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big chungus license means big chungus holds legal rights to the file called app.py and wahtever.py and the rest is from pokemon.db i have no rights to it and to the best of my knowledge neither does big chungus thank you for your understanding
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pichu,pikachu,Evolves by friendship.
cleffa,clefairy,Evolves by friendship.
igglybuff,jigglypuff,Evolves by friendship.
golbat,crobat,Evolves by friendship.
meowth,persian,Evolves by friendship.
chansey,blissey,Evolves by friendship.
eevee,espeon,Evolves by friendship. Daytime
eevee,umbreon,Evolves by friendship. Nighttime
eevee,sylveon,Evolves by friendship. after Fairy-type move learnedand either ♥♥ Affection in Gen 6-7 or high friendship in Gen 8+
munchlax,snorlax,Evolves by friendship.
togepi,togetic,Evolves by friendship.
azurill,marill,Evolves by friendship.
budew,roselia,Evolves by friendship. Daytime
chingling,chimecho,Evolves by friendship. Nighttime
buneary,lopunny,Evolves by friendship.
riolu,lucario,Evolves by friendship. Daytime
woobat,swoobat,Evolves by friendship.
swadloon,leavanny,Evolves by friendship.
type: null,silvally,Evolves by friendship.
snom,frosmoth,Evolves by friendship. Nighttime
alolan meowth,alolan persian,Evolves by friendship.