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from __future__ import annotations
from enum import IntEnum
__all__ = ["codes"]
class codes(IntEnum):
"""HTTP status codes and reason phrases
Status codes from the following RFCs are all observed:
* RFC 7231: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1), obsoletes 2616
* RFC 6585: Additional HTTP Status Codes
* RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP
* RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for WebDAV, obsoletes 2518
* RFC 5842: Binding Extensions to WebDAV
* RFC 7238: Permanent Redirect
* RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP
* RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework
* RFC 7540: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)
* RFC 2324: Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)
* RFC 7725: An HTTP Status Code to Report Legal Obstacles
* RFC 8297: An HTTP Status Code for Indicating Hints
* RFC 8470: Using Early Data in HTTP
def __new__(cls, value: int, phrase: str = "") -> codes:
obj = int.__new__(cls, value)
obj._value_ = value
obj.phrase = phrase # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return obj
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.value)
def get_reason_phrase(cls, value: int) -> str:
return codes(value).phrase # type: ignore
except ValueError:
return ""
def is_informational(cls, value: int) -> bool:
Returns `True` for 1xx status codes, `False` otherwise.
return 100 <= value <= 199
def is_success(cls, value: int) -> bool:
Returns `True` for 2xx status codes, `False` otherwise.
return 200 <= value <= 299
def is_redirect(cls, value: int) -> bool:
Returns `True` for 3xx status codes, `False` otherwise.
return 300 <= value <= 399
def is_client_error(cls, value: int) -> bool:
Returns `True` for 4xx status codes, `False` otherwise.
return 400 <= value <= 499
def is_server_error(cls, value: int) -> bool:
Returns `True` for 5xx status codes, `False` otherwise.
return 500 <= value <= 599
def is_error(cls, value: int) -> bool:
Returns `True` for 4xx or 5xx status codes, `False` otherwise.
return 400 <= value <= 599
# informational
CONTINUE = 100, "Continue"
SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101, "Switching Protocols"
PROCESSING = 102, "Processing"
EARLY_HINTS = 103, "Early Hints"
# success
OK = 200, "OK"
CREATED = 201, "Created"
ACCEPTED = 202, "Accepted"
NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION = 203, "Non-Authoritative Information"
NO_CONTENT = 204, "No Content"
RESET_CONTENT = 205, "Reset Content"
PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206, "Partial Content"
MULTI_STATUS = 207, "Multi-Status"
ALREADY_REPORTED = 208, "Already Reported"
IM_USED = 226, "IM Used"
# redirection
MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300, "Multiple Choices"
MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301, "Moved Permanently"
FOUND = 302, "Found"
SEE_OTHER = 303, "See Other"
NOT_MODIFIED = 304, "Not Modified"
USE_PROXY = 305, "Use Proxy"
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307, "Temporary Redirect"
PERMANENT_REDIRECT = 308, "Permanent Redirect"
# client error
BAD_REQUEST = 400, "Bad Request"
UNAUTHORIZED = 401, "Unauthorized"
PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402, "Payment Required"
FORBIDDEN = 403, "Forbidden"
NOT_FOUND = 404, "Not Found"
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405, "Method Not Allowed"
NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406, "Not Acceptable"
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 407, "Proxy Authentication Required"
REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408, "Request Timeout"
CONFLICT = 409, "Conflict"
GONE = 410, "Gone"
LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411, "Length Required"
PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412, "Precondition Failed"
REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413, "Request Entity Too Large"
REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414, "Request-URI Too Long"
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415, "Unsupported Media Type"
REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = 416, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable"
EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417, "Expectation Failed"
IM_A_TEAPOT = 418, "I'm a teapot"
MISDIRECTED_REQUEST = 421, "Misdirected Request"
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422, "Unprocessable Entity"
LOCKED = 423, "Locked"
FAILED_DEPENDENCY = 424, "Failed Dependency"
TOO_EARLY = 425, "Too Early"
UPGRADE_REQUIRED = 426, "Upgrade Required"
PRECONDITION_REQUIRED = 428, "Precondition Required"
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = 429, "Too Many Requests"
REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE = 431, "Request Header Fields Too Large"
UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS = 451, "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"
# server errors
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500, "Internal Server Error"
NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501, "Not Implemented"
BAD_GATEWAY = 502, "Bad Gateway"
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503, "Service Unavailable"
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504, "Gateway Timeout"
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505, "HTTP Version Not Supported"
VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES = 506, "Variant Also Negotiates"
INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507, "Insufficient Storage"
LOOP_DETECTED = 508, "Loop Detected"
NOT_EXTENDED = 510, "Not Extended"
NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 511, "Network Authentication Required"
# Include lower-case styles for `requests` compatibility.
for code in codes:
setattr(codes, code._name_.lower(), int(code))