from __future__ import annotations import base64 import hashlib import json import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import warnings from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import aiofiles import httpx import numpy as np from gradio_client import utils as client_utils from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageSequence, PngImagePlugin from gradio import utils, wasm_utils from gradio.data_classes import FileData, GradioModel, GradioRootModel, JsonData from gradio.exceptions import Error from gradio.utils import abspath, get_upload_folder, is_in_or_equal with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # Ignore pydub warning if ffmpeg is not installed from pydub import AudioSegment if wasm_utils.IS_WASM: import pyodide.http # type: ignore import urllib3 # NOTE: In the Wasm env, we use urllib3 to make HTTP requests. See class Urllib3ResponseSyncByteStream(httpx.SyncByteStream): def __init__(self, response) -> None: self.response = response def __iter__(self): yield from class Urllib3Transport(httpx.BaseTransport): def __init__(self): self.pool = urllib3.PoolManager() def handle_request(self, request: httpx.Request) -> httpx.Response: url = str(request.url) method = str(request.method) headers = dict(request.headers) body = None if method in ["GET", "HEAD"] else response = self.pool.request( headers=headers, method=method, url=url, body=body, preload_content=False, # Stream the content ) return httpx.Response( status_code=response.status, headers=response.headers, stream=Urllib3ResponseSyncByteStream(response), ) sync_transport = Urllib3Transport() class PyodideHttpResponseAsyncByteStream(httpx.AsyncByteStream): def __init__(self, response) -> None: self.response = response async def __aiter__(self): yield await self.response.bytes() class PyodideHttpTransport(httpx.AsyncBaseTransport): async def handle_async_request( self, request: httpx.Request, ) -> httpx.Response: url = str(request.url) method = request.method headers = dict(request.headers) body = None if method in ["GET", "HEAD"] else await request.aread() response = await pyodide.http.pyfetch( url, method=method, headers=headers, body=body ) return httpx.Response( status_code=response.status, headers=response.headers, stream=PyodideHttpResponseAsyncByteStream(response), ) async_transport = PyodideHttpTransport() else: sync_transport = None async_transport = None sync_client = httpx.Client(transport=sync_transport) async_client = httpx.AsyncClient(transport=async_transport) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if TYPE_CHECKING: from gradio.blocks import Block ######################### # GENERAL ######################### def to_binary(x: str | dict) -> bytes: """Converts a base64 string or dictionary to a binary string that can be sent in a POST.""" if isinstance(x, dict): if x.get("data"): base64str = x["data"] else: base64str = client_utils.encode_url_or_file_to_base64(x["path"]) else: base64str = x return base64.b64decode(extract_base64_data(base64str)) def extract_base64_data(x: str) -> str: """Just extracts the base64 data from a general base64 string.""" return x.rsplit(",", 1)[-1] ######################### # IMAGE PRE-PROCESSING ######################### def encode_plot_to_base64(plt, format: str = "png"): fmt = format or "png" with BytesIO() as output_bytes: plt.savefig(output_bytes, format=fmt) bytes_data = output_bytes.getvalue() base64_str = str(base64.b64encode(bytes_data), "utf-8") return f"data:image/{format or 'png'};base64,{base64_str}" def get_pil_exif_bytes(pil_image): if "exif" in return["exif"] def get_pil_metadata(pil_image): # Copy any text-only metadata metadata = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo() for key, value in if isinstance(key, str) and isinstance(value, str): metadata.add_text(key, value) return metadata def encode_pil_to_bytes(pil_image, format="png"): with BytesIO() as output_bytes: if format.lower() == "gif": frames = [frame.copy() for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(pil_image)] frames[0].save( output_bytes, format=format, save_all=True, append_images=frames[1:], loop=0, ) else: