import glob | |
import json | |
import multiprocessing | |
import shutil | |
import subprocess | |
import time | |
from dataclasses import dataclass | |
from typing import Optional | |
import os | |
import boto3 | |
from glob import glob | |
import argparse | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='distributed rendering') | |
parser.add_argument('--workers_per_gpu', type=int, default=10, | |
help='number of workers per gpu.') | |
parser.add_argument('--input_models_path', type=str, default='/data/lipeng/human_scan/', | |
help='Path to a json file containing a list of 3D object files.') | |
parser.add_argument('--num_gpus', type=int, default=-1, | |
help='number of gpus to use. -1 means all available gpus.') | |
parser.add_argument('--gpu_list',nargs='+', type=int, | |
help='the avalaible gpus') | |
parser.add_argument('--resolution', type=int, default=512, | |
help='') | |
parser.add_argument('--random_images', type=int, default=0) | |
parser.add_argument('--start_i', type=int, default=0, | |
help='the index of first object to be rendered.') | |
parser.add_argument('--end_i', type=int, default=-1, | |
help='the index of the last object to be rendered.') | |
parser.add_argument('--data_dir', type=str, default='/data/lipeng/human_scan/', | |
help='Path to a json file containing a list of 3D object files.') | |
parser.add_argument('--json_path', type=str, default='2K2K.json') | |
parser.add_argument('--save_dir', type=str, default='/data/lipeng/human_8view', | |
help='Path to a json file containing a list of 3D object files.') | |
parser.add_argument('--ortho_scale', type=float, default=1., | |
help='ortho rendering usage; how large the object is') | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
def parse_obj_list(xs): | |
cases = [] | |
# print(xs[:2]) | |
for x in xs: | |
if 'THuman3.0' in x: | |
# print(apath) | |
splits = x.split('/') | |
x = os.path.join('THuman3.0', splits[-2]) | |
elif 'THuman2.1' in x: | |
splits = x.split('/') | |
x = os.path.join('THuman2.1', splits[-2]) | |
elif 'CustomHumans' in x: | |
splits = x.split('/') | |
x = os.path.join('CustomHumans', splits[-2]) | |
elif '1M' in x: | |
splits = x.split('/') | |
x = os.path.join('2K2K', splits[-2]) | |
elif 'realistic_8k_model' in x: | |
splits = x.split('/') | |
x = os.path.join('realistic_8k_model', splits[-1].split('.')[0]) | |
cases.append(f'{args.save_dir}/{x}') | |
return cases | |
with open(args.json_path, 'r') as f: | |
glb_list = json.load(f) | |
# glb_list = ['THuman2.1/mesh/1618/1618.obj'] | |
# glb_list = ['THuman3.0/00024_1/00024_0006/mesh.obj'] | |
# glb_list = ['CustomHumans/mesh/0383_00070_02_00061/mesh-f00061.obj'] | |
# glb_list = ['1M/01968/01968.ply', '1M/00103/00103.ply'] | |
# glb_list = ['realistic_8k_model/01aab099a2fe4af7be120110a385105d.glb'] | |
total_num_glbs = len(glb_list) | |
def worker( | |
queue: multiprocessing.JoinableQueue, | |
count: multiprocessing.Value, | |
gpu: int, | |
s3: Optional[boto3.client], | |
) -> None: | |
print("Worker started") | |
while True: | |
case, save_p = queue.get() | |
src_path = os.path.join(args.data_dir, case) | |
smpl_path = src_path.replace('mesh', 'smplx', 1) | |
command = ('blender -b -P' | |
f' -- --object_path {src_path}' | |
f' --smpl_path {smpl_path}' | |
f' --output_dir {save_p} --engine CYCLES' | |
f' --resolution {args.resolution}' | |
f' --random_images {args.random_images}' | |
) | |
print(command) | |, shell=True) | |
with count.get_lock(): | |
count.value += 1 | |
queue.task_done() | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
# args = tyro.cli(Args) | |
s3 = None | |
queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() | |
count = multiprocessing.Value("i", 0) | |
# Start worker processes on each of the GPUs | |
for gpu_i in range(args.num_gpus): | |
for worker_i in range(args.workers_per_gpu): | |
worker_i = gpu_i * args.workers_per_gpu + worker_i | |
process = multiprocessing.Process( | |
target=worker, args=(queue, count, args.gpu_list[gpu_i], s3) | |
) | |
process.daemon = True | |
process.start() | |
# Add items to the queue | |
save_dirs = parse_obj_list(glb_list) | |
args.end_i = len(save_dirs) if args.end_i > len(save_dirs) or args.end_i==-1 else args.end_i | |
for case_sub, save_dir in zip(glb_list[args.start_i:args.end_i], save_dirs[args.start_i:args.end_i]): | |
queue.put([case_sub, save_dir]) | |
# Wait for all tasks to be completed | |
queue.join() | |
# Add sentinels to the queue to stop the worker processes | |
for i in range(args.num_gpus * args.workers_per_gpu): | |
queue.put(None) | |