from __future__ import annotations import re from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from import Iterable from speaches.api_models import TranscriptionSegment, TranscriptionWord class Transcription: def __init__(self, words: list[TranscriptionWord] = []) -> None: self.words: list[TranscriptionWord] = [] self.extend(words) @property def text(self) -> str: return " ".join(word.word for word in self.words).strip() @property def start(self) -> float: return self.words[0].start if len(self.words) > 0 else 0.0 @property def end(self) -> float: return self.words[-1].end if len(self.words) > 0 else 0.0 @property def duration(self) -> float: return self.end - self.start def after(self, seconds: float) -> Transcription: return Transcription(words=[word for word in self.words if word.start > seconds]) def extend(self, words: list[TranscriptionWord]) -> None: self._ensure_no_word_overlap(words) self.words.extend(words) def _ensure_no_word_overlap(self, words: list[TranscriptionWord]) -> None: from speaches.dependencies import get_config # HACK: avoid circular import config = get_config() # HACK if len(self.words) > 0 and len(words) > 0: if words[0].start + config.word_timestamp_error_margin <= self.words[-1].end: raise ValueError( f"Words overlap: {self.words[-1]} and {words[0]}. Error margin: {config.word_timestamp_error_margin}" # noqa: E501 ) for i in range(1, len(words)): if words[i].start + config.word_timestamp_error_margin <= words[i - 1].end: raise ValueError(f"Words overlap: {words[i - 1]} and {words[i]}. All words: {words}") def is_eos(text: str) -> bool: if text.endswith("..."): return False return any(text.endswith(punctuation_symbol) for punctuation_symbol in ".?!") def to_full_sentences(words: list[TranscriptionWord]) -> list[list[TranscriptionWord]]: sentences: list[list[TranscriptionWord]] = [[]] for word in words: sentences[-1].append(word) if is_eos(word.word): sentences.append([]) if len(sentences[-1]) == 0 or not is_eos(sentences[-1][-1].word): sentences.pop() return sentences def word_to_text(words: list[TranscriptionWord]) -> str: return "".join(word.word for word in words) def words_to_text_w_ts(words: list[TranscriptionWord]) -> str: return "".join(f"{word.word}({word.start:.2f}-{word.end:.2f})" for word in words) def segments_to_text(segments: Iterable[TranscriptionSegment]) -> str: return "".join(segment.text for segment in segments).strip() def srt_format_timestamp(ts: float) -> str: hours = ts // 3600 minutes = (ts % 3600) // 60 seconds = ts % 60 milliseconds = (ts * 1000) % 1000 return f"{int(hours):02d}:{int(minutes):02d}:{int(seconds):02d},{int(milliseconds):03d}" def vtt_format_timestamp(ts: float) -> str: hours = ts // 3600 minutes = (ts % 3600) // 60 seconds = ts % 60 milliseconds = (ts * 1000) % 1000 return f"{int(hours):02d}:{int(minutes):02d}:{int(seconds):02d}.{int(milliseconds):03d}" def segments_to_vtt(segment: TranscriptionSegment, i: int) -> str: start = segment.start if i > 0 else 0.0 result = f"{vtt_format_timestamp(start)} --> {vtt_format_timestamp(segment.end)}\n{segment.text}\n\n" if i == 0: return f"WEBVTT\n\n{result}" else: return result def segments_to_srt(segment: TranscriptionSegment, i: int) -> str: return f"{i + 1}\n{srt_format_timestamp(segment.start)} --> {srt_format_timestamp(segment.end)}\n{segment.text}\n\n" def canonicalize_word(text: str) -> str: text = text.lower() # Remove non-alphabetic characters using regular expression text = re.sub(r"[^a-z]", "", text) return text.lower().strip().strip(".,?!") def common_prefix(a: list[TranscriptionWord], b: list[TranscriptionWord]) -> list[TranscriptionWord]: i = 0 while i < len(a) and i < len(b) and canonicalize_word(a[i].word) == canonicalize_word(b[i].word): i += 1 return a[:i]