from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import base64 import concurrent.futures import copy import json import mimetypes import os import pkgutil import secrets import shutil import tempfile import time import warnings from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from threading import Lock from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Coroutine, Literal, Optional, TypedDict import fsspec.asyn import httpx import huggingface_hub from huggingface_hub import SpaceStage from websockets.legacy.protocol import WebSocketCommonProtocol if TYPE_CHECKING: from gradio_client.data_classes import ParameterInfo API_URL = "api/predict/" SSE_URL_V0 = "queue/join" SSE_DATA_URL_V0 = "queue/data" SSE_URL = "queue/data" SSE_DATA_URL = "queue/join" WS_URL = "queue/join" UPLOAD_URL = "upload" LOGIN_URL = "login" CONFIG_URL = "config" API_INFO_URL = "info?all_endpoints=True" RAW_API_INFO_URL = "info?serialize=False" SPACE_FETCHER_URL = "" RESET_URL = "reset" SPACE_URL = "{}" HEARTBEAT_URL = "heartbeat/{session_hash}" CANCEL_URL = "cancel" STATE_COMPONENT = "state" INVALID_RUNTIME = [ SpaceStage.NO_APP_FILE, SpaceStage.CONFIG_ERROR, SpaceStage.BUILD_ERROR, SpaceStage.RUNTIME_ERROR, SpaceStage.PAUSED, ] class Message(TypedDict, total=False): msg: str output: dict[str, Any] event_id: str rank: int rank_eta: float queue_size: int success: bool progress_data: list[dict] log: str level: str def get_package_version() -> str: try: package_json_data = ( pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "package.json").decode("utf-8").strip() # type: ignore ) package_data = json.loads(package_json_data) version = package_data.get("version", "") return version except Exception: return "" __version__ = get_package_version() class TooManyRequestsError(Exception): """Raised when the API returns a 429 status code.""" pass class QueueError(Exception): """Raised when the queue is full or there is an issue adding a job to the queue.""" pass class InvalidAPIEndpointError(Exception): """Raised when the API endpoint is invalid.""" pass class SpaceDuplicationError(Exception): """Raised when something goes wrong with a Space Duplication.""" pass class ServerMessage(str, Enum): send_hash = "send_hash" queue_full = "queue_full" estimation = "estimation" send_data = "send_data" process_starts = "process_starts" process_generating = "process_generating" process_completed = "process_completed" log = "log" progress = "progress" heartbeat = "heartbeat" server_stopped = "Server stopped unexpectedly." unexpected_error = "unexpected_error" close_stream = "close_stream" class Status(Enum): """Status codes presented to client users.""" STARTING = "STARTING" JOINING_QUEUE = "JOINING_QUEUE" QUEUE_FULL = "QUEUE_FULL" IN_QUEUE = "IN_QUEUE" SENDING_DATA = "SENDING_DATA" PROCESSING = "PROCESSING" ITERATING = "ITERATING" PROGRESS = "PROGRESS" FINISHED = "FINISHED" CANCELLED = "CANCELLED" LOG = "LOG" @staticmethod def ordering(status: Status) -> int: """Order of messages. Helpful for testing.""" order = [ Status.STARTING, Status.JOINING_QUEUE, Status.QUEUE_FULL, Status.IN_QUEUE, Status.SENDING_DATA, Status.PROCESSING, Status.PROGRESS, Status.ITERATING, Status.FINISHED, Status.CANCELLED, ] return order.index(status) def __lt__(self, other: Status): return self.ordering(self) < self.ordering(other) @staticmethod def msg_to_status(msg: str) -> Status: """Map the raw message from the backend to the status code presented to users.""" return { ServerMessage.send_hash: Status.JOINING_QUEUE, ServerMessage.queue_full: Status.QUEUE_FULL, ServerMessage.estimation: Status.IN_QUEUE, ServerMessage.send_data: Status.SENDING_DATA, ServerMessage.process_starts: Status.PROCESSING, ServerMessage.process_generating: Status.ITERATING, ServerMessage.process_completed: Status.FINISHED, ServerMessage.progress: Status.PROGRESS, ServerMessage.log: Status.LOG, ServerMessage.server_stopped: Status.FINISHED, }[msg] # type: ignore @dataclass class ProgressUnit: index: Optional[int] length: Optional[int] unit: Optional[str] progress: Optional[float] desc: Optional[str] @classmethod def from_msg(cls, data: