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import io
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
from string import capwords
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
import httpx
import pytest
import gradio
from gradio.blocks import Blocks
from gradio.components import Image, Textbox
from gradio.interface import Interface, TabbedInterface, close_all, os
from gradio.layouts import TabItem, Tabs
from gradio.utils import assert_configs_are_equivalent_besides_ids
def captured_output():
new_out, new_err = io.StringIO(), io.StringIO()
old_out, old_err = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = new_out, new_err
yield sys.stdout, sys.stderr
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = old_out, old_err
class TestInterface:
def test_close(self):
io = Interface(lambda input: None, "textbox", "label")
_, local_url, _ = io.launch(prevent_thread_lock=True)
response = httpx.get(local_url)
assert response.status_code == 200
with pytest.raises(Exception):
response = httpx.get(local_url)
def test_close_all(self):
interface = Interface(lambda input: None, "textbox", "label")
interface.close = MagicMock()
def test_no_input_or_output(self):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Interface(lambda x: x, examples=1234) # type: ignore
def test_partial_functions(self):
def greet(name, formatter):
return formatter(f"Hello {name}!")
greet_upper_case = partial(greet, formatter=capwords)
demo = Interface(fn=greet_upper_case, inputs="text", outputs="text")
assert demo("abubakar") == "Hello Abubakar!"
def test_input_labels_extracted_from_method(self):
class A:
def test(self, parameter_name):
return parameter_name
t = Textbox()
Interface(A().test, t, "text")
assert t.label == "parameter_name"
def test(parameter_name1, parameter_name2):
return parameter_name1
t = Textbox()
i = Image()
Interface(test, [t, i], "text")
assert t.label == "parameter_name1"
assert i.label == "parameter_name2"
def special_args_test(req: gradio.Request, parameter_name):
return parameter_name
t = Textbox()
Interface(special_args_test, t, "text")
assert t.label == "parameter_name"
def test_examples_valid_path(self):
path = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "../gradio/test_data/flagged_with_log"
interface = Interface(lambda x: 3 * x, "number", "number", examples=path)
dataset_check = any(
c["type"] == "dataset" for c in interface.get_config_file()["components"]
assert dataset_check
def test_block_thread(self, mock_sleep):
with pytest.raises(KeyboardInterrupt):
with captured_output() as (out, _):
mock_sleep.side_effect = KeyboardInterrupt()
interface = Interface(lambda x: x, "textbox", "label")
output = out.getvalue().strip()
assert (
"Keyboard interruption in main thread... closing server." in output
def test_launch_colab_share_error(self, mock_setup_tunnel, mock_colab_check):
mock_setup_tunnel.side_effect = RuntimeError()
mock_colab_check.return_value = True
interface = Interface(lambda x: x, "textbox", "label")
_, _, share_url = interface.launch(prevent_thread_lock=True)
assert share_url is None
def test_interface_representation(self):
def prediction_fn(x):
return x
prediction_fn.__name__ = "prediction_fn"
repr = str(Interface(prediction_fn, "textbox", "label")).split("\n")
assert prediction_fn.__name__ in repr[0]
assert len(repr[0]) == len(repr[1])
def test_interface_browser(self, mock_browser):
interface = Interface(lambda x: x, "textbox", "label")
interface.launch(inbrowser=True, prevent_thread_lock=True)
def test_examples_list(self):
examples = ["test1", "test2"]
interface = Interface(
lambda x: x, "textbox", "label", examples=examples, examples_per_page=2
assert len(interface.examples_handler.examples) == 2
assert len(interface.examples_handler.examples[0]) == 1
assert interface.examples_handler.dataset.get_config()["samples_per_page"] == 2
def test_inline_display(self, mock_display):
interface = Interface(lambda x: x, "textbox", "label")
interface.launch(inline=True, prevent_thread_lock=True)
interface.launch(inline=True, prevent_thread_lock=True)
