from __future__ import annotations | |
import asyncio | |
import base64 | |
import concurrent.futures | |
import copy | |
import json | |
import mimetypes | |
import os | |
import pkgutil | |
import secrets | |
import shutil | |
import tempfile | |
import time | |
import warnings | |
from dataclasses import dataclass, field | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from enum import Enum | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from threading import Lock | |
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Coroutine, Literal, Optional, TypedDict | |
import fsspec.asyn | |
import httpx | |
import huggingface_hub | |
from huggingface_hub import SpaceStage | |
from websockets.legacy.protocol import WebSocketCommonProtocol | |
from gradio_client.data_classes import ParameterInfo | |
API_URL = "api/predict/" | |
SSE_URL_V0 = "queue/join" | |
SSE_DATA_URL_V0 = "queue/data" | |
SSE_URL = "queue/data" | |
SSE_DATA_URL = "queue/join" | |
WS_URL = "queue/join" | |
UPLOAD_URL = "upload" | |
LOGIN_URL = "login" | |
CONFIG_URL = "config" | |
API_INFO_URL = "info?all_endpoints=True" | |
RAW_API_INFO_URL = "info?serialize=False" | |
RESET_URL = "reset" | |
SPACE_URL = "{}" | |
HEARTBEAT_URL = "heartbeat/{session_hash}" | |
CANCEL_URL = "cancel" | |
STATE_COMPONENT = "state" | |
SpaceStage.NO_APP_FILE, | |
SpaceStage.CONFIG_ERROR, | |
SpaceStage.BUILD_ERROR, | |
SpaceStage.RUNTIME_ERROR, | |
SpaceStage.PAUSED, | |
] | |
class Message(TypedDict, total=False): | |
msg: str | |
output: dict[str, Any] | |
event_id: str | |
rank: int | |
rank_eta: float | |
queue_size: int | |
success: bool | |
progress_data: list[dict] | |
log: str | |
level: str | |
def get_package_version() -> str: | |
try: | |
package_json_data = ( | |
pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "package.json").decode("utf-8").strip() # type: ignore | |
) | |
package_data = json.loads(package_json_data) | |
version = package_data.get("version", "") | |
return version | |
except Exception: | |
return "" | |
__version__ = get_package_version() | |
class TooManyRequestsError(Exception): | |
"""Raised when the API returns a 429 status code.""" | |
pass | |
class QueueError(Exception): | |
"""Raised when the queue is full or there is an issue adding a job to the queue.""" | |
pass | |
class InvalidAPIEndpointError(Exception): | |
"""Raised when the API endpoint is invalid.""" | |
pass | |
class SpaceDuplicationError(Exception): | |
"""Raised when something goes wrong with a Space Duplication.""" | |
pass | |
class ServerMessage(str, Enum): | |
send_hash = "send_hash" | |
queue_full = "queue_full" | |
estimation = "estimation" | |
send_data = "send_data" | |
process_starts = "process_starts" | |
process_generating = "process_generating" | |
process_completed = "process_completed" | |
log = "log" | |
progress = "progress" | |
heartbeat = "heartbeat" | |
server_stopped = "Server stopped unexpectedly." | |
unexpected_error = "unexpected_error" | |
close_stream = "close_stream" | |
class Status(Enum): | |
"""Status codes presented to client users.""" | |
LOG = "LOG" | |
def ordering(status: Status) -> int: | |
"""Order of messages. Helpful for testing.""" | |
order = [ | |
Status.STARTING, | |
Status.QUEUE_FULL, | |
Status.IN_QUEUE, | |
Status.SENDING_DATA, | |
Status.PROCESSING, | |
Status.PROGRESS, | |
Status.ITERATING, | |
Status.FINISHED, | |
Status.CANCELLED, | |
] | |
return order.index(status) | |
def __lt__(self, other: Status): | |
return self.ordering(self) < self.ordering(other) | |
def msg_to_status(msg: str) -> Status: | |
"""Map the raw message from the backend to the status code presented to users.""" | |
return { | |
ServerMessage.send_hash: Status.JOINING_QUEUE, | |
ServerMessage.queue_full: Status.QUEUE_FULL, | |
ServerMessage.estimation: Status.IN_QUEUE, | |
ServerMessage.send_data: Status.SENDING_DATA, | |
ServerMessage.process_starts: Status.PROCESSING, | |
ServerMessage.process_generating: Status.ITERATING, | |
ServerMessage.process_completed: Status.FINISHED, | |
