import atexit import os import re import subprocess import threading import time from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, TypedDict, Union from urllib.parse import urlparse from huggingface_hub import constants from huggingface_hub.repocard import metadata_load, metadata_save from .hf_api import HfApi, repo_type_and_id_from_hf_id from .lfs import LFS_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_COMMAND from .utils import ( SoftTemporaryDirectory, get_token, logging, run_subprocess, tqdm, validate_hf_hub_args, ) from .utils._deprecation import _deprecate_method logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) class CommandInProgress: """ Utility to follow commands launched asynchronously. """ def __init__( self, title: str, is_done_method: Callable, status_method: Callable, process: subprocess.Popen, post_method: Optional[Callable] = None, ): self.title = title self._is_done = is_done_method self._status = status_method self._process = process self._stderr = "" self._stdout = "" self._post_method = post_method @property def is_done(self) -> bool: """ Whether the process is done. """ result = self._is_done() if result and self._post_method is not None: self._post_method() self._post_method = None return result @property def status(self) -> int: """ The exit code/status of the current action. Will return `0` if the command has completed successfully, and a number between 1 and 255 if the process errored-out. Will return -1 if the command is still ongoing. """ return self._status() @property def failed(self) -> bool: """ Whether the process errored-out. """ return self.status > 0 @property def stderr(self) -> str: """ The current output message on the standard error. """ if self._process.stderr is not None: self._stderr += return self._stderr @property def stdout(self) -> str: """ The current output message on the standard output. """ if self._process.stdout is not None: self._stdout += return self._stdout def __repr__(self): status = self.status if status == -1: status = "running" return ( f"[{self.title} command, status code: {status}," f" {'in progress.' if not self.is_done else 'finished.'} PID:" f" {}]" ) def is_git_repo(folder: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: """ Check if the folder is the root or part of a git repository Args: folder (`str`): The folder in which to run the command. Returns: `bool`: `True` if the repository is part of a repository, `False` otherwise. """ folder_exists = os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, ".git")) git_branch ="git branch".split(), cwd=folder, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return folder_exists and git_branch.returncode == 0 def is_local_clone(folder: Union[str, Path], remote_url: str) -> bool: """ Check if the folder is a local clone of the remote_url Args: folder (`str` or `Path`): The folder in which to run the command. remote_url (`str`): The url of a git repository. Returns: `bool`: `True` if the repository is a local clone of the remote repository specified, `False` otherwise. """ if not is_git_repo(folder): return False remotes = run_subprocess("git remote -v", folder).stdout # Remove token for the test with remotes. remote_url = re.sub(r"https://.*@", "https://", remote_url) remotes = [re.sub(r"https://.*@", "https://", remote) for remote in remotes.split()] return remote_url in remotes def is_tracked_with_lfs(filename: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: """ Check if the file passed is tracked with git-lfs. Args: filename (`str` or `Path`): The filename to check. Returns: `bool`: `True` if the file passed is tracked with git-lfs, `False` otherwise. """ folder = Path(filename).parent filename = Path(filename).name try: p = run_subprocess("git check-attr -a".split() + [filename], folder) attributes = p.stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if not is_git_repo(folder): return False else: raise OSError(exc.stderr) if len(attributes) == 0: return False found_lfs_tag = {"diff": False, "merge": False, "filter": False} for attribute in attributes.split("\n"): for tag in found_lfs_tag.keys(): if tag in attribute and "lfs" in attribute: found_lfs_tag[tag] = True return all(found_lfs_tag.values()) def is_git_ignored(filename: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: """ Check if file is git-ignored. Supports nested .gitignore files. Args: filename (`str` or `Path`): The filename to check. Returns: `bool`: `True` if the file passed is ignored by `git`, `False` otherwise. """ folder = Path(filename).parent filename = Path(filename).name try: p = run_subprocess("git check-ignore".split() + [filename], folder, check=False) # Will return exit code 1 if not gitignored is_ignored = not bool(p.returncode) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise OSError(exc.stderr) return is_ignored def is_binary_file(filename: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: """ Check if file is a binary file. Args: filename (`str` or `Path`): The filename to check. Returns: `bool`: `True` if the file passed is a binary file, `False` otherwise. """ try: with open(filename, "rb") as f: content = * (1024**2)) # Read a maximum of 10MB # Code sample taken from the following stack overflow thread # text_chars = bytearray({7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 27} | set(range(0x20, 0x100)) - {0x7F}) return bool(content.translate(None, text_chars)) except UnicodeDecodeError: return True def files_to_be_staged(pattern: str = ".", folder: Union[str, Path, None] = None) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of filenames that are to be staged. Args: pattern (`str` or `Path`): The pattern of filenames to check. Put `.