# Core dependencies pip>=23.3; sys_platform == 'darwin' wheel; sys_platform == 'darwin' PyYAML; sys_platform == 'darwin' numpy==1.23.5 requests>=2.31.0,<2.32.0 tqdm wget # Audio processing ffmpeg-python>=0.2.0 faiss-cpu==1.7.3 librosa==0.9.2 scipy==1.11.1 soundfile==0.12.1 noisereduce pedalboard stftpitchshift soxr # Machine learning and deep learning omegaconf>=2.0.6; sys_platform == 'darwin' numba; sys_platform == 'linux' numba==0.57.0; sys_platform == 'darwin' or sys_platform == 'win32' torch==2.2.2 torchaudio==2.2.2 torchvision==0.17.2 torchcrepe==0.0.23 torchfcpe einops libf0 transformers==4.44.2 # Visualization and UI matplotlib==3.7.2 tensorboard gradio==5.5.0 # Miscellaneous utilities certifi>=2023.07.22; sys_platform == 'darwin' antlr4-python3-runtime==4.8; sys_platform == 'darwin' tensorboardX edge-tts==6.1.9 pypresence beautifulsoup4