if format.lower() == "png": params = {"pnginfo": get_pil_metadata(pil_image)} else: exif = get_pil_exif_bytes(pil_image) params = {"exif": exif} if exif else {}, format, **params) return output_bytes.getvalue() def hash_file(file_path: str | Path, chunk_num_blocks: int = 128) -> str: sha = hashlib.sha256() with open(file_path, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: * sha.block_size), b""): sha.update(chunk) return sha.hexdigest() def hash_url(url: str) -> str: sha = hashlib.sha256() sha.update(url.encode("utf-8")) return sha.hexdigest() def hash_bytes(bytes: bytes): sha = hashlib.sha256() sha.update(bytes) return sha.hexdigest() def hash_base64(base64_encoding: str, chunk_num_blocks: int = 128) -> str: sha = hashlib.sha256() for i in range(0, len(base64_encoding), chunk_num_blocks * sha.block_size): data = base64_encoding[i : i + chunk_num_blocks * sha.block_size] sha.update(data.encode("utf-8")) return sha.hexdigest() def save_pil_to_cache( img: Image.Image, cache_dir: str, name: str = "image", format: str = "webp", ) -> str: bytes_data = encode_pil_to_bytes(img, format) temp_dir = Path(cache_dir) / hash_bytes(bytes_data) temp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) filename = str((temp_dir / f"{name}.{format}").resolve()) (temp_dir / f"{name}.{format}").resolve().write_bytes(bytes_data) return filename def save_img_array_to_cache( arr: np.ndarray, cache_dir: str, format: str = "webp" ) -> str: pil_image = Image.fromarray(_convert(arr, np.uint8, force_copy=False)) return save_pil_to_cache(pil_image, cache_dir, format=format) def save_audio_to_cache( data: np.ndarray, sample_rate: int, format: str, cache_dir: str ) -> str: temp_dir = Path(cache_dir) / hash_bytes(data.tobytes()) temp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) filename = str((temp_dir / f"audio.{format}").resolve()) audio_to_file(sample_rate, data, filename, format=format) return filename def save_bytes_to_cache(data: bytes, file_name: str, cache_dir: str) -> str: path = Path(cache_dir) / hash_bytes(data) path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) path = path / Path(file_name).name path.write_bytes(data) return str(path.resolve()) def save_file_to_cache(file_path: str | Path, cache_dir: str) -> str: """Returns a temporary file path for a copy of the given file path if it does not already exist. Otherwise returns the path to the existing temp file.""" temp_dir = hash_file(file_path) temp_dir = Path(cache_dir) / temp_dir temp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) name = client_utils.strip_invalid_filename_characters(Path(file_path).name) full_temp_file_path = str(abspath(temp_dir / name)) if not Path(full_temp_file_path).exists(): shutil.copy2(file_path, full_temp_file_path) return full_temp_file_path def save_url_to_cache(url: str, cache_dir: str) -> str: """Downloads a file and makes a temporary file path for a copy if does not already exist. Otherwise returns the path to the existing temp file.""" temp_dir = hash_url(url) temp_dir = Path(cache_dir) / temp_dir temp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) name = client_utils.strip_invalid_filename_characters(Path(url).name) full_temp_file_path = str(abspath(temp_dir / name)) if not Path(full_temp_file_path).exists(): with"GET", url, follow_redirects=True) as r, open( full_temp_file_path, "wb" ) as f: for chunk in r.iter_raw(): f.write(chunk) return full_temp_file_path async def async_save_url_to_cache(url: str, cache_dir: str) -> str: """Downloads a file and makes a temporary file path for a copy if does not already exist. Otherwise returns the path to the existing temp file. Uses async httpx.""" temp_dir = hash_url(url) temp_dir = Path(cache_dir) / temp_dir temp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) name = client_utils.strip_invalid_filename_characters(Path(url).name) full_temp_file_path = str(abspath(temp_dir / name)) if not Path(full_temp_file_path).exists(): async with"GET", url, follow_redirects=True) as