assert mock_display.call_count == 2
def test_setting_interactive_false(self):
output_textbox = Textbox()
Interface(lambda x: x, "textbox", output_textbox)
assert not output_textbox.get_config()["interactive"]
output_textbox = Textbox(interactive=True)
Interface(lambda x: x, "textbox", output_textbox)
assert output_textbox.get_config()["interactive"]
def test_get_api_info(self):
io = Interface(lambda x: x, Image(type="filepath"), "textbox")
api_info = io.get_api_info()
assert api_info
assert len(api_info["named_endpoints"]) == 1
assert len(api_info["unnamed_endpoints"]) == 0
def test_api_name(self):
io = Interface(lambda x: x, "textbox", "textbox", api_name="echo")
assert next(
(d for d in io.config["dependencies"] if d["api_name"] == "echo"), # type: ignore
def test_show_progress(self):
io = Interface(
lambda x: x, "textbox", "textbox", api_name="echo", show_progress="hidden"
dependency = next(
(d for d in io.config["dependencies"] if d["api_name"] == "echo"), # type: ignore
assert dependency and dependency["show_progress"] == "hidden"
def test_interface_in_blocks_does_not_error(self):
with Blocks():
Interface(fn=lambda x: x, inputs=Textbox(), outputs=Image())
def test_interface_with_built_ins(self):
t = Textbox()
Interface(fn=str, inputs=t, outputs=Textbox())
assert t.label == "input 0"
def test_interface_additional_components_are_included_as_inputs(self):
t = Textbox()
s = gradio.Slider(0, 100)
io = Interface(fn=str, inputs=t, outputs=Textbox(), additional_inputs=s)
assert io.input_components == [t, s]
class TestTabbedInterface:
def test_tabbed_interface_config_matches_manual_tab(self):
interface1 = Interface(lambda x: x, "textbox", "textbox")
interface2 = Interface(lambda x: x, "image", "image")
with Blocks(mode="tabbed_interface") as demo:
with Tabs():
with TabItem(label="tab1"):
with TabItem(label="tab2"):
interface3 = Interface(lambda x: x, "textbox", "textbox")
interface4 = Interface(lambda x: x, "image", "image")
tabbed_interface = TabbedInterface([interface3, interface4], ["tab1", "tab2"])
assert assert_configs_are_equivalent_besides_ids(
demo.get_config_file(), # type: ignore
tabbed_interface.get_config_file(), # type: ignore
"interface_type", ["standard", "input_only", "output_only", "unified"]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("live", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("use_generator", [True, False])
def test_interface_adds_stop_button(interface_type, live, use_generator):
def gen_func(inp):
yield inp
def func(inp):
return inp
if interface_type == "standard":
interface = gradio.Interface(
gen_func if use_generator else func, "number", "number", live=live
elif interface_type == "input_only":
interface = gradio.Interface(
gen_func if use_generator else func, "number", None, live=live
elif interface_type == "output_only":
interface = gradio.Interface(
gen_func if use_generator else func, None, "number", live=live
num = gradio.Number()
interface = gradio.Interface(
gen_func if use_generator else func, num, num, live=live
has_stop = (
for c in interface.config["components"]
if c["props"].get("variant", "") == "stop"
== 1
if use_generator and not live:
assert has_stop
assert not has_stop
def test_live_interface_sets_always_last():
iface = gradio.Interface(
fn=lambda s: s,
inputs=gradio.Textbox(lines=2, placeholder="Hello 👋", label="Input Sentence"),
live=True, # Set live to True for real-time feedback
config = iface.get_config_file()
assert "dependencies" in config
for dep in config["dependencies"]:
if dep["targets"][0][1] == "change":
assert dep["trigger_mode"] == "always_last"
raise AssertionError("No change dependency found")
def test_tabbed_interface_predictions(connect):
hello_world = gradio.Interface(lambda name: "Hello " + name, "text", "text")
bye_world = gradio.Interface(lambda name: "Bye " + name, "text", "text")
demo = gradio.TabbedInterface(
[hello_world, bye_world], ["Hello World", "Bye World"]
with connect(demo) as client:
assert client.predict("Emily", api_name="/predict") == "Hello Emily"
assert client.predict("Hannah", api_name="/predict") == "Hello Hannah"