list[dict]) -> list[ProgressUnit]: return [ cls( index=d.get("index"), length=d.get("length"), unit=d.get("unit"), progress=d.get("progress"), desc=d.get("desc"), ) for d in data ] @dataclass class StatusUpdate: """Update message sent from the worker thread to the Job on the main thread.""" code: Status rank: int | None queue_size: int | None eta: float | None success: bool | None time: datetime | None progress_data: list[ProgressUnit] | None log: tuple[str, str] | None = None def create_initial_status_update(): return StatusUpdate( code=Status.STARTING, rank=None, queue_size=None, eta=None, success=None,, progress_data=None, ) @dataclass class JobStatus: """The job status. Keeps track of the latest status update and intermediate outputs (not yet implements). """ latest_status: StatusUpdate = field(default_factory=create_initial_status_update) outputs: list[Any] = field(default_factory=list) @dataclass class Communicator: """Helper class to help communicate between the worker thread and main thread.""" lock: Lock job: JobStatus prediction_processor: Callable[..., tuple] reset_url: str should_cancel: bool = False event_id: str | None = None thread_complete: bool = False ######################## # Network utils ######################## def is_http_url_like(possible_url) -> bool: """ Check if the given value is a string that looks like an HTTP(S) URL. """ if not isinstance(possible_url, str): return False return possible_url.startswith(("http://", "https://")) def probe_url(possible_url: str) -> bool: """ Probe the given URL to see if it responds with a 200 status code (to HEAD, then to GET). """ headers = {"User-Agent": "gradio (;"} try: with httpx.Client() as client: head_request = httpx.head(possible_url, headers=headers) if head_request.status_code == 405: return client.get(possible_url, headers=headers).is_success return head_request.is_success except Exception: return False def is_valid_url(possible_url: str) -> bool: """ Check if the given string is a valid URL. """ warnings.warn( "is_valid_url should not be used. " "Use is_http_url_like() and probe_url(), as suitable, instead.", ) return is_http_url_like(possible_url) and probe_url(possible_url) async def get_pred_from_ws( websocket: WebSocketCommonProtocol, data: str, hash_data: str, helper: Communicator | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: completed = False resp = {} while not completed: # Receive message in the background so that we can # cancel even while running a long pred task = asyncio.create_task(websocket.recv()) while not task.done(): if helper: with helper.lock: if helper.should_cancel: # Need to reset the iterator state since the client # will not reset the session async with httpx.AsyncClient() as http: reset = helper.reset_url, json=json.loads(hash_data) ) # Retrieve cancel exception from task # otherwise will get nasty warning in console task.cancel() await asyncio.gather(task, reset, return_exceptions=True) raise concurrent.futures.CancelledError() # Need to suspend this coroutine so that task actually runs await asyncio.sleep(0.01) msg = task.result() resp = json.loads(msg) if helper: with helper.lock: has_progress = "progress_data" in resp status_update = StatusUpdate( code=Status.msg_to_status(resp["msg"]), queue_size=resp.get("queue_size"), rank=resp.get("rank", None), success=resp.get("success"),, eta=resp.get("rank_eta"), progress_data=ProgressUnit.from_msg(resp["progress_data"]) if has_progress else None, ) output = resp.get("output", {}).get("data", []) if output and status_update.code != Status.FINISHED: try: result = helper.prediction_processor(*output) except Exception as e: result = [e] helper.job.outputs.append(result) helper.job.latest_status = status_update if resp["msg"] == "queue_full": raise QueueError("Queue is full! Please try again.") if resp["msg"] == "send_hash": await websocket.send(hash_data) elif resp["msg"] == "send_data": await websocket.send(data) completed = resp["msg"] == "process_completed" return resp["output"] def get_pred_from_sse_v0( client: httpx.Client, data: dict, hash_data: dict, helper: Communicator, sse_url: str, sse_data_url: str, headers: dict[str, str], cookies: dict[str, str] | None, ssl_verify: bool, executor: concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor, ) -> dict[str, Any] | None: helper.thread_complete = False future_cancel = executor.submit( check_for_cancel, helper, headers, cookies, ssl_verify ) future_sse = executor.submit( stream_sse_v0, client, data, hash_data, helper, sse_url, sse_data_url, headers, cookies, ) done, _ = concurrent.futures.wait( [future_cancel, future_sse], # type: ignore return_when=concurrent.futures.FIRST_COMPLETED, ) helper.thread_complete = True if len(done) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Did not expect {len(done)} tasks to be done.") for future in done: return future.result() def get_pred_from_sse_v1plus( helper: Communicator, headers: dict[str, str], cookies: dict[str, str] | None, pending_messages_per_event: dict[str, list[Message | None]], event_id: str, protocol: Literal["sse_v1", "sse_v2", "sse_v2.1"], ssl_verify: bool, executor: concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor, ) -> dict[str, Any] | None: helper.thread_complete = False future_cancel = executor.submit( check_for_cancel, helper, headers, cookies, ssl_verify ) future_sse = executor.submit( stream_sse_v1plus, helper, pending_messages_per_event, event_id, protocol ) done, _ = concurrent.futures.wait( [future_cancel, future_sse], # type: ignore return_when=concurrent.futures.FIRST_COMPLETED, ) helper.thread_complete = True if len(done) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Did not expect {len(done)} tasks to be done.") for future in done: exception = future.exception() if exception: raise exception return future.result() def check_for_cancel( helper: Communicator, headers: dict[str, str], cookies: dict[str, str] | None, ssl_verify: bool, ): while True: time.sleep(0.05) with helper.lock: if helper.should_cancel: break if helper.thread_complete: raise concurrent.futures.CancelledError() if helper.event_id: helper.reset_url, json={"event_id": helper.event_id}, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, verify=ssl_verify, ) raise concurrent.futures.CancelledError() def stream_sse_v0( client: httpx.Client, data: dict, hash_data: dict, helper: Communicator, sse_url: str, sse_data_url: str, headers: dict[str, str], cookies: dict[str, str] | None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: try: with "GET", sse_url, params=hash_data, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, ) as response: for line in response.iter_lines(): line = line.rstrip("\n") if len(line) == 0: continue if line.startswith("data:"): resp = json.loads(line[5:]) if resp["msg"] in [ServerMessage.log, ServerMessage.heartbeat]: continue with helper.lock: has_progress = "progress_data" in resp status_update = StatusUpdate( code=Status.msg_to_status(resp["msg"]), queue_size=resp.get("queue_size"), rank=resp.get("rank", None), success=resp.get("success"),, eta=resp.get("rank_eta"), progress_data=ProgressUnit.from_msg(resp["progress_data"]) if has_progress else None, ) output = resp.get("output", {}).get("data", []) if output and status_update.code != Status.FINISHED: try: result = helper.prediction_processor(*output) except Exception as e: result = [e] helper.job.outputs.append(result) helper.job.latest_status = status_update if helper.thread_complete: raise concurrent.futures.CancelledError() if resp["msg"] == "queue_full": raise QueueError("Queue is full! Please try again.") elif resp["msg"] == "send_data": event_id = resp["event_id"] helper.event_id = event_id req = sse_data_url, json={"event_id": event_id, **data, **hash_data}, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, ) req.raise_for_status() elif resp["msg"] == "process_completed": return resp["output"] else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected message: {line}") raise ValueError("Did not receive process_completed message.") except concurrent.futures.CancelledError: raise def stream_sse_v1plus( helper: Communicator, pending_messages_per_event: dict[str, list[Message | None]], event_id: str, protocol: