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from __future__ import annotations
import hashlib
import os
import time
import typing
import urllib.parse
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import fastapi
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
from huggingface_hub import HfFolder, whoami
from .utils import get_space
OAUTH_SCOPES = os.environ.get("OAUTH_SCOPES")
def attach_oauth(app: fastapi.FastAPI):
from starlette.middleware.sessions import SessionMiddleware
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
"Cannot initialize OAuth to due a missing library. Please run `pip install gradio[oauth]` or add "
"`gradio[oauth]` to your requirements.txt file in order to install the required dependencies."
) from e
# Add `/login/huggingface`, `/login/callback` and `/logout` routes to enable OAuth in the Gradio app.
# If the app is running in a Space, OAuth is enabled normally. Otherwise, we mock the "real" routes to make the
# user log in with a fake user profile - without any calls to
if get_space() is not None:
# Session Middleware requires a secret key to sign the cookies. Let's use a hash
# of the OAuth secret key to make it unique to the Space + updated in case OAuth
# config gets updated.
session_secret = (OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET or "") + "-v4"
# ^ if we change the session cookie format in the future, we can bump the version of the session secret to make
# sure cookies are invalidated. Otherwise some users with an old cookie format might get a HTTP 500 error.
def _add_oauth_routes(app: fastapi.FastAPI) -> None:
"""Add OAuth routes to the FastAPI app (login, callback handler and logout)."""
from authlib.integrations.base_client.errors import MismatchingStateError
from authlib.integrations.starlette_client import OAuth
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
"Cannot initialize OAuth to due a missing library. Please run `pip install gradio[oauth]` or add "
"`gradio[oauth]` to your requirements.txt file in order to install the required dependencies."
) from e
# Check environment variables
msg = (
"OAuth is required but {} environment variable is not set. Make sure you've enabled OAuth in your Space by"
" setting `hf_oauth: true` in the Space metadata."
raise ValueError(msg.format("OAUTH_CLIENT_ID"))
raise ValueError(msg.format("OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET"))
if OAUTH_SCOPES is None:
raise ValueError(msg.format("OAUTH_SCOPES"))
raise ValueError(msg.format("OPENID_PROVIDER_URL"))
# Register OAuth server
oauth = OAuth()
client_kwargs={"scope": OAUTH_SCOPES},
server_metadata_url=OPENID_PROVIDER_URL + "/.well-known/openid-configuration",
# Define OAuth routes
async def oauth_login(request: fastapi.Request):
"""Endpoint that redirects to HF OAuth page."""
# Define target (where to redirect after login)
redirect_uri = _generate_redirect_uri(request)
return await oauth.huggingface.authorize_redirect(request, redirect_uri) # type: ignore
async def oauth_redirect_callback(request: fastapi.Request) -> RedirectResponse:
"""Endpoint that handles the OAuth callback."""
oauth_info = await oauth.huggingface.authorize_access_token(request) # type: ignore
except MismatchingStateError:
# If the state mismatch, it is very likely that the cookie is corrupted.
# There is a bug reported in authlib that causes the token to grow indefinitely if the user tries to login
# repeatedly. Since cookies cannot get bigger than 4kb, the token will be truncated at some point - hence
# losing the state. A workaround is to delete the cookie and redirect the user to the login page again.
# See for more details.
# Delete all keys that are related to the OAuth state, just in case
for key in list(request.session.keys()):
if key.startswith("_state_huggingface"):
# Parse query params
nb_redirects = int(request.query_params.get("_nb_redirects", 0))
target_url = request.query_params.get("_target_url")
# Build /login URI with the same query params as before and bump nb_redirects count
query_params: dict[str, str | int] = {"_nb_redirects": nb_redirects + 1}
if target_url:
query_params["_target_url"] = target_url
login_uri = f"/login/huggingface?{urllib.parse.urlencode(query_params)}"
# If the user is redirected more than 3 times, it is very likely that the cookie is not working properly.
# (e.g. browser is blocking third-party cookies in iframe). In this case, redirect the user in the
# non-iframe view.
if nb_redirects > MAX_REDIRECTS:
host = os.environ.get("SPACE_HOST")
if host is None: # cannot happen in a Space
raise RuntimeError(
"Gradio is not running in a Space (SPACE_HOST environment variable is not set)."
" Cannot redirect to non-iframe view."
) from None
host_url = "https://" + host.rstrip("/")
return RedirectResponse(host_url + login_uri)
# Redirect the user to the login page again
return RedirectResponse(login_uri)
# OAuth login worked => store the user info in the session and redirect
request.session["oauth_info"] = oauth_info
return _redirect_to_target(request)
async def oauth_logout(request: fastapi.Request) -> RedirectResponse:
"""Endpoint that logs out the user (e.g. delete cookie session)."""
request.session.pop("oauth_info", None)
return _redirect_to_target(request)
def _add_mocked_oauth_routes(app: fastapi.FastAPI) -> None:
"""Add fake oauth routes if Gradio is run locally and OAuth is enabled.
