LevelBot / app.py
lunarflu's picture
lunarflu HF staff
move all support to discord
215dffc verified
history blame
46.3 kB
import os
import re
import csv
import json
import time
import random
import asyncio
import discord
import logging
import os.path
import secrets
import gspread
import datetime
import requests
import threading
import gradio_client
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import gradio as gr
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from tabulate import tabulate
from requests import HTTPError
from gradio_client import Client
from discord import Color, Embed
from discord.ui import Button, View
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
from apscheduler.executors.pool import ThreadPoolExecutor
from apscheduler.executors.asyncio import AsyncIOExecutor
from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import AsyncIOScheduler
from gspread_formatting.dataframe import format_with_dataframe
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from gspread_dataframe import get_as_dataframe, set_with_dataframe
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, list_liked_repos, list_metrics, list_models
DISCORD_TOKEN = os.environ.get("DISCORD_TOKEN", None)
intents = discord.Intents.all()
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', intents=intents)
GRADIO_APP_URL = "https://huggingface.co/spaces/discord-community/LevelBot"
# Dictionary to store user IDs and their corresponding unique strings
user_tokens = {}
XP_PER_MESSAGE = 10 # 100k messages = 1M exp = lvl 100
service_account = json.loads(os.environ.get('KEY'))
file_path = 'service_account.json'
with open(file_path, 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(service_account, json_file)
gspread_bot = gspread.service_account(filename='service_account.json')
worksheet = gspread_bot.open("levelbot").sheet1
test_merge_worksheet = gspread_bot.open("test_merge").sheet1
bot_ids = [1136614989411655780, 1166392942387265536, 1158038249835610123, 1130774761031610388, 1155489509518098565, 1155169841276260546, 1152238037355474964, 1154395078735953930]
api = HfApi()
global_df = pd.DataFrame()
community_global_df = pd.DataFrame()
community_global_df_with_id = pd.DataFrame()
community_global_df_gradio = pd.DataFrame()
test_merge = pd.read_csv("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C8aLqgCqLYcMiIFf-P_Aosaa03C_WLIB_UyqvjSdWg8/export?format=csv&gid=0")
class DMButton(Button):
def __init__(self, label, style):
super().__init__(label=label, style=style)
async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
# await interaction.user.send(self.message) # this is for DMs, but users may have DMs disabled
user_id = interaction.user.id
if int(user_id) in user_tokens:
del user_tokens[int(user_id)] # always delete all past tokens for a given user when creating new link
unique_string = generate_unique_string()
user_tokens[user_id] = unique_string
unique_link = f"<{GRADIO_APP_URL}?user_id={user_id}&token={unique_string}>"
message = f"Login link generated! To complete the verification process:\n- 1 Visit this link,\n- 2 click the 'πŸ€—Sign in with Hugging Face' button\n\n{unique_link}"
await interaction.response.send_message(message, ephemeral=True)
def generate_unique_string(length=6):
return secrets.token_hex(length // 2)
async def on_ready():
global global_df
await asyncio.sleep(1.1)
print(f'Logged in as {bot.user.name}')
guild = bot.get_guild(879548962464493619)
await guild.chunk() # get all users into bot cache
channel = bot.get_channel(900125909984624713)
if channel:
message = await channel.fetch_message(1271145797433557023)
if message:
button = DMButton(label="Verify Discord Account", style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary)
view = View(timeout=None)
await message.edit(view=view)
print("message edited")
except discord.NotFound:
print(f"Message with ID 1271145797433557023 not found.")
except discord.HTTPException as e:
print(f"Failed to fetch message with ID 1271145797433557023: {e}")
"""import data from google sheets -> HF Space df (doesn't make API call this way, as it's read-only)"""
global_df = test_merge
print(f"csv successfully retrieved: \n {global_df}")
# updates both leaderboards
except Exception as e:
print(f"on_ready Error: {e}")
def update_google_sheet():
"""save data from HF Space -> google sheets (makes 1 API call)"""
print("Updating google sheets...")