Literal["sse_v1", "sse_v2", "sse_v2.1", "sse_v3"], ) -> dict[str, Any]: try: pending_messages = pending_messages_per_event[event_id] pending_responses_for_diffs = None while True: if len(pending_messages) > 0: msg = pending_messages.pop(0) else: time.sleep(0.05) continue if msg is None or helper.thread_complete: raise concurrent.futures.CancelledError() with helper.lock: log_message = None if msg["msg"] == ServerMessage.log: log = msg.get("log") level = msg.get("level") if log and level: log_message = (log, level) status_update = StatusUpdate( code=Status.msg_to_status(msg["msg"]), queue_size=msg.get("queue_size"), rank=msg.get("rank", None), success=msg.get("success"),, eta=msg.get("rank_eta"), progress_data=ProgressUnit.from_msg(msg["progress_data"]) if "progress_data" in msg else None, log=log_message, ) output = msg.get("output", {}).get("data", []) if msg["msg"] == ServerMessage.process_generating and protocol in [ "sse_v2", "sse_v2.1", "sse_v3", ]: if pending_responses_for_diffs is None: pending_responses_for_diffs = list(output) else: for i, value in enumerate(output): prev_output = pending_responses_for_diffs[i] new_output = apply_diff(prev_output, value) pending_responses_for_diffs[i] = new_output output[i] = new_output if output and status_update.code != Status.FINISHED: try: result = helper.prediction_processor(*output) except Exception as e: result = [e] helper.job.outputs.append(result) helper.job.latest_status = status_update if msg["msg"] == ServerMessage.process_completed: del pending_messages_per_event[event_id] return msg["output"] elif msg["msg"] == ServerMessage.server_stopped: raise ValueError("Server stopped.") except concurrent.futures.CancelledError: raise def apply_diff(obj, diff): obj = copy.deepcopy(obj) def apply_edit(target, path, action, value): if len(path) == 0: if action == "replace": return value elif action == "append": return target + value else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported action: {action}") current = target for i in range(len(path) - 1): current = current[path[i]] last_path = path[-1] if action == "replace": current[last_path] = value elif action == "append": current[last_path] += value elif action == "add": if isinstance(current, list): current.insert(int(last_path), value) else: current[last_path] = value elif action == "delete": if isinstance(current, list): del current[int(last_path)] else: del current[last_path] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown action: {action}") return target for action, path, value in diff: obj = apply_edit(obj, path, action, value) return obj ######################## # Data processing utils ######################## def create_tmp_copy_of_file(file_path: str, dir: str | None = None) -> str: directory = Path(dir or tempfile.gettempdir()) / secrets.token_hex(20) directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) dest = directory / Path(file_path).name shutil.copy2(file_path, dest) return str(dest.resolve()) def download_tmp_copy_of_file( url_path: str, hf_token: str | None = None, dir: str | None = None ) -> str: """Kept for backwards compatibility for 3.x spaces.""" if dir is not None: os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + hf_token} if hf_token else {} directory = Path(dir or tempfile.gettempdir()) / secrets.token_hex(20) directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) file_path = directory / Path(url_path).name with "GET", url_path, headers=headers, follow_redirects=True ) as response: response.raise_for_status() with open(file_path, "wb") as f: for chunk in response.iter_raw(): f.write(chunk) return str(file_path.resolve()) def get_mimetype(filename: str) -> str | None: if filename.endswith(".vtt"): return "text/vtt" mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] if mimetype is not None: mimetype = mimetype.replace("x-wav", "wav").replace("x-flac", "flac") return mimetype def get_extension(encoding: str) -> str | None: encoding = encoding.replace("audio/wav", "audio/x-wav") type = mimetypes.guess_type(encoding)[0] if type == "audio/flac": # flac is not supported by mimetypes return "flac" elif type is None: return None extension = mimetypes.guess_extension(type) if extension is not None and extension.startswith("."): extension = extension[1:] return extension def encode_file_to_base64(f: str | Path): with open(f, "rb") as file: encoded_string = base64.b64encode( base64_str = str(encoded_string, "utf-8") mimetype = get_mimetype(str(f)) return ( "data:" + (mimetype if mimetype is not None else "") + ";base64," + base64_str ) def encode_url_to_base64(url: str): resp = httpx.