ServerMessage.progress: Status.PROGRESS, | |
ServerMessage.log: Status.LOG, | |
ServerMessage.server_stopped: Status.FINISHED, | |
}[msg] # type: ignore | |
class ProgressUnit: | |
index: Optional[int] | |
length: Optional[int] | |
unit: Optional[str] | |
progress: Optional[float] | |
desc: Optional[str] | |
def from_msg(cls, data: list[dict]) -> list[ProgressUnit]: | |
return [ | |
cls( | |
index=d.get("index"), | |
length=d.get("length"), | |
unit=d.get("unit"), | |
progress=d.get("progress"), | |
desc=d.get("desc"), | |
) | |
for d in data | |
] | |
class StatusUpdate: | |
"""Update message sent from the worker thread to the Job on the main thread.""" | |
code: Status | |
rank: int | None | |
queue_size: int | None | |
eta: float | None | |
success: bool | None | |
time: datetime | None | |
progress_data: list[ProgressUnit] | None | |
log: tuple[str, str] | None = None | |
def create_initial_status_update(): | |
return StatusUpdate( | |
code=Status.STARTING, | |
rank=None, | |
queue_size=None, | |
eta=None, | |
success=None, | |, | |
progress_data=None, | |
) | |
class JobStatus: | |
"""The job status. | |
Keeps track of the latest status update and intermediate outputs (not yet implements). | |
""" | |
latest_status: StatusUpdate = field(default_factory=create_initial_status_update) | |
outputs: list[Any] = field(default_factory=list) | |
class Communicator: | |
"""Helper class to help communicate between the worker thread and main thread.""" | |
lock: Lock | |
job: JobStatus | |
prediction_processor: Callable[..., tuple] | |
reset_url: str | |
should_cancel: bool = False | |
event_id: str | None = None | |
thread_complete: bool = False | |
######################## | |
# Network utils | |
######################## | |
def is_http_url_like(possible_url) -> bool: | |
""" | |
Check if the given value is a string that looks like an HTTP(S) URL. | |
""" | |
if not isinstance(possible_url, str): | |
return False | |
return possible_url.startswith(("http://", "https://")) | |
def probe_url(possible_url: str) -> bool: | |
""" | |
Probe the given URL to see if it responds with a 200 status code (to HEAD, then to GET). | |
""" | |
headers = {"User-Agent": "gradio (; [email protected])"} | |
try: | |
with httpx.Client() as client: | |
head_request = httpx.head(possible_url, headers=headers) | |
if head_request.status_code == 405: | |
return client.get(possible_url, headers=headers).is_success | |
return head_request.is_success | |
except Exception: | |
return False | |
def is_valid_url(possible_url: str) -> bool: | |
""" | |
Check if the given string is a valid URL. | |
""" | |
warnings.warn( | |
"is_valid_url should not be used. " | |
"Use is_http_url_like() and probe_url(), as suitable, instead.", | |
) | |
return is_http_url_like(possible_url) and probe_url(possible_url) | |
async def get_pred_from_ws( | |
websocket: WebSocketCommonProtocol, | |
data: str, | |
hash_data: str, | |
helper: Communicator | None = None, | |
) -> dict[str, Any]: | |
completed = False | |
resp = {} | |
while not completed: | |
# Receive message in the background so that we can | |
# cancel even while running a long pred | |
task = asyncio.create_task(websocket.recv()) | |
while not task.done(): | |
if helper: | |
with helper.lock: | |
if helper.should_cancel: | |
# Need to reset the iterator state since the client | |
# will not reset the session | |
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as http: | |
reset = | |
helper.reset_url, json=json.loads(hash_data) | |
) | |
# Retrieve cancel exception from task | |
# otherwise will get nasty warning in console | |
task.cancel() | |
await asyncio.gather(task, reset, return_exceptions=True) | |
raise concurrent.futures.CancelledError() | |
# Need to suspend this coroutine so that task actually runs | |
await asyncio.sleep(0.01) | |
msg = task.result() | |
resp = json.loads(msg) | |
if helper: | |
with helper.lock: | |
has_progress = "progress_data" in resp | |
status_update = StatusUpdate( | |
code=Status.msg_to_status(resp["msg"]), | |
