import random | |
import PIL | |
import numpy as np | |
class MIDITokenizer: | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.vocab_size = 0 | |
def allocate_ids(size): | |
ids = [self.vocab_size + i for i in range(size)] | |
self.vocab_size += size | |
return ids | |
self.pad_id = allocate_ids(1)[0] | |
self.bos_id = allocate_ids(1)[0] | |
self.eos_id = allocate_ids(1)[0] | | = { | |
"note": ["time1", "time2", "track", "duration", "channel", "pitch", "velocity"], | |
"patch_change": ["time1", "time2", "track", "channel", "patch"], | |
"control_change": ["time1", "time2", "track", "channel", "controller", "value"], | |
"set_tempo": ["time1", "time2", "track", "bpm"], | |
} | |
self.event_parameters = { | |
"time1": 128, "time2": 16, "duration": 2048, "track": 128, "channel": 16, "pitch": 128, "velocity": 128, | |
"patch": 128, "controller": 128, "value": 128, "bpm": 256 | |
} | |
self.event_ids = {e: allocate_ids(1)[0] for e in} | |
self.id_events = {i: e for e, i in self.event_ids.items()} | |
self.parameter_ids = {p: allocate_ids(s) for p, s in self.event_parameters.items()} | |
self.max_token_seq = max([len(ps) for ps in]) + 1 | |
def tempo2bpm(self, tempo): | |
tempo = tempo / 10 ** 6 # us to s | |
bpm = 60 / tempo | |
return bpm | |
def bpm2tempo(self, bpm): | |
if bpm == 0: | |
bpm = 1 | |
tempo = int((60 / bpm) * 10 ** 6) | |
return tempo | |
def tokenize(self, midi_score, add_bos_eos=True, cc_eps=4, tempo_eps=4, | |
remap_track_channel=False, add_default_instr=False, remove_empty_channels=False): | |
ticks_per_beat = midi_score[0] | |
event_list = {} | |
track_idx_map = {i: dict() for i in range(16)} | |
track_idx_dict = {} | |
channels = [] | |
patch_channels = [] | |
empty_channels = [True]*16 | |
channel_note_tracks = {i: list() for i in range(16)} | |
for track_idx, track in enumerate(midi_score[1:129]): | |
last_notes = {} | |
patch_dict = {} | |
control_dict = {} | |
last_tempo = 0 | |
for event in track: | |
if event[0] not in | |
continue | |
c = -1 | |
t = round(16 * event[1] / ticks_per_beat) # quantization | |
new_event = [event[0], t // 16, t % 16, track_idx] + event[2:] | |
if event[0] == "note": | |
c = event[3] | |
if c > 15 or c < 0: | |
continue | |
empty_channels[c] = False | |
track_idx_dict.setdefault(c, track_idx) | |
note_tracks = channel_note_tracks[c] | |
if track_idx not in note_tracks: | |
note_tracks.append(track_idx) | |
new_event[4] = max(1, round(16 * new_event[4] / ticks_per_beat)) | |
elif event[0] == "set_tempo": | |
if new_event[4] == 0: # invalid tempo | |
continue | |
bpm = int(self.tempo2bpm(new_event[4])) | |
new_event[4] = min(bpm, 255) | |
if event[0] == "note": | |
key = tuple(new_event[:4] + new_event[5:-1]) | |
else: | |
key = tuple(new_event[:-1]) | |
if event[0] == "patch_change": | |
c, p = event[2:] | |
if c > 15 or c < 0: | |
continue | |
last_p = patch_dict.setdefault(c, None) | |
if last_p == p: | |
continue | |
patch_dict[c] = p | |
if c not in patch_channels: | |
patch_channels.append(c) | |
elif event[0] == "control_change": | |
c, cc, v = event[2:] | |
if c > 15 or c < 0: | |
continue | |
last_v = control_dict.setdefault((c, cc), 0) | |
if abs(last_v - v) < cc_eps: | |
continue | |
control_dict[(c, cc)] = v | |