` to get all files. folder (`str` or `Path`): The folder in which to run the command. Returns: `List[str]`: List of files that are to be staged. """ try: p = run_subprocess("git ls-files --exclude-standard -mo".split() + [pattern], folder) if len(p.stdout.strip()): files = p.stdout.strip().split("\n") else: files = [] except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) return files def is_tracked_upstream(folder: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: """ Check if the current checked-out branch is tracked upstream. Args: folder (`str` or `Path`): The folder in which to run the command. Returns: `bool`: `True` if the current checked-out branch is tracked upstream, `False` otherwise. """ try: run_subprocess("git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --abbrev-ref @{u}", folder) return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if "HEAD" in exc.stderr: raise OSError("No branch checked out") return False def commits_to_push(folder: Union[str, Path], upstream: Optional[str] = None) -> int: """ Check the number of commits that would be pushed upstream Args: folder (`str` or `Path`): The folder in which to run the command. upstream (`str`, *optional*): The name of the upstream repository with which the comparison should be made. Returns: `int`: Number of commits that would be pushed upstream were a `git push` to proceed. """ try: result = run_subprocess(f"git cherry -v {upstream or ''}", folder) return len(result.stdout.split("\n")) - 1 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) class PbarT(TypedDict): # Used to store an opened progress bar in `_lfs_log_progress` bar: tqdm past_bytes: int @contextmanager def _lfs_log_progress(): """ This is a context manager that will log the Git LFS progress of cleaning, smudging, pulling and pushing. """ if logger.getEffectiveLevel() >= logging.ERROR: try: yield except Exception: pass return def output_progress(stopping_event: threading.Event): """ To be launched as a separate thread with an event meaning it should stop the tail. """ # Key is tuple(state, filename), value is a dict(tqdm bar and a previous value) pbars: Dict[Tuple[str, str], PbarT] = {} def close_pbars(): for pbar in pbars.values(): pbar["bar"].update(pbar["bar"].total - pbar["past_bytes"]) pbar["bar"].refresh() pbar["bar"].close() def tail_file(filename) -> Iterator[str]: """ Creates a generator to be iterated through, which will return each line one by one. Will stop tailing the file if the stopping_event is set. """ with open(filename, "r") as file: current_line = "" while True: if stopping_event.is_set(): close_pbars() break line_bit = file.readline() if line_bit is not None and not len(line_bit.strip()) == 0: current_line += line_bit if current_line.endswith("\n"): yield current_line current_line = "" else: time.sleep(1) # If the file isn't created yet, wait for a few seconds before trying again. # Can be interrupted with the stopping_event. while not os.path.exists(os.environ["GIT_LFS_PROGRESS"]): if stopping_event.is_set(): close_pbars() return time.sleep(2) for line in tail_file(os.environ["GIT_LFS_PROGRESS"]): try: state, file_progress, byte_progress, filename = line.split() except ValueError as error: # Try/except to ease debugging. See raise ValueError(f"Cannot unpack LFS progress line:\n{line}") from error description = f"{state.capitalize()} file {filename}" current_bytes, total_bytes = byte_progress.split("/") current_bytes_int = int(current_bytes) total_bytes_int = int(total_bytes) pbar = pbars.get((state, filename)) if pbar is None: # Initialize progress bar pbars[(state, filename)] = { "bar": tqdm( desc=description, initial=current_bytes_int, total=total_bytes_int, unit="B", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, name="huggingface_hub.lfs_upload", ), "past_bytes": int(current_bytes), } else: # Update progress bar pbar["bar"].update(current_bytes_int - pbar["past_bytes"]) pbar["past_bytes"] = current_bytes_int current_lfs_progress_value = os.environ.get("GIT_LFS_PROGRESS", "") with SoftTemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: os.environ["GIT_LFS_PROGRESS"] = os.path.join(tmpdir, "lfs_progress") logger.debug(f"Following progress in {os.environ['GIT_LFS_PROGRESS']}") exit_event = threading.Event() x = threading.Thread(target=output_progress, args=(exit_event,), daemon=True) x.start() try: yield finally: exit_event.set() x.join() os.environ["GIT_LFS_PROGRESS"] = current_lfs_progress_value class Repository: """ Helper class to wrap the git and git-lfs commands. The aim is to facilitate interacting with hosted model or dataset repos, though not a lot here (if any) is actually specific to [`Repository`] is deprecated in favor of the http-based alternatives implemented in [`HfApi`]. Given its large adoption in legacy code, the complete removal of [`Repository`] will only happen in release `v1.0`. For more details, please read """ command_queue: List[CommandInProgress] @validate_hf_hub_args @_deprecate_method( version="1.0", message=( "Please prefer the http-based alternatives instead. Given its large adoption in legacy code, the complete" " removal is only planned on next major release.\nFor more details, please read" "" ), ) def __init__( self, local_dir: Union[str, Path], clone_from: Optional[str] = None, repo_type: Optional[str] = None, token: Union[bool, str] = True, git_user: Optional[str] = None, git_email: Optional[str] = None, revision: Optional[str] = None, skip_lfs_files: bool = False, client: Optional[HfApi] = None, ): """ Instantiate a local clone of a git repo. If `clone_from` is set, the repo will be cloned from an existing remote repository. If the remote repo does not exist, a `EnvironmentError` exception will be thrown. Please create the remote repo first using [`create_repo`]. `Repository` uses the local git credentials by default. If explicitly set, the `token` or the `git_user`/`git_email` pair will be used instead. Args: local_dir (`str` or `Path`): path (e.g. `'my_trained_model/'`) to the local directory, where the `Repository` will be initialized. clone_from (`str`, *optional*): Either a repository url or `repo_id`. Example: - `""` - `"philschmid/playground-tests"` repo_type (`str`, *optional*): To set when cloning a repo from a repo_id. Default is model. token (`bool` or `str`, *optional*): A valid authentication token (see If `None` or `True` and machine is logged in (through `huggingface-cli login` or [`~huggingface_hub.login`]), token will be retrieved from the cache. If `False`, token is not sent in the request header. git_user (`str`, *optional*): will override the `git config` for committing and pushing files to the hub. git_email (`str`, *optional*): will override the `git config` for committing and pushing files to the hub. revision (`str`, *optional*): Revision to checkout after initializing the repository. If the revision doesn't exist, a branch will be created with that revision name from the default branch's current HEAD. skip_lfs_files (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): whether to skip git-LFS files or not. client (`HfApi`, *optional*): Instance of [`HfApi`] to use when calling the HF Hub API. A new instance will be created if this is left to `None`. Raises: [`EnvironmentError`]( If the remote repository set in `clone_from` does not exist. """ if isinstance(local_dir, Path): local_dir = str(local_dir) os.makedirs(local_dir, exist_ok=True) self.local_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), local_dir) self._repo_type = repo_type self.command_queue = [] self.skip_lfs_files = skip_lfs_files self.client = client if client is not None else HfApi() self.check_git_versions() if isinstance(token, str): self.huggingface_token: Optional[str] = token elif token is False: self.huggingface_token = None else: # if `True` -> explicit use of the cached token # if `None` -> implicit use of the cached token self.huggingface_token = get_token() if clone_from is not None: self.clone_from(repo_url=clone_from) else: if is_git_repo(self.local_dir): logger.debug("[Repository] is a valid git repo") else: raise ValueError("If not specifying `clone_from`, you need to pass Repository a valid git clone.") if self.huggingface_token is not None and (git_email is None or git_user is None): user = self.client.whoami(self.huggingface_token) if git_email is None: git_email = user.get("email") if git_user is None: git_user = user.get("fullname") if git_user is not None or git_email is not None: self.git_config_username_and_email(git_user, git_email) self.lfs_enable_largefiles() self.git_credential_helper_store() if revision is not None: self.git_checkout(revision, create_branch_ok=True) # This ensures that all commands exit before exiting the Python runtime. # This will ensure all pushes register on the hub, even if other errors happen in subsequent operations. atexit.register(self.wait_for_commands) @property def current_branch(self) -> str: """ Returns the current checked out branch. Returns: `str`: Current checked out branch. """ try: result = run_subprocess("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", self.local_dir).stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) return result def check_git_versions(self): """ Checks that `git` and `git-lfs` can be run. Raises: [`EnvironmentError`]( If `git` or `git-lfs` are not installed. """ try: git_version = run_subprocess("git --version", self.local_dir).stdout.strip() except FileNotFoundError: raise EnvironmentError("Looks like you do not have git installed, please install.") try: lfs_version = run_subprocess("git-lfs --version", self.local_dir).stdout.strip() except FileNotFoundError: raise EnvironmentError( "Looks like you do not have git-lfs installed, please install." " You can install from" " Then run `git lfs install` (you only have to do this once)." ) + "\n" + lfs_version) @validate_hf_hub_args def clone_from(self, repo_url: str, token: Union[bool, str, None] = None): """ Clone from a remote. If the folder already exists, will try to clone the repository within it. If this folder is a git repository with linked history, will try to update the repository. Args: repo_url (`str`): The URL from which to clone the repository token (`Union[str, bool]`, *optional*): Whether to use the authentication token. It can be: - a string which is the token itself - `False`, which would not use the authentication token - `True`, which would fetch the authentication token from the local folder and use it (you should be logged in for this to work). - `None`, which would retrieve the value of `self.huggingface_token`. Raises the following error: - [`ValueError`]( if an organization token (starts with "api_org") is passed. Use must use your own personal access token (see - [`EnvironmentError`]( if you are trying to clone the repository in a non-empty folder, or if the `git` operations raise errors. """ token = ( token # str -> use it if isinstance(token, str) else ( None # `False` -> explicit no token if token is False else self.huggingface_token # `None` or `True` -> use default ) ) if token is not None and token.startswith("api_org"): raise ValueError( "You must use your personal access token, not an Organization token" " (see" ) hub_url = self.client.endpoint if hub_url in repo_url or ("http" not in repo_url and len(repo_url.split("/")) <= 2): repo_type, namespace, repo_name = repo_type_and_id_from_hf_id(repo_url, hub_url=hub_url) repo_id = f"{namespace}/{repo_name}" if namespace is not None else repo_name if repo_type is not None: self._repo_type = repo_type repo_url = hub_url + "/" if self._repo_type in constants.REPO_TYPES_URL_PREFIXES: repo_url += constants.REPO_TYPES_URL_PREFIXES[self._repo_type] if token is not None: # Add token in git url when provided scheme = urlparse(repo_url).scheme repo_url = repo_url.replace(f"{scheme}://", f"{scheme}://user:{token}@") repo_url += repo_id # For error messages, it's cleaner to show the repo url without the token. clean_repo_url = re.sub(r"(https?)://.*@", r"\1://", repo_url) try: run_subprocess("git lfs install", self.local_dir) # checks if repository is initialized in a empty repository or in one with files if len(os.listdir(self.local_dir)) == 0: logger.warning(f"Cloning {clean_repo_url} into local empty directory.") with _lfs_log_progress(): env = os.environ.copy() if self.skip_lfs_files: env.update({"GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE": "1"}) run_subprocess( # 'git lfs clone' is deprecated (will display a warning in the terminal) # but we still use it as it provides a nicer UX when downloading large # files (shows progress). f"{'git clone' if self.skip_lfs_files else 'git lfs clone'} {repo_url} .", self.local_dir, env=env, ) else: # Check if the folder is the root of a git repository if not is_git_repo(self.local_dir): raise EnvironmentError( "Tried to clone a repository in a non-empty folder that isn't" f" a git repository ('{self.local_dir}'). If you really want to" f" do this, do it manually:\n cd {self.local_dir} && git init" " && git remote add origin && git pull origin main\n or clone" " repo to a new folder and move your existing files there" " afterwards." ) if is_local_clone(self.local_dir, repo_url): logger.warning( f"{self.local_dir} is already a clone of {clean_repo_url}." " Make sure you pull the latest changes with" " `repo.git_pull()`." ) else: output = run_subprocess("git remote get-url origin", self.local_dir, check=False) error_msg = ( f"Tried to clone {clean_repo_url} in an unrelated git" " repository.\nIf you believe this is an error, please add" f" a remote with the following URL: {clean_repo_url}." ) if output.returncode == 0: clean_local_remote_url = re.sub(r"https://.