from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import functools import hashlib import hmac import json import os import pickle import re import shutil import sys import threading from collections import deque from contextlib import AsyncExitStack, asynccontextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass as python_dataclass from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, _TemporaryFileWrapper from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AsyncContextManager, AsyncGenerator, BinaryIO, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, ) from urllib.parse import urlparse import anyio import fastapi import gradio_client.utils as client_utils import httpx import multipart from gradio_client.documentation import document from multipart.multipart import parse_options_header from starlette.datastructures import FormData, Headers, MutableHeaders, UploadFile from starlette.formparsers import MultiPartException, MultipartPart from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse, Response from starlette.types import ASGIApp, Message, Receive, Scope, Send from gradio import processing_utils, utils from gradio.data_classes import ( BlocksConfigDict, PredictBody, PredictBodyInternal, ) from gradio.exceptions import Error from gradio.helpers import EventData from gradio.state_holder import SessionState if TYPE_CHECKING: from gradio.blocks import BlockFunction, Blocks from gradio.routes import App config_lock = threading.Lock() class Obj: """ Using a class to convert dictionaries into objects. Used by the `Request` class. Credit: """ def __init__(self, dict_): self.__dict__.update(dict_) for key, value in dict_.items(): if isinstance(value, (dict, list)): value = Obj(value) setattr(self, key, value) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__dict__[item] def __setitem__(self, item, value): self.__dict__[item] = value def __iter__(self): for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(value, Obj): yield (key, dict(value)) else: yield (key, value) def __contains__(self, item) -> bool: if item in self.__dict__: return True for value in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(value, Obj) and item in value: return True return False def get(self, item, default=None): if item in self: return self.__dict__[item] return default def keys(self): return self.__dict__.keys() def values(self): return self.__dict__.values() def items(self): return self.__dict__.items() def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.__dict__) def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self.__dict__) def pop(self, item, default=None): if item in self: return self.__dict__.pop(item) return default @document() class Request: """ A Gradio request object that can be used to access the request headers, cookies, query parameters and other information about the request from within the prediction function. The class is a thin wrapper around the fastapi.Request class. Attributes of this class include: `headers`, `client`, `query_params`, `session_hash`, and `path_params`. If auth is enabled, the `username` attribute can be used to get the logged in user. In some environments, the dict-like attributes (e.g. `requests.headers`, `requests.query_params`) of this class are automatically converted to to dictionaries, so we recommend converting them to dictionaries before accessing attributes for consistent behavior in different environments. Example: import gradio as gr def echo(text, request: gr.Request): if request: print("Request headers dictionary:", dict(request.headers)) print("Query parameters:", dict(request.query_params)) print("IP address:", print("Gradio session hash:", request.session_hash) return text io = gr.Interface(echo, "textbox", "textbox").launch() Demos: request_ip_headers """ def __init__( self, request: fastapi.Request | None = None, username: str | None = None, session_hash: str | None = None, **kwargs, ): """ Can be instantiated with either a fastapi.Request or by manually passing in attributes (needed for queueing). Parameters: request: A fastapi.Request username: The username of the logged in user (if auth is enabled) session_hash: The session hash of the current session. It is unique for each page load. """ self.request = request self.username = username self.session_hash: str | None = session_hash self.kwargs: dict[str, Any] = kwargs def dict_to_obj(self, d): if