Tango-Music-AF / diffusers /utils /check_dummies.py
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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Inc. team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import os
import re
# All paths are set with the intent you should run this script from the root of the repo with the command
# python utils/check_dummies.py
PATH_TO_DIFFUSERS = "src/diffusers"
# Matches is_xxx_available()
_re_backend = re.compile(r"is\_([a-z_]*)_available\(\)")
# Matches from xxx import bla
_re_single_line_import = re.compile(r"\s+from\s+\S*\s+import\s+([^\(\s].*)\n")
{0} = None
class {0}(metaclass=DummyObject):
_backends = {1}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
requires_backends(self, {1})
def from_config(cls, *args, **kwargs):
requires_backends(cls, {1})
def from_pretrained(cls, *args, **kwargs):
requires_backends(cls, {1})
def {0}(*args, **kwargs):
requires_backends({0}, {1})
def find_backend(line):
"""Find one (or multiple) backend in a code line of the init."""
backends = _re_backend.findall(line)
if len(backends) == 0:
return None
return "_and_".join(backends)
def read_init():
"""Read the init and extracts PyTorch, TensorFlow, SentencePiece and Tokenizers objects."""
with open(os.path.join(PATH_TO_DIFFUSERS, "__init__.py"), "r", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# Get to the point we do the actual imports for type checking
line_index = 0
backend_specific_objects = {}
# Go through the end of the file
while line_index < len(lines):
# If the line contains is_backend_available, we grab all objects associated with the `else` block
backend = find_backend(lines[line_index])
if backend is not None:
while not lines[line_index].startswith("else:"):
line_index += 1
line_index += 1
objects = []
# Until we unindent, add backend objects to the list
while line_index < len(lines) and len(lines[line_index]) > 1:
line = lines[line_index]
single_line_import_search = _re_single_line_import.search(line)
if single_line_import_search is not None:
objects.extend(single_line_import_search.groups()[0].split(", "))
elif line.startswith(" " * 8):
line_index += 1
if len(objects) > 0:
backend_specific_objects[backend] = objects
line_index += 1
return backend_specific_objects
def create_dummy_object(name, backend_name):
"""Create the code for the dummy object corresponding to `name`."""
if name.isupper():
return DUMMY_CONSTANT.format(name)
elif name.islower():
return DUMMY_FUNCTION.format(name, backend_name)
return DUMMY_CLASS.format(name, backend_name)
def create_dummy_files(backend_specific_objects=None):
"""Create the content of the dummy files."""
if backend_specific_objects is None:
backend_specific_objects = read_init()
# For special correspondence backend to module name as used in the function requires_modulename
dummy_files = {}
for backend, objects in backend_specific_objects.items():
backend_name = "[" + ", ".join(f'"{b}"' for b in backend.split("_and_")) + "]"
dummy_file = "# This file is autogenerated by the command `make fix-copies`, do not edit.\n"
dummy_file += "from ..utils import DummyObject, requires_backends\n\n"
dummy_file += "\n".join([create_dummy_object(o, backend_name) for o in objects])
dummy_files[backend] = dummy_file
return dummy_files
def check_dummies(overwrite=False):
"""Check if the dummy files are up to date and maybe `overwrite` with the right content."""
dummy_files = create_dummy_files()
# For special correspondence backend to shortcut as used in utils/dummy_xxx_objects.py
short_names = {"torch": "pt"}
# Locate actual dummy modules and read their content.
path = os.path.join(PATH_TO_DIFFUSERS, "utils")
dummy_file_paths = {
backend: os.path.join(path, f"dummy_{short_names.get(backend, backend)}_objects.py")
for backend in dummy_files.keys()
actual_dummies = {}
for backend, file_path in dummy_file_paths.items():
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as f:
actual_dummies[backend] = f.read()
actual_dummies[backend] = ""
for backend in dummy_files.keys():
if dummy_files[backend] != actual_dummies[backend]:
if overwrite:
f"Updating diffusers.utils.dummy_{short_names.get(backend, backend)}_objects.py as the main "
"__init__ has new objects."
with open(dummy_file_paths[backend], "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as f:
raise ValueError(
"The main __init__ has objects that are not present in "
f"diffusers.utils.dummy_{short_names.get(backend, backend)}_objects.py. Run `make fix-copies` "
"to fix this."
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--fix_and_overwrite", action="store_true", help="Whether to fix inconsistencies.")
args = parser.parse_args()