*@", "https://", output.stdout) error_msg += f"\nLocal path has its origin defined as: {clean_local_remote_url}" raise EnvironmentError(error_msg) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def git_config_username_and_email(self, git_user: Optional[str] = None, git_email: Optional[str] = None): """ Sets git username and email (only in the current repo). Args: git_user (`str`, *optional*): The username to register through `git`. git_email (`str`, *optional*): The email to register through `git`. """ try: if git_user is not None: run_subprocess("git config".split() + [git_user], self.local_dir) if git_email is not None: run_subprocess(f"git config {git_email}".split(), self.local_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def git_credential_helper_store(self): """ Sets the git credential helper to `store` """ try: run_subprocess("git config credential.helper store", self.local_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def git_head_hash(self) -> str: """ Get commit sha on top of HEAD. Returns: `str`: The current checked out commit SHA. """ try: p = run_subprocess("git rev-parse HEAD", self.local_dir) return p.stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def git_remote_url(self) -> str: """ Get URL to origin remote. Returns: `str`: The URL of the `origin` remote. """ try: p = run_subprocess("git config --get remote.origin.url", self.local_dir) url = p.stdout.strip() # Strip basic auth info. return re.sub(r"https://.*@", "https://", url) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def git_head_commit_url(self) -> str: """ Get URL to last commit on HEAD. We assume it's been pushed, and the url scheme is the same one as for GitHub or HuggingFace. Returns: `str`: The URL to the current checked-out commit. """ sha = self.git_head_hash() url = self.git_remote_url() if url.endswith("/"): url = url[:-1] return f"{url}/commit/{sha}" def list_deleted_files(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of the files that are deleted in the working directory or index. Returns: `List[str]`: A list of files that have been deleted in the working directory or index. """ try: git_status = run_subprocess("git status -s", self.local_dir).stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) if len(git_status) == 0: return [] # Receives a status like the following # D .gitignore # D new_file.json # AD new_file1.json # ?? new_file2.json # ?? new_file4.json # Strip each line of whitespaces modified_files_statuses = [status.strip() for status in git_status.split("\n")] # Only keep files that are deleted using the D prefix deleted_files_statuses = [status for status in modified_files_statuses if "D" in status.split()[0]] # Remove the D prefix and strip to keep only the relevant filename deleted_files = [status.split()[-1].strip() for status in deleted_files_statuses] return deleted_files def lfs_track(self, patterns: Union[str, List[str]], filename: bool = False): """ Tell git-lfs to track files according to a pattern. Setting the `filename` argument to `True` will treat the arguments as literal filenames, not as patterns. Any special glob characters in the filename will be escaped when writing to the `.gitattributes` file. Args: patterns (`Union[str, List[str]]`): The pattern, or list of patterns, to track with git-lfs. filename (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to use the patterns as literal filenames. """ if isinstance(patterns, str): patterns = [patterns] try: for pattern in patterns: run_subprocess( f"git lfs track {'--filename' if filename else ''} {pattern}", self.local_dir, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def lfs_untrack(self, patterns: Union[str, List[str]]): """ Tell git-lfs to untrack those files. Args: patterns (`Union[str, List[str]]`): The pattern, or list of patterns, to untrack with git-lfs. """ if isinstance(patterns, str): patterns = [patterns] try: for pattern in patterns: run_subprocess("git lfs untrack".split() + [pattern], self.local_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def lfs_enable_largefiles(self): """ HF-specific. This enables upload support of files >5GB. """ try: lfs_config = "git config lfs.customtransfer.multipart" run_subprocess(f"{lfs_config}.path huggingface-cli", self.local_dir) run_subprocess( f"{lfs_config}.args {LFS_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_COMMAND}", self.local_dir, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def auto_track_binary_files(self, pattern: str = ".") -> List[str]: """ Automatically track binary files with git-lfs. Args: pattern (`str`, *optional*, defaults to "."): The pattern with which to track files that are binary. Returns: `List[str]`: List of filenames that are now tracked due to being binary files """ files_to_be_tracked_with_lfs = [] deleted_files = self.list_deleted_files() for filename in files_to_be_staged(pattern, folder=self.local_dir): if filename in deleted_files: continue path_to_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.local_dir, filename) if not (is_tracked_with_lfs(path_to_file) or is_git_ignored(path_to_file)): size_in_mb = os.path.getsize(path_to_file) / (1024 * 1024) if size_in_mb >= 10: logger.warning( "Parsing a large file to check if binary or not. Tracking large" " files using `repository.auto_track_large_files` is" " recommended so as to not load the full file in memory." ) is_binary = is_binary_file(path_to_file) if is_binary: self.lfs_track(filename) files_to_be_tracked_with_lfs.append(filename) # Cleanup the .gitattributes if files were deleted self.lfs_untrack(deleted_files) return files_to_be_tracked_with_lfs