"""Provides DescriptorPool to use as a container for proto2 descriptors. |
The DescriptorPool is used in conjection with a DescriptorDatabase to maintain |
a collection of protocol buffer descriptors for use when dynamically creating |
message types at runtime. |
For most applications protocol buffers should be used via modules generated by |
the protocol buffer compiler tool. This should only be used when the type of |
protocol buffers used in an application or library cannot be predetermined. |
Below is a straightforward example on how to use this class:: |
pool = DescriptorPool() |
file_descriptor_protos = [ ... ] |
for file_descriptor_proto in file_descriptor_protos: |
pool.Add(file_descriptor_proto) |
my_message_descriptor = pool.FindMessageTypeByName('some.package.MessageType') |
The message descriptor can be used in conjunction with the message_factory |
module in order to create a protocol buffer class that can be encoded and |
decoded. |
If you want to get a Python class for the specified proto, use the |
helper functions inside google.protobuf.message_factory |
directly instead of this class. |
""" |
__author__ = '[email protected] (Matt Toia)' |
import collections |
import threading |
import warnings |
from google.protobuf import descriptor |
from google.protobuf import descriptor_database |
from google.protobuf import text_encoding |
from google.protobuf.internal import python_edition_defaults |
from google.protobuf.internal import python_message |
def _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(name): |
"""Remove leading period from fully-qualified type name. |
Due to b/13860351 in descriptor_database.py, types in the root namespace are |
generated with a leading period. This function removes that prefix. |
Args: |
name (str): The fully-qualified symbol name. |
Returns: |
str: The normalized fully-qualified symbol name. |
""" |
return name.lstrip('.') |
def _OptionsOrNone(descriptor_proto): |
"""Returns the value of the field `options`, or None if it is not set.""" |
if descriptor_proto.HasField('options'): |
return descriptor_proto.options |
else: |
return None |
def _IsMessageSetExtension(field): |
return (field.is_extension and |
field.containing_type.has_options and |
field.containing_type.GetOptions().message_set_wire_format and |
field.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE and |
field.label == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.LABEL_OPTIONAL) |
_edition_defaults_lock = threading.Lock() |
class DescriptorPool(object): |
"""A collection of protobufs dynamically constructed by descriptor protos.""" |
def __new__(cls, descriptor_db=None): |
return descriptor._message.DescriptorPool(descriptor_db) |
def __init__( |
self, descriptor_db=None, use_deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts=False |
): |
"""Initializes a Pool of proto buffs. |
The descriptor_db argument to the constructor is provided to allow |
specialized file descriptor proto lookup code to be triggered on demand. An |
example would be an implementation which will read and compile a file |
specified in a call to FindFileByName() and not require the call to Add() |
at all. Results from this database will be cached internally here as well. |
Args: |
descriptor_db: A secondary source of file descriptors. |
use_deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts: Unused, for compatibility with |
C++. |
""" |
self._internal_db = descriptor_database.DescriptorDatabase() |
self._descriptor_db = descriptor_db |
self._descriptors = {} |
self._enum_descriptors = {} |
self._service_descriptors = {} |
self._file_descriptors = {} |
self._toplevel_extensions = {} |
self._top_enum_values = {} |
self._extensions_by_name = collections.defaultdict(dict) |
self._extensions_by_number = collections.defaultdict(dict) |
self._serialized_edition_defaults = ( |
) |
self._edition_defaults = None |
self._feature_cache = dict() |
def _CheckConflictRegister(self, desc, desc_name, file_name): |
"""Check if the descriptor name conflicts with another of the same name. |
Args: |
desc: Descriptor of a message, enum, service, extension or enum value. |
desc_name (str): the full name of desc. |
file_name (str): The file name of descriptor. |
""" |
for register, descriptor_type in [ |
(self._descriptors, descriptor.Descriptor), |
(self._enum_descriptors, descriptor.EnumDescriptor), |
(self._service_descriptors, descriptor.ServiceDescriptor), |
(self._toplevel_extensions, descriptor.FieldDescriptor), |
(self._top_enum_values, descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor)]: |
if desc_name in register: |
old_desc = register[desc_name] |
if isinstance(old_desc, descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor): |
old_file = old_desc.type.file.name |
else: |
old_file = old_desc.file.name |
if not isinstance(desc, descriptor_type) or ( |
old_file != file_name): |
error_msg = ('Conflict register for file "' + file_name + |
'": ' + desc_name + |
' is already defined in file "' + |
old_file + '". Please fix the conflict by adding ' |
'package name on the proto file, or use different ' |
'name for the duplication.') |
