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Upload folder using huggingface_hub
7d134e4 verified
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2022-present, the HuggingFace Inc. team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Contains utilities to handle HTTP requests in Huggingface Hub."""
import io
import os
import re
import threading
import time
import uuid
from functools import lru_cache
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
import requests
from requests import HTTPError, Response
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.models import PreparedRequest
from huggingface_hub.errors import OfflineModeIsEnabled
from .. import constants
from ..errors import (
from . import logging
from ._fixes import JSONDecodeError
from ._lfs import SliceFileObj
from ._typing import HTTP_METHOD_T
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)
# Both headers are used by the Hub to debug failed requests.
# `X_AMZN_TRACE_ID` is better as it also works to debug on Cloudfront and ALB.
# If `X_AMZN_TRACE_ID` is set, the Hub will use it as well.
X_AMZN_TRACE_ID = "X-Amzn-Trace-Id"
X_REQUEST_ID = "x-request-id"
REPO_API_REGEX = re.compile(
# staging or production endpoint
# on /api/repo_type/repo_id
# or /repo_id/resolve/revision/...
class UniqueRequestIdAdapter(HTTPAdapter):
X_AMZN_TRACE_ID = "X-Amzn-Trace-Id"
def add_headers(self, request, **kwargs):
super().add_headers(request, **kwargs)
# Add random request ID => easier for server-side debug
if X_AMZN_TRACE_ID not in request.headers:
request.headers[X_AMZN_TRACE_ID] = request.headers.get(X_REQUEST_ID) or str(uuid.uuid4())
# Add debug log
has_token = str(request.headers.get("authorization", "")).startswith("Bearer hf_")
f"Request {request.headers[X_AMZN_TRACE_ID]}: {request.method} {request.url} (authenticated: {has_token})"
def send(self, request: PreparedRequest, *args, **kwargs) -> Response:
"""Catch any RequestException to append request id to the error message for debugging."""
return super().send(request, *args, **kwargs)
except requests.RequestException as e:
request_id = request.headers.get(X_AMZN_TRACE_ID)
if request_id is not None:
# Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/58270258
e.args = (*e.args, f"(Request ID: {request_id})")
class OfflineAdapter(HTTPAdapter):
def send(self, request: PreparedRequest, *args, **kwargs) -> Response:
raise OfflineModeIsEnabled(
f"Cannot reach {request.url}: offline mode is enabled. To disable it, please unset the `HF_HUB_OFFLINE` environment variable."
def _default_backend_factory() -> requests.Session:
session = requests.Session()
if constants.HF_HUB_OFFLINE:
session.mount("http://", OfflineAdapter())
session.mount("https://", OfflineAdapter())
session.mount("http://", UniqueRequestIdAdapter())
session.mount("https://", UniqueRequestIdAdapter())
return session
BACKEND_FACTORY_T = Callable[[], requests.Session]
def configure_http_backend(backend_factory: BACKEND_FACTORY_T = _default_backend_factory) -> None:
Configure the HTTP backend by providing a `backend_factory`. Any HTTP calls made by `huggingface_hub` will use a
Session object instantiated by this factory. This can be useful if you are running your scripts in a specific
environment requiring custom configuration (e.g. custom proxy or certifications).
Use [`get_session`] to get a configured Session. Since `requests.Session` is not guaranteed to be thread-safe,
`huggingface_hub` creates 1 Session instance per thread. They are all instantiated using the same `backend_factory`
set in [`configure_http_backend`]. A LRU cache is used to cache the created sessions (and connections) between
calls. Max size is 128 to avoid memory leaks if thousands of threads are spawned.
See [this issue](https://github.com/psf/requests/issues/2766) to know more about thread-safety in `requests`.
import requests
from huggingface_hub import configure_http_backend, get_session
# Create a factory function that returns a Session with configured proxies
def backend_factory() -> requests.Session:
session = requests.Session()
session.proxies = {"http": "", "https": ""}
return session
# Set it as the default session factory
# In practice, this is mostly done internally in `huggingface_hub`
session = get_session()
_GLOBAL_BACKEND_FACTORY = backend_factory
def get_session() -> requests.Session:
Get a `requests.Session` object, using the session factory from the user.