response: async with, "wb") as f: async for chunk in response.aiter_raw(): await f.write(chunk) return full_temp_file_path def save_base64_to_cache( base64_encoding: str, cache_dir: str, file_name: str | None = None ) -> str: """Converts a base64 encoding to a file and returns the path to the file if the file doesn't already exist. Otherwise returns the path to the existing file. """ temp_dir = hash_base64(base64_encoding) temp_dir = Path(cache_dir) / temp_dir temp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) guess_extension = client_utils.get_extension(base64_encoding) if file_name: file_name = client_utils.strip_invalid_filename_characters(file_name) elif guess_extension: file_name = f"file.{guess_extension}" else: file_name = "file" full_temp_file_path = str(abspath(temp_dir / file_name)) # type: ignore if not Path(full_temp_file_path).exists(): data, _ = client_utils.decode_base64_to_binary(base64_encoding) with open(full_temp_file_path, "wb") as fb: fb.write(data) return full_temp_file_path def move_resource_to_block_cache( url_or_file_path: str | Path | None, block: Block ) -> str | None: """This method has been replaced by Block.move_resource_to_block_cache(), but is left here for backwards compatibility for any custom components created in Gradio 4.2.0 or earlier. """ return block.move_resource_to_block_cache(url_or_file_path) def check_all_files_in_cache(data: JsonData): def _in_cache(d: dict): if ( (path := d.get("path", "")) and not client_utils.is_http_url_like(path) and not is_in_or_equal(path, get_upload_folder()) ): raise Error( f"File {path} is not in the cache folder and cannot be accessed." ) client_utils.traverse(data, _in_cache, client_utils.is_file_obj) def move_files_to_cache( data: Any, block: Block, postprocess: bool = False, check_in_upload_folder=False, keep_in_cache=False, ): """Move any files in `data` to cache and (optionally), adds URL prefixes (/file=...) needed to access the cached file. Also handles the case where the file is on an external Gradio app (/proxy=...). Runs after .postprocess() and before .preprocess(). Args: data: The input or output data for a component. Can be a dictionary or a dataclass block: The component whose data is being processed postprocess: Whether its running from postprocessing check_in_upload_folder: If True, instead of moving the file to cache, checks if the file is in already in cache (exception if not). keep_in_cache: If True, the file will not be deleted from cache when the server is shut down. """ def _move_to_cache(d: dict): payload = FileData(**d) # If the gradio app developer is returning a URL from # postprocess, it means the component can display a URL # without it being served from the gradio server # This makes it so that the URL is not downloaded and speeds up event processing if payload.url and postprocess and client_utils.is_http_url_like(payload.url): payload.path = payload.url elif utils.is_static_file(payload): pass elif not block.proxy_url: # If the file is on a remote server, do not move it to cache. if check_in_upload_folder and not client_utils.is_http_url_like( payload.path ): path = os.path.abspath(payload.path) if not is_in_or_equal(path, get_upload_folder()): raise ValueError( f"File {path} is not in the upload folder and cannot be accessed." ) if not payload.is_stream: temp_file_path = block.move_resource_to_block_cache(payload.path) if temp_file_path is None: raise ValueError("Did not determine a file path for the resource.") payload.path = temp_file_path if keep_in_cache: block.keep_in_cache.add(payload.path) url_prefix = "/stream/" if payload.is_stream else "/file=" if block.proxy_url: proxy_url = block.proxy_url.rstrip("/") url = f"/proxy={proxy_url}{url_prefix}{payload.path}" elif client_utils.is_http_url_like(payload.path) or payload.path.startswith( f"{url_prefix}" ): url = payload.path else: url = f"{url_prefix}{payload.path}" payload.url = url return payload.model_dump() if isinstance(data, (GradioRootModel, GradioModel)): data = data.model_dump() return