import re import string import numpy as np from collections import Counter from typing import List, Set, Tuple, Union from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment from word2number.w2n import word_to_num import json # copy from ALL_QUESTION_TYPES = [ 'TextQ', 'TableQ', 'ImageQ', 'ImageListQ', 'Compose(TableQ,ImageListQ)', 'Compose(TextQ,ImageListQ)', 'Compose(ImageQ,TableQ)', 'Compose(ImageQ,TextQ)', 'Compose(TextQ,TableQ)', 'Compose(TableQ,TextQ)', 'Intersect(TableQ,TextQ)', 'Intersect(ImageListQ,TableQ)', 'Intersect(ImageListQ,TextQ)', 'Compare(Compose(TableQ,ImageQ),TableQ)', 'Compare(Compose(TableQ,ImageQ),Compose(TableQ,TextQ))', 'Compare(TableQ,Compose(TableQ,TextQ))', ] TEXT_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES = [ 'TextQ', ] TEXT_AS_FIRST_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES = [ 'Compare(TableQ,Compose(TableQ,TextQ))', 'Compose(ImageQ,TextQ)', 'Compose(TableQ,TextQ)', 'Intersect(TableQ,TextQ)', 'Intersect(ImageListQ,TextQ)', ] TEXT_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES = [ 'Compare(Compose(TableQ,ImageQ),Compose(TableQ,TextQ))', 'Compose(TextQ,ImageListQ)', 'Compose(TextQ,TableQ)', ] TABLE_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES = [ "TableQ" ] TABLE_AS_FIRST_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES = [ 'Compose(ImageQ,TableQ)', 'Compose(TextQ,TableQ)', ] TABLE_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES = [ 'Compare(Compose(TableQ,ImageQ),TableQ)', 'Compare(TableQ,Compose(TableQ,TextQ))', 'Compose(TableQ,ImageListQ)', 'Compose(TableQ,TextQ)', 'Intersect(ImageListQ,TableQ)', 'Intersect(TableQ,TextQ)', ] IMAGE_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES = [ 'ImageQ', 'ImageListQ' ] IMAGE_AS_FIRST_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES = [ 'Compare(Compose(TableQ,ImageQ),Compose(TableQ,TextQ))', 'Compare(Compose(TableQ,ImageQ),TableQ)', 'Compose(TableQ,ImageListQ)', 'Compose(TextQ,ImageListQ)', 'Intersect(ImageListQ,TableQ)', ] IMAGE_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES = [ 'Compose(ImageQ,TableQ)', 'Compose(ImageQ,TextQ)', 'Intersect(ImageListQ,TextQ)', ] # every question should be answered either as a single hop question, or two-hop question assert set(TEXT_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES + TEXT_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES + TABLE_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES + TABLE_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES + IMAGE_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES + IMAGE_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES) == set(ALL_QUESTION_TYPES) assert len(set(TEXT_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES) & set(TEXT_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES)) == 0 assert len(set(TABLE_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES) & set(TABLE_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES)) == 0 assert len(set(IMAGE_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES) & set(IMAGE_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES)) == 0 SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES = TEXT_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES \ + TABLE_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES \ + IMAGE_SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES MULTI_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES = TEXT_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES \ + TABLE_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES + \ IMAGE_AS_SECOND_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES # no duplicated multi-hop question types assert len(MULTI_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES) == len(set(MULTI_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES)) # no duplication for the first hop assert set(TEXT_AS_FIRST_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES + TABLE_AS_FIRST_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES + IMAGE_AS_FIRST_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES) \ == set(MULTI_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES) # single + multi = all assert set(SINGLE_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES + MULTI_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES) == set(ALL_QUESTION_TYPES) def process_question_for_implicit_decomp(question, question_type, hop=0, bridge_entity='', sep_token='[SEP]'): if isinstance(bridge_entity, list) or isinstance(bridge_entity, set): bridge_entity = "; ".join(bridge_entity) return ( f'{question_type} {sep_token} ' f'HOP={hop} {sep_token} ' f'{bridge_entity} {sep_token} ' f'{question}') def extract_numbers_from_str(s): numbers = [] for token in s.split(): try: num = int(token.replace(",", "")) except: try: num = float(token) except: num = None if num: numbers.append(num) return numbers def read_jsonl(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: data = [json.loads(l.strip()) for l in f.readlines()] return data # From here through _match_numbers_if_present was originally copied from the evaluation code of DROP dataset: # def _remove_articles(text: str) -> str: regex = re.compile(r"\b(a|an|the)\b", re.UNICODE) return re.sub(regex, " ", text) def _white_space_fix(text: str) -> str: return " ".join(text.split()) EXCLUDE = set(string.punctuation) def _remove_punc(text: str) -> str: if not _is_number(text): return "".join(ch for ch in text if ch not in EXCLUDE) else: return text def _lower(text: str) -> str: return text.lower() def _tokenize(text: str) -> List[str]: return re.split(" |-", text) def _normalize_answer(text: str) -> str: """Lower text and remove punctuation, articles and extra whitespace.""" parts = [ _white_space_fix(_remove_articles(_normalize_number(_remove_punc(_lower(token))))) for token in _tokenize(text) ] parts = [part for part in parts if part.strip()] normalized = " ".join(parts).strip() return normalized def _is_number(text: str) -> bool: try: float(text) return True except ValueError: return False def _is_word_number(text: str) -> bool: try: word_to_num(text) return True except ValueError: return False def _normalize_number(text: str) -> str: if _is_number(text): return str(float(text)) #TODO: this is not included in the original drop evaluation script, we need to have our own in the end anyways. elif _is_word_number(text): return str(float(word_to_num(text))) else: return text def _answer_to_bags( answer: Union[str, List[str], Tuple[str, ...]] ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Set[str]]]: if isinstance(answer, (list, tuple)): raw_spans = answer else: raw_spans = [answer] normalized_spans: List[str] = [] token_bags = [] for raw_span in raw_spans: normalized_span = _normalize_answer(raw_span) normalized_spans.append(normalized_span) token_bags.append(set(normalized_span.split())) return normalized_spans, token_bags def _align_bags(predicted: List[Set[str]], gold: List[Set[str]]) -> List[float]: """ Takes gold and predicted answer sets and first finds the optimal 1-1 alignment between them and gets maximum metric values over all the answers. """ scores = np.zeros([len(gold), len(predicted)]) for gold_index, gold_item in enumerate(gold): for pred_index, pred_item in enumerate(predicted): if _match_numbers_if_present(gold_item, pred_item): scores[gold_index, pred_index] = _compute_f1(pred_item, gold_item) row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(-scores) max_scores = np.zeros([max(len(gold), len(predicted))]) for row, column in zip(row_ind, col_ind): max_scores[row] = max(max_scores[row], scores[row, column]) return max_scores def _compute_f1(predicted_bag: Set[str], gold_bag: Set[str]) -> float: intersection = len(gold_bag.intersection(predicted_bag)) if not predicted_bag: precision = 1.0 else: precision = intersection / float(len(predicted_bag)) if not gold_bag: recall = 1.0 else: recall = intersection / float(len(gold_bag)) f1 = ( (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall) if not (precision == 0.0 and recall == 0.0) else 0.0 ) return f1 def _match_numbers_if_present(gold_bag: Set[str], predicted_bag: Set[str]) -> bool: gold_numbers = set() predicted_numbers = set() for word in gold_bag: if _is_number(word): gold_numbers.add(word) for word in predicted_bag: if _is_number(word): predicted_numbers.add(word) if (not gold_numbers) or gold_numbers.intersection(predicted_numbers): return True return False def acc(predicted, gold): predicted_bags = _answer_to_bags(predicted) gold_bags = _answer_to_bags(gold) if set(predicted_bags[0]) == set(gold_bags[0]) and len(predicted_bags[0]) == len(gold_bags[0]): return 1.0 else: return 0.0 def f1(predicted, gold): predicted_bags = _answer_to_bags(predicted) gold_bags = _answer_to_bags(gold) f1_per_bag = _align_bags(predicted_bags[1], gold_bags[1]) f1 = np.mean(f1_per_bag) f1 = round(f1, 2) return f1 def metric_max_over_ground_truths(metric_fn, prediction, gold_answers): scores_for_ground_truths = [] for gold_answer in gold_answers: score = metric_fn(prediction, gold_answer) scores_for_ground_truths.append(score) return max(scores_for_ground_truths) def evaluate_predictions(predictions, gold_answers, example_types=None): """To