Runtime error
Runtime error
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pikachu,raichu,"Evolves by stone: Thunder Stone, outside Alola"
alolan raichu","Evolves by stone: Thunder Stone, in Alola"
sandshrew,sandslash,Evolves by stone: Ice Stone
nidorina,nidoqueen,Evolves by stone: Moon Stone
nidorino,nidoking,Evolves by stone: Moon Stone
clefairy,clefable,Evolves by stone: Moon Stone
vulpix,ninetales,Evolves by stone: Fire Stone
vulpix,ninetales,Evolves by stone: Ice Stone
jigglypuff,wigglytuff,Evolves by stone: Moon Stone
gloom,vileplume,Evolves by stone: Leaf Stone
gloom,bellossom,Evolves by stone: Sun Stone
growlithe,arcanine,Evolves by stone: Fire Stone
growlithe,arcanine,Evolves by stone: Fire Stone
poliwhirl,poliwrath,Evolves by stone: Water Stone
weepinbell,victreebel,Evolves by stone: Leaf Stone
slowpoke,slowbro,Evolves by stone: Galarica Cuff
slowpoke,slowking,Evolves by stone: Galarica Wreath
magneton,magnezone,"Evolves by stone: Thunder Stone, in Gen 8+, or level up in a Magnetic Field area"
shellder,cloyster,Evolves by stone: Water Stone
voltorb,electrode,Evolves by stone: Leaf Stone
exeggcute,exeggutor,"Evolves by stone: Leaf Stone, outside Alola"
alolan exeggutor","Evolves by stone: Leaf Stone, in Alola"
staryu,starmie,Evolves by stone: Water Stone
scyther,kleavor,Evolves by stone: Black Augurite
eevee,vaporeon,Evolves by stone: Water Stone
eevee,jolteon,Evolves by stone: Thunder Stone
eevee,flareon,Evolves by stone: Fire Stone
eevee,leafeon,"Evolves by stone: Leaf Stone, or level up near a Mossy Rock"
eevee,glaceon,"Evolves by stone: Ice Stone, or level up near an Icy Rock"
togetic,togekiss,Evolves by stone: Shiny Stone
sunkern,sunflora,Evolves by stone: Sun Stone
murkrow,honchkrow,Evolves by stone: Dusk Stone
misdreavus,mismagius,Evolves by stone: Dusk Stone
sneasel,sneasler,"Evolves by stone: Razor Claw, Daytime"
ursaring,ursaluna,"Evolves by stone: Peat Block, under a full moon, in Legends: Arceus"
lombre,ludicolo,Evolves by stone: Water Stone
nuzleaf,shiftry,Evolves by stone: Leaf Stone
kirlia,gallade,"Evolves by stone: Dawn Stone, Male"
skitty,delcatty,Evolves by stone: Moon Stone
roselia,roserade,Evolves by stone: Shiny Stone
snorunt,froslass,"Evolves by stone: Dawn Stone, Female"
pansage,simisage,Evolves by stone: Leaf Stone
pansear,simisear,Evolves by stone: Fire Stone
panpour,simipour,Evolves by stone: Water Stone
munna,musharna,Evolves by stone: Moon Stone
cottonee,whimsicott,Evolves by stone: Sun Stone
petilil,lilligant,Evolves by stone: Sun Stone
hisuian lilligant","Evolves by stone: Sun Stone, in Legends: Arceus"
darumaka,darmanitan,Evolves by stone: Ice Stone
minccino,cinccino,Evolves by stone: Shiny Stone
eelektrik,eelektross,Evolves by stone: Thunder Stone
lampent,chandelure,Evolves by stone: Dusk Stone
floette,florges,Evolves by stone: Shiny Stone
shield forme",Evolves by stone: Dusk Stone
helioptile,heliolisk,Evolves by stone: Sun Stone
charjabug,vikavolt,"Evolves by stone: Thunder Stone, in Gen 8, or level up in a Magnetic Field area"
crabrawler,crabominable,"Evolves by stone: Ice Stone, or at Mount Lanakila in Alola"
applin,flapple,Evolves by stone: Tart Apple
applin,appletun,Evolves by stone: Sweet Apple
sinistea,polteageist,Evolves by stone: Cracked Pot
single strike style","Evolves by stone: Scroll Of Darkness, or in Tower of Darkness in Galar"
rapid strike style","Evolves by stone: Scroll Of Waters, or in Tower of Water in Galar"
capsakid,scovillain,Evolves by stone: Fire Stone
tadbulb,bellibolt,Evolves by stone: Thunder Stone
cetoddle,cetitan,Evolves by stone: Ice Stone
charcadet,armarouge,Evolves by stone: Auspicious Armor
charcadet,ceruledge,Evolves by stone: Malicious Armor
alolan sandshrew,alolan sandslash,Evolves by stone: Ice Stone
alolan vulpix,alolan ninetales,Evolves by stone: Ice Stone
hisuian growlithe,hisuian arcanine,Evolves by stone: Fire Stone
galarian slowpoke,galarian slowbro,Evolves by stone: Galarica Cuff
galarian slowpoke,galarian slowking,Evolves by stone: Galarica Wreath
hisuian voltorb,hisuian electrode,Evolves by stone: Leaf Stone
hisuian sneasel,sneasler,"Evolves by stone: Razor Claw, Daytime"
galarian darumaka,galarian standard mode,Evolves by stone: Ice Stone