise ValueError(f'levels must be a positive integer, but got {levels}')
- if min_val >= max_val:
- raise ValueError(f'min_val ({min_val}) must be smaller than max_val ({max_val})')
- dequantized_arr = (arr + 0.5).astype(dtype) * (max_val - min_val) / levels + min_val
- return dequantized_arr
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--- a/basicsr/utils/img_process_util.py
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-import cv2
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-def filter2D(img, kernel):
- """PyTorch version of cv2.filter2D
- Args:
- img (Tensor): (b, c, h, w)
- kernel (Tensor): (b, k, k)
- """
- k = kernel.size(-1)
- b, c, h, w = img.size()
- if k % 2 == 1:
- img = F.pad(img, (k // 2, k // 2, k // 2, k // 2), mode='reflect')
- else:
- raise ValueError('Wrong kernel size')
- ph, pw = img.size()[-2:]
- if kernel.size(0) == 1:
- # apply the same kernel to all batch images
- img = img.view(b * c, 1, ph, pw)
- kernel = kernel.view(1, 1, k, k)
- return F.conv2d(img, kernel, padding=0).view(b, c, h, w)
- else:
- img = img.view(1, b * c, ph, pw)
- kernel = kernel.view(b, 1, k, k).repeat(1, c, 1, 1).view(b * c, 1, k, k)
- return F.conv2d(img, kernel, groups=b * c).view(b, c, h, w)
-def usm_sharp(img, weight=0.5, radius=50, threshold=10):
- """USM sharpening.
- Input image: I; Blurry image: B.
- 1. sharp = I + weight * (I - B)
- 2. Mask = 1 if abs(I - B) > threshold, else: 0
- 3. Blur mask:
- 4. Out = Mask * sharp + (1 - Mask) * I
- Args:
- img (Numpy array): Input image, HWC, BGR; float32, [0, 1].
- weight (float): Sharp weight. Default: 1.
- radius (float): Kernel size of Gaussian blur. Default: 50.
- threshold (int):
- """
- if radius % 2 == 0:
- radius += 1
- blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (radius, radius), 0)
- residual = img - blur
- mask = np.abs(residual) * 255 > threshold
- mask = mask.astype('float32')
- soft_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask, (radius, radius), 0)
- sharp = img + weight * residual
- sharp = np.clip(sharp, 0, 1)
- return soft_mask * sharp + (1 - soft_mask) * img
-class USMSharp(torch.nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, radius=50, sigma=0):
- super(USMSharp, self).__init__()
- if radius % 2 == 0:
- radius += 1
- self.radius = radius
- kernel = cv2.getGaussianKernel(radius, sigma)
- kernel = torch.FloatTensor(np.dot(kernel, kernel.transpose())).unsqueeze_(0)
- self.register_buffer('kernel', kernel)
- def forward(self, img, weight=0.5, threshold=10):
- blur = filter2D(img, self.kernel)
- residual = img - blur
- mask = torch.abs(residual) * 255 > threshold
- mask = mask.float()
- soft_mask = filter2D(mask, self.kernel)
- sharp = img + weight * residual
- sharp = torch.clip(sharp, 0, 1)
- return soft_mask * sharp + (1 - soft_mask) * img
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-import cv2
-import math
-import numpy as np
-import os
-import torch
-from torchvision.utils import make_grid
-def img2tensor(imgs, bgr2rgb=True, float32=True):
- """Numpy array to tensor.
- Args:
- imgs (list[ndarray] | ndarray): Input images.
- bgr2rgb (bool): Whether to change bgr to rgb.
- float32 (bool): Whether to change to float32.
- Returns:
- list[tensor] | tensor: Tensor images. If returned results only have
- one element, just return tensor.
- """
- def _totensor(img, bgr2rgb, float32):
- if img.shape[2] == 3 and bgr2rgb:
- if img.dtype == 'float64':
- img = img.astype('float32')
- img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
- img = torch.from_numpy(img.transpose(2, 0, 1))
- if float32:
- img = img.float()
- return img
- if isinstance(imgs, list):
- return [_totensor(img, bgr2rgb, float32) for img in imgs]
- else:
- return _totensor(imgs, bgr2rgb, float32)
-def tensor2img(tensor, rgb2bgr=True, out_type=np.uint8, min_max=(0, 1)):
- """Convert torch Tensors into image numpy arrays.
- After clamping to [min, max], values will be normalized to [0, 1].
- Args:
- tensor (Tensor or list[Tensor]): Accept shapes:
- 1) 4D mini-batch Tensor of shape (B x 3/1 x H x W);
- 2) 3D Tensor of shape (3/1 x H x W);
- 3) 2D Tensor of shape (H x W).
- Tensor channel should be in RGB order.
- rgb2bgr (bool): Whether to change rgb to bgr.
- out_type (numpy type): output types. If ``np.uint8``, transform outputs
- to uint8 type with range [0, 255]; otherwise, float type with
- range [0, 1]. Default: ``np.uint8``.
- min_max (tuple[int]): min and max values for clamp.
- Returns:
- (Tensor or list): 3D ndarray of shape (H x W x C) OR 2D ndarray of
- shape (H x W). The channel order is BGR.
- """
- if not (torch.is_tensor(tensor) or (isinstance(tensor, list) and all(torch.is_tensor(t) for t in tensor))):
- raise TypeError(f'tensor or list of tensors expected, got {type(tensor)}')
- if torch.is_tensor(tensor):
- tensor = [tensor]
- result = []
- for _tensor in tensor:
- _tensor = _tensor.squeeze(0).float().detach().cpu().clamp_(*min_max)
- _tensor = (_tensor - min_max[0]) / (min_max[1] - min_max[0])
- n_dim = _tensor.dim()
- if n_dim == 4:
- img_np = make_grid(_tensor, nrow=int(math.sqrt(_tensor.size(0))), normalize=False).numpy()
- img_np = img_np.transpose(1, 2, 0)
- if rgb2bgr:
- img_np = cv2.cvtColor(img_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
- elif n_dim == 3:
- img_np = _tensor.numpy()
- img_np = img_np.transpose(1, 2, 0)
- if img_np.shape[2] == 1: # gray image
- img_np = np.squeeze(img_np, axis=2)
- else:
- if rgb2bgr:
- img_np = cv2.cvtColor(img_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
- elif n_dim == 2:
- img_np = _tensor.numpy()
- else:
- raise TypeError(f'Only support 4D, 3D or 2D tensor. But received with dimension: {n_dim}')
- if out_type == np.uint8:
- # Unlike MATLAB, numpy.unit8() WILL NOT round by default.
- img_np = (img_np * 255.0).round()
- img_np = img_np.astype(out_type)
- result.append(img_np)
- if len(result) == 1:
- result = result[0]
- return result
-def tensor2img_fast(tensor, rgb2bgr=True, min_max=(0, 1)):
- """This implementation is slightly faster than tensor2img.
- It now only supports torch tensor with shape (1, c, h, w).
- Args:
- tensor (Tensor): Now only support torch tensor with (1, c, h, w).
- rgb2bgr (bool): Whether to change rgb to bgr. Default: True.
- min_max (tuple[int]): min and max values for clamp.
- """
- output = tensor.squeeze(0).detach().clamp_(*min_max).permute(1, 2, 0)
- output = (output - min_max[0]) / (min_max[1] - min_max[0]) * 255
- output = output.type(torch.uint8).cpu().numpy()
- if rgb2bgr:
- output = cv2.cvtColor(output, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
- return output
-def imfrombytes(content, flag='color', float32=False):
- """Read an image from bytes.
- Args:
- content (bytes): Image bytes got from files or other streams.
- flag (str): Flags specifying the color type of a loaded image,
- candidates are `color`, `grayscale` and `unchanged`.
- float32 (bool): Whether to change to float32., If True, will also norm
- to [0, 1]. Default: False.
- Returns:
- ndarray: Loaded image array.
- """
- img_np = np.frombuffer(content, np.uint8)
- imread_flags = {'color': cv2.IMREAD_COLOR, 'grayscale': cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE, 'unchanged': cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED}
- img = cv2.imdecode(img_np, imread_flags[flag])
- if float32:
- img = img.astype(np.float32) / 255.
- return img
-def imwrite(img, file_path, params=None, auto_mkdir=True):
- """Write image to file.
- Args:
- img (ndarray): Image array to be written.
- file_path (str): Image file path.
- params (None or list): Same as opencv's :func:`imwrite` interface.
- auto_mkdir (bool): If the parent folder of `file_path` does not exist,
- whether to create it automatically.
- Returns:
- bool: Successful or not.
- """
- if auto_mkdir:
- dir_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file_path))
- os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True)
- ok = cv2.imwrite(file_path, img, params)
- if not ok:
- raise IOError('Failed in writing images.')
-def crop_border(imgs, crop_border):
- """Crop borders of images.
- Args:
- imgs (list[ndarray] | ndarray): Images with shape (h, w, c).
- crop_border (int): Crop border for each end of height and weight.
- Returns:
- list[ndarray]: Cropped images.
- """
- if crop_border == 0:
- return imgs
- else:
- if isinstance(imgs, list):
- return [v[crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border, ...] for v in imgs]
- else:
- return imgs[crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border, ...]
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index a2b45ce01d5e32ddbf8354d71fd1c8678bede822..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/utils/lmdb_util.py
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@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-import cv2
-import lmdb
-import sys
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from os import path as osp
-from tqdm import tqdm
-def make_lmdb_from_imgs(data_path,
- lmdb_path,
- img_path_list,
- keys,
- batch=5000,
- compress_level=1,
- multiprocessing_read=False,
- n_thread=40,
- map_size=None):
- """Make lmdb from images.
- Contents of lmdb. The file structure is:
- ::
- example.lmdb
- ├── data.mdb
- ├── lock.mdb
- ├── meta_info.txt
- The data.mdb and lock.mdb are standard lmdb files and you can refer to
- https://lmdb.readthedocs.io/en/release/ for more details.
- The meta_info.txt is a specified txt file to record the meta information
- of our datasets. It will be automatically created when preparing
- datasets by our provided dataset tools.
- Each line in the txt file records 1)image name (with extension),
- 2)image shape, and 3)compression level, separated by a white space.
- For example, the meta information could be:
- `000_00000000.png (720,1280,3) 1`, which means:
- 1) image name (with extension): 000_00000000.png;
- 2) image shape: (720,1280,3);
- 3) compression level: 1
- We use the image name without extension as the lmdb key.
- If `multiprocessing_read` is True, it will read all the images to memory
- using multiprocessing. Thus, your server needs to have enough memory.
- Args:
- data_path (str): Data path for reading images.
- lmdb_path (str): Lmdb save path.
- img_path_list (str): Image path list.
- keys (str): Used for lmdb keys.
- batch (int): After processing batch images, lmdb commits.
- Default: 5000.
- compress_level (int): Compress level when encoding images. Default: 1.
- multiprocessing_read (bool): Whether use multiprocessing to read all
- the images to memory. Default: False.
- n_thread (int): For multiprocessing.
- map_size (int | None): Map size for lmdb env. If None, use the
- estimated size from images. Default: None
- """
- assert len(img_path_list) == len(keys), ('img_path_list and keys should have the same length, '
- f'but got {len(img_path_list)} and {len(keys)}')
- print(f'Create lmdb for {data_path}, save to {lmdb_path}...')
- print(f'Totoal images: {len(img_path_list)}')
- if not lmdb_path.endswith('.lmdb'):
- raise ValueError("lmdb_path must end with '.lmdb'.")
- if osp.exists(lmdb_path):
- print(f'Folder {lmdb_path} already exists. Exit.')
- sys.exit(1)
- if multiprocessing_read:
- # read all the images to memory (multiprocessing)
- dataset = {} # use dict to keep the order for multiprocessing
- shapes = {}
- print(f'Read images with multiprocessing, #thread: {n_thread} ...')
- pbar = tqdm(total=len(img_path_list), unit='image')
- def callback(arg):
- """get the image data and update pbar."""
- key, dataset[key], shapes[key] = arg
- pbar.update(1)
- pbar.set_description(f'Read {key}')
- pool = Pool(n_thread)
- for path, key in zip(img_path_list, keys):
- pool.apply_async(read_img_worker, args=(osp.join(data_path, path), key, compress_level), callback=callback)
- pool.close()
- pool.join()
- pbar.close()
- print(f'Finish reading {len(img_path_list)} images.')
