dpe1's picture
big chungus license means big chungus holds legal rights to the file called app.py and wahtever.py and the rest is from pokemon.db i have no rights to it and to the best of my knowledge neither does big chungus thank you for your understanding
import wahtever
import gradio as gr
from gradio.components import Textbox
demo = gr.Interface(
Textbox(label="enter pokemons name (it uses fuzzy search)"),
Textbox(label="can it evolve????"),
title='Can this Pokemon evolve?',
description="This shows you if a Pokemon can evolve and how. Unlike using Wiki, this doesn't spoil what it evolves into and at what level.\nI also used real time fuzzy search so that you don't have to enter exact name of a Pokemon.",
article="""NOTE I used a hole Bunch of data from https://pokemondb.net/evolution/level.
Most pokemon evolve upon reaching a certain level. A few Pokémon also need to meet a condition such as gender to evolve; these are also listed.
To evolve a Pokémon via stone, simply select the item to use in your bag, then select the Pokémon to apply it to - they will evolve straight away.
A Pokémon's Friendship (aka happiness) can be increased in many ways. The simplest is walking around with the Pokémon in your party, battling and growing them, but not letting them faint. Massages and haircuts increase Friendship by a larger amount. Giving them a Soothe Bell to hold increases the effect of the other methods. See more in the glossary or this PokéBase question.
For special conditions, Once the condition is met, the Pokémon needs to level up once more in order to evolve."""