queue_size=resp.get("queue_size"), | |
rank=resp.get("rank", None), | |
success=resp.get("success"), | |, | |
eta=resp.get("rank_eta"), | |
progress_data=ProgressUnit.from_msg(resp["progress_data"]) | |
if has_progress | |
else None, | |
) | |
output = resp.get("output", {}).get("data", []) | |
if output and status_update.code != Status.FINISHED: | |
try: | |
result = helper.prediction_processor(*output) | |
except Exception as e: | |
result = [e] | |
helper.job.outputs.append(result) | |
helper.job.latest_status = status_update | |
if resp["msg"] == "queue_full": | |
raise QueueError("Queue is full! Please try again.") | |
if resp["msg"] == "send_hash": | |
await websocket.send(hash_data) | |
elif resp["msg"] == "send_data": | |
await websocket.send(data) | |
completed = resp["msg"] == "process_completed" | |
return resp["output"] | |
def get_pred_from_sse_v0( | |
client: httpx.Client, | |
data: dict, | |
hash_data: dict, | |
helper: Communicator, | |
sse_url: str, | |
sse_data_url: str, | |
headers: dict[str, str], | |
cookies: dict[str, str] | None, | |
ssl_verify: bool, | |
executor: concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor, | |
) -> dict[str, Any] | None: | |
helper.thread_complete = False | |
future_cancel = executor.submit( | |
check_for_cancel, helper, headers, cookies, ssl_verify | |
) | |
future_sse = executor.submit( | |
stream_sse_v0, | |
client, | |
data, | |
hash_data, | |
helper, | |
sse_url, | |
sse_data_url, | |
headers, | |
cookies, | |
) | |
done, _ = concurrent.futures.wait( | |
[future_cancel, future_sse], # type: ignore | |
return_when=concurrent.futures.FIRST_COMPLETED, | |
) | |
helper.thread_complete = True | |
if len(done) != 1: | |
raise ValueError(f"Did not expect {len(done)} tasks to be done.") | |
for future in done: | |
return future.result() | |
def get_pred_from_sse_v1plus( | |
helper: Communicator, | |
headers: dict[str, str], | |
cookies: dict[str, str] | None, | |
pending_messages_per_event: dict[str, list[Message | None]], | |
event_id: str, | |
protocol: Literal["sse_v1", "sse_v2", "sse_v2.1"], | |
ssl_verify: bool, | |
executor: concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor, | |
) -> dict[str, Any] | None: | |
helper.thread_complete = False | |
future_cancel = executor.submit( | |
check_for_cancel, helper, headers, cookies, ssl_verify | |
) | |
future_sse = executor.submit( | |
stream_sse_v1plus, helper, pending_messages_per_event, event_id, protocol | |
) | |
done, _ = concurrent.futures.wait( | |
[future_cancel, future_sse], # type: ignore | |
return_when=concurrent.futures.FIRST_COMPLETED, | |
) | |
helper.thread_complete = True | |
if len(done) != 1: | |
raise ValueError(f"Did not expect {len(done)} tasks to be done.") | |
for future in done: | |
exception = future.exception() | |
if exception: | |
raise exception | |
return future.result() | |
def check_for_cancel( | |
helper: Communicator, | |
headers: dict[str, str], | |
cookies: dict[str, str] | None, | |
ssl_verify: bool, | |
): | |
while True: | |
time.sleep(0.05) | |
with helper.lock: | |
if helper.should_cancel: | |
break | |
if helper.thread_complete: | |
raise concurrent.futures.CancelledError() | |
if helper.event_id: | | | |
helper.reset_url, | |
json={"event_id": helper.event_id}, | |
headers=headers, | |
cookies=cookies, | |
verify=ssl_verify, | |
) | |
raise concurrent.futures.CancelledError() | |
def stream_sse_v0( | |
client: httpx.Client, | |
data: dict, | |
hash_data: dict, | |
helper: Communicator, | |
sse_url: str, | |
sse_data_url: str, | |
headers: dict[str, str], | |
cookies: dict[str, str] | None, | |
) -> dict[str, Any]: | |
try: | |
with | |
"GET", | |
sse_url, | |
params=hash_data, | |
headers=headers, | |
cookies=cookies, | |
) as response: | |
for line in response.iter_lines(): | |
line = line.rstrip("\n") | |
if len(line) == 0: | |
continue | |
if line.startswith("data:"): | |
resp = json.loads(line[5:]) | |
if resp["msg"] in [ServerMessage.log, ServerMessage.heartbeat]: | |
continue | |
with helper.lock: | |
