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"""gr.Dataframe() component"""
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
from typing import (
import numpy as np
import semantic_version
from gradio_client.documentation import document
from gradio.components.base import Component
from gradio.data_classes import GradioModel
from gradio.events import Events
import pandas as pd
import polars as pl # type: ignore
from pandas.io.formats.style import Styler
from gradio.components import Timer
def _is_polars_available():
import importlib.util
spec = importlib.util.find_spec("polars")
return bool(spec)
def _import_polars():
import polars as pl # type: ignore
return pl
class DataframeData(GradioModel):
headers: List[str]
data: Union[List[List[Any]], List[Tuple[Any, ...]]]
metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[List[Any]]]] = None
class Dataframe(Component):
This component displays a table of value spreadsheet-like component. Can be used to display data as an output component, or as an input to collect data from the user.
Demos: filter_records, matrix_transpose, tax_calculator, sort_records
EVENTS = [Events.change, Events.input, Events.select]
data_model = DataframeData
def __init__(
value: pd.DataFrame
| Styler
| np.ndarray
| pl.DataFrame
| list
| list[list]
| dict
| str
| Callable
| None = None,
headers: list[str] | None = None,
row_count: int | tuple[int, str] = (1, "dynamic"),
col_count: int | tuple[int, str] | None = None,
datatype: str | list[str] = "str",
type: Literal["pandas", "numpy", "array", "polars"] = "pandas",
latex_delimiters: list[dict[str, str | bool]] | None = None,
label: str | None = None,
show_label: bool | None = None,
every: Timer | float | None = None,
inputs: Component | Sequence[Component] | set[Component] | None = None,
height: int = 500,
scale: int | None = None,
min_width: int = 160,
interactive: bool | None = None,
visible: bool = True,
elem_id: str | None = None,
elem_classes: list[str] | str | None = None,
render: bool = True,
key: int | str | None = None,
wrap: bool = False,
line_breaks: bool = True,
column_widths: list[str | int] | None = None,
value: Default value to display in the DataFrame. If a Styler is provided, it will be used to set the displayed value in the DataFrame (e.g. to set precision of numbers) if the `interactive` is False. If a Callable function is provided, the function will be called whenever the app loads to set the initial value of the component.
headers: List of str header names. If None, no headers are shown.
row_count: Limit number of rows for input and decide whether user can create new rows. The first element of the tuple is an `int`, the row count; the second should be 'fixed' or 'dynamic', the new row behaviour. If an `int` is passed the rows default to 'dynamic'
col_count: Limit number of columns for input and decide whether user can create new columns. The first element of the tuple is an `int`, the number of columns; the second should be 'fixed' or 'dynamic', the new column behaviour. If an `int` is passed the columns default to 'dynamic'
datatype: Datatype of values in sheet. Can be provided per column as a list of strings, or for the entire sheet as a single string. Valid datatypes are "str", "number", "bool", "date", and "markdown".
type: Type of value to be returned by component. "pandas" for pandas dataframe, "numpy" for numpy array, "polars" for polars dataframe, or "array" for a Python list of lists.
label: The label for this component. Appears above the component and is also used as the header if there are a table of examples for this component. If None and used in a `gr.Interface`, the label will be the name of the parameter this component is assigned to.
latex_delimiters: A list of dicts of the form {"left": open delimiter (str), "right": close delimiter (str), "display": whether to display in newline (bool)} that will be used to render LaTeX expressions. If not provided, `latex_delimiters` is set to `[{ "left": "$$", "right": "$$", "display": True }]`, so only expressions enclosed in $$ delimiters will be rendered as LaTeX, and in a new line. Pass in an empty list to disable LaTeX rendering. For more information, see the [KaTeX documentation](https://katex.org/docs/autorender.html). Only applies to columns whose datatype is "markdown".
label: The label for this component. Appears above the component and is also used as the header if there are a table of examples for this component. If None and used in a `gr.Interface`, the label will be the name of the parameter this component is assigned to.
show_label: if True, will display label.
every: Continously calls `value` to recalculate it if `value` is a function (has no effect otherwise). Can provide a Timer whose tick resets `value`, or a float that provides the regular interval for the reset Timer.
inputs: Components that are used as inputs to calculate `value` if `value` is a function (has no effect otherwise). `value` is recalculated any time the inputs change.
height: The maximum height of the dataframe, specified in pixels if a number is passed, or in CSS units if a string is passed. If more rows are created than can fit in the height, a scrollbar will appear.