- # create lmdb environment
- if map_size is None:
- # obtain data size for one image
- img = cv2.imread(osp.join(data_path, img_path_list[0]), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
- _, img_byte = cv2.imencode('.png', img, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, compress_level])
- data_size_per_img = img_byte.nbytes
- print('Data size per image is: ', data_size_per_img)
- data_size = data_size_per_img * len(img_path_list)
- map_size = data_size * 10
- env = lmdb.open(lmdb_path, map_size=map_size)
- # write data to lmdb
- pbar = tqdm(total=len(img_path_list), unit='chunk')
- txn = env.begin(write=True)
- txt_file = open(osp.join(lmdb_path, 'meta_info.txt'), 'w')
- for idx, (path, key) in enumerate(zip(img_path_list, keys)):
- pbar.update(1)
- pbar.set_description(f'Write {key}')
- key_byte = key.encode('ascii')
- if multiprocessing_read:
- img_byte = dataset[key]
- h, w, c = shapes[key]
- else:
- _, img_byte, img_shape = read_img_worker(osp.join(data_path, path), key, compress_level)
- h, w, c = img_shape
- txn.put(key_byte, img_byte)
- # write meta information
- txt_file.write(f'{key}.png ({h},{w},{c}) {compress_level}\n')
- if idx % batch == 0:
- txn.commit()
- txn = env.begin(write=True)
- pbar.close()
- txn.commit()
- env.close()
- txt_file.close()
- print('\nFinish writing lmdb.')
-def read_img_worker(path, key, compress_level):
- """Read image worker.
- Args:
- path (str): Image path.
- key (str): Image key.
- compress_level (int): Compress level when encoding images.
- Returns:
- str: Image key.
- byte: Image byte.
- tuple[int]: Image shape.
- """
- img = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
- if img.ndim == 2:
- h, w = img.shape
- c = 1
- else:
- h, w, c = img.shape
- _, img_byte = cv2.imencode('.png', img, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, compress_level])
- return (key, img_byte, (h, w, c))
-class LmdbMaker():
- """LMDB Maker.
- Args:
- lmdb_path (str): Lmdb save path.
- map_size (int): Map size for lmdb env. Default: 1024 ** 4, 1TB.
- batch (int): After processing batch images, lmdb commits.
- Default: 5000.
- compress_level (int): Compress level when encoding images. Default: 1.
- """
- def __init__(self, lmdb_path, map_size=1024**4, batch=5000, compress_level=1):
- if not lmdb_path.endswith('.lmdb'):
- raise ValueError("lmdb_path must end with '.lmdb'.")
- if osp.exists(lmdb_path):
- print(f'Folder {lmdb_path} already exists. Exit.')
- sys.exit(1)
- self.lmdb_path = lmdb_path
- self.batch = batch
- self.compress_level = compress_level
- self.env = lmdb.open(lmdb_path, map_size=map_size)
- self.txn = self.env.begin(write=True)
- self.txt_file = open(osp.join(lmdb_path, 'meta_info.txt'), 'w')
- self.counter = 0
- def put(self, img_byte, key, img_shape):
- self.counter += 1
- key_byte = key.encode('ascii')
- self.txn.put(key_byte, img_byte)
- # write meta information
- h, w, c = img_shape
- self.txt_file.write(f'{key}.png ({h},{w},{c}) {self.compress_level}\n')
- if self.counter % self.batch == 0:
- self.txn.commit()
- self.txn = self.env.begin(write=True)
- def close(self):
- self.txn.commit()
- self.env.close()
- self.txt_file.close()
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-import datetime
-import logging
-import time
-from .dist_util import get_dist_info, master_only
-initialized_logger = {}
-class AvgTimer():
- def __init__(self, window=200):
- self.window = window # average window
- self.current_time = 0
- self.total_time = 0
- self.count = 0
- self.avg_time = 0
- self.start()
- def start(self):
- self.start_time = self.tic = time.time()
- def record(self):
- self.count += 1
- self.toc = time.time()
- self.current_time = self.toc - self.tic
- self.total_time += self.current_time
- # calculate average time
- self.avg_time = self.total_time / self.count
- # reset
- if self.count > self.window:
- self.count = 0
- self.total_time = 0
- self.tic = time.time()
- def get_current_time(self):
- return self.current_time
- def get_avg_time(self):
- return self.avg_time
-class MessageLogger():
- """Message logger for printing.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Config. It contains the following keys:
- name (str): Exp name.
- logger (dict): Contains 'print_freq' (str) for logger interval.
- train (dict): Contains 'total_iter' (int) for total iters.
- use_tb_logger (bool): Use tensorboard logger.
- start_iter (int): Start iter. Default: 1.
- tb_logger (obj:`tb_logger`): Tensorboard logger. Default: None.
- """
- def __init__(self, opt, start_iter=1, tb_logger=None):
- self.exp_name = opt['name']
- self.interval = opt['logger']['print_freq']
- self.start_iter = start_iter
- self.max_iters = opt['train']['total_iter']
- self.use_tb_logger = opt['logger']['use_tb_logger']
- self.tb_logger = tb_logger
- self.start_time = time.time()
- self.logger = get_root_logger()
- def reset_start_time(self):
- self.start_time = time.time()
- @master_only
- def __call__(self, log_vars):
- """Format logging message.
- Args:
- log_vars (dict): It contains the following keys:
- epoch (int): Epoch number.
- iter (int): Current iter.
- lrs (list): List for learning rates.
- time (float): Iter time.
- data_time (float): Data time for each iter.
- """
- # epoch, iter, learning rates
- epoch = log_vars.pop('epoch')
- current_iter = log_vars.pop('iter')
- lrs = log_vars.pop('lrs')
- message = (f'[{self.exp_name[:5]}..][epoch:{epoch:3d}, iter:{current_iter:8,d}, lr:(')
- for v in lrs:
- message += f'{v:.3e},'
- message += ')] '
- # time and estimated time
- if 'time' in log_vars.keys():
- iter_time = log_vars.pop('time')
- data_time = log_vars.pop('data_time')
- total_time = time.time() - self.start_time
- time_sec_avg = total_time / (current_iter - self.start_iter + 1)
- eta_sec = time_sec_avg * (self.max_iters - current_iter - 1)
- eta_str = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_sec)))
- message += f'[eta: {eta_str}, '
- message += f'time (data): {iter_time:.3f} ({data_time:.3f})] '
- # other items, especially losses
- for k, v in log_vars.items():
- message += f'{k}: {v:.4e} '
- # tensorboard logger
- if self.use_tb_logger and 'debug' not in self.exp_name:
- if k.startswith('l_'):
- self.tb_logger.add_scalar(f'losses/{k}', v, current_iter)
- else:
- self.tb_logger.add_scalar(k, v, current_iter)
- self.logger.info(message)
-def init_tb_logger(log_dir):
- from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
- tb_logger = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_dir)
- return tb_logger
-def init_wandb_logger(opt):
- """We now only use wandb to sync tensorboard log."""
- import wandb
- logger = get_root_logger()
- project = opt['logger']['wandb']['project']
- resume_id = opt['logger']['wandb'].get('resume_id')
- if resume_id:
- wandb_id = resume_id
- resume = 'allow'
- logger.warning(f'Resume wandb logger with id={wandb_id}.')
- else:
- wandb_id = wandb.util.generate_id()
- resume = 'never'
- wandb.init(id=wandb_id, resume=resume, name=opt['name'], config=opt, project=project, sync_tensorboard=True)
- logger.info(f'Use wandb logger with id={wandb_id}; project={project}.')
-def get_root_logger(logger_name='basicsr', log_level=logging.INFO, log_file=None):
- """Get the root logger.
- The logger will be initialized if it has not been initialized. By default a
- StreamHandler will be added. If `log_file` is specified, a FileHandler will
- also be added.
- Args:
- logger_name (str): root logger name. Default: 'basicsr'.
- log_file (str | None): The log filename. If specified, a FileHandler
- will be added to the root logger.
- log_level (int): The root logger level. Note that only the process of
- rank 0 is affected, while other processes will set the level to
- "Error" and be silent most of the time.
- Returns:
- logging.Logger: The root logger.
- """
- logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
- # if the logger has been initialized, just return it
- if logger_name in initialized_logger:
- return logger
- format_str = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
- stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
- stream_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format_str))
- logger.addHandler(stream_handler)
- logger.propagate = False
- rank, _ = get_dist_info()
- if rank != 0:
- logger.setLevel('ERROR')
- elif log_file is not None:
- logger.setLevel(log_level)
- # add file handler
- file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file, 'w')
- file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format_str))
- file_handler.setLevel(log_level)
- logger.addHandler(file_handler)
- initialized_logger[logger_name] = True
- return logger
-def get_env_info():
- """Get environment information.
- Currently, only log the software version.
- """
- import torch
- import torchvision
- from basicsr.version import __version__
- msg = r"""
- ____ _ _____ ____
- / __ ) ____ _ _____ (_)_____/ ___/ / __ \
- / __ |/ __ `// ___// // ___/\__ \ / /_/ /
- / /_/ // /_/ /(__ )/ // /__ ___/ // _, _/
- /_____/ \__,_//____//_/ \___//____//_/ |_|
- ______ __ __ __ __
- / ____/____ ____ ____/ / / / __ __ _____ / /__ / /
- / / __ / __ \ / __ \ / __ / / / / / / // ___// //_/ / /
- / /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ / / /___/ /_/ // /__ / /< /_/
- \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ /_____/\____/ \___//_/|_| (_)
- """
- msg += ('\nVersion Information: '
- f'\n\tBasicSR: {__version__}'
- f'\n\tPyTorch: {torch.__version__}'
- f'\n\tTorchVision: {torchvision.__version__}')
- return msg
diff --git a/basicsr/utils/matlab_functions.py b/basicsr/utils/matlab_functions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a201f79aaf030cdba710dd97c28af1b29a93ed2a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/utils/matlab_functions.py
+++ /dev/null
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-import math
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-def cubic(x):
- """cubic function used for calculate_weights_indices."""
- absx = torch.abs(x)
- absx2 = absx**2
- absx3 = absx**3
- return (1.5 * absx3 - 2.5 * absx2 + 1) * (
- (absx <= 1).type_as(absx)) + (-0.5 * absx3 + 2.5 * absx2 - 4 * absx + 2) * (((absx > 1) *
- (absx <= 2)).type_as(absx))
-def calculate_weights_indices(in_length, out_length, scale, kernel, kernel_width, antialiasing):
- """Calculate weights and indices, used for imresize function.
- Args:
- in_length (int): Input length.
- out_length (int): Output length.
- scale (float): Scale factor.
- kernel_width (int): Kernel width.
- antialisaing (bool): Whether to apply anti-aliasing when downsampling.
- """
- if (scale < 1) and antialiasing:
- # Use a modified kernel (larger kernel width) to simultaneously
- # interpolate and antialias
- kernel_width = kernel_width / scale
- # Output-space coordinates
- x = torch.linspace(1, out_length, out_length)
- # Input-space coordinates. Calculate the inverse mapping such that 0.5
- # in output space maps to 0.5 in input space, and 0.5 + scale in output
- # space maps to 1.5 in input space.
- u = x / scale + 0.5 * (1 - 1 / scale)
- # What is the left-most pixel that can be involved in the computation?
- left = torch.floor(u - kernel_width / 2)
- # What is the maximum number of pixels that can be involved in the
- # computation? Note: it's OK to use an extra pixel here; if the
- # corresponding weights are all zero, it will be eliminated at the end
- # of this function.
- p = math.ceil(kernel_width) + 2
- # The indices of the input pixels involved in computing the k-th output
- # pixel are in row k of the indices matrix.
- indices = left.view(out_length, 1).expand(out_length, p) + torch.linspace(0, p - 1, p).view(1, p).expand(
- out_length, p)
- # The weights used to compute the k-th output pixel are in row k of the
- # weights matrix.
- distance_to_center = u.view(out_length, 1).expand(out_length, p) - indices
- # apply cubic kernel
- if (scale < 1) and antialiasing:
- weights = scale * cubic(distance_to_center * scale)
- else:
- weights = cubic(distance_to_center)
- # Normalize the weights matrix so that each row sums to 1.
- weights_sum = torch.sum(weights, 1).view(out_length, 1)
- weights = weights / weights_sum.expand(out_length, p)
- # If a column in weights is all zero, get rid of it. only consider the
- # first and last column.
- weights_zero_tmp = torch.sum((weights == 0), 0)
- if not math.isclose(weights_zero_tmp[0], 0, rel_tol=1e-6):
- indices = indices.narrow(1, 1, p - 2)
- weights = weights.narrow(1, 1, p - 2)
- if not math.isclose(weights_zero_tmp[-1], 0, rel_tol=1e-6):
- indices = indices.narrow(1, 0, p - 2)
- weights = weights.narrow(1, 0, p - 2)
- weights = weights.contiguous()
- indices = indices.contiguous()
- sym_len_s = -indices.min() + 1
- sym_len_e = indices.max() - in_length
- indices = indices + sym_len_s - 1
- return weights, indices, int(sym_len_s), int(sym_len_e)
-def imresize(img, scale, antialiasing=True):
- """imresize function same as MATLAB.
