from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast import numpy as np from contourpy._contourpy import FillType, LineType import contourpy.array as arr from contourpy.enum_util import as_fill_type, as_line_type from contourpy.typecheck import check_filled, check_lines from contourpy.types import MOVETO, offset_dtype if TYPE_CHECKING: import contourpy._contourpy as cpy def _convert_filled_from_OuterCode( filled: cpy.FillReturn_OuterCode, fill_type_to: FillType, ) -> cpy.FillReturn: if fill_type_to == FillType.OuterCode: return filled elif fill_type_to == FillType.OuterOffset: return (filled[0], [arr.offsets_from_codes(codes) for codes in filled[1]]) if len(filled[0]) > 0: points = arr.concat_points(filled[0]) codes = arr.concat_codes(filled[1]) else: points = None codes = None if fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedCode: return ([points], [codes]) elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffset: return ([points], [None if codes is None else arr.offsets_from_codes(codes)]) elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedCodeOffset: outer_offsets = None if points is None else arr.offsets_from_lengths(filled[0]) ret1: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedCodeOffset = ([points], [codes], [outer_offsets]) return ret1 elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset: if codes is None: ret2: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset = ([None], [None], [None]) else: offsets = arr.offsets_from_codes(codes) outer_offsets = arr.outer_offsets_from_list_of_codes(filled[1]) ret2 = ([points], [offsets], [outer_offsets]) return ret2 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid FillType {fill_type_to}") def _convert_filled_from_OuterOffset( filled: cpy.FillReturn_OuterOffset, fill_type_to: FillType, ) -> cpy.FillReturn: if fill_type_to == FillType.OuterCode: separate_codes = [arr.codes_from_offsets(offsets) for offsets in filled[1]] return (filled[0], separate_codes) elif fill_type_to == FillType.OuterOffset: return filled if len(filled[0]) > 0: points = arr.concat_points(filled[0]) offsets = arr.concat_offsets(filled[1]) else: points = None offsets = None if fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedCode: return ([points], [None if offsets is None else arr.codes_from_offsets(offsets)]) elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffset: return ([points], [offsets]) elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedCodeOffset: if offsets is None: ret1: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedCodeOffset = ([None], [None], [None]) else: codes = arr.codes_from_offsets(offsets) outer_offsets = arr.offsets_from_lengths(filled[0]) ret1 = ([points], [codes], [outer_offsets]) return ret1 elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset: if points is None: ret2: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset = ([None], [None], [None]) else: outer_offsets = arr.outer_offsets_from_list_of_offsets(filled[1]) ret2 = ([points], [offsets], [outer_offsets]) return ret2 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid FillType {fill_type_to}") def _convert_filled_from_ChunkCombinedCode( filled: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedCode, fill_type_to: FillType, ) -> cpy.FillReturn: if fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedCode: return filled elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffset: codes = [None if codes is None else arr.offsets_from_codes(codes) for codes in filled[1]] return (filled[0], codes) else: raise ValueError( f"Conversion from {FillType.ChunkCombinedCode} to {fill_type_to} not supported") def _convert_filled_from_ChunkCombinedOffset( filled: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedOffset, fill_type_to: FillType, ) -> cpy.FillReturn: if fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedCode: chunk_codes: list[cpy.CodeArray | None] = [] for points, offsets in zip(*filled): if points is None: chunk_codes.append(None) else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert offsets is not None chunk_codes.append(arr.codes_from_offsets_and_points(offsets, points)) return (filled[0], chunk_codes) elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffset: return filled else: raise ValueError( f"Conversion from {FillType.ChunkCombinedOffset} to {fill_type_to} not supported") def _convert_filled_from_ChunkCombinedCodeOffset( filled: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedCodeOffset, fill_type_to: FillType, ) -> cpy.FillReturn: if fill_type_to == FillType.OuterCode: separate_points = [] separate_codes = [] for points, codes, outer_offsets in zip(*filled): if