scale: relative size compared to adjacent Components. For example if Components A and B are in a Row, and A has scale=2, and B has scale=1, A will be twice as wide as B. Should be an integer. scale applies in Rows, and to top-level Components in Blocks where fill_height=True.
min_width: minimum pixel width, will wrap if not sufficient screen space to satisfy this value. If a certain scale value results in this Component being narrower than min_width, the min_width parameter will be respected first.
interactive: if True, will allow users to edit the dataframe; if False, can only be used to display data. If not provided, this is inferred based on whether the component is used as an input or output.
visible: If False, component will be hidden.
elem_id: An optional string that is assigned as the id of this component in the HTML DOM. Can be used for targeting CSS styles.
elem_classes: An optional list of strings that are assigned as the classes of this component in the HTML DOM. Can be used for targeting CSS styles.
render: If False, component will not render be rendered in the Blocks context. Should be used if the intention is to assign event listeners now but render the component later.
key: if assigned, will be used to assume identity across a re-render. Components that have the same key across a re-render will have their value preserved.
wrap: If True, the text in table cells will wrap when appropriate. If False and the `column_width` parameter is not set, the column widths will expand based on the cell contents and the table may need to be horizontally scrolled. If `column_width` is set, then any overflow text will be hidden.
line_breaks: If True (default), will enable Github-flavored Markdown line breaks in chatbot messages. If False, single new lines will be ignored. Only applies for columns of type "markdown."
column_widths: An optional list representing the width of each column. The elements of the list should be in the format "100px" (ints are also accepted and converted to pixel values) or "10%". If not provided, the column widths will be automatically determined based on the content of the cells. Setting this parameter will cause the browser to try to fit the table within the page width.
self.wrap = wrap
self.row_count = self.__process_counts(row_count)
self.col_count = self.__process_counts(
col_count, len(headers) if headers else 3
self.__validate_headers(headers, self.col_count[0])
self.headers = (
if headers is not None
else [str(i) for i in (range(1, self.col_count[0] + 1))]
self.datatype = datatype
valid_types = ["pandas", "numpy", "array", "polars"]
if type not in valid_types:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value for parameter `type`: {type}. Please choose from one of: {valid_types}"
if type == "polars" and not _is_polars_available():
raise ImportError(
"Polars is not installed. Please install using `pip install polars`."
self.type = type
values = {
"str": "",
"number": 0,
"bool": False,
"date": "01/01/1970",
"markdown": "",
"html": "",
column_dtypes = (
[datatype] * self.col_count[0] if isinstance(datatype, str) else datatype
self.empty_input = {
"headers": self.headers,
"data": [
[values[c] for c in column_dtypes] for _ in range(self.row_count[0])
"metadata": None,
if latex_delimiters is None:
latex_delimiters = [{"left": "$$", "right": "$$", "display": True}]
self.latex_delimiters = latex_delimiters
self.height = height
self.line_breaks = line_breaks
self.column_widths = [
w if isinstance(w, str) else f"{w}px" for w in (column_widths or [])
def preprocess(
self, payload: DataframeData
) -> pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray | pl.DataFrame | list[list]:
payload: the uploaded spreadsheet data as an object with `headers` and `data` attributes
Passes the uploaded spreadsheet data as a `pandas.DataFrame`, `numpy.array`, `polars.DataFrame`, or native 2D Python `list[list]` depending on `type`
import pandas as pd
if self.type == "pandas":
if payload.headers is not None:
return pd.DataFrame(
[] if payload.data == [[]] else payload.data,
columns=payload.headers, # type: ignore
return pd.DataFrame(payload.data)
if self.type == "polars":
polars = _import_polars()
if payload.headers is not None:
return polars.DataFrame(
[] if payload.data == [[]] else payload.data, schema=payload.headers
return polars.DataFrame(payload.data)
if self.type == "numpy":
return np.array(payload.data)
elif self.type == "array":
return payload.data # type: ignore
raise ValueError(
"Unknown type: "
+ str(self.type)
+ ". Please choose from: 'pandas', 'numpy', 'array', 'polars'."
def postprocess(
value: pd.DataFrame
| Styler
| np.ndarray
| pl.DataFrame
| list
| list[list]
| dict
| str
| None,
) -> DataframeData:
value: Expects data any of these formats: `pandas.DataFrame`, `pandas.Styler`, `numpy.array`, `polars.DataFrame`, `list[list]`, `list`, or a `dict` with keys 'data' (and optionally 'headers'), or `str` path to a csv, which is rendered as the spreadsheet.