isinstance(d, dict): return json.loads(json.dumps(d), object_hook=Obj) else: return d def __getattr__(self, name: str): if self.request: return self.dict_to_obj(getattr(self.request, name)) else: try: obj = self.kwargs[name] except KeyError as ke: raise AttributeError( f"'Request' object has no attribute '{name}'" ) from ke return self.dict_to_obj(obj) def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, Any]: self.kwargs.update( { "headers": dict(getattr(self, "headers", {})), "query_params": dict(getattr(self, "query_params", {})), "cookies": dict(getattr(self, "cookies", {})), "path_params": dict(getattr(self, "path_params", {})), "client": { "host": getattr(self, "client", {}) and, "port": getattr(self, "client", {}) and self.client.port, }, "url": getattr(self, "url", ""), } ) if request_state := hasattr(self, "state"): try: pickle.dumps(request_state) self.kwargs["request_state"] = request_state except pickle.PicklingError: pass self.request = None return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state: dict[str, Any]): if request_state := state.pop("request_state", None): self.state = request_state self.__dict__ = state class FnIndexInferError(Exception): pass def get_fn(blocks: Blocks, api_name: str | None, body: PredictBody) -> BlockFunction: if body.session_hash: session_state = blocks.state_holder[body.session_hash] fns = session_state.blocks_config.fns else: fns = blocks.fns if body.fn_index is None: if api_name is not None: for fn in fns.values(): if fn.api_name == api_name: return fn raise FnIndexInferError( f"Could not infer function index for API name: {api_name}" ) else: return fns[body.fn_index] def compile_gr_request( body: PredictBodyInternal, fn: BlockFunction, username: Optional[str], request: Optional[fastapi.Request], ): # If this fn_index cancels jobs, then the only input we need is the # current session hash if fn.cancels: = [body.session_hash] if body.request: if body.batched: gr_request = [Request(username=username, request=request)] else: gr_request = Request( username=username, request=body.request, session_hash=body.session_hash ) else: if request is None: raise ValueError("request must be provided if body.request is None") gr_request = Request( username=username, request=request, session_hash=body.session_hash ) return gr_request def restore_session_state(app: App, body: PredictBodyInternal): event_id = body.event_id session_hash = getattr(body, "session_hash", None) if session_hash is not None: session_state = app.state_holder[session_hash] # The should_reset set keeps track of the fn_indices # that have been cancelled. When a job is cancelled, # the /reset route will mark the jobs as having been reset. # That way if the cancel job finishes BEFORE the job being cancelled # the job being cancelled will not overwrite the state of the iterator. if event_id is None: iterator = None elif event_id in app.iterators_to_reset: iterator = None app.iterators_to_reset.remove(event_id) else: iterator = app.iterators.get(event_id) else: session_state = SessionState(app.get_blocks()) iterator = None return session_state, iterator def prepare_event_data( blocks: Blocks, body: PredictBodyInternal, ) -> EventData: target = body.trigger_id event_data = EventData( blocks.blocks.get(target) if target else None, body.event_data, ) return event_data async def call_process_api( app: App, body: PredictBodyInternal, gr_request: Union[Request, list[Request]], fn: BlockFunction, root_path: str, ): session_state, iterator = restore_session_state(app=app, body=body) event_data = prepare_event_data(app.get_blocks(), body) event_id = body.event_id session_hash = getattr(body, "session_hash", None) inputs = batch_in_single_out = not body.batched and fn.batch if batch_in_single_out: inputs = [inputs] try: with utils.MatplotlibBackendMananger(): output = await app.get_blocks().process_api( block_fn=fn, inputs=inputs, request=gr_request, state=session_state, iterator=iterator, session_hash=session_hash, event_id=event_id, event_data=event_data, in_event_listener=True, simple_format=body.simple_format, root_path=root_path, ) iterator = output.pop("iterator", None) if event_id is not None: app.iterators[event_id] = iterator # type: ignore if isinstance(output, Error): raise output except BaseException: iterator = app.iterators.get(event_id) if event_id is not None else None if iterator is not None: # close off any streams that are still open run_id = id(iterator) pending_streams: dict[int, list] = ( app.get_blocks().pending_streams[session_hash].get(run_id, {}) ) for stream in pending_streams.values(): stream.append(None) raise if batch_in_single_out: output["data"] = output["data"][0] return output def get_root_url( request: fastapi.Request, route_path: str, root_path: str | None ) -> str: """ Gets the root url of the Gradio app (i.e. the public url of the app) without a trailing slash. This is how the root_url is resolved: 1. If a user provides a `root_path` manually that is a full URL, it is returned directly. 