name = "test_merge_worksheet"
set_with_dataframe(test_merge_worksheet, global_df)
timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print(f"Google sheet {name} {test_merge_worksheet} successfully updated at {timestamp}! \n{global_df}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"update_google_sheet Error: {e}")
#@tasks.loop(minutes=1) tasks.loop leads to heartbeat blocked issues (merging calculations too much with normal discord bot functions)
def update_hub_stats():
global global_df
print("Updating hub stats...")
for index, row in global_df.iterrows():
user = row['hf_user_name']
if pd.notna(user):
#print(f"user: {user}")
url = f"https://huggingface.co/api/users/{user}/overview"
#print(f"url: {url}")
response = requests.get(url)
#print(f"response: {response}")
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
#print(f"data: {data}")
likes = data["numLikes"]
models = data["numModels"]
datasets = data["numDatasets"]
spaces = data["numSpaces"]
discussions = data["numDiscussions"]
papers = data["numPapers"]
upvotes = data["numUpvotes"]
# recalculate level as well (no longer only depends on discord activity)
global_df.loc[index, 'likes'] = likes
global_df.loc[index, 'models'] = models
global_df.loc[index, 'datasets'] = datasets
global_df.loc[index, 'spaces'] = spaces
global_df.loc[index, 'discussions'] = discussions
global_df.loc[index, 'papers'] = papers
global_df.loc[index, 'upvotes'] = upvotes
total_hub_activity = likes + models + datasets + spaces + discussions + papers + upvotes
total_hub_exp = total_hub_activity * 20 #2x better than discord
total_hub_exp_string = "L" + str(total_hub_exp) + "L"
# hub exp
global_df.loc[index, 'hub_exp'] = total_hub_exp_string
# total exp (discord + hub)
discord_exp = row['discord_exp']
discord_exp_int = discord_exp.strip('L')
total_exp = int(discord_exp_int) + int(total_hub_exp)
total_exp_string = "L" + str(total_exp) + "L"
global_df.loc[index, 'total_exp'] = total_exp_string
# level
level = calculate_level(total_exp)
global_df.loc[index, 'discord_level'] = level
except Exception as e:
print(f"{e} error updating the dataframe")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to parse data for user {user}. {e}")
timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print(f"Hub stats successfully updated at {timestamp}! \n{global_df}")
thread_pool_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
asyncio_executor = AsyncIOExecutor()
scheduler = BackgroundScheduler(executors={
'default': thread_pool_executor
scheduler.add_job(update_google_sheet, trigger='interval', minutes=1, max_instances=2, executor='default')
scheduler.add_job(update_hub_stats, trigger='interval', minutes=1.5, max_instances=2, executor='default')
def calculate_level(xp):
return int(xp ** (1.0 / 3.0))
def calculate_xp(level):
return (int(level ** 3))
async def add_exp(member_id):
"""Uses member_id to create new record or update old one [member_id_column] ... [member_exp_column]"""
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
global global_df
guild = bot.get_guild(879548962464493619)
member = guild.get_member(member_id) # bot.get_user == User, guild.get_member == Member (not the same thing!)
lvl1 = guild.get_role(1171861537699397733)
lvl2 = guild.get_role(1171861595115245699)
lvl3 = guild.get_role(1171861626715115591)