has_progress = "progress_data" in resp | |
status_update = StatusUpdate( | |
code=Status.msg_to_status(resp["msg"]), | |
queue_size=resp.get("queue_size"), | |
rank=resp.get("rank", None), | |
success=resp.get("success"), | |, | |
eta=resp.get("rank_eta"), | |
progress_data=ProgressUnit.from_msg(resp["progress_data"]) | |
if has_progress | |
else None, | |
) | |
output = resp.get("output", {}).get("data", []) | |
if output and status_update.code != Status.FINISHED: | |
try: | |
result = helper.prediction_processor(*output) | |
except Exception as e: | |
result = [e] | |
helper.job.outputs.append(result) | |
helper.job.latest_status = status_update | |
if helper.thread_complete: | |
raise concurrent.futures.CancelledError() | |
if resp["msg"] == "queue_full": | |
raise QueueError("Queue is full! Please try again.") | |
elif resp["msg"] == "send_data": | |
event_id = resp["event_id"] | |
helper.event_id = event_id | |
req = | |
sse_data_url, | |
json={"event_id": event_id, **data, **hash_data}, | |
headers=headers, | |
cookies=cookies, | |
) | |
req.raise_for_status() | |
elif resp["msg"] == "process_completed": | |
return resp["output"] | |
else: | |
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected message: {line}") | |
raise ValueError("Did not receive process_completed message.") | |
except concurrent.futures.CancelledError: | |
raise | |
def stream_sse_v1plus( | |
helper: Communicator, | |
pending_messages_per_event: dict[str, list[Message | None]], | |
event_id: str, | |
protocol: Literal["sse_v1", "sse_v2", "sse_v2.1", "sse_v3"], | |
) -> dict[str, Any]: | |
try: | |
pending_messages = pending_messages_per_event[event_id] | |
pending_responses_for_diffs = None | |
while True: | |
if len(pending_messages) > 0: | |
msg = pending_messages.pop(0) | |
else: | |
time.sleep(0.05) | |
continue | |
if msg is None or helper.thread_complete: | |
raise concurrent.futures.CancelledError() | |
with helper.lock: | |
log_message = None | |
if msg["msg"] == ServerMessage.log: | |
log = msg.get("log") | |
level = msg.get("level") | |
if log and level: | |
log_message = (log, level) | |
status_update = StatusUpdate( | |
code=Status.msg_to_status(msg["msg"]), | |
queue_size=msg.get("queue_size"), | |
rank=msg.get("rank", None), | |
success=msg.get("success"), | |, | |
eta=msg.get("rank_eta"), | |
progress_data=ProgressUnit.from_msg(msg["progress_data"]) | |
if "progress_data" in msg | |
else None, | |
log=log_message, | |
) | |
output = msg.get("output", {}).get("data", []) | |
if msg["msg"] == ServerMessage.process_generating and protocol in [ | |
"sse_v2", | |
"sse_v2.1", | |
"sse_v3", | |
]: | |
if pending_responses_for_diffs is None: | |
pending_responses_for_diffs = list(output) | |
else: | |
for i, value in enumerate(output): | |
prev_output = pending_responses_for_diffs[i] | |
new_output = apply_diff(prev_output, value) | |
pending_responses_for_diffs[i] = new_output | |
output[i] = new_output | |
if output and status_update.code != Status.FINISHED: | |
try: | |
result = helper.prediction_processor(*output) | |
except Exception as e: | |
result = [e] | |
helper.job.outputs.append(result) | |
helper.job.latest_status = status_update | |
if msg["msg"] == ServerMessage.process_completed: | |
del pending_messages_per_event[event_id] | |
return msg["output"] | |
elif msg["msg"] == ServerMessage.server_stopped: | |
raise ValueError("Server stopped.") | |
except concurrent.futures.CancelledError: | |
raise | |
def apply_diff(obj, diff): | |
obj = copy.deepcopy(obj) | |
def apply_edit(target, path, action, value): | |
if len(path) == 0: | |
if action == "replace": | |
return value | |
elif action == "append": | |
return target + value | |
else: | |
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported action: {action}") | |
current = target | |
for i in range(len(path) - 1): | |
current = current[path[i]] | |
last_path = path[-1] | |
if action == "replace": | |
current[last_path] = value | |
elif action == "append": | |
current[last_path] += value | |
