from __future__ import annotations import ast import schema import csv import json from pathlib import Path import random from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from uw_programmatic.base_machine import UWBaseMachine if TYPE_CHECKING: from import BaseTool class UWMachine(UWBaseMachine): """State machine with GOAP""" @property def tools(self) -> dict[str, BaseTool]: return {} def start_machine(self) -> None: """Starts the machine.""" # Clear input history. # Clear csv file self.retrieve_vector_stores() self.send("enter_first_state") def on_enter_gather_parameters(self) -> None: # Reinitialzes the state machine self.current_question_count = 0 self.give_up_count = 0 self.question_list = [] self.rejected_questions = [] # The first state: Listens for Gradio and then gives us the parameters to search for. # Reinitializes the Give Up counter. def on_event_gather_parameters(self, event_: dict) -> None: event_source = event_["type"] event_value = event_["value"] match event_source: case "user_input": parameters = event_value self.page_range = parameters["page_range"] self.question_number = parameters["question_number"] self.taxonomy = parameters["taxonomy"] self.errored = False self.send("next_state") case "griptape_event": if event_value["structure_id"] == "create_question_workflow": pass case _: err_msg = f"Unexpected Transition Event ID: {event_value}." raise ValueError(err_msg) # Checks if there have not been any new questions generated 3 tries in a row # If # of questions is the same as the # of questions required - sends to end. def on_enter_evaluate_q_count(self) -> None: if len(self.question_list) <= self.current_question_count: self.give_up_count += 1 else: self.current_question_count = len(self.question_list) self.give_up_count = 0 if self.give_up_count >= 3: self.send("finish_state") # go to output questions return if len(self.question_list) >= self.question_number: self.send("finish_state") # go to output questions else: self.send("next_state") # go to need more questions # Necessary for state machine to not throw errors def on_event_evaluate_q_count(self, event_: dict) -> None: pass def on_enter_need_more_q(self) -> None: # Create the entire workflow to create another question. self.get_questions_workflow().run() # Returns the output of the workflow - a ListArtifact of TextArtifacts of questions. # Question, Answer, Wrong Answers, Taxonomy, Page Number def on_event_need_more_q(self, event_: dict) -> None: event_source = event_["type"] event_value = event_["value"] match event_source: case "griptape_event": event_type = event_value["type"] match event_type: case "FinishStructureRunEvent": structure_id = event_value["structure_id"] match structure_id: case "create_question_workflow": # TODO: Can you use task.output_schema on a workflow? values = event_value["output_task_output"]["value"] questions = [ ast.literal_eval(question["value"]) for question in values ] self.most_recent_questions = ( questions # This is a ListArtifact ) self.send("next_state") case _: print(f"Error:{event_} ") case _: print(f"Unexpected: {event_}") # Merges the existing and new questions and sends to similarity auditor to get rid of similar questions. def on_enter_assess_generated_q(self) -> None: merged_list = [*self.question_list, *self.most_recent_questions] prompt = f"{merged_list}" similarity_auditor = self.get_structure("similarity_auditor") similarity_auditor.task.output_schema = schema.Schema( { "list": schema.Schema( [ { "Question": str, "Answer": str, "Wrong Answers": schema.Schema([str]), "Page": str, "Taxonomy": str, } ] ) } ) # Sets the returned question list (with similar questions wiped) equal to self.question_list def on_event_assess_generated_q(self, event_: dict) -> None: event_source = event_["type"] event_value = event_["value"] match event_source: case "griptape_event": event_type = event_value["type"] match event_type: case "FinishStructureRunEvent": structure_id = event_value["structure_id"] match structure_id: case "similarity_auditor": new_question_list = event_value["output_task_output"][ "value" ]["list"] self.question_list = new_question_list self.send("next_state") # go to Evaluate Q Count # Writes and saves a csv in the correct format to outputs/professor_guide.csv def on_enter_output_q(self) -> None: file_path = Path.cwd().joinpath("outputs/professor_guide.csv") file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with"w+", newline="") as file: writer = csv.writer(file) for question in self.question_list: new_row = ["MC", "", 1] new_row.append(question["Question"]) wrong_answers = list(question["Wrong Answers"]) column = random.randint(1, len(wrong_answers) + 1) new_row.append(column) for i in range(1, len(wrong_answers) + 2): if i == column: new_row.append(question["Answer"]) else: new_row.append(wrong_answers.pop()) new_row.append("'"+question["Page"]) new_row.append(question["Taxonomy"]) writer.writerow(new_row) if self.give_up_count == 3: writer.writerow( [ "Too many rejected questions.", ] ) rejected_path = Path.cwd().joinpath("outputs/rejected_list.csv") with"w+", newline="") as rejected_file: writer = csv.writer(rejected_file) for question in self.rejected_questions: writer.writerow(question.values()) self.send("next_state") # back to gather_parameters # Necessary to prevent errors being thrown from state machine def on_event_output_q(self, event_: dict) -> None: pass