lvl4 = guild.get_role(1171861657975259206)
lvl5 = guild.get_role(1171861686580412497)
lvl6 = guild.get_role(1171861900301172736)
lvl7 = guild.get_role(1171861936258941018)
lvl8 = guild.get_role(1171861968597024868)
lvl9 = guild.get_role(1171862009982242836)
lvl10 = guild.get_role(1164188093713223721)
lvl11 = guild.get_role(1171524944354607104)
lvl12 = guild.get_role(1171524990257082458)
lvl13 = guild.get_role(1171525021928263791)
lvl14 = guild.get_role(1171525062201966724)
lvl15 = guild.get_role(1171525098465918996)
lvl16 = guild.get_role(1176826165546201099)
lvl17 = guild.get_role(1176826221301092392)
lvl18 = guild.get_role(1176826260643659776)
lvl19 = guild.get_role(1176826288816791693)
lvl20 = guild.get_role(1176826319447801896)
lvl21 = guild.get_role(1195030831174008902)
lvl22 = guild.get_role(1195030883351150592)
lvl23 = guild.get_role(1196055555006009445)
lvl24 = guild.get_role(1196055640917938216)
lvl25 = guild.get_role(1196055712506318869)
lvl26 = guild.get_role(1196055775924195378)
lvl27 = guild.get_role(1196055837018435664)
lvl28 = guild.get_role(1196055908267081849)
lvl29 = guild.get_role(1196055970804150352)
lvl30 = guild.get_role(1196056027720847380)
lvl31 = guild.get_role(1206542603261186078)
lvl32 = guild.get_role(1206542673549205514)
lvl33 = guild.get_role(1206542690939048007)
lvl34 = guild.get_role(1206542707862806568)
lvl35 = guild.get_role(1206542723633512468)
lvl36 = guild.get_role(1206542738728681485)
lvl37 = guild.get_role(1206542754625101866)
lvl38 = guild.get_role(1206542771314364416)
lvl39 = guild.get_role(1206542785973321758)
lvl40 = guild.get_role(1206542802155208725)
lvl41 = guild.get_role(1206568953221218354)
lvl42 = guild.get_role(1206568979393413150)
lvl43 = guild.get_role(1206568997374394368)
lvl44 = guild.get_role(1206569014747463681)
lvl45 = guild.get_role(1206569031650385921)
lvl46 = guild.get_role(1206569047207182356)
lvl47 = guild.get_role(1206569062851805254)
lvl48 = guild.get_role(1206569077112315984)
lvl49 = guild.get_role(1206569091826057306)
lvl50 = guild.get_role(1206569107118493757)
lvls = {
1: lvl1, 2: lvl2, 3: lvl3, 4: lvl4, 5: lvl5, 6: lvl6, 7: lvl7, 8: lvl8, 9: lvl9, 10: lvl10,
11: lvl11, 12: lvl12, 13: lvl13, 14: lvl14, 15: lvl15, 16: lvl16, 17: lvl17, 18: lvl18, 19: lvl19, 20: lvl20,
21: lvl21, 22: lvl22, 23: lvl23, 24: lvl24, 25: lvl25, 26: lvl26, 27: lvl27, 28: lvl28, 29: lvl29, 30: lvl30,
31: lvl31, 32: lvl32, 33: lvl33, 34: lvl34, 35: lvl35, 36: lvl36, 37: lvl37, 38: lvl38, 39: lvl39, 40: lvl40,
41: lvl41, 42: lvl42, 43: lvl43, 44: lvl44, 45: lvl45, 46: lvl46, 47: lvl47, 48: lvl48, 49: lvl49, 50: lvl50,
member_found = False
print(f"Searching for member_id {member_id} in dataframe...")
# discord_user_id column
# iterate over items of first column (discord_user_id)
for index, cell_value in global_df.iloc[:, 0].items():
# tldr; set_as_dataframe forces scientific notation which corrupts discord_user_id data.
# set_as_dataframe is still highly efficient (1 API call), so we format numerical data as strings,
# which results in efficient google sheet updating + data integrity
cell_value = str(cell_value)
if cell_value.startswith("L") and cell_value.endswith("L"):
cell_value_clipped = cell_value[1:-1]
if cell_value_clipped == str(member_id): # str(member_id) needed, it is int by default
