<script lang="ts"> import { Meta, Template, Story } from "@storybook/addon-svelte-csf"; import Dropdown from "./shared/Dropdown.svelte"; </script> <Meta title="Components/Dropdown" component={Dropdown} argTypes={{ multiselect: { control: [true, false], description: "Whether to autoplay the video on load", name: "multiselect", value: false } }} /> <Template let:args> <Dropdown {...args} /> </Template> <Story name="Single-select" args={{ value: "swim", choices: [ ["run", "run"], ["swim", "swim"], ["jump", "jump"] ], label: "Single-select Dropdown", info: "This is a single-select dropdown" }} /> <Story name="Single-select Static" args={{ value: "swim", choices: [ ["run", "run"], ["swim", "swim"], ["jump", "jump"] ], disabled: true, label: "Single-select Dropdown" }} /> <Story name="Empty initial value" args={{ interactive: true, choices: [ ["run", "run"], ["swim", "swim"], ["jump", "jump"] ], label: "Empty Dropdown" }} />