points is not None: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert codes is not None assert outer_offsets is not None separate_points += arr.split_points_by_offsets(points, outer_offsets) separate_codes += arr.split_codes_by_offsets(codes, outer_offsets) return (separate_points, separate_codes) elif fill_type_to == FillType.OuterOffset: separate_points = [] separate_offsets = [] for points, codes, outer_offsets in zip(*filled): if points is not None: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert codes is not None assert outer_offsets is not None separate_points += arr.split_points_by_offsets(points, outer_offsets) separate_codes = arr.split_codes_by_offsets(codes, outer_offsets) separate_offsets += [arr.offsets_from_codes(codes) for codes in separate_codes] return (separate_points, separate_offsets) elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedCode: ret1: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedCode = (filled[0], filled[1]) return ret1 elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffset: all_offsets = [None if codes is None else arr.offsets_from_codes(codes) for codes in filled[1]] ret2: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedOffset = (filled[0], all_offsets) return ret2 elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedCodeOffset: return filled elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset: chunk_offsets: list[cpy.OffsetArray | None] = [] chunk_outer_offsets: list[cpy.OffsetArray | None] = [] for codes, outer_offsets in zip(*filled[1:]): if codes is None: chunk_offsets.append(None) chunk_outer_offsets.append(None) else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert outer_offsets is not None offsets = arr.offsets_from_codes(codes) outer_offsets = np.array([np.nonzero(offsets == oo)[0][0] for oo in outer_offsets], dtype=offset_dtype) chunk_offsets.append(offsets) chunk_outer_offsets.append(outer_offsets) ret3: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset = ( filled[0], chunk_offsets, chunk_outer_offsets, ) return ret3 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid FillType {fill_type_to}") def _convert_filled_from_ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset( filled: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset, fill_type_to: FillType, ) -> cpy.FillReturn: if fill_type_to == FillType.OuterCode: separate_points = [] separate_codes = [] for points, offsets, outer_offsets in zip(*filled): if points is not None: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert offsets is not None assert outer_offsets is not None codes = arr.codes_from_offsets_and_points(offsets, points) outer_offsets = offsets[outer_offsets] separate_points += arr.split_points_by_offsets(points, outer_offsets) separate_codes += arr.split_codes_by_offsets(codes, outer_offsets) return (separate_points, separate_codes) elif fill_type_to == FillType.OuterOffset: separate_points = [] separate_offsets = [] for points, offsets, outer_offsets in zip(*filled): if points is not None: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert offsets is not None assert outer_offsets is not None if len(outer_offsets) > 2: separate_offsets += [offsets[s:e+1] - offsets[s] for s, e in zip(outer_offsets[:-1], outer_offsets[1:])] else: separate_offsets.append(offsets) separate_points += arr.split_points_by_offsets(points, offsets[outer_offsets]) return (separate_points, separate_offsets) elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedCode: chunk_codes: list[cpy.CodeArray | None] = [] for points, offsets, outer_offsets in zip(*filled): if points is None: chunk_codes.append(None) else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert offsets is not None assert outer_offsets is not None chunk_codes.append(arr.codes_from_offsets_and_points(offsets, points)) ret1: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedCode = (filled[0], chunk_codes) return ret1 elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffset: return (filled[0], filled[1]) elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedCodeOffset: chunk_codes = [] chunk_outer_offsets: list[cpy.OffsetArray | None] = [] for points, offsets, outer_offsets in zip(*filled): if points is None: chunk_codes.append(None) chunk_outer_offsets.append(None) else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert offsets is not None assert outer_offsets is not None chunk_codes.append(arr.codes_from_offsets_and_points(offsets, points)) chunk_outer_offsets.append(offsets[outer_offsets]) ret2: cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedCodeOffset = (filled[0], chunk_codes, chunk_outer_offsets) return ret2 elif fill_type_to == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset: return filled else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid FillType {fill_type_to}") def convert_filled( filled: cpy.FillReturn, fill_type_from: FillType | str, fill_type_to: FillType | str, ) -> cpy.FillReturn: """Convert filled contours from one :class:`~.FillType` to another. Args: filled (sequence of arrays): Filled contour polygons to convert, such as those returned by :meth:`.ContourGenerator.filled`. fill_type_from (FillType or str): :class:`~.FillType` to convert from as enum or string equivalent. fill_type_to (FillType or str): :class:`~.FillType` to convert to as enum or string equivalent. Return: Converted filled contour polygons. When converting non-chunked fill types (``FillType.OuterCode`` or ``FillType.OuterOffset``) to chunked ones, all polygons are placed in the first chunk. When converting in the other direction, all chunk information is discarded. Converting a fill type that is not aware of the relationship between outer boundaries and contained holes (``FillType.ChunkCombinedCode`` or ``FillType.ChunkCombinedOffset``) to one that is will raise a ``ValueError``. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """ fill_type_from = as_fill_type(fill_type_from) fill_type_to = as_fill_type(fill_type_to) check_filled(filled, fill_type_from) if fill_type_from == FillType.OuterCode: if TYPE_CHECKING: filled = cast(cpy.FillReturn_OuterCode, filled) return _convert_filled_from_OuterCode(filled, fill_type_to) elif fill_type_from == FillType.OuterOffset: if TYPE_CHECKING: filled = cast(cpy.FillReturn_OuterOffset, filled) return _convert_filled_from_OuterOffset(filled, fill_type_to) elif fill_type_from == FillType.ChunkCombinedCode: if TYPE_CHECKING: filled = cast(cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedCode, filled) return _convert_filled_from_ChunkCombinedCode(filled, fill_type_to) elif fill_type_from == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffset: if TYPE_CHECKING: filled = cast(cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedOffset, filled) return _convert_filled_from_ChunkCombinedOffset(filled, fill_type_to) elif fill_type_from == FillType.ChunkCombinedCodeOffset: if TYPE_CHECKING: filled = cast(cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedCodeOffset, filled) return _convert_filled_from_ChunkCombinedCodeOffset(filled, fill_type_to) elif fill_type_from == FillType.ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset: if TYPE_CHECKING: filled = cast(cpy.FillReturn_ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset, filled) return _convert_filled_from_ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset(filled, fill_type_to) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid FillType {fill_type_from}") def _convert_lines_from_Separate( lines: cpy.LineReturn_Separate, line_type_to: LineType, ) -> cpy.LineReturn: if line_type_to == LineType.Separate: return lines elif line_type_to == LineType.SeparateCode: separate_codes = [arr.codes_from_points(line) for line in lines] return (lines, separate_codes) elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedCode: if not lines: ret1: cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedCode = ([None], [None]) else: points = arr.concat_points(lines) offsets = arr.offsets_from_lengths(lines) codes = arr.codes_from_offsets_and_points(offsets, points) ret1 = ([points], [codes]) return ret1 elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedOffset: if not lines: ret2: cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedOffset = ([None], [None]) else: ret2 = ([arr.concat_points(lines)], [arr.offsets_from_lengths(lines)]) return ret2 elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedNan: if not lines: ret3: cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedNan = ([None],) else: ret3 = ([arr.concat_points_with_nan(lines)],) return ret3 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid LineType {line_type_to}") def _convert_lines_from_SeparateCode( lines: cpy.LineReturn_SeparateCode, line_type_to: LineType, ) -> cpy.LineReturn: if line_type_to == LineType.Separate: # Drop codes. return lines[0] elif line_type_to == LineType.SeparateCode: return lines elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedCode: if not lines[0]: ret1: cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedCode = ([None], [None]) else: ret1 = ([arr.concat_points(lines[0])], [arr.concat_codes(lines[1])]) return ret1 elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedOffset: if not lines[0]: ret2: cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedOffset = ([None], [None]) else: ret2 = ([arr.concat_points(lines[0])], [arr.offsets_from_lengths(lines[0])]) return ret2 elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedNan: if not lines[0]: ret3: cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedNan = ([None],) else: ret3 = ([arr.concat_points_with_nan(lines[0])],) return ret3 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid LineType {line_type_to}") def _convert_lines_from_ChunkCombinedCode( lines: cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedCode, line_type_to: LineType, ) -> cpy.LineReturn: if line_type_to in (LineType.Separate, LineType.SeparateCode): separate_lines = [] for points, codes in zip(*lines): if points is not None: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert codes is not None split_at = np.nonzero(codes == MOVETO)[0] if len(split_at) > 1: separate_lines += np.split(points, split_at[1:]) else: separate_lines.append(points) if line_type_to == LineType.Separate: return separate_lines else: separate_codes = [arr.codes_from_points(line) for line in separate_lines] return (separate_lines, separate_codes) elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedCode: return lines elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedOffset: chunk_offsets = [None if codes is None else arr.offsets_from_codes(codes) for codes in lines[1]] return (lines[0], chunk_offsets) elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedNan: points_nan: list[cpy.PointArray | None] = [] for points, codes in zip(*lines): if points is None: points_nan.append(None) else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert codes is not None offsets = arr.offsets_from_codes(codes) points_nan.append(arr.insert_nan_at_offsets(points, offsets)) return (points_nan,) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid LineType {line_type_to}") def _convert_lines_from_ChunkCombinedOffset( lines: cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedOffset, line_type_to: LineType, ) -> cpy.LineReturn: if line_type_to in (LineType.Separate, LineType.SeparateCode): separate_lines = [] for points, offsets in zip(*lines): if points is not None: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert offsets is not None separate_lines += arr.split_points_by_offsets(points, offsets) if line_type_to == LineType.Separate: return separate_lines else: separate_codes = [arr.codes_from_points(line) for line in separate_lines] return (separate_lines, separate_codes) elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedCode: chunk_codes: list[cpy.CodeArray | None] = [] for points, offsets in zip(*lines): if points is None: chunk_codes.append(None) else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert offsets is not None chunk_codes.append(arr.codes_from_offsets_and_points(offsets, points)) return (lines[0], chunk_codes) elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedOffset: return lines elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedNan: points_nan: list[cpy.PointArray | None] = [] for points, offsets in zip(*lines): if points is None: points_nan.append(None) else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert offsets is not None points_nan.append(arr.insert_nan_at_offsets(points, offsets)) return (points_nan,) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid LineType {line_type_to}") def _convert_lines_from_ChunkCombinedNan( lines: cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedNan, line_type_to: LineType, ) -> cpy.LineReturn: if line_type_to in (LineType.Separate, LineType.SeparateCode): separate_lines = [] for points in lines[0]: if points is not None: separate_lines += arr.split_points_at_nan(points) if line_type_to == LineType.Separate: return separate_lines else: separate_codes = [arr.codes_from_points(points) for points in separate_lines] return (separate_lines, separate_codes) elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedCode: chunk_points: list[cpy.PointArray | None] = [] chunk_codes: list[cpy.CodeArray | None] = [] for points in lines[0]: if points is None: chunk_points.append(None) chunk_codes.append(None) else: points, offsets = arr.remove_nan(points) chunk_points.append(points) chunk_codes.append(arr.codes_from_offsets_and_points(offsets, points)) return (chunk_points, chunk_codes) elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedOffset: chunk_points = [] chunk_offsets: list[cpy.OffsetArray | None] = [] for points in lines[0]: if points is None: chunk_points.append(None) chunk_offsets.append(None) else: points, offsets = arr.remove_nan(points) chunk_points.append(points) chunk_offsets.append(offsets) return (chunk_points, chunk_offsets) elif line_type_to == LineType.ChunkCombinedNan: return lines else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid LineType {line_type_to}") def convert_lines( lines: cpy.LineReturn, line_type_from: LineType | str, line_type_to: LineType | str, ) -> cpy.LineReturn: """Convert contour lines from one :class:`~.LineType` to another. Args: lines (sequence of arrays): Contour lines to convert, such as those returned by :meth:`.ContourGenerator.lines`. line_type_from (LineType or str): :class:`~.LineType` to convert from as enum or string equivalent. line_type_to (LineType or str): :class:`~.LineType` to convert to as enum or string equivalent. Return: Converted contour lines. When converting non-chunked line types (``LineType.Separate`` or ``LineType.SeparateCode``) to chunked ones (``LineType.ChunkCombinedCode``, ``LineType.ChunkCombinedOffset`` or ``LineType.ChunkCombinedNan``), all lines are placed in the first chunk. When converting in the other direction, all chunk information is discarded. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """ line_type_from = as_line_type(line_type_from) line_type_to = as_line_type(line_type_to) check_lines(lines, line_type_from) if line_type_from == LineType.Separate: if TYPE_CHECKING: lines = cast(cpy.LineReturn_Separate, lines) return _convert_lines_from_Separate(lines, line_type_to) elif line_type_from == LineType.SeparateCode: if TYPE_CHECKING: lines = cast(cpy.LineReturn_SeparateCode, lines) return _convert_lines_from_SeparateCode(lines, line_type_to) elif line_type_from == LineType.ChunkCombinedCode: if TYPE_CHECKING: lines = cast(cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedCode, lines) return _convert_lines_from_ChunkCombinedCode(lines, line_type_to) elif line_type_from == LineType.ChunkCombinedOffset: if TYPE_CHECKING: lines = cast(cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedOffset, lines) return _convert_lines_from_ChunkCombinedOffset(lines, line_type_to) elif line_type_from == LineType.ChunkCombinedNan: if TYPE_CHECKING: lines = cast(cpy.LineReturn_ChunkCombinedNan, lines) return _convert_lines_from_ChunkCombinedNan(lines, line_type_to) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid LineType {line_type_from}") def convert_multi_filled( multi_filled: list[cpy.FillReturn], fill_type_from: FillType | str, fill_type_to: FillType | str, ) -> list[cpy.FillReturn]: """Convert multiple sets of filled contours from one :class:`~.FillType` to another. Args: multi_filled (nested sequence of arrays): Filled contour polygons to convert, such as those returned by :meth:`.ContourGenerator.multi_filled`. fill_type_from (FillType or str): :class:`~.FillType` to convert from as enum or string equivalent. fill_type_to (FillType or str): :class:`~.FillType` to convert to as enum or string equivalent. Return: Converted sets filled contour polygons. When converting non-chunked fill types (``FillType.OuterCode`` or ``FillType.OuterOffset``) to chunked ones, all polygons are placed in the first chunk. When converting in the other direction, all chunk information is discarded. Converting a fill type that is not aware of the relationship between outer boundaries and contained holes (``FillType.ChunkCombinedCode`` or ``FillType.ChunkCombinedOffset``) to one that is will raise a ``ValueError``. .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 """ fill_type_from = as_fill_type(fill_type_from) fill_type_to = as_fill_type(fill_type_to) return [convert_filled(filled, fill_type_from, fill_type_to) for filled in multi_filled] def convert_multi_lines( multi_lines: list[cpy.LineReturn], line_type_from: LineType | str, line_type_to: LineType | str, ) -> list[cpy.LineReturn]: """Convert multiple sets of contour lines from one :class:`~.LineType` to another. Args: multi_lines (nested sequence of arrays): Contour lines to convert, such as those returned by :meth:`.ContourGenerator.multi_lines`. line_type_from (LineType or str): :class:`~.LineType` to convert from as enum or string equivalent. line_type_to (LineType or str): :class:`~.LineType` to convert to as enum or string equivalent. Return: Converted set of contour lines. When converting non-chunked line types (``LineType.Separate`` or ``LineType.SeparateCode``) to chunked ones (``LineType.ChunkCombinedCode``, ``LineType.ChunkCombinedOffset`` or ``LineType.ChunkCombinedNan``), all lines are placed in the first chunk. When converting in the other direction, all chunk information is discarded. .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 """ line_type_from = as_line_type(line_type_from) line_type_to = as_line_type(line_type_to) return [convert_lines(lines, line_type_from, line_type_to) for lines in multi_lines]