- It now only supports bicubic.
- The same scale applies for both height and width.
- Args:
- img (Tensor | Numpy array):
- Tensor: Input image with shape (c, h, w), [0, 1] range.
- Numpy: Input image with shape (h, w, c), [0, 1] range.
- scale (float): Scale factor. The same scale applies for both height
- and width.
- antialisaing (bool): Whether to apply anti-aliasing when downsampling.
- Default: True.
- Returns:
- Tensor: Output image with shape (c, h, w), [0, 1] range, w/o round.
- """
- squeeze_flag = False
- if type(img).__module__ == np.__name__: # numpy type
- numpy_type = True
- if img.ndim == 2:
- img = img[:, :, None]
- squeeze_flag = True
- img = torch.from_numpy(img.transpose(2, 0, 1)).float()
- else:
- numpy_type = False
- if img.ndim == 2:
- img = img.unsqueeze(0)
- squeeze_flag = True
- in_c, in_h, in_w = img.size()
- out_h, out_w = math.ceil(in_h * scale), math.ceil(in_w * scale)
- kernel_width = 4
- kernel = 'cubic'
- # get weights and indices
- weights_h, indices_h, sym_len_hs, sym_len_he = calculate_weights_indices(in_h, out_h, scale, kernel, kernel_width,
- antialiasing)
- weights_w, indices_w, sym_len_ws, sym_len_we = calculate_weights_indices(in_w, out_w, scale, kernel, kernel_width,
- antialiasing)
- # process H dimension
- # symmetric copying
- img_aug = torch.FloatTensor(in_c, in_h + sym_len_hs + sym_len_he, in_w)
- img_aug.narrow(1, sym_len_hs, in_h).copy_(img)
- sym_patch = img[:, :sym_len_hs, :]
- inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(1) - 1, -1, -1).long()
- sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(1, inv_idx)
- img_aug.narrow(1, 0, sym_len_hs).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
- sym_patch = img[:, -sym_len_he:, :]
- inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(1) - 1, -1, -1).long()
- sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(1, inv_idx)
- img_aug.narrow(1, sym_len_hs + in_h, sym_len_he).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
- out_1 = torch.FloatTensor(in_c, out_h, in_w)
- kernel_width = weights_h.size(1)
- for i in range(out_h):
- idx = int(indices_h[i][0])
- for j in range(in_c):
- out_1[j, i, :] = img_aug[j, idx:idx + kernel_width, :].transpose(0, 1).mv(weights_h[i])
- # process W dimension
- # symmetric copying
- out_1_aug = torch.FloatTensor(in_c, out_h, in_w + sym_len_ws + sym_len_we)
- out_1_aug.narrow(2, sym_len_ws, in_w).copy_(out_1)
- sym_patch = out_1[:, :, :sym_len_ws]
- inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(2) - 1, -1, -1).long()
- sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(2, inv_idx)
- out_1_aug.narrow(2, 0, sym_len_ws).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
- sym_patch = out_1[:, :, -sym_len_we:]
- inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(2) - 1, -1, -1).long()
- sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(2, inv_idx)
- out_1_aug.narrow(2, sym_len_ws + in_w, sym_len_we).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
- out_2 = torch.FloatTensor(in_c, out_h, out_w)
- kernel_width = weights_w.size(1)
- for i in range(out_w):
- idx = int(indices_w[i][0])
- for j in range(in_c):
- out_2[j, :, i] = out_1_aug[j, :, idx:idx + kernel_width].mv(weights_w[i])
- if squeeze_flag:
- out_2 = out_2.squeeze(0)
- if numpy_type:
- out_2 = out_2.numpy()
- if not squeeze_flag:
- out_2 = out_2.transpose(1, 2, 0)
- return out_2
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-import numpy as np
-import os
-import random
-import time
-import torch
-from os import path as osp
-from .dist_util import master_only
-def set_random_seed(seed):
- """Set random seeds."""
- random.seed(seed)
- np.random.seed(seed)
- torch.manual_seed(seed)
- torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed)
- torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed)
-def get_time_str():
- return time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime())
-def mkdir_and_rename(path):
- """mkdirs. If path exists, rename it with timestamp and create a new one.
- Args:
- path (str): Folder path.
- """
- if osp.exists(path):
- new_name = path + '_archived_' + get_time_str()
- print(f'Path already exists. Rename it to {new_name}', flush=True)
- os.rename(path, new_name)
- os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
-def make_exp_dirs(opt):
- """Make dirs for experiments."""
- path_opt = opt['path'].copy()
- if opt['is_train']:
- mkdir_and_rename(path_opt.pop('experiments_root'))
- else:
- mkdir_and_rename(path_opt.pop('results_root'))
- for key, path in path_opt.items():
- if ('strict_load' in key) or ('pretrain_network' in key) or ('resume' in key) or ('param_key' in key):
- continue
- else:
- os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
-def scandir(dir_path, suffix=None, recursive=False, full_path=False):
- """Scan a directory to find the interested files.
- Args:
- dir_path (str): Path of the directory.
- suffix (str | tuple(str), optional): File suffix that we are
- interested in. Default: None.
- recursive (bool, optional): If set to True, recursively scan the
- directory. Default: False.
- full_path (bool, optional): If set to True, include the dir_path.
- Default: False.
- Returns:
- A generator for all the interested files with relative paths.
- """
- if (suffix is not None) and not isinstance(suffix, (str, tuple)):
- raise TypeError('"suffix" must be a string or tuple of strings')
- root = dir_path
- def _scandir(dir_path, suffix, recursive):
- for entry in os.scandir(dir_path):
- if not entry.name.startswith('.') and entry.is_file():
- if full_path:
- return_path = entry.path
- else:
- return_path = osp.relpath(entry.path, root)
- if suffix is None:
- yield return_path
- elif return_path.endswith(suffix):
- yield return_path
- else:
- if recursive:
- yield from _scandir(entry.path, suffix=suffix, recursive=recursive)
- else:
- continue
- return _scandir(dir_path, suffix=suffix, recursive=recursive)
-def check_resume(opt, resume_iter):
- """Check resume states and pretrain_network paths.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Options.
- resume_iter (int): Resume iteration.
- """
- if opt['path']['resume_state']:
- # get all the networks
- networks = [key for key in opt.keys() if key.startswith('network_')]
- flag_pretrain = False
- for network in networks:
- if opt['path'].get(f'pretrain_{network}') is not None:
- flag_pretrain = True
- if flag_pretrain:
- print('pretrain_network path will be ignored during resuming.')
- # set pretrained model paths
- for network in networks:
- name = f'pretrain_{network}'
- basename = network.replace('network_', '')
- if opt['path'].get('ignore_resume_networks') is None or (network
- not in opt['path']['ignore_resume_networks']):
- opt['path'][name] = osp.join(opt['path']['models'], f'net_{basename}_{resume_iter}.pth')
- print(f"Set {name} to {opt['path'][name]}")
- # change param_key to params in resume
- param_keys = [key for key in opt['path'].keys() if key.startswith('param_key')]
- for param_key in param_keys:
- if opt['path'][param_key] == 'params_ema':
- opt['path'][param_key] = 'params'
- print(f'Set {param_key} to params')
-def sizeof_fmt(size, suffix='B'):
- """Get human readable file size.
- Args:
- size (int): File size.
- suffix (str): Suffix. Default: 'B'.
- Return:
- str: Formatted file size.
- """
- for unit in ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']:
- if abs(size) < 1024.0:
- return f'{size:3.1f} {unit}{suffix}'
- size /= 1024.0
- return f'{size:3.1f} Y{suffix}'
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index 5c7155ecc7b5c930525ad4c4db986fa6e38d4046..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/utils/options.py
+++ /dev/null
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-import argparse
-import os
-import random
-import torch
-import yaml
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from os import path as osp
-from basicsr.utils import set_random_seed
-from basicsr.utils.dist_util import get_dist_info, init_dist, master_only
-def ordered_yaml():
- """Support OrderedDict for yaml.
- Returns:
- tuple: yaml Loader and Dumper.
- """
- try:
- from yaml import CDumper as Dumper
- from yaml import CLoader as Loader
- except ImportError:
- from yaml import Dumper, Loader
- _mapping_tag = yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG
- def dict_representer(dumper, data):
- return dumper.represent_dict(data.items())
- def dict_constructor(loader, node):
- return OrderedDict(loader.construct_pairs(node))
- Dumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, dict_representer)
- Loader.add_constructor(_mapping_tag, dict_constructor)
- return Loader, Dumper
-def yaml_load(f):
- """Load yaml file or string.
- Args:
- f (str): File path or a python string.
- Returns:
- dict: Loaded dict.
- """
- if os.path.isfile(f):
- with open(f, 'r') as f:
- return yaml.load(f, Loader=ordered_yaml()[0])
- else:
- return yaml.load(f, Loader=ordered_yaml()[0])
-def dict2str(opt, indent_level=1):
- """dict to string for printing options.
- Args:
- opt (dict): Option dict.
- indent_level (int): Indent level. Default: 1.
- Return:
- (str): Option string for printing.
- """
- msg = '\n'
- for k, v in opt.items():
- if isinstance(v, dict):
- msg += ' ' * (indent_level * 2) + k + ':['
- msg += dict2str(v, indent_level + 1)
- msg += ' ' * (indent_level * 2) + ']\n'
- else:
- msg += ' ' * (indent_level * 2) + k + ': ' + str(v) + '\n'
- return msg
-def _postprocess_yml_value(value):
- # None
- if value == '~' or value.lower() == 'none':
- return None
- # bool
- if value.lower() == 'true':
- return True
- elif value.lower() == 'false':
- return False
- # !!float number
- if value.startswith('!!float'):
- return float(value.replace('!!float', ''))
- # number
- if value.isdigit():
- return int(value)
- elif value.replace('.', '', 1).isdigit() and value.count('.') < 2:
- return float(value)
- # list
- if value.startswith('['):
- return eval(value)
- # str
- return value
-def parse_options(root_path, is_train=True):
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-opt', type=str, required=True, help='Path to option YAML file.')
- parser.add_argument('--launcher', choices=['none', 'pytorch', 'slurm'], default='none', help='job launcher')
- parser.add_argument('--auto_resume', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--local_rank', type=int, default=0)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--force_yml', nargs='+', default=None, help='Force to update yml files. Examples: train:ema_decay=0.999')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # parse yml to dict
- opt = yaml_load(args.opt)
- # distributed settings
- if args.launcher == 'none':
- opt['dist'] = False
- print('Disable distributed.', flush=True)
- else:
- opt['dist'] = True
- if args.launcher == 'slurm' and 'dist_params' in opt:
- init_dist(args.launcher, **opt['dist_params'])
- else:
- init_dist(args.launcher)
- opt['rank'], opt['world_size'] = get_dist_info()
- # random seed
- seed = opt.get('manual_seed')
- if seed is None:
- seed = random.randint(1, 10000)
- opt['manual_seed'] = seed
- set_random_seed(seed + opt['rank'])
- # force to update yml options
- if args.force_yml is not None:
- for entry in args.force_yml:
- # now do not support creating new keys
- keys, value = entry.split('=')
- keys, value = keys.strip(), value.strip()
- value = _postprocess_yml_value(value)
- eval_str = 'opt'
- for key in keys.split(':'):
- eval_str += f'["{key}"]'
- eval_str += '=value'
- # using exec function
- exec(eval_str)
- opt['auto_resume'] = args.auto_resume
- opt['is_train'] = is_train
- # debug setting
- if args.debug and not opt['name'].startswith('debug'):
- opt['name'] = 'debug_' + opt['name']
- if opt['num_gpu'] == 'auto':
- opt['num_gpu'] = torch.cuda.device_count()
- # datasets
- for phase, dataset in opt['datasets'].items():
- # for multiple datasets, e.g., val_1, val_2; test_1, test_2
- phase = phase.split('_')[0]
- dataset['phase'] = phase
- if 'scale' in opt:
- dataset['scale'] = opt['scale']
- if dataset.get('dataroot_gt') is not None:
- dataset['dataroot_gt'] = osp.expanduser(dataset['dataroot_gt'])
- if dataset.get('dataroot_lq') is not None:
- dataset['dataroot_lq'] = osp.expanduser(dataset['dataroot_lq'])
- # paths
- for key, val in opt['path'].items():
- if (val is not None) and ('resume_state' in key or 'pretrain_network' in key):
- opt['path'][key] = osp.expanduser(val)
- if is_train:
- experiments_root = opt['path'].get('experiments_root')
- if experiments_root is None:
- experiments_root = osp.join(root_path, 'experiments')
- experiments_root = osp.join(experiments_root, opt['name'])
- opt['path']['experiments_root'] = experiments_root
- opt['path']['models'] = osp.join(experiments_root, 'models')
- opt['path']['training_states'] = osp.join(experiments_root, 'training_states')
- opt['path']['log'] = experiments_root
- opt['path']['visualization'] = osp.join(experiments_root, 'visualization')
- # change some options for debug mode
- if 'debug' in opt['name']:
- if 'val' in opt:
- opt['val']['val_freq'] = 8
- opt['logger']['print_freq'] = 1
- opt['logger']['save_checkpoint_freq'] = 8
- else: # test
- results_root = opt['path'].get('results_root')
- if results_root is None:
- results_root = osp.join(root_path, 'results')
- results_root = osp.join(results_root, opt['name'])
- opt['path']['results_root'] = results_root
- opt['path']['log'] = results_root
- opt['path']['visualization'] = osp.join(results_root, 'visualization')
- return opt, args
-def copy_opt_file(opt_file, experiments_root):
- # copy the yml file to the experiment root
- import sys
- import time
- from shutil import copyfile
- cmd = ' '.join(sys.argv)
- filename = osp.join(experiments_root, osp.basename(opt_file))
- copyfile(opt_file, filename)
- with open(filename, 'r+') as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- lines.insert(0, f'# GENERATE TIME: {time.asctime()}\n# CMD:\n# {cmd}\n\n')
- f.seek(0)
- f.writelines(lines)
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-import re
-def read_data_from_tensorboard(log_path, tag):
- """Get raw data (steps and values) from tensorboard events.
