import gradio as gr import torch import os import shutil import requests import subprocess from subprocess import getoutput import webbrowser from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download, HfApi, create_repo api = HfApi() hf_token = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN_WITH_WRITE_PERMISSION") is_shared_ui = True if "fffiloni/B-LoRa-trainer" in os.environ['SPACE_ID'] else False is_gpu_associated = torch.cuda.is_available() if is_gpu_associated: gpu_info = getoutput('nvidia-smi') if("A10G" in gpu_info): which_gpu = "A10G" elif("T4" in gpu_info): which_gpu = "T4" else: which_gpu = "CPU" def change_training_setup(training_type): if training_type == "style" : return 1000, 500 elif training_type == "concept" : return 2000, 1000 def swap_hardware(hf_token, hardware="cpu-basic"): hardware_url = f"{os.environ['SPACE_ID']}/hardware" headers = { "authorization" : f"Bearer {hf_token}"} body = {'flavor': hardware}, json = body, headers=headers) def swap_sleep_time(sleep_time): if sleep_time == "5 minutes": new_sleep_time = 300 elif sleep_time == "15 minutes": new_sleep_time = 900 elif sleep_time == "30 minutes": new_sleep_time = 1800 elif sleep_time == "1 hour": new_sleep_time = 3600 elif sleep_time == "10 hours": new_sleep_time = 36000 elif sleep_time == "24 hours": new_sleep_time = 86400 elif sleep_time == "48 hours": new_sleep_time = 172800 elif sleep_time == "72 hours": new_sleep_time = 259200 elif sleep_time == "1 week": new_sleep_time = 604800 elif sleep_time == "Don't sleep": new_sleep_time = -1 sleep_time_url = f"{os.environ['SPACE_ID']}/sleeptime" headers = { "authorization" : f"Bearer {hf_token}"} body = {'seconds':new_sleep_time},json=body,headers=headers) def get_sleep_time(): sleep_time_url = f"{os.environ['SPACE_ID']}" headers = { "authorization" : f"Bearer {hf_token}"} response = requests.get(sleep_time_url,headers=headers) try: gcTimeout = response.json()['runtime']['gcTimeout'] except: gcTimeout = None return gcTimeout def check_sleep_time(): sleep_time = get_sleep_time() if sleep_time is None : sleep_time_value = "Don't sleep" return sleep_time_value, gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True) elif sleep_time >= 3600: if sleep_time == 3600: sleep_time_value = "1 hour" elif sleep_time == 36000: sleep_time_value = "10 hours" elif sleep_time == 86400: sleep_time_value = "24 hours" elif sleep_time == 172800: sleep_time_value = "48 hours" elif sleep_time == 259200: sleep_time_value = "72 hours" elif sleep_time == 604800: sleep_time_value = "1 week" return sleep_time_value, gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True) else : if sleep_time == 300: sleep_time_value = "5 minutes" elif sleep_time == 900: sleep_time_value = "15 minutes" elif sleep_time == 1800: sleep_time_value = "30 minutes" return sleep_time_value, gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False) def train_dreambooth_blora_sdxl(instance_data_dir, b_lora_trained_folder, instance_prompt, max_train_steps, checkpoint_steps): script_filename = "" # Assuming it's in the same folder command = [ "accelerate", "launch", script_filename, # Use the local script "--pretrained_model_name_or_path=stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", f"--instance_data_dir={instance_data_dir}", f"--output_dir={b_lora_trained_folder}", f"--instance_prompt='{instance_prompt}'", #f"--class_prompt={class_prompt}", f"--validation_prompt={instance_prompt} in {instance_prompt} style", "--num_validation_images=1", "--validation_epochs=500", "--resolution=1024", "--rank=64", "--train_batch_size=1", "--learning_rate=5e-5", "--lr_scheduler=constant", "--lr_warmup_steps=0", f"--max_train_steps={max_train_steps}", f"--checkpointing_steps={checkpoint_steps}", "--seed=0", "--gradient_checkpointing", "--use_8bit_adam", "--mixed_precision=fp16", "--push_to_hub", f"--hub_token={hf_token}" ] try:, check=True) print("Training is finished!") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") def clear_directory(directory_path): # Check if the directory exists if os.path.exists(directory_path): # Iterate over all the files and directories inside the specified directory for filename in os.listdir(directory_path): file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, filename) try: # Check if it is a file or a directory and remove accordingly if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) # Remove the file elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) # Remove the directory except Exception as e: print(f'Failed to delete {file_path}. Reason: {e}') else: print(f'The directory {directory_path} does not exist.') def get_start_info(image_path, b_lora_name, instance_prompt): if is_shared_ui: raise gr.Error("This Space only works in duplicated instances") if not is_gpu_associated: raise gr.Error("Please associate a T4 or A10G GPU for this Space") if image_path == None: raise gr.Error("You forgot to specify an image reference") if b_lora_name == "": raise gr.Error("You forgot to specify a name for you model") if instance_prompt == "": raise gr.Error("You forgot to specify an instance prompt") your_username = api.whoami(token=hf_token)["name"] return gr.update(visible=True, value=f"{your_username}/{b_lora_name}"), gr.update(visible=True) def main(image_path, b_lora_trained_folder, instance_prompt, training_type, training_steps): local_dir = "image_to_train" # Check if the directory exists and create it if necessary if not os.path.exists(local_dir): os.makedirs(local_dir) else : directory_to_clear = local_dir clear_directory(directory_to_clear) shutil.copy(image_path, local_dir) print(f"source image has been copied in {local_dir} directory") if training_type == "style": checkpoint_steps = 500 elif training_type == "concept" : checkpoint_steps = 1000 max_train_steps = training_steps train_dreambooth_blora_sdxl(local_dir, b_lora_trained_folder, instance_prompt, max_train_steps, checkpoint_steps) your_username = api.whoami(token=hf_token)["name"] #swap_hardware(hardware="cpu-basic") swap_sleep_time("5 minutes") return f"Done, your trained model has been stored in your models library: {your_username}/{b_lora_trained_folder}" css = """ #col-container {max-width: 780px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} div#warning-ready { background-color: #ecfdf5; padding: 0 16px 16px; margin: 20px 0; color: #030303!important; } div#warning-ready > .gr-prose > h2, div#warning-ready > .gr-prose > p { color: #057857!important; } div#warning-duplicate { background-color: #ebf5ff; padding: 0 16px 16px; margin: 20px 0; color: #030303!important; } div#warning-duplicate > .gr-prose > h2, div#warning-duplicate > .gr-prose > p { color: #0f4592!important; } div#warning-duplicate strong { color: #0f4592; } p.actions { display: flex; align-items: center; margin: 20px 0; } div#warning-duplicate .actions a { display: inline-block; margin-right: 10px; } div#warning-setgpu { background-color: #fff4eb; padding: 0 16px 16px; margin: 20px 0; color: #030303!important; } div#warning-setgpu > .gr-prose > h2, div#warning-setgpu > .gr-prose > p { color: #92220f!important; } div#warning-setgpu a, div#warning-setgpu b { color: #91230f; } div#warning-setgpu p.actions > a { display: inline-block; background: #1f1f23; border-radius: 40px; padding: 6px 24px; color: antiquewhite; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 600; font-size: 1.2em; } div#warning-setsleeptime { background-color: #fff4eb; padding: 10px 10px; margin: 0!important; color: #030303!important; } .custom-color { color: #030303 !important; } """ with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: with gr.Column(elem_id="col-container"): if is_shared_ui: top_description = gr.HTML(f'''

