import { test, describe, assert, afterEach, vi } from "vitest"; import { cleanup, render } from "@self/tootils"; import event from "@testing-library/user-event"; import { setupi18n } from "../core/src/i18n"; import Dropdown from "./Index.svelte"; import type { LoadingStatus } from "@gradio/statustracker"; const loading_status: LoadingStatus = { eta: 0, queue_position: 1, queue_size: 1, status: "complete" as LoadingStatus["status"], scroll_to_output: false, visible: true, fn_index: 0, show_progress: "full" }; describe("Dropdown", () => { afterEach(() => { cleanup(); vi.useRealTimers(); }); beforeEach(() => { setupi18n(); }); test("renders provided value", async () => { const { getByLabelText } = await render(Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, max_choices: null, value: "choice", label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["choice", "choice"], ["choice2", "choice2"] ], filterable: false, interactive: false }); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; assert.equal(item.value, "choice"); }); test("selecting the textbox should show the options", async () => { const { getByLabelText, getAllByTestId } = await render(Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, max_choices: 10, value: "choice", label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["choice", "choice"], ["name2", "choice2"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true }); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; await item.focus(); const options = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); expect(options).toHaveLength(2); expect(options[0]).toContainHTML("choice"); expect(options[1]).toContainHTML("name2"); }); test("editing the textbox value should trigger the type event and filter the options", async () => { const { getByLabelText, listen, getAllByTestId } = await render(Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, max_choices: 10, value: "", label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["apple", "apple"], ["zebra", "zebra"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true }); const key_up_event = listen("key_up"); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; await item.focus(); const options = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); expect(options).toHaveLength(2); item.value = ""; await event.keyboard("z"); const options_new = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); await expect(options_new).toHaveLength(1); await expect(options[0]).toContainHTML("zebra"); await assert.equal(key_up_event.callCount, 1); }); test("blurring the textbox should cancel the filter", async () => { const { getByLabelText, listen } = await render(Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: "default", label: "Dropdown", max_choices: undefined, choices: [ ["default", "default"], ["other", "other"] ], filterable: false, interactive: true }); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; item.focus(); await event.keyboard("other"); }); test("blurring the textbox should save the input value", async () => { const { getByLabelText, listen } = await render(Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: "new ", label: "Dropdown", max_choices: undefined, allow_custom_value: true, choices: [ ["dwight", "dwight"], ["michael", "michael"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true }); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; const change_event = listen("change"); item.focus(); await event.keyboard("kevin"); await item.blur(); assert.equal(item.value, "new kevin"); assert.equal(change_event.callCount, 1); }); test("focusing the label should toggle the options", async () => { const { getByLabelText, listen } = await render(Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: "default", label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["default", "default"], ["other", "other"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true }); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; const blur_event = listen("blur"); const focus_event = listen("focus"); item.focus(); item.blur(); assert.equal(blur_event.callCount, 1); assert.equal(focus_event.callCount, 1); }); test("deselecting and reselcting a filtered dropdown should show all options again", async () => { const { getByLabelText, getAllByTestId } = await render(Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, max_choices: 10, value: "", label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["apple", "apple"], ["zebra", "zebra"], ["pony", "pony"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true }); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; item.focus(); item.value = ""; await event.keyboard("z"); const options = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); expect(options).toHaveLength(1); await item.blur(); // Mock 100ms delay between interactions. await item.focus(); const options_new = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); expect(options_new).toHaveLength(3); }); test("passing in a new set of identical choices when the dropdown is open should not filter the dropdown", async () => { const { getByLabelText, getAllByTestId, component } = await render( Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: "", label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["apple", "apple"], ["zebra", "zebra"], ["pony", "pony"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true } ); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; await item.focus(); const options = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); expect(options).toHaveLength(3); component.