import functools import re from pathlib import Path from shutil import copy2 import pymupdf def remove_images_from_markdown(markdown_text): # remove and ![image](path) from markdown markdown_text = re.sub(r"]*>", "", markdown_text) markdown_text = re.sub(r"!\[[^\]]*\]\([^)]*\)", "", markdown_text) return markdown_text @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def trim_pages(pdf_path, output_path, start_page=0, trim_pages=5): doc = parent_dir_name = Path(pdf_path) output_file_path = Path(output_path) / f"{parent_dir_name}.pdf" num_pages = len(doc) if num_pages > trim_pages: to_select = list(range(start_page, min(start_page + trim_pages, num_pages))) doc.ez_save(output_file_path) print("Trimmed pdf to with pages", to_select, "path", output_file_path) else: copy2(pdf_path, str(output_file_path)) return str(output_file_path) def patch_unimernet_model(): from unimernet.models.unimernet.encoder_decoder import CustomMBartForCausalLM # Save the original __init__ method original_init = CustomMBartForCausalLM.__init__ # Define a new __init__ method def new_init(self, config): config._attn_implementation = "eager" original_init(self, config) # Monkey patch the __init__ method CustomMBartForCausalLM.__init__ = new_init def fix_problematic_imports(): import sys import types # Create a fake 'UnimernetModel' class inside a fake 'Unimernet' module fake_unimernet_module = types.ModuleType( "magic_pdf.model.sub_modules.mfr.unimernet.Unimernet" ) fake_unimernet_module.UnimernetModel = type( # type: ignore "UnimernetModel", (), {} ) # Register fake module in sys.modules sys.modules[ "magic_pdf.model.sub_modules.mfr.unimernet.Unimernet" ] = fake_unimernet_module def prepare_env_mineru(): import json import os import nltk # download nltk data"punkt_tab")"averaged_perceptron_tagger_eng") home_path = Path.home() config_path = home_path / "magic-pdf.json" # skip download if config file exists if config_path.exists(): print("Config file exists, skipping models download") return # download models os.system( "wget" "dev/scripts/ -O" ) os.system("python3") with open(config_path, "r") as file: data = json.load(file) data["device-mode"] = "cuda" with open(config_path, "w") as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=4) os.system( f"cp -r resources {home_path}/.local/lib/" "python3.10/site-packages/magic_pdf/resources" ) # copy OCR model weight target_model_path = home_path / ".paddleocr" os.system(f"cp -r paddleocr {target_model_path}")