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# Copyright © 2005-2023 Philip Hands <[email protected]>
# distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version
# see the file "COPYING" for details
use strict;
use warnings;
my $users=shift;
my $pwfile=shift;
my %user_crypt = () ;
open(USERS, $users) or die "Can't open '$users' for input: $!";
while (<USERS>) {
chomp ;
next if /^\s*(#|$)/ ;
my ($user,$crypt,$sudoer,$gecos,$sshkeys) = split(':') ;
$user_crypt{$user} = ($crypt ne "BLANK") ? $crypt : '' ;
system("adduser --disabled-password --gecos \"$gecos\" $user")
unless ("root" eq "$user") ;
system("adduser $user sudo") if ($sudoer) ;
system("mkdir -p -m 0700 ~$user/.ssh") ;
if (defined($sshkeys)) {
foreach my $key (split(',',$sshkeys)) {
system("cat /tmp/sshkeys.$key >> ~$user/.ssh/authorized_keys") ;
system("chown -R $user: ~$user/.ssh") ;
close(USERS) ;
our $^I = ''; # this puts us in inline editing mode
our @ARGV = ($pwfile);
while ( <ARGV> ) {
my ($user,$crypt) = split(':') ;
if (/^([^:]*):(!|BLANK):(.*)$/) {
if (defined($user_crypt{$1})) {
$_ = $1 . ':' . $user_crypt{$1} . ':' . $3 . "\n" ;