Use [`get_session`] to get a configured Session. Since `requests.Session` is not guaranteed to be thread-safe,
`huggingface_hub` creates 1 Session instance per thread. They are all instantiated using the same `backend_factory`
set in [`configure_http_backend`]. A LRU cache is used to cache the created sessions (and connections) between
calls. Max size is 128 to avoid memory leaks if thousands of threads are spawned.
See [this issue](https://github.com/psf/requests/issues/2766) to know more about thread-safety in `requests`.
import requests
from huggingface_hub import configure_http_backend, get_session
# Create a factory function that returns a Session with configured proxies
def backend_factory() -> requests.Session:
session = requests.Session()
session.proxies = {"http": "", "https": ""}
return session
# Set it as the default session factory
# In practice, this is mostly done internally in `huggingface_hub`
session = get_session()
return _get_session_from_cache(process_id=os.getpid(), thread_id=threading.get_ident())
def reset_sessions() -> None:
"""Reset the cache of sessions.
Mostly used internally when sessions are reconfigured or an SSLError is raised.
See [`configure_http_backend`] for more details.
def _get_session_from_cache(process_id: int, thread_id: int) -> requests.Session:
Create a new session per thread using global factory. Using LRU cache (maxsize 128) to avoid memory leaks when
using thousands of threads. Cache is cleared when `configure_http_backend` is called.
def http_backoff(
method: HTTP_METHOD_T,
url: str,
max_retries: int = 5,
base_wait_time: float = 1,
max_wait_time: float = 8,
retry_on_exceptions: Union[Type[Exception], Tuple[Type[Exception], ...]] = (
retry_on_status_codes: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
) -> Response:
"""Wrapper around requests to retry calls on an endpoint, with exponential backoff.
Endpoint call is retried on exceptions (ex: connection timeout, proxy error,...)
and/or on specific status codes (ex: service unavailable). If the call failed more
than `max_retries`, the exception is thrown or `raise_for_status` is called on the
response object.
Re-implement mechanisms from the `backoff` library to avoid adding an external
dependencies to `hugging_face_hub`. See https://github.com/litl/backoff.
method (`Literal["GET", "OPTIONS", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"]`):
HTTP method to perform.
url (`str`):
The URL of the resource to fetch.
max_retries (`int`, *optional*, defaults to `5`):
Maximum number of retries, defaults to 5 (no retries).
base_wait_time (`float`, *optional*, defaults to `1`):
Duration (in seconds) to wait before retrying the first time.
Wait time between retries then grows exponentially, capped by
max_wait_time (`float`, *optional*, defaults to `8`):
Maximum duration (in seconds) to wait before retrying.
retry_on_exceptions (`Type[Exception]` or `Tuple[Type[Exception]]`, *optional*):
Define which exceptions must be caught to retry the request. Can be a single type or a tuple of types.
By default, retry on `requests.Timeout` and `requests.ConnectionError`.
retry_on_status_codes (`int` or `Tuple[int]`, *optional*, defaults to `503`):
Define on which status codes the request must be retried. By default, only
HTTP 503 Service Unavailable is retried.
**kwargs (`dict`, *optional*):
kwargs to pass to `requests.request`.
>>> from huggingface_hub.utils import http_backoff
# Same usage as "requests.request".
>>> response = http_backoff("GET", "https://www.google.com")
>>> response.raise_for_status()
# If you expect a Gateway Timeout from time to time
>>> http_backoff("PUT", upload_url, data=data, retry_on_status_codes=504)
>>> response.raise_for_status()
<Tip warning={true}>
When using `requests` it is possible to stream data by passing an iterator to the
`data` argument. On http backoff this is a problem as the iterator is not reset
after a failed call. This issue is mitigated for file objects or any IO streams
by saving the initial position of the cursor (with `data.tell()`) and resetting the
cursor between each call (with `data.seek()`). For arbitrary iterators, http backoff
will fail. If this is a hard constraint for you, please let us know by opening an
issue on [Github](https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface_hub).