- Args:
- log_path (str): Path to the tensorboard log.
- tag (str): tag to be read.
- """
- from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_accumulator import EventAccumulator
- # tensorboard event
- event_acc = EventAccumulator(log_path)
- event_acc.Reload()
- scalar_list = event_acc.Tags()['scalars']
- print('tag list: ', scalar_list)
- steps = [int(s.step) for s in event_acc.Scalars(tag)]
- values = [s.value for s in event_acc.Scalars(tag)]
- return steps, values
-def read_data_from_txt_2v(path, pattern, step_one=False):
- """Read data from txt with 2 returned values (usually [step, value]).
- Args:
- path (str): path to the txt file.
- pattern (str): re (regular expression) pattern.
- step_one (bool): add 1 to steps. Default: False.
- """
- with open(path) as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
- steps = []
- values = []
- pattern = re.compile(pattern)
- for line in lines:
- match = pattern.match(line)
- if match:
- steps.append(int(match.group(1)))
- values.append(float(match.group(2)))
- if step_one:
- steps = [v + 1 for v in steps]
- return steps, values
-def read_data_from_txt_1v(path, pattern):
- """Read data from txt with 1 returned values.
- Args:
- path (str): path to the txt file.
- pattern (str): re (regular expression) pattern.
- """
- with open(path) as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
- data = []
- pattern = re.compile(pattern)
- for line in lines:
- match = pattern.match(line)
- if match:
- data.append(float(match.group(1)))
- return data
-def smooth_data(values, smooth_weight):
- """ Smooth data using 1st-order IIR low-pass filter (what tensorflow does).
- Reference: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/blob/f801ebf1f9fbfe2baee1ddd65714d0bccc640fb1/tensorboard/plugins/scalar/vz_line_chart/vz-line-chart.ts#L704 # noqa: E501
- Args:
- values (list): A list of values to be smoothed.
- smooth_weight (float): Smooth weight.
- """
- values_sm = []
- last_sm_value = values[0]
- for value in values:
- value_sm = last_sm_value * smooth_weight + (1 - smooth_weight) * value
- values_sm.append(value_sm)
- last_sm_value = value_sm
- return values_sm
diff --git a/basicsr/utils/registry.py b/basicsr/utils/registry.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e72ef7ff21b94f50e6caa8948f69ca0b04bc968..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/basicsr/utils/registry.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# Modified from: https://github.com/facebookresearch/fvcore/blob/master/fvcore/common/registry.py # noqa: E501
-class Registry():
- """
- The registry that provides name -> object mapping, to support third-party
- users' custom modules.
- To create a registry (e.g. a backbone registry):
- .. code-block:: python
- To register an object:
- .. code-block:: python
- class MyBackbone():
- ...
- Or:
- .. code-block:: python
- BACKBONE_REGISTRY.register(MyBackbone)
- """
- def __init__(self, name):
- """
- Args:
- name (str): the name of this registry
- """
- self._name = name
- self._obj_map = {}
- def _do_register(self, name, obj, suffix=None):
- if isinstance(suffix, str):
- name = name + '_' + suffix
- assert (name not in self._obj_map), (f"An object named '{name}' was already registered "
- f"in '{self._name}' registry!")
- self._obj_map[name] = obj
- def register(self, obj=None, suffix=None):
- """
- Register the given object under the the name `obj.__name__`.
- Can be used as either a decorator or not.
- See docstring of this class for usage.
- """
- if obj is None:
- # used as a decorator
- def deco(func_or_class):
- name = func_or_class.__name__
- self._do_register(name, func_or_class, suffix)
- return func_or_class
- return deco
- # used as a function call
- name = obj.__name__
- self._do_register(name, obj, suffix)
- def get(self, name, suffix='basicsr'):
- ret = self._obj_map.get(name)
- if ret is None:
- ret = self._obj_map.get(name + '_' + suffix)
- print(f'Name {name} is not found, use name: {name}_{suffix}!')
- if ret is None:
- raise KeyError(f"No object named '{name}' found in '{self._name}' registry!")
- return ret
- def __contains__(self, name):
- return name in self._obj_map
- def __iter__(self):
- return iter(self._obj_map.items())
- def keys(self):
- return self._obj_map.keys()
-DATASET_REGISTRY = Registry('dataset')
-ARCH_REGISTRY = Registry('arch')
-MODEL_REGISTRY = Registry('model')
-LOSS_REGISTRY = Registry('loss')
-METRIC_REGISTRY = Registry('metric')
diff --git a/image/bird.png b/image/bird.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 022b9a21c0943d0deac8e949b9dc9917087f8382..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/image/bird.png
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-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:e74821365819a2141455e85d5a1c4fa443167dc707e296059c6f4a9d3d93b2f5
-size 612104
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-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:a48c9d517b9a9bd27f31c7fa7e6e4128e27e485168c566dc88db9ece60703338
-size 1483489
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72623e2d5d3d9b625208af4dc1214ee7deb8931a
--- /dev/null
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+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:3aee6fa0ccf3ccc48cc405a16dc4a2a65c94711d96c99e62025a50c72f2ba084
+size 2872891
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9c684e0d453b987513a2ccf0871dab9b69ca076
--- /dev/null
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+oid sha256:0f1f84e53a414e8cb0c354e89ec19f1aae3c57609e24e0fb128a00b1419b4ea1
+size 2259767
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-oid sha256:38d86adb6fa25577558bf559e6c2905546660c3e1e40d268a2632560aa848d97
-size 57700
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deleted file mode 100644
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-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:747d7dd713fc6c50494dcfbb66ffb5bc8fbbb2e84e638a976b5aaca29f9b85f3
-size 683684
diff --git a/annotator/__init__.py b/kolors/models/ipa_faceid_plus/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from annotator/__init__.py
rename to kolors/models/ipa_faceid_plus/__init__.py
diff --git a/kolors/models/ipa_faceid_plus/attention_processor.py b/kolors/models/ipa_faceid_plus/attention_processor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9bbd3922938c9990ebbe216199a495184be63dfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kolors/models/ipa_faceid_plus/attention_processor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# modified from https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/blob/main/src/diffusers/models/attention_processor.py
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+class AttnProcessor2_0(torch.nn.Module):
+ r"""
+ Processor for implementing scaled dot-product attention (enabled by default if you're using PyTorch 2.0).
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ hidden_size=None,
+ cross_attention_dim=None,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ if not hasattr(F, "scaled_dot_product_attention"):
+ raise ImportError("AttnProcessor2_0 requires PyTorch 2.0, to use it, please upgrade PyTorch to 2.0.")
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ attn,
+ hidden_states,
+ encoder_hidden_states=None,
+ attention_mask=None,
+ temb=None,
+ ):
+ residual = hidden_states
+ if attn.spatial_norm is not None:
+ hidden_states = attn.spatial_norm(hidden_states, temb)
+ input_ndim = hidden_states.ndim
+ if input_ndim == 4:
+ batch_size, channel, height, width = hidden_states.shape
+ hidden_states = hidden_states.view(batch_size, channel, height * width).transpose(1, 2)
+ batch_size, sequence_length, _ = (
+ hidden_states.shape if encoder_hidden_states is None else encoder_hidden_states.shape
+ )
+ if attention_mask is not None:
+ attention_mask = attn.prepare_attention_mask(attention_mask, sequence_length, batch_size)
+ # scaled_dot_product_attention expects attention_mask shape to be
+ # (batch, heads, source_length, target_length)
+ attention_mask = attention_mask.view(batch_size, attn.heads, -1, attention_mask.shape[-1])
+ if attn.group_norm is not None:
+ hidden_states = attn.group_norm(hidden_states.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2)
+ query = attn.to_q(hidden_states)
+ if encoder_hidden_states is None:
+ encoder_hidden_states = hidden_states
+ elif attn.norm_cross:
+ encoder_hidden_states = attn.norm_encoder_hidden_states(encoder_hidden_states)
+ key = attn.to_k(encoder_hidden_states)
+ value = attn.to_v(encoder_hidden_states)
+ inner_dim = key.shape[-1]
+ head_dim = inner_dim // attn.heads
+ query = query.view(batch_size, -1, attn.heads, head_dim).transpose(1, 2)
+ key = key.view(batch_size, -1, attn.heads, head_dim).transpose(1, 2)
+ value = value.view(batch_size, -1, attn.heads, head_dim).transpose(1, 2)
+ # the output of sdp = (batch, num_heads, seq_len, head_dim)
+ # TODO: add support for attn.scale when we move to Torch 2.1
+ hidden_states = F.scaled_dot_product_attention(
+ query, key, value, attn_mask=attention_mask, dropout_p=0.0, is_causal=False
+ )
+ hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(1, 2).reshape(batch_size, -1, attn.heads * head_dim)
+ hidden_states = hidden_states.to(query.dtype)
+ # linear proj
+ hidden_states = attn.to_out[0](hidden_states)
+ # dropout
+ hidden_states = attn.to_out[1](hidden_states)
+ if input_ndim == 4:
+ hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(-1, -2).reshape(batch_size, channel, height, width)
+ if attn.residual_connection:
+ hidden_states = hidden_states + residual
+ hidden_states = hidden_states / attn.rescale_output_factor
+ return hidden_states
+class IPAttnProcessor2_0(torch.nn.Module):
+ r"""
+ Attention processor for IP-Adapater for PyTorch 2.0.
+ Args:
+ hidden_size (`int`):
+ The hidden size of the attention layer.
+ cross_attention_dim (`int`):
+ The number of channels in the `encoder_hidden_states`.
+ scale (`float`, defaults to 1.0):
+ the weight scale of image prompt.
+ num_tokens (`int`, defaults to 4 when do ip_adapter_plus it should be 16):
+ The context length of the image features.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, hidden_size, cross_attention_dim=None, scale=1.0, num_tokens=4):
+ super().__init__()
+ if not hasattr(F, "scaled_dot_product_attention"):
+ raise ImportError("AttnProcessor2_0 requires PyTorch 2.0, to use it, please upgrade PyTorch to 2.0.")