elif event[0] == "set_tempo": | |
tempo = new_event[-1] | |
if abs(last_tempo - tempo) < tempo_eps: | |
continue | |
last_tempo = tempo | |
if c != -1: | |
if c not in channels: | |
channels.append(c) | |
tr_map = track_idx_map[c] | |
if track_idx not in tr_map: | |
tr_map[track_idx] = 0 | |
if event[0] == "note": # to eliminate note overlap due to quantization | |
cp = tuple(new_event[5:7]) | |
if cp in last_notes: | |
last_note_key, last_note = last_notes[cp] | |
last_t = last_note[1] * 16 + last_note[2] | |
last_note[4] = max(0, min(last_note[4], t - last_t)) | |
if last_note[4] == 0: | |
event_list.pop(last_note_key) | |
last_notes[cp] = (key, new_event) | |
event_list[key] = new_event | |
event_list = list(event_list.values()) | |
empty_channels = [c for c in channels if empty_channels[c]] | |
if remap_track_channel: | |
patch_channels = [] | |
channels_count = 0 | |
channels_map = {9: 9} if 9 in channels else {} | |
if remove_empty_channels: | |
channels = sorted(channels, key=lambda x: 1 if x in empty_channels else 0) | |
for c in channels: | |
if c == 9: | |
continue | |
channels_map[c] = channels_count | |
channels_count += 1 | |
if channels_count == 9: | |
channels_count = 10 | |
channels = list(channels_map.values()) | |
track_count = 0 | |
track_idx_map_order = [k for k,v in sorted(list(channels_map.items()), key=lambda x: x[1])] | |
for c in track_idx_map_order: # tracks not to remove | |
if remove_empty_channels and c in empty_channels: | |
continue | |
tr_map = track_idx_map[c] | |
for track_idx in tr_map: | |
note_tracks = channel_note_tracks[c] | |
if len(note_tracks) != 0 and track_idx not in note_tracks: | |
continue | |
track_count += 1 | |
tr_map[track_idx] = track_count | |
for c in track_idx_map_order: # tracks to remove | |
if not (remove_empty_channels and c in empty_channels): | |
continue | |
tr_map = track_idx_map[c] | |
for track_idx in tr_map: | |
note_tracks = channel_note_tracks[c] | |
if not (len(note_tracks) != 0 and track_idx not in note_tracks): | |
continue | |
track_count += 1 | |
tr_map[track_idx] = track_count | |
empty_channels = [channels_map[c] for c in empty_channels] | |
for event in event_list: | |
name = event[0] | |
track_idx = event[3] | |
if name == "note": | |
c = event[5] | |
event[5] = channels_map[c] | |
event[3] = track_idx_map[c][track_idx] | |
track_idx_dict[event[5]] = event[3] | |
elif name == "set_tempo": | |
event[3] = 0 | |
elif name == "control_change" or name == "patch_change": | |
c = event[4] | |
event[4] = channels_map[c] | |
tr_map = track_idx_map[c] | |
# move the event to first track of the channel if it's original track is empty | |
note_tracks = channel_note_tracks[c] | |
if len(note_tracks) != 0 and track_idx not in note_tracks: | |
track_idx = channel_note_tracks[c][0] | |
new_track_idx = tr_map.setdefault(track_idx, next(iter(tr_map.values()))) | |
event[3] = new_track_idx | |
if name == "patch_change" and event[4] not in patch_channels: | |
patch_channels.append(event[4]) | |
if add_default_instr: | |
for c in channels: | |
if c not in patch_channels: | |
event_list.append(["patch_change", 0,0, track_idx_dict[c], c, 0]) | |
events_name_order = {"set_tempo":0, "patch_change":1, "control_change":2, "note":3} | |