if isinstance(desc, descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor): |
error_msg += ('\nNote: enum values appear as ' |
'siblings of the enum type instead of ' |
'children of it.') |
raise TypeError(error_msg) |
return |
def Add(self, file_desc_proto): |
"""Adds the FileDescriptorProto and its types to this pool. |
Args: |
file_desc_proto (FileDescriptorProto): The file descriptor to add. |
""" |
self._internal_db.Add(file_desc_proto) |
def AddSerializedFile(self, serialized_file_desc_proto): |
"""Adds the FileDescriptorProto and its types to this pool. |
Args: |
serialized_file_desc_proto (bytes): A bytes string, serialization of the |
:class:`FileDescriptorProto` to add. |
Returns: |
FileDescriptor: Descriptor for the added file. |
""" |
from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 |
file_desc_proto = descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorProto.FromString( |
serialized_file_desc_proto) |
file_desc = self._ConvertFileProtoToFileDescriptor(file_desc_proto) |
file_desc.serialized_pb = serialized_file_desc_proto |
return file_desc |
def _AddDescriptor(self, desc): |
"""Adds a Descriptor to the pool, non-recursively. |
If the Descriptor contains nested messages or enums, the caller must |
explicitly register them. This method also registers the FileDescriptor |
associated with the message. |
Args: |
desc: A Descriptor. |
""" |
if not isinstance(desc, descriptor.Descriptor): |
raise TypeError('Expected instance of descriptor.Descriptor.') |
self._CheckConflictRegister(desc, desc.full_name, desc.file.name) |
self._descriptors[desc.full_name] = desc |
self._AddFileDescriptor(desc.file) |
def _AddEnumDescriptor(self, enum_desc): |
"""Adds an EnumDescriptor to the pool. |
This method also registers the FileDescriptor associated with the enum. |
Args: |
enum_desc: An EnumDescriptor. |
""" |
if not isinstance(enum_desc, descriptor.EnumDescriptor): |
raise TypeError('Expected instance of descriptor.EnumDescriptor.') |
file_name = enum_desc.file.name |
self._CheckConflictRegister(enum_desc, enum_desc.full_name, file_name) |
self._enum_descriptors[enum_desc.full_name] = enum_desc |
if enum_desc.file.package: |
top_level = (enum_desc.full_name.count('.') |
- enum_desc.file.package.count('.') == 1) |
else: |
top_level = enum_desc.full_name.count('.') == 0 |
if top_level: |
file_name = enum_desc.file.name |
package = enum_desc.file.package |
for enum_value in enum_desc.values: |
full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName( |
'.'.join((package, enum_value.name))) |
self._CheckConflictRegister(enum_value, full_name, file_name) |
self._top_enum_values[full_name] = enum_value |
self._AddFileDescriptor(enum_desc.file) |
def _AddServiceDescriptor(self, service_desc): |
"""Adds a ServiceDescriptor to the pool. |
Args: |
service_desc: A ServiceDescriptor. |
""" |
if not isinstance(service_desc, descriptor.ServiceDescriptor): |
raise TypeError('Expected instance of descriptor.ServiceDescriptor.') |
self._CheckConflictRegister(service_desc, service_desc.full_name, |
service_desc.file.name) |
self._service_descriptors[service_desc.full_name] = service_desc |
def _AddExtensionDescriptor(self, extension): |
"""Adds a FieldDescriptor describing an extension to the pool. |
Args: |
extension: A FieldDescriptor. |
Raises: |
AssertionError: when another extension with the same number extends the |
same message. |
TypeError: when the specified extension is not a |
descriptor.FieldDescriptor. |
""" |
if not (isinstance(extension, descriptor.FieldDescriptor) and |
extension.is_extension): |
raise TypeError('Expected an extension descriptor.') |
if extension.extension_scope is None: |
self._CheckConflictRegister( |
extension, extension.full_name, extension.file.name) |
self._toplevel_extensions[extension.full_name] = extension |
try: |
existing_desc = self._extensions_by_number[ |
extension.containing_type][extension.number] |
except KeyError: |
pass |
else: |
if extension is not existing_desc: |
raise AssertionError( |
'Extensions "%s" and "%s" both try to extend message type "%s" ' |
'with field number %d.' % |
(extension.full_name, existing_desc.full_name, |
extension.containing_type.full_name, extension.number)) |
self._extensions_by_number[extension.containing_type][ |
extension.number] = extension |
self._extensions_by_name[extension.containing_type][ |
extension.full_name] = extension |
if _IsMessageSetExtension(extension): |
self._extensions_by_name[extension.containing_type][ |
extension.message_type.full_name] = extension |
if hasattr(extension.containing_type, '_concrete_class'): |
python_message._AttachFieldHelpers( |
extension.containing_type._concrete_class, extension) |
def _InternalAddFileDescriptor(self, file_desc): |
"""Adds a FileDescriptor to the pool, non-recursively. |
If the FileDescriptor contains messages or enums, the caller must explicitly |
register them. |
Args: |
file_desc: A FileDescriptor. |
""" |
self._AddFileDescriptor(file_desc) |
def _AddFileDescriptor(self, file_desc): |
"""Adds a FileDescriptor to the pool, non-recursively. |
If the FileDescriptor contains messages or enums, the caller must explicitly |