+ self.hidden_size = hidden_size
+ self.cross_attention_dim = cross_attention_dim
+ self.scale = scale
+ self.num_tokens = num_tokens
+ self.to_k_ip = nn.Linear(cross_attention_dim or hidden_size, hidden_size, bias=False)
+ self.to_v_ip = nn.Linear(cross_attention_dim or hidden_size, hidden_size, bias=False)
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ attn,
+ hidden_states,
+ encoder_hidden_states=None,
+ attention_mask=None,
+ temb=None,
+ ):
+ residual = hidden_states
+ if attn.spatial_norm is not None:
+ hidden_states = attn.spatial_norm(hidden_states, temb)
+ input_ndim = hidden_states.ndim
+ if input_ndim == 4:
+ batch_size, channel, height, width = hidden_states.shape
+ hidden_states = hidden_states.view(batch_size, channel, height * width).transpose(1, 2)
+ batch_size, sequence_length, _ = (
+ hidden_states.shape if encoder_hidden_states is None else encoder_hidden_states.shape
+ )
+ if attention_mask is not None:
+ attention_mask = attn.prepare_attention_mask(attention_mask, sequence_length, batch_size)
+ # scaled_dot_product_attention expects attention_mask shape to be
+ # (batch, heads, source_length, target_length)
+ attention_mask = attention_mask.view(batch_size, attn.heads, -1, attention_mask.shape[-1])
+ if attn.group_norm is not None:
+ hidden_states = attn.group_norm(hidden_states.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2)
+ query = attn.to_q(hidden_states)
+ if encoder_hidden_states is None:
+ encoder_hidden_states = hidden_states
+ else:
+ # get encoder_hidden_states, ip_hidden_states
+ end_pos = encoder_hidden_states.shape[1] - self.num_tokens
+ encoder_hidden_states, ip_hidden_states = encoder_hidden_states[:, :end_pos, :], encoder_hidden_states[:, end_pos:, :]
+ if attn.norm_cross:
+ encoder_hidden_states = attn.norm_encoder_hidden_states(encoder_hidden_states)
+ key = attn.to_k(encoder_hidden_states)
+ value = attn.to_v(encoder_hidden_states)
+ inner_dim = key.shape[-1]
+ head_dim = inner_dim // attn.heads
+ query = query.view(batch_size, -1, attn.heads, head_dim).transpose(1, 2)
+ key = key.view(batch_size, -1, attn.heads, head_dim).transpose(1, 2)
+ value = value.view(batch_size, -1, attn.heads, head_dim).transpose(1, 2)
+ # the output of sdp = (batch, num_heads, seq_len, head_dim)
+ # TODO: add support for attn.scale when we move to Torch 2.1
+ hidden_states = F.scaled_dot_product_attention(
+ query, key, value, attn_mask=attention_mask, dropout_p=0.0, is_causal=False
+ )
+ hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(1, 2).reshape(batch_size, -1, attn.heads * head_dim)
+ hidden_states = hidden_states.to(query.dtype)
+ # for ip-adapter
+ ip_key = self.to_k_ip(ip_hidden_states)
+ ip_value = self.to_v_ip(ip_hidden_states)
+ ip_key = ip_key.view(batch_size, -1, attn.heads, head_dim).transpose(1, 2)
+ ip_value = ip_value.view(batch_size, -1, attn.heads, head_dim).transpose(1, 2)
+ # the output of sdp = (batch, num_heads, seq_len, head_dim)
+ # TODO: add support for attn.scale when we move to Torch 2.1
+ ip_hidden_states = F.scaled_dot_product_attention(
+ query, ip_key, ip_value, attn_mask=None, dropout_p=0.0, is_causal=False
+ )
+ ip_hidden_states = ip_hidden_states.transpose(1, 2).reshape(batch_size, -1, attn.heads * head_dim)
+ ip_hidden_states = ip_hidden_states.to(query.dtype)
+ hidden_states = hidden_states + self.scale * ip_hidden_states
+ # linear proj
+ hidden_states = attn.to_out[0](hidden_states)
+ # dropout
+ hidden_states = attn.to_out[1](hidden_states)
+ if input_ndim == 4:
+ hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(-1, -2).reshape(batch_size, channel, height, width)
+ if attn.residual_connection:
+ hidden_states = hidden_states + residual
+ hidden_states = hidden_states / attn.rescale_output_factor
+ return hidden_states
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kolors/models/ipa_faceid_plus/ipa_faceid_plus.py b/kolors/models/ipa_faceid_plus/ipa_faceid_plus.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2af6f20e95639cf35c0834be376e38443fab4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kolors/models/ipa_faceid_plus/ipa_faceid_plus.py
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import math
+def reshape_tensor(x, heads):
+ bs, length, width = x.shape
+ #(bs, length, width) --> (bs, length, n_heads, dim_per_head)
+ x = x.view(bs, length, heads, -1)
+ # (bs, length, n_heads, dim_per_head) --> (bs, n_heads, length, dim_per_head)
+ x = x.transpose(1, 2)
+ # (bs, n_heads, length, dim_per_head) --> (bs*n_heads, length, dim_per_head)
+ x = x.reshape(bs, heads, length, -1)
+ return x
+def FeedForward(dim, mult=4):
+ inner_dim = int(dim * mult)
+ return nn.Sequential(
+ nn.LayerNorm(dim),
+ nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim, bias=False),
+ nn.GELU(),
+ nn.Linear(inner_dim, dim, bias=False),
+ )
+class PerceiverAttention(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, *, dim, dim_head=64, heads=8):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.scale = dim_head**-0.5
+ self.dim_head = dim_head
+ self.heads = heads
+ inner_dim = dim_head * heads
+ self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(dim)
+ self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(dim)
+ self.to_q = nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim, bias=False)
+ self.to_kv = nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim * 2, bias=False)
+ self.to_out = nn.Linear(inner_dim, dim, bias=False)
+ def forward(self, x, latents):
+ """
+ Args:
+ x (torch.Tensor): image features
+ shape (b, n1, D)
+ latent (torch.Tensor): latent features
+ shape (b, n2, D)
+ """
+ x = self.norm1(x)
+ latents = self.norm2(latents)
+ b, l, _ = latents.shape
+ q = self.to_q(latents)
+ kv_input = torch.cat((x, latents), dim=-2)
+ k, v = self.to_kv(kv_input).chunk(2, dim=-1)
+ q = reshape_tensor(q, self.heads)
+ k = reshape_tensor(k, self.heads)
+ v = reshape_tensor(v, self.heads)
+ # attention
+ scale = 1 / math.sqrt(math.sqrt(self.dim_head))
+ weight = (q * scale) @ (k * scale).transpose(-2, -1) # More stable with f16 than dividing afterwards
+ weight = torch.softmax(weight.float(), dim=-1).type(weight.dtype)
+ out = weight @ v
+ out = out.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(b, l, -1)
+ return self.to_out(out)
+class FacePerceiverResampler(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ dim=768,
+ depth=4,
+ dim_head=64,
+ heads=16,
+ embedding_dim=1280,
+ output_dim=768,
+ ff_mult=4,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.proj_in = torch.nn.Linear(embedding_dim, dim)
+ self.proj_out = torch.nn.Linear(dim, output_dim)
+ self.norm_out = torch.nn.LayerNorm(output_dim)
+ self.layers = torch.nn.ModuleList([])
+ for _ in range(depth):
+ self.layers.append(
+ torch.nn.ModuleList(
+ [
+ PerceiverAttention(dim=dim, dim_head=dim_head, heads=heads),
+ FeedForward(dim=dim, mult=ff_mult),
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ def forward(self, latents, x):
+ x = self.proj_in(x)
+ for attn, ff in self.layers:
+ latents = attn(x, latents) + latents
+ latents = ff(latents) + latents
+ latents = self.proj_out(latents)
+ return self.norm_out(latents)
+class ProjPlusModel(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, cross_attention_dim=768, id_embeddings_dim=512, clip_embeddings_dim=1280, num_tokens=4):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.cross_attention_dim = cross_attention_dim
+ self.num_tokens = num_tokens
+ self.proj = torch.nn.Sequential(
+ torch.nn.Linear(id_embeddings_dim, id_embeddings_dim*2),
+ torch.nn.GELU(),
+ torch.nn.Linear(id_embeddings_dim*2, cross_attention_dim*num_tokens),
+ )
+ self.norm = torch.nn.LayerNorm(cross_attention_dim)
+ self.perceiver_resampler = FacePerceiverResampler(
+ dim=cross_attention_dim,
+ depth=4,
+ dim_head=64,
+ heads=cross_attention_dim // 64,
+ embedding_dim=clip_embeddings_dim,
+ output_dim=cross_attention_dim,
+ ff_mult=4,
+ )
+ def forward(self, id_embeds, clip_embeds, shortcut = True, scale = 1.0):
+ x = self.proj(id_embeds)
+ x = x.reshape(-1, self.num_tokens, self.cross_attention_dim)
+ x = self.norm(x)
+ out = self.perceiver_resampler(x, clip_embeds)
+ if shortcut:
+ out = x + scale * out
+ return out
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kolors/pipelines/pipeline_stable_diffusion_xl_chatglm_256_ipadapter_FaceID.py b/kolors/pipelines/pipeline_stable_diffusion_xl_chatglm_256_ipadapter_FaceID.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e7e58ad0f4145af0a9ac06b50ebf1cd40f4555d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kolors/pipelines/pipeline_stable_diffusion_xl_chatglm_256_ipadapter_FaceID.py
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import sys
+import os
+sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))
+from kolors.models.modeling_chatglm import ChatGLMModel
+from kolors.models.tokenization_chatglm import ChatGLMTokenizer
+import inspect
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+import torch
+from transformers import CLIPTextModel, CLIPTextModelWithProjection, CLIPTokenizer
+from transformers import XLMRobertaModel, ChineseCLIPTextModel
+from transformers import CLIPImageProcessor, CLIPVisionModelWithProjection
+from diffusers.image_processor import VaeImageProcessor, PipelineImageInput
+from diffusers.loaders import FromSingleFileMixin, LoraLoaderMixin, TextualInversionLoaderMixin
+from diffusers.models import AutoencoderKL, UNet2DConditionModel
+from diffusers.models.attention_processor import (
+ AttnProcessor2_0,
+ LoRAAttnProcessor2_0,
+ LoRAXFormersAttnProcessor,
+ XFormersAttnProcessor,
+from diffusers.schedulers import KarrasDiffusionSchedulers
+from diffusers.utils import (
+ is_accelerate_available,
+ is_accelerate_version,
+ logging,
+ replace_example_docstring,
+ from diffusers.utils import randn_tensor
+ from diffusers.utils.torch_utils import randn_tensor
+from diffusers.pipelines.pipeline_utils import DiffusionPipeline
+from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion_xl import StableDiffusionXLPipelineOutput
+from kolors.models.ipa_faceid_plus.ipa_faceid_plus import ProjPlusModel
+from kolors.models.ipa_faceid_plus.attention_processor import IPAttnProcessor2_0 as IPAttnProcessor, AttnProcessor2_0 as AttnProcessor
+logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ Examples:
+ ```py
+ >>> import torch
+ >>> from diffusers import StableDiffusionXLPipeline
+ >>> pipe = StableDiffusionXLPipeline.from_pretrained(
+ ... "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-0.9", torch_dtype=torch.float16
+ ... )
+ >>> pipe = pipe.to("cuda")
+ >>> prompt = "a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars"
+ >>> image = pipe(prompt).images[0]
+ ```
+# Copied from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.pipeline_stable_diffusion.rescale_noise_cfg
+def rescale_noise_cfg(noise_cfg, noise_pred_text, guidance_rescale=0.0):
+ """
+ Rescale `noise_cfg` according to `guidance_rescale`. Based on findings of [Common Diffusion Noise Schedules and
+ Sample Steps are Flawed](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.08891.pdf). See Section 3.4
+ """
+ std_text = noise_pred_text.std(dim=list(range(1, noise_pred_text.ndim)), keepdim=True)
+ std_cfg = noise_cfg.std(dim=list(range(1, noise_cfg.ndim)), keepdim=True)
+ # rescale the results from guidance (fixes overexposure)
+ noise_pred_rescaled = noise_cfg * (std_text / std_cfg)
+ # mix with the original results from guidance by factor guidance_rescale to avoid "plain looking" images
+ noise_cfg = guidance_rescale * noise_pred_rescaled + (1 - guidance_rescale) * noise_cfg
+ return noise_cfg
+class StableDiffusionXLPipeline(DiffusionPipeline, FromSingleFileMixin, LoraLoaderMixin):
+ r"""
+ Pipeline for text-to-image generation using Stable Diffusion XL.
+ This model inherits from [`DiffusionPipeline`]. Check the superclass documentation for the generic methods the
+ library implements for all the pipelines (such as downloading or saving, running on a particular device, etc.)
+ In addition the pipeline inherits the following loading methods:
+ - *Textual-Inversion*: [`loaders.TextualInversionLoaderMixin.load_textual_inversion`]
+ - *LoRA*: [`loaders.LoraLoaderMixin.load_lora_weights`]
+ - *Ckpt*: [`loaders.FromSingleFileMixin.from_single_file`]
+ as well as the following saving methods:
+ - *LoRA*: [`loaders.LoraLoaderMixin.save_lora_weights`]
+ Args:
+ vae ([`AutoencoderKL`]):
+ Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) Model to encode and decode images to and from latent representations.
