from __future__ import annotations import json import logging import os import random from abc import abstractmethod from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast import requests from dotenv import load_dotenv from griptape.artifacts import ListArtifact, TextArtifact, InfoArtifact, BaseArtifact from griptape.configs import Defaults from griptape.configs.drivers import ( OpenAiDriversConfig, ) from griptape.drivers import ( GriptapeCloudVectorStoreDriver, LocalStructureRunDriver, OpenAiChatPromptDriver, ) from griptape.engines.rag import RagEngine from griptape.engines.rag.modules import ( TextChunksResponseRagModule, VectorStoreRetrievalRagModule, ) from griptape.engines.rag.stages import ResponseRagStage, RetrievalRagStage from import ( BaseEvent, EventBus, EventListener, FinishStructureRunEvent, ) from griptape.memory.structure import ConversationMemory from griptape.rules import Rule, Ruleset from griptape.structures import Agent, Workflow from griptape.tasks import CodeExecutionTask, StructureRunTask, ToolTask from import RagTool from statemachine import State, StateMachine from statemachine.factory import StateMachineMetaclass from parsers import UWConfigParser from uw_programmatic.single_question_machine import SingleQuestion logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.getLogger("griptape").setLevel(logging.ERROR) if TYPE_CHECKING: from griptape.structures import Structure from import BaseTool from statemachine.event import Event load_dotenv() # Sets max tokens and OpenAI as the driver. Defaults.drivers_config = OpenAiDriversConfig( prompt_driver=OpenAiChatPromptDriver(model="gpt-4o", max_tokens=4096) ) def custom_dict_merge(dict1: dict, dict2: dict) -> dict: result = dict1.copy() for key, value in dict2.items(): if key in result and isinstance(result[key], list) and isinstance(value, list): result[key] = result[key] + value else: result[key] = value return result class UWBaseMachine(StateMachine): """Base class for a machine. Attributes: config_file (Path): The path to the configuration file. config (dict): The configuration data. outputs_to_user (list[str]): Outputs to return to the user. """ def __init__(self, config_file: Path, **kwargs) -> None: self.config_parser = UWConfigParser(config_file) self.config = self.config_parser.parse() self._structures = {} self.vector_stores = {} # Store here in case needs multiple uses self.question_list: list = [] # For the parameters necessary from the user self.page_range: tuple = () self.question_number: int = 0 self.taxonomy: list = [] # To track give up self.give_up_count = 0 self.current_question_count = 0 # To keep vector stores on track self.kb_ids = {} self.rejected_questions: list = [] self.errored: bool = False self.state_status: dict[str, bool] = {} for key in self.state_transitions: self.state_status[key] = False def on_event(event: BaseEvent) -> None: """Takes in griptape events from eventbus and fixes them.""" print(f"Received Griptape event: {json.dumps(event.to_dict(), indent=2)}") try: self.send( "process_event", event_={"type": "griptape_event", "value": event.to_dict()}, ) except Exception as e: errormsg = f"Would not allow process_event to be sent. Check to see if it is defined in the config.yaml. Error:{e}" raise ValueError(errormsg) from e EventBus.clear_event_listeners() EventBus.add_event_listener( EventListener(on_event, event_types=[FinishStructureRunEvent]), ) super().__init__() @property def available_events(self) -> list[str]: return self.current_state.transitions.unique_events @property @abstractmethod def tools(self) -> dict[str, BaseTool]: """Returns the Tools for the machine.""" ... @property def _current_state_config(self) -> dict: return self.config["states"][self.current_state_value] @classmethod def from_definition( # noqa: C901, PLR0912 cls, definition: dict, **extra_kwargs ) -> UWBaseMachine: try: states_instances = {} for state_id, state_kwargs in definition["states"].items(): # These are the relevant states that need GOAP. states_instances[state_id] = State(**state_kwargs, value=state_id) except Exception as e: errormsg = f"""Error in state definition: {e}. """ raise ValueError(errormsg) from e events = {} state_transitions = {} for event_name, transitions in definition["events"].items(): for transition_data in transitions: try: source_name = transition_data["from"] source = states_instances[source_name] target = states_instances[transition_data["to"]] relevance = "" if "relevance" in transition_data: relevance = transition_data["relevance"] if source_name not in state_transitions: state_transitions[source_name] = {event_name: relevance} else: state_transitions[source_name][event_name] = relevance except Exception as e: errormsg = f"Error:{e}. Please check your transitions to be sure each transition has a source and destination." raise ValueError(errormsg) from e transition = target, event=event_name, cond=transition_data.get("cond"), unless=transition_data.get("unless"), on=transition_data.get("on"), internal=transition_data.get("internal"), ) if event_name in events: events[event_name] |= transition else: events[event_name] = transition for state_id, state in states_instances.items(): if state_id not in ("end", "start"): transition = state, event="process_event", on=f"on_event_{state_id}", internal=True, ) if "process_event" in events: events["process_event"] |= transition else: events["process_event"] = transition attrs_mapper = { **extra_kwargs, **states_instances, **events, "state_transitions": state_transitions, } return cast( UWBaseMachine, StateMachineMetaclass(cls.