# if found, update that row...
member_found = True
print(f"Record for {member} found at row {index + 1}, column 1")
# increment the old experience value (better not to replace outright)
old_xp = global_df.loc[index, 'discord_exp']
# remove L (write, so we replace)
old_xp = str(old_xp)
if old_xp.startswith("L") and old_xp.endswith("L"):
old_xp = old_xp[1:-1]
# str -> int temporarily for adding
new_xp = int(old_xp) + XP_PER_MESSAGE
total_exp = global_df.loc[index, 'total_exp']
hub_xp = global_df.loc[index, 'hub_exp']
total_exp = str(total_exp)
hub_xp = str(hub_xp)
if total_exp.startswith("L") and total_exp.endswith("L"):
total_exp = total_exp[1:-1]
if hub_xp.startswith("L") and hub_xp.endswith("L"):
hub_xp = hub_xp[1:-1]
# set old level; use this for more accurate logging and jumping multiple levels at once (for example, verifying)
old_total_xp = int(total_exp)
#old_level = calculate_level(old_total_xp)
# check if hub exp not empty
if hub_xp.strip():
total_exp = int(new_xp) + int(hub_xp)
total_exp = int(new_xp)
# total v
current_level = calculate_level(total_exp)
# convert back to string + google sheet proofing
new_xp = str(new_xp)
if not new_xp.startswith("L") and not new_xp.endswith("L"):
new_xp = "L" + str(new_xp) + "L"
global_df.loc[index, 'discord_exp'] = new_xp # do not change column name
# after
total_exp = str(total_exp)
if not total_exp.startswith("L") and not total_exp.endswith("L"):
total_exp = "L" + str(total_exp) + "L"
# add back to dataframe in memory after checking redundantly;
if total_exp.startswith("L") and total_exp.endswith("L"):
global_df.loc[index, 'total_exp'] = total_exp # do not change column name
print(f"Record for {member} updated from {old_total_xp} to {global_df.loc[index, 'total_exp']} (+{XP_PER_MESSAGE}) ")
# level up
verified_role = guild.get_role(900063512829755413)
print(f"Current_level for {member}: {current_level}")
if current_level >= 2 and current_level <=50:
current_role = lvls[current_level]
if current_role not in member.roles: # if we need to level up / update role
# finding leaderboard rank + excluding huggingfolks (still need exclusion)
print("Calculating rank...")
copy_df = global_df.copy()
copy_df['discord_user_id'] = copy_df['discord_user_id'].str.strip('L').astype(str)
copy_df['total_exp'] = copy_df['total_exp'].str.strip('L').astype(int)
row = copy_df[copy_df['discord_user_id'] == str(member_id)]
target_exp = row['total_exp'].values[0]
rank = (copy_df['total_exp'] > target_exp).sum() + 1
print(f"The rank for {member} based on total_exp is: {rank}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Discord ID {member} {member_id} not found in the DataFrame. {e}")
rank = "πŸ€—"
# if level 3 -> then send embed, remove some exp
if current_level >= 3: # could change to 4 maybe
if verified_role not in member.roles:
# L12345L -> `12345` -> 12345
total_exp = total_exp[1:-1]
total_exp = int(total_exp)
if total_exp % 30 == 0: # staggers messages so we don't send one every time exp is earned
# claim exp (-30 for level 3, but +100 as bonus exp. This scales infinitely until the member verifies,
# so they can continue earning exp, it just won't translate to levels and the leaderboard.
# This way they can claim at any time and get a big boost in levels!
claim_exp = total_exp + 70
# send embed
embed = Embed(color=Color.red())
embed.set_author(name=f"{member}", icon_url=member.avatar.url if member.avatar else bot.user.avatar.url)
embed.title = f"⚠️Your account is not Verified! Unable to level up `πŸš€` -> `{current_level}` ❌"
msg = f'πŸ€— Hey {member}! You can continue leveling up in the Hugging Face Discord server by Verifying your account, and claim `{claim_exp}` bonus exp points!'
embed.description = f"{msg}"
verification_link = "https://discord.com/channels/879548962464493619/900125909984624713"
embed.add_field(name="Verify Here:", value=verification_link, inline=True)
u_1 = "πŸ‘‘ Earn exp for activity on Discord and HF and climb the ⁠leaderboard !"
u_2 = "🌎 Feature your content in weekly news and increase its visibility!"
u_3 = "πŸš€ Early access to Beta features!"
u_4 = "πŸ›‘οΈ Secure your progress, and restore if needed!"
embed.add_field(name="You can Unlock:", value=f"{u_1}\n{u_2}\n{u_3}\n{u_4}", inline=True)
lunar = bot.get_user(811235357663297546)
await member.send(embed=embed)
await lunar.send(embed=embed)
print("Sent verification cap embed to {member}")
# increment the old level value (better to replace outright)
# only increment level column if you are lvl2 or 3+ with verified role (this may make some members not appear)
global_df.loc[index, 'discord_level'] = current_level # do not change column name
# remove all level roles then add new role
current_level_roles = [role for level, role in lvls.items() if role in member.roles]
if current_level_roles:
print(f"current_level_roles for {member}: {current_level_roles}")
for removable_role in current_level_roles:
await member.remove_roles(removable_role)
print(f"Removed {removable_role} from {member}")
removable_role_name = removable_role.name
removable_role_name = "πŸš€"
await member.add_roles(current_role)
print(f"Level Up! Gave {member} {current_role}")
if current_level == 2: # special embed with opt-out instructions for discord newcomers
embed = Embed(color=Color.blue())
embed.set_author(name=f"{member}", icon_url=member.avatar.url if member.avatar else bot.user.avatar.url)
embed.title = f"Level Up! `{removable_role_name}` -> `{current_level}`"
msg = f'πŸ€— Congrats {member}! You just leveled up in the Hugging Face Discord server. To opt out of these notifications, you can right click -> "Block" me!'
