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big chungus license means big chungus holds legal rights to the file called app.py and wahtever.py and the rest is from pokemon.db i have no rights to it and to the best of my knowledge neither does big chungus thank you for your understanding
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rattata,raticate,Evolves by special condition: Nighttime
pikachu,raichu,"Evolves by special condition: use Thunder Stone, outside Alola"
alolan raichu","Evolves by special condition: use Thunder Stone, in Alola"
primeape,annihilape,Evolves by special condition: Use Rage Fist 20 times
magneton,magnezone,"Evolves by special condition: use Thunder Stone, in Gen 8+, or level up in a Magnetic Field area"
exeggcute,exeggutor,"Evolves by special condition: use Leaf Stone, outside Alola"
alolan exeggutor","Evolves by special condition: use Leaf Stone, in Alola"
cubone,marowak,Evolves by special condition: outside Alola
alolan marowak","Evolves by special condition: Nighttime, in Alola"
tyrogue,hitmonlee,Evolves by special condition: Attack > Defense
tyrogue,hitmonchan,Evolves by special condition: Attack < Defense
tyrogue,hitmontop,Evolves by special condition: Attack = Defense
lickitung,lickilicky,Evolves by special condition: after Rollout learned
koffing,weezing,Evolves by special condition: outside Galar
galarian weezing",Evolves by special condition: in Galar
happiny,chansey,"Evolves by special condition: hold Oval Stone, Daytime"
tangela,tangrowth,Evolves by special condition: after Ancient Power learned
mime jr.,mr. mime,"Evolves by special condition: after Mimic learned, outside Galar"
mime jr.,"mr. mime
galarian mr. mime","Evolves by special condition: after Mimic learned, in Galar"
eevee,leafeon,"Evolves by special condition: use Leaf Stone, or level up near a Mossy Rock"
eevee,glaceon,"Evolves by special condition: use Ice Stone, or level up near an Icy Rock"
cyndaquil,quilava,Evolves by special condition: or Level 17 in Legends: Arceus
hisuian typhlosion",Evolves by special condition: in Legends: Arceus
bonsly,sudowoodo,Evolves by special condition: after Mimic learned
aipom,ambipom,Evolves by special condition: after Double Hit learned
yanma,yanmega,Evolves by special condition: after Ancient Power learned
gligar,gliscor,"Evolves by special condition: hold Razor Fang, Nighttime"
sneasel,weavile,"Evolves by special condition: hold Razor Claw, Nighttime"
sneasel,sneasler,"Evolves by special condition: use Razor Claw, Daytime"
ursaring,ursaluna,"Evolves by special condition: use Peat Block, under a full moon, in Legends: Arceus"
piloswine,mamoswine,Evolves by special condition: after Ancient Power learned
mantyke,mantine,Evolves by special condition: with Remoraid in party
linoone,obstagoon,Evolves by special condition: Nighttime
wurmple,silcoon,Evolves by special condition: random based on personality
wurmple,cascoon,Evolves by special condition: random based on personality
kirlia,gallade,"Evolves by special condition: use Dawn Stone, Male"
nincada,shedinja,"Evolves by special condition: empty spot in party, Pokéball in bag"
nosepass,probopass,Evolves by special condition: level up in a Magnetic Field area
feebas,milotic,"Evolves by special condition: trade holding Prism Scale, or level up with max Beauty"
snorunt,froslass,"Evolves by special condition: use Dawn Stone, Female"
burmy,mothim,Evolves by special condition: Male
burmy,wormadam,"Evolves by special condition: Female, in grass"
burmy,wormadam,"Evolves by special condition: Female, in caves"
burmy,wormadam,"Evolves by special condition: Female, in buildings"
combee,vespiquen,Evolves by special condition: Female
hisuian samurott",Evolves by special condition: in Legends: Arceus
hisuian lilligant","Evolves by special condition: use Sun Stone, in Legends: Arceus"
yamask,runerigus,Evolves by special condition: near Dusty Bowl
zorua,zoroark,Evolves by special condition: in Legends: Arceus
bisharp,kingambit,Evolves by special condition: defeat 3 Bisharp that are holding Leader's Crest
hisuian braviary",Evolves by special condition: in Legends: Arceus
pancham,pangoro,Evolves by special condition: Dark type Pokémon in party
male",Evolves by special condition: Male
female",Evolves by special condition: Female
inkay,malamar,Evolves by special condition: holding console upside down
tyrunt,tyrantrum,Evolves by special condition: Daytime