elif action == "add": | |
if isinstance(current, list): | |
current.insert(int(last_path), value) | |
else: | |
current[last_path] = value | |
elif action == "delete": | |
if isinstance(current, list): | |
del current[int(last_path)] | |
else: | |
del current[last_path] | |
else: | |
raise ValueError(f"Unknown action: {action}") | |
return target | |
for action, path, value in diff: | |
obj = apply_edit(obj, path, action, value) | |
return obj | |
######################## | |
# Data processing utils | |
######################## | |
def create_tmp_copy_of_file(file_path: str, dir: str | None = None) -> str: | |
directory = Path(dir or tempfile.gettempdir()) / secrets.token_hex(20) | |
directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) | |
dest = directory / Path(file_path).name | |
shutil.copy2(file_path, dest) | |
return str(dest.resolve()) | |
def download_tmp_copy_of_file( | |
url_path: str, hf_token: str | None = None, dir: str | None = None | |
) -> str: | |
"""Kept for backwards compatibility for 3.x spaces.""" | |
if dir is not None: | |
os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) | |
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + hf_token} if hf_token else {} | |
directory = Path(dir or tempfile.gettempdir()) / secrets.token_hex(20) | |
directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) | |
file_path = directory / Path(url_path).name | |
with | |
"GET", url_path, headers=headers, follow_redirects=True | |
) as response: | |
response.raise_for_status() | |
with open(file_path, "wb") as f: | |
for chunk in response.iter_raw(): | |
f.write(chunk) | |
return str(file_path.resolve()) | |
def get_mimetype(filename: str) -> str | None: | |
if filename.endswith(".vtt"): | |
return "text/vtt" | |
mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] | |
if mimetype is not None: | |
mimetype = mimetype.replace("x-wav", "wav").replace("x-flac", "flac") | |
return mimetype | |
def get_extension(encoding: str) -> str | None: | |
encoding = encoding.replace("audio/wav", "audio/x-wav") | |
type = mimetypes.guess_type(encoding)[0] | |
if type == "audio/flac": # flac is not supported by mimetypes | |
return "flac" | |
elif type is None: | |
return None | |
extension = mimetypes.guess_extension(type) | |
if extension is not None and extension.startswith("."): | |
extension = extension[1:] | |
return extension | |
def encode_file_to_base64(f: str | Path): | |
with open(f, "rb") as file: | |
encoded_string = base64.b64encode( | |
base64_str = str(encoded_string, "utf-8") | |
mimetype = get_mimetype(str(f)) | |
return ( | |
"data:" | |
+ (mimetype if mimetype is not None else "") | |
+ ";base64," | |
+ base64_str | |
) | |
def encode_url_to_base64(url: str): | |
resp = httpx.get(url) | |
resp.raise_for_status() | |
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(resp.content) | |
base64_str = str(encoded_string, "utf-8") | |
mimetype = get_mimetype(url) | |
return ( | |
"data:" + (mimetype if mimetype is not None else "") + ";base64," + base64_str | |
) | |
def encode_url_or_file_to_base64(path: str | Path): | |
path = str(path) | |
if is_http_url_like(path): | |
return encode_url_to_base64(path) | |
return encode_file_to_base64(path) | |
def download_byte_stream(url: str, hf_token=None): | |
arr = bytearray() | |
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + hf_token} if hf_token else {} | |
with"GET", url, headers=headers) as r: | |
for data in r.iter_bytes(): | |
arr += data | |
yield data | |
yield arr | |
def decode_base64_to_binary(encoding: str) -> tuple[bytes, str | None]: | |
extension = get_extension(encoding) | |
data = encoding.rsplit(",", 1)[-1] | |
return base64.b64decode(data), extension | |
def strip_invalid_filename_characters(filename: str, max_bytes: int = 200) -> str: | |
"""Strips invalid characters from a filename and ensures that the file_length is less than `max_bytes` bytes.""" | |
filename = "".join([char for char in filename if char.isalnum() or char in "._- "]) | |
filename_len = len(filename.encode()) | |