embed.description = f"{msg}."
embed.add_field(name="Leaderboard Ranking:", value=f"πŸ‘‘ **{rank}**\n\nhttps://discord.com/channels/879548962464493619/1197143964994773023", inline=True)
msg3 = "- Posting\n- Reacting / being reacted to\n- Being active on the Hugging Face Hub (verify to link your Hub + Discord accounts!)"
embed.add_field(name="How to Level Up:", value=msg3, inline=True)
verification_link = "https://discord.com/channels/879548962464493619/900125909984624713"
embed.add_field(name="Verify Here:", value=verification_link, inline=True)
lunar = bot.get_user(811235357663297546)
await member.send(embed=embed)
await lunar.send(embed=embed)
print(f"Sent levelup embed to {member}")
if current_role in member.roles:
# send embed
embed = Embed(color=Color.blue())
embed.set_author(name=f"{member}", icon_url=member.avatar.url if member.avatar else bot.user.avatar.url)
embed.title = f"Level Up! `{removable_role_name}` -> `{current_level}`"
msg = f'πŸ€— Congrats {member}! You just leveled up in the Hugging Face Discord server'
embed.description = f"{msg}."
embed.add_field(name="Leaderboard Ranking:", value=f"πŸ‘‘ **{rank}**\n\nhttps://discord.com/channels/879548962464493619/1197143964994773023", inline=True)
msg3 = "- Posting\n- Reacting / being reacted to\n- Being active on the Hugging Face Hub (verify to link your Hub + Discord accounts!)"
embed.add_field(name="How to Level Up:", value=msg3, inline=True)
verification_link = "https://discord.com/channels/879548962464493619/900125909984624713"
embed.add_field(name="Verify Here:", value=verification_link, inline=True)
lunar = bot.get_user(811235357663297546)
await member.send(embed=embed)
await lunar.send(embed=embed)
print(f"Sent levelup embed to {member}")
if not member_found: # this only checks if discord_user_id (with L) is present in discord_user_id column,
# if not, create new record
print(f"Creating new record for {member}")
xp = 10 # define somewhere else?
current_level = calculate_level(xp)
xp = str(xp)
if not xp.startswith("L") and not xp.endswith("L"):
xp = "L" + str(xp) + "L"
member_id = str(member_id)
if not member_id.startswith("L") and not member_id.endswith("L"):
member_id = "L" + str(member_id) + "L"
member_name = str(member.name)
hf_user_name = "n/a"
hub_exp = "L0L"
total_exp = xp
verified_date = "n/a"
# need to initialize these when creating new record
likes = 0
models = 0
datasets = 0
spaces = 0
discussions = 0
papers = 0
upvotes = 0
row_data = [member_id, member_name, xp, current_level, hf_user_name, hub_exp, total_exp, verified_date, likes, models, datasets, spaces, discussions, papers, upvotes]
global_df.loc[len(global_df.index)] = row_data
except Exception as e:
print(f"add_exp Error: {e}")
async def on_message(message):
org_link = "https://huggingface.co/organizations/discord-community/share/wPKRAHYbAlaEaCxUxcqVyaaaeZcYagDvqc"
invite_message = "Click to join our community org on the HF Hub!"