+ text_encoder ([`CLIPTextModel`]):
+ Frozen text-encoder. Stable Diffusion XL uses the text portion of
+ [CLIP](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/model_doc/clip#transformers.CLIPTextModel), specifically
+ the [clip-vit-large-patch14](https://huggingface.co/openai/clip-vit-large-patch14) variant.
+ tokenizer (`CLIPTokenizer`):
+ Tokenizer of class
+ [CLIPTokenizer](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/v4.21.0/en/model_doc/clip#transformers.CLIPTokenizer).
+ unet ([`UNet2DConditionModel`]): Conditional U-Net architecture to denoise the encoded image latents.
+ scheduler ([`SchedulerMixin`]):
+ A scheduler to be used in combination with `unet` to denoise the encoded image latents. Can be one of
+ [`DDIMScheduler`], [`LMSDiscreteScheduler`], or [`PNDMScheduler`].
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ vae: AutoencoderKL,
+ text_encoder: ChatGLMModel,
+ tokenizer: ChatGLMTokenizer,
+ unet: UNet2DConditionModel,
+ scheduler: KarrasDiffusionSchedulers,
+ force_zeros_for_empty_prompt: bool = True,
+ face_clip_encoder: CLIPVisionModelWithProjection = None,
+ face_clip_processor: CLIPImageProcessor = None,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ #### image project with Q-former for FaceID-Plus
+ if face_clip_encoder is not None:
+ self.image_proj_model = self.init_ip_adapter_proj_layer(
+ clip_embeddings_dim = face_clip_encoder.config.hidden_size,
+ num_tokens = 6
+ )
+ else:
+ raise NotImplemented("face clip encoder is not provided...")
+ self.image_proj_model = None
+ self.register_modules(
+ vae=vae,
+ text_encoder=text_encoder,
+ tokenizer=tokenizer,
+ unet=unet,
+ scheduler=scheduler,
+ face_clip_encoder = face_clip_encoder,
+ face_clip_processor = face_clip_processor,
+ # image_proj_model = image_proj_model,
+ )
+ self.register_to_config(force_zeros_for_empty_prompt=force_zeros_for_empty_prompt)
+ self.vae_scale_factor = 2 ** (len(self.vae.config.block_out_channels) - 1)
+ self.image_processor = VaeImageProcessor(vae_scale_factor=self.vae_scale_factor)
+ self.default_sample_size = self.unet.config.sample_size
+ # self.watermark = StableDiffusionXLWatermarker()
+ # Copied from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.pipeline_stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionPipeline.enable_vae_slicing
+ def enable_vae_slicing(self):
+ r"""
+ Enable sliced VAE decoding.
+ When this option is enabled, the VAE will split the input tensor in slices to compute decoding in several
+ steps. This is useful to save some memory and allow larger batch sizes.
+ """
+ self.vae.enable_slicing()
+ # Copied from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.pipeline_stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionPipeline.disable_vae_slicing
+ def disable_vae_slicing(self):
+ r"""
+ Disable sliced VAE decoding. If `enable_vae_slicing` was previously invoked, this method will go back to
+ computing decoding in one step.
+ """
+ self.vae.disable_slicing()
+ # Copied from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.pipeline_stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionPipeline.enable_vae_tiling
+ def enable_vae_tiling(self):
+ r"""
+ Enable tiled VAE decoding.
+ When this option is enabled, the VAE will split the input tensor into tiles to compute decoding and encoding in
+ several steps. This is useful to save a large amount of memory and to allow the processing of larger images.
+ """
+ self.vae.enable_tiling()
+ # Copied from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.pipeline_stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionPipeline.disable_vae_tiling
+ def disable_vae_tiling(self):
+ r"""
+ Disable tiled VAE decoding. If `enable_vae_tiling` was previously invoked, this method will go back to
+ computing decoding in one step.
+ """
+ self.vae.disable_tiling()
+ def enable_sequential_cpu_offload(self, gpu_id=0):
+ r"""
+ Offloads all models to CPU using accelerate, significantly reducing memory usage. When called, unet,
+ text_encoder, vae and safety checker have their state dicts saved to CPU and then are moved to a
+ `torch.device('meta') and loaded to GPU only when their specific submodule has its `forward` method called.
+ Note that offloading happens on a submodule basis. Memory savings are higher than with
+ `enable_model_cpu_offload`, but performance is lower.
+ """
+ if is_accelerate_available() and is_accelerate_version(">=", "0.14.0"):
+ from accelerate import cpu_offload
+ else:
+ raise ImportError("`enable_sequential_cpu_offload` requires `accelerate v0.14.0` or higher")
+ device = torch.device(f"cuda:{gpu_id}")
+ if self.device.type != "cpu":
+ self.to("cpu", silence_dtype_warnings=True)
+ torch.cuda.empty_cache() # otherwise we don't see the memory savings (but they probably exist)
+ for cpu_offloaded_model in [self.unet, self.text_encoder, self.vae]:
+ cpu_offload(cpu_offloaded_model, device)
+ def enable_model_cpu_offload(self, gpu_id=0):
+ r"""
+ Offloads all models to CPU using accelerate, reducing memory usage with a low impact on performance. Compared
+ to `enable_sequential_cpu_offload`, this method moves one whole model at a time to the GPU when its `forward`
+ method is called, and the model remains in GPU until the next model runs. Memory savings are lower than with
+ `enable_sequential_cpu_offload`, but performance is much better due to the iterative execution of the `unet`.
+ """
+ if is_accelerate_available() and is_accelerate_version(">=", "0.17.0.dev0"):
+ from accelerate import cpu_offload_with_hook
+ else:
+ raise ImportError("`enable_model_cpu_offload` requires `accelerate v0.17.0` or higher.")
+ device = torch.device(f"cuda:{gpu_id}")
+ if self.device.type != "cpu":
+ self.to("cpu", silence_dtype_warnings=True)
+ torch.cuda.empty_cache() # otherwise we don't see the memory savings (but they probably exist)
+ model_sequence = (
+ [self.text_encoder, self.face_clip_encoder]
+ )
+ model_sequence.extend([self.unet, self.vae])
+ hook = None
+ for cpu_offloaded_model in model_sequence:
+ _, hook = cpu_offload_with_hook(cpu_offloaded_model, device, prev_module_hook=hook)
+ # We'll offload the last model manually.
+ self.final_offload_hook = hook
+ @property
+ # Copied from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.pipeline_stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionPipeline._execution_device
+ def _execution_device(self):
+ r"""
+ Returns the device on which the pipeline's models will be executed. After calling
+ `pipeline.enable_sequential_cpu_offload()` the execution device can only be inferred from Accelerate's module
+ hooks.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self.unet, "_hf_hook"):
+ return self.device
+ for module in self.unet.modules():
+ if (
+ hasattr(module, "_hf_hook")
+ and hasattr(module._hf_hook, "execution_device")
+ and module._hf_hook.execution_device is not None
+ ):
+ return torch.device(module._hf_hook.execution_device)
+ return self.device
+ def encode_prompt(
+ self,
+ prompt,
+ device: Optional[torch.device] = None,
+ num_images_per_prompt: int = 1,
+ do_classifier_free_guidance: bool = True,
+ negative_prompt=None,
+ prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
+ negative_prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
+ pooled_prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
+ negative_pooled_prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
+ lora_scale: Optional[float] = None,
+ ):
+ r"""
+ Encodes the prompt into text encoder hidden states.
+ Args:
+ prompt (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*):
+ prompt to be encoded
+ device: (`torch.device`):
+ torch device
+ num_images_per_prompt (`int`):
+ number of images that should be generated per prompt
+ do_classifier_free_guidance (`bool`):
+ whether to use classifier free guidance or not
+ negative_prompt (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*):
+ The prompt or prompts not to guide the image generation. If not defined, one has to pass
+ `negative_prompt_embeds` instead. Ignored when not using guidance (i.e., ignored if `guidance_scale` is
+ less than `1`).
+ prompt_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
+ Pre-generated text embeddings. Can be used to easily tweak text inputs, *e.g.* prompt weighting. If not
+ provided, text embeddings will be generated from `prompt` input argument.
+ negative_prompt_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
+ Pre-generated negative text embeddings. Can be used to easily tweak text inputs, *e.g.* prompt
+ weighting. If not provided, negative_prompt_embeds will be generated from `negative_prompt` input
+ argument.
+ pooled_prompt_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
+ Pre-generated pooled text embeddings. Can be used to easily tweak text inputs, *e.g.* prompt weighting.
+ If not provided, pooled text embeddings will be generated from `prompt` input argument.
+ negative_pooled_prompt_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
+ Pre-generated negative pooled text embeddings. Can be used to easily tweak text inputs, *e.g.* prompt
+ weighting. If not provided, pooled negative_prompt_embeds will be generated from `negative_prompt`
+ input argument.
+ lora_scale (`float`, *optional*):
+ A lora scale that will be applied to all LoRA layers of the text encoder if LoRA layers are loaded.
+ """
+ # from IPython import embed; embed(); exit()
+ device = device or self._execution_device
+ # set lora scale so that monkey patched LoRA
+ # function of text encoder can correctly access it
+ if lora_scale is not None and isinstance(self, LoraLoaderMixin):
+ self._lora_scale = lora_scale
+ if prompt is not None and isinstance(prompt, str):
+ batch_size = 1
+ elif prompt is not None and isinstance(prompt, list):
+ batch_size = len(prompt)
+ else:
+ batch_size = prompt_embeds.shape[0]
+ # Define tokenizers and text encoders
+ tokenizers = [self.tokenizer]
+ text_encoders = [self.text_encoder]
+ if prompt_embeds is None:
+ # textual inversion: procecss multi-vector tokens if necessary
+ prompt_embeds_list = []
+ for tokenizer, text_encoder in zip(tokenizers, text_encoders):
+ if isinstance(self, TextualInversionLoaderMixin):
+ prompt = self.maybe_convert_prompt(prompt, tokenizer)
+ text_inputs = tokenizer(
+ prompt,
+ padding="max_length",
+ max_length=256,
+ truncation=True,
+ return_tensors="pt",
+ ).to('cuda')
+ output = text_encoder(
+ input_ids=text_inputs['input_ids'] ,
+ attention_mask=text_inputs['attention_mask'],
+ position_ids=text_inputs['position_ids'],
+ output_hidden_states=True)
+ prompt_embeds = output.hidden_states[-2].permute(1, 0, 2).clone()
+ pooled_prompt_embeds = output.hidden_states[-1][-1, :, :].clone() # [batch_size, 4096]
+ bs_embed, seq_len, _ = prompt_embeds.shape
+ prompt_embeds = prompt_embeds.repeat(1, num_images_per_prompt, 1)
+ prompt_embeds = prompt_embeds.view(bs_embed * num_images_per_prompt, seq_len, -1)
+ prompt_embeds_list.append(prompt_embeds)
+ # prompt_embeds = torch.concat(prompt_embeds_list, dim=-1)
+ prompt_embeds = prompt_embeds_list[0]
+ # get unconditional embeddings for classifier free guidance
+ zero_out_negative_prompt = negative_prompt is None and self.config.force_zeros_for_empty_prompt
+ if do_classifier_free_guidance and negative_prompt_embeds is None and zero_out_negative_prompt:
+ negative_prompt_embeds = torch.zeros_like(prompt_embeds)
+ negative_pooled_prompt_embeds = torch.zeros_like(pooled_prompt_embeds)
+ elif do_classifier_free_guidance and negative_prompt_embeds is None:
+ # negative_prompt = negative_prompt or ""
+ uncond_tokens: List[str]
+ if negative_prompt is None:
+ uncond_tokens = [""] * batch_size
+ elif prompt is not None and type(prompt) is not type(negative_prompt):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"`negative_prompt` should be the same type to `prompt`, but got {type(negative_prompt)} !="
+ f" {type(prompt)}."
+ )
+ elif isinstance(negative_prompt, str):
+ uncond_tokens = [negative_prompt]
+ elif batch_size != len(negative_prompt):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"`negative_prompt`: {negative_prompt} has batch size {len(negative_prompt)}, but `prompt`:"
+ f" {prompt} has batch size {batch_size}. Please make sure that passed `negative_prompt` matches"
+ " the batch size of `prompt`."