if filename_len > max_bytes: | |
while filename_len > max_bytes: | |
if len(filename) == 0: | |
break | |
filename = filename[:-1] | |
filename_len = len(filename.encode()) | |
return filename | |
def sanitize_parameter_names(original_name: str) -> str: | |
"""Cleans up a Python parameter name to make the API info more readable.""" | |
return ( | |
"".join([char for char in original_name if char.isalnum() or char in " _"]) | |
.replace(" ", "_") | |
.lower() | |
) | |
def decode_base64_to_file( | |
encoding: str, | |
file_path: str | None = None, | |
dir: str | Path | None = None, | |
prefix: str | None = None, | |
): | |
directory = Path(dir or tempfile.gettempdir()) / secrets.token_hex(20) | |
directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) | |
data, extension = decode_base64_to_binary(encoding) | |
if file_path is not None and prefix is None: | |
filename = Path(file_path).name | |
prefix = filename | |
if "." in filename: | |
prefix = filename[0 : filename.index(".")] | |
extension = filename[filename.index(".") + 1 :] | |
if prefix is not None: | |
prefix = strip_invalid_filename_characters(prefix) | |
if extension is None: | |
file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( | |
delete=False, prefix=prefix, dir=directory | |
) | |
else: | |
file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( | |
delete=False, | |
prefix=prefix, | |
suffix="." + extension, | |
dir=directory, | |
) | |
file_obj.write(data) | |
file_obj.flush() | |
return file_obj | |
def dict_or_str_to_json_file(jsn: str | dict | list, dir: str | Path | None = None): | |
if dir is not None: | |
os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) | |
file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( | |
delete=False, suffix=".json", dir=dir, mode="w+" | |
) | |
if isinstance(jsn, str): | |
jsn = json.loads(jsn) | |
json.dump(jsn, file_obj) | |
file_obj.flush() | |
return file_obj | |
def file_to_json(file_path: str | Path) -> dict | list: | |
with open(file_path) as f: | |
return json.load(f) | |
########################### | |
# HuggingFace Hub API Utils | |
########################### | |
def set_space_timeout( | |
space_id: str, | |
hf_token: str | None = None, | |
timeout_in_seconds: int = 300, | |
): | |
headers = huggingface_hub.utils.build_hf_headers( | |
token=hf_token, | |
library_name="gradio_client", | |
library_version=__version__, | |
) | |
try: | | | |
f"{space_id}/sleeptime", | |
json={"seconds": timeout_in_seconds}, | |
headers=headers, | |
) | |
except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: | |
raise SpaceDuplicationError( | |
f"Could not set sleep timeout on duplicated Space. Please visit {SPACE_URL.format(space_id)} " | |
"to set a timeout manually to reduce billing charges." | |
) from e | |
######################## | |
# Misc utils | |
######################## | |
def synchronize_async(func: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: | |
""" | |
Runs async functions in sync scopes. Can be used in any scope. | |
Example: | |
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(block_fn.fn): | |
predictions = utils.synchronize_async(block_fn.fn, *processed_input) | |
Args: | |
func: | |
*args: | |
**kwargs: | |
""" | |
return fsspec.asyn.sync(fsspec.asyn.get_loop(), func, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore | |
class APIInfoParseError(ValueError): | |
pass | |
def get_type(schema: dict): | |
if "const" in schema: | |
return "const" | |
if "enum" in schema: | |
return "enum" | |
elif "type" in schema: | |
return schema["type"] | |
elif schema.get("$ref"): | |
return "$ref" | |
elif schema.get("oneOf"): | |
return "oneOf" | |
elif schema.get("anyOf"): | |
return "anyOf" | |
elif schema.get("allOf"): | |
return "allOf" | |
elif "type" not in schema: | |
return {} | |
else: | |
raise APIInfoParseError(f"Cannot parse type for {schema}") | |
"Dict(path: str, url: str | None, size: int | None, orig_name: str | None, mime_type: str | None)", | |
