# Environment Variables Environment variables in Gradio provide a way to customize your applications and launch settings without changing the codebase. In this guide, we'll explore the key environment variables supported in Gradio and how to set them. ## Key Environment Variables ### 1. `GRADIO_SERVER_PORT` - **Description**: Specifies the port on which the Gradio app will run. - **Default**: `7860` - **Example**: ```bash export GRADIO_SERVER_PORT=8000 ``` ### 2. `GRADIO_SERVER_NAME` - **Description**: Defines the host name for the Gradio server. To make Gradio accessible from any IP address, set this to `""` - **Default**: `""` - **Example**: ```bash export GRADIO_SERVER_NAME="" ``` ### 3. `GRADIO_ANALYTICS_ENABLED` - **Description**: Whether Gradio should provide - **Default**: `"True"` - **Options**: `"True"`, `"False"` - **Example**: ```sh export GRADIO_ANALYTICS_ENABLED="True" ``` ### 4. `GRADIO_DEBUG` - **Description**: Enables or disables debug mode in Gradio. If debug mode is enabled, the main thread does not terminate allowing error messages to be printed in environments such as Google Colab. - **Default**: `0` - **Example**: ```sh export GRADIO_DEBUG=1 ``` ### 5. `GRADIO_ALLOW_FLAGGING` - **Description**: Controls whether users can flag inputs/outputs in the Gradio interface. See [the Guide on flagging](/guides/using-flagging) for more details. - **Default**: `"manual"` - **Options**: `"never"`, `"manual"`, `"auto"` - **Example**: ```sh export GRADIO_ALLOW_FLAGGING="never" ``` ### 6. `GRADIO_TEMP_DIR` - **Description**: Specifies the directory where temporary files created by Gradio are stored. - **Default**: System default temporary directory - **Example**: ```sh export GRADIO_TEMP_DIR="/path/to/temp" ``` ### 7. `GRADIO_ROOT_PATH` - **Description**: Sets the root path for the Gradio application. Useful if running Gradio [behind a reverse proxy](/guides/running-gradio-on-your-web-server-with-nginx). - **Default**: `""` - **Example**: ```sh export GRADIO_ROOT_PATH="/myapp" ``` ### 8. `GRADIO_SHARE` - **Description**: Enables or disables sharing the Gradio app. - **Default**: `"False"` - **Options**: `"True"`, `"False"` - **Example**: ```sh export GRADIO_SHARE="True" ``` ### 9. `GRADIO_ALLOWED_PATHS` - **Description**: Sets a list of complete filepaths or parent directories that gradio is allowed to serve. Must be absolute paths. Warning: if you provide directories, any files in these directories or their subdirectories are accessible to all users of your app. Multiple items can be specified by separating items with commas. - **Default**: `""` - **Example**: ```sh export GRADIO_ALLOWED_PATHS="/mnt/sda1,/mnt/sda2" ``` ### 10. `GRADIO_BLOCKED_PATHS` - **Description**: Sets a list of complete filepaths or parent directories that gradio is not allowed to serve (i.e. users of your app are not allowed to access). Must be absolute paths. Warning: takes precedence over `allowed_paths` and all other directories exposed by Gradio by default. Multiple items can be specified by separating items with commas. - **Default**: `""` - **Example**: ```sh export GRADIO_BLOCKED_PATHS="/users/x/gradio_app/admin,/users/x/gradio_app/keys" ``` ### 11. `FORWARDED_ALLOW_IPS` - **Description**: This is not a Gradio-specific environment variable, but rather one used in server configurations, specifically `uvicorn` which is used by Gradio internally. This environment variable is useful when deploying applications behind a reverse proxy. It defines a list of IP addresses that are trusted to forward traffic to your application. When set, the application will trust the `X-Forwarded-For` header from these IP addresses to determine the original IP address of the user making the request. This means that if you use the `gr.Request` [object's](https://www.gradio.app/docs/gradio/request) `client.host` property, it will correctly get the user's IP address instead of the IP address of the reverse proxy server. Note that only trusted IP addresses (i.e. the IP addresses of your reverse proxy servers) should be added, as any server with these IP addresses can modify the `X-Forwarded-For` header and spoof the client's IP address. - **Default**: `""` - **Example**: ```sh export FORWARDED_ALLOW_IPS="," ``` ## How to Set Environment Variables To set environment variables in your terminal, use the `export` command followed by the variable name and its value. For example: ```sh export GRADIO_SERVER_PORT=8000 ``` If you're using a `.env` file to manage your environment variables, you can add them like this: ```sh GRADIO_SERVER_PORT=8000 GRADIO_SERVER_NAME="localhost" ``` Then, use a tool like `dotenv` to load these variables when running your application.