+ )
+ else:
+ uncond_tokens = negative_prompt
+ negative_prompt_embeds_list = []
+ for tokenizer, text_encoder in zip(tokenizers, text_encoders):
+ # textual inversion: procecss multi-vector tokens if necessary
+ if isinstance(self, TextualInversionLoaderMixin):
+ uncond_tokens = self.maybe_convert_prompt(uncond_tokens, tokenizer)
+ max_length = prompt_embeds.shape[1]
+ uncond_input = tokenizer(
+ uncond_tokens,
+ padding="max_length",
+ max_length=max_length,
+ truncation=True,
+ return_tensors="pt",
+ ).to('cuda')
+ output = text_encoder(
+ input_ids=uncond_input['input_ids'] ,
+ attention_mask=uncond_input['attention_mask'],
+ position_ids=uncond_input['position_ids'],
+ output_hidden_states=True)
+ negative_prompt_embeds = output.hidden_states[-2].permute(1, 0, 2).clone()
+ negative_pooled_prompt_embeds = output.hidden_states[-1][-1, :, :].clone() # [batch_size, 4096]
+ if do_classifier_free_guidance:
+ # duplicate unconditional embeddings for each generation per prompt, using mps friendly method
+ seq_len = negative_prompt_embeds.shape[1]
+ negative_prompt_embeds = negative_prompt_embeds.to(dtype=text_encoder.dtype, device=device)
+ negative_prompt_embeds = negative_prompt_embeds.repeat(1, num_images_per_prompt, 1)
+ negative_prompt_embeds = negative_prompt_embeds.view(
+ batch_size * num_images_per_prompt, seq_len, -1
+ )
+ # For classifier free guidance, we need to do two forward passes.
+ # Here we concatenate the unconditional and text embeddings into a single batch
+ # to avoid doing two forward passes
+ negative_prompt_embeds_list.append(negative_prompt_embeds)
+ # negative_prompt_embeds = torch.concat(negative_prompt_embeds_list, dim=-1)
+ negative_prompt_embeds = negative_prompt_embeds_list[0]
+ bs_embed = pooled_prompt_embeds.shape[0]
+ pooled_prompt_embeds = pooled_prompt_embeds.repeat(1, num_images_per_prompt).view(
+ bs_embed * num_images_per_prompt, -1
+ )
+ if do_classifier_free_guidance:
+ negative_pooled_prompt_embeds = negative_pooled_prompt_embeds.repeat(1, num_images_per_prompt).view(
+ bs_embed * num_images_per_prompt, -1
+ )
+ return prompt_embeds, negative_prompt_embeds, pooled_prompt_embeds, negative_pooled_prompt_embeds
+ # Copied from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.pipeline_stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionPipeline.prepare_extra_step_kwargs
+ def prepare_extra_step_kwargs(self, generator, eta):
+ # prepare extra kwargs for the scheduler step, since not all schedulers have the same signature
+ # eta (η) is only used with the DDIMScheduler, it will be ignored for other schedulers.
+ # eta corresponds to η in DDIM paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02502
+ # and should be between [0, 1]
+ accepts_eta = "eta" in set(inspect.signature(self.scheduler.step).parameters.keys())
+ extra_step_kwargs = {}
+ if accepts_eta:
+ extra_step_kwargs["eta"] = eta
+ # check if the scheduler accepts generator
+ accepts_generator = "generator" in set(inspect.signature(self.scheduler.step).parameters.keys())
+ if accepts_generator:
+ extra_step_kwargs["generator"] = generator
+ return extra_step_kwargs
+ def check_inputs(
+ self,
+ prompt,
+ height,
+ width,
+ callback_steps,
+ negative_prompt=None,
+ prompt_embeds=None,
+ negative_prompt_embeds=None,
+ pooled_prompt_embeds=None,
+ negative_pooled_prompt_embeds=None,
+ ):
+ if height % 8 != 0 or width % 8 != 0:
+ raise ValueError(f"`height` and `width` have to be divisible by 8 but are {height} and {width}.")
+ if (callback_steps is None) or (
+ callback_steps is not None and (not isinstance(callback_steps, int) or callback_steps <= 0)
+ ):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"`callback_steps` has to be a positive integer but is {callback_steps} of type"
+ f" {type(callback_steps)}."
+ )
+ if prompt is not None and prompt_embeds is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Cannot forward both `prompt`: {prompt} and `prompt_embeds`: {prompt_embeds}. Please make sure to"
+ " only forward one of the two."
+ )
+ elif prompt is None and prompt_embeds is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Provide either `prompt` or `prompt_embeds`. Cannot leave both `prompt` and `prompt_embeds` undefined."
+ )
+ elif prompt is not None and (not isinstance(prompt, str) and not isinstance(prompt, list)):
+ raise ValueError(f"`prompt` has to be of type `str` or `list` but is {type(prompt)}")
+ if negative_prompt is not None and negative_prompt_embeds is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Cannot forward both `negative_prompt`: {negative_prompt} and `negative_prompt_embeds`:"
+ f" {negative_prompt_embeds}. Please make sure to only forward one of the two."
+ )
+ if prompt_embeds is not None and negative_prompt_embeds is not None:
+ if prompt_embeds.shape != negative_prompt_embeds.shape:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "`prompt_embeds` and `negative_prompt_embeds` must have the same shape when passed directly, but"
+ f" got: `prompt_embeds` {prompt_embeds.shape} != `negative_prompt_embeds`"
+ f" {negative_prompt_embeds.shape}."
+ )
+ if prompt_embeds is not None and pooled_prompt_embeds is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "If `prompt_embeds` are provided, `pooled_prompt_embeds` also have to be passed. Make sure to generate `pooled_prompt_embeds` from the same text encoder that was used to generate `prompt_embeds`."
+ )
+ if negative_prompt_embeds is not None and negative_pooled_prompt_embeds is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "If `negative_prompt_embeds` are provided, `negative_pooled_prompt_embeds` also have to be passed. Make sure to generate `negative_pooled_prompt_embeds` from the same text encoder that was used to generate `negative_prompt_embeds`."
+ )
+ # Copied from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.pipeline_stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionPipeline.prepare_latents
+ def prepare_latents(self, batch_size, num_channels_latents, height, width, dtype, device, generator, latents=None):
+ shape = (batch_size, num_channels_latents, height // self.vae_scale_factor, width // self.vae_scale_factor)
+ if isinstance(generator, list) and len(generator) != batch_size:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"You have passed a list of generators of length {len(generator)}, but requested an effective batch"
+ f" size of {batch_size}. Make sure the batch size matches the length of the generators."
+ )
+ if latents is None:
+ latents = randn_tensor(shape, generator=generator, device=device, dtype=dtype)
+ else:
+ latents = latents.to(device)
+ # scale the initial noise by the standard deviation required by the scheduler
+ latents = latents * self.scheduler.init_noise_sigma
+ return latents
+ def _get_add_time_ids(self, original_size, crops_coords_top_left, target_size, dtype):
+ add_time_ids = list(original_size + crops_coords_top_left + target_size)
+ passed_add_embed_dim = (
+ self.unet.config.addition_time_embed_dim * len(add_time_ids) + 4096
+ )
+ expected_add_embed_dim = self.unet.add_embedding.linear_1.in_features
+ if expected_add_embed_dim != passed_add_embed_dim:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Model expects an added time embedding vector of length {expected_add_embed_dim}, but a vector of {passed_add_embed_dim} was created. The model has an incorrect config. Please check `unet.config.time_embedding_type` and `text_encoder_2.config.projection_dim`."
+ )
+ add_time_ids = torch.tensor([add_time_ids], dtype=dtype)
+ return add_time_ids
+ # Copied from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.pipeline_stable_diffusion_upscale.StableDiffusionUpscalePipeline.upcast_vae
+ def upcast_vae(self):
+ dtype = self.vae.dtype
+ self.vae.to(dtype=torch.float32)
+ use_torch_2_0_or_xformers = isinstance(
+ self.vae.decoder.mid_block.attentions[0].processor,
+ (
+ AttnProcessor2_0,
+ XFormersAttnProcessor,
+ LoRAXFormersAttnProcessor,
+ LoRAAttnProcessor2_0,
+ ),
+ )
+ # if xformers or torch_2_0 is used attention block does not need
+ # to be in float32 which can save lots of memory
+ if use_torch_2_0_or_xformers:
+ self.vae.post_quant_conv.to(dtype)
+ self.vae.decoder.conv_in.to(dtype)
+ self.vae.decoder.mid_block.to(dtype)
+ #### set ip adapter module
+ def set_ip_adapter(self, device, num_tokens = 6):
+ unet = self.unet
+ attn_procs = {}
+ for name in unet.attn_processors.keys():
+ cross_attention_dim = None if name.endswith("attn1.processor") else unet.config.cross_attention_dim
+ if name.startswith("mid_block"):
+ hidden_size = unet.config.block_out_channels[-1]
+ elif name.startswith("up_blocks"):
+ block_id = int(name[len("up_blocks.")])
+ hidden_size = list(reversed(unet.config.block_out_channels))[block_id]
+ elif name.startswith("down_blocks"):
+ block_id = int(name[len("down_blocks.")])
+ hidden_size = unet.config.block_out_channels[block_id]
+ if cross_attention_dim is None:
+ attn_procs[name] = AttnProcessor()
+ else:
+ attn_procs[name] = IPAttnProcessor(
+ hidden_size = hidden_size,
+ cross_attention_dim = cross_attention_dim,
+ scale = 1.0,
+ num_tokens = num_tokens
+ ).to(device, dtype = unet.dtype)
+ unet.set_attn_processor(attn_procs)
+ def init_ip_adapter_proj_layer(self, clip_embeddings_dim, num_tokens):
+ image_proj_model = ProjPlusModel(
+ cross_attention_dim = 4096,
+ id_embeddings_dim = 512,
+ clip_embeddings_dim = clip_embeddings_dim,
+ num_tokens = num_tokens
+ )
+ return image_proj_model
+ #### load ip adapter model weight
+ def load_ip_adapter_faceid_plus(self, ip_faceid_model_path, device):
+ params = torch.load(ip_faceid_model_path, 'cpu')
+ self.image_proj_model.load_state_dict(params["image_proj"])
+ self.image_proj_model.to(device, dtype = torch.float16)
+ self.set_ip_adapter(num_tokens = 6, device = device)
+ ip_layers = torch.nn.ModuleList(self.unet.attn_processors.values())
+ ip_layers.load_state_dict(params["adapter_modules"])
+ #### get image embeddings ####
+ def get_clip_feat(self, face_crop_image, device):
+ face_clip_images = self.face_clip_processor(images = face_crop_image, return_tensors = "pt").pixel_values
+ face_clip_images = face_clip_images.to(device, dtype = torch.float16)
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ face_clip_embeddings = self.face_clip_encoder(
+ face_clip_images,
+ output_hidden_states = True
+ ).hidden_states[-2]
+ return face_clip_embeddings
+ def get_fused_face_embedds(self, face_insightface_embeds, face_crop_image, num_images_per_prompt, device):
+ with torch.inference_mode():
+ face_clip_embeds = self.get_clip_feat(face_crop_image, device)
+ face_clip_embeds = face_clip_embeds.to(device = device, dtype = torch.float16)
+ image_prompt_embeds = self.image_proj_model(face_insightface_embeds, face_clip_embeds)
+ uncond_image_prompt_embeds = self.image_proj_model(torch.zeros_like(face_insightface_embeds), torch.zeros_like(face_clip_embeds))
+ bs_embed, seq_len, _ = image_prompt_embeds.shape
+ image_prompt_embeds = image_prompt_embeds.repeat(1, num_images_per_prompt, 1)
+ image_prompt_embeds = image_prompt_embeds.view(bs_embed * num_images_per_prompt, seq_len, -1)
+ uncond_image_prompt_embeds = uncond_image_prompt_embeds.repeat(1, num_images_per_prompt, 1)
+ uncond_image_prompt_embeds = uncond_image_prompt_embeds.view(bs_embed * num_images_per_prompt, seq_len, -1)
+ return (image_prompt_embeds, uncond_image_prompt_embeds)
+ def set_face_fidelity_scale(self, scale):
+ for attn_processor in self.unet.attn_processors.values():
+ if isinstance(attn_processor, IPAttnProcessor):
+ attn_processor.scale = scale
+ ################################
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ @replace_example_docstring(EXAMPLE_DOC_STRING)
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ prompt: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
+ height: Optional[int] = None,
+ width: Optional[int] = None,
+ num_inference_steps: int = 50,
+ denoising_end: Optional[float] = None,
+ guidance_scale: float = 5.0,
+ negative_prompt: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
+ num_images_per_prompt: Optional[int] = 1,
+ eta: float = 0.0,
+ generator: Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]] = None,
+ latents: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
+ prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
+ negative_prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
+ pooled_prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
+ negative_pooled_prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
+ output_type: Optional[str] = "pil",
+ return_dict: bool = True,
+ callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, torch.FloatTensor], None]] = None,
+ callback_steps: int = 1,
+ cross_attention_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
+ guidance_rescale: float = 0.0,
+ original_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
+ crops_coords_top_left: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
+ target_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
+ use_dynamic_threshold: Optional[bool] = False,
+ face_crop_image: Optional[PipelineImageInput] = None,
+ face_insightface_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
+ ):
+ r"""
+ Function invoked when calling the pipeline for generation.
