from __future__ import annotations | |
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING | |
import numpy as np | |
from contourpy._contourpy import ( | |
ContourGenerator, | |
FillType, | |
LineType, | |
Mpl2005ContourGenerator, | |
Mpl2014ContourGenerator, | |
SerialContourGenerator, | |
ThreadedContourGenerator, | |
ZInterp, | |
max_threads, | |
) | |
from contourpy._version import __version__ | |
from contourpy.chunk import calc_chunk_sizes | |
from contourpy.convert import ( | |
convert_filled, | |
convert_lines, | |
convert_multi_filled, | |
convert_multi_lines, | |
) | |
from contourpy.dechunk import ( | |
dechunk_filled, | |
dechunk_lines, | |
dechunk_multi_filled, | |
dechunk_multi_lines, | |
) | |
from contourpy.enum_util import as_fill_type, as_line_type, as_z_interp | |
from typing import Any | |
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike | |
from ._contourpy import CoordinateArray, MaskArray | |
__all__ = [ | |
"__version__", | |
"contour_generator", | |
"convert_filled", | |
"convert_lines", | |
"convert_multi_filled", | |
"convert_multi_lines", | |
"dechunk_filled", | |
"dechunk_lines", | |
"dechunk_multi_filled", | |
"dechunk_multi_lines", | |
"max_threads", | |
"FillType", | |
"LineType", | |
"ContourGenerator", | |
"Mpl2005ContourGenerator", | |
"Mpl2014ContourGenerator", | |
"SerialContourGenerator", | |
"ThreadedContourGenerator", | |
"ZInterp", | |
] | |
# Simple mapping of algorithm name to class name. | |
_class_lookup: dict[str, type[ContourGenerator]] = { | |
"mpl2005": Mpl2005ContourGenerator, | |
"mpl2014": Mpl2014ContourGenerator, | |
"serial": SerialContourGenerator, | |
"threaded": ThreadedContourGenerator, | |
} | |
def _remove_z_mask( | |
z: ArrayLike |[Any, Any] | None, | |
) -> tuple[CoordinateArray, MaskArray | None]: | |
# Preserve mask if present. | |
z_array =, dtype=np.float64) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] | |
z_masked =, copy=False) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] | |
if # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] | |
mask = # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] | |
else: | |
mask = None | |
return, mask # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] | |
def contour_generator( | |
x: ArrayLike | None = None, | |
y: ArrayLike | None = None, | |
z: ArrayLike |[Any, Any] | None = None, | |
*, | |
name: str = "serial", | |
corner_mask: bool | None = None, | |
line_type: LineType | str | None = None, | |
fill_type: FillType | str | None = None, | |
chunk_size: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None, | |
chunk_count: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None, | |
total_chunk_count: int | None = None, | |
quad_as_tri: bool = False, | |
z_interp: ZInterp | str | None = ZInterp.Linear, | |
thread_count: int = 0, | |
) -> ContourGenerator: | |
"""Create and return a :class:`~.ContourGenerator` object. | |
The class and properties of the returned :class:`~.ContourGenerator` are determined by the | |
function arguments, with sensible defaults. | |
Args: | |
x (array-like of shape (ny, nx) or (nx,), optional): The x-coordinates of the ``z`` values. | |
May be 2D with the same shape as ``z.shape``, or 1D with length ``nx = z.shape[1]``. | |
If not specified are assumed to be ``np.arange(nx)``. Must be ordered monotonically. | |
y (array-like of shape (ny, nx) or (ny,), optional): The y-coordinates of the ``z`` values. | |
May be 2D with the same shape as ``z.shape``, or 1D with length ``ny = z.shape[0]``. | |
If not specified are assumed to be ``np.arange(ny)``. Must be ordered monotonically. | |
z (array-like of shape (ny, nx), may be a masked array): The 2D gridded values to calculate | |
the contours of. May be a masked array, and any invalid values (``np.inf`` or | |
``np.nan``) will also be masked out. | |