events_order = lambda e: e[1:4] + [events_name_order[e[0]]] | |
event_list = sorted(event_list, key=events_order) | |
setup_events = {} | |
notes_in_setup = False | |
for i, event in enumerate(event_list): # optimise setup | |
new_event = [*event] | |
if event[0] != "note": | |
new_event[1] = 0 | |
new_event[2] = 0 | |
has_next = False | |
has_pre = False | |
if i < len(event_list) - 1: | |
next_event = event_list[i + 1] | |
has_next = event[1] + event[2] == next_event[1] + next_event[2] | |
if notes_in_setup and i > 0: | |
pre_event = event_list[i - 1] | |
has_pre = event[1] + event[2] == pre_event[1] + pre_event[2] | |
if (event[0] == "note" and not has_next) or (notes_in_setup and not has_pre) : | |
event_list = sorted(setup_events.values(), key=events_order) + event_list[i:] | |
break | |
else: | |
if event[0] == "note": | |
notes_in_setup = True | |
key = tuple(event[3:-1]) | |
setup_events[key] = new_event | |
last_t1 = 0 | |
midi_seq = [] | |
for event in event_list: | |
if remove_empty_channels and event[0] in ["control_change", "patch_change"] and event[4] in empty_channels: | |
continue | |
cur_t1 = event[1] | |
event[1] = event[1] - last_t1 | |
tokens = self.event2tokens(event) | |
if not tokens: | |
continue | |
midi_seq.append(tokens) | |
last_t1 = cur_t1 | |
if add_bos_eos: | |
bos = [self.bos_id] + [self.pad_id] * (self.max_token_seq - 1) | |
eos = [self.eos_id] + [self.pad_id] * (self.max_token_seq - 1) | |
midi_seq = [bos] + midi_seq + [eos] | |
return midi_seq | |
def event2tokens(self, event): | |
name = event[0] | |
params = event[1:] | |
if not all([0 <= params[i] < self.event_parameters[p] for i, p in enumerate([name])]): | |
return [] | |
tokens = [self.event_ids[name]] + [self.parameter_ids[p][params[i]] | |
for i, p in enumerate([name])] | |
tokens += [self.pad_id] * (self.max_token_seq - len(tokens)) | |
return tokens | |
def tokens2event(self, tokens): | |
if tokens[0] in self.id_events: | |
name = self.id_events[tokens[0]] | |
if len(tokens) <= len([name]): | |
return [] | |
params = tokens[1:] | |
params = [params[i] - self.parameter_ids[p][0] for i, p in enumerate([name])] | |
if not all([0 <= params[i] < self.event_parameters[p] for i, p in enumerate([name])]): | |
return [] | |
event = [name] + params | |
return event | |
return [] | |
def detokenize(self, midi_seq): | |
ticks_per_beat = 480 | |
tracks_dict = {} | |
t1 = 0 | |
for tokens in midi_seq: | |
if tokens[0] in self.id_events: | |
event = self.tokens2event(tokens) | |
if not event: | |
continue | |
name = event[0] | |
if name == "set_tempo": | |
event[4] = self.bpm2tempo(event[4]) | |
if event[0] == "note": | |
event[4] = int(event[4] * ticks_per_beat / 16) | |
t1 += event[1] | |
t = t1 * 16 + event[2] | |
t = int(t * ticks_per_beat / 16) | |
track_idx = event[3] | |
if track_idx not in tracks_dict: | |
tracks_dict[track_idx] = [] | |
tracks_dict[track_idx].append([event[0], t] + event[4:]) | |
tracks = [tr for idx, tr in sorted(list(tracks_dict.items()), key=lambda it: it[0])] | |
for i in range(len(tracks)): # to eliminate note overlap | |
track = tracks[i] | |
track = sorted(track, key=lambda e: e[1]) | |
last_note_t = {} | |
zero_len_notes = [] | |
for e in reversed(track): | |
if e[0] == "note": | |
t, d, c, p = e[1:5] | |