+ Args:
+ prompt (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*):
+ The prompt or prompts to guide the image generation. If not defined, one has to pass `prompt_embeds`.
+ instead.
+ height (`int`, *optional*, defaults to self.unet.config.sample_size * self.vae_scale_factor):
+ The height in pixels of the generated image.
+ width (`int`, *optional*, defaults to self.unet.config.sample_size * self.vae_scale_factor):
+ The width in pixels of the generated image.
+ num_inference_steps (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 50):
+ The number of denoising steps. More denoising steps usually lead to a higher quality image at the
+ expense of slower inference.
+ denoising_end (`float`, *optional*):
+ When specified, determines the fraction (between 0.0 and 1.0) of the total denoising process to be
+ completed before it is intentionally prematurely terminated. For instance, if denoising_end is set to
+ 0.7 and `num_inference_steps` is fixed at 50, the process will execute only 35 (i.e., 0.7 * 50)
+ Denoisers" multi-pipeline setup, as elaborated in [**Refining the Image
+ Output**](https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/api/pipelines/stable_diffusion/stable_diffusion_xl#refining-the-image-output)
+ guidance_scale (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 7.5):
+ `guidance_scale` is defined as `w` of equation 2. of [Imagen
+ Paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.11487.pdf). Guidance scale is enabled by setting `guidance_scale >
+ 1`. Higher guidance scale encourages to generate images that are closely linked to the text `prompt`,
+ negative_prompt (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*):
+ The prompt or prompts not to guide the image generation. If not defined, one has to pass
+ `negative_prompt_embeds` instead. Ignored when not using guidance (i.e., ignored if `guidance_scale` is
+ less than `1`).
+ num_images_per_prompt (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 1):
+ The number of images to generate per prompt.
+ eta (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.0):
+ Corresponds to parameter eta (η) in the DDIM paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02502. Only applies to
+ [`schedulers.DDIMScheduler`], will be ignored for others.
+ generator (`torch.Generator` or `List[torch.Generator]`, *optional*):
+ One or a list of [torch generator(s)](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.Generator.html)
+ to make generation deterministic.
+ latents (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
+ Pre-generated noisy latents, sampled from a Gaussian distribution, to be used as inputs for image
+ generation. Can be used to tweak the same generation with different prompts. If not provided, a latents
+ tensor will ge generated by sampling using the supplied random `generator`.
+ prompt_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
+ Pre-generated text embeddings. Can be used to easily tweak text inputs, *e.g.* prompt weighting. If not
+ provided, text embeddings will be generated from `prompt` input argument.
+ negative_prompt_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
+ Pre-generated negative text embeddings. Can be used to easily tweak text inputs, *e.g.* prompt
+ weighting. If not provided, negative_prompt_embeds will be generated from `negative_prompt` input
+ argument.
+ pooled_prompt_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
+ Pre-generated pooled text embeddings. Can be used to easily tweak text inputs, *e.g.* prompt weighting.
+ If not provided, pooled text embeddings will be generated from `prompt` input argument.
+ negative_pooled_prompt_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
+ output_type (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"pil"`):
+ The output format of the generate image. Choose between
+ [PIL](https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/): `PIL.Image.Image` or `np.array`.
+ return_dict (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):
+ Whether or not to return a [`~pipelines.stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionXLPipelineOutput`] instead of a
+ callback (`Callable`, *optional*):
+ A function that will be called every `callback_steps` steps during inference. The function will be
+ callback_steps (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 1):
+ The frequency at which the `callback` function will be called. If not specified, the callback will be
+ called at every step.
+ cross_attention_kwargs (`dict`, *optional*):
+ A kwargs dictionary that if specified is passed along to the `AttentionProcessor` as defined under
+ `self.processor` in
+ [diffusers.cross_attention](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/blob/main/src/diffusers/models/cross_attention.py).
+ guidance_rescale (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.7):
+ Guidance rescale factor proposed by [Common Diffusion Noise Schedules and Sample Steps are
+ Flawed](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.08891.pdf) `guidance_scale` is defined as `φ` in equation 16. of
+ [Common Diffusion Noise Schedules and Sample Steps are Flawed](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.08891.pdf).
+ Guidance rescale factor should fix overexposure when using zero terminal SNR.
+ original_size (`Tuple[int]`, *optional*, defaults to (1024, 1024)):
+ crops_coords_top_left (`Tuple[int]`, *optional*, defaults to (0, 0)):
+ target_size (`Tuple[int]`, *optional*, defaults to (1024, 1024)):
+ Examples:
+ Returns:
+ [`~pipelines.stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionXLPipelineOutput`] or `tuple`:
+ [`~pipelines.stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionXLPipelineOutput`] if `return_dict` is True, otherwise a
+ `tuple. When returning a tuple, the first element is a list with the generated images, and the second
+ element is a list of `bool`s denoting whether the corresponding generated image likely represents
+ "not-safe-for-work" (nsfw) content, according to the `safety_checker`.
+ """
+ # 0. Default height and width to unet
+ height = height or self.default_sample_size * self.vae_scale_factor
+ width = width or self.default_sample_size * self.vae_scale_factor
+ original_size = original_size or (height, width)
+ target_size = target_size or (height, width)
+ # 1. Check inputs. Raise error if not correct
+ self.check_inputs(
+ prompt,
+ height,
+ width,
+ callback_steps,
+ negative_prompt,
+ prompt_embeds,
+ negative_prompt_embeds,
+ pooled_prompt_embeds,
+ negative_pooled_prompt_embeds,
+ )
+ # 2. Define call parameters
+ if prompt is not None and isinstance(prompt, str):
+ batch_size = 1
+ elif prompt is not None and isinstance(prompt, list):
+ batch_size = len(prompt)
+ else:
+ batch_size = prompt_embeds.shape[0]
+ device = self._execution_device
+ # here `guidance_scale` is defined analog to the guidance weight `w` of equation (2)
+ # of the Imagen paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.11487.pdf . `guidance_scale = 1`
+ # corresponds to doing no classifier free guidance.
+ do_classifier_free_guidance = guidance_scale > 1.0
+ # 3. Encode input prompt
+ text_encoder_lora_scale = (
+ cross_attention_kwargs.get("scale", None) if cross_attention_kwargs is not None else None
+ )
+ (
+ prompt_embeds,
+ negative_prompt_embeds,
+ pooled_prompt_embeds,
+ negative_pooled_prompt_embeds,
+ ) = self.encode_prompt(
+ prompt,
+ device,
+ num_images_per_prompt,
+ do_classifier_free_guidance,
+ negative_prompt,
+ prompt_embeds=prompt_embeds,
+ negative_prompt_embeds=negative_prompt_embeds,
+ pooled_prompt_embeds=pooled_prompt_embeds,
+ negative_pooled_prompt_embeds=negative_pooled_prompt_embeds,
+ lora_scale=text_encoder_lora_scale,
+ )
+ ##### prepare fused face embeds
+ if face_crop_image is not None and face_insightface_embeds is not None:
+ image_prompt_embeds, uncond_image_prompt_embeds = self.get_fused_face_embedds(
+ face_insightface_embeds = face_insightface_embeds,
+ face_crop_image = face_crop_image,
+ num_images_per_prompt = num_images_per_prompt,
+ device = device
+ )
+ prompt_embeds = torch.cat([prompt_embeds, image_prompt_embeds], dim=1)
+ negative_prompt_embeds = torch.cat([negative_prompt_embeds, uncond_image_prompt_embeds], dim=1)
+ # 4. Prepare timesteps
+ self.scheduler.set_timesteps(num_inference_steps, device=device)
+ timesteps = self.scheduler.timesteps
+ # 5. Prepare latent variables
+ num_channels_latents = self.unet.config.in_channels
+ latents = self.prepare_latents(
+ batch_size * num_images_per_prompt,
+ num_channels_latents,
+ height,
+ width,
+ prompt_embeds.dtype,
+ device,
+ generator,
+ latents,
+ )
+ # 6. Prepare extra step kwargs. TODO: Logic should ideally just be moved out of the pipeline
+ extra_step_kwargs = self.prepare_extra_step_kwargs(generator, eta)
+ # 7. Prepare added time ids & embeddings
+ add_text_embeds = pooled_prompt_embeds
+ add_time_ids = self._get_add_time_ids(
+ original_size, crops_coords_top_left, target_size, dtype=prompt_embeds.dtype
+ )
+ if do_classifier_free_guidance:
+ prompt_embeds = torch.cat([negative_prompt_embeds, prompt_embeds], dim=0)
+ add_text_embeds = torch.cat([negative_pooled_prompt_embeds, add_text_embeds], dim=0)
+ add_time_ids = torch.cat([add_time_ids, add_time_ids], dim=0)
+ prompt_embeds = prompt_embeds.to(device)
+ add_text_embeds = add_text_embeds.to(device)
+ add_time_ids = add_time_ids.to(device).repeat(batch_size * num_images_per_prompt, 1)
+ # 8. Denoising loop
+ num_warmup_steps = max(len(timesteps) - num_inference_steps * self.scheduler.order, 0)
+ # 7.1 Apply denoising_end
+ if denoising_end is not None:
+ num_inference_steps = int(round(denoising_end * num_inference_steps))
+ timesteps = timesteps[: num_warmup_steps + self.scheduler.order * num_inference_steps]
+ with self.progress_bar(total=num_inference_steps) as progress_bar:
+ for i, t in enumerate(timesteps):
+ # expand the latents if we are doing classifier free guidance
+ latent_model_input = torch.cat([latents] * 2) if do_classifier_free_guidance else latents
+ latent_model_input = self.scheduler.scale_model_input(latent_model_input, t)
+ # predict the noise residual
+ added_cond_kwargs = {"text_embeds": add_text_embeds, "time_ids": add_time_ids}
+ noise_pred = self.unet(
+ latent_model_input,
+ t,
+ encoder_hidden_states=prompt_embeds,
+ cross_attention_kwargs=cross_attention_kwargs,
+ added_cond_kwargs=added_cond_kwargs,
+ return_dict=False,
+ )[0]
+ # perform guidance
+ if do_classifier_free_guidance:
+ noise_pred_uncond, noise_pred_text = noise_pred.chunk(2)
+ noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + guidance_scale * (noise_pred_text - noise_pred_uncond)
+ if use_dynamic_threshold:
+ DynamicThresh = DynThresh(maxSteps=num_inference_steps, experiment_mode=0)
+ noise_pred = DynamicThresh.dynthresh(noise_pred_text,
+ noise_pred_uncond,
+ guidance_scale,
+ None)
+ if do_classifier_free_guidance and guidance_rescale > 0.0:
+ # Based on 3.4. in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.08891.pdf
+ noise_pred = rescale_noise_cfg(noise_pred, noise_pred_text, guidance_rescale=guidance_rescale)
+ # compute the previous noisy sample x_t -> x_t-1
+ latents = self.scheduler.step(noise_pred, t, latents, **extra_step_kwargs, return_dict=False)[0]
+ # call the callback, if provided
+ if i == len(timesteps) - 1 or ((i + 1) > num_warmup_steps and (i + 1) % self.scheduler.order == 0):
+ progress_bar.update()
+ if callback is not None and i % callback_steps == 0:
+ callback(i, t, latents)
+ # make sureo the VAE is in float32 mode, as it overflows in float16
+ # torch.cuda.empty_cache()
+ if self.vae.dtype == torch.float16 and self.vae.config.force_upcast:
+ self.upcast_vae()
+ latents = latents.to(next(iter(self.vae.post_quant_conv.parameters())).dtype)
+ if not output_type == "latent":
+ latents = latents.to(next(iter(self.vae.post_quant_conv.parameters())).dtype)
+ image = self.vae.decode(latents / self.vae.config.scaling_factor, return_dict=False)[0]
+ else:
+ image = latents
+ return StableDiffusionXLPipelineOutput(images=image)
+ # image = self.watermark.apply_watermark(image)
+ image = self.image_processor.postprocess(image, output_type=output_type)
+ # Offload last model to CPU
+ if hasattr(self, "final_offload_hook") and self.final_offload_hook is not None:
+ self.final_offload_hook.offload()
+ if not return_dict:
+ return (image,)
+ return StableDiffusionXLPipelineOutput(images=image)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ pass
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index d3b2a55f6b82a398c9a0be63ecd4633da527a4c2..ddf832b141ee6538cf25727494c0bac2d1dbd8bd 100644
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@@ -7,4 +7,6 @@ sentencepiece==0.1.99
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