the uploaded spreadsheet data as an object with `headers` and `data` attributes
import pandas as pd
from pandas.io.formats.style import Styler
if value is None:
return self.postprocess(self.empty_input)
if isinstance(value, dict):
if len(value) == 0:
return DataframeData(headers=self.headers, data=[[]])
return DataframeData(
headers=value.get("headers", []), data=value.get("data", [[]])
if isinstance(value, (str, pd.DataFrame)):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = pd.read_csv(value) # type: ignore
if len(value) == 0:
return DataframeData(
headers=list(value.columns), # type: ignore
data=[[]], # type: ignore
return DataframeData(
headers=list(value.columns), # type: ignore
data=value.to_dict(orient="split")["data"], # type: ignore
elif isinstance(value, Styler):
if semantic_version.Version(pd.__version__) < semantic_version.Version(
raise ValueError(
"Styler objects are only supported in pandas version 1.5.0 or higher. Please try: `pip install --upgrade pandas` to use this feature."
if self.interactive:
"Cannot display Styler object in interactive mode. Will display as a regular pandas dataframe instead."
df: pd.DataFrame = value.data # type: ignore
if len(df) == 0:
return DataframeData(
metadata=self.__extract_metadata(value), # type: ignore
return DataframeData(
data=df.to_dict(orient="split")["data"], # type: ignore
metadata=self.__extract_metadata(value), # type: ignore
elif _is_polars_available() and isinstance(value, _import_polars().DataFrame):
if len(value) == 0:
return DataframeData(headers=list(value.to_dict().keys()), data=[[]]) # type: ignore
df_dict = value.to_dict() # type: ignore
headers = list(df_dict.keys())
data = list(zip(*df_dict.values()))
return DataframeData(headers=headers, data=data)
elif isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, list)):
if len(value) == 0:
return DataframeData(headers=self.headers, data=[[]])
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
value = value.tolist()
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise ValueError("output cannot be converted to list")
_headers = self.headers
if len(self.headers) < len(value[0]):
_headers: list[str] = [
*[str(i) for i in range(len(self.headers) + 1, len(value[0]) + 1)],
elif len(self.headers) > len(value[0]):
_headers = self.headers[: len(value[0])]
return DataframeData(headers=_headers, data=value)
raise ValueError("Cannot process value as a Dataframe")
def __get_cell_style(cell_id: str, cell_styles: list[dict]) -> str:
styles_for_cell = []
for style in cell_styles:
if cell_id in style.get("selectors", []):
styles_for_cell.extend(style.get("props", []))
styles_str = "; ".join([f"{prop}: {value}" for prop, value in styles_for_cell])
return styles_str
def __extract_metadata(df: Styler) -> dict[str, list[list]]:
metadata = {"display_value": [], "styling": []}
style_data = df._compute()._translate(None, None) # type: ignore
cell_styles = style_data.get("cellstyle", [])
for i in range(len(style_data["body"])):
for j in range(len(style_data["body"][i])):
cell_type = style_data["body"][i][j]["type"]
if cell_type != "td":
display_value = style_data["body"][i][j]["display_value"]
cell_id = style_data["body"][i][j]["id"]
styles_str = Dataframe.__get_cell_style(cell_id, cell_styles)
return metadata
def __process_counts(count, default=3) -> tuple[int, str]:
if count is None:
return (default, "dynamic")
if isinstance(count, (int, float)):
return (int(count), "dynamic")
return count
def __validate_headers(headers: list[str] | None, col_count: int):
if headers is not None and len(headers) != col_count:
raise ValueError(
f"The length of the headers list must be equal to the col_count int.\n"
f"The column count is set to {col_count} but `headers` has {len(headers)} items. "
f"Check the values passed to `col_count` and `headers`."
def process_example(
value: pd.DataFrame
| Styler
| np.ndarray
| pl.DataFrame
| list
| list[list]
| dict
| str
| None,
import pandas as pd
if value is None:
return ""
value_df_data = self.postprocess(value)
value_df = pd.DataFrame(value_df_data.data, columns=value_df_data.headers) # type: ignore
return value_df.head(n=5).to_dict(orient="split")["data"]
def example_payload(self) -> Any:
return {"headers": ["a", "b"], "data": [["foo", "bar"]]}
def example_value(self) -> Any:
return {"headers": ["a", "b"], "data": [["foo", "bar"]]}