name (str): Algorithm name, one of ``"serial"``, ``"threaded"``, ``"mpl2005"`` or | |
``"mpl2014"``, default ``"serial"``. | |
corner_mask (bool, optional): Enable/disable corner masking, which only has an effect if | |
``z`` is a masked array. If ``False``, any quad touching a masked point is masked out. | |
If ``True``, only the triangular corners of quads nearest these points are always masked | |
out, other triangular corners comprising three unmasked points are contoured as usual. | |
If not specified, uses the default provided by the algorithm ``name``. | |
line_type (LineType or str, optional): The format of contour line data returned from calls | |
to :meth:`~.ContourGenerator.lines`, specified either as a :class:`~.LineType` or its | |
string equivalent such as ``"SeparateCode"``. | |
If not specified, uses the default provided by the algorithm ``name``. | |
The relationship between the :class:`~.LineType` enum and the data format returned from | |
:meth:`~.ContourGenerator.lines` is explained at :ref:`line_type`. | |
fill_type (FillType or str, optional): The format of filled contour data returned from calls | |
to :meth:`~.ContourGenerator.filled`, specified either as a :class:`~.FillType` or its | |
string equivalent such as ``"OuterOffset"``. | |
If not specified, uses the default provided by the algorithm ``name``. | |
The relationship between the :class:`~.FillType` enum and the data format returned from | |
:meth:`~.ContourGenerator.filled` is explained at :ref:`fill_type`. | |
chunk_size (int or tuple(int, int), optional): Chunk size in (y, x) directions, or the same | |
size in both directions if only one value is specified. | |
chunk_count (int or tuple(int, int), optional): Chunk count in (y, x) directions, or the | |
same count in both directions if only one value is specified. | |
total_chunk_count (int, optional): Total number of chunks. | |
quad_as_tri (bool): Enable/disable treating quads as 4 triangles, default ``False``. | |
If ``False``, a contour line within a quad is a straight line between points on two of | |
its edges. If ``True``, each full quad is divided into 4 triangles using a virtual point | |
at the centre (mean x, y of the corner points) and a contour line is piecewise linear | |
within those triangles. Corner-masked triangles are not affected by this setting, only | |
full unmasked quads. | |
z_interp (ZInterp or str, optional): How to interpolate ``z`` values when determining where | |
contour lines intersect the edges of quads and the ``z`` values of the central points of | |
quads, specified either as a :class:`~contourpy.ZInterp` or its string equivalent such | |
as ``"Log"``. Default is ``ZInterp.Linear``. | |
thread_count (int): Number of threads to use for contour calculation, default 0. Threads can | |
only be used with an algorithm ``name`` that supports threads (currently only | |
``name="threaded"``) and there must be at least the same number of chunks as threads. | |
If ``thread_count=0`` and ``name="threaded"`` then it uses the maximum number of threads | |
as determined by the C++11 call ``std::thread::hardware_concurrency()``. If ``name`` is | |
something other than ``"threaded"`` then the ``thread_count`` will be set to ``1``. | |
Return: | |
:class:`~.ContourGenerator`. | |
Note: | |
A maximum of one of ``chunk_size``, ``chunk_count`` and ``total_chunk_count`` may be | |
specified. | |
Warning: | |
The ``name="mpl2005"`` algorithm does not implement chunking for contour lines. | |
""" | |
x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) | |
y = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float64) | |
z, mask = _remove_z_mask(z) | |
# Check arguments: z. | |
if z.ndim != 2: | |
raise TypeError(f"Input z must be 2D, not {z.ndim}D") | |
if z.shape[0] < 2 or z.shape[1] < 2: | |