Clicking on a gr.LoginButton will have the same behavior as in a Space (i.e. gets redirected in a new tab) but
instead of authenticating with HF, a mocked user profile is added to the session.
"Gradio does not support OAuth features outside of a Space environment. To help"
" you debug your app locally, the login and logout buttons are mocked with your"
" profile. To make it work, your machine must be logged in to Huggingface."
mocked_oauth_info = _get_mocked_oauth_info()
# Define OAuth routes
async def oauth_login(request: fastapi.Request): # noqa: ARG001
"""Fake endpoint that redirects to HF OAuth page."""
# Define target (where to redirect after login)
redirect_uri = _generate_redirect_uri(request)
return RedirectResponse(
"/login/callback?" + urllib.parse.urlencode({"_target_url": redirect_uri})
async def oauth_redirect_callback(request: fastapi.Request) -> RedirectResponse:
"""Endpoint that handles the OAuth callback."""
request.session["oauth_info"] = mocked_oauth_info
return _redirect_to_target(request)
async def oauth_logout(request: fastapi.Request) -> RedirectResponse:
"""Endpoint that logs out the user (e.g. delete cookie session)."""
request.session.pop("oauth_info", None)
logout_url = str(request.url).replace("/logout", "/") # preserve query params
return RedirectResponse(url=logout_url)
def _generate_redirect_uri(request: fastapi.Request) -> str:
if "_target_url" in request.query_params:
# if `_target_url` already in query params => respect it
target = request.query_params["_target_url"]
# otherwise => keep query params
target = "/?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(request.query_params)
redirect_uri = request.url_for("oauth_redirect_callback").include_query_params(
redirect_uri_as_str = str(redirect_uri)
if redirect_uri.netloc.endswith(""):
# In Space, FastAPI redirect as http but we want https
redirect_uri_as_str = redirect_uri_as_str.replace("http://", "https://")
return redirect_uri_as_str
def _redirect_to_target(
request: fastapi.Request, default_target: str = "/"
) -> RedirectResponse:
target = request.query_params.get("_target_url", default_target)
return RedirectResponse(target)
class OAuthProfile(typing.Dict): # inherit from Dict for backward compatibility
A Gradio OAuthProfile object that can be used to inject the profile of a user in a
function. If a function expects `OAuthProfile` or `Optional[OAuthProfile]` as input,
the value will be injected from the FastAPI session if the user is logged in. If the
user is not logged in and the function expects `OAuthProfile`, an error will be
name (str): The name of the user (e.g. 'Abubakar Abid').
username (str): The username of the user (e.g. 'abidlabs')
profile (str): The profile URL of the user (e.g. '').
picture (str): The profile picture URL of the user.
import gradio as gr
from typing import Optional
def hello(profile: Optional[gr.OAuthProfile]) -> str:
if profile is None:
return "I don't know you."
return f"Hello {}"
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown().attach_load_event(hello, None)
name: str = field(init=False)
username: str = field(init=False)
profile: str = field(init=False)
picture: str = field(init=False)
def __init__(self, data: dict): # hack to make OAuthProfile backward compatible
self.update(data) = self["name"]
self.username = self["preferred_username"]
self.profile = self["profile"]
self.picture = self["picture"]
class OAuthToken:
A Gradio OAuthToken object that can be used to inject the access token of a user in a
function. If a function expects `OAuthToken` or `Optional[OAuthToken]` as input,
the value will be injected from the FastAPI session if the user is logged in. If the
user is not logged in and the function expects `OAuthToken`, an error will be
token (str): The access token of the user.
scope (str): The scope of the access token.
expires_at (int): The expiration timestamp of the access token.
import gradio as gr
from typing import Optional
from huggingface_hub import whoami
def list_organizations(oauth_token: Optional[gr.OAuthToken]) -> str:
if oauth_token is None:
return "Please log in to list organizations."
org_names = [org["name"] for org in whoami(oauth_token.token)["orgs"]]
return f"You belong to {', '.join(org_names)}."
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown().attach_load_event(list_organizations, None)
token: str
scope: str
expires_at: int
def _get_mocked_oauth_info() -> typing.Dict:
token = HfFolder.get_token()
if token is None:
raise ValueError(
"Your machine must be logged in to HF to debug a Gradio app locally. Please"
" run `huggingface-cli login` or set `HF_TOKEN` as environment variable "
"with one of your access token. You can generate a new token in your "
"settings page ("
user = whoami()
if user["type"] != "user":
raise ValueError(
"Your machine is not logged in with a personal account. Please use a "
"personal access token. You can generate a new token in your settings page"
" ("
return {
"access_token": token,
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"scope": "openid profile",
"expires_at": int(time.time()) + 8 * 60 * 60, # 8 hours
"userinfo": {
"sub": "11111111111111111111111",
"name": user["fullname"],
"preferred_username": user["name"],
"profile": f"{user['name']}",
"picture": user["avatarUrl"],
"website": "",
"aud": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"auth_time": 1691672844,
"nonce": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
"iat": 1691672844,
"exp": 1691676444,
"iss": "",