import os os.system("pip uninstall -y gradio") os.system("pip install gradio==3.45.0") import torch.cuda import gradio as gr import mdtex2html import tempfile from PIL import Image import scipy from llama.m2ugen import M2UGen import llama import numpy as np import os import torch import torchaudio import torchvision.transforms as transforms import av import subprocess import librosa import uuid args = {"model": "./ckpts/checkpoint.pth", "llama_type": "7B", "llama_dir": "./ckpts/LLaMA-2", "mert_path": "m-a-p/MERT-v1-330M", "vit_path": "google/vit-base-patch16-224", "vivit_path": "google/vivit-b-16x2-kinetics400", "music_decoder": "musicgen", "music_decoder_path": "facebook/musicgen-medium"} class dotdict(dict): """dot.notation access to dictionary attributes""" __getattr__ = dict.get __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__ args = dotdict(args) generated_audio_files = {} llama_type = args.llama_type llama_ckpt_dir = os.path.join(args.llama_dir, llama_type) llama_tokenzier_path = args.llama_dir model = M2UGen(llama_ckpt_dir, llama_tokenzier_path, args, knn=False, stage=None, load_llama=False) print("Loading Model Checkpoint") checkpoint = torch.load(args.model, map_location='cpu') new_ckpt = {} for key, value in checkpoint['model'].items(): if "generation_model" in key: continue key = key.replace("module.", "") new_ckpt[key] = value load_result = model.load_state_dict(new_ckpt, strict=False) assert len(load_result.unexpected_keys) == 0, f"Unexpected keys: {load_result.unexpected_keys}" model.eval() transform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x.repeat(3, 1, 1) if x.size(0) == 1 else x)]) def postprocess(self, y): if y is None: return [] for i, (message, response) in enumerate(y): y[i] = ( None if message is None else mdtex2html.convert((message)), None if response is None else mdtex2html.convert(response), ) return y gr.Chatbot.postprocess = postprocess def parse_text(text, image_path, video_path, audio_path): """copy from""" outputs = text lines = text.split("\n") lines = [line for line in lines if line != ""] count = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "```" in line: count += 1 items = line.split('`') if count % 2 == 1: lines[i] = f'<pre><code class="language-{items[-1]}">' else: lines[i] = f'<br></code></pre>' else: if i > 0: if count % 2 == 1: line = line.replace("`", "\`") line = line.replace("<", "<") line = line.replace(">", ">") line = line.replace(" ", " ") line = line.replace("*", "*") line = line.replace("_", "_") line = line.replace("-", "-") line = line.replace(".", ".") line = line.replace("!", "!") line = line.replace("(", "(") line = line.replace(")", ")") line = line.replace("$", "$") lines[i] = "<br>" + line text = "".join(lines) + "<br>" if image_path is not None: text += f'<img src="./file={image_path}" style="display: inline-block;"><br>' outputs = f'<Image>{image_path}</Image> ' + outputs if video_path is not None: text += f' <video controls playsinline height="320" width="240" style="display: inline-block;" src="./file={video_path}"></video6><br>' outputs = f'<Video>{video_path}</Video> ' + outputs if audio_path is not None: text += f'<audio controls playsinline><source src="./file={audio_path}" type="audio/wav"></audio><br>' outputs = f'<Audio>{audio_path}</Audio> ' + outputs # text = text[::-1].replace(">rb<", "", 1)[::-1] text = text[:-len("<br>")].rstrip() if text.endswith("<br>") else text return text, outputs def save_audio_to_local(uid, audio, sec): global generated_audio_files if not os.path.exists('temp'): os.mkdir('temp') filename = os.path.join('temp', next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) + '.wav') if args.music_decoder == "audioldm2":, rate=16000, data=audio[0]) else:, rate=model.generation_model.config.audio_encoder.sampling_rate, data=audio) generated_audio_files[uid].append(filename) return filename def parse_reponse(uid, model_outputs, audio_length_in_s): response = '' text_outputs = [] for output_i, p in enumerate(model_outputs): if isinstance(p, str): response += p.replace(' '.join([f'[AUD{i}]' for i in range(8)]), '') response += '<br>' text_outputs.append(p.replace(' '.join([f'[AUD{i}]' for i in range(8)]), '')) elif 'aud' in p.keys(): _temp_output = '' for idx, m in enumerate(p['aud']): if isinstance(m, str): response += m.replace(' '.join([f'[AUD{i}]' for i in range(8)]), '') response += '<br>' _temp_output += m.replace(' '.join([f'[AUD{i}]' for i in range(8)]), '') else: filename = save_audio_to_local(uid, m, audio_length_in_s) print(filename) _temp_output = f'<Audio>{filename}</Audio> ' + _temp_output response += f'<audio controls playsinline><source src="./file={filename}" type="audio/wav"></audio>' text_outputs.append(_temp_output) else: pass response = response[:-len("<br>")].rstrip() if response.endswith("<br>") else response return response, text_outputs def reset_user_input(uid): return gr.update(value='') def reset_dialog(uid): global generated_audio_files generated_audio_files[uid] = [] return [], [] def reset_state(uid): global generated_audio_files generated_audio_files[uid] = [] return None, None, None, None, [], [], [] def upload_image(conversation, chat_history, image_input): input_image = (224, 224)).convert('RGB') # Overwrite with smaller image. conversation += [(f'<img src="./file={}" style="display: inline-block;">', "")] return conversation, chat_history + [input_image, ""] def read_video_pyav(container, indices): frames = [] for i, frame in enumerate(container.decode(video=0)): frames.append(frame) chosen_frames = [] for i in indices: chosen_frames.append(frames[i]) return np.stack([x.to_ndarray(format="rgb24") for x in chosen_frames]) def sample_frame_indices(clip_len, frame_sample_rate, seg_len): converted_len = int(clip_len * frame_sample_rate) if converted_len > seg_len: converted_len = 0 end_idx = np.random.randint(converted_len, seg_len) start_idx = end_idx - converted_len indices = np.linspace(start_idx, end_idx, num=clip_len) indices = np.clip(indices, start_idx, end_idx - 1).astype(np.int64) return indices def get_video_length(filename): print("Getting Video Length") result =["ffprobe", "-v", "error", "-show_entries", "format=duration", "-of", "default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1", filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return int(round(float(result.stdout))) def get_audio_length(filename): return int(round(librosa.get_duration(path=filename))) def predict( uid, prompt_input, image_path, audio_path, video_path, chatbot, top_p, temperature, history, modality_cache, audio_length_in_s): global generated_audio_files prompts = [llama.format_prompt(prompt_input)] prompts = [model.tokenizer(x).input_ids for x in prompts] print(image_path, audio_path, video_path) image, audio, video = None, None, None if image_path is not None: image = transform( if audio_path is not None: sample_rate = 24000 waveform, sr = torchaudio.load(audio_path) if sample_rate != sr: waveform = torchaudio.functional.resample(waveform, orig_freq=sr, new_freq=sample_rate) audio = torch.mean(waveform, 0) if video_path is not None: print("Opening Video") container = indices = sample_frame_indices(clip_len=32, frame_sample_rate=1,[0].frames) video = read_video_pyav(container=container, indices=indices) if uid in generated_audio_files and len(generated_audio_files[uid]) != 0: sample_rate = 24000 waveform, sr = torchaudio.load(generated_audio_files[uid][-1]) if sample_rate != sr: waveform = torchaudio.functional.resample(waveform, orig_freq=sr, new_freq=sample_rate) audio = torch.mean(waveform, 0) else: generated_audio_files[uid] = [] print(image, video, audio) response = model.generate(prompts, audio, image, video, 200, temperature, top_p, audio_length_in_s=audio_length_in_s) print(response) response_chat, response_outputs = parse_reponse(uid, response, audio_length_in_s) print('text_outputs: ', response_outputs) user_chat, user_outputs = parse_text(prompt_input, image_path, video_path, audio_path) chatbot.append((user_chat, response_chat)) history.append((user_outputs, ''.join(response_outputs).replace('\n###', ''))) return chatbot, history, modality_cache, None, None, None, with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.HTML(""" <h1 align="center" style=" display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; font-size: 25pt; "><img src='./file=bot.png' width="50" height="50" style="margin-right: 10px;">M<sup style="line-height: 200%; font-size: 60%">2</sup>UGen</h1> <h3>This is the demo page of M<sup>2</sup>UGen, a Music Understanding and Generation model that is capable of Music Question Answering and also Music Generation from texts, images, videos and audios, as well as Music Editing. The model utilizes encoders such as MERT for music understanding, ViT for image understanding and ViViT for video understanding and the MusicGen/AudioLDM2 model as the music generation model (music decoder), coupled with adapters and the LLaMA 2 model to make the model capable of multiple abilities!</h3> <div style="display: flex;"><a href=''><img src=''></a>       <a href=''><img src=''></a>       <a href=''><img src=''></a></div> """) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=0.7, min_width=500): with gr.Row(): chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label='M2UGen Chatbot', avatar_images=( (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'user.png')), (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bot.png"))), height=440) with gr.Tab("User Input"): with gr.Row(scale=3): user_input = gr.Textbox(label="Text", placeholder="Key in something here...", lines=3) with gr.Row(scale=3): with gr.Column(scale=1): # image_btn = gr.UploadButton("🖼️ Upload Image", file_types=["image"]) image_path = gr.Image(type="filepath", label="Image") # .style(height=200) # <PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGB size=512x512 at 0x7F6E06738D90> with gr.Column(scale=1): audio_path = gr.Audio(type='filepath') # .style(height=200) with gr.Column(scale=1): video_path = gr.Video() # .style(height=200) # , value=None, interactive=True with gr.Column(scale=0.3, min_width=300): with gr.Group(): with gr.Accordion('Text Advanced Options', open=True): top_p = gr.Slider(0, 1, value=0.8, step=0.01, label="Top P", interactive=True) temperature = gr.Slider(0, 1, value=0.4, step=0.01, label="Temperature", interactive=True) with gr.Accordion('Audio Advanced Options', open=False): audio_length_in_s = gr.Slider(5, 30, value=30, step=1, label="The audio length in seconds", interactive=True) with gr.Tab("Operation"): with gr.Row(scale=1): submitBtn = gr.Button(value="Submit & Run", variant="primary") with gr.Row(scale=1): emptyBtn = gr.Button("Clear History") history = gr.State([]) modality_cache = gr.State([]) uid = gr.State(uuid.uuid4()) gr.Examples(inputs=[user_input, image_path, audio_path, video_path], examples=[["Generate a music to match the image", "./examples/drums.webp", None, None], ["Generate a music to match the mood of the black and white image", "./examples/sad.jpeg", None, None], ["Generate a music using the instrument in the image", "./examples/guitar.jpeg", None, None], ["Replace the piano in the music with an acoustic guitar", None, "./examples/piano.mp3", None], ["Extract the drums from the following music", None, "./examples/drums.mp3", None]]) predict, [ uid, user_input, image_path, audio_path, video_path, chatbot, top_p, temperature, history, modality_cache, audio_length_in_s ], [ chatbot, history, modality_cache, image_path, audio_path, video_path ], show_progress=True ), [uid], [user_input]), [uid], outputs=[ image_path, audio_path, video_path, chatbot, history, modality_cache ], show_progress=True) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()