File size: 6,835 Bytes
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// NOTE: We should only import the types from ".." to avoid the circular dependency of implementations,
// which causes repeated executions of the ".." module in †he dev mode and can lead to multiple instances of the dev app.
import type {
create as createLiteAppFunc,
} from "..";
import { clean_indent } from "./indent";
interface GradioComponentOptions {
info: Options["info"];
container: Options["container"];
isEmbed: Options["isEmbed"];
initialHeight?: Options["initialHeight"];
eager: Options["eager"];
themeMode: Options["themeMode"];
autoScroll: Options["autoScroll"];
controlPageTitle: Options["controlPageTitle"];
appMode: Options["appMode"];
sharedWorkerMode?: Options["sharedWorkerMode"];
interface GradioLiteAppOptions {
files?: Options["files"];
requirements?: Options["requirements"];
code?: Options["code"];
entrypoint?: Options["entrypoint"];
function parseRequirementsTxt(content: string): string[] {
return content
.filter((r) => !r.startsWith("#"))
.map((r) => r.trim())
.filter((r) => r !== "");
export function bootstrap_custom_element(
create: typeof createLiteAppFunc
): void {
const CUSTOM_ELEMENT_NAME = "gradio-lite";
if (customElements.get(CUSTOM_ELEMENT_NAME)) {
class GradioLiteAppElement extends HTMLElement {
controller: GradioAppController | null = null;
connectedCallback(): void {
// At the time of connectedCallback, the child elements of the custom element are not yet parsed,
// so we need to defer the initialization to the next frame.
// Ref:
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
const gradioComponentOptions = this.parseGradioComponentOptions();
const gradioLiteAppOptions = this.parseGradioLiteAppOptions();
this.innerHTML = "";
this.controller = create({
target: this, // Same as `js/spa/src/main.ts`
code: gradioLiteAppOptions.code,
requirements: gradioLiteAppOptions.requirements,
files: gradioLiteAppOptions.files,
entrypoint: gradioLiteAppOptions.entrypoint,
playground: this.hasAttribute("playground"),
layout: this.getAttribute("layout"),
disconnectedCallback(): void {
parseGradioComponentOptions(): GradioComponentOptions {
// Parse the options from the attributes of the <gradio-lite> element.
// The following attributes are supported:
// * info: boolean
// * container: boolean
// * embed: boolean
// * initial-height: string
// * eager: boolean
// * theme: "light" | "dark" | null
// * auto-scroll: boolean
// * control-page-title: boolean
// * app-mode: boolean
const info = this.hasAttribute("info");
const container = this.hasAttribute("container");
const isEmbed = this.hasAttribute("embed");
const initialHeight = this.getAttribute("initial-height");
const eager = this.hasAttribute("eager");
const themeMode = this.getAttribute("theme");
const autoScroll = this.hasAttribute("auto-scroll");
const controlPageTitle = this.hasAttribute("control-page-title");
const appMode = this.hasAttribute("app-mode");
const sharedWorkerMode = this.hasAttribute("shared-worker");
return {
initialHeight: initialHeight ?? undefined,
themeMode != null && ["light", "dark"].includes(themeMode)
? (themeMode as GradioComponentOptions["themeMode"])
: null,
parseGradioLiteAppOptions(): GradioLiteAppOptions {
// When it contains child elements, parse them as options. Available child elements are:
// * <gradio-file />
// Represents a file to be mounted in the virtual file system of the Wasm worker.
// At least 1 <gradio-file> element must have the `entrypoint` attribute.
// The following 2 forms are supported:
// * <gradio-file name="{file name}" >{file content}</gradio-file>
// * <gradio-file name="{file name}" url="{remote URL}" />
// * <gradio-requirements>{requirements.txt}</gradio-requirements>
// * <gradio-code>{Python code}</gradio-code>
const options: GradioLiteAppOptions = {};
const fileElements = this.getElementsByTagName("gradio-file");
for (const fileElement of fileElements) {
const name = fileElement.getAttribute("name");
if (name == null) {
throw new Error("<gradio-file> must have the name attribute.");
const entrypoint = fileElement.hasAttribute("entrypoint");
const url = fileElement.getAttribute("url");
options.files ??= {};
if (url != null) {
options.files[name] = { url };
} else {
let data = fileElement.textContent ?? "";
if (name.endsWith(".py")) {
// Dedent the Python code.
data = clean_indent(data);
options.files[name] = { data };
if (entrypoint) {
if (options.entrypoint != null) {
throw new Error("Multiple entrypoints are not allowed.");
options.entrypoint = name;
if (options.entrypoint == null) {
// If no entrypoint file is specified,
// try to find the source code to be passed to the .code option instead.
const codeElements = this.getElementsByTagName("gradio-code");
if (codeElements.length === 0) {
// If there is no <gradio-code> element, try to parse the content of the custom element as code.
let code = "";
this.childNodes.forEach((node) => {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
code += node.textContent;
options.code = code || undefined;
} else {
if (codeElements.length > 1) {
"Multiple <gradio-code> elements are found. Only the first one will be used."
const firstCodeElement = codeElements[0];
options.code = firstCodeElement?.textContent ?? undefined;
options.code = options.code && clean_indent(options.code);
const requirementsElements = this.getElementsByTagName(
if (requirementsElements.length > 1) {
"Multiple <gradio-requirements> elements are found. Only the first one will be used."
const firstRequirementsElement = requirementsElements[0];
const requirementsTxt = firstRequirementsElement?.textContent ?? "";
options.requirements = parseRequirementsTxt(requirementsTxt);
return options;
customElements.define(CUSTOM_ELEMENT_NAME, GradioLiteAppElement);