File size: 9,309 Bytes
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# Copyright 2020 Erik Härkönen. All rights reserved.
# This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
# OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
# governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import torch
import numpy as np
from os import makedirs
from PIL import Image
import sys
from pathlib import Path
sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(__file__).parent.parent))
from utils import prettify_name, pad_frames
# Apply edit to given latents, return strip of images
def create_strip(inst, mode, layer, latents, x_comp, z_comp, act_stdev, lat_stdev, sigma, layer_start, layer_end, num_frames=5):
return _create_strip_impl(inst, mode, layer, latents, x_comp, z_comp, act_stdev,
lat_stdev, None, None, sigma, layer_start, layer_end, num_frames, center=False)
# Strip where the sample is centered along the component before manipulation
def create_strip_centered(inst, mode, layer, latents, x_comp, z_comp, act_stdev, lat_stdev, act_mean, lat_mean, sigma, layer_start, layer_end, num_frames=5):
return _create_strip_impl(inst, mode, layer, latents, x_comp, z_comp, act_stdev,
lat_stdev, act_mean, lat_mean, sigma, layer_start, layer_end, num_frames, center=True)
def _create_strip_impl(inst, mode, layer, latents, x_comp, z_comp, act_stdev, lat_stdev, act_mean, lat_mean, sigma, layer_start, layer_end, num_frames, center):
if not isinstance(latents, list):
latents = list(latents)
max_lat = inst.model.get_max_latents()
if layer_end < 0 or layer_end > max_lat:
layer_end = max_lat
layer_start = np.clip(layer_start, 0, layer_end)
if len(latents) > num_frames:
# Batch over latents
return _create_strip_batch_lat(inst, mode, layer, latents, x_comp, z_comp,
act_stdev, lat_stdev, act_mean, lat_mean, sigma, layer_start, layer_end, num_frames, center)
# Batch over strip frames
return _create_strip_batch_sigma(inst, mode, layer, latents, x_comp, z_comp,
act_stdev, lat_stdev, act_mean, lat_mean, sigma, layer_start, layer_end, num_frames, center)
# Batch over frames if there are more frames in strip than latents
def _create_strip_batch_sigma(inst, mode, layer, latents, x_comp, z_comp, act_stdev, lat_stdev, act_mean, lat_mean, sigma, layer_start, layer_end, num_frames, center):
batch_frames = [[] for _ in range(len(latents))]
B = min(num_frames, 5)
lep_padded = ((num_frames - 1) // B + 1) * B
sigma_range = np.linspace(-sigma, sigma, num_frames)
sigma_range = np.concatenate([sigma_range, np.zeros((lep_padded - num_frames))])
sigma_range = torch.from_numpy(sigma_range).float().to(inst.model.device)
normalize = lambda v : v / torch.sqrt(torch.sum(v**2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) + 1e-8)
for i_batch in range(lep_padded // B):
sigmas = sigma_range[i_batch*B:(i_batch+1)*B]
for i_lat in range(len(latents)):
z_single = latents[i_lat]
z_batch = z_single.repeat_interleave(B, axis=0)
zeroing_offset_act = 0
zeroing_offset_lat = 0
if center:
if mode == 'activation':
# Center along activation before applying offset
_ = inst.model.sample_np(z_single)
value = inst.retained_features()[layer].clone()
dotp = torch.sum((value - act_mean)*normalize(x_comp), dim=-1, keepdim=True)
zeroing_offset_act = normalize(x_comp)*dotp # offset that sets coordinate to zero
# Shift latent to lie on mean along given component
dotp = torch.sum((z_single - lat_mean)*normalize(z_comp), dim=-1, keepdim=True)
zeroing_offset_lat = dotp*normalize(z_comp)
with torch.no_grad():
z = z_batch
if mode in ['latent', 'both']:
z = [z]*inst.model.get_max_latents()
delta = z_comp * sigmas.reshape([-1] + [1]*(z_comp.ndim - 1)) * lat_stdev
