Runtime error
Runtime error
def get_ui_dict(index): | |
selectable_ui_lang = [english_ui, indonesia_ui] | |
return selectable_ui_lang[index] | |
english_ui = { | |
"top_markdown": """ | |
## Transcribe | |
Insert your video and set the options for transcribing | |
""", | |
"middle_markdown": """ | |
## Adjustment | |
Listen to the clips below and type in the name according to the speaker's sound. After that, please click the 'Adjust Speaker' button to adjust the result above accordingly. | |
""", | |
"bottom_markdown": """ | |
## Result | |
The following is the result of the transcribe | |
""", | |
"summary_markdown": """ | |
## Summary | |
You can find the summary of the whole conversation through this dialog | |
""", | |
"get_video_start_info": "Start downloading", | |
"get_video_fail_info": "Failed to download, please make sure the link can be accessed by 'Anyone with the link'", | |
"get_video_finished_info": "Finish downloading", | |
"input_video_warning": "Please submit a video", | |
"start_time_warning": "Please provide a correct start time", | |
"end_time_warning": "Please provide a correct end time", | |
"time_invalid": "Start time is greater than or equal to end time", | |
"lang_radio_warning": "Please choose a language for the video", | |
"model_dropdown_warning": "Please choose a model size for the video", | |
"input_url_label": "Insert Google Drive video url (Optional)", | |
"input_url_info": "Instead of uploading your video directly, you can use Google Drive shareable link", | |
"download_button_value": "Download Google Drive Video", | |
"input_video_label": "Insert video", | |
"input_video_button_value": "Process Video", | |
"start_time_label": "Start time", | |
"end_time_label": "End time", | |
"lang_radio_choices": ["English", "Bahasa Indonesia", "Other / Lainnya"], | |
"lang_radio_label": "Language", | |
"lang_radio_info": "What language do they speak in the video?", | |
"model_dropdown_choices": ["tiny", "base", "small", "medium", "large"], | |
"model_dropdown_label": "Model size", | |
"model_dropdown_info": "The higher the model, the more accurate the transcript will be but the process will take longer", | |
"start_button_value": "Start Transcribing", | |
"adjust_speaker_value": "Speaker name", | |
"prev_button_value": "Previous Speaker", | |
"next_button_value": "Next Speaker", | |
"adjust_button_value": "Adjust Speaker", | |
"output_video_label": "Video with subtitle", | |
"output_transcribe_label": "Transcribe result", | |
"download_video_button_value": "Get Video with Subtitle", | |
"summary_button_value": "Create Summary", | |
"output_summary_label": "Summary", | |
"progress_starting_process": "Starting process", | |
"progress_preparing_video": "Preparing video", | |
"progress_acquiring_diarization": "Acquiring diarization", | |
"progress_transcribing_audio": "Transcribing audio", | |
"progress_cutting_video": "Cutting video", | |
"progress_adjust_speaker": "Adjusting speakers", | |
"progress_add_subtitle": "Adding subtitle on video", | |
"file_not_exist": "File doesn't exist", | |
} | |
indonesia_ui = { | |
"top_markdown": """ | |
## Transkrip | |
Masukkan video dan sesuaikan opsi untuk transkrip | |
""", | |
"middle_markdown": """ | |
## Penyesuaian | |
Dengarkan cuplikan suara pembicara dan ubah nama sesuai suara pembicara. Setelah itu, silahkan tekan tombol 'Sesuaikan Pembicara' untuk menyesuaikan nama pembicara pada hasil di atas | |
""", | |
"bottom_markdown": """ | |
## Hasil | |
Berikut hasil akhir dari transkrip | |
""", | |
"summary_markdown": """ | |
## Kesimpulan | |
Anda dapat menemukan kesimpulan dari keseluruhan percakapan melalui dialog berikut | |
""", | |
"get_video_start_info": "Mulai mengunduh", | |
"get_video_fail_info": "Gagal mengunduh, pastikan tautan dapat diakses oleh 'Siapa saja yang memiliki link'", | |
"get_video_finished_info": "Selesai mengunduh", | |
"input_video_warning": "Mohon masukkan video", | |
"start_time_warning": "Mohon berikan waktu mulai yang sesuai", | |
"end_time_warning": "Mohon berikan waktu selesai yang sesuai", | |
"time_invalid": "Waktu mulai lebih besar dari atau sama dengan waktu selesai", | |
"lang_radio_warning": "Mohon pilih bahasa yang digunakan dalam video", | |
"model_dropdown_warning": "Mohon pilih ukuran model yang digunakan untuk video", | |
"input_url_label": "Masukkan tautan video Google Drive (Opsional)", | |
"input_url_info": "Jika anda terkendala untuk mengunggah video secara langsung, silahkan unggah video ke Google Drive dan gunakan tautan video terbuka dari Google Drive pada kolom berikut", | |
"download_button_value": "Unduh Video Google Drive", | |
"input_video_label": "Masukkan video", | |
"input_video_button_value": "Proses Video", | |
"start_time_label": "Waktu mulai", | |
"end_time_label": "Waktu selesai", | |
"lang_radio_choices": ["English", "Bahasa Indonesia", "Other / Lainnya"], | |
"lang_radio_label": "Bahasa", | |
"lang_radio_info": "Bahasa apa yang digunakan dalam video?", | |
"model_dropdown_choices": ["tiny", "base", "small", "medium", "large"], | |
"model_dropdown_label": "Ukuran model", | |
"model_dropdown_info": "Semakin tinggi modelnya, semakin akurat transkripnya. Disarankan untuk menggunakan model 'large'", | |
"start_button_value": "Mulai Transkrip", | |
"adjust_speaker_value": "Nama pembicara", | |
"prev_button_value": "Pembicara Sebelumnya", | |
"next_button_value": "Pembicara Selanjutnya", | |
"adjust_button_value": "Sesuaikan Pembicara", | |
"output_video_label": "Video dengan subtitle", | |
"output_transcribe_label": "Hasil transkrip", | |
"download_video_button_value": "Dapatkan File Video dengan Subtitle", | |
"summary_button_value": "Buat Kesimpulan", | |
"output_summary_label": "Kesimpulan", | |
"progress_starting_process": "Memulai proses", | |
"progress_preparing_video": "Mempersiapkan video", | |
"progress_acquiring_diarization": "Mengenali pembicara", | |
"progress_transcribing_audio": "Mendapatkan transkrip suara", | |
"progress_cutting_video": "Memotong video", | |
"progress_adjust_speaker": "Menyesuaikan pembicara", | |
"progress_add_subtitle": "Menambahkan subtitle pada video", | |
"file_not_exist": "Catatan tidak ditemukan", | |
} | |