""" | |
This module implements the algorithm for converting between a "user name" - | |
something that a user can choose arbitrarily inside a font editor - and a file | |
name suitable for use in a wide range of operating systems and filesystems. | |
The `UFO 3 specification <>`_ | |
provides an example of an algorithm for such conversion, which avoids illegal | |
characters, reserved file names, ambiguity between upper- and lower-case | |
characters, and clashes with existing files. | |
This code was originally copied from | |
`ufoLib <>`_ | |
by Tal Leming and is copyright (c) 2005-2016, The RoboFab Developers: | |
- Erik van Blokland | |
- Tal Leming | |
- Just van Rossum | |
""" | |
illegalCharacters = r"\" * + / : < > ? [ \ ] | \0".split(" ") | |
illegalCharacters += [chr(i) for i in range(1, 32)] | |
illegalCharacters += [chr(0x7F)] | |
reservedFileNames = "CON PRN AUX CLOCK$ NUL A:-Z: COM1".lower().split(" ") | |
reservedFileNames += "LPT1 LPT2 LPT3 COM2 COM3 COM4".lower().split(" ") | |
maxFileNameLength = 255 | |
class NameTranslationError(Exception): | |
pass | |
def userNameToFileName(userName, existing=[], prefix="", suffix=""): | |
"""Converts from a user name to a file name. | |
Takes care to avoid illegal characters, reserved file names, ambiguity between | |
upper- and lower-case characters, and clashes with existing files. | |
Args: | |
userName (str): The input file name. | |
existing: A case-insensitive list of all existing file names. | |
prefix: Prefix to be prepended to the file name. | |
suffix: Suffix to be appended to the file name. | |
Returns: | |
A suitable filename. | |
Raises: | |
NameTranslationError: If no suitable name could be generated. | |
Examples:: | |
>>> userNameToFileName("a") == "a" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("A") == "A_" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("AE") == "A_E_" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("Ae") == "A_e" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("ae") == "ae" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("aE") == "aE_" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("a.alt") == "a.alt" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("A.alt") == "A_.alt" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("A.Alt") == "A_.A_lt" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("A.aLt") == "A_.aL_t" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName(u"A.alT") == "A_.alT_" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("T_H") == "T__H_" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("T_h") == "T__h" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("t_h") == "t_h" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("F_F_I") == "F__F__I_" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("f_f_i") == "f_f_i" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("Aacute_V.swash") == "A_acute_V_.swash" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName(".notdef") == "_notdef" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("con") == "_con" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("CON") == "C_O_N_" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("con.alt") == "_con.alt" | |
True | |
>>> userNameToFileName("alt.con") == "alt._con" | |
True | |
""" | |
# the incoming name must be a str | |
if not isinstance(userName, str): | |
raise ValueError("The value for userName must be a string.") | |
# establish the prefix and suffix lengths | |
prefixLength = len(prefix) | |
suffixLength = len(suffix) | |
# replace an initial period with an _ | |
# if no prefix is to be added | |
if not prefix and userName[0] == ".": | |
userName = "_" + userName[1:] | |
# filter the user name | |
filteredUserName = [] | |
for character in userName: | |
# replace illegal characters with _ | |
if character in illegalCharacters: | |
character = "_" | |
# add _ to all non-lower characters | |
elif character != character.lower(): | |
character += "_" | |
filteredUserName.append(character) | |
userName = "".join(filteredUserName) | |
# clip to 255 | |
sliceLength = maxFileNameLength - prefixLength - suffixLength | |
userName = userName[:sliceLength] | |
# test for illegal files names | |
parts = [] | |
for part in userName.split("."): | |
if part.lower() in reservedFileNames: | |
part = "_" + part | |
parts.append(part) | |
userName = ".".join(parts) | |
# test for clash | |
fullName = prefix + userName + suffix | |
if fullName.lower() in existing: | |
fullName = handleClash1(userName, existing, prefix, suffix) | |
# finished | |
return fullName | |
def handleClash1(userName, existing=[], prefix="", suffix=""): | |
""" | |
existing should be a case-insensitive list | |
of all existing file names. | |
>>> prefix = ("0" * 5) + "." | |
>>> suffix = "." + ("0" * 10) | |
>>> existing = ["a" * 5] | |
>>> e = list(existing) | |
>>> handleClash1(userName="A" * 5, existing=e, | |
... prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) == ( | |
... '00000.AAAAA000000000000001.0000000000') | |
True | |
>>> e = list(existing) | |
>>> e.append(prefix + "aaaaa" + "1".zfill(15) + suffix) | |
>>> handleClash1(userName="A" * 5, existing=e, | |
... prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) == ( | |
... '00000.AAAAA000000000000002.0000000000') | |
True | |
>>> e = list(existing) | |
>>> e.append(prefix + "AAAAA" + "2".zfill(15) + suffix) | |
>>> handleClash1(userName="A" * 5, existing=e, | |
... prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) == ( | |
... '00000.AAAAA000000000000001.0000000000') | |
True | |
""" | |
# if the prefix length + user name length + suffix length + 15 is at | |
# or past the maximum length, silce 15 characters off of the user name | |
prefixLength = len(prefix) | |
suffixLength = len(suffix) | |
if prefixLength + len(userName) + suffixLength + 15 > maxFileNameLength: | |
l = prefixLength + len(userName) + suffixLength + 15 | |
sliceLength = maxFileNameLength - l | |
userName = userName[:sliceLength] | |
finalName = None | |
# try to add numbers to create a unique name | |
counter = 1 | |
while finalName is None: | |
name = userName + str(counter).zfill(15) | |
fullName = prefix + name + suffix | |
if fullName.lower() not in existing: | |
finalName = fullName | |
break | |
else: | |
counter += 1 | |
if counter >= 999999999999999: | |
break | |
# if there is a clash, go to the next fallback | |
if finalName is None: | |
finalName = handleClash2(existing, prefix, suffix) | |
# finished | |
return finalName | |
def handleClash2(existing=[], prefix="", suffix=""): | |
""" | |
existing should be a case-insensitive list | |
of all existing file names. | |
>>> prefix = ("0" * 5) + "." | |
>>> suffix = "." + ("0" * 10) | |
>>> existing = [prefix + str(i) + suffix for i in range(100)] | |
>>> e = list(existing) | |
>>> handleClash2(existing=e, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) == ( | |
... '00000.100.0000000000') | |
True | |
>>> e = list(existing) | |
>>> e.remove(prefix + "1" + suffix) | |
>>> handleClash2(existing=e, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) == ( | |
... '00000.1.0000000000') | |
True | |
>>> e = list(existing) | |
>>> e.remove(prefix + "2" + suffix) | |
>>> handleClash2(existing=e, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) == ( | |
... '00000.2.0000000000') | |
True | |
""" | |
# calculate the longest possible string | |
maxLength = maxFileNameLength - len(prefix) - len(suffix) | |
maxValue = int("9" * maxLength) | |
# try to find a number | |
finalName = None | |
counter = 1 | |
while finalName is None: | |
fullName = prefix + str(counter) + suffix | |
if fullName.lower() not in existing: | |
finalName = fullName | |
break | |
else: | |
counter += 1 | |
if counter >= maxValue: | |
break | |
# raise an error if nothing has been found | |
if finalName is None: | |
raise NameTranslationError("No unique name could be found.") | |
# finished | |
return finalName | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
import doctest | |
import sys | |
sys.exit(doctest.testmod().failed) | |