for i in range(layer_start, layer_end):
z[i] = z[i] - zeroing_offset_lat + delta
if mode in ['activation', 'both']:
comp_batch = x_comp.repeat_interleave(B, axis=0)
delta = comp_batch * sigmas.reshape([-1] + [1]*(comp_batch.ndim - 1))
inst.edit_layer(layer, offset=delta * act_stdev - zeroing_offset_act)
img_batch = inst.model.sample_np(z)
if img_batch.ndim == 3:
img_batch = np.expand_dims(img_batch, axis=0)
for j, img in enumerate(img_batch):
idx = i_batch*B + j
if idx < num_frames:
return batch_frames
# Batch over latents if there are more latents than frames in strip
def _create_strip_batch_lat(inst, mode, layer, latents, x_comp, z_comp, act_stdev, lat_stdev, act_mean, lat_mean, sigma, layer_start, layer_end, num_frames, center):
n_lat = len(latents)
B = min(n_lat, 5)
max_lat = inst.model.get_max_latents()
if layer_end < 0 or layer_end > max_lat:
layer_end = max_lat
layer_start = np.clip(layer_start, 0, layer_end)
len_padded = ((n_lat - 1) // B + 1) * B
batch_frames = [[] for _ in range(n_lat)]
for i_batch in range(len_padded // B):
zs = latents[i_batch*B:(i_batch+1)*B]
if len(zs) == 0:
z_batch_single =, 0)
inst.close() # don't retain, remove edits
sigma_range = np.linspace(-sigma, sigma, num_frames, dtype=np.float32)
normalize = lambda v : v / torch.sqrt(torch.sum(v**2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) + 1e-8)
zeroing_offset_act = 0
zeroing_offset_lat = 0
if center:
if mode == 'activation':
# Center along activation before applying offset
_ = inst.model.sample_np(z_batch_single)
value = inst.retained_features()[layer].clone()
dotp = torch.sum((value - act_mean)*normalize(x_comp), dim=-1, keepdim=True)
zeroing_offset_act = normalize(x_comp)*dotp # offset that sets coordinate to zero
# Shift latent to lie on mean along given component
dotp = torch.sum((z_batch_single - lat_mean)*normalize(z_comp), dim=-1, keepdim=True)
zeroing_offset_lat = dotp*normalize(z_comp)
for i in range(len(sigma_range)):
s = sigma_range[i]
with torch.no_grad():
z = [z_batch_single]*inst.model.get_max_latents() # one per layer
if mode in ['latent', 'both']:
delta = z_comp*s*lat_stdev
for i in range(layer_start, layer_end):
z[i] = z[i] - zeroing_offset_lat + delta
if mode in ['activation', 'both']:
act_delta = x_comp*s*act_stdev
inst.edit_layer(layer, offset=act_delta - zeroing_offset_act)
img_batch = inst.model.sample_np(z)
if img_batch.ndim == 3:
img_batch = np.expand_dims(img_batch, axis=0)
for j, img in enumerate(img_batch):
img_idx = i_batch*B + j
if img_idx < n_lat:
return batch_frames
def save_frames(title, model_name, rootdir, frames, strip_width=10):
test_name = prettify_name(title)
outdir = f'{rootdir}/{model_name}/{test_name}'
makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
# Limit maximum resolution
max_H = 512
real_H = frames[0][0].shape[0]
ratio = min(1.0, max_H / real_H)
# Combined with first 10
strips = [np.hstack(frames) for frames in frames[:strip_width]]
if len(strips) >= strip_width:
left_col = np.vstack(strips[0:strip_width//2])
right_col = np.vstack(strips[5:10])
grid = np.hstack([left_col, np.ones_like(left_col[:, :30]), right_col])
im = Image.fromarray((255*grid).astype(np.uint8))
im = im.resize((int(ratio*im.size[0]), int(ratio*im.size[1])), Image.ANTIALIAS)'{outdir}/{test_name}_all.png')
print('Too few strips to create grid, creating just strips!')
for ex_num, strip in enumerate(frames[:strip_width]):
im = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255*np.hstack(pad_frames(strip))))
im = im.resize((int(ratio*im.size[0]), int(ratio*im.size[1])), Image.ANTIALIAS)'{outdir}/{test_name}_{ex_num}.png') |