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Upload folder using huggingface_hub
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"""Pydantic data models and other dataclasses. This is the only file that uses Optional[]
typing syntax instead of | None syntax to work with pydantic"""
from __future__ import annotations
import pathlib
import secrets
import shutil
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import (
from fastapi import Request
from gradio_client.documentation import document
from gradio_client.utils import traverse
from pydantic import (
from pydantic.json_schema import JsonSchemaValue
from pydantic_core import core_schema
from typing_extensions import Annotated, NotRequired
from pydantic import JsonValue
except ImportError:
JsonValue = Any
DeveloperPath = NewType("DeveloperPath", str)
UserProvidedPath = NewType("UserProvidedPath", str)
class CancelBody(BaseModel):
session_hash: str
fn_index: int
event_id: str
class SimplePredictBody(BaseModel):
data: List[Any]
session_hash: Optional[str] = None
class _StarletteRequestPydanticAnnotation:
def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(
_source_type: Any,
_handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler,
) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
def validate_request(value: Any) -> Request:
if isinstance(value, Request):
return value
raise ValueError("Input must be a Starlette Request object")
return core_schema.no_info_plain_validator_function(validate_request)
def __get_pydantic_json_schema__(
cls, _core_schema: core_schema.CoreSchema, handler: GetJsonSchemaHandler
) -> JsonSchemaValue:
return {"type": "object", "title": "StarletteRequest"}
PydanticStarletteRequest = Annotated[Request, _StarletteRequestPydanticAnnotation]
class PredictBody(BaseModel):
session_hash: Optional[str] = None
event_id: Optional[str] = None
data: List[Any]
event_data: Optional[Any] = None
fn_index: Optional[int] = None
trigger_id: Optional[int] = None
simple_format: bool = False
batched: Optional[bool] = (
False # Whether the data is a batch of samples (i.e. called from the queue if batch=True) or a single sample (i.e. called from the UI)
def __get_pydantic_json_schema__(cls, core_schema, handler):
return {
"title": "PredictBody",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"session_hash": {"type": "string"},
"event_id": {"type": "string"},
"data": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "object"}},
"event_data": {"type": "object"},
"fn_index": {"type": "integer"},
"trigger_id": {"type": "integer"},
"simple_format": {"type": "boolean"},
"batched": {"type": "boolean"},
"required": ["data"],
class PredictBodyInternal(PredictBody):
"Separate class to avoid exposing PydanticStarletteRequest in the API validation"
request: Optional[PydanticStarletteRequest] = (
None # dictionary of request headers, query parameters, url, etc. (used to to pass in request for queuing)
class ResetBody(BaseModel):
event_id: str
class ComponentServerJSONBody(BaseModel):
session_hash: str
component_id: int
fn_name: str
data: Any
class DataWithFiles(BaseModel):
data: Any
files: List[Tuple[str, bytes]]
class ComponentServerBlobBody(BaseModel):
session_hash: str
component_id: int
fn_name: str
data: DataWithFiles
class InterfaceTypes(Enum):
STANDARD = auto()
INPUT_ONLY = auto()
OUTPUT_ONLY = auto()
UNIFIED = auto()
class GradioBaseModel(ABC):
def copy_to_dir(self, dir: str | pathlib.Path) -> GradioDataModel:
if not isinstance(self, (BaseModel, RootModel)):
raise TypeError("must be used in a Pydantic model")
dir = pathlib.Path(dir)
# TODO: Making sure path is unique should be done in caller
def unique_copy(obj: dict):
data = FileData(**obj)
return data._copy_to_dir(
str(pathlib.Path(dir / secrets.token_hex(10)))
return self.__class__.from_json(
def from_json(cls, x) -> GradioDataModel:
class JsonData(RootModel):
"""JSON data returned from a component that should not be modified further."""
root: JsonValue
class GradioModel(GradioBaseModel, BaseModel):
def from_json(cls, x) -> GradioModel:
return cls(**x)
class GradioRootModel(GradioBaseModel, RootModel):
def from_json(cls, x) -> GradioRootModel:
return cls(root=x)
GradioDataModel = Union[GradioModel, GradioRootModel]
class FileDataDict(TypedDict):
path: str # server filepath
url: Optional[str] # normalised server url
size: Optional[int] # size in bytes
orig_name: Optional[str] # original filename
mime_type: Optional[str]
is_stream: bool
meta: dict
class FileData(GradioModel):
The FileData class is a subclass of the GradioModel class that represents a file object within a Gradio interface. It is used to store file data and metadata when a file is uploaded.
path: The server file path where the file is stored.
url: The normalized server URL pointing to the file.
size: The size of the file in bytes.
orig_name: The original filename before upload.
mime_type: The MIME type of the file.
is_stream: Indicates whether the file is a stream.
meta: Additional metadata used internally (should not be changed).
path: str # server filepath
url: Optional[str] = None # normalised server url
size: Optional[int] = None # size in bytes
orig_name: Optional[str] = None # original filename
mime_type: Optional[str] = None
is_stream: bool = False
meta: dict = {"_type": "gradio.FileData"}
def is_none(self) -> bool:
Checks if the FileData object is empty, i.e., all attributes are None.
bool: True if all attributes (except 'is_stream' and 'meta') are None, False otherwise.
return all(
f is None
for f in [
def from_path(cls, path: str) -> FileData:
Creates a FileData object from a given file path.
path: The file path.
FileData: An instance of FileData representing the file at the specified path.
return cls(path=path)
def _copy_to_dir(self, dir: str) -> FileData:
Copies the file to a specified directory and returns a new FileData object representing the copied file.
dir: The destination directory.
FileData: A new FileData object representing the copied file.
ValueError: If the source file path is not set.
new_obj = dict(self)
if not self.path:
raise ValueError("Source file path is not set")
new_name = shutil.copy(self.path, dir)
new_obj["path"] = new_name
return self.__class__(**new_obj)
def is_file_data(cls, obj: Any) -> bool:
Checks if an object is a valid FileData instance.
obj: The object to check.
bool: True if the object is a valid FileData instance, False otherwise.
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return not FileData(**obj).is_none
except (TypeError, ValidationError):
return False
return False
class ListFiles(GradioRootModel):
root: List[FileData]
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.root[index]
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[FileData]: # type: ignore[override]
return iter(self.root)
class _StaticFiles:
Class to hold all static files for an app
all_paths = []
def __init__(self, paths: list[str | pathlib.Path]) -> None:
self.paths = paths
self.all_paths = [pathlib.Path(p).resolve() for p in paths]
def clear(cls):
cls.all_paths = []
class BodyCSS(TypedDict):
body_background_fill: str
body_text_color: str
body_background_fill_dark: str
body_text_color_dark: str
class Layout(TypedDict):
id: int
children: list[int | Layout]
class BlocksConfigDict(TypedDict):
version: str
mode: str
app_id: int
dev_mode: bool
analytics_enabled: bool
components: list[dict[str, Any]]
css: str | None
connect_heartbeat: bool
js: str | None
head: str | None
title: str
space_id: str | None
enable_queue: bool
show_error: bool
show_api: bool
is_colab: bool
max_file_size: int | None
stylesheets: list[str]
theme: str | None
protocol: Literal["ws", "sse", "sse_v1", "sse_v2", "sse_v2.1", "sse_v3"]
body_css: BodyCSS
fill_height: bool
fill_width: bool
theme_hash: str
layout: NotRequired[Layout]
dependencies: NotRequired[list[dict[str, Any]]]
root: NotRequired[str | None]
username: NotRequired[str | None]