2. If the request has an x-forwarded-host header (e.g. because it is behind a proxy), the root url is constructed from the x-forwarded-host header. In this case, `route_path` is not used to construct the root url. 3. Otherwise, the root url is constructed from the request url. The query parameters and `route_path` are stripped off. And if a relative `root_path` is provided, and it is not already the subpath of the URL, it is appended to the root url. In cases (2) and (3), We also check to see if the x-forwarded-proto header is present, and if so, convert the root url to https. And if there are multiple hosts in the x-forwarded-host or multiple protocols in the x-forwarded-proto, the first one is used. """ def get_first_header_value(header_name: str): header_value = request.headers.get(header_name) if header_value: return header_value.split(",")[0].strip() return None if root_path and client_utils.is_http_url_like(root_path): return root_path.rstrip("/") x_forwarded_host = get_first_header_value("x-forwarded-host") root_url = f"http://{x_forwarded_host}" if x_forwarded_host else str(request.url) root_url = httpx.URL(root_url) root_url = root_url.copy_with(query=None) root_url = str(root_url).rstrip("/") if get_first_header_value("x-forwarded-proto") == "https": root_url = root_url.replace("http://", "https://") route_path = route_path.rstrip("/") if len(route_path) > 0 and not x_forwarded_host: root_url = root_url[: -len(route_path)] root_url = root_url.rstrip("/") root_url = httpx.URL(root_url) if root_path and root_url.path != root_path: root_url = root_url.copy_with(path=root_path) return str(root_url).rstrip("/") def _user_safe_decode(src: bytes, codec: str) -> str: try: return src.decode(codec) except (UnicodeDecodeError, LookupError): return src.decode("latin-1") class GradioUploadFile(UploadFile): """UploadFile with a sha attribute.""" def __init__( self, file: BinaryIO, *, size: int | None = None, filename: str | None = None, headers: Headers | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(file, size=size, filename=filename, headers=headers) self.sha = hashlib.sha256() @python_dataclass(frozen=True) class FileUploadProgressUnit: filename: str chunk_size: int @python_dataclass class FileUploadProgressTracker: deque: deque[FileUploadProgressUnit] is_done: bool class FileUploadProgressNotTrackedError(Exception): pass class FileUploadProgressNotQueuedError(Exception): pass class FileUploadProgress: def __init__(self) -> None: self._statuses: dict[str, FileUploadProgressTracker] = {} def track(self, upload_id: str): if upload_id not in self._statuses: self._statuses[upload_id] = FileUploadProgressTracker(deque(), False) def append(self, upload_id: str, filename: str, message_bytes: bytes): if upload_id not in self._statuses: self.track(upload_id) queue = self._statuses[upload_id].deque if len(queue) == 0: queue.append(FileUploadProgressUnit(filename, len(message_bytes))) else: last_unit = queue.popleft() if last_unit.filename != filename: queue.append(FileUploadProgressUnit(filename, len(message_bytes))) else: queue.append( FileUploadProgressUnit( filename, last_unit.chunk_size + len(message_bytes), ) ) def set_done(self, upload_id: str): if upload_id not in self._statuses: self.track(upload_id) self._statuses[upload_id].is_done = True def is_done(self, upload_id: str): if upload_id not in self._statuses: raise FileUploadProgressNotTrackedError() return self._statuses[upload_id].is_done def stop_tracking(self, upload_id: str): if upload_id in self._statuses: del self._statuses[upload_id] def pop(self, upload_id: str) -> FileUploadProgressUnit: if upload_id not in self._statuses: raise FileUploadProgressNotTrackedError() try: return self._statuses[upload_id].deque.pop() except IndexError as e: raise