amaura,aurorus,Evolves by special condition: Nighttime
sliggoo,goodra,Evolves by special condition: during rain
hisuian sliggoo",Evolves by special condition: in Legends: Arceus
sliggoo,goodra,"Evolves by special condition: during rain, in Legends: Arceus"
hisuian avalugg",Evolves by special condition: in Legends: Arceus
hisuian decidueye",Evolves by special condition: in Legends: Arceus
yungoos,gumshoos,Evolves by special condition: Daytime
charjabug,vikavolt,"Evolves by special condition: use Thunder Stone, in Gen 8, or level up in a Magnetic Field area"
crabrawler,crabominable,"Evolves by special condition: use Ice Stone, or at Mount Lanakila in Alola"
midday form",Evolves by special condition: Daytime
midnight form",Evolves by special condition: Nighttime
rockruff,lycanroc,Evolves by special condition: Dusk
fomantis,lurantis,Evolves by special condition: Daytime
salandit,salazzle,Evolves by special condition: Female
steenee,tsareena,Evolves by special condition: after Stomp learned
cosmoem,solgaleo,Evolves by special condition: in Pokémon Sun or Ultra Sun
cosmoem,lunala,Evolves by special condition: in Pokémon Moon or Ultra Moon
poipole,naganadel,Evolves by special condition: after Dragon Pulse learned
meltan,melmetal,"Evolves by special condition: Pokémon GO only, 400 Meltan Candies"
milcery,alcremie,Evolves by special condition: spin around holding Sweet
farfetch'd,sirfetch'd,Evolves by special condition: achieve 3 critical hits in one battle
amped form",Evolves by special condition: with an amped Nature
low key form",Evolves by special condition: with a low key Nature
clobbopus,grapploct,Evolves by special condition: after Taunt learned
single strike style","Evolves by special condition: use Scroll Of Darkness, or in Tower of Darkness in Galar"
rapid strike style","Evolves by special condition: use Scroll Of Waters, or in Tower of Water in Galar"
stantler,wyrdeer,Evolves by special condition: use Psyshield Bash 20 times in Agile Style
basculin,basculegion,"Evolves by special condition: Male, receive 294 recoil damage in battle"
basculin,basculegion,"Evolves by special condition: Female, receive 294 recoil damage in battle"
qwilfish,overqwil,Evolves by special condition: use Barb Barrage 20 times in Strong Style
girafarig,farigiraf,Evolves by special condition: after Twin Beam learned
two-segment form",Evolves by special condition: after Hyper Drill learned
three-segment form","Evolves by special condition: after Hyper Drill learned, rare"
male",Evolves by special condition: Male
female",Evolves by special condition: Female
rellor,rabsca,"Evolves by special condition: walk 1,000 steps in Let's Go mode"
greavard,houndstone,Evolves by special condition: Nighttime
zero form",Evolves by special condition: while in multiplayer
family of three",Evolves by special condition: rare
pawmo,pawmot,"Evolves by special condition: walk 1,000 steps in Let's Go mode"
bramblin,brambleghast,"Evolves by special condition: walk 1,000 steps in Let's Go mode"
gimmighoul,gholdengo,Evolves by special condition: collect 999 Coins from Roaming Form
alolan rattata,alolan raticate,Evolves by special condition: Nighttime
hisuian sneasel,sneasler,"Evolves by special condition: use Razor Claw, Daytime"
galarian linoone,obstagoon,Evolves by special condition: Nighttime
plant cloak,mothim,Evolves by special condition: Male
plant cloak,plant cloak,"Evolves by special condition: Female, in grass"
sandy cloak,sandy cloak,"Evolves by special condition: Female, in caves"
trash cloak,trash cloak,"Evolves by special condition: Female, in buildings"
galarian yamask,runerigus,Evolves by special condition: near Dusty Bowl
hisuian zorua,hisuian zoroark,Evolves by special condition: in Legends: Arceus
hisuian sliggoo,hisuian goodra,"Evolves by special condition: during rain, in Legends: Arceus"
own tempo rockruff,dusk form,Evolves by special condition: Dusk
galarian farfetch'd,sirfetch'd,Evolves by special condition: achieve 3 critical hits in one battle
white-striped form,male,"Evolves by special condition: Male, receive 294 recoil damage in battle"
white-striped form,female,"Evolves by special condition: Female, receive 294 recoil damage in battle"
hisuian qwilfish,overqwil,Evolves by special condition: use Barb Barrage 20 times in Strong Style
chest form,gholdengo,Evolves by special condition: collect 999 Coins from Roaming Form