import streamlit as st import pyvista as pv import tempfile from stpyvista import stpyvista import os def delmodel(): del st.session_state.fileuploader def option_stl_1(): """📤 Upload a STL file""" st.header("📤   Upload a x3D STL file", anchor=False, divider="rainbow") placeholder = st.empty() " " with placeholder: uploadedFile = st.file_uploader( "Upload a x3D file:", ["stl"], accept_multiple_files=False, key="fileuploader", ) if uploadedFile:"Uploaded file size: {uploadedFile.size} bytes") # Save to temporary file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".stl", delete=False) as f: f.write(uploadedFile.getbuffer()) f.flush() temp_file_path = try: reader = pv.STLReader(temp_file_path) mesh ="Mesh points: {mesh.n_points}, Mesh cells: {mesh.n_cells}") if mesh.n_points == 0: st.error("The uploaded STL file is empty or invalid. Please upload a valid file.") else: plotter = pv.Plotter(border=False, window_size=[500, 400]) plotter.background_color = "#f0f8ff" plotter.add_mesh(mesh, color="orange", specular=0.5) plotter.view_xz() with placeholder.container(): st.button("🔙 Restart", "btn_rerender", on_click=delmodel) stpyvista(plotter) finally: os.remove(temp_file_path) # Clean up the temp file def option_stl_2(file_path): st.header("📤   Using embed exported file x3D", anchor=False, divider="rainbow") placeholder = st.empty() " " if file_path: if os.path.exists(file_path) and file_path.endswith(".stl"): try: reader = pv.STLReader(file_path) mesh ="Mesh points: {mesh.n_points}, Mesh cells: {mesh.n_cells}") if mesh.n_points == 0: st.error("The uploaded STL file is empty or invalid. Please upload a valid file.") else: plotter = pv.Plotter(border=False, window_size=[500, 400]) plotter.background_color = "#f0f8ff" plotter.add_mesh(mesh, color="orange", specular=0.5) plotter.view_xz() with placeholder.container(): st.button("🔙 Restart", "btn_rerender") stpyvista(plotter) finally:"Processing completed.") else: st.error("Invalid file path. Please ensure the file exists and is an STL file.")