FileUploadProgressNotQueuedError() from e class GradioMultiPartParser: """Vendored from starlette.MultipartParser. Thanks starlette! Made the following modifications - Use GradioUploadFile instead of UploadFile - Use NamedTemporaryFile instead of SpooledTemporaryFile - Compute hash of data as the request is streamed """ max_file_size = 1024 * 1024 def __init__( self, headers: Headers, stream: AsyncGenerator[bytes, None], *, max_files: Union[int, float] = 1000, max_fields: Union[int, float] = 1000, upload_id: str | None = None, upload_progress: FileUploadProgress | None = None, max_file_size: int | float, ) -> None: self.headers = headers = stream self.max_files = max_files self.max_fields = max_fields self.items: List[Tuple[str, Union[str, UploadFile]]] = [] self.upload_id = upload_id self.upload_progress = upload_progress self._current_files = 0 self._current_fields = 0 self.max_file_size = max_file_size self._current_partial_header_name: bytes = b"" self._current_partial_header_value: bytes = b"" self._current_part = MultipartPart() self._charset = "" self._file_parts_to_write: List[Tuple[MultipartPart, bytes]] = [] self._file_parts_to_finish: List[MultipartPart] = [] self._files_to_close_on_error: List[_TemporaryFileWrapper] = [] def on_part_begin(self) -> None: self._current_part = MultipartPart() def on_part_data(self, data: bytes, start: int, end: int) -> None: message_bytes = data[start:end] if self.upload_progress is not None: self.upload_progress.append( self.upload_id, # type: ignore self._current_part.file.filename, # type: ignore message_bytes, ) if self._current_part.file is None: += message_bytes else: self._file_parts_to_write.append((self._current_part, message_bytes)) def on_part_end(self) -> None: if self._current_part.file is None: self.items.append( ( self._current_part.field_name, _user_safe_decode(, str(self._charset)), ) ) else: self._file_parts_to_finish.append(self._current_part) # The file can be added to the items right now even though it's not # finished yet, because it will be finished in the `parse()` method, before # self.items is used in the return value. self.items.append((self._current_part.field_name, self._current_part.file)) def on_header_field(self, data: bytes, start: int, end: int) -> None: self._current_partial_header_name += data[start:end] def on_header_value(self, data: bytes, start: int, end: int) -> None: self._current_partial_header_value += data[start:end] def on_header_end(self) -> None: field = self._current_partial_header_name.lower() if field == b"content-disposition": self._current_part.content_disposition = self._current_partial_header_value self._current_part.item_headers.append( (field, self._current_partial_header_value) ) self._current_partial_header_name = b"" self._current_partial_header_value = b"" def on_headers_finished(self) -> None: _, options = parse_options_header(self._current_part.content_disposition or b"") try: self._current_part.field_name = _user_safe_decode( options[b"name"], str(self._charset) ) except KeyError as e: raise MultiPartException( 'The Content-Disposition header field "name" must be ' "provided." ) from e if b"filename" in options: self._current_files += 1 if self._current_files > self.max_files: raise MultiPartException( f"Too many files. Maximum number of files is {self.max_files}." ) filename = _user_safe_decode(options[b"filename"], str(self._charset)) tempfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) self._files_to_close_on_error.append(tempfile) self._current_part.file = GradioUploadFile( file=tempfile, # type: ignore[arg-type] size=0, filename=filename, headers=Headers(raw=self._current_part.item_headers), ) else: self._current_fields += 1 if self._current_fields > self.max_fields: raise MultiPartException( f"Too many fields. Maximum number of fields is {self.max_fields}." ) self._current_part.file = None def on_end(self) -> None: pass async def parse(self) -> FormData: # Parse the Content-Type header to get the multipart boundary. _, params = parse_options_header(self.headers["Content-Type"]) charset = params.get(b"charset", "utf-8") if isinstance(charset, bytes): charset = charset.decode("latin-1") self._charset = charset try: boundary = params[b"boundary"] except KeyError as e: raise MultiPartException("Missing boundary in multipart.") from e # Callbacks dictionary. callbacks: multipart.multipart.MultipartCallbacks = { "on_part_begin": self.on_part_begin, "on_part_data": self.on_part_data, "on_part_end": self.on_part_end, "on_header_field": self.on_header_field, "on_header_value": self.on_header_value, "on_header_end": self.on_header_end, "on_headers_finished": self.on_headers_finished, "on_end": self.on_end, } # Create the parser. parser = multipart.MultipartParser(boundary, callbacks) try: # Feed the parser with data from the request. async for chunk in parser.write(chunk) # Write file data, it needs to use await with the UploadFile methods # that call the corresponding file methods *in a threadpool*, # otherwise, if they were called directly in the callback methods above # (regular, non-async functions), that would block the event loop in # the main thread. for part, data in self._file_parts_to_write: assert part.file # for type checkers # noqa: S101 await part.file.write(data) part.file.sha.update(data) # type: ignore if os.stat( > self.max_file_size: if self.upload_progress is not None: self.upload_progress.set_done(self.upload_id) # type: ignore raise MultiPartException( f"File size exceeded maximum allowed size of {self.max_file_size} bytes." ) for part in self._file_parts_to_finish: assert part.file # for type checkers # noqa: S101 await self._file_parts_to_write.clear() self._file_parts_to_finish.clear() except MultiPartException as exc: # Close all the files if there was an error. for file in self._files_to_close_on_error: file.close() Path( raise exc parser.finalize() if self.upload_progress is not None: self.upload_progress.set_done(self.upload_id) # type: ignore return FormData(self.items) def move_uploaded_files_to_cache(files: list[str], destinations: list[str]) -> None: for file, dest in zip(files, destinations): shutil.move(file, dest) def update_root_in_config(config: BlocksConfigDict, root: str) -> BlocksConfigDict: """ Updates the root "key" in the config dictionary to the new root url. If the root url has changed, all of the urls in the config that correspond to component file urls are updated to use the new root url. """ with config_lock: previous_root = config.get("root") if previous_root is None or previous_root != root: config["root"] = root config = processing_utils.add_root_url(config, root, previous_root) # type: ignore return config def compare_passwords_securely(input_password: str, correct_password: str) -> bool: return hmac.compare_digest(input_password.encode(), correct_password.encode()) def starts_with_protocol(string: str) -> bool: """This regex matches strings that start with a scheme (one or more characters not including colon, slash, or space) followed by ://, or start with just //, \\/, /\\, or \\ as they are interpreted as SMB paths on Windows. """ pattern = r"^(?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+\-.]*://|//|\\\\|\\/|/\\)" return re.match(pattern, string) is not None def get_hostname(url: str) -> str: """ Returns the hostname of a given url, or an empty string if the url cannot be parsed. Examples: get_hostname("") -> "" get_hostname("localhost:7860") -> "localhost" get_hostname("") -> "" """ if not url: return "" if "://" not in url: url = "http://" + url try: return urlparse(url).hostname or "" except Exception: return "" class CustomCORSMiddleware: # This is a modified version of the Starlette CORSMiddleware that restricts the allowed origins when the host is localhost. # Adapted from: def __init__( self, app: ASGIApp, ) -> None: = app self.all_methods = ("DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT") self.preflight_headers = { "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": ", ".join(self.all_methods), "Access-Control-Max-Age": str(600), "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true", } self.simple_headers = {"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true"} # Any of these hosts suggests that the Gradio app is running locally. # Note: "null" is a special case that happens if a Gradio app is running # as an embedded web component in a local static webpage. self.localhost_aliases = ["localhost", "", "", "null"] async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None: if scope["type"] != "http": await, receive, send) return headers = Headers(scope=scope) origin = headers.get("origin") if origin is None: await, receive, send) return if scope["method"] == "OPTIONS" and "access-control-request-method" in headers: response = self.preflight_response(request_headers=headers) await response(scope, receive, send) return await self.simple_response(scope, receive, send, request_headers=headers) def preflight_response(self, request_headers: Headers) -> Response: headers = dict(self.preflight_headers) origin = request_headers["Origin"] if self.is_valid_origin(request_headers): headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = origin requested_headers = request_headers.get("access-control-request-headers") if requested_headers is not None: headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = requested_headers return PlainTextResponse("OK", status_code=200, headers=headers) async def simple_response( self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send, request_headers: Headers ) -> None: send = functools.partial(self._send, send=send, request_headers=request_headers) await, receive, send) async def _send( self, message: Message, send: Send, request_headers: Headers ) -> None: if message["type"] != "http.response.start": await send(message) return message.setdefault("headers", []) headers = MutableHeaders(scope=message) headers.update(self.simple_headers) origin = request_headers["Origin"] if self.is_valid_origin(request_headers): self.allow_explicit_origin(headers, origin) await send(message) def is_valid_origin(self, request_headers: Headers) -> bool: origin = request_headers["Origin"] host = request_headers["Host"] host_name = get_hostname(host) origin_name = get_hostname(origin) return ( host_name not in self.localhost_aliases or origin_name in self.localhost_aliases ) @staticmethod def allow_explicit_origin(headers: MutableHeaders, origin: str) -> None: headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = origin headers.add_vary_header("Origin") def delete_files_created_by_app(blocks: Blocks, age: int | None) -> None: """Delete files that are older than age. If age is None, delete all files.""" dont_delete = set() for component in blocks.blocks.values(): dont_delete.update(getattr(component, "keep_in_cache", set())) for temp_set in blocks.temp_file_sets: # We use a copy of the set to avoid modifying the set while iterating over it # otherwise we would get an exception: Set changed size during iteration to_remove = set() for file in temp_set: if file in dont_delete: continue try: file_path = Path(file) modified_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(file_path.lstat().st_ctime) if age is None or ( - modified_time).seconds > age: os.remove(file) to_remove.add(file) except FileNotFoundError: continue temp_set -= to_remove async def delete_files_on_schedule(app: App, frequency: int, age: int) -> None: """Startup task to delete files created by the app based on time since last modification.""" while True: await asyncio.sleep(frequency) await anyio.to_thread.run_sync( delete_files_created_by_app, app.get_blocks(), age ) @asynccontextmanager async def _lifespan_handler( app: App, frequency: int = 1, age: int = 1 ) -> AsyncGenerator: """A context manager that triggers the startup and shutdown events of the app.""" asyncio.create_task(delete_files_on_schedule(app, frequency, age)) yield delete_files_created_by_app(app.get_blocks(), age=None) async def _delete_state(app: App): """Delete all expired state every second.""" while True: app.state_holder.delete_all_expired_state() await asyncio.sleep(1) @asynccontextmanager async def _delete_state_handler(app: App): """When the server launches, regularly delete expired state.""" # The stop event needs to get the current event loop for python 3.8 # but the loop parameter is deprecated for 3.8+ if sys.version_info < (3, 10): loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() app.stop_event = asyncio.Event(loop=loop) asyncio.create_task(_delete_state(app)) yield def create_lifespan_handler( user_lifespan: Callable[[App], AsyncContextManager] | None, frequency: int | None = 1, age: int | None = 1, ) -> Callable[[App], AsyncContextManager]: """Return a context manager that applies _lifespan_handler and user_lifespan if it exists.""" @asynccontextmanager async def _handler(app: App): async with AsyncExitStack() as stack: await stack.enter_async_context(_delete_state_handler(app)) if frequency and age: await stack.enter_async_context(_lifespan_handler(app, frequency, age)) if user_lifespan is not None: await stack.enter_async_context(user_lifespan(app)) yield return _handler