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() encoded_string = base64.b64encode(resp.content) base64_str = str(encoded_string, "utf-8") mimetype = get_mimetype(url) return ( "data:" + (mimetype if mimetype is not None else "") + ";base64," + base64_str ) def encode_url_or_file_to_base64(path: str | Path): path = str(path) if is_http_url_like(path): return encode_url_to_base64(path) return encode_file_to_base64(path) def download_byte_stream(url: str, hf_token=None): arr = bytearray() headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + hf_token} if hf_token else {} with"GET", url, headers=headers) as r: for data in r.iter_bytes(): arr += data yield data yield arr def decode_base64_to_binary(encoding: str) -> tuple[bytes, str | None]: extension = get_extension(encoding) data = encoding.rsplit(",", 1)[-1] return base64.b64decode(data), extension def strip_invalid_filename_characters(filename: str, max_bytes: int = 200) -> str: """Strips invalid characters from a filename and ensures that the file_length is less than `max_bytes` bytes.""" filename = "".join([char for char in filename if char.isalnum() or char in "._- "]) filename_len = len(filename.encode()) if filename_len > max_bytes: while filename_len > max_bytes: if len(filename) == 0: break filename = filename[:-1] filename_len = len(filename.encode()) return filename def sanitize_parameter_names(original_name: str) -> str: """Cleans up a Python parameter name to make the API info more readable.""" return ( "".join([char for char in original_name if char.isalnum() or char in " _"]) .replace(" ", "_") .lower() ) def decode_base64_to_file( encoding: str, file_path: str | None = None, dir: str | Path | None = None, prefix: str | None = None, ): directory = Path(dir or tempfile.gettempdir()) / secrets.token_hex(20) directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) data, extension = decode_base64_to_binary(encoding) if file_path is not None and prefix is None: filename = Path(file_path).name prefix = filename if "." in filename: prefix = filename[0 : filename.index(".")] extension = filename[filename.index(".") + 1 :] if prefix is not None: prefix = strip_invalid_filename_characters(prefix) if extension is None: file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False, prefix=prefix, dir=directory ) else: file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False, prefix=prefix, suffix="." + extension, dir=directory, ) file_obj.write(data) file_obj.flush() return file_obj def dict_or_str_to_json_file(jsn: str | dict | list, dir: str | Path | None = None): if dir is not None: os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False, suffix=".json", dir=dir, mode="w+" ) if isinstance(jsn, str): jsn = json.loads(jsn) json.dump(jsn, file_obj) file_obj.flush() return file_obj def file_to_json(file_path: str | Path) -> dict | list: with open(file_path) as f: return json.load(f) ########################### # HuggingFace Hub API Utils ########################### def set_space_timeout( space_id: str, hf_token: str | None = None, timeout_in_seconds: int = 300, ): headers = huggingface_hub.utils.build_hf_headers( token=hf_token, library_name="gradio_client", library_version=__version__, ) try: f"{space_id}/sleeptime", json={"seconds": timeout_in_seconds}, headers=headers, ) except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: raise SpaceDuplicationError( f"Could not set sleep timeout on duplicated Space. Please visit {SPACE_URL.format(space_id)} " "to set a timeout manually to reduce billing charges." ) from e ######################## # Misc utils ######################## def