Attention: this Space need to be duplicated to work

To make it work, duplicate the Space and run it on your own profile using a private GPU (T4-small or A10G-small).
A T4 costs US$0.60/h, so it should cost < US$1 to train most models.

Duplicate this Space to start training your own B-LoRa model

''', elem_id="warning-duplicate") else: if(is_gpu_associated): top_description = gr.HTML(f'''

You have successfully associated a {which_gpu} GPU to the B-LoRa Training Space 🎉

You can now train your model! You will be billed by the minute from when you activated the GPU until when it is turned off.

''', elem_id="warning-ready") else: top_description = gr.HTML(f'''

You have successfully duplicated the B-LoRa Training Space 🎉

There's only one step left before you can train your model: attribute a T4-small or A10G-small GPU to it (via the Settings tab) and run the training below. You will be billed by the minute from when you activate the GPU until when it is turned off.

🔥   Set recommended GPU

''', elem_id="warning-setgpu") gr.Markdown(""" # B-LoRa Training UI 💭 B-LoRa training method allows to perform high quality style-content mixing and even swapping the style and content between two stylized images, by implicitly decomposing a single image into its style and content representation. [Learn more about Implicit Style-Content Separation using B-LoRA]( """) with gr.Row(): image = gr.Image(label="Image Reference", sources=["upload"], type="filepath") with gr.Column(): sleep_time_message = gr.HTML('''

First of all, please make sure your space's sleep time value is set on long enough, so it do not fall asleep during training.

Set it to "Don't sleep" or more than 1 hour to be safe.

Don't worry, after training is finished, sleep time will be back to 5 minutes.

''', elem_id="warning-setsleeptime") with gr.Group(): current_sleep_time = gr.Dropdown( label="current space sleep time", choices = [ "Don't sleep", "5 minutes", "15 minutes", "30 minutes", "1 hour", "10 hours", "24 hours", "48 hours", "72 hours", "1 week" ], filterable=False ) training_type = gr.Radio(label="Training type", choices=["style", "concept"], value="style", visible=False) b_lora_name = gr.Textbox(label="Name your B-LoRa model", placeholder="b_lora_trained_folder", visible=False) with gr.Row(): instance_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Create instance prompt", info="recommended standard B-LoRa is 'A [v]' format", placeholder="A [v42]", visible=False) #class_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Specify class prompt", placeholder="style | person | dog ", visible=False) training_steps = gr.Number(label="Training steps", value=1000, interactive=False, visible=False) checkpoint_step = gr.Number(label="checkpoint step", visible=False, value=500) train_btn = gr.Button("Train B-LoRa", visible=False) with gr.Row(): started_info = gr.Textbox( label="Training has started", info="You can open this space's logs to monitor logs training; once training is finished, your model will be available here:", visible=False ) status = gr.Textbox(label="status", visible=False) current_sleep_time.change( fn = swap_sleep_time, inputs = current_sleep_time, outputs = None ) demo.load( fn = check_sleep_time, inputs = None, outputs = [current_sleep_time, sleep_time_message, b_lora_name, instance_prompt, training_type, training_steps, train_btn] ) training_type.change( fn = change_training_setup, inputs = [training_type], outputs = [training_steps, checkpoint_step] ) fn = get_start_info, inputs = [image, b_lora_name, instance_prompt], outputs = [started_info, status] ).then( fn = main, inputs = [image, b_lora_name, instance_prompt, training_type, training_steps], outputs = [status] ) demo.launch(debug=True)