raise TypeError(f"Input z must be at least a (2, 2) shaped array, but has shape {z.shape}") | |
ny, nx = z.shape | |
# Check arguments: x and y. | |
if x.ndim != y.ndim: | |
raise TypeError(f"Number of dimensions of x ({x.ndim}) and y ({y.ndim}) do not match") | |
if x.ndim == 0: | |
x = np.arange(nx, dtype=np.float64) | |
y = np.arange(ny, dtype=np.float64) | |
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) | |
elif x.ndim == 1: | |
if len(x) != nx: | |
raise TypeError(f"Length of x ({len(x)}) must match number of columns in z ({nx})") | |
if len(y) != ny: | |
raise TypeError(f"Length of y ({len(y)}) must match number of rows in z ({ny})") | |
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) | |
elif x.ndim == 2: | |
if x.shape != z.shape: | |
raise TypeError(f"Shapes of x {x.shape} and z {z.shape} do not match") | |
if y.shape != z.shape: | |
raise TypeError(f"Shapes of y {y.shape} and z {z.shape} do not match") | |
else: | |
raise TypeError(f"Inputs x and y must be None, 1D or 2D, not {x.ndim}D") | |
# Check mask shape just in case. | |
if mask is not None and mask.shape != z.shape: | |
raise ValueError("If mask is set it must be a 2D array with the same shape as z") | |
# Check arguments: name. | |
if name not in _class_lookup: | |
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognised contour generator name: {name}") | |
# Check arguments: chunk_size, chunk_count and total_chunk_count. | |
y_chunk_size, x_chunk_size = calc_chunk_sizes( | |
chunk_size, chunk_count, total_chunk_count, ny, nx) | |
cls = _class_lookup[name] | |
# Check arguments: corner_mask. | |
if corner_mask is None: | |
# Set it to default, which is True if the algorithm supports it. | |
corner_mask = cls.supports_corner_mask() | |
elif corner_mask and not cls.supports_corner_mask(): | |
raise ValueError(f"{name} contour generator does not support corner_mask=True") | |
# Check arguments: line_type. | |
if line_type is None: | |
line_type = cls.default_line_type | |
else: | |
line_type = as_line_type(line_type) | |
if not cls.supports_line_type(line_type): | |
raise ValueError(f"{name} contour generator does not support line_type {line_type}") | |
# Check arguments: fill_type. | |
if fill_type is None: | |
fill_type = cls.default_fill_type | |
else: | |
fill_type = as_fill_type(fill_type) | |
if not cls.supports_fill_type(fill_type): | |
raise ValueError(f"{name} contour generator does not support fill_type {fill_type}") | |
# Check arguments: quad_as_tri. | |
if quad_as_tri and not cls.supports_quad_as_tri(): | |
raise ValueError(f"{name} contour generator does not support quad_as_tri=True") | |
# Check arguments: z_interp. | |
if z_interp is None: | |
z_interp = ZInterp.Linear | |
else: | |
z_interp = as_z_interp(z_interp) | |
if z_interp != ZInterp.Linear and not cls.supports_z_interp(): | |
raise ValueError(f"{name} contour generator does not support z_interp {z_interp}") | |
# Check arguments: thread_count. | |
if thread_count not in (0, 1) and not cls.supports_threads(): | |
raise ValueError(f"{name} contour generator does not support thread_count {thread_count}") | |
# Prepare args and kwargs for contour generator constructor. | |
args = [x, y, z, mask] | |
kwargs: dict[str, int | bool | LineType | FillType | ZInterp] = { | |
"x_chunk_size": x_chunk_size, | |
"y_chunk_size": y_chunk_size, | |
} | |
if name not in ("mpl2005", "mpl2014"): | |
kwargs["line_type"] = line_type | |
kwargs["fill_type"] = fill_type | |
if cls.supports_corner_mask(): | |
kwargs["corner_mask"] = corner_mask | |
if cls.supports_quad_as_tri(): | |
kwargs["quad_as_tri"] = quad_as_tri | |
if cls.supports_z_interp(): | |
kwargs["z_interp"] = z_interp | |
if cls.supports_threads(): | |
kwargs["thread_count"] = thread_count | |
# Create contour generator. | |
return cls(*args, **kwargs) | |