synchronize_async(func: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Runs async functions in sync scopes. Can be used in any scope. Example: if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(block_fn.fn): predictions = utils.synchronize_async(block_fn.fn, *processed_input) Args: func: *args: **kwargs: """ return fsspec.asyn.sync(fsspec.asyn.get_loop(), func, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore class APIInfoParseError(ValueError): pass def get_type(schema: dict): if "const" in schema: return "const" if "enum" in schema: return "enum" elif "type" in schema: return schema["type"] elif schema.get("$ref"): return "$ref" elif schema.get("oneOf"): return "oneOf" elif schema.get("anyOf"): return "anyOf" elif schema.get("allOf"): return "allOf" elif "type" not in schema: return {} else: raise APIInfoParseError(f"Cannot parse type for {schema}") FILE_DATA_FORMATS = [ "Dict(path: str, url: str | None, size: int | None, orig_name: str | None, mime_type: str | None)", "Dict(path: str, url: str | None, size: int | None, orig_name: str | None, mime_type: str | None, is_stream: bool)", "Dict(path: str, url: str | None, size: int | None, orig_name: str | None, mime_type: str | None, is_stream: bool, meta: Dict())", ] CURRENT_FILE_DATA_FORMAT = FILE_DATA_FORMATS[-1] def json_schema_to_python_type(schema: Any) -> str: type_ = _json_schema_to_python_type(schema, schema.get("$defs")) return type_.replace(CURRENT_FILE_DATA_FORMAT, "filepath") def _json_schema_to_python_type(schema: Any, defs) -> str: """Convert the json schema into a python type hint""" if schema == {}: return "Any" type_ = get_type(schema) if type_ == {}: if "json" in schema.get("description", {}): return "Dict[Any, Any]" else: return "Any" elif type_ == "$ref": return _json_schema_to_python_type(defs[schema["$ref"].split("/")[-1]], defs) elif type_ == "null": return "None" elif type_ == "const": return f"Literal[{schema['const']}]" elif type_ == "enum": return ( "Literal[" + ", ".join(["'" + str(v) + "'" for v in schema["enum"]]) + "]" ) elif type_ == "integer": return "int" elif type_ == "string": return "str" elif type_ == "boolean": return "bool" elif type_ == "number": return "float" elif type_ == "array": items = schema.get("items", []) if "prefixItems" in items: elements = ", ".join( [_json_schema_to_python_type(i, defs) for i in items["prefixItems"]] ) return f"Tuple[{elements}]" elif "prefixItems" in schema: elements = ", ".join( [_json_schema_to_python_type(i, defs) for i in schema["prefixItems"]] ) return f"Tuple[{elements}]" else: elements = _json_schema_to_python_type(items, defs) return f"List[{elements}]" elif type_ == "object": def get_desc(v): return f" ({v.get('description')})" if v.get("description") else "" props = schema.get("properties", {}) des = [ f"{n}: {_json_schema_to_python_type(v, defs)}{get_desc(v)}" for n, v in props.items() if n != "$defs" ] if "additionalProperties" in schema: des += [ f"str, {_json_schema_to_python_type(schema['additionalProperties'], defs)}" ] des = ", ".join(des) return f"Dict({des})" elif type_ in ["oneOf", "anyOf"]: desc = " | ".join([_json_schema_to_python_type(i, defs) for i in schema[type_]]) return desc elif type_ == "allOf": data = ", ".join(_json_schema_to_python_type(i, defs) for i in schema[type_]) desc = f"All[{data}]" return desc else: raise APIInfoParseError(f"Cannot parse schema {schema}") def traverse(json_obj: Any, func: Callable, is_root: Callable[..., bool]) -> Any: """ Traverse a JSON object and apply a function to each element that satisfies the is_root condition. """ if is_root(json_obj): return func(json_obj) elif isinstance(json_obj, dict): new_obj = {} for key, value in json_obj.items(): new_obj[key] = traverse(value, func, is_root) return new_obj elif isinstance(json_obj, (list, tuple)): new_obj = [] for item in json_obj: new_obj.append(traverse(item, func, is_root)) return new_obj else: return json_obj async def async_traverse( json_obj: Any, func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], is_root: Callable[..., bool], ) -> Any: """ Traverse a JSON object and apply a async function to each element that satisfies the