$set({ value: "", choices: [ ["apple", "apple"], ["zebra", "zebra"], ["pony", "pony"] ] }); item.focus(); const options_new = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); expect(options_new).toHaveLength(3); }); test("setting a custom value when allow_custom_choice is false should revert to the first valid choice", async () => { const { getByLabelText, getAllByTestId, component } = await render( Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: "", allow_custom_value: false, label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["apple", "apple"], ["zebra", "zebra"], ["pony", "pony"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true } ); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; await item.focus(); await event.keyboard("pie"); expect(item.value).toBe("applepie"); await item.blur(); expect(item.value).toBe("apple"); }); test("setting a custom value when allow_custom_choice is true should keep the value", async () => { const { getByLabelText, getAllByTestId, component } = await render( Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: "", allow_custom_value: true, label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["apple", "apple"], ["zebra", "zebra"], ["pony", "pony"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true } ); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; await item.focus(); await event.keyboard("pie"); expect(item.value).toBe("applepie"); await item.blur(); expect(item.value).toBe("applepie"); }); test("setting a value should update the displayed value and selected indices", async () => { const { getByLabelText, getAllByTestId, component } = await render( Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: "", allow_custom_value: false, label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["apple", "apple"], ["zebra", "zebra"], ["pony", "pony"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true } ); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(item.value).toBe("apple"); await item.focus(); let options = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); expect(options[0]).toHaveClass("selected"); await component.$set({ value: "zebra" }); expect(item.value).toBe("zebra"); options = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); expect(options[0]).toHaveClass("selected"); await component.$set({ value: undefined }); expect(item.value).toBe(""); options = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); expect(options[0]).not.toHaveClass("selected"); await component.$set({ value: "zebra" }); expect(item.value).toBe("zebra"); options = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); expect(options[0]).toHaveClass("selected"); }); test("blurring a dropdown should set the input text to the previously selected value", async () => { const { getByLabelText, getAllByTestId, component } = await render( Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: "", allow_custom_value: false, label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["apple", "apple_internal_value"], ["zebra", "zebra_internal_value"], ["pony", "pony_internal_value"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true } ); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(item.value).toBe("apple"); await item.focus(); let options = getAllByTestId("dropdown-option"); expect(options[0]).toHaveClass("selected"); await item.blur(); expect(item.value).toBe("apple"); await item.focus(); await event.keyboard("z"); expect(item.value).toBe("applez"); await item.blur(); expect(item.value).toBe("apple"); }); test("updating choices should keep the dropdown focus-able and change the value appropriately if custom values are not allowed", async () => { const { getByLabelText, component } = await render(Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: "apple_internal_value", allow_custom_value: false, label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["apple_choice", "apple_internal_value"], ["zebra_choice", "zebra_internal_value"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true }); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; await expect(item.value).toBe("apple_choice"); component.$set({ choices: [ ["apple_new_choice", "apple_internal_value"], ["zebra_new_choice", "zebra_internal_value"] ] }); await item.focus(); await item.blur(); await expect(item.value).toBe("apple_new_choice"); }); test("updating choices should not reset the value if custom values are allowed", async () => { const { getByLabelText, component } = await render(Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: "apple_internal_value", allow_custom_value: true, label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["apple_choice", "apple_internal_value"], ["zebra_choice", "zebra_internal_value"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true }); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; await expect(item.value).toBe("apple_choice"); component.$set({ choices: [ ["apple_new_choice", "apple_internal_value"], ["zebra_new_choice", "zebra_internal_value"] ] }); await expect(item.value).toBe("apple_choice"); }); test("ensure dropdown can have an empty value", async () => { const { getByLabelText } = await render(Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, allow_custom_value: false, label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["apple_choice", "apple_internal_value"], ["zebra_choice", "zebra_internal_value"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true }); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; await expect(item.value).toBe(""); }); test("ensure dropdown works when initial value is undefined and allow custom value is set", async () => { const { getByLabelText } = await render(Dropdown, { show_label: true, loading_status, value: undefined, allow_custom_value: true, label: "Dropdown", choices: [ ["apple_choice", "apple_internal_value"], ["zebra_choice", "zebra_internal_value"] ], filterable: true, interactive: true }); const item: HTMLInputElement = getByLabelText( "Dropdown" ) as HTMLInputElement; await expect(item.value).toBe(""); }); });