register them. |
Args: |
file_desc: A FileDescriptor. |
""" |
if not isinstance(file_desc, descriptor.FileDescriptor): |
raise TypeError('Expected instance of descriptor.FileDescriptor.') |
self._file_descriptors[file_desc.name] = file_desc |
def FindFileByName(self, file_name): |
"""Gets a FileDescriptor by file name. |
Args: |
file_name (str): The path to the file to get a descriptor for. |
Returns: |
FileDescriptor: The descriptor for the named file. |
Raises: |
KeyError: if the file cannot be found in the pool. |
""" |
try: |
return self._file_descriptors[file_name] |
except KeyError: |
pass |
try: |
file_proto = self._internal_db.FindFileByName(file_name) |
except KeyError as error: |
if self._descriptor_db: |
file_proto = self._descriptor_db.FindFileByName(file_name) |
else: |
raise error |
if not file_proto: |
raise KeyError('Cannot find a file named %s' % file_name) |
return self._ConvertFileProtoToFileDescriptor(file_proto) |
def FindFileContainingSymbol(self, symbol): |
"""Gets the FileDescriptor for the file containing the specified symbol. |
Args: |
symbol (str): The name of the symbol to search for. |
Returns: |
FileDescriptor: Descriptor for the file that contains the specified |
symbol. |
Raises: |
KeyError: if the file cannot be found in the pool. |
""" |
symbol = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(symbol) |
try: |
return self._InternalFindFileContainingSymbol(symbol) |
except KeyError: |
pass |
try: |
self._FindFileContainingSymbolInDb(symbol) |
return self._InternalFindFileContainingSymbol(symbol) |
except KeyError: |
raise KeyError('Cannot find a file containing %s' % symbol) |
def _InternalFindFileContainingSymbol(self, symbol): |
"""Gets the already built FileDescriptor containing the specified symbol. |
Args: |
symbol (str): The name of the symbol to search for. |
Returns: |
FileDescriptor: Descriptor for the file that contains the specified |
symbol. |
Raises: |
KeyError: if the file cannot be found in the pool. |
""" |
try: |
return self._descriptors[symbol].file |
except KeyError: |
pass |
try: |
return self._enum_descriptors[symbol].file |
except KeyError: |
pass |
try: |
return self._service_descriptors[symbol].file |
except KeyError: |
pass |
try: |
return self._top_enum_values[symbol].type.file |
except KeyError: |
pass |
try: |
return self._toplevel_extensions[symbol].file |
except KeyError: |
pass |
top_name, _, sub_name = symbol.rpartition('.') |
try: |
message = self.FindMessageTypeByName(top_name) |
assert (sub_name in message.extensions_by_name or |
sub_name in message.fields_by_name or |
sub_name in message.enum_values_by_name) |
return message.file |
except (KeyError, AssertionError): |
raise KeyError('Cannot find a file containing %s' % symbol) |
def FindMessageTypeByName(self, full_name): |
"""Loads the named descriptor from the pool. |
Args: |
full_name (str): The full name of the descriptor to load. |
Returns: |
Descriptor: The descriptor for the named type. |
Raises: |
KeyError: if the message cannot be found in the pool. |
""" |
full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(full_name) |
if full_name not in self._descriptors: |
self._FindFileContainingSymbolInDb(full_name) |
return self._descriptors[full_name] |
def FindEnumTypeByName(self, full_name): |
"""Loads the named enum descriptor from the pool. |
Args: |
full_name (str): The full name of the enum descriptor to load. |
Returns: |
EnumDescriptor: The enum descriptor for the named type. |
Raises: |
KeyError: if the enum cannot be found in the pool. |
""" |
full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(full_name) |
if full_name not in self._enum_descriptors: |
self._FindFileContainingSymbolInDb(full_name) |
return self._enum_descriptors[full_name] |
def FindFieldByName(self, full_name): |
"""Loads the named field descriptor from the pool. |
Args: |
full_name (str): The full name of the field descriptor to load. |
Returns: |
FieldDescriptor: The field descriptor for the named field. |
Raises: |
KeyError: if the field cannot be found in the pool. |
""" |
full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(full_name) |
message_name, _, field_name = full_name.rpartition('.') |
message_descriptor = self.FindMessageTypeByName(message_name) |
return message_descriptor.fields_by_name[field_name] |
def FindOneofByName(self, full_name): |
"""Loads the named oneof descriptor from the pool. |
Args: |
full_name (str): The full name of the oneof descriptor to load. |
Returns: |
OneofDescriptor: The oneof descriptor for the named oneof. |
Raises: |
KeyError: if the oneof cannot be found in the pool. |
""" |
full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(full_name) |
message_name, _, oneof_name = full_name.rpartition('.') |
message_descriptor = self.FindMessageTypeByName(message_name) |
return message_descriptor.oneofs_by_name[oneof_name] |
def FindExtensionByName(self, full_name): |
"""Loads the named extension descriptor from the pool. |
Args: |
full_name (str): The full name of the extension descriptor to load. |
Returns: |
FieldDescriptor: The field descriptor for the named extension. |