is_root condition. """ if is_root(json_obj): return await func(json_obj) elif isinstance(json_obj, dict): new_obj = {} for key, value in json_obj.items(): new_obj[key] = await async_traverse(value, func, is_root) return new_obj elif isinstance(json_obj, (list, tuple)): new_obj = [] for item in json_obj: new_obj.append(await async_traverse(item, func, is_root)) return new_obj else: return json_obj def value_is_file(api_info: dict) -> bool: info = _json_schema_to_python_type(api_info, api_info.get("$defs")) return any(file_data_format in info for file_data_format in FILE_DATA_FORMATS) def is_filepath(s) -> bool: """ Check if the given value is a valid str or Path filepath on the local filesystem, e.g. "path/to/file". """ return isinstance(s, (str, Path)) and Path(s).exists() and Path(s).is_file() def is_file_obj(d) -> bool: """ Check if the given value is a valid FileData object dictionary in versions of Gradio<=4.20, e.g. { "path": "path/to/file", } """ return isinstance(d, dict) and "path" in d and isinstance(d["path"], str) def is_file_obj_with_meta(d) -> bool: """ Check if the given value is a valid FileData object dictionary in newer versions of Gradio where the file objects include a specific "meta" key, e.g. { "path": "path/to/file", "meta": {"_type: "gradio.FileData"} } """ return ( isinstance(d, dict) and "path" in d and isinstance(d["path"], str) and "meta" in d and d["meta"].get("_type", "") == "gradio.FileData" ) def is_file_obj_with_url(d) -> bool: """ Check if the given value is a valid FileData object dictionary in newer versions of Gradio where the file objects include a specific "meta" key, and ALSO include a "url" key, e.g. { "path": "path/to/file", "url": "/file=path/to/file", "meta": {"_type: "gradio.FileData"} } """ return is_file_obj_with_meta(d) and "url" in d and isinstance(d["url"], str) SKIP_COMPONENTS = { "state", "row", "column", "tabs", "tab", "tabitem", "box", "form", "accordion", "group", "interpretation", "dataset", } def handle_file(filepath_or_url: str | Path): s = str(filepath_or_url) data = {"path": s, "meta": {"_type": "gradio.FileData"}} if is_http_url_like(s): return {**data, "orig_name": s.split("/")[-1], "url": s} elif Path(s).exists(): return {**data, "orig_name": Path(s).name} else: raise ValueError( f"File {s} does not exist on local filesystem and is not a valid URL." ) def file(filepath_or_url: str | Path): warnings.warn( "file() is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use handle_file() instead." ) return handle_file(filepath_or_url) def construct_args( parameters_info: list[ParameterInfo] | None, args: tuple, kwargs: dict ) -> list: class _Keywords(Enum): NO_VALUE = "NO_VALUE" # Used as a sentinel to determine if nothing is provided as a parameter for an argument _args = list(args) if parameters_info is None: if kwargs: raise ValueError( "This endpoint does not support key-word arguments Please click on 'view API' in the footer of the Gradio app to see usage." ) return _args num_args = len(args) _args = _args + [_Keywords.NO_VALUE] * (len(parameters_info) - num_args) kwarg_arg_mapping = {} kwarg_names = [] for index, param_info in enumerate(parameters_info): if "parameter_name" in param_info: kwarg_arg_mapping[param_info["parameter_name"]] = index kwarg_names.append(param_info["parameter_name"]) else: kwarg_names.append("argument {index}") if ( param_info.get("parameter_has_default", False) and _args[index] == _Keywords.NO_VALUE ): _args[index] = param_info.get("parameter_default") for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in kwarg_arg_mapping: if kwarg_arg_mapping[key] < num_args: raise TypeError( f"Parameter `{key}` is already set as a positional argument. Please click on 'view API' in the footer of the Gradio app to see usage." ) else: _args[kwarg_arg_mapping[key]] = value else: raise TypeError( f"Parameter `{key}` is not a valid key-word argument. Please click on 'view API' in the footer of the Gradio app to see usage." ) if _Keywords.NO_VALUE in _args: raise TypeError( f"No value provided for required argument: {kwarg_names[_args.index(_Keywords.NO_VALUE)]}" ) return _args