support multiple gold annotations, `gold_answers` should be a list, with each item (either a string or a list) corresponding to one valid reference answer.""" instance_eval_results = {} instance_eval_results_by_types = {} eval_funcs = { "acc": acc, "f1": f1 } for qas_id in gold_answers: ref_answers = gold_answers[qas_id] if qas_id not in predictions: print(f"Missing prediction for question {qas_id}, and all scores for this question are set to zero") instance_eval_results[qas_id] = { metric: 0.0 for metric in eval_funcs.keys() } else: pred_answer = predictions[qas_id] instance_eval_results[qas_id] = { metric: metric_max_over_ground_truths( func, pred_answer, ref_answers ) for metric, func in eval_funcs.items() } if example_types is not None: example_type = example_types[qas_id] if example_type not in instance_eval_results_by_types: instance_eval_results_by_types[example_type] = {} instance_eval_results_by_types[example_type][qas_id] = instance_eval_results[qas_id] eval_scores = {metric: np.mean([result[metric] for result in instance_eval_results.values()]) for metric in eval_funcs.keys()} if example_types is not None: eval_scores_by_types = {} for example_type, type_instance_eval_results in instance_eval_results_by_types.items(): eval_scores_by_types[example_type] = { metric: np.mean([result[metric] for result in type_instance_eval_results.values()]) for metric in eval_funcs.keys() } return eval_scores, instance_eval_results, eval_scores_by_types else: return eval_scores, instance_eval_results def evaluate_prediction_file(prediction_path, gold_path): predicted_answers = json.load(open(prediction_path, encoding="utf-8")) examples = read_jsonl(gold_path) gold_answers, answer_modalities, hop_types, question_types = {}, {}, {}, {} for example in examples: qid = example["qid"] # Currently we only have one ground truth answer. # Even if there are multiple entries in example["answers"], the whole list should be regarded as one ref answer. # However, our script supports evaluation with multiple ref answers. # So, we will use an outer bracket here to pretend we have a list of ref answers. gold_answer = [str(item["answer"]) for item in example["answers"]] gold_answers[qid] = [gold_answer] answer_modality = set([item["modality"] for item in example["answers"]]) assert len(answer_modality) == 1 answer_modalities[qid] = answer_modality.pop() question_types[qid] = example["metadata"]["type"] hop_types[qid] = "Multi-hop" if example["metadata"]["type"] in MULTI_HOP_QUESTION_TYPES else "Single-hop" eval_scores, instance_eval_results = evaluate_predictions(predicted_answers, gold_answers) print("\n\nOverall result with different metrics: ") for metric, value in eval_scores.items(): print(f"{metric}: {value}") modality_counts = Counter(answer_modalities.values()) _, _, eval_scores_by_modalities = \ evaluate_predictions(predicted_answers, gold_answers, answer_modalities) print("\n\nEval results for different modalities:") for answer_modality in sorted(eval_scores_by_modalities.keys()): result = eval_scores_by_modalities[answer_modality] print(f"{answer_modality}") print(f"# of examples: {modality_counts[answer_modality]}") for metric, value in result.items(): print(f"{metric}: {value}") hop_type_counts = Counter(hop_types.values()) _, _, eval_scores_by_hop_types = evaluate_predictions(predicted_answers, gold_answers, hop_types) print("\n\nType\tCount\tEM\tF1") for hop_type in sorted(eval_scores_by_hop_types.keys()): result = eval_scores_by_hop_types[hop_type] print(f"{hop_type}\t{hop_type_counts[hop_type]}\t{result['acc']}\t{result['f1']}") question_type_counts = Counter(question_types.values()) _, _, eval_scores_by_qtypes = evaluate_predictions(predicted_answers, gold_answers, question_types) print("\n\nType\tCount\tEM\tF1") for question_type in sorted(eval_scores_by_qtypes.keys()): result = eval_scores_by_qtypes[question_type] print(f"{question_type}\t{question_type_counts[question_type]}\t{result['acc']}\t{result['f1']}") return eval_scores class EvaluateTool(object): def __init__(self, args): self.args = args def evaluate(self, preds, golds, section): summary = {} gold_answers, predicted_answers = {}, {} for pred, gold in zip(preds, golds): qid = gold["id"] gold_answer = [item.strip() for item in gold["answer_text"].split("|")] gold_answers[qid] = [gold_answer] predicted_answers[qid] = [item.strip() for item in pred.split("|")] eval_scores, instance_eval_results = evaluate_predictions(predicted_answers, gold_answers) for metric, value in eval_scores.items(): summary[metric] = value return summary