if message.author.id not in bot_ids: # could change to if author does not have bot role (roleid)
print(f"adding exp from message {message.author}")
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
await add_exp(message.author.id)
# add check for verification
if message.content.find("!help") != -1:
await message.channel.send(
"To verify your πŸ€— account, generate a login link in the verification channel! "
await bot.process_commands(message)
except Exception as e:
print(f"on_message Error: {e}")
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
if user.id not in bot_ids:
print(f"adding exp from react {user}")
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
if not isinstance(reaction.message.channel, discord.DMChannel) and reaction.message.author.id != user.id: # can't earn exp from reacting in bot DMs, which is harder to track, and can't earn while self-reacting, which is abuseable
await add_exp(reaction.message.author.id)
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
except Exception as e:
print(f"on_reaction_add Error: {e}")
def format_hyperlink(username):
return f'<a target="_blank" href="https://huggingface.co/{username}" style="color: var(--link-text-color);">{username}</a>'
async def remove_huggingfolks():
guild = bot.get_guild(879548962464493619)
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=897376942817419265)
await guild.chunk()
members_with_role = [member.id for member in guild.members if role in member.roles]
top_num_rows = await asyncio.to_thread(_remove_huggingfolks_sync, members_with_role)
channel = bot.get_channel(1197143964994773023)
message = await channel.fetch_message(1197148293164187678)
new_table = tabulate(top_num_rows, headers=["Name", "Level", "Experience", "Rank"], tablefmt="plain")
await message.edit(content=f"Updated Leaderboard:\n```\n{new_table}\n```")
print("Updated discord leaderboard!")
except Exception as e:
print(f"remove_huggingfolks Error: {e}")
def _remove_huggingfolks_sync(members_with_role):
global community_global_df
global community_global_df_with_id
global community_global_df_gradio
community_global_df = global_df.copy()
community_global_df['discord_user_id'] = community_global_df['discord_user_id'].str.strip('L').astype(str)
for member_id in members_with_role:
community_global_df = community_global_df[community_global_df['discord_user_id'] != str(member_id)]
community_global_df_with_id = community_global_df.copy()
reorder = ['discord_user_id', 'hf_user_name', 'discord_exp', 'discord_level', 'discord_user_name', 'hub_exp', 'total_exp', 'verified_date']
community_global_df = community_global_df[reorder]
community_global_df.drop(community_global_df.columns[0], axis=1, inplace=True)
community_global_df.drop(community_global_df.columns[1], axis=1, inplace=True)
community_global_df.drop(community_global_df.columns[2], axis=1, inplace=True)
community_global_df.drop(community_global_df.columns[2], axis=1, inplace=True)
community_global_df.drop(community_global_df.columns[3], axis=1, inplace=True)
# drop rows (records) where hf_user_name does not exist (we display only verified users)
community_global_df = community_global_df.dropna(subset=['hf_user_name'])
community_global_df['total_exp'] = community_global_df['total_exp'].str.strip('L').astype(int)
community_global_df['total_exp'] = pd.to_numeric(community_global_df['total_exp'], errors='coerce').fillna(0).astype(int)
community_global_df = community_global_df.nlargest(len(community_global_df), 'total_exp')
community_global_df_gradio = community_global_df.copy()
community_global_df_gradio['hf_user_name'] = community_global_df_gradio['hf_user_name'].apply(format_hyperlink)
top_num = 30
top_num_exp = community_global_df.head(top_num).copy()
top_num_exp['Rank'] = ['πŸ₯‡', 'πŸ₯ˆ', 'πŸ₯‰'] + [''] * (top_num - 3)
top_num_rows = top_num_exp.values.tolist()
return top_num_rows
async def xp_help(ctx):
help_message = "How to earn Discord / Hub exp: Post messages, react, Like, discuss, create repos and papers"
await ctx.author.send(help_message)
except Exception as e:
print(f"xp_help Error: {e}")
DISCORD_TOKEN = os.environ.get("DISCORD_TOKEN", None)
def run_bot():
def get_data():
return community_global_df_gradio
except Exception as e:
print(f"get_data Error: {e}")
def get_data2():
display_data = {
'πŸ€— Hub (+30 exp)': ['Creating Repos', 'Papers', 'Likes/Upvotes', 'Discussions'],
'Discord (+10 exp)': ['Posting messages', 'Reacting', '', '']
display_df = pd.DataFrame(display_data)
return display_df
except Exception as e:
print(f"get_data2 Error: {e}")
async def on_member_join(member):
# Check if the member already has a record
global global_df
member_id = f"L{member.id}L" # Ensure consistent formatting with the database
if member_id not in global_df['discord_user_id'].values:
# Create a new row for the user
print(f"Creating new record for {member}")
xp = 0 # Start with zero XP
current_level = calculate_level(xp)
xp = f"L{xp}L"
member_name = member.name
hf_user_name = "n/a"
hub_exp = "L0L"
total_exp = xp
verified_date = "n/a"
# Initialize additional columns for the new row
likes = 0
models = 0
datasets = 0
spaces = 0
discussions = 0
papers = 0
upvotes = 0
row_data = [
member_id, member_name, xp, current_level, hf_user_name, hub_exp,
total_exp, verified_date, likes, models, datasets, spaces, discussions,
papers, upvotes
global_df.loc[len(global_df.index)] = row_data # Add the new row
print(f"Added new user {member.name} with ID {member.id} to the database.")
