KiteWind / templates /gradio-lite /gradio-lite-template.html
gstaff's picture
Add requirements support to gradio.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="module" crossorigin src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- This app was created with KiteWind Chat-assisted Web App Creator ( -->
<div id="gradio-app"></div>
<script type="module">
const code = \`STARTING_CODE\`;
const requirements = \`STARTING_REQUIREMENTS\`.split('\\n').filter(x => x && !x.startsWith('#')).map(x => x.trim());
// Mount options defined here:
const appController = createGradioApp({
target: document.getElementById("gradio-app"),
code: code,
info: true,
container: true,
isEmbed: false,
initialHeight: "400px",
eager: false,
themeMode: null,
autoScroll: false,
controlPageTitle: false,
appMode: true
// Returned controller functions defined here:
window.appController = appController;
await appController.install(requirements);
await appController.run_code(code);