Raises: |
KeyError: if the extension cannot be found in the pool. |
""" |
full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(full_name) |
try: |
return self._toplevel_extensions[full_name] |
except KeyError: |
pass |
message_name, _, extension_name = full_name.rpartition('.') |
try: |
scope = self.FindMessageTypeByName(message_name) |
except KeyError: |
scope = self._FindFileContainingSymbolInDb(full_name) |
return scope.extensions_by_name[extension_name] |
def FindExtensionByNumber(self, message_descriptor, number): |
"""Gets the extension of the specified message with the specified number. |
Extensions have to be registered to this pool by calling :func:`Add` or |
:func:`AddExtensionDescriptor`. |
Args: |
message_descriptor (Descriptor): descriptor of the extended message. |
number (int): Number of the extension field. |
Returns: |
FieldDescriptor: The descriptor for the extension. |
Raises: |
KeyError: when no extension with the given number is known for the |
specified message. |
""" |
try: |
return self._extensions_by_number[message_descriptor][number] |
except KeyError: |
self._TryLoadExtensionFromDB(message_descriptor, number) |
return self._extensions_by_number[message_descriptor][number] |
def FindAllExtensions(self, message_descriptor): |
"""Gets all the known extensions of a given message. |
Extensions have to be registered to this pool by build related |
:func:`Add` or :func:`AddExtensionDescriptor`. |
Args: |
message_descriptor (Descriptor): Descriptor of the extended message. |
Returns: |
list[FieldDescriptor]: Field descriptors describing the extensions. |
""" |
if self._descriptor_db and hasattr( |
self._descriptor_db, 'FindAllExtensionNumbers'): |
full_name = message_descriptor.full_name |
all_numbers = self._descriptor_db.FindAllExtensionNumbers(full_name) |
for number in all_numbers: |
if number in self._extensions_by_number[message_descriptor]: |
continue |
self._TryLoadExtensionFromDB(message_descriptor, number) |
return list(self._extensions_by_number[message_descriptor].values()) |
def _TryLoadExtensionFromDB(self, message_descriptor, number): |
"""Try to Load extensions from descriptor db. |
Args: |
message_descriptor: descriptor of the extended message. |
number: the extension number that needs to be loaded. |
""" |
if not self._descriptor_db: |
return |
if not hasattr( |
self._descriptor_db, 'FindFileContainingExtension'): |
return |
full_name = message_descriptor.full_name |
file_proto = self._descriptor_db.FindFileContainingExtension( |
full_name, number) |
if file_proto is None: |
return |
try: |
self._ConvertFileProtoToFileDescriptor(file_proto) |
except: |
warn_msg = ('Unable to load proto file %s for extension number %d.' % |
(file_proto.name, number)) |
warnings.warn(warn_msg, RuntimeWarning) |
def FindServiceByName(self, full_name): |
"""Loads the named service descriptor from the pool. |
Args: |
full_name (str): The full name of the service descriptor to load. |
Returns: |
ServiceDescriptor: The service descriptor for the named service. |
Raises: |
KeyError: if the service cannot be found in the pool. |
""" |
full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(full_name) |
if full_name not in self._service_descriptors: |
self._FindFileContainingSymbolInDb(full_name) |
return self._service_descriptors[full_name] |
def FindMethodByName(self, full_name): |
"""Loads the named service method descriptor from the pool. |
Args: |
full_name (str): The full name of the method descriptor to load. |
Returns: |
MethodDescriptor: The method descriptor for the service method. |
Raises: |
KeyError: if the method cannot be found in the pool. |
""" |
full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(full_name) |
service_name, _, method_name = full_name.rpartition('.') |
service_descriptor = self.FindServiceByName(service_name) |
return service_descriptor.methods_by_name[method_name] |
def SetFeatureSetDefaults(self, defaults): |
"""Sets the default feature mappings used during the build. |
Args: |
defaults: a FeatureSetDefaults message containing the new mappings. |
""" |
if self._edition_defaults is not None: |
raise ValueError( |
"Feature set defaults can't be changed once the pool has started" |
' building!' |
) |
from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 |
if not isinstance(defaults, descriptor_pb2.FeatureSetDefaults): |
raise TypeError('SetFeatureSetDefaults called with invalid type') |
if defaults.minimum_edition > defaults.maximum_edition: |
raise ValueError( |
'Invalid edition range %s to %s' |
% ( |
descriptor_pb2.Edition.Name(defaults.minimum_edition), |
descriptor_pb2.Edition.Name(defaults.maximum_edition), |
) |
) |
prev_edition = descriptor_pb2.Edition.EDITION_UNKNOWN |
for d in defaults.defaults: |
if d.edition == descriptor_pb2.Edition.EDITION_UNKNOWN: |
raise ValueError('Invalid edition EDITION_UNKNOWN specified') |
if prev_edition >= d.edition: |
raise ValueError( |
'Feature set defaults are not strictly increasing. %s is greater' |
' than or equal to %s' |
% ( |
descriptor_pb2.Edition.Name(prev_edition), |
descriptor_pb2.Edition.Name(d.edition), |