def auto_track_large_files(self, pattern: str = ".") -> List[str]: """ Automatically track large files (files that weigh more than 10MBs) with git-lfs. Args: pattern (`str`, *optional*, defaults to "."): The pattern with which to track files that are above 10MBs. Returns: `List[str]`: List of filenames that are now tracked due to their size. """ files_to_be_tracked_with_lfs = [] deleted_files = self.list_deleted_files() for filename in files_to_be_staged(pattern, folder=self.local_dir): if filename in deleted_files: continue path_to_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.local_dir, filename) size_in_mb = os.path.getsize(path_to_file) / (1024 * 1024) if size_in_mb >= 10 and not is_tracked_with_lfs(path_to_file) and not is_git_ignored(path_to_file): self.lfs_track(filename) files_to_be_tracked_with_lfs.append(filename) # Cleanup the .gitattributes if files were deleted self.lfs_untrack(deleted_files) return files_to_be_tracked_with_lfs def lfs_prune(self, recent=False): """ git lfs prune Args: recent (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to prune files even if they were referenced by recent commits. See the following [link]( for more information. """ try: with _lfs_log_progress(): result = run_subprocess(f"git lfs prune {'--recent' if recent else ''}", self.local_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def git_pull(self, rebase: bool = False, lfs: bool = False): """ git pull Args: rebase (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to rebase the current branch on top of the upstream branch after fetching. lfs (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to fetch the LFS files too. This option only changes the behavior when a repository was cloned without fetching the LFS files; calling `repo.git_pull(lfs=True)` will then fetch the LFS file from the remote repository. """ command = "git pull" if not lfs else "git lfs pull" if rebase: command += " --rebase" try: with _lfs_log_progress(): result = run_subprocess(command, self.local_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def git_add(self, pattern: str = ".", auto_lfs_track: bool = False): """ git add Setting the `auto_lfs_track` parameter to `True` will automatically track files that are larger than 10MB with `git-lfs`. Args: pattern (`str`, *optional*, defaults to "."): The pattern with which to add files to staging. auto_lfs_track (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to automatically track large and binary files with git-lfs. Any file over 10MB in size, or in binary format, will be automatically tracked. """ if auto_lfs_track: # Track files according to their size (>=10MB) tracked_files = self.auto_track_large_files(pattern) # Read the remaining files and track them if they're binary tracked_files.extend(self.auto_track_binary_files(pattern)) if tracked_files: logger.warning( f"Adding files tracked by Git LFS: {tracked_files}. This may take a" " bit of time if the files are large." ) try: result = run_subprocess("git add -v".split() + [pattern], self.local_dir)"Adding to index:\n{result.stdout}\n") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def git_commit(self, commit_message: str = "commit files to HF hub"): """ git commit Args: commit_message (`str`, *optional*, defaults to "commit files to HF hub"): The message attributed to the commit. """ try: result = run_subprocess("git commit -v -m".split() + [commit_message], self.local_dir)"Committed:\n{result.stdout}\n") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if len(exc.stderr) > 0: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) else: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stdout) def git_push( self, upstream: Optional[str] = None, blocking: bool = True, auto_lfs_prune: bool = False, ) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, CommandInProgress]]: """ git push If used without setting `blocking`, will return url to commit on remote repo. If used with `blocking=True`, will return a tuple containing the url to commit and the command object to follow for information about the process. Args: upstream (`str`, *optional*): Upstream to which this should push. If not specified, will push to the lastly defined upstream or to the default one (`origin main`). blocking (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether the function should return only when the push has finished. Setting this to `False` will return an `CommandInProgress` object which has an `is_done` property. This property will be set to `True` when the push is finished. auto_lfs_prune (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to automatically prune files once they have been pushed to the remote. """ command = "git push" if upstream: command += f" --set-upstream {upstream}" number_of_commits = commits_to_push(self.local_dir, upstream) if number_of_commits > 1: logger.warning(f"Several commits ({number_of_commits}) will be pushed upstream.") if blocking: logger.warning("The progress bars may be