import { join } from "path"; import * as fs from "fs"; import { createServer, createLogger } from "vite"; import { plugins, make_gradio_plugin } from "./plugins"; import { examine_module } from "./index"; import type { PreprocessorGroup } from "svelte/compiler"; const vite_messages_to_ignore = [ "Default and named imports from CSS files are deprecated.", "The above dynamic import cannot be analyzed by Vite." ]; const logger = createLogger(); const originalWarning = logger.warn; logger.warn = (msg, options) => { if (vite_messages_to_ignore.some((m) => msg.includes(m))) return; originalWarning(msg, options); }; interface ServerOptions { component_dir: string; root_dir: string; frontend_port: number; backend_port: number; host: string; python_path: string; } export async function create_server({ component_dir, root_dir, frontend_port, backend_port, host, python_path }: ServerOptions): Promise { process.env.gradio_mode = "dev"; const [imports, config] = await generate_imports( component_dir, root_dir, python_path ); const svelte_dir = join(root_dir, "assets", "svelte"); try { const server = await createServer({ customLogger: logger, mode: "development", configFile: false, root: root_dir, server: { port: frontend_port, host: host, fs: { allow: [root_dir, component_dir] } }, resolve: { conditions: ["gradio"] }, build: { target: }, optimizeDeps: config.optimizeDeps, plugins: [ ...plugins(config), make_gradio_plugin({ mode: "dev", backend_port, svelte_dir, imports }) ] }); await server.listen(); `[orange3]Frontend Server[/] (Go here): ${server.resolvedUrls?.local}` ); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } function find_frontend_folders(start_path: string): string[] { if (!fs.existsSync(start_path)) { console.warn("No directory found at:", start_path); return []; } if (fs.existsSync(join(start_path, "pyproject.toml"))) return [start_path]; const results: string[] = []; const dir = fs.readdirSync(start_path); dir.forEach((dir) => { const filepath = join(start_path, dir); if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) { if (fs.existsSync(join(filepath, "pyproject.toml"))) results.push(filepath); } }); return results; } function to_posix(_path: string): string { const isExtendedLengthPath = /^\\\\\?\\/.test(_path); const hasNonAscii = /[^\u0000-\u0080]+/.test(_path); if (isExtendedLengthPath || hasNonAscii) { return _path; } return _path.replace(/\\/g, "/"); } export interface ComponentConfig { plugins: any[]; svelte: { preprocess: PreprocessorGroup[]; extensions?: string[]; }; build: { target: string | string[]; }; optimizeDeps: object; } async function generate_imports( component_dir: string, root: string, python_path: string ): Promise<[string, ComponentConfig]> { const components = find_frontend_folders(component_dir); const component_entries = components.flatMap((component) => { return examine_module(component, root, python_path, "dev"); }); if (component_entries.length === 0) { `No custom components were found in ${component_dir}. It is likely that dev mode does not work properly. Please pass the --gradio-path and --python-path CLI arguments so that gradio uses the right executables.` ); } let component_config: ComponentConfig = { plugins: [], svelte: { preprocess: [] }, build: { target: [] }, optimizeDeps: {} }; await Promise.all( (component) => { if ( component.frontend_dir && fs.existsSync(join(component.frontend_dir, "gradio.config.js")) ) { const m = await import( join("file://" + component.frontend_dir, "gradio.config.js") ); component_config.plugins = m.default.plugins || []; component_config.svelte.preprocess = m.default.svelte?.preprocess || []; = || "modules"; component_config.optimizeDeps = m.default.optimizeDeps || {}; } else { } }) ); const imports = component_entries.reduce((acc, component) => { const pkg = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(join(component.frontend_dir, "package.json"), "utf-8") ); const exports: Record = { component: pkg.exports["."], example: pkg.exports["./example"] }; if (!exports.component) throw new Error( "Could not find component entry point. Please check the exports field of your package.json." ); const example = exports.example ? `example: () => import("/@fs/${to_posix( join(component.frontend_dir, exports.example) )}"),\n` : ""; return `${acc}"${component.component_class_id}": { ${example} component: () => import("/@fs/${to_posix( join(component.frontend_dir, exports.component) )}") },\n`; }, ""); return [`{${imports}}`, component_config]; }