) |
) |
prev_edition = d.edition |
self._edition_defaults = defaults |
def _CreateDefaultFeatures(self, edition): |
"""Creates a FeatureSet message with defaults for a specific edition. |
Args: |
edition: the edition to generate defaults for. |
Returns: |
A FeatureSet message with defaults for a specific edition. |
""" |
from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 |
with _edition_defaults_lock: |
if not self._edition_defaults: |
self._edition_defaults = descriptor_pb2.FeatureSetDefaults() |
self._edition_defaults.ParseFromString( |
self._serialized_edition_defaults |
) |
if edition < self._edition_defaults.minimum_edition: |
raise TypeError( |
'Edition %s is earlier than the minimum supported edition %s!' |
% ( |
descriptor_pb2.Edition.Name(edition), |
descriptor_pb2.Edition.Name( |
self._edition_defaults.minimum_edition |
), |
) |
) |
if edition > self._edition_defaults.maximum_edition: |
raise TypeError( |
'Edition %s is later than the maximum supported edition %s!' |
% ( |
descriptor_pb2.Edition.Name(edition), |
descriptor_pb2.Edition.Name( |
self._edition_defaults.maximum_edition |
), |
) |
) |
found = None |
for d in self._edition_defaults.defaults: |
if d.edition > edition: |
break |
found = d |
if found is None: |
raise TypeError( |
'No valid default found for edition %s!' |
% descriptor_pb2.Edition.Name(edition) |
) |
defaults = descriptor_pb2.FeatureSet() |
defaults.CopyFrom(found.fixed_features) |
defaults.MergeFrom(found.overridable_features) |
return defaults |
def _InternFeatures(self, features): |
serialized = features.SerializeToString() |
with _edition_defaults_lock: |
cached = self._feature_cache.get(serialized) |
if cached is None: |
self._feature_cache[serialized] = features |
cached = features |
return cached |
def _FindFileContainingSymbolInDb(self, symbol): |
"""Finds the file in descriptor DB containing the specified symbol. |
Args: |
symbol (str): The name of the symbol to search for. |
Returns: |
FileDescriptor: The file that contains the specified symbol. |
Raises: |
KeyError: if the file cannot be found in the descriptor database. |
""" |
try: |
file_proto = self._internal_db.FindFileContainingSymbol(symbol) |
except KeyError as error: |
if self._descriptor_db: |
file_proto = self._descriptor_db.FindFileContainingSymbol(symbol) |
else: |
raise error |
if not file_proto: |
raise KeyError('Cannot find a file containing %s' % symbol) |
return self._ConvertFileProtoToFileDescriptor(file_proto) |
def _ConvertFileProtoToFileDescriptor(self, file_proto): |
"""Creates a FileDescriptor from a proto or returns a cached copy. |
This method also has the side effect of loading all the symbols found in |
the file into the appropriate dictionaries in the pool. |
Args: |
file_proto: The proto to convert. |
Returns: |
A FileDescriptor matching the passed in proto. |
""" |
if file_proto.name not in self._file_descriptors: |
built_deps = list(self._GetDeps(file_proto.dependency)) |
direct_deps = [self.FindFileByName(n) for n in file_proto.dependency] |
public_deps = [direct_deps[i] for i in file_proto.public_dependency] |
from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 |
file_descriptor = descriptor.FileDescriptor( |
pool=self, |
name=file_proto.name, |
package=file_proto.package, |
syntax=file_proto.syntax, |
edition=descriptor_pb2.Edition.Name(file_proto.edition), |
options=_OptionsOrNone(file_proto), |
serialized_pb=file_proto.SerializeToString(), |
dependencies=direct_deps, |
public_dependencies=public_deps, |
create_key=descriptor._internal_create_key, |
) |
scope = {} |
for dependency in built_deps: |
scope.update(self._ExtractSymbols( |
dependency.message_types_by_name.values())) |
scope.update((_PrefixWithDot(enum.full_name), enum) |
for enum in dependency.enum_types_by_name.values()) |
for message_type in file_proto.message_type: |
message_desc = self._ConvertMessageDescriptor( |
message_type, file_proto.package, file_descriptor, scope, |
file_proto.syntax) |
file_descriptor.message_types_by_name[message_desc.name] = ( |
message_desc) |
for enum_type in file_proto.enum_type: |
file_descriptor.enum_types_by_name[enum_type.name] = ( |
self._ConvertEnumDescriptor(enum_type, file_proto.package, |
file_descriptor, None, scope, True)) |
for index, extension_proto in enumerate(file_proto.extension): |
extension_desc = self._MakeFieldDescriptor( |
extension_proto, file_proto.package, index, file_descriptor, |
is_extension=True) |
extension_desc.containing_type = self._GetTypeFromScope( |
file_descriptor.package, extension_proto.extendee, scope) |
self._SetFieldType(extension_proto, extension_desc, |
file_descriptor.package, scope) |
file_descriptor.extensions_by_name[extension_desc.name] = ( |
extension_desc) |
for desc_proto in file_proto.message_type: |
self._SetAllFieldTypes(file_proto.package, desc_proto, scope) |
if file_proto.package: |
desc_proto_prefix = _PrefixWithDot(file_proto.package) |
else: |
desc_proto_prefix = '' |
for desc_proto in file_proto.message_type: |
desc = self._GetTypeFromScope( |
desc_proto_prefix, desc_proto.name, scope) |
file_descriptor.message_types_by_name[desc_proto.name] = desc |