unreliable.") try: with _lfs_log_progress(): process = subprocess.Popen( command.split(), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", cwd=self.local_dir, ) if blocking: stdout, stderr = process.communicate() return_code = process.poll() process.kill() if len(stderr): logger.warning(stderr) if return_code: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(return_code, process.args, output=stdout, stderr=stderr) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) if not blocking: def status_method(): status = process.poll() if status is None: return -1 else: return status command_in_progress = CommandInProgress( "push", is_done_method=lambda: process.poll() is not None, status_method=status_method, process=process, post_method=self.lfs_prune if auto_lfs_prune else None, ) self.command_queue.append(command_in_progress) return self.git_head_commit_url(), command_in_progress if auto_lfs_prune: self.lfs_prune() return self.git_head_commit_url() def git_checkout(self, revision: str, create_branch_ok: bool = False): """ git checkout a given revision Specifying `create_branch_ok` to `True` will create the branch to the given revision if that revision doesn't exist. Args: revision (`str`): The revision to checkout. create_branch_ok (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether creating a branch named with the `revision` passed at the current checked-out reference if `revision` isn't an existing revision is allowed. """ try: result = run_subprocess(f"git checkout {revision}", self.local_dir) logger.warning(f"Checked out {revision} from {self.current_branch}.") logger.warning(result.stdout) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if not create_branch_ok: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) else: try: result = run_subprocess(f"git checkout -b {revision}", self.local_dir) logger.warning( f"Revision `{revision}` does not exist. Created and checked out branch `{revision}`." ) logger.warning(result.stdout) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def tag_exists(self, tag_name: str, remote: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """ Check if a tag exists or not. Args: tag_name (`str`): The name of the tag to check. remote (`str`, *optional*): Whether to check if the tag exists on a remote. This parameter should be the identifier of the remote. Returns: `bool`: Whether the tag exists. """ if remote: try: result = run_subprocess(f"git ls-remote origin refs/tags/{tag_name}", self.local_dir).stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) return len(result) != 0 else: try: git_tags = run_subprocess("git tag", self.local_dir).stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) git_tags = git_tags.split("\n") return tag_name in git_tags def delete_tag(self, tag_name: str, remote: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """ Delete a tag, both local and remote, if it exists Args: tag_name (`str`): The tag name to delete. remote (`str`, *optional*): The remote on which to delete the tag. Returns: `bool`: `True` if deleted, `False` if the tag didn't exist. If remote is not passed, will just be updated locally """ delete_locally = True delete_remotely = True if not self.tag_exists(tag_name): delete_locally = False if not self.tag_exists(tag_name, remote=remote): delete_remotely = False if delete_locally: try: run_subprocess(["git", "tag", "-d", tag_name], self.local_dir).stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) if remote and delete_remotely: try: run_subprocess(f"git push {remote} --delete {tag_name}", self.local_dir).stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) return True def add_tag(self, tag_name: str, message: Optional[str] = None, remote: Optional[str] = None): """ Add a tag at the current head and push it If remote is None, will just be updated locally If no message is provided, the tag will be lightweight. if a message is provided, the tag will be annotated. Args: tag_name (`str`): The name of the tag to be added. message (`str`, *optional*): The message that accompanies the tag. The tag will turn into an annotated tag if a message is passed. remote (`str`, *optional*): The remote on which to add the tag. """ if message: tag_args = ["git", "tag", "-a", tag_name, "-m", message] else: tag_args = ["git", "tag", tag_name] try: run_subprocess(tag_args, self.local_dir).stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) if remote: try: run_subprocess(f"git push {remote} {tag_name}", self.local_dir).stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) def is_repo_clean(self) -> bool: """ Return whether or not the git status is clean or not Returns: `bool`: `True` if the git status is clean, `False` otherwise. """ try: git_status = run_subprocess("git status --porcelain", self.local_dir).stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise EnvironmentError(exc.stderr) return len(git_status) == 0 def push_to_hub( self, commit_message: str = "commit files to HF hub", blocking: bool = True, clean_ok: bool = True, auto_lfs_prune: bool = False, ) -> Union[None, str, Tuple[str, CommandInProgress]]: """ Helper to add, commit, and push files to remote repository on the HuggingFace Hub. Will automatically track large files (>10MB). Args: commit_message (`str`): Message to use for the commit. blocking (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether the function should return only when the `git push` has finished. clean_ok (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): If True, this function will return None if the repo is untouched. Default behavior is to fail because the git command fails. auto_lfs_prune (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to automatically prune files once they have been pushed to the remote. """ if clean_ok and self.is_repo_clean():"Repo currently clean. Ignoring push_to_hub") return None self.git_add(auto_lfs_track=True) self.git_commit(commit_message) return self.git_push( upstream=f"origin {self.current_branch}", blocking=blocking, auto_lfs_prune=auto_lfs_prune, ) @contextmanager def commit( self, commit_message: str, branch: Optional[str] = None, track_large_files: bool = True, blocking: bool = True, auto_lfs_prune: bool = False, ): """ Context manager utility to handle committing to a repository. This automatically tracks large files (>10Mb) with git-lfs. Set the `track_large_files` argument to `False` if you wish to ignore that behavior. Args: commit_message (`str`): Message to use for the commit. branch (`str`, *optional*): The branch on which the commit will appear. This branch will be checked-out before any operation. track_large_files (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether to automatically track large files or not. Will do so by default. blocking (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether the function should return only when the `git push` has finished. auto_lfs_prune (`bool`, defaults to `True`): Whether to automatically prune files once they have been pushed to the remote. Examples: ```python >>> with Repository( ... "text-files", ... clone_from="/text-files", ... token=True, >>> ).commit("My first file :)"): ... with open("file.txt", "w+") as f: ... f.write(json.dumps({"hey": 8})) >>> import torch >>> model = torch.nn.Transformer() >>> with Repository( ... "torch-model", ... clone_from="/torch-model", ... token=True, >>> ).commit("My cool model :)"): ..., "") ``` """ files_to_stage = files_to_be_staged(".", folder=self.local_dir) if len(files_to_stage): files_in_msg = str(files_to_stage[:5])[:-1] + ", ...]" if len(files_to_stage) > 5 else str(files_to_stage) logger.error( "There exists some updated files in the local repository that are not" f" committed: {files_in_msg}. This may lead to errors if checking out" " a branch. These files and their modifications will be added to the" " current commit." ) if branch is not None: self.git_checkout(branch, create_branch_ok=True) if is_tracked_upstream(self.local_dir): logger.warning("Pulling changes ...") self.git_pull(rebase=True) else: logger.warning(f"The current branch has no upstream branch. Will push to 'origin {self.current_branch}'") current_working_directory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.join(current_working_directory, self.local_dir)) try: yield self finally: self.git_add(auto_lfs_track=track_large_files) try: self.git_commit(commit_message) except OSError as e: # If no changes are detected, there is nothing to commit. if "nothing to commit" not in str(e): raise e try: self.git_push( upstream=f"origin {self.current_branch}", blocking=blocking, auto_lfs_prune=auto_lfs_prune, ) except OSError as e: # If no changes are detected, there is nothing to commit. if "could not read Username" in str(e): raise OSError("Couldn't authenticate user for push. Did you set `token` to `True`?") from e else: raise e os.chdir(current_working_directory) def repocard_metadata_load(self) -> Optional[Dict]: filepath = os.path.join(self.local_dir, constants.REPOCARD_NAME) if os.path.isfile(filepath): return metadata_load(filepath) return None def repocard_metadata_save(self, data: Dict) -> None: return metadata_save(os.path.join(self.local_dir, constants.REPOCARD_NAME), data) @property def commands_failed(self): """ Returns the asynchronous commands that failed. """ return [c for c in self.command_queue if c.status > 0] @property def commands_in_progress(self): """ Returns the asynchronous commands that are currently in progress. """ return [c for c in self.command_queue if not c.is_done] def wait_for_commands(self): """ Blocking method: blocks all subsequent execution until all commands have been processed. """ index = 0 for command_failed in self.commands_failed: logger.error(f"The {command_failed.title} command with PID {} failed.") logger.error(command_failed.stderr) while self.commands_in_progress: if index % 10 == 0: logger.warning( f"Waiting for the following commands to finish before shutting down: {self.commands_in_progress}." ) index += 1 time.sleep(1)