File size: 4,247 Bytes
56fb801 82a65d2 56fb801 8bd781a ea7721e 56fb801 82a65d2 56fb801 82a65d2 56fb801 82a65d2 56fb801 82a65d2 56fb801 82a65d2 56fb801 82a65d2 56fb801 |
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# Copyright (C) 2020-2021, François-Guillaume Fernandez.
# This program is licensed under the Apache License version 2.
# See LICENSE or go to <> for full license details.
import requests
import streamlit as st
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
from torchvision import models
from torchvision.transforms.functional import resize, to_tensor, normalize, to_pil_image
from torchcam import methods
from torchcam.methods._utils import locate_candidate_layer
from torchcam.utils import overlay_mask
CAM_METHODS = ["CAM", "GradCAM", "GradCAMpp", "SmoothGradCAMpp", "ScoreCAM", "SSCAM", "ISCAM", "XGradCAM", "LayerCAM"]
TV_MODELS = ["resnet18", "resnet50", "mobilenet_v2", "mobilenet_v3_small", "mobilenet_v3_large"]
LABEL_MAP = requests.get(
def main():
# Wide mode
# Designing the interface
st.title("TorchCAM: class activation explorer")
# For newline
st.write('Check the project at:')
# For newline
# Set the columns
cols = st.columns((1, 1, 1))
cols[0].header("Input image")
cols[1].header("Raw CAM")
cols[-1].header("Overlayed CAM")
# Sidebar
# File selection
st.sidebar.title("Input selection")
# Disabling warning
st.set_option('deprecation.showfileUploaderEncoding', False)
# Choose your own image
uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload files", type=['png', 'jpeg', 'jpg'])
if uploaded_file is not None:
img =, mode='r').convert('RGB')
cols[0].image(img, use_column_width=True)
# Model selection
tv_model = st.sidebar.selectbox("Classification model", TV_MODELS)
default_layer = ""
if tv_model is not None:
with st.spinner('Loading model...'):
model = models.__dict__[tv_model](pretrained=True).eval()
default_layer = locate_candidate_layer(model, (3, 224, 224))
target_layer = st.sidebar.text_input("Target layer", default_layer)
cam_method = st.sidebar.selectbox("CAM method", CAM_METHODS)
if cam_method is not None:
cam_extractor = methods.__dict__[cam_method](
target_layer=target_layer.split("+") if len(target_layer) > 0 else None
class_choices = [f"{idx + 1} - {class_name}" for idx, class_name in enumerate(LABEL_MAP)]
class_selection = st.sidebar.selectbox("Class selection", ["Predicted class (argmax)"] + class_choices)
# For newline
if st.sidebar.button("Compute CAM"):
if uploaded_file is None:
st.sidebar.error("Please upload an image first")
with st.spinner('Analyzing...'):
# Preprocess image
img_tensor = normalize(to_tensor(resize(img, (224, 224))), [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
# Forward the image to the model
out = model(img_tensor.unsqueeze(0))
# Select the target class
if class_selection == "Predicted class (argmax)":
class_idx = out.squeeze(0).argmax().item()
class_idx = LABEL_MAP.index(class_selection.rpartition(" - ")[-1])
# Retrieve the CAM
cams = cam_extractor(class_idx, out)
# Fuse the CAMs if there are several
cam = cams[0] if len(cams) == 1 else cam_extractor.fuse_cams(cams)
# Plot the raw heatmap
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Overlayed CAM
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
result = overlay_mask(img, to_pil_image(cam, mode='F'), alpha=0.5)
if __name__ == '__main__':