for index, service_proto in enumerate(file_proto.service): |
file_descriptor.services_by_name[service_proto.name] = ( |
self._MakeServiceDescriptor(service_proto, index, scope, |
file_proto.package, file_descriptor)) |
self._file_descriptors[file_proto.name] = file_descriptor |
def AddExtensionForNested(message_type): |
for nested in message_type.nested_types: |
AddExtensionForNested(nested) |
for extension in message_type.extensions: |
self._AddExtensionDescriptor(extension) |
file_desc = self._file_descriptors[file_proto.name] |
for extension in file_desc.extensions_by_name.values(): |
self._AddExtensionDescriptor(extension) |
for message_type in file_desc.message_types_by_name.values(): |
AddExtensionForNested(message_type) |
return file_desc |
def _ConvertMessageDescriptor(self, desc_proto, package=None, file_desc=None, |
scope=None, syntax=None): |
"""Adds the proto to the pool in the specified package. |
Args: |
desc_proto: The descriptor_pb2.DescriptorProto protobuf message. |
package: The package the proto should be located in. |
file_desc: The file containing this message. |
scope: Dict mapping short and full symbols to message and enum types. |
syntax: string indicating syntax of the file ("proto2" or "proto3") |
Returns: |
The added descriptor. |
""" |
if package: |
desc_name = '.'.join((package, desc_proto.name)) |
else: |
desc_name = desc_proto.name |
if file_desc is None: |
file_name = None |
else: |
file_name = file_desc.name |
if scope is None: |
scope = {} |
nested = [ |
self._ConvertMessageDescriptor( |
nested, desc_name, file_desc, scope, syntax) |
for nested in desc_proto.nested_type] |
enums = [ |
self._ConvertEnumDescriptor(enum, desc_name, file_desc, None, |
scope, False) |
for enum in desc_proto.enum_type] |
fields = [self._MakeFieldDescriptor(field, desc_name, index, file_desc) |
for index, field in enumerate(desc_proto.field)] |
extensions = [ |
self._MakeFieldDescriptor(extension, desc_name, index, file_desc, |
is_extension=True) |
for index, extension in enumerate(desc_proto.extension)] |
oneofs = [ |
descriptor.OneofDescriptor( |
desc.name, |
'.'.join((desc_name, desc.name)), |
index, |
None, |
[], |
_OptionsOrNone(desc), |
create_key=descriptor._internal_create_key) |
for index, desc in enumerate(desc_proto.oneof_decl) |
] |
extension_ranges = [(r.start, r.end) for r in desc_proto.extension_range] |
if extension_ranges: |
is_extendable = True |
else: |
is_extendable = False |
desc = descriptor.Descriptor( |
name=desc_proto.name, |
full_name=desc_name, |
filename=file_name, |
containing_type=None, |
fields=fields, |
oneofs=oneofs, |
nested_types=nested, |
enum_types=enums, |
extensions=extensions, |
options=_OptionsOrNone(desc_proto), |
is_extendable=is_extendable, |
extension_ranges=extension_ranges, |
file=file_desc, |
serialized_start=None, |
serialized_end=None, |
is_map_entry=desc_proto.options.map_entry, |
create_key=descriptor._internal_create_key, |
) |
for nested in desc.nested_types: |
nested.containing_type = desc |
for enum in desc.enum_types: |
enum.containing_type = desc |
for field_index, field_desc in enumerate(desc_proto.field): |
if field_desc.HasField('oneof_index'): |
oneof_index = field_desc.oneof_index |
oneofs[oneof_index].fields.append(fields[field_index]) |
fields[field_index].containing_oneof = oneofs[oneof_index] |
scope[_PrefixWithDot(desc_name)] = desc |
self._CheckConflictRegister(desc, desc.full_name, desc.file.name) |
self._descriptors[desc_name] = desc |
return desc |
def _ConvertEnumDescriptor(self, enum_proto, package=None, file_desc=None, |
containing_type=None, scope=None, top_level=False): |
"""Make a protobuf EnumDescriptor given an EnumDescriptorProto protobuf. |
Args: |
enum_proto: The descriptor_pb2.EnumDescriptorProto protobuf message. |
package: Optional package name for the new message EnumDescriptor. |
file_desc: The file containing the enum descriptor. |
containing_type: The type containing this enum. |
scope: Scope containing available types. |
top_level: If True, the enum is a top level symbol. If False, the enum |
is defined inside a message. |
Returns: |
The added descriptor |
""" |
if package: |
enum_name = '.'.join((package, enum_proto.name)) |
else: |
enum_name = enum_proto.name |
if file_desc is None: |
file_name = None |
else: |
file_name = file_desc.name |
values = [self._MakeEnumValueDescriptor(value, index) |
for index, value in enumerate(enum_proto.value)] |
desc = descriptor.EnumDescriptor(name=enum_proto.name, |
full_name=enum_name, |
filename=file_name, |
file=file_desc, |
values=values, |
containing_type=containing_type, |
options=_OptionsOrNone(enum_proto), |
create_key=descriptor._internal_create_key) |
scope['.%s' % enum_name] = desc |
self._CheckConflictRegister(desc, desc.full_name, desc.file.name) |
self._enum_descriptors[enum_name] = desc |
if top_level: |
for value in values: |
full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName( |
'.'.join((package, value.name))) |
self._CheckConflictRegister(value, full_name, file_name) |
self._top_enum_values[full_name] = value |
return desc |
