import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from raft import RAFT from nnutils import make_conv_2d, make_upscale_2d, make_downscale_2d, ResBlock2d, Identity class ImportanceWeights(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, opt): super().__init__() if opt.small: in_dim = 128 else: in_dim = 256 fn_0 = 16 self.input_fn = fn_0 + 3 * 2 fn_1 = 16 self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_dim, out_channels=fn_0, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) if opt.use_batch_norm: custom_batch_norm = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d else: custom_batch_norm = Identity self.model = nn.Sequential( make_conv_2d(self.input_fn, fn_1, n_blocks=1, normalization=custom_batch_norm), ResBlock2d(fn_1, normalization=custom_batch_norm), ResBlock2d(fn_1, normalization=custom_batch_norm), ResBlock2d(fn_1, normalization=custom_batch_norm), nn.Conv2d(fn_1, 1, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # torch.nn.Sigmoid() ) def forward(self, x, features): # Reduce number of channels and upscale to highest resolution features = self.conv1(features) x =[features, x], 1) assert x.shape[1] == self.input_fn x = self.model(x) print(x) print(x.max(), x.min(), x.mean()) return torch.nn.Sigmoid()(x) class NeuralNRT(nn.Module): def __init__(self, opt, path=None, device="cuda:0"): super(NeuralNRT, self).__init__() self.opt = opt self.CorresPred = RAFT(opt) self.ImportanceW = ImportanceWeights(opt) if path is not None: data = torch.load(path,map_location='cpu') if 'state_dict' in data.keys(): self.CorresPred.load_state_dict(data['state_dict']) print("load done") else: self.CorresPred.load_state_dict({k.replace('module.', ''):v for k,v in data.items()}) print("load done") def forward(self, src_im,tar_im, src_im_raw, tar_im_raw, Crop_param): N=src_im.shape[0] src_im = src_im*255.0 tar_im = tar_im*255.0 flow_fw_crop, feature_fw_crop = self.CorresPred(src_im, tar_im, iters=self.opt.iters) xx = torch.arange(0, self.opt.width).view(1,-1).repeat(self.opt.height,1) yy = torch.arange(0, self.opt.height).view(-1,1).repeat(1,self.opt.width) xx = xx.view(1,1,self.opt.height,self.opt.width).repeat(N,1,1,1) yy = yy.view(1,1,self.opt.height,self.opt.width).repeat(N,1,1,1) grid =,yy),1).float() grid = grid_crop = grid[:, :, :self.opt.crop_height, :self.opt.crop_width] flow_fw = torch.zeros((N, 2, self.opt.height, self.opt.width), device=src_im.device) leftup1 =[:, 0:1, 0], Crop_param[:, 2:3, 0]), 1)[:, :, None, None] leftup2 =[:, 4:5, 0], Crop_param[:, 6:7, 0]), 1)[:, :, None, None] scale1 =[:, 1:2, 0]-Crop_param[:, 0:1, 0]).float() / self.opt.crop_width, (Crop_param[:, 3:4, 0]-Crop_param[:, 2:3, 0]).float() / self.opt.crop_height), 1)[:, :, None, None] scale2 =[:, 5:6, 0]-Crop_param[:, 4:5, 0]).float() / self.opt.crop_width, (Crop_param[:, 7:8, 0]-Crop_param[:, 6:7, 0]).float() / self.opt.crop_height), 1)[:, :, None, None] flow_fw_crop = (scale2 - scale1) * grid_crop + scale2 * flow_fw_crop for i in range(N): flow_fw_cropi = F.interpolate(flow_fw_crop[i:(i+1)], ((Crop_param[i, 3, 0]-Crop_param[i, 2, 0]).item(), (Crop_param[i, 1, 0]-Crop_param[i, 0, 0]).item()), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) flow_fw_cropi =flow_fw_cropi + (leftup2 - leftup1)[i:(i+1), :, :, :] flow_fw[i, :, Crop_param[i, 2, 0]:Crop_param[i, 3, 0], Crop_param[i, 0, 0]:Crop_param[i, 1, 0]] = flow_fw_cropi[0] return flow_fw