client_utils.traverse(data, _move_to_cache, client_utils.is_file_obj) async def async_move_files_to_cache( data: Any, block: Block, postprocess: bool = False, check_in_upload_folder=False, keep_in_cache=False, ) -> dict: """Move any files in `data` to cache and (optionally), adds URL prefixes (/file=...) needed to access the cached file. Also handles the case where the file is on an external Gradio app (/proxy=...). Runs after .postprocess() and before .preprocess(). Args: data: The input or output data for a component. Can be a dictionary or a dataclass block: The component whose data is being processed postprocess: Whether its running from postprocessing check_in_upload_folder: If True, instead of moving the file to cache, checks if the file is in already in cache (exception if not). keep_in_cache: If True, the file will not be deleted from cache when the server is shut down. """ async def _move_to_cache(d: dict): payload = FileData(**d) # If the gradio app developer is returning a URL from # postprocess, it means the component can display a URL # without it being served from the gradio server # This makes it so that the URL is not downloaded and speeds up event processing if payload.url and postprocess and client_utils.is_http_url_like(payload.url): payload.path = payload.url elif utils.is_static_file(payload): pass elif not block.proxy_url: # If the file is on a remote server, do not move it to cache. if check_in_upload_folder and not client_utils.is_http_url_like( payload.path ): path = os.path.abspath(payload.path) if not is_in_or_equal(path, get_upload_folder()): raise ValueError( f"File {path} is not in the upload folder and cannot be accessed." ) if not payload.is_stream: temp_file_path = await block.async_move_resource_to_block_cache( payload.path ) if temp_file_path is None: raise ValueError("Did not determine a file path for the resource.") payload.path = temp_file_path if keep_in_cache: block.keep_in_cache.add(payload.path) url_prefix = "/stream/" if payload.is_stream else "/file=" if block.proxy_url: proxy_url = block.proxy_url.rstrip("/") url = f"/proxy={proxy_url}{url_prefix}{payload.path}" elif client_utils.is_http_url_like(payload.path) or payload.path.startswith( f"{url_prefix}" ): url = payload.path else: url = f"{url_prefix}{payload.path}" payload.url = url return payload.model_dump() if isinstance(data, (GradioRootModel, GradioModel)): data = data.model_dump() return await client_utils.async_traverse( data, _move_to_cache, client_utils.is_file_obj ) def add_root_url(data: dict | list, root_url: str, previous_root_url: str | None): def _add_root_url(file_dict: dict): if previous_root_url and file_dict["url"].startswith(previous_root_url): file_dict["url"] = file_dict["url"][len(previous_root_url) :] elif client_utils.is_http_url_like(file_dict["url"]): return file_dict file_dict["url"] = f'{root_url}{file_dict["url"]}' return file_dict return client_utils.traverse(data, _add_root_url, client_utils.is_file_obj_with_url) def resize_and_crop(img, size, crop_type="center"): """ Resize and crop an image to fit the specified size. args: size: `(width, height)` tuple. Pass `None` for either width or height to only crop and resize the other. crop_type: can be 'top', 'middle' or 'bottom', depending on this value, the image will cropped getting the 'top/left', 'middle' or 'bottom/right' of the image to fit the size. raises: ValueError: if an invalid `crop_type` is provided. """ if crop_type == "top": center = (0, 0) elif crop_type == "center": center = (0.5, 0.5) else: raise ValueError resize = list(size) if size[0] is None: resize[0] = img.size[0] if size[1] is None: resize[1] = img.size[1] return, resize, centering=center) # type: ignore ################## # Audio ################## def audio_from_file(filename, crop_min=0, crop_max=100): try: audio = AudioSegment.from_file(filename) except FileNotFoundError as e: isfile = Path(filename).is_file() msg = ( f"Cannot load audio from file: `{'ffprobe' if isfile else filename}` not found." + " Please install `ffmpeg` in your system to use non-WAV