key = (c, p) | |
if key in last_note_t: | |
d = min(d, max(last_note_t[key] - t, 0)) | |
last_note_t[key] = t | |
e[2] = d | |
if d == 0: | |
zero_len_notes.append(e) | |
for e in zero_len_notes: | |
track.remove(e) | |
tracks[i] = track | |
return [ticks_per_beat, *tracks] | |
def midi2img(self, midi_score): | |
ticks_per_beat = midi_score[0] | |
notes = [] | |
max_time = 1 | |
track_num = len(midi_score[1:]) | |
for track_idx, track in enumerate(midi_score[1:]): | |
for event in track: | |
t = round(16 * event[1] / ticks_per_beat) | |
if event[0] == "note": | |
d = max(1, round(16 * event[2] / ticks_per_beat)) | |
c, p = event[3:5] | |
max_time = max(max_time, t + d + 1) | |
notes.append((track_idx, c, p, t, d)) | |
img = np.zeros((128, max_time, 3), dtype=np.uint8) | |
colors = {(i, j): np.random.randint(50, 256, 3) for i in range(track_num) for j in range(16)} | |
for note in notes: | |
tr, c, p, t, d = note | |
img[p, t: t + d] = colors[(tr, c)] | |
img = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.flip(img, 0)) | |
return img | |
def augment(self, midi_seq, max_pitch_shift=4, max_vel_shift=10, max_cc_val_shift=10, max_bpm_shift=10, | |
max_track_shift=0, max_channel_shift=16): | |
pitch_shift = random.randint(-max_pitch_shift, max_pitch_shift) | |
vel_shift = random.randint(-max_vel_shift, max_vel_shift) | |
cc_val_shift = random.randint(-max_cc_val_shift, max_cc_val_shift) | |
bpm_shift = random.randint(-max_bpm_shift, max_bpm_shift) | |
track_shift = random.randint(0, max_track_shift) | |
channel_shift = random.randint(0, max_channel_shift) | |
midi_seq_new = [] | |
for tokens in midi_seq: | |
tokens_new = [*tokens] | |
if tokens[0] in self.id_events: | |
name = self.id_events[tokens[0]] | |
for i, pn in enumerate([name]): | |
if pn == "track": | |
tr = tokens[1 + i] - self.parameter_ids[pn][0] | |
tr += track_shift | |
tr = tr % self.event_parameters[pn] | |
tokens_new[1 + i] = self.parameter_ids[pn][tr] | |
elif pn == "channel": | |
c = tokens[1 + i] - self.parameter_ids[pn][0] | |
c0 = c | |
c += channel_shift | |
c = c % self.event_parameters[pn] | |
if c0 == 9: | |
c = 9 | |
elif c == 9: | |
c = (9 + channel_shift) % self.event_parameters[pn] | |
tokens_new[1 + i] = self.parameter_ids[pn][c] | |
if name == "note": | |
c = tokens[5] - self.parameter_ids["channel"][0] | |
p = tokens[6] - self.parameter_ids["pitch"][0] | |
v = tokens[7] - self.parameter_ids["velocity"][0] | |
if c != 9: # no shift for drums | |
p += pitch_shift | |
if not 0 <= p < 128: | |
return midi_seq | |
v += vel_shift | |
v = max(1, min(127, v)) | |
tokens_new[6] = self.parameter_ids["pitch"][p] | |
tokens_new[7] = self.parameter_ids["velocity"][v] | |
elif name == "control_change": | |
cc = tokens[5] - self.parameter_ids["controller"][0] | |
val = tokens[6] - self.parameter_ids["value"][0] | |
if cc in [1, 2, 7, 11]: | |
val += cc_val_shift | |
val = max(1, min(127, val)) | |
tokens_new[6] = self.parameter_ids["value"][val] | |
elif name == "set_tempo": | |
bpm = tokens[4] - self.parameter_ids["bpm"][0] | |
bpm += bpm_shift | |
bpm = max(1, min(255, bpm)) | |
tokens_new[4] = self.parameter_ids["bpm"][bpm] | |
midi_seq_new.append(tokens_new) | |
return midi_seq_new | |