"Dict(path: str, url: str | None, size: int | None, orig_name: str | None, mime_type: str | None, is_stream: bool)", | |
"Dict(path: str, url: str | None, size: int | None, orig_name: str | None, mime_type: str | None, is_stream: bool, meta: Dict())", | |
] | |
def json_schema_to_python_type(schema: Any) -> str: | |
type_ = _json_schema_to_python_type(schema, schema.get("$defs")) | |
return type_.replace(CURRENT_FILE_DATA_FORMAT, "filepath") | |
def _json_schema_to_python_type(schema: Any, defs) -> str: | |
"""Convert the json schema into a python type hint""" | |
if schema == {}: | |
return "Any" | |
type_ = get_type(schema) | |
if type_ == {}: | |
if "json" in schema.get("description", {}): | |
return "Dict[Any, Any]" | |
else: | |
return "Any" | |
elif type_ == "$ref": | |
return _json_schema_to_python_type(defs[schema["$ref"].split("/")[-1]], defs) | |
elif type_ == "null": | |
return "None" | |
elif type_ == "const": | |
return f"Literal[{schema['const']}]" | |
elif type_ == "enum": | |
return ( | |
"Literal[" + ", ".join(["'" + str(v) + "'" for v in schema["enum"]]) + "]" | |
) | |
elif type_ == "integer": | |
return "int" | |
elif type_ == "string": | |
return "str" | |
elif type_ == "boolean": | |
return "bool" | |
elif type_ == "number": | |
return "float" | |
elif type_ == "array": | |
items = schema.get("items", []) | |
if "prefixItems" in items: | |
elements = ", ".join( | |
[_json_schema_to_python_type(i, defs) for i in items["prefixItems"]] | |
) | |
return f"Tuple[{elements}]" | |
elif "prefixItems" in schema: | |
elements = ", ".join( | |
[_json_schema_to_python_type(i, defs) for i in schema["prefixItems"]] | |
) | |
return f"Tuple[{elements}]" | |
else: | |
elements = _json_schema_to_python_type(items, defs) | |
return f"List[{elements}]" | |
elif type_ == "object": | |
def get_desc(v): | |
return f" ({v.get('description')})" if v.get("description") else "" | |
props = schema.get("properties", {}) | |
des = [ | |
f"{n}: {_json_schema_to_python_type(v, defs)}{get_desc(v)}" | |
for n, v in props.items() | |
if n != "$defs" | |
] | |
if "additionalProperties" in schema: | |
des += [ | |
f"str, {_json_schema_to_python_type(schema['additionalProperties'], defs)}" | |
] | |
des = ", ".join(des) | |
return f"Dict({des})" | |
elif type_ in ["oneOf", "anyOf"]: | |
desc = " | ".join([_json_schema_to_python_type(i, defs) for i in schema[type_]]) | |
return desc | |
elif type_ == "allOf": | |
data = ", ".join(_json_schema_to_python_type(i, defs) for i in schema[type_]) | |
desc = f"All[{data}]" | |
return desc | |
else: | |
raise APIInfoParseError(f"Cannot parse schema {schema}") | |
def traverse(json_obj: Any, func: Callable, is_root: Callable[..., bool]) -> Any: | |
""" | |
Traverse a JSON object and apply a function to each element that satisfies the is_root condition. | |
""" | |
if is_root(json_obj): | |
return func(json_obj) | |
elif isinstance(json_obj, dict): | |
new_obj = {} | |
for key, value in json_obj.items(): | |
new_obj[key] = traverse(value, func, is_root) | |
return new_obj | |
elif isinstance(json_obj, (list, tuple)): | |
new_obj = [] | |
for item in json_obj: | |
new_obj.append(traverse(item, func, is_root)) | |
return new_obj | |
else: | |
return json_obj | |
async def async_traverse( | |
json_obj: Any, | |
func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], | |
is_root: Callable[..., bool], | |
) -> Any: | |
""" | |
Traverse a JSON object and apply a async function to each element that satisfies the is_root condition. | |
""" | |
if is_root(json_obj): | |
return await func(json_obj) | |
elif isinstance(json_obj, dict): | |
new_obj = {} | |
for key, value in json_obj.items(): | |
new_obj[key] = await async_traverse(value, func, is_root) | |
return new_obj | |
elif isinstance(json_obj, (list, tuple)): | |
new_obj = [] | |
for item in json_obj: | |
new_obj.append(await async_traverse(item, func, is_root)) | |
return new_obj | |
else: | |
return json_obj | |
def value_is_file(api_info: dict) -> bool: | |
info = _json_schema_to_python_type(api_info, api_info.get("$defs")) | |