audio file formats" " and make sure `ffprobe` is in your PATH." if isfile else "" ) raise RuntimeError(msg) from e if crop_min != 0 or crop_max != 100: audio_start = len(audio) * crop_min / 100 audio_end = len(audio) * crop_max / 100 audio = audio[audio_start:audio_end] data = np.array(audio.get_array_of_samples()) if audio.channels > 1: data = data.reshape(-1, audio.channels) return audio.frame_rate, data def audio_to_file(sample_rate, data, filename, format="wav"): if format == "wav": data = convert_to_16_bit_wav(data) audio = AudioSegment( data.tobytes(), frame_rate=sample_rate, sample_width=data.dtype.itemsize, channels=(1 if len(data.shape) == 1 else data.shape[1]), ) file = audio.export(filename, format=format) file.close() # type: ignore def convert_to_16_bit_wav(data): # Based on: warning = "Trying to convert audio automatically from {} to 16-bit int format." if data.dtype in [np.float64, np.float32, np.float16]: warnings.warn(warning.format(data.dtype)) data = data / np.abs(data).max() data = data * 32767 data = data.astype(np.int16) elif data.dtype == np.int32: warnings.warn(warning.format(data.dtype)) data = data / 65536 data = data.astype(np.int16) elif data.dtype == np.int16: pass elif data.dtype == np.uint16: warnings.warn(warning.format(data.dtype)) data = data - 32768 data = data.astype(np.int16) elif data.dtype == np.uint8: warnings.warn(warning.format(data.dtype)) data = data * 257 - 32768 data = data.astype(np.int16) elif data.dtype == np.int8: warnings.warn(warning.format(data.dtype)) data = data * 256 data = data.astype(np.int16) else: raise ValueError( "Audio data cannot be converted automatically from " f"{data.dtype} to 16-bit int format." ) return data ################## # OUTPUT ################## def _convert(image, dtype, force_copy=False, uniform=False): """ Adapted from: Convert an image to the requested data-type. Warnings are issued in case of precision loss, or when negative values are clipped during conversion to unsigned integer types (sign loss). Floating point values are expected to be normalized and will be clipped to the range [0.0, 1.0] or [-1.0, 1.0] when converting to unsigned or signed integers respectively. Numbers are not shifted to the negative side when converting from unsigned to signed integer types. Negative values will be clipped when converting to unsigned integers. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Input image. dtype : dtype Target data-type. force_copy : bool, optional Force a copy of the data, irrespective of its current dtype. uniform : bool, optional Uniformly quantize the floating point range to the integer range. By default (uniform=False) floating point values are scaled and rounded to the nearest integers, which minimizes back and forth conversion errors. .. versionchanged :: 0.15 ``_convert`` no longer warns about possible precision or sign information loss. See discussions on these warnings at: References ---------- .. [1] DirectX data conversion rules. .. [2] Data Conversions. In "OpenGL ES 2.0 Specification v2.0.25", pp 7-8. Khronos Group, 2010. .. [3] Proper treatment of pixels as integers. A.W. Paeth. In "Graphics Gems I", pp 249-256. Morgan Kaufmann, 1990. .. [4] Dirty Pixels. J. Blinn. In "Jim Blinn's corner: Dirty Pixels", pp 47-57. Morgan Kaufmann, 1998. """ dtype_range = { bool: (False, True), np.bool_: (False, True), float: (-1, 1), np.float16: (-1, 1), np.float32: (-1, 1), np.float64: (-1, 1), } if hasattr(np, "float_"): dtype_range[np.float_] = dtype_range[float] # type: ignore if hasattr(np, "bool8"): dtype_range[np.bool8] = dtype_range[np.bool_] # type: ignore def _dtype_itemsize(itemsize, *dtypes): """Return first of `dtypes` with itemsize greater than `itemsize` Parameters ---------- itemsize: int The data type object element size. Other Parameters ---------------- *dtypes: Any Object accepted by `np.dtype` to be converted to a data type object Returns ------- dtype: data type object First of `dtypes` with itemsize greater than `itemsize`. """ return next(dt for dt in dtypes if np.dtype(dt).itemsize >= itemsize) def _dtype_bits(kind, bits, itemsize=1): """Return dtype of `kind` that can store a `bits` wide unsigned int Parameters: kind: str Data type kind. bits: int Desired number of bits. itemsize: int The data type object element size. Returns ------- dtype: data type object Data type of `kind` that can store a `bits` wide unsigned int """ s = next( i for i in (itemsize,) + (2, 4, 8) if bits < (i * 8) or (bits == (i * 8) and kind == "u") ) return np.dtype(kind + str(s)) def _scale(a, n, m, copy=True): """Scale an array of unsigned/positive integers from `n` to `m` bits. Numbers can be represented exactly only if `m` is a multiple of `n`. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Input image array. n : int Number of bits currently used to encode the values in `a`. m : int Desired number of bits to encode the values in `out`. copy : bool, optional If True, allocates and returns new array. Otherwise, modifies `a` in place. Returns ------- out : array Output image array. Has the same kind as `a`. """ kind = a.dtype.kind if n > m and a.max() < 2**m: return a.astype(_dtype_bits(kind, m)) elif n == m: return a.copy() if copy else a elif n > m: # downscale with precision loss if copy: b = np.empty(a.shape, _dtype_bits(kind, m)) np.floor_divide(a, 2 ** (n - m), out=b, dtype=a.dtype, casting="unsafe") return b else: a //= 2 ** (n - m) return a elif m % n == 0: # exact upscale to a multiple of `n` bits if copy: b = np.empty(a.shape, _dtype_bits(kind, m)) np.multiply(a, (2**m - 1) // (2**n - 1), out=b, dtype=b.dtype) return b else: a = a.astype(_dtype_bits(kind, m, a.dtype.itemsize), copy=False) a *= (2**m - 1) // (2**n - 1) return a else: # upscale to a multiple of `n` bits, # then downscale with precision loss o = (m // n + 1) * n if copy: b = np.empty(a.shape, _dtype_bits(kind, o)) np.multiply(a, (2**o - 1) // (2**n - 1), out=b, dtype=b.dtype) b //= 2 ** (o - m) return b else: a = a.astype(_dtype_bits(kind, o, a.dtype.itemsize), copy=False) a *= (2**o - 1) // (2**n - 1) a //= 2 ** (o - m) return a image = np.asarray(image) dtypeobj_in = image.dtype dtypeobj_out = np.dtype("float64") if dtype is np.floating else np.dtype(dtype) dtype_in = dtypeobj_in.type dtype_out = dtypeobj_out.type kind_in = dtypeobj_in.kind kind_out = dtypeobj_out.kind itemsize_in = dtypeobj_in.itemsize itemsize_out = dtypeobj_out.itemsize # Below, we do an `issubdtype` check. Its purpose is to find out # whether we can get away without doing any image conversion. This happens # when: # # - the output and input dtypes are the same or # - when the output is specified as a type, and the input dtype # is a subclass of that type (e.g. `np.floating` will allow # `float32` and `float64` arrays through) if hasattr(np, "obj2sctype"): is_subdtype = np.issubdtype(dtype_in, np.obj2sctype(dtype)) else: is_subdtype = np.issubdtype(dtype_in, dtypeobj_out.type) if is_subdtype: if force_copy: image = image.copy() return image if kind_in in "ui": imin_in = np.iinfo(dtype_in).min imax_in = np.iinfo(dtype_in).max if kind_out in "ui": imin_out = np.iinfo(dtype_out).min # type: ignore imax_out = np.iinfo(dtype_out).max # type: ignore # any -> binary if kind_out == "b": return image > dtype_in(dtype_range[dtype_in][1] / 2) # binary -> any if kind_in == "b": result = image.astype(dtype_out) if kind_out != "f": result *= dtype_out(dtype_range[dtype_out][1]) return result # float -> any if kind_in == "f": if kind_out == "f": # float -> float return image.astype(dtype_out) if np.min(image) < -1.0 or np.max(image) > 1.0: raise ValueError("Images of type float must be between -1 and 1.") # floating point -> integer # use float type that can represent output integer type computation_type = _dtype_itemsize( itemsize_out, dtype_in, np.float32, np.float64 ) if not uniform: if kind_out == "u": image_out = np.multiply(image, imax_out, dtype=computation_type) # type: ignore else: image_out = np.multiply( image, (imax_out - imin_out) / 2, # type: ignore dtype=computation_type, ) image_out -= 1.0 / 2.0 