import os import zipfile from collections import defaultdict from utils import patch_unimernet_model, prepare_env_mineru patch_unimernet_model() # noqa prepare_env_mineru() # noqa import time from pathlib import Path import gradio as gr import pymupdf4llm from gradio_pdf import PDF from backends import ( # convert_zerox, SUPPORTED_METHODS, SUPPORTED_METHODS_METADATA, convert_docling, convert_gemini, convert_gmft, convert_img2table, convert_marker, convert_mineru, convert_pypdf, convert_sycamore, convert_unstructured, ) from backends.settings import ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE from utils import remove_images_from_markdown, trim_pages TRIMMED_PDF_PATH = Path("/tmp/trimmed_input") TRIMMED_PDF_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True) DO_WARMUP = os.getenv("DO_WARMUP", "True").lower() == "true" MAX_SELECTED_METHODS = int(os.getenv("MAX_SELECTED_METHODS", "6")) MAX_PAGES = int(os.getenv("MAX_PAGES", "5")) def convert_document(path, method, start_page=0, enabled=True): if enabled: print("Processing file", path, "with method", method) else: return "", "", "", [] # benchmarking start = time.time() path = trim_pages( path, output_path=TRIMMED_PDF_PATH, start_page=start_page, trim_pages=MAX_PAGES, ) file_name = Path(path).stem debug_image_paths = [] text = "unknown method" if method == "Docling": text, debug_image_paths = convert_docling(path, file_name) elif method == "Marker": text, debug_image_paths = convert_marker(path, file_name) elif method == "Unstructured": text, debug_image_paths = convert_unstructured(path, file_name) elif method == "PyMuPDF": text = pymupdf4llm.to_markdown( path, embed_images=True, ) elif method == "MinerU": text, debug_image_paths = convert_mineru(path, file_name) elif method == "Gemini (API)": text, debug_image_paths = convert_gemini(path, file_name) elif method == "Sycamore": text, debug_image_paths = convert_sycamore(path, file_name) # elif method == "Zerox": # text, debug_image_paths = convert_zerox(path, file_name) elif method == "Img2Table (table-only)": text, debug_image_paths = convert_img2table(path, file_name) elif method == "GMFT (table-only)": text, debug_image_paths = convert_gmft(path, file_name) elif method == "PyPDF": text, debug_image_paths = convert_pypdf(path, file_name) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported method: {method}") duration = time.time() - start duration_message = f"Conversion with {method} took *{duration:.2f} seconds*" print(duration_message) return ( duration_message, text, remove_images_from_markdown(text), debug_image_paths, ) def to_zip_file(file_path, methods, *output_components): markdown_text_dict = dict() debug_images_dict = defaultdict(list) for idx, method_name in enumerate(SUPPORTED_METHODS): if method_name not in methods: continue markdown_text = output_components[idx * 4 + 2] debug_images = output_components[idx * 4 + 3] markdown_text_dict[method_name] = markdown_text debug_images_dict[method_name] = debug_images # create new temp directory using Python's tempfile module temp_dir = Path(file_path).parent zip_file_path = temp_dir / "" markdown_path = temp_dir / f"{method_name}.md" with open(markdown_path, "w") as f: f.write(markdown_text) # create a zip file in write mode with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipf: for method_name, markdown_text in markdown_text_dict.items(): debug_image_paths = debug_images_dict[method_name] # write the markdown text to the zip file zipf.write( markdown_path, f"{method_name}/{method_name}.md", ) if debug_image_paths: for idx, (debug_image_path, _) in enumerate(debug_image_paths): debug_image_name = Path(debug_image_path).name zipf.write( debug_image_path, f"{method_name}/{debug_image_name}", ) return gr.update( value=str(zip_file_path), visible=True, ) def show_tabs(selected_methods): visible_tabs = [] for method in SUPPORTED_METHODS: visible_tabs.append(gr.update(visible=method in selected_methods)) return visible_tabs latex_delimiters = [ {"left": "$$", "right": "$$", "display": True}, ] # startup test (also for loading models the first time) start_startup = time.time() WARMUP_PDF_PATH = "examples/table.pdf" if DO_WARMUP: print("Warm-up sequence") for method in SUPPORTED_METHODS: for _ in range(1): convert_document(WARMUP_PDF_PATH, method) startup_duration = time.time() - start_startup print(f"Total start-up time: {startup_duration:.2f} seconds") with gr.Blocks( theme=gr.themes.Ocean(), ) as demo: with open("header.html", "r") as file: header = gr.HTML(header) output_components = [] output_tabs = [] visualization_sub_tabs = [] with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(variant="panel", scale=5): input_file = gr.File( label="Upload PDF document", file_types=[ ".pdf", ], ) with gr.Accordion("Examples:"): example_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "examples") gr.Examples( examples=[ os.path.join(example_root, _) for _ in os.listdir(example_root) if _.endswith("pdf") ], inputs=input_file, ) progress_status = gr.Markdown("", show_label=False, container=False) output_file = gr.File( label="Download output", interactive=False, visible=False, ) with gr.Column(variant="panel", scale=5): with gr.Row(): methods = gr.Dropdown( SUPPORTED_METHODS, label=( "Conversion methods " f"(select up-to {MAX_SELECTED_METHODS})" ), value=SUPPORTED_METHODS[:2], multiselect=True, ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Accordion( "Advanced settings", open=False, ): start_page = gr.Number( label=( "Starting page (only max 5 " "consecutive pages are processed)" ), minimum=1, maximum=100, step=1, value=1, ) visual_checkbox = gr.Checkbox( label="Enable debug visualization", visible=ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE, value=True, ) with gr.Row(): convert_btn = gr.Button("Convert", variant="primary", scale=2) clear_btn = gr.ClearButton(value="Clear", scale=1) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(variant="panel", scale=5): pdf_preview = PDF( label="PDF preview", interactive=False, visible=True, height=800, ) with gr.Accordion("Notes", open=False): gr.Markdown( container=False, show_label=False, value=( "- Use the playground for non-sensitive data only.\n" "- Figure and formular extraction might not work properly with some methods (we are working on that!).\n" # noqa "- Some methods (e.g: Gemini) may use external API to process the document.\n" # noqa "- Some methods (e.g: Unstructured) may has longer processing time due to not utilizing GPU resource, be patient!\n" # noqa "- If you have suggestion for better default configuration of current methods, please let us know!\n" # noqa ), ) with gr.Column(variant="panel", scale=5): with gr.Tabs(): for method in SUPPORTED_METHODS: with gr.Tab(method, visible=False) as output_tab: with gr.Tabs(): with gr.Tab("Markdown render"): markdown_render = gr.Markdown( label="Markdown rendering", height=800, show_copy_button=True, latex_delimiters=latex_delimiters, ) with gr.Tab("Markdown text"): markdown_text = gr.TextArea( lines=45, show_label=False, container=False ) with gr.Tab( "Debug visualization", visible=ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE, ) as visual_sub_tab: output_description = gr.Markdown( container=False, show_label=False, ) debug_images = gr.Gallery( show_label=False, container=False, interactive=False, ) with gr.Tab("About"): method_metadata = SUPPORTED_METHODS_METADATA[ method ] # type: ignore method_name = method_metadata["name"] # type: ignore method_description = method_metadata[ "description" ] # type: ignore method_url = method_metadata["url"] # type: ignore method_documentation = method_metadata[ "documentation" ] # type: ignore gr.Markdown( value=( f"# {method_name}\n\n{method_description}\n\n" + ( f"[[Github repo]]({method_url}) " if method_url else "" ) + f"[[Documentation]]({method_documentation})" ), container=False, show_label=False, ) output_components.extend( [ output_description, markdown_render, markdown_text, debug_images, ] ) output_tabs.append(output_tab) visualization_sub_tabs.append(visual_sub_tab) input_file.change(fn=lambda x: x, inputs=input_file, outputs=pdf_preview) def check_preconditions(input_file, selected_methods): if len(selected_methods) > MAX_SELECTED_METHODS: raise ValueError( "Please select up-to " f"{MAX_SELECTED_METHODS} methods only!" ) if input_file is None: raise ValueError("Please upload a PDF file first!") click_event = fn=check_preconditions, inputs=[input_file, methods], ).success( fn=show_tabs, inputs=[methods], outputs=output_tabs, ) for idx, method in enumerate(SUPPORTED_METHODS): def progress_message(selected_methods, method=method): selected_methods_indices = [ idx for idx, current_method in enumerate(SUPPORTED_METHODS) if current_method in selected_methods ] try: current_method_idx = selected_methods_indices.index( SUPPORTED_METHODS.index(method) ) msg = ( f"Processing ({current_method_idx + 1} / " f"{len(selected_methods)}) **{method}**...\n\n" ) except ValueError: msg = gr.update() return msg def process_method(input_file, start_page, selected_methods, method=method): return convert_document( input_file, method=method, start_page=start_page - 1, enabled=method in selected_methods, ) click_event = click_event.then( fn=lambda methods, method=method: progress_message(methods, method), inputs=[methods], outputs=[progress_status], ).then( fn=lambda input_file, start_page, methods, method=method: process_method( input_file, start_page, methods, method ), inputs=[input_file, start_page, methods], outputs=output_components[idx * 4 : (idx + 1) * 4], ) click_event.then(lambda: "All tasks completed.", outputs=[progress_status],).then( fn=to_zip_file, inputs=[ input_file, methods, ] + output_components, outputs=[output_file], ) clear_btn.add( [ input_file, pdf_preview, output_file, ] + output_components ) fn=lambda: gr.update(visible=False), outputs=[output_file], ) visual_checkbox.change( fn=lambda state: [gr.update(visible=state)] * len(visualization_sub_tabs), inputs=visual_checkbox, outputs=visualization_sub_tabs, ) demo.queue(default_concurrency_limit=1).launch( show_error=True, max_file_size="50mb", )