print(f"User {member.name} with ID {member.id} already exists in the database.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error adding new member {member}: {e}")
# year->get all dates
def get_dates_in_year(year):
start_date = datetime(year, 1, 1)
end_date = datetime(year + 1, 1, 1)
delta = end_date - start_date
return [start_date + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(delta.days)]
# HF API->get activity
def get_user_likes(username):
url = f"https://huggingface.co/api/users/{username}/likes"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
print(f"Failed to fetch data: {response.status_code}")
return []
# data->get dates
def parse_activity_dates(activity_data):
activity_dates = []
for item in activity_data:
timestamp = item.get('createdAt')
if timestamp:
date = datetime.fromisoformat(timestamp[:-1]).date()
return activity_dates
def create_plot(username, year):
dates_in_year = get_dates_in_year(year)
dates_in_year = [d.date() for d in dates_in_year]
activity_data = get_user_likes(username)
activity_dates = parse_activity_dates(activity_data)
activity_count = {date: 0 for date in dates_in_year}
for date in activity_dates:
if date in activity_count:
activity_count[date] += 1
total_activities = sum(activity_count.values())
# activity->color
def get_color(activity_count):
if activity_count == 0:
return 'white'
elif activity_count < 5:
return 'lightgreen'
elif activity_count < 10:
return 'green'
return 'darkgreen'
# data->Plotly
num_weeks = len(dates_in_year) // 7 + (1 if len(dates_in_year) % 7 != 0 else 0)
z = [[None for _ in range(num_weeks)] for _ in range(7)]
hover_texts = [["" for _ in range(num_weeks)] for _ in range(7)]
for idx, date in enumerate(dates_in_year):
week = idx // 7
day = idx % 7
z[day][week] = activity_count[date]
hover_texts[day][week] = f"{date}: {activity_count[date]} activities"
# month labels
month_labels = ["JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"]
month_positions = [0] # JAN
for month in range(2, 13):
first_day_of_month = datetime(year, month, 1).date()
month_position = (first_day_of_month - datetime(year, 1, 1).date()).days // 7
# heatmap
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap(
[0, 'white'],
[0.25, 'lightgreen'],
[0.5, 'green'],
[1, 'darkgreen']
# lock the plot size and ensure cells are square
cell_size = 20
title=f'{username} Activity in {year} | Total Contributions: {total_activities}',
xaxis_title=' ',
yaxis_title=' ',
ticktext=['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'],
scaleanchor="x", # This ensures that the cells are square
fixedrange=True, # disable zoom and pan
width=num_weeks * cell_size,
height=14 * cell_size, # halve height of each cell
xaxis=dict(fixedrange=True), # disable zoom and pan
yaxis=dict(fixedrange=True) # disable zoom and pan
return fig
def verify_button(profile: gr.OAuthProfile | None, request: gr.Request) -> str:
url_str = str(request.url)
query_params = parse_qs(urlparse(url_str).query)
user_id = query_params.get('user_id', [None])[0]
token = query_params.get('token', [None])[0]
print(f"||| token:{token}||| user_id:{user_id}||| profile:{profile}||| user_tokens:{user_tokens}")
if user_id is None or token is None:
return "# ❌ Invalid link. Generate a new link [here](https://discord.com/channels/879548962464493619/900125909984624713) !"
if int(user_id) not in user_tokens or user_tokens[int(user_id)] != token:
return "# ❌ Invalid or expired link. Generate a new link [here](https://discord.com/channels/879548962464493619/900125909984624713) !"
if profile is None:
return f"# ❌ Not logged in with Hugging Face yet."