if isinstance(retry_on_exceptions, type): # Tuple from single exception type
retry_on_exceptions = (retry_on_exceptions,)
if isinstance(retry_on_status_codes, int): # Tuple from single status code
retry_on_status_codes = (retry_on_status_codes,)
nb_tries = 0
sleep_time = base_wait_time
# If `data` is used and is a file object (or any IO), it will be consumed on the
# first HTTP request. We need to save the initial position so that the full content
# of the file is re-sent on http backoff. See warning tip in docstring.
io_obj_initial_pos = None
if "data" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["data"], (io.IOBase, SliceFileObj)):
io_obj_initial_pos = kwargs["data"].tell()
session = get_session()
while True:
nb_tries += 1
# If `data` is used and is a file object (or any IO), set back cursor to
# initial position.
if io_obj_initial_pos is not None:
# Perform request and return if status_code is not in the retry list.
response = session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
if response.status_code not in retry_on_status_codes:
return response
# Wrong status code returned (HTTP 503 for instance)
logger.warning(f"HTTP Error {response.status_code} thrown while requesting {method} {url}")
if nb_tries > max_retries:
response.raise_for_status() # Will raise uncaught exception
# We return response to avoid infinite loop in the corner case where the
# user ask for retry on a status code that doesn't raise_for_status.
return response
except retry_on_exceptions as err:
logger.warning(f"'{err}' thrown while requesting {method} {url}")
if isinstance(err, requests.ConnectionError):
reset_sessions() # In case of SSLError it's best to reset the shared requests.Session objects
if nb_tries > max_retries:
raise err
# Sleep for X seconds
logger.warning(f"Retrying in {sleep_time}s [Retry {nb_tries}/{max_retries}].")
# Update sleep time for next retry
sleep_time = min(max_wait_time, sleep_time * 2) # Exponential backoff
def fix_hf_endpoint_in_url(url: str, endpoint: Optional[str]) -> str:
"""Replace the default endpoint in a URL by a custom one.
This is useful when using a proxy and the Hugging Face Hub returns a URL with the default endpoint.
endpoint = endpoint or constants.ENDPOINT
# check if a proxy has been set => if yes, update the returned URL to use the proxy
if endpoint not in (None, constants._HF_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, constants._HF_DEFAULT_STAGING_ENDPOINT):
url = url.replace(constants._HF_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, endpoint)
url = url.replace(constants._HF_DEFAULT_STAGING_ENDPOINT, endpoint)
return url
def hf_raise_for_status(response: Response, endpoint_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
Internal version of `response.raise_for_status()` that will refine a
potential HTTPError. Raised exception will be an instance of `HfHubHTTPError`.
This helper is meant to be the unique method to raise_for_status when making a call
to the Hugging Face Hub.
import requests
from huggingface_hub.utils import get_session, hf_raise_for_status, HfHubHTTPError
response = get_session().post(...)
except HfHubHTTPError as e:
print(str(e)) # formatted message
e.request_id, e.server_message # details returned by server
# Complete the error message with additional information once it's raised
e.append_to_message("\n`create_commit` expects the repository to exist.")
response (`Response`):
Response from the server.
endpoint_name (`str`, *optional*):
Name of the endpoint that has been called. If provided, the error message
will be more complete.
<Tip warning={true}>
Raises when the request has failed:
- [`~utils.RepositoryNotFoundError`]
If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it
doesn't exist, because `repo_type` is not set correctly, or because the repo
is `private` and you do not have access.
- [`~utils.GatedRepoError`]
If the repository exists but is gated and the user is not on the authorized
- [`~utils.RevisionNotFoundError`]
If the repository exists but the revision couldn't be find.
- [`~utils.EntryNotFoundError`]
If the repository exists but the entry (e.g. the requested file) couldn't be
- [`~utils.BadRequestError`]
If request failed with a HTTP 400 BadRequest error.