return any(file_data_format in info for file_data_format in FILE_DATA_FORMATS) | |
def is_filepath(s) -> bool: | |
""" | |
Check if the given value is a valid str or Path filepath on the local filesystem, e.g. "path/to/file". | |
""" | |
return isinstance(s, (str, Path)) and Path(s).exists() and Path(s).is_file() | |
def is_file_obj(d) -> bool: | |
""" | |
Check if the given value is a valid FileData object dictionary in versions of Gradio<=4.20, e.g. | |
{ | |
"path": "path/to/file", | |
} | |
""" | |
return isinstance(d, dict) and "path" in d and isinstance(d["path"], str) | |
def is_file_obj_with_meta(d) -> bool: | |
""" | |
Check if the given value is a valid FileData object dictionary in newer versions of Gradio | |
where the file objects include a specific "meta" key, e.g. | |
{ | |
"path": "path/to/file", | |
"meta": {"_type: "gradio.FileData"} | |
} | |
""" | |
return ( | |
isinstance(d, dict) | |
and "path" in d | |
and isinstance(d["path"], str) | |
and "meta" in d | |
and d["meta"].get("_type", "") == "gradio.FileData" | |
) | |
def is_file_obj_with_url(d) -> bool: | |
""" | |
Check if the given value is a valid FileData object dictionary in newer versions of Gradio | |
where the file objects include a specific "meta" key, and ALSO include a "url" key, e.g. | |
{ | |
"path": "path/to/file", | |
"url": "/file=path/to/file", | |
"meta": {"_type: "gradio.FileData"} | |
} | |
""" | |
return is_file_obj_with_meta(d) and "url" in d and isinstance(d["url"], str) | |
"state", | |
"row", | |
"column", | |
"tabs", | |
"tab", | |
"tabitem", | |
"box", | |
"form", | |
"accordion", | |
"group", | |
"interpretation", | |
"dataset", | |
} | |
def handle_file(filepath_or_url: str | Path): | |
s = str(filepath_or_url) | |
data = {"path": s, "meta": {"_type": "gradio.FileData"}} | |
if is_http_url_like(s): | |
return {**data, "orig_name": s.split("/")[-1], "url": s} | |
elif Path(s).exists(): | |
return {**data, "orig_name": Path(s).name} | |
else: | |
raise ValueError( | |
f"File {s} does not exist on local filesystem and is not a valid URL." | |
) | |
def file(filepath_or_url: str | Path): | |
warnings.warn( | |
"file() is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use handle_file() instead." | |
) | |
return handle_file(filepath_or_url) | |
def construct_args( | |
parameters_info: list[ParameterInfo] | None, args: tuple, kwargs: dict | |
) -> list: | |
class _Keywords(Enum): | |
NO_VALUE = "NO_VALUE" # Used as a sentinel to determine if nothing is provided as a parameter for an argument | |
_args = list(args) | |
if parameters_info is None: | |
if kwargs: | |
raise ValueError( | |
"This endpoint does not support key-word arguments Please click on 'view API' in the footer of the Gradio app to see usage." | |
) | |
return _args | |
num_args = len(args) | |
_args = _args + [_Keywords.NO_VALUE] * (len(parameters_info) - num_args) | |
kwarg_arg_mapping = {} | |
kwarg_names = [] | |
for index, param_info in enumerate(parameters_info): | |
if "parameter_name" in param_info: | |
kwarg_arg_mapping[param_info["parameter_name"]] = index | |
kwarg_names.append(param_info["parameter_name"]) | |
else: | |
kwarg_names.append("argument {index}") | |
if ( | |
param_info.get("parameter_has_default", False) | |
and _args[index] == _Keywords.NO_VALUE | |
): | |
_args[index] = param_info.get("parameter_default") | |
for key, value in kwargs.items(): | |
if key in kwarg_arg_mapping: | |
if kwarg_arg_mapping[key] < num_args: | |
raise TypeError( | |
f"Parameter `{key}` is already set as a positional argument. Please click on 'view API' in the footer of the Gradio app to see usage." | |
) | |
else: | |
_args[kwarg_arg_mapping[key]] = value | |
else: | |
raise TypeError( | |
f"Parameter `{key}` is not a valid key-word argument. Please click on 'view API' in the footer of the Gradio app to see usage." | |
) | |
if _Keywords.NO_VALUE in _args: | |
raise TypeError( | |
f"No value provided for required argument: {kwarg_names[_args.index(_Keywords.NO_VALUE)]}" | |
) | |
return _args | |