__name__, (cls,), attrs_mapper)(**extra_kwargs), ) @classmethod def from_config_file( cls, config_file: Path, **extra_kwargs, ) -> UWBaseMachine: """Creates a StateMachine class from a configuration file""" config_parser = UWConfigParser(config_file) config = config_parser.parse() extra_kwargs["config_file"] = config_file definition_states = { state_id: { "initial": state_value.get("initial", False), "final": state_value.get("final", False), } for state_id, state_value in config["states"].items() } definition_events = { event_name: list(event_value["transitions"]) for event_name, event_value in config["events"].items() } definition = {"states": definition_states, "events": definition_events} return cls.from_definition(definition, **extra_kwargs) @abstractmethod def start_machine(self) -> None: """Starts the machine.""" ... def reset_structures(self) -> None: """Resets the structures.""" self._structures = {} def on_enter_state(self, source: State, state: State, event: Event) -> None: print(f"Transitioning from {source} to {state} with event {event}") def get_structure(self, structure_id: str) -> Structure: global_structure_config = self.config["structures"][structure_id] state_structure_config = self._current_state_config.get("structures", {}).get( structure_id, {} ) structure_config = custom_dict_merge( global_structure_config, state_structure_config ) if structure_id not in self._structures: # Initialize Structure with all the expensive setup structure = Agent( id=structure_id, conversation_memory=ConversationMemory(), ) self._structures[structure_id] = structure # Create a new clone with state-specific stuff structure = self._structures[structure_id] structure = Agent(, prompt_driver=structure.prompt_driver, conversation_memory=structure.conversation_memory, rulesets=[ *self._get_structure_rulesets(structure_config.get("ruleset_ids", [])), ], ) print(f"Structure: {structure_id}") for ruleset in structure.rulesets: for rule in ruleset.rules: print(f"Rule: {rule.value}") return structure def _get_structure_rulesets(self, ruleset_ids: list[str]) -> list[Ruleset]: ruleset_configs = [ self.config["rulesets"][ruleset_id] for ruleset_id in ruleset_ids ] # Convert ruleset configs to Rulesets return [ Ruleset( name=ruleset_config["name"], rules=[Rule(rule) for rule in ruleset_config["rules"]], ) for ruleset_config in ruleset_configs ] def retrieve_vector_stores(self) -> None: base_url = "" kb_url = f"{base_url}/knowledge-bases" headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {os.getenv('GT_CLOUD_API_KEY')}"} response = requests.get(url=kb_url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() all_kbs = {} if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() next_page = data["pagination"]["next_page"] while next_page is not None: for kb in data["knowledge_bases"]: name = kb["name"] kb_id = kb["knowledge_base_id"] if "KB_section" in name: all_kbs[name] = kb_id page_url = kb_url + f"?page={next_page}" response = requests.get(url=page_url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() next_page = data["pagination"]["next_page"] else: raise ValueError(response.status_code) self.kb_ids = all_kbs # ALL METHODS RELATING TO THE WORKFLOW AND PIPELINE ARE BELOW THIS LINE # This is the overarching workflow. Creates a workflow with get_single_question x amount of times. # def get_questions_workflow(self) -> Workflow: workflow = Workflow(id="create_question_workflow") # How many questions still need to be created? for _ in range(self.question_number - len(self.question_list)): task = StructureRunTask( structure_run_driver=LocalStructureRunDriver( create_structure=self.get_single_question ), child_ids=["end_task"], ) # Create X amount of workflows to run for X amount of questions needed. workflow.add_task(task) end_task = CodeExecutionTask(id="end_task", on_run=self.end_workflow) workflow.add_task(end_task) return workflow def workflow_cet(self, task: CodeExecutionTask) -> BaseArtifact: question_machine = SingleQuestion.create_statemachine( self.taxonomy, self.kb_ids, self.page_range ) question_machine.send("start_up") if question_machine.rejected: if question_machine.reject_reason == "BAD KB PAGE RANGE": return InfoArtifact("Bad KB Range") self.rejected_questions.append(question_machine.generated_question) return InfoArtifact("Question is Rejected") return TextArtifact(question_machine.generated_question) def get_questions_workflow(self) -> Workflow: workflow = Workflow(id="create_question_workflow") # How many questions still need to be created? for _ in range(self.question_number - len(self.question_list)): task = CodeExecutionTask( on_run=self.workflow_cet, child_ids=["end_task"], ) # Create X amount of workflows to run for X amount of questions needed. workflow.add_task(task) end_task = CodeExecutionTask(id="end_task", on_run=self.end_workflow) workflow.add_task(end_task) return workflow # Ends the get_questions_workflow. Compiles all workflow outputs into one output. def end_workflow(self, task: CodeExecutionTask) -> ListArtifact: parent_outputs = task.parent_outputs questions = [] for outputs in parent_outputs.values(): if outputs.type == "InfoArtifact": if outputs.value == "Bad KB Range": self.errored = True self.send("error_to_start") return ListArtifact([]) continue questions.append(outputs) return ListArtifact(questions)