# check if hf_user_name in dataframe:
if profile.username in global_df['hf_user_name'].values:
return (f"# ❌ The HF account {profile.username} is already verified! To change discord accounts or HF accounts, contact @lunarflu on discord")
# check if discord_user_id in dataframe:
altered_member_id = "L" + str(user_id) + "L"
if altered_member_id in global_df['discord_user_id'].values:
hf_user_name = global_df.loc[global_df['discord_user_id'] == altered_member_id, 'hf_user_name'].iloc[0]
if pd.isnull(hf_user_name) or hf_user_name == 'n/a':
# empty (no link created yet between discord_user_id and hf_user_name) so we can update
verified_date = datetime.now().strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")
global_df.loc[global_df['discord_user_id'] == altered_member_id, 'hf_user_name'] = profile.username
global_df.loc[global_df['discord_user_id'] == altered_member_id, 'verified_date'] = verified_date
org_link = "https://huggingface.co/organizations/discord-community/share/wPKRAHYbAlaEaCxUxcqVyaaaeZcYagDvqc"
invite_message = "Click to join our community org on the HF Hub!"
return (f"# βœ… Verification successful! [Discord ID {user_id} <---> {profile.username}] πŸ€—\n{invite_message}\n{org_link} ")
print(f"# βœ… Verification successful! [Discord ID {user_id} <---> {profile.username}] πŸ€—")
return (f"# ❌ The Discord account {user_id} is already verified! To change discord accounts or HF accounts, contact @lunarflu on discord")
print(f"# ❌ The Discord account {user_id} is already verified! To change discord accounts or HF accounts, contact @lunarflu on discord")
# Remove the token after successful verification
del user_tokens[int(user_id)]
demo = gr.Blocks()
with demo:
dataframe1 = pd.read_csv("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C8aLqgCqLYcMiIFf-P_Aosaa03C_WLIB_UyqvjSdWg8/export?format=csv&gid=0") # required for timing
level_counts = dataframe1['discord_level'].value_counts().sort_index()
dataframe2 = pd.DataFrame({
'Levels': level_counts.index,
'Members': level_counts.values
TITLE = """<h1 align="center" id="space-title">πŸ€— Hugging Face Level Leaderboard</h1>"""
with gr.Tabs(elem_classes="tab-buttons") as tabs:
with gr.TabItem("βœ… Discord Verification", elem_id="verify-tab", id=2):
login_button = gr.LoginButton()
m1 = gr.Markdown()
demo.load(verify_button, inputs=None, outputs=m1)
def check_login_status():
return login_button.get_session().get("oauth_info", None)
except AttributeError:
return None
def check_login_wrapper():
session = check_login_status()
if session is None:
return "Not logged in."
return f"Logged in as {session.get('username', 'Unknown')}"
login_button.click(check_login_wrapper, inputs=None, outputs=m1)
with gr.TabItem("πŸ… Level leaderboard", elem_id="level-table", id=0):
#gr.Markdown("# πŸ“ˆ Experience Leaderboard")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
gr.DataFrame(get_data, every=5, height=500, datatype=["markdown"], interactive=False, col_count=(3, "fixed"), column_widths=["100px","100px","100px"])
with gr.Column():
title="Level Distribution",
with gr.Row():
gr.Markdown("# πŸ“ˆ How to earn Experience!")
with gr.Row():
gr.DataFrame(get_data2, every=5, interactive=False)
with gr.TabItem("πŸ“ˆ Activity Heatmap", elem_id="activity-heatmap", id=1):
with gr.Row():
username_input = gr.Textbox(label="Enter Username")
with gr.Row():
year_buttons = [gr.Button(str(year)) for year in range(2021, 2025)]
with gr.Row():
plot = gr.Plot(label="Activity Heatmap")
# buttons for updating the plot
for button in year_buttons:
inputs=[username_input, gr.State(int(button.value))],
#with gr.TabItem("πŸ“ˆ Hub-only leaderboard", elem_id="hub-table", id=2):
except Exception as e:
print(f"gradio demo Error: {e}")