def _MakeFieldDescriptor(self, field_proto, message_name, index, |
file_desc, is_extension=False): |
"""Creates a field descriptor from a FieldDescriptorProto. |
For message and enum type fields, this method will do a look up |
in the pool for the appropriate descriptor for that type. If it |
is unavailable, it will fall back to the _source function to |
create it. If this type is still unavailable, construction will |
fail. |
Args: |
field_proto: The proto describing the field. |
message_name: The name of the containing message. |
index: Index of the field |
file_desc: The file containing the field descriptor. |
is_extension: Indication that this field is for an extension. |
Returns: |
An initialized FieldDescriptor object |
""" |
if message_name: |
full_name = '.'.join((message_name, field_proto.name)) |
else: |
full_name = field_proto.name |
if field_proto.json_name: |
json_name = field_proto.json_name |
else: |
json_name = None |
return descriptor.FieldDescriptor( |
name=field_proto.name, |
full_name=full_name, |
index=index, |
number=field_proto.number, |
type=field_proto.type, |
cpp_type=None, |
message_type=None, |
enum_type=None, |
containing_type=None, |
label=field_proto.label, |
has_default_value=False, |
default_value=None, |
is_extension=is_extension, |
extension_scope=None, |
options=_OptionsOrNone(field_proto), |
json_name=json_name, |
file=file_desc, |
create_key=descriptor._internal_create_key) |
def _SetAllFieldTypes(self, package, desc_proto, scope): |
"""Sets all the descriptor's fields's types. |
This method also sets the containing types on any extensions. |
Args: |
package: The current package of desc_proto. |
desc_proto: The message descriptor to update. |
scope: Enclosing scope of available types. |
""" |
package = _PrefixWithDot(package) |
main_desc = self._GetTypeFromScope(package, desc_proto.name, scope) |
if package == '.': |
nested_package = _PrefixWithDot(desc_proto.name) |
else: |
nested_package = '.'.join([package, desc_proto.name]) |
for field_proto, field_desc in zip(desc_proto.field, main_desc.fields): |
self._SetFieldType(field_proto, field_desc, nested_package, scope) |
for extension_proto, extension_desc in ( |
zip(desc_proto.extension, main_desc.extensions)): |
extension_desc.containing_type = self._GetTypeFromScope( |
nested_package, extension_proto.extendee, scope) |
self._SetFieldType(extension_proto, extension_desc, nested_package, scope) |
for nested_type in desc_proto.nested_type: |
self._SetAllFieldTypes(nested_package, nested_type, scope) |
def _SetFieldType(self, field_proto, field_desc, package, scope): |
"""Sets the field's type, cpp_type, message_type and enum_type. |
Args: |
field_proto: Data about the field in proto format. |
field_desc: The descriptor to modify. |
package: The package the field's container is in. |
scope: Enclosing scope of available types. |
""" |
if field_proto.type_name: |
desc = self._GetTypeFromScope(package, field_proto.type_name, scope) |
else: |
desc = None |
if not field_proto.HasField('type'): |
if isinstance(desc, descriptor.Descriptor): |
field_proto.type = descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE |
else: |
field_proto.type = descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM |
field_desc.cpp_type = descriptor.FieldDescriptor.ProtoTypeToCppProtoType( |
field_proto.type) |
if (field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE |
or field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_GROUP): |
field_desc.message_type = desc |
if field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM: |
field_desc.enum_type = desc |
if field_proto.label == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: |
field_desc.has_default_value = False |
field_desc.default_value = [] |
elif field_proto.HasField('default_value'): |
field_desc.has_default_value = True |
if (field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_DOUBLE or |
field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FLOAT): |
field_desc.default_value = float(field_proto.default_value) |
elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING: |
field_desc.default_value = field_proto.default_value |
elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL: |
field_desc.default_value = field_proto.default_value.lower() == 'true' |
elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM: |
field_desc.default_value = field_desc.enum_type.values_by_name[ |
field_proto.default_value].number |
elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: |
field_desc.default_value = text_encoding.CUnescape( |
field_proto.default_value) |
elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: |
field_desc.default_value = None |
else: |
field_desc.default_value = int(field_proto.default_value) |
else: |
field_desc.has_default_value = False |
if (field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_DOUBLE or |
field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FLOAT): |
field_desc.default_value = 0.0 |
elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING: |
field_desc.default_value = u'' |
elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL: |
field_desc.default_value = False |
elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM: |
field_desc.default_value = field_desc.enum_type.values[0].number |
elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: |
field_desc.default_value = b'' |
elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: |
field_desc.default_value = None |
elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_GROUP: |
field_desc.default_value = None |
else: |
field_desc.default_value = 0 |
field_desc.type = field_proto.type |
def _MakeEnumValueDescriptor(self, value_proto, index): |
"""Creates a enum value descriptor object from a enum value proto. |
Args: |
value_proto: The proto describing the enum value. |
index: The index of the enum value. |
Returns: |
An initialized EnumValueDescriptor object. |
""" |
return descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( |
name=value_proto.name, |
index=index, |
number=value_proto.number, |
options=_OptionsOrNone(value_proto), |
type=None, |
create_key=descriptor._internal_create_key) |
def _MakeServiceDescriptor(self, service_proto, service_index, scope, |
package, file_desc): |
"""Make a protobuf ServiceDescriptor given a ServiceDescriptorProto. |
Args: |
service_proto: The descriptor_pb2.ServiceDescriptorProto protobuf message. |
service_index: The index of the service in the File. |
scope: Dict mapping short and full symbols to message and enum types. |
package: Optional package name for the new message EnumDescriptor. |
file_desc: The file containing the service descriptor. |
Returns: |
The added descriptor. |
""" |
if package: |
service_name = '.'.join((package, service_proto.name)) |
else: |
service_name = service_proto.name |
methods = [self._MakeMethodDescriptor(method_proto, service_name, package, |
scope, index) |
for index, method_proto in enumerate(service_proto.method)] |
desc = descriptor.ServiceDescriptor( |
name=service_proto.name, |
full_name=service_name, |
index=service_index, |
methods=methods, |
options=_OptionsOrNone(service_proto), |
file=file_desc, |
create_key=descriptor._internal_create_key) |
self._CheckConflictRegister(desc, desc.full_name, desc.file.name) |
self._service_descriptors[service_name] = desc |
return desc |
def _MakeMethodDescriptor(self, method_proto, service_name, package, scope, |
index): |
"""Creates a method descriptor from a MethodDescriptorProto. |
Args: |
method_proto: The proto describing the method. |
service_name: The name of the containing service. |
package: Optional package name to look up for types. |
scope: Scope containing available types. |
index: Index of the method in the service. |
Returns: |
An initialized MethodDescriptor object. |
""" |
full_name = '.'.join((service_name, method_proto.name)) |
input_type = self._GetTypeFromScope( |
package, method_proto.input_type, scope) |
output_type = self._GetTypeFromScope( |
package, method_proto.output_type, scope) |
return descriptor.MethodDescriptor( |
name=method_proto.name, |
full_name=full_name, |
index=index, |
containing_service=None, |
input_type=input_type, |
output_type=output_type, |
client_streaming=method_proto.client_streaming, |
server_streaming=method_proto.server_streaming, |
options=_OptionsOrNone(method_proto), |
create_key=descriptor._internal_create_key) |
def _ExtractSymbols(self, descriptors): |
"""Pulls out all the symbols from descriptor protos. |
Args: |
descriptors: The messages to extract descriptors from. |
Yields: |
A two element tuple of the type name and descriptor object. |
""" |
for desc in descriptors: |
yield (_PrefixWithDot(desc.full_name), desc) |
for symbol in self._ExtractSymbols(desc.nested_types): |
yield symbol |
for enum in desc.enum_types: |
yield (_PrefixWithDot(enum.full_name), enum) |
def _GetDeps(self, dependencies, visited=None): |
"""Recursively finds dependencies for file protos. |
Args: |
dependencies: The names of the files being depended on. |
visited: The names of files already found. |
Yields: |
Each direct and indirect dependency. |
""" |
visited = visited or set() |
for dependency in dependencies: |
if dependency not in visited: |
visited.add(dependency) |
dep_desc = self.FindFileByName(dependency) |
yield dep_desc |
public_files = [d.name for d in dep_desc.public_dependencies] |
yield from self._GetDeps(public_files, visited) |
def _GetTypeFromScope(self, package, type_name, scope): |
"""Finds a given type name in the current scope. |
Args: |
package: The package the proto should be located in. |
type_name: The name of the type to be found in the scope. |
scope: Dict mapping short and full symbols to message and enum types. |
Returns: |
The descriptor for the requested type. |
""" |
if type_name not in scope: |
components = _PrefixWithDot(package).split('.') |
while components: |
possible_match = '.'.join(components + [type_name]) |
if possible_match in scope: |
type_name = possible_match |
break |
else: |
components.pop(-1) |
return scope[type_name] |
def _PrefixWithDot(name): |
return name if name.startswith('.') else '.%s' % name |
_DEFAULT = descriptor._message.default_pool |
else: |
_DEFAULT = DescriptorPool() |
def Default(): |
return _DEFAULT |