np.rint(image_out, out=image_out) np.clip(image_out, imin_out, imax_out, out=image_out) # type: ignore elif kind_out == "u": image_out = np.multiply(image, imax_out + 1, dtype=computation_type) # type: ignore np.clip(image_out, 0, imax_out, out=image_out) # type: ignore else: image_out = np.multiply( image, (imax_out - imin_out + 1.0) / 2.0, # type: ignore dtype=computation_type, ) np.floor(image_out, out=image_out) np.clip(image_out, imin_out, imax_out, out=image_out) # type: ignore return image_out.astype(dtype_out) # signed/unsigned int -> float if kind_out == "f": # use float type that can exactly represent input integers computation_type = _dtype_itemsize( itemsize_in, dtype_out, np.float32, np.float64 ) if kind_in == "u": # using np.divide or np.multiply doesn't copy the data # until the computation time image = np.multiply(image, 1.0 / imax_in, dtype=computation_type) # type: ignore # DirectX uses this conversion also for signed ints # if imin_in: # np.maximum(image, -1.0, out=image) else: image = np.add(image, 0.5, dtype=computation_type) image *= 2 / (imax_in - imin_in) # type: ignore return np.asarray(image, dtype_out) # unsigned int -> signed/unsigned int if kind_in == "u": if kind_out == "i": # unsigned int -> signed int image = _scale(image, 8 * itemsize_in, 8 * itemsize_out - 1) return image.view(dtype_out) else: # unsigned int -> unsigned int return _scale(image, 8 * itemsize_in, 8 * itemsize_out) # signed int -> unsigned int if kind_out == "u": image = _scale(image, 8 * itemsize_in - 1, 8 * itemsize_out) result = np.empty(image.shape, dtype_out) np.maximum(image, 0, out=result, dtype=image.dtype, casting="unsafe") return result # signed int -> signed int if itemsize_in > itemsize_out: return _scale(image, 8 * itemsize_in - 1, 8 * itemsize_out - 1) image = image.astype(_dtype_bits("i", itemsize_out * 8)) image -= imin_in # type: ignore image = _scale(image, 8 * itemsize_in, 8 * itemsize_out, copy=False) image += imin_out # type: ignore return image.astype(dtype_out) def ffmpeg_installed() -> bool: if wasm_utils.IS_WASM: # TODO: Support ffmpeg in WASM return False return shutil.which("ffmpeg") is not None def video_is_playable(video_filepath: str) -> bool: """Determines if a video is playable in the browser. A video is playable if it has a playable container and codec. .mp4 -> h264 .webm -> vp9 .ogg -> theora """ from ffmpy import FFprobe, FFRuntimeError try: container = Path(video_filepath).suffix.lower() probe = FFprobe( global_options="-show_format -show_streams -select_streams v -print_format json", inputs={video_filepath: None}, ) output =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = json.loads(output[0]) video_codec = output["streams"][0]["codec_name"] return (container, video_codec) in [ (".mp4", "h264"), (".ogg", "theora"), (".webm", "vp9"), ] # If anything goes wrong, assume the video can be played to not convert downstream except (FFRuntimeError, IndexError, KeyError): return True def convert_video_to_playable_mp4(video_path: str) -> str: """Convert the video to mp4. If something goes wrong return the original video.""" from ffmpy import FFmpeg, FFRuntimeError try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp_file: output_path = Path(video_path).with_suffix(".mp4") shutil.copy2(video_path, # ffmpeg will automatically use h264 codec (playable in browser) when converting to mp4 ff = FFmpeg( inputs={str( None}, outputs={str(output_path): None}, global_options="-y -loglevel quiet", ) except FFRuntimeError as e: print(f"Error converting video to browser-playable format {str(e)}") output_path = video_path finally: # Remove temp file os.remove( # type: ignore return str(output_path) def get_video_length(video_path: str | Path): if wasm_utils.IS_WASM: raise wasm_utils.WasmUnsupportedError( "Video duration is not supported in the Wasm mode." ) duration = subprocess.check_output( [ "ffprobe", "-i", str(video_path), "-show_entries", "format=duration", "-v", "quiet", "-of", "csv={}".format("p=0"), ] ) duration_str = duration.decode("utf-8").strip() duration_float = float(duration_str) return duration_float