def check_quality(self, midi_seq, alignment_min=0.4, tonality_min=0.8, piano_max=0.7, notes_bandwidth_min=3, notes_density_max=30, notes_density_min=2.5, total_notes_max=10000, total_notes_min=500, note_window_size=16): | |
total_notes = 0 | |
channels = [] | |
time_hist = [0] * 16 | |
note_windows = {} | |
notes_sametime = [] | |
notes_density_list = [] | |
tonality_list = [] | |
notes_bandwidth_list = [] | |
instruments = {} | |
piano_channels = [] | |
abs_t1 = 0 | |
last_t = 0 | |
for tsi, tokens in enumerate(midi_seq): | |
event = self.tokens2event(tokens) | |
if not event: | |
continue | |
t1, t2, tr = event[1:4] | |
abs_t1 += t1 | |
t = abs_t1 * 16 + t2 | |
c = None | |
if event[0] == "note": | |
d, c, p, v = event[4:] | |
total_notes += 1 | |
time_hist[t2] += 1 | |
if c != 9: # ignore drum channel | |
if c not in instruments: | |
instruments[c] = 0 | |
if c not in piano_channels: | |
piano_channels.append(c) | |
note_windows.setdefault(abs_t1 // note_window_size, []).append(p) | |
if last_t != t: | |
notes_sametime = [(et, p_) for et, p_ in notes_sametime if et > last_t] | |
notes_sametime_p = [p_ for _, p_ in notes_sametime] | |
if len(notes_sametime) > 0: | |
notes_bandwidth_list.append(max(notes_sametime_p) - min(notes_sametime_p)) | |
notes_sametime.append((t + d - 1, p)) | |
elif event[0] == "patch_change": | |
c, p = event[4:] | |
instruments[c] = p | |
if p == 0 and c not in piano_channels: | |
piano_channels.append(c) | |
if c is not None and c not in channels: | |
channels.append(c) | |
last_t = t | |
reasons = [] | |
if total_notes < total_notes_min: | |
reasons.append("total_min") | |
if total_notes > total_notes_max: | |
reasons.append("total_max") | |
if len(note_windows) == 0 and total_notes > 0: | |
reasons.append("drum_only") | |
if reasons: | |
return False, reasons | |
time_hist = sorted(time_hist, reverse=True) | |
alignment = sum(time_hist[:2]) / total_notes | |
for notes in note_windows.values(): | |
key_hist = [0] * 12 | |
for p in notes: | |
key_hist[p % 12] += 1 | |
key_hist = sorted(key_hist, reverse=True) | |
tonality_list.append(sum(key_hist[:7]) / len(notes)) | |
notes_density_list.append(len(notes) / note_window_size) | |
tonality_list = sorted(tonality_list) | |
tonality = sum(tonality_list)/len(tonality_list) | |
notes_bandwidth = sum(notes_bandwidth_list)/len(notes_bandwidth_list) if notes_bandwidth_list else 0 | |
notes_density = max(notes_density_list) if notes_density_list else 0 | |
piano_ratio = len(piano_channels) / len(channels) | |
if len(channels) <=3: # ignore piano threshold if it is a piano solo midi | |
piano_max = 1 | |
if alignment < alignment_min: # check weather the notes align to the bars (because some midi files are recorded) | |
reasons.append("alignment") | |
if tonality < tonality_min: # check whether the music is tonal | |
reasons.append("tonality") | |
if notes_bandwidth < notes_bandwidth_min: # check whether music is melodic line only | |
reasons.append("bandwidth") | |
if not notes_density_min < notes_density < notes_density_max: | |
reasons.append("density") | |
if piano_ratio > piano_max: # check whether most instruments is piano (because some midi files don't have instruments assigned correctly) | |
reasons.append("piano") | |
return not reasons, reasons | |