- [`~utils.HfHubHTTPError`]
If request failed for a reason not listed above.
except HTTPError as e:
error_code = response.headers.get("X-Error-Code")
error_message = response.headers.get("X-Error-Message")
if error_code == "RevisionNotFound":
message = f"{response.status_code} Client Error." + "\n\n" + f"Revision Not Found for url: {response.url}."
raise _format(RevisionNotFoundError, message, response) from e
elif error_code == "EntryNotFound":
message = f"{response.status_code} Client Error." + "\n\n" + f"Entry Not Found for url: {response.url}."
raise _format(EntryNotFoundError, message, response) from e
elif error_code == "GatedRepo":
message = (
f"{response.status_code} Client Error." + "\n\n" + f"Cannot access gated repo for url {response.url}."
raise _format(GatedRepoError, message, response) from e
elif error_message == "Access to this resource is disabled.":
message = (
f"{response.status_code} Client Error."
+ "\n\n"
+ f"Cannot access repository for url {response.url}."
+ "\n"
+ "Access to this resource is disabled."
raise _format(DisabledRepoError, message, response) from e
elif error_code == "RepoNotFound" or (
response.status_code == 401
and response.request is not None
and response.request.url is not None
and REPO_API_REGEX.search(response.request.url) is not None
# 401 is misleading as it is returned for:
# - private and gated repos if user is not authenticated
# - missing repos
# => for now, we process them as `RepoNotFound` anyway.
# See https://gist.github.com/Wauplin/46c27ad266b15998ce56a6603796f0b9
message = (
f"{response.status_code} Client Error."
+ "\n\n"
+ f"Repository Not Found for url: {response.url}."
+ "\nPlease make sure you specified the correct `repo_id` and"
" `repo_type`.\nIf you are trying to access a private or gated repo,"
" make sure you are authenticated."
raise _format(RepositoryNotFoundError, message, response) from e
elif response.status_code == 400:
message = (
f"\n\nBad request for {endpoint_name} endpoint:" if endpoint_name is not None else "\n\nBad request:"
raise _format(BadRequestError, message, response) from e
elif response.status_code == 403:
message = (
f"\n\n{response.status_code} Forbidden: {error_message}."
+ f"\nCannot access content at: {response.url}."
+ "\nMake sure your token has the correct permissions."
raise _format(HfHubHTTPError, message, response) from e
elif response.status_code == 416:
range_header = response.request.headers.get("Range")
message = f"{e}. Requested range: {range_header}. Content-Range: {response.headers.get('Content-Range')}."
raise _format(HfHubHTTPError, message, response) from e
# Convert `HTTPError` into a `HfHubHTTPError` to display request information
# as well (request id and/or server error message)
raise _format(HfHubHTTPError, str(e), response) from e
def _format(error_type: Type[HfHubHTTPError], custom_message: str, response: Response) -> HfHubHTTPError:
server_errors = []
# Retrieve server error from header
from_headers = response.headers.get("X-Error-Message")
if from_headers is not None:
# Retrieve server error from body
# Case errors are returned in a JSON format
data = response.json()
error = data.get("error")
if error is not None:
if isinstance(error, list):
# Case {'error': ['my error 1', 'my error 2']}
# Case {'error': 'my error'}
errors = data.get("errors")
if errors is not None:
# Case {'errors': [{'message': 'my error 1'}, {'message': 'my error 2'}]}
for error in errors:
if "message" in error:
except JSONDecodeError:
# Case error is directly returned as text
if response.text:
# Strip all server messages
server_errors = [line.strip() for line in server_errors if line.strip()]
# Deduplicate server messages (keep order)
# taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/17016257
server_errors = list(dict.fromkeys(server_errors))
# Format server error
server_message = "\n".join(server_errors)
# Add server error to custom message
final_error_message = custom_message
if server_message and server_message.lower() not in custom_message.lower():
if "\n\n" in custom_message:
final_error_message += "\n" + server_message
final_error_message += "\n\n" + server_message
# Add Request ID
request_id = str(response.headers.get(X_REQUEST_ID, ""))
if len(request_id) > 0 and request_id.lower() not in final_error_message.lower():
request_id_message = f" (Request ID: {request_id})"
if "\n" in final_error_message:
newline_index = final_error_message.index("\n")
final_error_message = (
final_error_message[:newline_index] + request_id_message + final_error_message[newline_index:]
final_error_message += request_id_message
# Return
return error_type(final_error_message.strip(), response=response, server_message=server_message or None)